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"S39|Ep 3 Honesty would be chill|East Coast Update Thread"

Posted by Flowerpower1 on 10-09-19 at 07:51 PM
Episode 3 coming up! You know the drill, keep all discussion regarding this weeks episode in this thread until the show has aired in its entirety on the West Coast. And, go ahead, post your siggies!

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"Episode 3"
Posted by Flowerpower1 on 10-09-19 at 08:12 PM
Cut to Vokai at night after TC...

See the preview first

then night 6...they return.
Jason: conf at TC Molly went home and Jason stayed, they will play with me, still a total blindside
Janet starts the talk...Water, they go

Jack: I was blindsided, not part of the vote, I have a lot of work to do

Kellee and Tommy tell him, they were petrified of Molly, I was surprised says Jack, yes it was amazing

Tommy: I wat to rebuild these relationships with J and Jack. Jamal is alot harder....see them talking, more than who was voted out, I was excluded, so I am the wild car now

Forgive but don't forget says Jamal

Morning at Lairo, day 7

Tom, dean and Vince at camp, all the girls are in the water

bonding experiences says Karishma....for me it's an act, I am representing an entire culture of people, I don't know how they will feel, have to make the girls feel that I am comfortable with then

boys talk...Aaron: clearly the girls are coming together and bonding, that worries me, we need to make sure that tribal dynamic does not happen....they ask Vince if he is with them

Vince: the guys never talked strategy with me, now I'm a bro, no, Aaron voted me, I don't trust them
If the ladies have control of the game I will work with the women

Dan: My strategy moving forward is win/win. for me next vote is Noura...I think J and Jamal are okay with it. she has accomplished getting on everyone's nerve

lead them to what is best for them and is good for me too. See him plotting with Jack, Kellee, Jamal, Tommy....Noura is our plan
Jamal: If we have to think about going to tribal, this would be an easy vote but I reserve the right to go rogue
Jamal and Dan talk...Dan has that quick talking car salesman vibe to him, I could possibly make a move against Dan

See Jamal talk to Janet about Dan....I am getting squirrelly with Dan...as soon as

Janet: Jamal made some valid points, Dan is astute and he knows the game and ...

Tommy says are we doing this for us or for Jamal, it's a power move

Janet and Tommy now wonder about Jamal

Tommy thinks that Jamal is extremely dangerous and maybe he is the best choice for my game

At Lairo Karishma cuts her hand....I can see my bone...I'm getting light headed....today I stabbed my hand to the bone...got down, make sure I didn't faint, I could hear conversation behind me, I'm on the ground not 15 feet away, any else they would have rushed to them, it doesn't hurt them to show some humanity....you can tell if people don't want to play with you, each and every person on this tribe is dead to me.

"I of the I's or challenge?"
Posted by Flowerpower1 on 10-09-19 at 08:23 PM
some one comes with a message for them, read together as a tribe. Vince goes to I of the Is
Elizabeth: at I of the I's I didn't win the idol, but Vince will have a chance, odds are that he comes back with an idol and we need to flush it. talk about splitting the vote

Dean: split the vote, did I need to say it? no
Karishma: dean said split the vote, if Vince goes back with an idol, I am gone

Vince on I of the I's, arrive...sees the statures gives me an opportunity to change my game.
Welcome! They hug
BR and Sandra, what is going on....I don't get star struck very easily...pull myself together

BR asks him where he's from and he cries...
BR: Vince was instantly over come with emotion...humbling...such a big impact on this guys life, it's awesome...

Vince: I was hoping just how influential they can be in the game

Rob tells them everyone gets a lesson, yours is staying calm under pressure. Your emothion\s have to be under check. Sneak into the other tribes camp and steal fire. If you return without getting caught, get HII for 2 TC's. If not, then lose your vote

this is an impossible mission, this may be my only opportunity to get an HII at this point in the gae.

Rob says let's get to work...you will get dropped over here, shows him 3 different ways to get to their camp...it's late at night total darkness, may have to low crawl, Sandra will teach him....give him all my 5 years of \military training.

I of the I's is like a military boot camp, we are teaching him how to stay calm under pressure. Sandra is taking it a little too far.

BR says one person is sure to be awake, going in is more than difficult...

thunder storming now....at the vaokai camp....it's pitch black, so dark, can barely see anything, raining, shows are making sounds....and I see there is a structure, I'm here. My heart is beating like crazy. if they do then I am screwed. See one of them scream, what's going on, sorry, bad dream.... if I go in there and their fire is dead, than I got nothing, best alternative is to collect as much ash as I can. Kellee wakes up...

Their fire is out, he is shoveling coal into the canister, see Jack awake, then he goes away...mmission impossible....he falls in the water, it's slippery....he was calm under pressure and he got remnants, he put in all the work

he goes back, the lesson was to remain calm under pressure....he got ashes....you adapted in the face of adversity, we will call this a win!

Vince :this idol is good for the next 2 TC's, wonderful to have power in the game!

Posted by Flowerpower1 on 10-09-19 at 08:35 PM
LAST EDITED ON 10-09-19 AT 08:37 PM (EST)

Day 8

see the challenge arena

one person swims to get key, rest of tribe balance on teeter totter, use key to unlock pieces of puzzle, then solve puzzle. Win comfort, comfort, blankets, chairs, hammock, tarp.

Elizabeth vs Janet are the swimmers, of course. Elizabeth is smoking her....Janet staying there too, elizabeth unties bouy, then Janet, elizabeth up with earl lead, now the whole liar tribe is coming, and Janet has to go back down, Lairo has big lead....last person up must retrieve the bag, Janet getting the mask on....now Missy is the last one up and will go to get the bags

Janet has the buoy, never give up, now vokai in the water....make up time...she must untie it, she drops it in the water, now must go for second bag.

Kellee is going to get the bag and is going very fast, making up time....Missy going to second bag....Missy getting the second bag, and kellee getting the first, now quickly moving past her tribe, and Missy has the second bag, and head back with both bags, start working on puzzle. Karishma and Dean work on puzzle. Kellee has both bags, and now they try p to work on puzzle....

Vokai has Lauren and Jamal working on puzzle

dead even, dean has one piece, as usual Vokai is smoking them. Karishma and Dean SUCK

far behind...Lairo is dead in the water...Vokai wins immunity and reward. sending Lairo back to TC

See Karishma, then Aaron

Aaron: I think what we are seeing right now is the bottleneck now, when it comes down for puzzles. for us Vince is the top priority to go home.

"Post Loser drama...."
Posted by Flowerpower1 on 10-09-19 at 08:45 PM
Day 8 at Lairo....sad music

When we got back from challenge, we had a big lead, should have won, says Tom

Alot of thought that Karishma screwed up, but since Vince was at I of the I's, it's really hi. Have to make sure that all the girls write down Vince...

Missy; right now the girls have numbers, why would we give Karishma up....she talks to Missy
Vince says that Tom is a liability because of endurance.

Missy says there wouldn't be any bloodshed on anyone's hands

Elizabeth doesn't want Tom to go, he's our dad, neither does Elaine, we need to vote out Vince

Karishma is nervous, I lost the puzzle

Karishma is nervous, Vince tells her to go with the girls and vote out Tom

Vince: when you play with Karishma who does not give us a name, she's an easy vote. Only one He tells her just to vote out tom. she says okay
Vince will bring his hidden immunity idol, if his name comes up he will play it

Elizabeth and Chelsea talking, do we want the majority of votes on Vince, and rest on Karishma....or Tom.

Chelsea: if we vote out tom, the guys will be mad at us, the tribe is run by the girls right now, Vince is pretty aligned with me and girls, I don't want to vote out a potential ally right now and look back and see that's where I went wrong

Posted by Flowerpower1 on 10-09-19 at 08:58 PM
2nd tribal....great team, but lost twice says Tom....they talk about how they suck at puzzles. Karishma is saying there is heat on my back, they pointed the finger at me, this tribe has not seen how strong I am, I can be an asset. I am diff't than the others in this tribe, I'm older than the other girls, she tells them that she is not in the sorority....

Elizabeth wants to keep the tribe strong.

Tom agrees,

Jiffy says that I want to win and get rid of the people that are makings lose.
Elaine says you need the trust
Aaron is going in with the plan that I have with my alliance
Vince: trust the people that you said you had a plan with , don't let the paranoia set in

Tom says alot of talk, let's get too it
Karishma whispers to Elizabeth, Tom says she is trying to change the plan, don't buy it.


Dean votes for Karishma

Vince does not play his idol


Wow. May suck at puzzles but you are really good at blindsides.

"RE: TC...."
Posted by michel2 on 10-09-19 at 09:56 PM
Let me get this straight: Your Idol is only good for two TCs and you've just missed time with your tribe by spending it at I of the I and you HOLD your idol? How dumb. It's not as if the idol could have been kept up to F5; it was this time or the next. Vince HAD to play his idol considering he'd have at least three days, maybe 6, to repair bonds with his tribe. Heck, he could even have lied and said this idol is only good for one TC so I'm playing it.

"Next time on Survivor....Preview Vidcaps"
Posted by Flowerpower1 on 10-09-19 at 09:04 PM
Jiffy: When romance blossoms
See Dean and Chelsea
Aaron: Dean and Chelsea, that's something that needs to get squashed.
Jiffy: You must protect your secrets
then see the DAWS during a challenge blindfolded, with a caller that is leading them.

"RE: Next time on Survivor....Preview Vidcaps"
Posted by michel2 on 10-09-19 at 09:59 PM
Another dumb Survivor: The guys are down 5-3 but one of them is getting close to one of the five ladies. Shouldn't Aaron try to build on that relationship instead of rushing to break it?

Aaron: 5 - 1 = 4 while 3 + 1 = 4... Don't you get it?