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"S39|East Coast Spoiler Thread|Ep 1| I vote you out and that's it!"

Posted by Flowerpower1 on 09-25-19 at 07:36 PM
At last the season begins! Please keep all discussion, commentary regarding the show in this thread until it has aired in its entirety on the Left/West Coast! And, let's have PHUN!

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"PREMEIRE....Island of the Idols"
Posted by Flowerpower1 on 09-25-19 at 08:13 PM
So, Jiffy will not meet them on the beach, hmmmm?

39 days, this game is full of twists and turns, have to adapt, about to get crazy...Rawb: what these guys don't know, we are heare to show the new kids how it's done

Jiffy in heli: BR and Sandra are back

Sandra: time the queen teaches others some of her tricks

not competing, won't vote and cannot win, serve as mentors to a new group, live on I of I, a S boot camp

Rob: we understand every component about this game

Jiffy: then be given an opportunity to show what they have learned...

which ones will rise to the moment and which will fall victim to the lessons learned
who will have what it takes to out wit out play out last to claim the million

39 days, 1 survivor....

Karishma: we are headed to beautiful beach...I have to tune it down have to be calm cool Karishma

see them land....
Chelsea: so excited to see my tribunates where is Jeff? I look at our tribe flag, island of the idols...that is what the theme is revolving around? mind is blown...

orange tribe, some twist out there, not sure if I am ready but right now focus on shelter

see them working

I Hmong, and Charishma

see the hockey player

black girl played college basketball

and olympic swimmer says Elizabeth....I stepped away from swimming a year ago, at high note, wonder will I get there again, this game has made me as excited as the olympics
Black girl basketball player plays the violin....went into military, developed brain tumor, couldn't walk, talk almost died, new medicine, the tumor is gone, want to be the sole S...the SOUL S....just dope

Purple tribe: idol of the ....are there idols here, some where else. Lauren talked. introduces herself, Jamal, Tommy, teacher 4th grade

Molly: law student, everyone seems great...
Janet the lifeguard, she's worried about being voted out, as the old woman, needs to stand out to not get voted out, volunteers to make fire....some one says I think super mom has it over boston rob....lol

if you prove who you are people don't care what your gender, age, then you can become one of them, she gets fire. just like that! all cheering

It was really cool to break the mold for the older women, she showed her tribe she has a special set of skills and she knows how to use them

Orange tribe...Vince is a person from a small SE asia....he always done the work
Tom: Vince surprised me, he is doing the work
then the little girl with the kentucky and the Boston hat talking to hockey player and Vince. Tom says he was the captain of the team, Wayne Gr wasn't the biggest not he team, my world is about discipline and hard work...she and Vince

Aaron coordinates the 7 and targets the 3 of Tom, Kentucky girl, Vince

Purple tribe:

Jamal: we are good, good morale, fun, we are chillin

Jason: I am thinking to myself, island of the idols, got to be stupid not to look

they notice that Jason is gone looking

Older guy says where is Jason....look at my job as talent manager, working with actors is similar to survivors, get passionate people to make decisions for them ad best for me....Jason is throwing shade on Jason....joyous to watch, he's done....impossible now for Jason to dig himself out of that grave.

"RE: S39|East Coast Spoiler Thread|Ep 1| I vote you out and that's it!"
Posted by Flowerpower1 on 09-25-19 at 08:22 PM
Commercial shot was BRob stating, "Survivor school is in session". LOL

See some of the purple in the water

Jack: grad student, 23 yo youngest of tribe, playful attitude....I want everyone to want to have a relationship with me...person number one is Tommy...second youngest...as a 4th grade teacher I have to make sure everyone feels good around me, strategy connect with people one on one...he's 26....tells about his engagement....do a great job connecting one on one....

Female, Molly law student sees the core group form....Jason is the one a little shadier then everyone else.
Jamal is grateful for it...

A girl tells Jason....Noura....he reminds me of an old boyfriend, so I go to him and tell him....
Jason: Noura tells me, I am concerned, is there anyone that would be more distrustful to go look for idol....that is my night mare

Orange tribe: Kentucky girl talking confessional: Elaine: I use humor, laugh with me, not at me...
Missy tries to be observant, girls are going todo what most benefits them, at now they are forming a girls alliance...tired of the girls going out first, see them all...some think elaine, tom, and vince are together, they could be in trouble. Missy tells Elaine...

Elaine; that got me a little worried....don't want your name to come up. I need to play a better game becauSe I am not okay with going home.

"RE: S39|East Coast Spoiler Thread|Ep 1| I vote you out and that's it!"
Posted by Flowerpower1 on 09-25-19 at 08:32 PM
The purple tribe has gotten 7 together as a young and fun group, and Jason is the most likely to go home. But, Noura has told him.

At the Orange tribe, Tom, Elaine, and Vince are buddies. The girls have formed an alliance. Missy told Elaine that the group noticed that the three had gone off together.

Just saw a commercial, and we saw the orange tribe at TC!!!! OMG, they just spoiled their own show in the middle of it....UGH!

Happy go lucky music at VOKAI....the purple....giving super mom a massage....

Kelley: In the game of S, hard to live with others, I am a germaphobe with other people grossness...I do get annoyed with dan, he's a really touchy person, he makes me uncomfortable....a germaphobe, and his sweaty head on my body, yuck. I was taken back by him says Molly, Dan makes me feel uncomfortable...I am trying to be delicate about this, says Molly.

Kelley is complaining to Janet and the long blonde...
Janet says you need to tell him....

See Kelley tell him, I come from a different place...Dan says he gets it....
Kelley: we are playing S. it's alot...we talked, but I feel his lack of social awareness is going to hurt him in the game.

Orange tribe: see Elaine...she sees dean starving....elain is laughing

Ronnie: poker players, watch what people are bringing to the game, Elaine....everyone likes her...Ronnie says she is someone I want to get rid of...I want her to feel safe

Ronnie goes off with Elaine, and says that he will have her back

Elaine says that he and I are not together, I do not trust Ronnie, to me, he has to go. guns drawn, let's see, let's find out....

"Ronnie targets Elaine, Elaine targets Ronnie"
Posted by Flowerpower1 on 09-25-19 at 08:47 PM
Challenge arena....Come on in, guys

Jiffy getting his first look, two tribes, welcome...let me officially welcome you, 39 th season, island of the idols.

Elaine says she was a little mad...we thought you quit...hahahha

Chelsea: when I saw what it was, idol, that creates paranoia, but we are so ready, we have so much unison...

challenge race up and down obstacle, drop bridge, climb, solve massive village puzzle. Win immunity...losers TC, someone will be first out....and play for reward, flint, need to master if you make it to F4 fire challenge.

For R and Immunity....GO....it net hard, climb....both moving quickly, down slide, then under bars, brutal first challenge....get on mat, then untie knots to get a grappling hook, hook a bar and pull...Janet gets it hooked first....pull up looks, and then they raise the bridge, and cross over

Ronnie gets the hook and they go....the purple are making a human ladder up the pyramidJack is up and over....Dean our orange drops the ropes to get everyone up and over. Great team work for both tribes...Lauren is up, Elaine is upJack is going back down to help others, a hero move. Jamal is up, then Jack and they are all up. Orange started puzzle first

building a village, one hut at a time. Orange was ahead, but not any more.

Vokai looking for first section, and done, 6 more to go

Jamal is working with Noura and another girl

Jamal exhausted these pieces are very heavy

Dean chelsea and vince are at a stand still...Vokai with their second hut

now they are down to two

one of the biggest blow outs in the first challenge on survivor....Purple Vokai wins! sending Lirow to TC....see Vince....

Jamal gets the idol and flint...enjoy the night

See dean. somebody will be out of theme...island of the idols does exist, and one of you will be the first person to experience it. 10 names in bag, one drawn will go....Elaine pulls it out....Elizabeth is theme that goes first....I know I can handle it. the olympic swimmer, she will return to TC, boat takes her....

Elizabeth: I am freaking out, I don't want to go, me going puts a target on my back and I miss strategizing, what is in store for me?

"Orange losers, Elizabeth going to I of the I's"
Posted by Flowerpower1 on 09-25-19 at 09:11 PM
Bring on Boston Rob and Sandra....!

day 3, Elizabeth arrives to the I of the I's....I'm trying to stay optimistic, beautiful beach, don't know what I am walking into...seh sees the large statues....that is so cool....massive statues, Boston Rob and Sandra, 2 of the best to every play this game, they come out, NO WAY!.... they hug her.....so excited and surprised, they are survivor idols...theBoston Rob sporting his dad bod.

They are the survivor idols, they can't win, compete, everything that happens here is intended to make you a better player, we have an extensive resume....we both won and lost the game. We understand every component of this game. She has the chills, she's so excited

Sandra confessional, ask about their experience so far....BR: are you in a good alliance, what about the shelter, can't fish, no fire....you will come back with flint, I can teach you to make fire, fuel, need spark, flint, and air....we will build it separate then transfer it....Best teachers I ever had made me do it myself. Shave the magnesium off

BR shows her it's that easy....

Rob: everything that happens here is a lesson....in the back of my mind, I know that the test is coming...see her and Sandra practicing.... she makes fire!

They come back to Rob...we told you there was going to be an opportunity to test you, if you make fire first, you earn an immunity idol good for 2 TC, if lose no vote tongight....she gets to pick what she will do....he told her that she said that she was in a good alliance, maybe your vote won't count tonight.

What is your gut telling you? Rob: want to go for it? She would have had to beat Rob at it.

cut to camp...

Elaine: I am worried, I am banking on relationships.
See vince with 2 girls and Tom...they want Robbie out.

They think the guys are going to go for?
Vince is worried in confessional...

Charisma is with the two buff guys...the two guys say we need you Vince...they want 6 to get Elaine out. She's a sweet heart, a social butterfly...

Charishma: I am concerned about Elaine, first alliance I made was with Elaine and girls.
Vince: They want to target elaine, see him tell her, I need to make sure she doesn't get the short end of the stick....see Tom, Vince, Elaine...
Elaine cries in confessional: she will pray to stay, may not be in God's plan

back to I of the I....the competitor in her is ignited, and she wants to go for it...

Rob: she took the first offer, I was prepared to up the ante but like every new S player, she took the first option....Sandra is coaching her....Rob's got it...
Rob says a lesson learned the hard way....what were you thinking, some time if the deal is too good to be true, it is....you learned a new skill, fire, but always trust your gut, you should have never gone up against me....before you go, we want you to choose the next person to come from the purple tribe. You don't get to see....

Elizabeth: I lost my vote, Rob tells her....trust your gut!

Lairo day 3

See Elaine and Tom....Im in big trouble, Tom says they don't have the numbers
It's puzzling me off that I am on their radar

See Aaron and Ronnie talking, Elaine comes up to them, she will do anything as long as it is not her....she doens't know why she is coming up, becaUSe they think she is so awesome, she's formed a bond with everyone....Elaine tells them, it's real....Aaron said it's because I am too nice....I wouldn
t want to set next to me at the end. She said that she would be fine with any other person....Aaron tells her Vince.

Aaron conf: Is it Vince or Elaine

Elizabeth comes back, doesn't want to seem untrustworthy, she hates lying, she's going to make it her first big lie, a path, to three urns, one chance, to hit, one one urn has something in it, she smashed one and it said you lose.

I am the most popular girl at camp, they all wanted to talk to me. Aaron says they were gravitating toward Elaine, but it 's Vince.

she has no vote, she wants to tell the, but she will not. she wants to get to the end....she has 9 other people telling me 9 diff't stories, my brain is fried, I have no idea what will happen tonight.

Posted by Flowerpower1 on 09-25-19 at 09:27 PM
Who will it be? Vince, Elaine, Aaron, or Ronnie?

Tribal Council, night 3:

They arrive...get fire...Boston Rob and Sandra are there too, watching in secret...Chelsea: the name, did it ramp up paranoia?
Elaine: what did you notice about pairing up, I clicked with everyone instantly, they say it could make me go home tonight
Charisma concerns that there is a chance, likability is a liability
Elaine: why do that three days in, why break me down now....
Ronnie: for me, I think we need to keep the group strong, get rid of a big guy now, we can't afford that, we would be right back here in 3 days.
Elaine: I am devastated, she cries....everyone knows what it takes to get here, when finally get to do something that have thought about for so long, the entire journey, I wanted it to build me up, not tear me down, if I go home tonight, it will be heart breaking but at the same time it's the best thing that have ever happened to me.
Ronnie says it breaks me down....I am from boston, I have done everything, so we all have our stories, this game is like a dream come true for all of us, that is why I feel her.
Vince; everyone here has a story....(Sandra likes him)...he starts crying, it makes me unsure as to where I am, of course you want to support Elaine, but you also know it might ruin your game.

Aaron: yes this is a game,

Rob says was it this hard for you? She says He!! no, I will vote you out and that's it! LOL Sandra with the title!



Ronnie said you gotta be kidding me...see vince and elaine smile

take care guys

The theme of tonights tribal was how difficult it was going to be vote someone out....it was a devastating blindside.

tosses them flint. I thought Elizabeth would catch it, but Chelsea did.

"Next time on Survivor....."
Posted by Flowerpower1 on 09-25-19 at 09:35 PM
Jiffy: when there is a blindside
See Aaron and Missy: I don't trust anybody right now....
Aaron: fool me twice, yeah that is not going to happen
Jiffy: And heartache....
See Asian girl crying as Noura and some one else try to comfort her
See Noura in close up with big eyes
Then see Noura and blonde long haired girl in beach look surprised
Jiffy:....you can go insane
Noura: People just can't sheep around
Noura to someone: just go collect coconuts when you go on your walks
Noura to Jamal at shelter: Let's just chill
Someone to Noura: I'm going crazy right now
See Noura squeal

Gool gosh, A LOT of Noura in the preview, but I felt it was in a good way?

"RE: S39|East Coast Spoiler Thread|Ep 1| I vote you out and that's it!"
Posted by michel2 on 09-25-19 at 11:11 PM
I thought this Sandra/Rob schtick would be an abomination but, for now, it's better than expected. I hadn't read anything before the season so I thought they'd be living in the camps and would be coaches. That would have meant they'd be receiving tons of airtime but, done this way, they only monopolize one segment of the episode. I can live with that. I also like the fact that they witness TC so they'll be able to give strategy advice. First one should be: Vote without feelings. Like Sandra said: Vote 'em out and that's it. I also like seeing less of Jiffy even if the opening segment was boring.

"Michel and Chez!"
Posted by Flowerpower1 on 09-26-19 at 08:51 AM
So glad to see you two back. No matter how lame the theme's are there is still alot to figure out. Still fun to play! I thought the lessons for Elizabeth were on point! Glad she went back and kept her cards to herself! She seems like a girl with grit! I hope not too intense.

Michel, will you be starting the editing thread? We can do a modified one, it's so invaluable! I will do a confessional thread and Scarlett told me she would do the state of the spoiling.

So far my favs are: Lauren, blonde haired black girl, Jamal ~ he almost single-handedly won the IC. If Elaine is in this to the end, I will pull my hair out....I tired of her very quickly. I liked the two swimmers, Janet the lifeguard and Elizabeth.

I would love to comment on these players in the EDITING thread!

"RE: Michel and Chez!"
Posted by michel2 on 09-26-19 at 03:39 PM
No editing thread for me this time. I'll probably do one for the all-winners season but I don't have the energy to go through this. I don't even know half the cast and haven't bothered finding out. I'll just say that the only one that stood out positively for me was the young one on the IC winning tribe, the one that helped his team mates up to the rope. If only I knew his name!

"RE: Michel and Chez!"
Posted by Flowerpower1 on 09-27-19 at 10:02 AM
Okay, michel! I feel you! I will start an editing thread just so we can all use it to make comments and observations. Kind of a relaxed editing thread! Looking forward to the next season too!

"RE: S39|East Coast Spoiler Thread|Ep 1| I vote you out and that's it!"
Posted by Chez on 09-26-19 at 00:02 AM
LAST EDITED ON 09-26-19 AT 00:03 AM (EST)

FP -
Thanks for starting this thread (and the others). I have been checking from time to time to see if any activity on this board, so I'm glad to see it is starting.

I also liked the Rob/Sandra segments - more than I expected.

"RE: S39|East Coast Spoiler Thread|Ep 1| I vote you out and that's it!"
Posted by kingfish on 09-27-19 at 00:14 AM
I'm hoping Sandra wins.


"Hi KING! "
Posted by Flowerpower1 on 09-27-19 at 10:03 AM
I <3 you!

...me too!