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"S37-W07-E09 VidCap Analysis *No Sources* "

Posted by Flowerpower1 on 11-16-18 at 09:24 AM
Please place all pictures, vidcaps and videos related to Episode 9, "Breadth - First Search"

Thank you!

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Messages in this discussion
"Searching for the Preview Promo(NTOS)...."
Posted by Flowerpower1 on 11-16-18 at 09:26 AM
....and, I found these:

Davie: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-026iShUe_k

Christian: Pizza: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rZ97EWJLgYw

Dan: Post immunity win: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o3T9DrwzELg

Mike: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G6pIhnFL-lQ

Also some from Angelina how she wanted the immunity win so badly and can't wait to usurp Dan and blindside him.

Really interesting one on Davie explains it all, the decision to use the idol to save Christian and I've got to tip my hat to him, I think he's moving in the right direction for HIS game!

"Extra Videos"
Posted by Sheldor on 11-16-18 at 10:50 AM

SURVIVOR David Vs Goliath Secret Scene Pizza Reward

SURVIVOR David Vs Goliath I Thought We Were on the Same Page

SURVIVOR David Vs Goliath I Hope We Stay Together

SURVIVOR David Vs Goliath I Feel Pretty Good

SURVIVOR David Vs Goliath I Can't Stand Letting People Down

SURVIVOR David Vs Goliath I Am Biting My Tongue

SURVIVOR David Vs Goliath Code Blues All Around

SURVIVOR David Vs Goliath A Ticking Time Bomb

SURVIVOR David Vs Goliath A Daggone Good Game

SURVIVOR David Vs Goliath Why Aren't We Playing the Game

SURVIVOR David Vs Goliath Today Was Not the Day

SURVIVOR David Vs Goliath The Game's Going to Get Tricky

SURVIVOR David Vs Goliath So Happy I Was Team Captain

SURVIVOR David Vs Goliath It's Tricky Working with Them

SURVIVOR David Vs Goliath It's a Packed House

SURVIVOR David Vs Goliath I'm Ready to Go All In

SURVIVOR David Vs Goliath John: I'm in a Great Position

SURVIVOR David Vs Goliath Christian: I'm Buzzing

SURVIVOR David Vs Goliath Angelina: I Wanted to Win So Badly

"Thank you, Sheldor!"
Posted by Flowerpower1 on 11-16-18 at 11:19 AM

"RE: Thank you, Sheldor!"
Posted by Sheldor on 11-16-18 at 12:14 PM
You're welcome FlowerPower!

That Extra Video of Davie explaining it all is awesome! Davie and the rest of the Davids planned that all out flawlessly!

"Verbiage for "Next time on Survivor...."
Posted by Flowerpower1 on 11-16-18 at 09:35 AM
LAST EDITED ON 11-16-18 AT 10:23 AM (EST)

Next time on Survivor....

Jiffy; When there is a bad break up...
Dan and Kara, Kara says to Dan: Walk around the beach and figure out who's speaking where!
Kara in confessional: I have to separate from him!
Jiffy; ...You have to play the field...
See Gabby and Alison in the shelter: Alison to Gabby: Every single person is like...should I go over there?
Gabby: Come to the David's, come to the good side!
Jiffy: But, there is always trust issues

See the girls, Alison, Kara, Gabby and Nick is lying down listening to them...I think Kara says: Dan's going home.
Nick in confessional: the Goliath's are lying to my face... again!

Week after week the boot is in the vidcaps in the preview promo, So, who is seen here:

Dan, Kara, Alison, Gabby, Nick. More than likely one of them is our BOOT!

"S37 Ep 9 NTOS"
Posted by Sheldor on 11-16-18 at 10:29 AM

S37 Ep 9 NTOS

Published on Nov 14, 2018

"Next time on Survivor....."
Posted by Flowerpower1 on 11-16-18 at 11:53 AM
LAST EDITED ON 11-16-18 AT 11:54 AM (EST)

Thanks to Sheldor for posting this!

Jiffy: Next time on Survivor.....When there's a bad breakup....

Kara talking to Dan at night: Walk around the beach and figure out who's speaking where!

Kara in confessional: I have to separate myself from him

See Kara walking away alone at night...

Jiffy: ...You have to play the field Cut to Alison laying down in the shelter with Gabby....

Alison to Gabby: Every single person is like...Should I go over there?

Gabby in confessional: Come to the David's, come to the good side!

Jiffy: But! There is always trust issues...

See Kara, Alison, Gabby, with Nick lying down next to them....

One of the girls speaking, (Kara or Alison?): Dan's going home.

See Kara nodding her head, in agreement

Nick in confessional: The Goliath's, they are lying to my face AGAIN!

So, the preview vidcaps, "Next time on Survivor", has historically given us the boot, the OFG Theory. So, one of these peeps is most likely walking out this week:

Kara, Dan, Alison, Gabby, Nick. I think we can eliminate Nick and Gabby. That leaves Kara, Dan or Alison. Dan has an idol that no one but Kara knows about, but Kara is "breaking up" with him, and we have seen how Dan reacts to his name being thrown out there. If Kara and Dan don't really "break up", Kara could tell Dan that Alison is throwing his name out there, and then he turns his wrath on her.

Or, we see that Kara is having a big spike in her game next week. Could this be the spike in her boot episode?

Dan has an idol, could Davie/Nick/Carl play their collective advantages to take him out along with Kara this week?

Three viable boot suspects: Dan, Kara, Alison.

"RE: Next time on Survivor....."
Posted by Sheldor on 11-16-18 at 12:48 PM
"So, the preview vidcaps, "Next time on Survivor", has historically given us the boot, the OFG Theory. So, one of these peeps is most likely walking out this week:"

Thanks I was never exactly sure of OFG Theory!

I looked back at all of the NTOS videos this season and the boot is in EVERY one except the NTOS at the end of Episode 1 did not show Jessica at all.

NTOS Ep2 Jessica Not Shown

NTOS Ep3 Jeremy (MANY photos!)

NTOS Ep4 Bi Quit (not shown), Natalia

NTOS Ep5 Natalie

NTOS Ep6 Lyrsa

NTOS Ep7 Elizabeth

NTOS Ep8 John

"Dan has an idol, could Davie/Nick/Carl play their collective advantages to take him out along with Kara this week?"

Along with Kara? As in using Kara's vote?

They don't really need Kara's vote. Play Carl's Idol Nullifier on Dan. Steal A Goliath Vote (e.g. Dan's) and then the David's have a 6-5 advantage and can vote out Dan and there is no way he can escape unless he wins another Individual Immunity. In that case they just switch who they play the Idol Nullifier on another Goliath. I would guess Angelina but since she is not in NTOS then I guess on Kara or Alison.

"Three viable boot suspects: Dan, Kara, Alison."


"OFG Theory"
Posted by Flowerpower1 on 11-16-18 at 05:15 PM
Sheldor: OFG was a long standing reputable poster here that came up with the theory that often the boot for the episode is pictured in the PREVIEW, or as you like to call it, the "Next time on Survivor" promo, often in a more insignificant way, as Lyrsa and Elizabeth are seen in your examples.

Yes, Jessica was a completely hidden boot and an exception for the rule this season. But, this theory has withstood the test of time over most of the seasons. It's just another tool that we can use to try and figure it out.

Hope this helps.

"RE: OFG Theory"
Posted by Agent99 on 11-19-18 at 12:07 PM
Normally I'm just saying thanks to Flopo, Michael, Bebo, Sheldor, etc. for all of their insightful posts. Since I've been lurking since Survivor Sucks Tapewatcher days I can say that I can finally contribute! First time ever! Here it is, its not big, but I know that OFG was OutFrontGirl.

Thank you guys for all your hard work in pulling up the videos, transcribing the show, and analyzing the character edits. All of it adds to enhancing my enjoyment of Survivor.

"Hi Agent!"
Posted by Flowerpower1 on 11-21-18 at 10:11 AM
Thanks for the contribution and please, don't hesitate to ever jump in! The more to chew the fat, so to speak, the more fun it is!

I agree, this site is phun for us Survivor nerds

Thanks, FloPo

"Breadth-First Search (Preview)"
Posted by Sheldor on 11-18-18 at 01:15 PM

Survivor - Breadth-First Search (Preview)

Published on Nov 16, 2018

A quarrel between two castaways could mean the end of a showmance. Also, castaways who win rewards earn a much-needed trip to the burger bar, on Survivor, Wednesday at 8/7c. Only CBS

"RE: Breadth-First Search (Preview)"
Posted by Flowerpower1 on 11-18-18 at 03:44 PM

V/O: WEDNESDAY...Before Thanksgiving

Jiffy at a challenge: Prepare yourselves...

See Angelina at camp...
V/O: Survivor is cooking up some juicy drama....

Kara and Dan at night: Kara to Dan:This is Survivor....you just don't sit on the beach alone!

Kara in confessional: Dan is coming loose at the seams...

V/O: ...as the Castaways stir things up...

Kara to Alison and Alec while sitting together on the beach: I want us three to make the move.

Alec replies to Kara: It won't be a cake walk...

See the 5 Davids sitting on the beach. Nick tells them: We have a secret advantage...

Gabby lying in the shelter says: That's a game changing move....

"RE: Breadth-First Search (Preview)"
Posted by Flowerpower1 on 11-18-18 at 06:42 PM
I think when Gabby says, "that's a game changing move", I think it is at the same time she's speaking with Alison in the shelter. I think the first image could be flipped. See she's on the same pillow...

"RE: Breadth-First Search (Preview)"
Posted by Sheldor on 11-18-18 at 06:56 PM
Good catch FlowerPower!

And you're welcome. Love the moving text!

Sunday 6pm Eastern and still *NO* Press Images!

"RE: Breadth-First Search (Preview)"
Posted by Flowerpower1 on 11-19-18 at 08:58 AM
LAST EDITED ON 11-19-18 AT 09:48 AM (EST)

I have to wonder if Gabby laying in the shelter with Alison, when she says, "That's a game changing move".....I have to wonder if Alison is telling her, her plan to blindside Dan?

Let's try and figure this out with a time line:

~Dan is reeling after the boot of John, he goes off alone to sulk, Kara calls him out, and later notes in confessional that she has to separate from Dan. (We've heard her say this before)
~Kara goes to Alec and Alison and wants them, us three to come up with a move. So, clearly Kara is still out for the Goliaths.
~Then, we see Kara, Alison speaking with Gabby and Nick (laying down), and one of Alison or Kara says, Dan is going home
~So, Kara and Alison really want to get Dan out, OR, they are USING him as bait because Kara has told Alec and Alison that Dan has another idol. I think Kara may want to separate from Dan, and she's doing that by acting and plotting with Alec and Alison. But, I do not believe that she would want to target Dan in earnest. So, this plan and speak of getting Dan out is a ruse. Their plan is most likely to get the Davids on board to vote Dan out, and then have Dan play his idol.

~We also know that Gabby is in the shelter with Alison and Alison is most likely telling her thoughts on blindsiding Dan, and we hear Gabby say, That's a game changing move...

So, if we can assume that it's Kara's idea to get the Davids to vote Dan and have him play his idol, then she confides to Alison and Alec that Dan has another idol. The question becomes WILL ALEC TELL NICK, again? We've heard Alec say staying with the Goliaths is not best for his game.

We know that the Davids are seen plotting and they are all going to be in together with the advantages they have.

So, more than likely, Dan will not go home. He's a target, but I feel like it's destined to fail. So, if it's not Dan who will it be?

If Alec spills the beans, he could point to Kara? Gabby may want it to be Alison? Mike could be a target from last week? Angelina is also a good choice?

"RE: Breadth-First Search (Preview)"
Posted by anthonyd46 on 11-19-18 at 05:04 PM
LAST EDITED ON 11-19-18 AT 05:21 PM (EST)

LAST EDITED ON 11-19-18 AT 05:07 PM (EST)

LAST EDITED ON 11-19-18 AT 05:05 PM (EST)

While that is some good thought out spec don't forget we have had 3-4 scenes of Alison and Alec saying how they don't like the Goliath mentality anymore and they need to break off eventually etc etc. Plus we have a pretty important bonding scene of Gabby and Alison, plus the secret scene of Alison saying Gabby is in her plans still so I am not sure if Alison is going to get on the board the tricking Gabby train.

Kara is also in the shelter with Gabby and Alison you can see her blue jacket.

Could it be Alison and Alec are actually the ones playing Kara?

"RE: Breadth-First Search (Preview)"
Posted by Flowerpower1 on 11-19-18 at 06:45 PM
Yes, I agree Anthony, that Alec and Alison want to play with the Davids, but last weeks vote was a tough one. I recall Christian noting that the vote that night would be a pivotal one and would prove if they could be trusted, and we all know that they failed that test.

I think Gabby is receptive, but it will be interesting to see what the plan is, who goes along with it, and who, if anyone, will spoil it, as Alec did last week.

RE: Kara. She is not shown in any of the promos in the shelter when Gabby and Alison are lying down talking, but she could be there. But, her jacket being shown does not give us proof that she was there as well...time will tell!

"RE: Breadth-First Search (Preview)"
Posted by anthonyd46 on 11-19-18 at 11:03 PM
Did they really fail the test though when Alec told Nick what the plan was?

"RE: Breadth-First Search (Preview)"
Posted by Flowerpower1 on 11-21-18 at 10:20 AM
Well, regarding failing the pivotal test. Alec told Nick, but Alec did not know that Davie had an idol and would play it. I suppose that fact that when push came to shove, Alec voted with the Goliaths. So, if the David's had an idol, but were not willing to play it, Christian would have been toast. So, I suppose, if I was Christian, I would NOT be trusting Alec at his word.

I guess it's subjective?

"RE: Breadth-First Search (Preview)"
Posted by Sheldor on 11-21-18 at 06:12 PM
This theory is pretty far out there but could Alec have passed the Pivotal Test by telling Nick that the Goliaths are all voting for Christian?

And could Alec have been a part of the David's split vote plan and told the Davids that he would vote for Christian so that the Goliaths won't suspect he is working with the Davids?

I suppose Alison could also have been part of the plan too along with Alec and cast votes for Christian they knew would not count and would not out them as traitors.

"Reward Challenge..."
Posted by Flowerpower1 on 11-19-18 at 06:59 PM
LAST EDITED ON 11-19-18 AT 07:03 PM (EST)

Here are a few pics from the reward challenge that were posted on the Survivor CBS FB page...

Looks like the last portion of the RC is the combination puzzle....hmmmm! I think that Christian may have this?

"RE: Reward Challenge..."
Posted by Sheldor on 11-19-18 at 08:31 PM
Thanks FlowerPower! I'll have to look there for Full Size Press Images. I'll link these images to the Press Image Screen Grabs that were posted today.

"Looks like the last portion of the RC is the combination puzzle....hmmmm! I think that Christian may have this?"

No, that is just pairs of numbers you have to arrange to "unlock" the Snake Puzzle pieces. There are only 6 ways to arrange 3 pairs of numbers so it should only take at most 6 tries to open the lock.

See Sneak Peek below.

"Sneak Peek - Reward Challenge"
Posted by Sheldor on 11-19-18 at 08:29 PM

Survivor - Breadth-First Search (Sneak Peek)

Published on Nov 19, 2018

A quarrel between two castaways could mean the end of a showmance. Also, castaways who win rewards earn a much-needed trip to the burger bar, on Survivor, Wednesday at 8/7c. Only CBS

"S37-W07-E09 Press Images"
Posted by Sheldor on 11-20-18 at 00:04 AM
The Press Images this week are *ALL* Screen Grabs.

Posting the images in Screen Grab Taken Date/Time Order...

Reward Challenge

S37_Ep9_SG_035.jpg Screen Grab Taken At 11/16/18 04:09 PM PDT

S37_Ep9_SG_036.jpg Screen Grab Taken At 11/16/18 04:09 PM PDT

S37_Ep9_SG_037.jpg Screen Grab Taken At 11/16/18 04:09 PM PDT

S37_Ep9_SG_038.jpg Screen Grab Taken At 11/16/18 04:09 PM PDT

Purple Team: Christian, Angelina, Gabby, Alison, Nick

S37_Ep9_SG_039.jpg Screen Grab Taken At 11/16/18 04:09 PM PDT

Orange Team: Mike, Davie, Dan, Alec, Kara

Sitting Out = Carl (also was left out of Swap and sent to Exile)

S37_Ep9_SG_040.jpg Screen Grab Taken At 11/16/18 04:09 PM PDT

S37_Ep9_SG_041.jpg Screen Grab Taken At 11/16/18 04:09 PM PDT
Click for Full Size Image from CBS FB

S37_Ep9_SG_042.jpg Screen Grab Taken At 11/16/18 04:09 PM PDT

S37_Ep9_SG_043.jpg Screen Grab Taken At 11/16/18 04:09 PM PDT
Click for Full Size Image from CBS FB

S37_Ep9_SG_044.jpg Screen Grab Taken At 11/16/18 04:09 PM PDT

S37_Ep9_SG_045.jpg Screen Grab Taken At 11/16/18 04:09 PM PDT
Click for Full Size Image from CBS FB

S37_Ep9_SG_046.jpg Screen Grab Taken At 11/16/18 04:09 PM PDT
Click for Full Size Image from CBS FB

S37_Ep9_SG_047.jpg Screen Grab Taken At 11/16/18 04:09 PM PDT
Click for Full Size Image from CBS FB

AFTER Reward Challenge

S37_Ep9_SG_026.jpg Screen Grab Taken At 11/16/18 04:11 PM PDT

S37_Ep9_SG_027.jpg Screen Grab Taken At 11/16/18 04:11 PM PDT

S37_Ep9_SG_028.jpg Screen Grab Taken At 11/16/18 04:11 PM PDT

S37_Ep9_SG_029.jpg Screen Grab Taken At 11/16/18 04:11 PM PDT

S37_Ep9_SG_030.jpg Screen Grab Taken At 11/16/18 04:11 PM PDT

S37_Ep9_SG_031.jpg Screen Grab Taken At 11/16/18 04:11 PM PDT

S37_Ep9_SG_032.jpg Screen Grab Taken At 11/16/18 04:11 PM PDT

S37_Ep9_SG_033.jpg Screen Grab Taken At 11/16/18 04:11 PM PDT

S37_Ep9_SG_034.jpg Screen Grab Taken At 11/16/18 04:12 PM PDT

Immunity Challenge

S37_Ep9_SG_013.jpg Screen Grab Taken At 11/16/18 04:14 PM PDT

S37_Ep9_SG_014.jpg Screen Grab Taken At 11/16/18 04:14 PM PDT

S37_Ep9_SG_015.jpg Screen Grab Taken At 11/16/18 04:14 PM PDT

S37_Ep9_SG_016.jpg Screen Grab Taken At 11/16/18 04:14 PM PDT

S37_Ep9_SG_017.jpg Screen Grab Taken At 11/16/18 04:14 PM PDT

S37_Ep9_SG_018.jpg Screen Grab Taken At 11/16/18 04:14 PM PDT

S37_Ep9_SG_019.jpg Screen Grab Taken At 11/16/18 04:14 PM PDT

S37_Ep9_SG_020.jpg Screen Grab Taken At 11/16/18 04:14 PM PDT

S37_Ep9_SG_021.jpg Screen Grab Taken At 11/16/18 04:15 PM PDT

S37_Ep9_SG_022.jpg Screen Grab Taken At 11/16/18 04:15 PM PDT

S37_Ep9_SG_023.jpg Screen Grab Taken At 11/16/18 04:15 PM PDT

S37_Ep9_SG_024.jpg Screen Grab Taken At 11/16/18 04:15 PM PDT

S37_Ep9_SG_025.jpg Screen Grab Taken At 11/16/18 04:15 PM PDT

AFTER Immunity Challenge

S37_Ep9_SG_001.jpg Screen Grab Taken At 11/16/18 04:20 PM PDT

S37_Ep9_SG_002.jpg Screen Grab Taken At 11/16/18 04:20 PM PDT

S37_Ep9_SG_003.jpg Screen Grab Taken At 11/16/18 04:20 PM PDT

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S37_Ep9_SG_012.jpg Screen Grab Taken At 11/16/18 04:21 PM PDT

"RE: S37-W07-E09 Press Images"
Posted by michel2 on 11-20-18 at 00:29 AM
Sheldor , you noted that Carl is sitting out the RC. I want to point out that Carl has been dropping out fairly early in most of not all the challenges we've had up top now. I wasn't impressed at all by his showing in the one where they had to hold sandbags over his head. Maybe there's something physically wrong with him at this point and that's why he isn't being picked.

"RE: S37-W07-E09 Press Images"
Posted by Sheldor on 11-20-18 at 01:56 PM
Michel, yeah I noticed that about Carl too.

However, Jeff says for this Reward Challenge the teams will be chosen by *random* draw. So I found it ironic that for the second time a *random* draw has left out Carl!

"RE: S37-W07-E09 Press Images"
Posted by michel2 on 11-20-18 at 07:49 PM
Very little is done randomly on Survivor

"RE: S37-W07-E09 Press Images"
Posted by Sheldor on 11-21-18 at 03:44 PM
Well they often draw rocks or bandannas out of bag for Reward Teams which should be random but could be controlled with different bags for men/women, etc.

"Trying to figure this out"
Posted by Flowerpower1 on 11-21-18 at 10:37 AM
I am trying to put myself in the shoes of the Davids. After the IC we see them sitting together on the beach and Nick is telling them all about their advantage. We know that three of them know that they have the idol nullifier, and the steal a vote.

Right now the numbers are 5Davids to 6 Goliaths. So, whatever the Goliaths are cooking up, the Davids would be smart not to buy what they are selling. They proved last episode that they cannot be trusted and we hear Nick exclaim, "The Goliaths are lying to me, AGAIN!"

So, if they use the steal a vote, they not only take away one of the G's votes, but they can USE it to vote. So, it effectively will change the numbers from Goliaths up 6 to 5, to the Davids up 6 to 5.

So, they just have to figure out who of the Goliaths is least likely to have an idol. I highly doubt that they put their votes on Dan, as he's found an idol, and like Davie, he knows what to look for. That leaves Kara, Mike, Angelina, Alison, Alec.

For me I know that Nick has a connection with Mike & Nick. Gabby has a connection with Alison. I have narrowed it down to Angelina or Kara. At this point it's really a guess as to which one?

No doubt that Kara is having a spike, and that make me think it could be her boot episode. But Angelina is falling off the radar, could be hers too?

"RE: Trying to figure this out"
Posted by Sheldor on 11-21-18 at 03:57 PM
My thought exactly!

Correction: "For me I know that Nick has a connection with Mike & Nick."

Of course you meant to type "Alec" not "Nick"

"I have narrowed it down to Angelina or Kara. At this point it's really a guess as to which one?"

Well NTOS does not contain Angelina at all but it has lots of Kara.

Solo Kara
Solo Dan
Group Kara & Dan
Solo Kara
Solo Kara
Solo Alison
Group Gabby & Alison
Solo Gabby
Solo Gabby
Group Alison, Kara, Gabby
Solo Dan
Group Alison, Kara, Gabby
Solo Nick

There are also a lot of Gabby and Alison.

6 (3 Solo 3 Group) Kara
5 (2 Solo 3 Group) Gabby
4 (1 Solo 3 Group) Alison
3 (2 Solo 1 Group) Dan
1 (1 Solo 0 Group) Nick

I haven't analyzed the Press Images Screen Grabs yet...

"RE: Trying to figure this out"
Posted by Sheldor on 11-21-18 at 06:09 PM
"No doubt that Kara is having a spike, and that make me think it could be her boot episode. But Angelina is falling off the radar, could be hers too?"

While Kara is ALL over NTOS, Preview, and Press Images Kara had *NO* Confessionals last episode. So far no one has been voted out who had no confessionals in the previous episode.

On the other hand Angelina does NOT appear in NTOS.

So if it is Kara or Angelina then one of our "tools" is going to be wrong.

"Press Images Analysis"
Posted by Sheldor on 11-21-18 at 04:14 PM
Camp Photos

After Reward Challenge

Solo Gabby
Solo Angelina
Solo Alison
Solo Mike
Group Dan, Kara, Mike, Alec
Solo Mike
Group Kara, Alison(1/2)
Solo Dan
Solo Christian

After Immunity Challenge

Solo Dan (focussed on within a group)
Solo Kara (focussed on within a group)
Solo Alec
Solo Alison
Solo Nick
Group Kara, Alec, Angelina, Alison, Dan
Solo Nick
Solo Carl
Group Carl, Nick
Solo Davie
Group Alison, Kara, Alec
Solo Christian

5.0 (1 Solo, 4.0 Group) Kara

4.5 (2 Solo, 2.5 Group) Alison
4.0 (2 Solo, 2.0 Group) Dan
4.0 (1 Solo, 3.0 Group) Alec

3.0 (2 Solo, 1.0 Group) Mike
3.0 (2 Solo, 1.0 Group) Nick

2.0 (2 Solo, 0.0 Group) Christian
2.0 (1 Solo, 1.0 Group) Angelina
2.0 (1 Solo, 1.0 Group) Carl

1.0 (1 Solo, 0.0 Group) Gabby
1.0 (1 Solo, 0.0 Group) Davie