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"S39|Ep 10|East Coast Update Thread"

Posted by Flowerpower1 on 11-27-19 at 09:23 PM
Post all commentary here regarding this episode until it airs on the West Coast.

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"RE: S39|Ep 10|East Coast Update Thread"
Posted by Flowerpower1 on 11-27-19 at 09:35 PM
Lauren: Worried Tommy won't be there, then she sees Tommy coming.
Elaine tells them about what Missy did
Karishma: tonight was incredible...didn't have to use my idol, couldn't be happier, game has opened wide for me, now I have options
Eliz: it sucked, my closest allies are gone, now no protection...now with them being gone Iwill do what I have to do to stay here

Next AM

See Tommy. Last night I went from the most nervous to blindsiding Missy, huge move on my resume....Dean does up...they talk with Tommy and Lauren...Lauren says she can't beat LEliz.
Dean: Karshma is ultimate goat, with out Aaron and Missy, they will coe for us

Tommy, Dean, Eliz all talk about getting the weak

Dean says the goat army, Karishma and NOura will knock us out

Tommy says that Eliz is an olympic atlhlete and she is wrote my name down so she might have to go next.

Boat comes to get someone for I of the I's

Choose one person to go to I of the I's, they vote for Lauren
Karishma says she hopes it was her but before I could say a work, Lauren chief in....the people that run this tribe have already spoken up, if I were to disagree I would be a target, so I have to keep my mouth shut

see sandra and rob and the chicken bit my finger....bit my finger! Her e comes Lauren

OMG!...sees the statues....OMG, this is crazy OMG, OMG....Sandra and Rob she runs and hugs....you guys are the reason people play this game.

she shays she is doing okay, least athletic but strong social player. Rob says her lesson is about situational awareness.if right earn immunity idol good for next 2 TC's. How well do you know your tribe mates, can you predict who will win immunity, or lose and lose vote. This game will have eat or play component, breakfast. The challenge will involve concentration.

Dean has no endurance...he's told me that. Dan is hungry, and he feels really safe and comfortable, and Janet, this is not her challenge. Karishma, don't see her focusing. So might win, Noura could, she's a yogi through and through....she can focus, she has a really good shot. Elizabeth could win, amazing performer at every single challenge and 2 of her greatest allies were voted out, she could be the next.
Who would you risk your vote on. Rob says what If I let you choose 2 people? If one of your 2 don't come in, you lose your vote. Double the odds. she says yes. Her decision will go with her gut and say Noura and Elizabeth.

Rob: Lauren has a good grasp on all of her tribunates and the fact that there is a eat option will help her, the more people she can get to sit out the better her odds.

"Post lauren I of the I's"
Posted by Flowerpower1 on 11-27-19 at 09:41 PM
See fish....day 28

They are telling Dean that the Jamal advantage is real....Dean is in confessional about the legacy advantage, is it fake or real but I think it's real. can only be played with 9 or 6 people left....I made myself a face legacy advantage...so a bit risky, but If I can get by with it will will get by with it at 9 and save the other one till 6....time for me to get shifty with it.

Lauren returns....when she gets back she has to convince her tribe to eat at the next challenge and convince Noura and Eliz that they need to compete.

She tells them about the challenge, hold bar and if you release the ball falls. Eat option with pancake bacon hash browns.

Situational awareness, I study people, I can tell who will sit out and eat, only one I will behonestwith is Tommy. She tells him about it.

Tommy says that he is her wingman, I want to get as many people I can to not play, so we will talk about pancakes bacon etc the less to compete about Noura and Eliz.

Janet says that she always feels that she has to play
Dean is excited about pancakes
Karishma loves mimosas
Elaine doesn't want to take the chance of getting votied out to eat bacon
Lauren knowing Noura as a vegan....i know that Eliz will fight tooth and nail to win huge deal this will change my game one way or the other, bring on the bacon and bring on the IC let's do this!

"Pre IC"
Posted by Flowerpower1 on 11-27-19 at 09:49 PM
It makes Noura nd Elaine sad to take of the necklace...

pull up on handle clamp the ball, if lower the handle, ball drops and out

See Elizabeth when they say somebody will be voted out.

Feast....pancakes hash browns bacon....
Lauren tells him that she had a tip, that wi were going to be having breakfast....either compete or eat...
Red rock or yellow rock.

Lauren wants Noura and Eliz to stay in the race

Tommy eat, Dan, only karishma, noura, elizabeth will compete

Karishma Noura, Elizabeth are competing. Can eat only while they are competing.

keep pressure on the jaw, did this challenge on Ghost island and it went 45 minutes, all about your arms, and Karishma is out....so only noura and Elizabeth are in, so Lauren

Karishma is crying she feels like a failure, I promised myself that I would always try, why is my body not cooperating ? Jiffy tells her could be 39 days.

2 very diff't stories....eating they have put their game on the line for breakfast, feel the tension on that band

Eliz is out. Noura wins...Noura refuses to stop, she drops....
Janet: I decided to eat and It was one of the scariest things I had to do, Eliz dropping surprised, me so now we have to get rid of her because she's a physical threat.

"Post IC drama..."
Posted by Flowerpower1 on 11-27-19 at 09:56 PM
Lauren and Tommy go to find the HII that Lauren won...got an idol for 2 TC's...they say they don't need it today. Right now it's either Karishma or the Olympic athlete, Eliz. Eliz could go on an immunity run at any time. they think they can get Karishma out at any time. Dan tells Elaine to vote out Eliz.

Elaine wants Karishma out, but if her alliance wants Eliz out, she doesn't want to damage her own game.

See Eliz and Noura talk

Eliz: at the challenge I blew it, an easy opportunity to take me out...I don't have idol, praying to S gods that K doesn't have an idol tonight.

Karishma says that she is dizzy...

Noura says that she needs to drink water, and Noura grabs her bag and inspects it, so she doesn't have an idol....

Karishma and Dan. Dan tells her they are splitting it, throw your vote on Janet. It really is a split vote.

Karishma and Elizabeth talk....Karishma tells that Dan wants her, Eliz out...

Lauren watches them....she sees that Karishma is telling her that they want Eliz out.

Dan goes to bug them about the vote...cause Lauren told him too
Dan: K is doing everything wrong that you are supposed to do, dan says to Janet and Dean, can we please just get rid of her?

Dean wants the goat Karishm to go home tonight.
Karishma: I was talking about Dan, he has no right to tell me what to do....me voting differently is not going to make a difference. here is the issue that I have, playing it correctly and making it count, weigh that about possibly being voted out with an idol in my pocket.

Have to wonder?

"Tribal council...."
Posted by Flowerpower1 on 11-27-19 at 10:10 PM
Coming in it's either Karishma or Elizabeth

Rob sees that Noura has the IN, so that means that Lauren got the idol.

Jiffy tells the jury about the twist...Eliz says she competed because she lost her main alliance....she played to win immunity.
Karisha played I knew I was at the bottom, TC after TC I am at risk of going home.
Noura said she feels strongly, has a good footing in the gae so my tribe could eat.

6 people not worried tonight....

Tommy said I needed that pitstop to fuel up
Dean said he was in a peculiar position, he has a legacy advantage that he will play tonight, he had a "freebie"

Lauren says it's important to navigate, the problem is everyone has their own plan...it's native to think this will be an easy tribal

Karishma says it's never as simple as ...

Tommy says nothing is easy to choose one person

Elaine says you have to pick a corner, she's banking on these individuals that she calls her core, she will roll with them

Eliz says she is a loyal player and if she pledges her allegiance she will keep it.

Time to vote....

Elaine first voter

Vote Tally

DEan is playing his fake of the fake...the legacy advantage playing it for himself...this is NOT an advantage and has absolutely no power.

Karishma plays her idol. she's on the wrong side of the trench and wants to fill it in

Rob loves this

Lauren says there is one more, I'm not going home either.



Re vote. Janet and Elizabeth don't vote. Everyone else has to vote

Elaine says this sucks so bad

Vote tally


Rob says it's all well and good until someone plays an idol.

Sandra: then there were eight

Jiffy says it wasn't an easy vote.

"Another wasted idol."
Posted by michel2 on 11-27-19 at 10:14 PM
Lauren certainly got scared fast when Karishma played an idol. Suddenly she wasn't so sure she had read everyone correctly.

PS. Dean is a dumbass.

"NTOS Preview Promo...."
Posted by Flowerpower1 on 11-27-19 at 10:16 PM
Jiffy: Next time on Survivor:

Jiffy: in an unpredictable game
See Karishma say this is exactly what we wanted....to Noura and Elaine
See Elaine
Karishma in conf: This is the break I've been waiting for
Jiffy: There is no one to trust
See Dean and Elaine and Noura at camp and Noura says: I am loyal and honest to a fault...
Elaine in confessional: Noura is such a fruit loop
Except family, it's time for some love
See them at a challenge yell, YAY!!!

"Who Voted for Elizabeth?"
Posted by michel2 on 11-28-19 at 08:50 PM
When they showed the votes in the end, it was the second vote so do we know who voted for Elizabeth the first time? I'm sure the Janet vote came from Karishma considering what she said in the hammock to Elizabeth. The others at first were splitting the votes between Karishma and Elizabeth but switched to Karishma when she started talking on that hammock. Which one stayed on the Olympian? Was it Tommy? Could it have been Janet herself?

"RE: Who Voted for Elizabeth?"
Posted by Sheldor on 11-29-19 at 01:04 PM
"so do we know who voted for Elizabeth the first time?"

I compared the handwriting of all votes with previous episodes voting and the first votes were:

Karishma -> Janet
Elizabeth -> Karishma
Dan -> Elizabeth

Found a Reddit thread with the same conclusion


"RE: Who Voted for Elizabeth?"
Posted by michel2 on 11-29-19 at 06:03 PM
If that answer is only based on hand-writing I'm not convinced. The small a in A"a"ron is very different from the a in Eliz"a"beth. Except for the E which points to the left most of the other letters in Elizaleth (sic!) point to the right while the letters in Aaron are all straight.

The way Dan talked, he REALLY wanted Karishma gone since she was talking about him so why would he write Elizabeth's name?

"Ep11 Press Images Screen Grabs "
Posted by Sheldor on 11-29-19 at 05:51 PM
Note: This was Episode 11

The Double Boot 2 hour Episode CBS labeled Episodes 8 and 9.
The Double Boot 1 hour Episode CBS labeled Episode 10.

There has not been much consistency in finding the vote off in NTOS nor the Press Images this season.

However this time the ONLY 3 players with Press Image Screen Grabs AFTER the Immunity Challenge were all prominent in the actions at Tribal Council.

Dean: Who plays his Fake Legacy Advantage

Elizabeth: Part of the Tie and voted out on the Re-Vote

Karishma: Plays her Idol Canceling Seven Votes!