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"S39|Ep 9|East Coast Spoiler Thread| Two for the Price of One"

Posted by Flowerpower1 on 11-20-19 at 08:28 PM
Double boot time! Let's go! You know the drill. All commentary remains in this thread until the show has aired in its entirety on the West Coast. And, HAVE PHUN!

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"Ep 9 Double boot time!"
Posted by Flowerpower1 on 11-20-19 at 09:07 PM
See the moon. Night 24, a snake
Janet: TC was really hard, felt very hard, moment I didn't know if i wanted to stay in the game, but wouldn't want her fam to see her as a quitter

Janet doesn't know what to do now game wise, she's s free agent...

I'm on the chopping block, take it day by day, she's grateful for another day....Lauren jumps up, a rat jumped in Karishmas face, she's crying. Raining now...See Aaron up, and Lauren, they are all moving around at night...next AM a rainbow

Elizabeth is crying, it sucked, they are all freezing,
Eliz: last night was the worst night of my life, that is the game, I have not come this far for a rainy night to break me...

Noura talks about Karishma...

Noura: K is lucky to be here, doesn't do anything at camp, first to go to bed, last to get up, never opens a coconut, don't need to kill myself, you should take care of me. Maybe you should help out...she has more resilience than we think, but she's inconsistent, ungrateful, I have no interest in working with someone like that

Karishma: It's incredibly obv that I am in trouble. When I first got out here I thought I would be jungle queen, when I am struggling, I think of my fam like my husband who loves me for the rest of his life, when I can't get someone to care for me for one vote, I am a goat, I am not very predictable.

She finds an HII. Look what I did, I found an idol., my life line, gives me something to lean on and finally do something with it. Don't underestimate me.

Tommy tells Noura and Lauren, we get out Karishma.

She comes back, and Nora notices that she was gone for an hour and only has 2 coconuts. She's plays up the sick card. They want to call the dr. She doesn't want them to call the Dr. She will feel better after drinking water.

Enough Karishma.

"Karishma has an idol, and Tommy wants to vote her out. "
Posted by Flowerpower1 on 11-20-19 at 09:18 PM
Day 27. Come on in guys.

Immunity back up for grabs. Stand on narrow beam while spinning ball, move farther down the beam or ball drops, you are out. 2 groups. 2 necklaces, 2 people going home, 2 diff't TC's.

On purple: Janet, Lauren, Aaron, Noura, Dan cannot figure it out...Dean

Orange; Missy Tommy Elaine, Karishma

Karishma is out
Last person standing wins for their group PB and J. And, go to TC last, and will have the knowledge of the first vote.

Now first foot not he balance beam

Elizabeth is out

Tommy is out

Aaron is out

Missy and Elaine for Orange
Dan is out
Lauren is out
Dean Noura and Janet on one side
Missy and Elaine for orange

Everyone has to move to the next section. Janet drops, Missy and Elaine

Dean vs Noura Dean is out, Noura wins immunity, she drops before giving up a chance to win PB and J.

Missy and Elaine. Missy is out, and Elaine wins IC for them all.

Noura wins but no PB and J. She hugs Jiffy

Elaine, she's a little bit in shock...can she have a hug and she kisses him. This is the best momentt of my life. I am with a bunch of athletes, and I am good at red neck games.

PB and J waiting back at camp and they will know the results of the first TC.

They are going to the old liar camp, and then go to TC...

Janet, When I heard there were 2 groups going to TC, now all of a sudden I could be going home. I will keep fighting.

"RE: Karishma has an idol, and Tommy wants to vote her out. "
Posted by Sheldor on 11-20-19 at 09:22 PM
...and Elaine is Immune so probably has to be Missy, Elizabeth, or Tommy going home from this group.

And I'll bet someone finds and Idol on old Lairo camp; probably Janet since Aaron in NTOS said easy vote of Janet and Karishma.

"Dividing 11 by 2? Weird"
Posted by michel2 on 11-20-19 at 09:23 PM
LAST EDITED ON 11-20-19 AT 09:24 PM (EST)

Why did they do this with 11 players left? It would have been fairer with an even number.

Tommy must not feel too good going to TC with 4 women. At least there's Karishma in his group but why waste a vote on her?

Dean and Aaron should feel quite in trouble in the other group with so many Original Vokai around them. It would be Karma for not saving Kellee.

"RE: Dividing 11 by 2? Weird"
Posted by Sheldor on 11-21-19 at 12:03 PM
...and also strange that Jack is the 1st Juror before the Merge.

Almost feels like they were expecting one more to get voted out/quit earlier in the season.

"Purple group goes to old Lairo, Orange to camp w/ PB and J's"
Posted by Flowerpower1 on 11-20-19 at 09:33 PM
Old Lairo camp...Lauren, Dan, Noura, Aaron

Aaron: I don't want to be here now, lowest of the low, just want to get back. The last 2 tribal councils, I've had the necklace, this could be a perfect storm. Janet on this tribe and Karishma on the other.
Noura: Janet has been on the chopping block for a while, but Aaron,no necklace, we have a clear shot, why wouldn't we take it. They tell Janet you act like you are going home.
It would be unbelievable that I could still be here after all this.

Janet and Dan talking, Dan says she wants to work with hi, they make a pact.
Dean: 2 days ago everyone wanted Janet gone. If Aaron goes home now, who will be a shield for me. Dean talks to Dan, that Aaron gone they will come after rus.

DAn: dean comes to me and says that Janet needs to go, but Janet has come back to me. we could easily flip the vote back to Janet, I am 50/50 on who to vote. It was supposed to be Karishma or Janet. But can it be this easy.

See the orange group...Missy; Our tribal tonight will be super simple,, Karishma goes. I was happy the other group was gone, I needed time with my girl Elizabeth. Missy says that we need to separate Tommy and Lauren. If he goes home then Lauren is dependent on us. It means we have gotten rid of a guy that could win the gae.

Missy tells Karishma the plan. Everyone wants to put there votes on you, but there is a plan, she tells Karishma just give me 2 minutes

Karishma is a bully...a 22 year old girl. I'm sorry little girl I will need you to calm down, I am happy that Tommy's name is coming up, but I am not her little girl....see Karishma going to Elaine and they talk about Missy.

Elaine in conf doesn't want Tommy to go. Elaine says that she is voting out Missy...I need to strike while the iron is hot....Elaine tells Tommy that Missy is coming for you. Elaine tells Tommy that me and Karishma are voting for missy. Tommy will too. Missy has bullied her...Karishma I hope she realizes that I care for you and I want to work with you.

Missy apologizes to Karishma.
Missy is in conf

Karishma: I went from down in the dumps, Missy was on the top of my hit list. This vote can't be emotional. I will work with Missy if it is the best for my game. I have a shot at Tommy. He is a sitting duck, he is perfect. for all I know, she's playing me. It's a little fishy. There is still a chance that it could be me, but I have an idol. and I will play it.

Janet and Aaron talking on the beach.
Aaron: Janet is going home and I think she knows she is going.
Lauren: Janet is a boss, she is a big threat, alot fo people feel threatened by Aaron.
Janet says she was in trouble, but this tribe is done with the meat shield.
Janet says right now I am feeling safe I just hope I am not fooling myself that it will be okay.

"Looks like Dan is completely safe"
Posted by Flowerpower1 on 11-20-19 at 09:42 PM
Boot choices: Janet or Aaron for purple

Tommy or Missy for Orange.

First TC night 27. Purple.

Dan what is biggest impact of this two groups? Teams have scrambled in a way that will still allow the original plans to stay in place
Janet thinks that is directed at her
Dean: don't have certain people that I trust
Aaron: me personally this is first tie to be at TC without a necklace, will see if my alliances hold up. He seems calm, he's not calm. The plan in place we all feel comfortable working to what we are trying to accomplish
Rob thinks Aaron is going home, Sandra thinks Janet
What does it mean to lose 2 people at once...fear starts to get stoked, hope that trust leads to alliances and voting tighter. says Dan

Aaron votes Janet
Janet votes Aaron

Vote tally

commercial. D'oh

Posted by Flowerpower1 on 11-20-19 at 09:57 PM
No idol played.



Boston Rob :I told you it's Aaron

Aaron walks over to the jury, bring in the next group. Kudos to them, says Aaron.

Next group. Tommy says wow.

It's going to be Missy. After the last NTOS, I had Aaron and Missy vibes.

Elizabeth says her heart is beating really hard, he was one of her number ones. Elaine says you were really sneaky, Jiffy
Elizabeth said there was chaos around camp but I felt good about my plan
Missy throws Karishma under the bus, as planned
Missy is over doing it. Missy says she's not a bully
Karishma do you look at her as a bully or an aggressor, she says yes

Tommy says they both view so differently...Missy and Karishma, I thought we did well today.
Elaine, do you know what they are saying...the only way to squash it is to send somebody home. Missy brings up the fact that 2 african americans won the IC at the same time, and she wanted to bring it up. Jiffy appreciates her bringing it up.

Time to vote.

Tommy votes Missy. When you bring up my name you pack your bags
Missy votes Tommy

Vote tally:

Karishma did not play her idol


YOOOOOO, who did it? Tommy says you came after me....she says I didn't come after you.....she lied.

Elaine said I had to do what I had to do.

Rob says everyone is keeping Karishma for the end. Missy wants Elizabeth to kill Elaine.

Missy is screaming.

Elizabeth whispers she loves him as she walks by Aaron.

Gawd. WE suck at this game. I thought the NTOS definitely had Aaron and Missy written all over it. Now, I just don't k ow why I didn't stick with them? ugh.

"WE don't suck; THEY DO"
Posted by michel2 on 11-20-19 at 10:05 PM
It's evident that the Goat Army is gathering. Everyone wants to sit next to Karishma and Dan and they're voting out the original Lairo.

"RE: WE don't suck; THEY DO"
Posted by Flowerpower1 on 11-20-19 at 10:12 PM
This has got to be one of the worst casts ever. Just sayin'. Missy at TC when she gets voted out. "Who did it?" Tommy: I had to come for you because you were coming for me.
Missy: "I was not!!!!"
What a liar. Why can't she own it at that point?

If Karishma gets one more second of air time.....I just can't.

And, Creepy Dan. Ugh.

Let's go, Janet and Elaine!

"RE: WE don't suck; THEY DO"
Posted by michel2 on 11-20-19 at 10:45 PM
After the first 3 or 4 episodes I kind of liked the cast. Noura was probably the only one I found grating. Now? The cast is horrible and the only ones that don't get on my nerves are Janet, Elaine, Tommy and...Noura!

"RE: WE don't suck; THEY DO"
Posted by CTgirl on 11-20-19 at 11:34 PM
I agree Michel. Really liked the cast in the beginning but after last week, I only liked Janet! This week Elaine had a good episode and Noura is becoming that kooky friend you don't know why you're friends with, but you are!

"RE: WE don't suck; THEY DO"
Posted by Flowerpower1 on 11-21-19 at 09:42 AM
Yes, I like Noura as well, as least she's authentic. But, Tommy? No. I will never forget him crying to Lauren when they were down on numbers like a little entitled baby. Now, it seems that his game is totally reactionary and not calculating or strategic. If he doesn't get what he wants he has a fit. He does'nt seem to think moves ahead, he just immediately reacts. Now with all these goats he'll probably win. Of the pair, Tommy and Lauren, Lauren seems much stronger, imo. I wouldn't mind seeing Lauren win, tbh.

I love Janet, Elaine and Noura. Elaine definitely is playing the Sandra game. Wrecking havoc at opportune times and playing dumb when questioned at TC.

"RE: WE don't suck; THEY DO"
Posted by Sheldor on 11-21-19 at 12:07 PM
LAST EDITED ON 11-21-19 AT 12:14 PM (EST)

Re: "Gawd. WE suck at this game. I thought the NTOS definitely had Aaron and Missy written all over it. Now, I just don't k ow why I didn't stick with them? ugh."

Yeah while NTOS had Aaron and Missy the Press Images after the Immunity Challenge did not have any photos of Aaron or Missy so I thought they were safe!

Regarding players left in the game...

Similarly I'm rooting for Janet, Noura, or Elaine.

However as soon as Noura sent Karishma to hunt for coconuts I thought if they follow her she is finding an Idol! I found myself celebrating when she found the Idol and cheering when she saved it and voted out Missy. So I guess I'm rooting for Karishma too.

"RE: WE don't suck; THEY DO"
Posted by michel2 on 11-21-19 at 12:23 PM
See, I saw Lauren as more of the crybaby when things didn't go her way. Last night, Tommy was quite calm at least so maybe we could agree that Tommy and Lauren aren't gross which, in this cast is a positive...

"RE: WE don't suck; THEY DO"
Posted by CTgirl on 11-21-19 at 01:31 PM
They aren't gross but they're also not characters I want to root for!

"RE: WE don't suck; THEY DO"
Posted by michel2 on 11-21-19 at 08:29 PM
>They aren't gross but they're also
>not characters I want to
>root for!

Well, I haven't rooted for anyone since Nick Maiorano and that was because I knew him as a RHAP blogger. Besides him, Jenn Brown is probably my last "favorite".

"Next time on Survivor...."
Posted by Flowerpower1 on 11-20-19 at 10:09 PM
Jiffy: when animals attack
Sandra screams as a chicken bites her
Rob: What happened. She bit my finger
Jiffy: See Elizabeth: Jiffy: You'll need to travel in a pack
Dean to Tommy: the goat army is assembling
Dean in Confessional: Goat #1 reporting for duty, as he salutes
See Noura
Jiffy: to reach the top of the food chain
See Tommy and Lauren
Tommy says to Lauren: Let's ___________ go! and they give each other five
Lauren: This is going to change my game.