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"S39|Episode 3|Time to Vote!"

Posted by CTgirl on 10-07-19 at 08:52 PM
LAST EDITED ON 10-09-19 AT 06:46 PM (EST)

LAST EDITED ON 10-08-19 AT 09:41 PM (EST)

Please vote for the survivor you think will be voted out this week:



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Messages in this discussion
"Tom Laidlaw"
Posted by michel2 on 10-07-19 at 09:18 PM
The promos suggest that Lairo goes to TC. The five women aren't going to vote one of their own and they seem to have Vince in their pockets.

I don't see Tom working well in a female dominated Tribe and they'll probably see it that way also. It's really early in the season but Tom will be eliminated from the play-offs!

"Missing Elizabeth on Orange Vokai Tribe"
Posted by Sheldor on 10-07-19 at 11:31 PM
LAST EDITED ON 10-08-19 AT 12:39 PM (EST)

THANKS CTgirl for always posting the Voting thread!

Note: You are Missing Elizabeth on Orange PURPLE Vokai Tribe

Edited: To correct Color of Vokai; Thanks Michel!

"RE: Missing Elizabeth on Orange Vokai Tribe"
Posted by michel2 on 10-08-19 at 11:23 AM
Pssst! Sheldor, the Orange tribe is Lorai. Vodka is purple.

"RE: Missing Elizabeth on Orange Vokai Tribe"
Posted by Sheldor on 10-08-19 at 12:36 PM
Michel: Argh! Thanks! I keep getting the tribe names backwards!

Lorai and Vodka... Hilarious!

Maybe a photo will help me remember...

Lairo - Orange (mud crab)

Vokai - Purple (iguana)

"RE: Missing Elizabeth on Orange Vokai Tribe"
Posted by Chez on 10-08-19 at 09:24 PM
Actually Elizabeth is on Larai (orange).

"RE: Missing Elizabeth on Orange Vokai Tribe"
Posted by CTgirl on 10-08-19 at 09:43 PM
Sheldor, thanks for the heads up!

I made the mistake last week and just copied and pasted for this week's thread. If you hadn't caught it, she would've been missing until a tribe swap or she got voted out!

Posted by Flowerpower1 on 10-09-19 at 05:32 PM
I really think that orange, Lairo, is going to TC. I think Elizabeth gets them a good lead with the swimming portion of the challenge and the puzzle people screw it up. Looks like it's Dean and Karishma that do the puzzle. Karishma is a girl, so I'd say that Dean is at risk to go.

Every season there seems to be a practically invisible boot. I think it will be Dean, who has yet to have one confessional.

My second choice would be Vince, but he could go to I of the I's, and if he does, he could have an idol, and Elizabeth will know that.

It could be Tom but Tom has been good in challenges and seems like a hard worker, but he's way older than the group, and that could be trouble for him. Could be Tom.

Posted by Chez on 10-09-19 at 05:36 PM
I don't know why I have this feeling Elizabeth will be voted off next. It does seem Lairo will lose the Immunity challenge, but the female alliance is expected to hold, so Elizabeth should be safe. However, her near-absence in last week's episode makes me wonder if she is vulnerable. Maybe the next person to visit IOI comes back and reveals the Rob-Sandra twist. This could throw suspicion on Elizabeth's trustworthiness.

"Tom L."
Posted by CTgirl on 10-09-19 at 06:47 PM
I'm thinking the same as Michel - Lairo goes to tribal, Vince votes with the girls and Tom, as the oldest, gets booted. I hadn't even thought of Dean (haha probably because he's been invisible!) but FloPo makes a good case for him too.