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"S31 | Ep 12 | Vidcap Discussion *no sources*"

Posted by tribephyl on 11-26-15 at 02:31 AM
Look here for the caps and then talk about 'em.

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"PostShow Promo"
Posted by tribephyl on 11-26-15 at 01:32 PM
Transcript and Vidcaps courtesy of

Probst: Next time on Survivor...

Probst (@RC): Today we brought your love to you.

Probst: Family brings everyone's spirits up.

Keith: I'm ready.

Probst: Until it all comes crashing down.


"RE: PostShow Promo"
Posted by tribephyl on 11-26-15 at 01:35 PM
Family Visit for Reward.
The balancing idol on a long pole is for Immunity.

The orange idol that falls off it's pole is Tasha's.
The medic is visiting someone sitting in the Teal area...a.k.a. Joe's area.

The tease admits it's not an evacuation but a medical visit and it's because the body just starts shutting down, not because of an injury.

"RE: PostShow Promo"
Posted by Flowerpower1 on 11-26-15 at 05:40 PM
I think the idol that falls is Kimmi's....you can see her start to wobble in the following shots, and Kimmi's is right next to Joe's.

Starting to lean forward, so she over compensates....

Here is Kimmi with the pole that holds the falling idol...

So, Tribe, do you think that the falling idol does not hit him in the head? You think it's just he collapses during the challenge due to being run down? The promo really makes it appear as though he's been struck, but I sure hope not. This challenge doesn't seem too wise to me...

I can't help but remember when Joe stated in his intro, I think that he at least wanted to make it so his Dad could come for the family visit. So, will Joe's dad come, then he will be the next to go?

If Joe is out on the ground by a knock to the head, or by collapsing, he's NOT winning this challenge....fyi.

"RE: PostShow Promo"
Posted by tribephyl on 11-27-15 at 01:16 AM
Kimmi's pole is red. Tasha's is Orange. It is Tahsa's idol we see fall.
Yes, the promo does lead one to believe someone gets knocked in the head...but JP says "we do have a medical situation and it comes as a result of effort. Pushing a body so hard that it just stops."... so regardless of what the promo is alluding to, Joe is not hit in the head by a falling idol.
What we can tell is, that because of the fall, Tasha does not win. Nor does Kimmi as she appears to already be sitting when the med-team arrives. I would propose that neither Abi nor Kelley win as well. Thusly, If Joe is out, then that leaves Jeremy, Spencer or Keith as the winner.

"RE: PostShow Promo"
Posted by Flowerpower1 on 11-27-15 at 10:14 AM
You are right, Tribe....I think!

When you look at the colors of their corrals, you can see them more clearly...

In the above picture, looking at the colors of the corrals, starting from the foreground moving to the far end, you can see:

Kimmi's: RED
Jeremy's: Light green
Abi: Blue
Spencer: Light purple
Tasha: Orange

We know that:

Joe: Teal (light blue)
Kelley + Keith: Yellow/Dark purple

I do think that these pics...

as you agree, tell us Kimmi is out. *Also note that the dark purple pole is also not doing to well as their pole is slanted....is the purple one Kelley's?


Most likely, Kelley is out too, as you suspect...

But, when Joe collapses, the girls are all together....NOT by the benches where they sit when they drop out....

Note the benches in the right top of the frame in this picture:

So, this makes me wonder if Kelley, Tasha, Abi are still in the challenge when Joe collapses as they are not at the benches?

I tend to agree with your thinking, though. Most likely it will come down to Spencer and Keith....perhaps Jeremy. Jeremy is going to have to start working for challenges, now that his BFF is out of the game.

Great thoughts, Tribe!

"RE: PostShow Promo"
Posted by Sheldor on 11-27-15 at 06:35 PM
My 2 cents...

In this photo

Kimmi's RED pole is laying down (you can see the disc that holds up the idol) so she is already OUT.

Jeremy, Abi, Spencer, and Tasha all appear to have one more pole section left laying horizontally.

This shot of an Orange Idol falling

is taken from a very different angle as the Blue Banner/Flag is to the right of the idol maybe taken from near the benches for those that are out. I don't ever trust close ups and I have a hunch this is from Dream Team practice or staged video after the challenge.

Not sure why Kelley, Abi, and Jeff(? Male arm in bottom right) are helping Tasha away who seems VERY upset. Maybe she just doesn't handle trauma well.

Note: Abi's Blue pole laying down in this screen cap so maybe she is already out or maybe she laid it down when Jeff put the challenge on pause for the medical condition.

Seems like this hand is either Joe (in his Teal corral) or maybe Keith if he fell into the Teal corral.
Jeff in EW interview says: "And I won’t say if we have an evacuation but we do have a medical situation and it comes as a result of effort. Pushing a body so hard that it just stops."

So I don't think anyone gets hid in the head with an idol but rather collapses from dehydration, exhaustion, etc. Seems like Joe has been on just about every Reward Challenge and would be pretty strong and Keith has been looking pretty frail but the angle of Jeff and the Medical person in the Teal corral sure looks like it might be Joe.

"RE: PostShow Promo"
Posted by coldbrewer on 11-27-15 at 08:51 PM
If you compared Joe's pic (#3) in Tribe's second post against the hand, I would think it's him. Besides, the hand looks well, "young".

Spencer's hand looks very thin on the other hand. If it were Keith, the hand would be a bit "worn".

thanks Agman!

"RE: PostShow Promo"
Posted by Flowerpower1 on 11-28-15 at 11:47 AM
Sheldor makes a good observation! In this shot, when Kimmi's pole is down, she's already out, we can see that there are multiple poles at each station, so most likely they start with a shorter pole, and advance to longer poles...

So the line up goes, imo,

Yellow: Kieth
Purple: Kelley
Teal: Joe
Red: Kimmi
Light green: Jeremy
Blue: Abi
Light purple: Spencer
Orange: Tasha

IN this picture you can see that Kimmi, red, and PURPLE, are doing poorly, their poles are leaning forward....

Then we see Kimmi sitting on the quit bench...then we see Kelley sitting most likely on the quit bench as well.

It has to be Joe that collapses because if you look closely at the corrals you see that they have been built with poles that go from the 2 top corners down to the bottom corners on each side, making an "X" on 3 sides. Note the side structure in these pics:

Jiffy is on the outside of the corral looking in, you see the one pole on the side....

Then, here is medical, they are IN the corner of the teal corral, and you can see the sides of the structures better....

You can also see that his back is facing the purple corral. Then finally, here is the hand, lying in the teal corral....you can see the medic's shoe in the corner of the corral...

This must be Joe, imo. I don't see with the sides of the corrals that someone would collapse into the adjacent corral.

I think production severely underestimated the dire situation that the players were in with the 6 days of pouring rain and cold. Shivering is the last ditch effort of the body to maintain core body temperature and it would deplete energy, sugar stores, faster than anything, (300%). I also think that Stephen's GI distress was indeed a sign that his body was shutting down, I wouldn't be surprised if he had bloody stools. Often the GI is the first to shut down, and I wouldn't have been surprised to have seen him as a medivac if he had not been voted out. Joe, with the most muscle mass, is more susceptible to collapse, fatigue, dehydration, exhaustion. Poor guy!

"RE: PostShow Promo"
Posted by Sheldor on 11-28-15 at 10:37 PM
Yeah, I agree this photo appears to be Joe's hand

Compare Joe's closed hand and fingernails from Ep10 Immunity Challenge

Keith's closed hand from Ep10 Immunity Challenge

Keith's open hand from extra video confessional

I don't see the callous/sore on Keith's hand like in the photo above.

"RE: PostShow Promo"
Posted by Flowerpower1 on 11-29-15 at 01:18 PM
I agree with you, Sheldor. Here is a picture of Joe's hand that I found also for comparison....

There are two distinguishing factors of his hand, at least that stand out for me. First of all he has a more elliptical shaped nail bed on his middle finger. More narrow at the base, and I have pointed it out in both pictures with the blue arrow. Second, he has a more angled tip to his little finger, a sharper angle where the tip of his pinky is angled more toward the other fingers, I have also pointed that out in both shots.

You can see the elliptical shaped nail bed on Joe's middle finger in your shots as well. When Keith holds his hand out, you can no longer see the angled pinky. It also looks like Keith's third finger nail has a distinguishing cut, not seen on the hand with the pulse oximeter on it.

Whatever, I also am tending to think that Kelley is next to Joe on the purple, as well. I bet Keith is in the yellow corral. Regardless, I am convinced that Joe would be the one to go down in his own corral, and that is where Jiffy and medical are, in the teal corral, or looking in the teal corral.

So, for me, if Joe doesn't win immunity, what will that mean for him? Most likely, he'll be toast. Spencer drove the get out Stephen vote because he felt he was lied to, he saw that Stephen was far closer to Jeremy, Tasha, and they to him, so he needed to jump ship and do something about it, and he considered Stephen too dangerous with the advantage. Now that Stephen is out, I do think he will want to target Joey Amazing when the opportunity arises.

Kelley will also, I think she and Spencer worked well together last episode and Kelley will want to vote for anyone that is not her.

I think Joe is in big trouble. I also come back to the confessional he had about just wanting to play with his family member....All ominous signs for Joe.

If Joe doesn't win immunity, who is likely to? Spencer? Keith?

We see Tasha's orange ball fall off the platform, so is she out before Keith and Spencer?

"RE: PostShow Promo"
Posted by CTgirl on 11-29-15 at 02:11 PM
I think Jeremy could win immunity - he should have good upper body strength.

Also he had a comment early on about being frustrated about not winning (maybe after the Heroes challenge?) that made me think that he would win immunity down the road when it was important.

I agree it could be curtains for Joe between his collapse, the family visit goal, the target on his back and the steadily increasing confessional count (which is similar to Stephen's trajectory). Its the end of Act II!

"RE: PostShow Promo"
Posted by Flowerpower1 on 11-29-15 at 04:36 PM
I think Jeremy could win immunity - he should have good upper body strength.
Also he had a comment early on about being frustrated about not winning (maybe after the Heroes challenge?) that made me think that he would win immunity down the road when it was important.

I agree it could be curtains for Joe between his collapse, the family visit goal, the target on his back and the steadily increasing confessional count (which is similar to Stephen's trajectory). Its the end of Act II!

I always love your 2 cents, CTGirl!

I am with you in that I think Jeremy is going to start winning some IC's at some point. I just think it still may be a bit too early with Joe, Spencer, and Keith still in the game, and we know he still has his HI. I think Jeremy has a disadvantage holding the longer pole at the very base of the pole with his hands at the very bottom and close together? I think that a wider base of contact with your hands would make it more stable?

I think these may be shots with the longer pole. Note how Jeremy has his hands, and then how Spencer and Abi have theirs...

But, later, after Kimmi is OUT, you can see Kimmi's pole laying on it's side in the next picture, they ALL have their hands at the bottom of the pole.....makes me wonder if Jiffy made them move their hands down?

Actually, when I look at that last picture, it does appear that Spencer is straining a bit, and Jeremy looks more relaxed and stable. I wish we could see Keith in the frame...

"RE: PostShow Promo"
Posted by CTgirl on 11-29-15 at 07:10 PM
Jeremy and Keith - both firemen - I would think hauling hoses etc would help them in this challenge! Tasha Fierce looks good too! Agree Spencer is straining and could struggle sooner.

"RE: PostShow Promo"
Posted by tribephyl on 12-01-15 at 04:29 AM
I think that the hand placement is due to the upcoming stage...
Spencer and Abi (at least seen) are in the midst of changing position (adding the length) to hold on to the lowest color band. (Still one length to come, as seen on their tables)

(Which is probably why both Kimmi and Kelley are having some balancing trouble.)
And in this shot...

Kimmi is already out, obviously, but all remaining contestants still have one MORE length to add.
Jeremy, Abi, Spencer and Tasha still in it.

At the final length, I believe, the following images...

Shows that ALL of the ladies are now out,
(Blue and Lime-Green, specially.)

I'm thinking it's either Spencer or Keith for the IC win.

"Web Promo"
Posted by tribephyl on 11-29-15 at 02:24 PM
Transcript and Vidcaps courtesy of SurvivorFever.net

VO: Survivor, Wednesday...

Jeff Probst: Today we brought your love to you.

VO: ...a surprise visit brings everyone's spirits up.

Keith: I'm ready.

VO: Until it all comes crashing down.

Kelley: Oh my God.

Probst: Medical! Medical!

Girls: Is he okay?


"RE: Web Promo"
Posted by Flowerpower1 on 11-29-15 at 04:09 PM
LAST EDITED ON 11-29-15 AT 04:10 PM (EST)

LOVE THE LOVE, and I am so happy about this......

VAL IS HERE!!!!! <3

Looks like Abi's mom, Dale for Kelley, Joe's mom, Tasha's sister or mom, Spencer's girlfriend (wonder if he will tell her he loves her now???) We don't see who is for Keith, I would bet that they bring back Wesley, or would it be his wife, and we don't see who is for Kimmi? Mom or Dad? I don't think Kimmi's kids are old enough?

Do you think they will have a challenge that the family members compete in? Val is pregnant, so I really wonder? If they are spectators and the reward challenge is up to the players, I still think Joe would win. Do we suspect that he will let Jeremy or Keith win it? What are thoughts?

"RE: Web Promo"
Posted by michel2 on 11-29-15 at 05:27 PM
How far along is Val's pregnancy? Jeremy didn't want the others to know about it but there may be visual evidence. I guess the BvW players didn't have a choice but had to bring the ones we already knew.

"RE: Web Promo"
Posted by Flowerpower1 on 11-29-15 at 06:30 PM
Yes, Jeremy on the show had a confessional that he didn't want to tell anyone because he thought it would paint a target on his back. However, I think Kelly Wiglesworth mentioned it in her Ponderosa video, so apparently he told everyone...

I think she is showing, she's probably about 5 or so months...mid-pregnancy? I really am just guess-timating.

"RE: Web Promo"
Posted by CTgirl on 11-29-15 at 07:18 PM
According to TDT, the family visit is on June 29th. Val is due mid or late December. So she'd be 4 months pregnant. With Baby #3 she should be showing by then, but it depends how she carries so its possible she just looks heavy.

But how can Jeremy not talk about it when everyone is sharing secrets and he's with people 24-7!

"RE: Web Promo"
Posted by Sheldor on 11-30-15 at 12:07 PM
"the family visit is on June 29th. Val is due mid or late December. So she'd be 4 months pregnant."

If Val is due in mid or late December wouldn't she be 3.0-3.5 months pregnant?
(3=Jun, 4=Jul, 5=Aug, 6=Sep, 7=Oct, 8=Nov, 9=Dec)

"RE: Web Promo"
Posted by Flowerpower1 on 11-30-15 at 01:23 PM
So Val could be VERY pregnant at the Reunion show! Anyone know what date the reunion show, finale is? Will it be Sunday, Dec 13, or Wednesday, Dec 16?

"RE: Web Promo"
Posted by Sheldor on 12-01-15 at 06:54 AM
Finale and Reunion will be on Wed Dec 16, 2015

See: http://www.cbspressexpress.com/cbs-entertainment/schedule/?type=grid&date=in-2-weeks

"RE: Web Promo"
Posted by CTgirl on 12-01-15 at 09:51 PM
I think Jeremy said on twitter that Val's due date is Dec. 17th. A woman is pregnant for 40 weeks, a little more than 9 months, so that's why I rounded up to 4 months!

If I am remembering what he said correctly, yikes! I hope she goes early because Jeremy would be on egg shells. And LA isn't that close to Boston...

"RE: Web Promo"
Posted by Georganna on 11-30-15 at 01:24 PM
LAST EDITED ON 11-30-15 AT 01:34 PM (EST)

We all know about my eyes and sticks - and rocks - and houses - and things, so I'm really hesitant to say this, but ...

I don't think that this is Valesay.

Let the eye-rolling begin ...

"Val and Jeremy...B v W"
Posted by Flowerpower1 on 11-30-15 at 02:35 PM

After S31 was finished shooting....supporting Danny!

"RE: Val and Jeremy...B v W"
Posted by Georganna on 12-01-15 at 02:27 PM
Thank you, Flowerpower.

I won't even attempt to 'splain ...


Posted by tribephyl on 12-01-15 at 03:01 PM

Jungle Love Challenge
Jungle Love (Episode 12, "Tiny Little Shanks To The Heart")
​This particular Reward challenge had high stakes for the castaways because the winner would walk away with well-needed time with a loved one.

Players had to dig through the sand for a rope connected to multiple bags, which they needed to gather and take with them to the next part of the challenge. There, the castaways had to spin around a post approximately 30 times before gaining access to yet another bag they had to carry across a balance beam, before reaching the end, where they'd have to assemble lettered blocks and spell out a specific word.

Originally, there were tables holding the puzzle pieces but, this time, they were swapped for trays because they were less obstructive.

"Thanks Tribe!"
Posted by Flowerpower1 on 12-01-15 at 04:15 PM
This challenge has Joe written all over it, imo?

"S31 Ep12 Sneak Peek"
Posted by Sheldor on 12-01-15 at 08:58 PM

Survivor - Tiny Little Shanks To The Heart (Sneak Peek)

Published on Dec 1, 2015

Emotions run deep when loved ones visit the island, and a desperate reward challenge leaves castaways’ heads spinning. Also, exhaustion takes a serious toll on one castaway in the middle of an immunity battle, on Survivor, Wednesday, Dec. 2 at 8/7c. Only CBS


"S31 | Ep 12 | Press Images Thumbnails "
Posted by Sheldor on 12-01-15 at 11:45 PM
S31E12 CBS Press Express Survivor Press Image Thumbnail

Displaying S31E12 CBS Press Express Survivor Press Image Thumbnail images while we wait for Full Size images to be posted to SurvivorFever...








































"RE: S31 | Ep 12 | Press Images Thumbnails "
Posted by coldbrewer on 12-02-15 at 01:24 AM
Stephen smiling because Joe didn't win immunity? Jeremy won immunity?

"RE: S31 | Ep 12 | Press Images Thumbnails "
Posted by Flowerpower1 on 12-02-15 at 09:32 AM
How can we get some of these full size??? Please!

"RE: S31 | Ep 12 | Press Images Thumbnails "
Posted by Flowerpower1 on 12-02-15 at 09:36 AM
\Does it look like Joe may have won the RC and traded time with his dad for everyone else's loved one to come to their camp for a bar b que?

"RE: S31 | Ep 12 | Press Images Thumbnails "
Posted by Georganna on 12-02-15 at 10:03 AM
LAST EDITED ON 12-02-15 AT 01:11 PM (EST)

I think everyone got a bit of reward:

That the players pictured above (Joe, Keith, Abi, Kelley and Kimmi) and their loved ones were sent back to camp for an afternoon w/picnic and that the RC winner and two others (Jeremy, Spencer and Tasha) and their loved ones were rewarded with a more luxurious (and private) visit.


Does it look like Joe may have won the RC and traded time with his dad for everyone else's loved one to come to their camp for a bar b que?

Of course, FP, you may be very right. As it's been pointed out at MESS, the reward site that we see may be on the beach and not in camp. So, Jeremy, Tasha and Spencer may have been sent home to that camp without their loved ones. Or those three players and their loved ones may just be out of frame.

But, I just don't think that the producers would pass on the opportunity to film (in particular) the interactions of Keith and his wife, Joe and his father, Abi-Marie and her mother, Jeremy and his (pregnant) wife - remember, Jeremy didn't know the gender of his baby when he left for filming, so there's that - and Spencer and his girlfriend - to love or not to love.

So, in this instance, I think that it is more probable that they covered all of their bases (leaving nothing to chance) - than not.

"RE: S31 | Ep 12 | Press Images Thumbnails "
Posted by Flowerpower1 on 12-02-15 at 02:44 PM
I just wanted the pics bigger to make some observations....too little to tell really.

I guess I can see Joe's dad with him walking there, so that discounts my original idea....I dunno, I can't really see the details, ugh!

"RE: S31 | Ep 12 | Press Images Thumbnails "
Posted by SquidProQuo on 12-02-15 at 03:19 PM
Hi FloPo, Redmond has larger-size press photos posted at Inside Survivor. Here's the link: http://insidesurvivor.com/2015/12/survivor-second-chance-episode-12-press-photos/ …

I've only had a chance to take a quick look at these, but it sure looks like Joe is at the center of things. Also, People posted a sneak peek clip of Val telling Jeremy the sex of the baby when she's first introduced, before the reward. So that has me a bit worried that they won't get a longer visit.

On the other hand, would CBS spoil the whole story about the reward? They have to know that everyone is dying to see Val and Jeremy, not to mention Spence telling his adorable gf he loves her. So I'm leaning with Georgianna that perhaps the other 3 do get some time with their loved ones.

Either way, it's very interesting that Jeremy, Tash and Spence end up together. Harsh if Joe doesn't pick Spencer for reward after he saved him last week! Could definitely see Tash or Jeremy picking Spence for reward to help re-cement things if either of them wins RC.

P.S. Bummed no Wes, ha! Comic opportunity lost.

"RE: S31 | Ep 12 | Press Images Thumbnails "
Posted by SquidProQuo on 12-02-15 at 03:25 PM
Just noticed in the photo where Kelley is jumping up and everyone is all excited with the news that their loved ones are there, it appears that Spence is whispering something to Jeremy. Perhaps the two of them make a pact to take each other if they win reward? Stephen admitted on one of his podcasts that he had a deal with Tash last week to take either other on reward….so that explains why her chose her first….although I still think he was dumb not to pick Jeremy first and then take Spencer as the second-place finisher.

"RE: S31 | Ep 12 | Press Images Thumbnails "
Posted by CTgirl on 12-02-15 at 04:08 PM
Squid! Welcome back!!

"RE: S31 | Ep 12 | Press Images Thumbnails "
Posted by SquidProQuo on 12-02-15 at 07:02 PM
Thanks, CTgirl. I've missed spoiling with all of you. It's turning out to be a great season.

"From MESS ... "
Posted by Georganna on 12-02-15 at 04:12 PM

osokijepoii has posted these images - comparing hands/fingers - that support the theory that it is Keith, rather than Joe, who collapses during the IC ...

And, Kona has posted larger versions of the Press Images - in Sheldor order - for the Reward Challenge and for the Immunity Challenge

And the image below appears before the IC begins ...

And it would seem that the players are - not pleasantly - surprised by whatever JP is announcing. So, I wonder if it's possible that Redmond is wrong and that there is a double boot remaining ... in tonight's Episode?

"RE: From MESS ... "
Posted by Flowerpower1 on 12-02-15 at 05:12 PM
Thanks so much Squid! Great to see you back in the mix!

G: Here are the corrals, look at the size of them and you can also see that there is space between each individual corral...

Here is medical with JOE IN Joe's corral.....

There is the teal color of Joe's corral, there is the red corral seen in the background, that is Joe's shoulder....man down is in the teal corral.

How would Keith fall down in Joe's corral? Joe collapses in his own corral and that is where Jiffy and Medical go to assess and monitor him. It's NOT Keith. Keith's corral is yellow.

....Only way it's Keith is if they are using the buff-o-matic color changer on that corral. As Keith would say, hahahahahhahahha!

"RE: From MESS ... "
Posted by Georganna on 12-02-15 at 05:48 PM
I take it that you're in the It's Joe! camp ...

"And, Yes!"
Posted by Georganna on 12-02-15 at 04:27 PM
Welcome back, Squid ...

"RE: And, Yes!"
Posted by SquidProQuo on 12-02-15 at 07:03 PM
Thank you! Hope I can participate more because I'm really enjoying this season.

"RE: S31 | Ep 12 | Press Images Thumbnails "
Posted by Sheldor on 12-02-15 at 06:25 PM
Here are the Full Size Images from InsideSurvivor.com sorted in Screen Grab Time Order








































"RE: S31 | Ep 12 | Press Images Thumbnails "
Posted by SquidProQuo on 12-02-15 at 07:00 PM
Sheldor, thanks so much for bringing these over.

Wow, Tasha seems to be all over the press photos. Very interesting that she's the only one who's spotlighted (twice) in individual photos from the immunity challenge, then the cut to Stephen smiling. I had been figuring that Jeremy, Keith or Spencer would win this one because of the arm strength and balance required. (Assuming Joe gets hurt.) Can't recall if a woman has ever won it in the past, but Tasha sure seems solid. And perhaps she feels she'd be on the chopping block and pulls out a win?

Or is it a bad sign that Tasha is all over these press photos? Could be random but that shot of her brooding in the background while Keith and Spencer are cooking up a fire also caught my eye. Hoping she doesn't get voted out yet, so going to go with she must do something significant this week and wins either the RC or IC.

"RE: S31 | Ep 12 | Press Images Thumbnails "
Posted by Outsider32 on 12-02-15 at 08:51 PM
The promo pic of the falling pole appears to be Tasha's.

"RE: S31 | Ep 12 | Press Images Thumbnails "
Posted by PepeLePew13 on 12-02-15 at 11:31 PM
Welcome back, Squid! It's been ~ages~ since we've seen you here.

"RE: S31 | Ep 12 | Press Images Thumbnails "
Posted by SquidProQuo on 12-04-15 at 04:01 PM
Hi Pepe, thanks for the warm welcome! It's definitely been way too long, but this season has pulled me back into watching the show. For the first time in a while, I feel like I'd be satisfied with any of the finalists.

"People.com Sneak Peak"
Posted by Sheldor on 12-02-15 at 06:13 PM
Survivor Sneak Peek: A Contestant Gets Some Happy News from His Pregnant Wife


By Steve Helling @stevehelling 12/02/2015 AT 10:35 AM EST

We'll admit it: we're suckers for the the Survivor family visit.

Contestants are often reduced to tears when they see their family members. Survivor is a cutthroat game, and it's emotional to spend even a few minutes with someone who isn't actively plotting to stab you in the back.

The family visits often lead to dramatic or funny moments, like when Pearl Islands contestant Jonny Fairplay tried to convince his tribemates that his grandmother had died. (Some contestants fell for it, but eventual winner Sandra Diaz Twine was having none of it. She chastised him for making everything "all about himself.")

In an exclusive sneak peek at Wednesday's episode of Survivor Cambodia: Second Chance, the family visit leads to an emotional moment where this season's alpha male Jeremy Collins reunites with his pregnant wife, Val. (She was an early boot on Survivor: San Juan Del Sur)

As she hugs him, she whispers the sex of their unborn child. We won't ruin it for you – watch the video above to hear what she tells him.

Will her news help Jeremy stay in the game? And who will be voted out next in this unpredictable season?

Survivor Cambodia: Second Chance airs Wednesdays (8 p.m. ET) on CBS.

"RE: People.com Sneak Peak"
Posted by Flowerpower1 on 12-02-15 at 08:55 PM
OMG, Sheldor, thanks so much for posting.....I am crying already!!!!