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"S30 | Finale-Ep 14 | East Coast Spoiler Thread"

Posted by Brownroach on 05-20-15 at 05:30 PM
Maybe, just maybe, something interesting will happen tonight, now that we are down to the Final Five. This season as a whole left a lot to be desired...

So, for the last time until next time: keep all commentary in this thread until David Letterman has gone off the air for good.

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Messages in this discussion
"RE: S30 | Finale-Ep 14 | East Coast Spoiler Thread"
Posted by dabo on 05-20-15 at 06:18 PM
The most interesting thing that could happen would be a Carolyn/Mike/Rodney F3. So obviously that won't happen.

Posted by dabo on 05-20-15 at 08:00 PM
the inevitable recap of the entire season.

"RE: Commence"
Posted by dabo on 05-20-15 at 08:10 PM
And once again we get live Probst hype eating into finale time. Worst * Twist * Ever!

"Just arrived..."
Posted by tribephyl on 05-20-15 at 08:02 PM
Longest week at work EVER, finally walked in the door, booted the comp and turned on the TV to CBS.
I missed out on the SOTS (choked, par usual)
I missed out on a final ABC entry (good luck Greenmachine and krismiss)
But I'm finally home and ready to watch the finale.

Posted by Brownroach on 05-20-15 at 08:03 PM
Live in LA! With Jeff. Plus - "We have turned the next season over to you!"

Then: recap of the whole freakin' thing from Ep 1.

"RE: Introduction"
Posted by tribephyl on 05-20-15 at 08:08 PM
LAST EDITED ON 05-20-15 AT 08:12 PM (EST)

Go Mike!
MadMike: Jury Road

"Post TC"
Posted by Brownroach on 05-20-15 at 08:10 PM
Carolyn is happy. Convo without Mike. Carolyn points out that all the others voted for her. But she is not upset. She says she will join forces against the common enemy (Mike).

"Previously on Survivor...."
Posted by Flowerpower1 on 05-20-15 at 08:11 PM

Previously on Survivor:

Welcome to an exciting night! We are LIVE in LA, all night long! A season of excitement, blah, blah, love it when you are emotionally involved...Turned next season over to youm votes for the second chancres, vote for one more hour, will reveal the cast later...

started with 18, down to 5...Carolyn worked in corporate america, Rodney BC, 35 days ago 18 americans divided into 3 tribes, WC, BC and No C, question was which way of life would come out on top. Blue C hard wring and a family, but every family has issues...then WC, all business...without employees just didn't work...no collar tribe brought a more free spirit to the game....we smell bad...but free spirit thinking doesn't always lead to success losing a lot, after merge WC, BC, and NO C all one society but the no collar found them selves back on the bottom, at the auction, Mike made a controversial decision that alienated him from the others...while dan's position in the game grew stronger, winning the advantage, from that mount on Mike was on h is own, but he found the HII, and won challenge after challenge with their plans destroyed tempers flared, see Will and Shirin....unable to get Mike out of the game the majority alliance had to turn on each other, tried to seize the opportunity and win his all back, but it fell on deaf ears, so he turned to an unlikely ally, Carolyn, at the last TC, Dan played his advantage targeting Carolyn, but she played her idol targeting Dan. Anybody's game to win, 5 left, Sierra, despite being free agent hasn't offended anyone on the jury, left my options open so I have to change the way I am playing this game. Will, embodied the no collar life style, did I lie did I back stab yes, do what ever you need to do to stay in, Carolyn not afraid to take charge, found an HII, and took part in blindside after blindside, fight tooth and nail, do or die, bring it home C. Rodney, shut out of rewards, responsible for one of the strongest alliances in the game...thinks he's guaranteed if he gets to F3, Mike, blue collar, gone on epic winning streak the Q is, can he finish the job? Who will have what it take to out last all th e rest and become the sole survivor...

at night returning, Carolyn it was so much fun at TC I was like thank God I made the right choice...they all go with Carolyn down to the beach...Mike is incredulous, saying we gotta get Mike out, stockholm syndrome was still in effect, the 4 of them go to the beach, I feel all alone

Rodney says that why didn't you tell us you had the Idol...you all voted for me. Carolyn sees that Mike had his back but he doesn't have the numbers...I need them, it's game on...so now I know how I sit with my all, but if Mike is still in the game, he's the biggest threat, we join together against him, so that's my strategy, and see them bonding and laughing....as mike sighs and lays down in the shelter all alone

Posted by dabo on 05-20-15 at 08:18 PM
Who calls their dad brother?

"RE: Brother"
Posted by tribephyl on 05-20-15 at 08:36 PM
That would make Bob Sr and Rodney's mother, also mother and son.
*sigh* Massachusetts...a mere 3 states away from Kentucky but alike in many more ways.


Posted by Brownroach on 05-20-15 at 08:23 PM
LAST EDITED ON 05-20-15 AT 08:24 PM (EST)

Net crawl, slide tiles, machete, run obstacles to table, sort tiles into pairs that will unlock code (three won't work).

Loved ones arrive -- they greet each other emotionally:
Carolyn's husband Joel
Mike's mom Deborah
Rodney's dad Rodney Sr.
Sierra's dad Danny
Will's wife Monifa

Winner will get time with loved one at camp. Also gets advantage in next IC.

Mike in the lead. Carolyn last to get all her tiles. Mike way ahead of everyone.

Sierra getting close. But Mike wins reward, and advantage in next IC. Oh, geez.

Mike and his mom will go to the location of the IC to pick up the advantage.

"Go Mike!"
Posted by dabo on 05-20-15 at 08:26 PM
The Mike Machine is unstoppable.

"Post Intro...."
Posted by Flowerpower1 on 05-20-15 at 08:25 PM
Day 36...the the RC...here they come...on the Mat...f5, race under net make way to a table slide tiles to a target, once through use a machete to transport them to a table, sort them in pairs, three pairs don't match up, use those to unlock code, raise flag...get unconditional love, Carolyn here's your husband...they hug, they are all crying....all of them...marriage, fairytale marriange, been together since hs....Will and Rodney crying, they kiss...Mike, here's your mom, Debra........ he lifts her up....they are crying....Mike of all the relationships there is nothing that can top a mother from her child...crying, raised 2 horrible kids, worked, went to college, work ethic, she never stops....Rodney Sr, come on out...what up bro....they hug....and cry....you have no idea...been through so much, one of the hardest working men I know, I am at piece with Natalie, 2 years of night mares...she gives me strength....must make you feel great that he is at peace, yes, if that is what it took, I love you, brother.
Sierra; Dad, Danny come on out...lifts her up, my best friend in this whole whide world, Will crying, brings wife out....Monifa....she's crying, it's okay, I missed you...she's weeping....not fat no more....see his hair...Jeff got me looking a hot mess out here, he's still so quit....I am not dizzy any more, I am not hungry anymore, let's go Jeff...winner gets time with their loved one, back to camp with you, share in this experience and gets an advantage in the next IC..huge stakes

start...flying through the net crawl......Will is out first...sliding the tiles, if it dings that is good news....all the tiles have to go through....Will is doing great the love of his wife woke him up, Mike has all of his, he's staking and carrying them to the area, has to take them over a see saw, up a narrow beam to the table and Mike is first...., will drops and has to head back, Rodney has his, and mike goes back wfor his second stack....Will drops and has to go back....Mike is going to go back for his third stack, Mike is flying through this....Will drops again...Sierra drops....Mike has all of his, a huge time advantage, closer to the end.....Mike pairing up, three left hold the code for solving this....once you get the three numbers have to enter them in for the combination...mikes second try with the combination didn't work, mike trying the third arrangement and yes, it worlds and wins reward.....

Will screams in frustration...Jiffy, says everyone take one more hug except Mike....they go off, bring your mom...spends the night and you will both go to the next IC where the advantage will be there for you.....Mike gets the confessional....it was my best day, like ice cream with cherries on top! So, no bartering for the others to get their loved ones to come too....

"Post RC"
Posted by Brownroach on 05-20-15 at 08:32 PM
LAST EDITED ON 05-20-15 AT 08:34 PM (EST)

Mike's mom is "queen for the day". Mike takes Mom away to discuss strategy. He's by himself, boo-hoo. So much editorial manipulation. "It's been battle after battle after battle after battle!". Puke.

They get to the IC site. Advantage: Mike will get thirty minutes to explore the IC maze blindfolded, guided by Mom. Mom says she's not very good at it. She doesn't feel good about him going into this challenge. (eye roll).

"Mike wins F5 RC and advantage in next challenge"
Posted by Flowerpower1 on 05-20-15 at 08:33 PM
Welcome home mama....this is where the queen sits....in the char, getting to share this with the parson I love the most in this world....Sierra is hugging Mike, looking at how skinny he is, lost 25 pounds...that's my little boy....I am about to be selfish and steal her for a bit....I have been on the outs with them, a lot of personal attacks, it's rough, a couple days where no one even spoke to me...he has a lot to get through to win....my job for him is to be here for him, nothing is about me, it's all about him....it's been battle after battle after battle, nothing can give me the peace of this conversation, knowing that you want me to succeed in everyday, having someone here that I can trust 1000 percent, I love you....night time....now the next day and the IC....Mike and his mom walk to the challenge, next challenge you will be blindfolded, your advantage you will get 30 minutes to explore the maze with your loved one.....my mom leading me throughout the maze....I couldn't find the IN....he kept thinking in my head, I am scrwing this yup, we don't have time, pick up the pace....she thought he was directing him the right way, but she screwed him up....they didn't even get through the maze in 30 minutes.....Mom was so upset, she feels she let him down, pray, she says good bye and you can do it!

"First IC"
Posted by Brownroach on 05-20-15 at 08:42 PM
LAST EDITED ON 05-20-15 AT 08:42 PM (EST)

Find four medallions, blindfolded, in maze.

Mike finds one. Sierra finds one. Mike has two. Rodney has one. Mike gets three. Rodney gets two. Rodney helps Sierra and Will. Carolyn has one. Sierra has two, Will and Carolyn with one. Mike gets his fourth. He needs only to find the Immunity Necklace to win. And he does. (Why are we watching this bullsh!t?)

"RE: First IC"
Posted by dabo on 05-20-15 at 08:49 PM
Yah, they way overthink the chals anymore. Member when they could put together awesome superchals from previous chals?

"RE: First IC"
Posted by michel2 on 05-21-15 at 04:44 PM
They used to do that when they had a car to give away. Now it's for immunity so they may prefer using something that fits a particular player.

"Post advantage try"
Posted by Flowerpower1 on 05-20-15 at 08:43 PM
Mikes Mom got to lead him blindfolded through the maze for 30 minutes, and even with her sight, she couldn't get her/him through it. In the middle is the IN, they have to get to the IN.

They all come to the arena. A beautiful maze out in the field...blindfolded in the center of a giant maze, race to find 4 medallions, guide posts to fnd the medallions, then go find the IN, once have the medallions. Big stakes.

For guaranteed spot in F4....go.....37 days, looking for 4 medallions, N. S. E. W....Sierra walks right past them....Mike quickly finds a medallion, trying to find 3 more....hey all don't have one, Mike is at a guide post station, Sierra has a medallion.....Mike has his second, and rodney has his first....Will wake right past his....you have no idea what this maze looks like, and mike has the third medallion, only needs one left.....Rodney has 2 medallions....Rodney is now helping will and Sierra, and they both get one, and Carolyn gets one too, theme of this game continues....they are all against Mike....Mike with 3, Sierra and Rodney with 2, Carolyn with 1, mike has his fourth and final medallion, then he must find the IN....Mike goes to center post to get direction.....Mike is closing in....has it, wins IC for the fourth time...He says to Jeff, I want it Jeff, I want it bad....another win, your fourth, after 37 days, somebody will be voted out tonight....Mike says I won again but I know if I lose I will go home, i am blue collar my back is agains the wall, this is the Survivor that I signed up for!

"RE: Post advantage try"
Posted by michel2 on 05-21-15 at 04:45 PM

> i am blue collar
>my back is agains the
>wall, this is the Survivor
>that I signed up for!

In case we needed one more, this was an obvious winning quote.

"Post first IC"
Posted by Brownroach on 05-20-15 at 08:52 PM
LAST EDITED ON 05-20-15 AT 08:52 PM (EST)

Carolyn: the alliance of four must turn on each other. She no longer has the idol. But she will use Mike to secure her position. She campaigns with Mike and Sierra to get out Rodney. Sierra is nervous. Mike says he wants to finish the game with players. Sierra will vote Rodney and hopes no one writes her name down.

Mike talks to Rodney. It's clearly shaping up as between him and Sierra. Mike points out that Sierra has come close to winning immunity. If he makes wrong decision it's a million dollar mistake.

"RE: Post first IC"
Posted by michel2 on 05-21-15 at 04:48 PM
While the promos had spoiled 3 of the F4, they kept us inthe dark about the result of this vote.

"First TC"
Posted by Brownroach on 05-20-15 at 08:57 PM
Sierra says she is trying hard. Mike wants to keep better players.

Time to vote.

Rodney votes Ciara.
Sierra votes Rodney.

Sierra is out.

"RE: First TC"
Posted by dabo on 05-20-15 at 09:00 PM
They all voted Sierra!??

I mean, Sierra and Will were in a competition who could say the dumbest thing at TC, I thought Will managed to be dumber.

"RE: First TC"
Posted by michel2 on 05-21-15 at 04:50 PM
Dumber often wins at this game...at least until FTC when it becomes a problem for everyone not named Fabio.

"I will be totally SHOCKED if Mike loses....just sayin"
Posted by Flowerpower1 on 05-20-15 at 08:58 PM
Day 37...back at camp...see a lizard....they congratulate Mike, he appreciates it....Carolyn, the alliance of 4 has to turn on each other, and it's the first day in 37 days that I don't have the HII, but Mike and I have a bond and I am going to use that to secure my place int he F4....who do you think. with Carolyn and Sierra...mike says he's not writing your name....he's bargaining with Carolyn, if I don't win tomorrow...he's expressing confers, Sierra says that she is willing to do anything that Mike wants....I hope you know that I can be trusted, I am telling your now, 100 % that I will go Rodney....Mike says he wants to go with players not coat tail riders, and they make a pact. F3, they say, Mike, carolyn, and sierra

Mie and Rodney in the hammock....MIke tells him it's between you and someone else, the girls want you....who do you and will want....Rodney says Sierra. Rodney says they are saying from day one that they can't stand Mike, and he and mike go off. The girls are just telling you stuff...Rodney is here to keep it real with you....Sierra has done nothing....I've been vulgar #####, better chance with me....the only one that has come close to beating me, is Siera....Rodney swears to him on his sisters soul. Mike says at this point I have 2 final 3 deals, I don't trust them, I have to follow my gut and figure out what's bast for my game, if I make a wrong decision it could be a million dollar mistake...

TC: Jury comes in....Mike smiles at Dan and he frowns and turns away....HATE DAN. Mike says he is the swing vote, and they come to me and want to be on my side....I love you guys But I can't trust any of them sitting here, the only one I can trust is ME. Rodney says that I swore on my sisters life tonight, so you know it's real. Sierra says she plead her case to everyone, I came second to mike, and help around camp...they have played the whole game to get out the tough, but now, they say it's the one's that have played hard that deserve to be here. Will says if he doesn't win ic tomorrow he's going to be sorry, 150%...Rodney says the conversations I had today were real....let's get to the vote and find out who it will be....see Mike, see Carolyn....Rodney votes Sierra, guess what, we've been together for 37 days and guess what, I just outwitted you baby girl....

Mike is last voter

Vote tally:

Sierra is voted out, Carolyn puts her head down....wow. see Tyler, then Rodney....she says sneaky...congrats you have made it to the final 4....try to get some sleep, I promise you you are going to need it.

Sierra: I have never been around people that lie like they do, I gave it my best but it wasn't enough.

"See Post #1"
Posted by dabo on 05-20-15 at 09:09 PM
Watch me be stunned if the most interesting thing finally happens this season.

"F4 IC"
Posted by Brownroach on 05-20-15 at 09:09 PM
LAST EDITED ON 05-20-15 AT 09:12 PM (EST)

Unitie knots, race up tower, get key, waterslide, obstacle course, get puzzle pieces, I'm already exhausted (by boredom at the repetition). Repeat.

Mike ahead of course. The challenge is exhausting.

Oh sh!t, Mike wins again. "Thank you Jesus."

Can this season be any more awful? I hate Mike.

"RE: F4 IC"
Posted by michel2 on 05-21-15 at 04:53 PM
LAST EDITED ON 05-21-15 AT 04:55 PM (EST)

Did we ever go from TC directly to IC before? I don't think so. Survivor is becoming as formulaic as The Amazing Race. I like Mike more than any of these bozos but I still hate this season.

"F4: Mike, Rodney, Carolyn, Will"
Posted by Flowerpower1 on 05-20-15 at 09:11 PM
Day 38....the challenge site....come on in....final 4, last IC...for the last time, untie knots to open gate, race up huge tower retrieve key and fly down giant water slide make way up multilevel obstacle use key to unlock a bag, bring back, do it two other times and make a light house puzzle, and win ic....losers, vote someone out. This is the last shot to control your destiny....

Here we go....F4: see carolyn....untying know, do not take your time, Mike is out first, then Carolyn, Rodney last....this is it, mike is flying up the stairs, gets the key, then down the slide........looking for first bag.....Will is next, then carolyn, then Rodney, back in it, get first bag, Mike has his bag and back up the stairs....steps getting difficult, rodney is second....down the slide, now climbing to unlock bag.....Carolyn is last, Mike has second bag...dig and use what you have left in the tank right now, Rodney has second bag....let's see it right here, mike down the slide...Rodney is still in this and so is carolyn, mike is at third bag.....now rodney with third and final key.....they are exhausted....Mike is starting to work on the puzzle, rodney right on his tail....both working on the puzzle....can hear them gasping....all of them are working on the puzzle now....Mike has 2 pieces of the puzzle, and Carolyn and will have their first piece....Carolyn is tied with Mike...neck and neck. mike with 5th, Carolyn is catching up....Rodney is falling further behind...mike has 2 pieces left....mike winning! WINS......Thank you JESUS!

Carolyn kicks something....Will, you are a better person than when you walked in, this game has changed me....my daughter will know, you can do anything, they hug, I love you guys, we left it all out there....Will wants to do it as a team, to put the necklace on him....Will puts it on him...somebody going home tonight, congrats well earned, you are in an elite group right now, Rodney hugs him....mike is doing the happy dance in confessional!

"Post very last IC"
Posted by Brownroach on 05-20-15 at 09:16 PM
Oh, forget it, I'm through for the night. Got to make some dinner.

"Pre F4 TC...."
Posted by Flowerpower1 on 05-20-15 at 09:26 PM
Going back to camp...Will said that he was proud of Rodney....too bad I couldn't do the puzzle....Mike says when I got back to camp, I am not allowing it to go to my head, tonights decision is huge, it's a million dollar decision....Carolyn says she is going to go down there to do something with her hair...Rodney talks to Will, we are going all the way, best buds, we are voting for Mama C...Will says in conf: if you want a million dollars you don't bring someone named mama....Mikes says that he is not voting her....he was hard core blue all the way to the end, but they all turned their back on me...this may be a million dollar mistake and my gut is taking you, I would like for me and you to vote Rodney, and they will vote you, then fire making challenge, and you practice....

Carolyn goes Oh MY God...this shows the jury that you deserve to be here. Carolyn says that she doesn't have any other options....I will make it happen....see her get the flint and go off...Mike asks them who they are voting for....and they tell him Mama C....he tells her that she wants me to write your name down...Rodney says that he doesn't know what he is doing...he knows that he wants to take me to the end...I feel confident that I will be in the end. Mike says if Rodney loses tonight it's poetic justice, maybe I am making a million dollar mistake

Carolyn is practicing and she can't do it....she finds Mike, I can't do it....do not put your head down, relax, you are still in this game, fight....Carolyn says that she has worked her ##### off, right now it's not looking good....cut to TC

Jury coming in....Mike congrats guaranteed to go to final TC, see Dan with a frown again...Will take me back to what happened this afternoon, you broke down, it's a game we had pride we did it and we love each other we had that genuine moment...cerowning moment came when the three of us put the idol around your next, it's a dysfunctional family but it's a family....Rodney says that Mike told me Carolyn wants to write my name down....bottom line I can't write my name down, so it's one of you...Rodney has played a social game but doesn't pull weight around camp....it boils down to all three, outwit, outplay outlast. Voting...Carolyn votes Rodney, I hope my skills take me to the f3 tonight. Rodney says he has a lot of love for mama C, but he has to do what he has to do....vote tally

Momma C
we square of fin the fire making challenge, one of the most essential elements in this game. dan is laughing....if you know how to make fire, it could be worth a million dollars, Carolyn crosses herself.

"Tie at F4 TC ~ Firemaking challenge"
Posted by Flowerpower1 on 05-20-15 at 09:37 PM
Firemaking challenge: both have exact same amount of supplies, first to build fire high enough to burn through and raise the flag wins.

They start....Rodney has not idea....Rodney is doing well though....million dollar fire.....6 minutes no fire....Carolyns flint broke....Jeff had a back up, 20 minutes in and no fire....Rodney goes through the flint too....brand new...see the jurors yawning, 45 minutes....can't even get a single flame...if alone you would be in trouble.....Rodney has flame, he looked at Dan and Dan nodded, 53 minutes......Rodney has it now.........Carolyn has it too, both....within seconds, who can make a fire to last long enough....Carolyn building a teepee, rodney adding to pile....Carolyn has a gig fire going now.....Carolyn wins!

Rodney is the 8th and final member, I'm outta here, OH MAN....fists bumps Mike and calls him a stupid piece of SH!T

Bye guys....

Well, 38 days of amazing game play, an F3, of Will, Mike, and Carolyn, and we will finish this game with representatives from BC, NC, WC....8 people will now decide your fate....a chance to prove your case as to why you deserve the million dollars

Rodney says I wish I had got to the F3, the stupid redneck scumbag, and he'll get what is coming to him....uh, don't think that Rodney is voting for Mike

"RE: Tie at F4 TC ~ Firemaking challenge"
Posted by michel2 on 05-21-15 at 04:58 PM
Mike did get what was coming to him.

Mike must have known who had made fire so I'm betting he forced the tie in part because he knew Rodney would make a fool of himself. He must have also known Carloyn would have trouble since he told her she needed to practice. Could her bad performance have influenced the jury? That's a question Jeff should have asked at the reunion.

"Georgianna! (Sheldor!)"
Posted by dabo on 05-20-15 at 09:38 PM
Looks like she's heading for a sweep in the finale votes. They only one, unless we count Sheldor. Ah, what the heck.

"RE: Georgianna! (Sheldor!)"
Posted by Sheldor on 05-20-15 at 09:48 PM
Nope can't count mine. I thought I voted but I see I didn't.

"RE: Georgianna! (Sheldor!)"
Posted by Georganna on 05-20-15 at 10:04 PM
LAST EDITED ON 05-20-15 AT 11:14 PM (EST)

Nope can't count mine.

It is, after all, your 'Order' that is carrying the night, so we sure can. If Mike pulls this out ...


Edited: Because I've just noticed that I've already used my daily bad word for Wednesday.

"Post fire challenge Rodney reflects"
Posted by Flowerpower1 on 05-20-15 at 09:39 PM
came out to reflect, to escape problems with my family, my sisters death...and a lot of frustrations, I found peace, put an end to the demons of my sister, and brought me closer to my family, the things that are important in life...

"F3: Mike, Carolyn, Will"
Posted by Flowerpower1 on 05-20-15 at 10:00 PM
Day 39...see a dolphin jump....Will and Mike...Will says it's so exciting that we are done, the sacrifice of not seeing your wife and daughter, want to make it worth it....it was....now to persuade 8 people that I deserve to make the million....let the chips fall where they may, no collar attitude

See the breakfast and champagne....Carolyn this has been a dream of mine, to the F3, this was a season of gamers, when plan A fails, need a plan B and C... and that's the way I played the game. I am nervous as to who will vote for me, I have to convince them....Mike: for al long time I felt completely alone have dug down deep inside of me we did this, we built this...we finish what we start, blue collar, I think it will be a close vote, there are a lot of people out there that don't like me, I want the title of sole survivor and a million dollars.

enter the Tc...

congrats on making it to F3, survive the challenges and survive getting voted out, now your biggest challenge yet, the jury...and they decide who gets the win, you want it, you need to step up and take it.

Joe: Hello...congrats...I have an open vote, but you have to earn it...gloves off...Will if you don't man up and give answers own your game. Mama C....kinda cold, outlasted now show them how you outplayed and outwit....what else did you do besides win ICs...that's all he says. Hali: Mama C, enjoyed playing with you....you have been thrown into the mother role, has that been a disadvantage in this game, you are 25 years younger than me, I tried to take care of you, I played hard, in every challenge...Rodney: Got my best bud Will....how were you true to yourself to solidify your position as sole survivor. Knew he would be the underdog, try to make friends, giving, saw in auction, have a relationship with everyone but Shirin, can't be here in the F3 by luck. Mama C, what were the power moves you made: first was Tyler, I love Tyler but if he was here, I wouldn't be here. Dan was next...in my business world plan A, B, C....Mike was a back up plan to get me farther.

Tyler: Guys: Mike: you put almost everybody here in one aspect or another....was I saw late in the game was a guy that was paranoid and destroyed everything he touched. Miek said back here I miserably failed, I tried to make genuine bonds and I guess the only thing I could say is that Maybe I am not as genuine as I thought I was....Carolyn: I was gutted and heartbroken, what could you give me that would redeem yourself in my eyes....hurt you, sorry, survivor makes you do things that you may not be proud of, but if you don't you ar e on the jury.

Sierra: Will: which trait front he other two players do yu wish you had, liked mike's work ethic...just can't dictate, must lead by example, mama c, liked how she analyzed before her plan

Jenn: congrats: she is going to talk to jury, half of you are so bitter and mad at Mike for PLYAYing, everyone is so mad, you were on your old group thing you made a barbed wire fence and kept him on the outside, if you are fans, you should vote for him, get over it!

Dan says that he has to follow that, wow, Mike....colby proved that just because you win immunity doesn't mean you win the game....mike you didn't care about the jury, you damn well better care about us tonight...cause there is no necklace to save you tonight. Mike says that his biggest regret was his action at the auction...i hope that you and I can abe friends, but if not, I wanted to apologize in front of everybody for going back on my word. Dan says that is the most genuine thing that you have said to me since the auction. that finally was real and for that I am grateful, hope we can mend those fences.

Shirin: I was really hoping that Mike and will would both be at this final tribal, when will went after me you gave me a chance to go back to my childhood but not as a child, I didn't need a protector the truly magical thing that happened, never had a parent to come save me or a friend, but hike as a real human being came in to camp came in to save me. What you don't know is I made my first million at 25, but that made me feel better than that.

Mike is like a howler monkey because he voted you all out except for me
Carolyn is the sting ray, doesn't want to make waves...unlike Mike Carolyn was on the winning side of every vote including me
Will: if you bite into the dead fish he will poison you from within...
please look at the game play, aggressive, stealthy dead fish, quote sue hawk...when we all go to vote let it be the way that mother nature intended...

What they didn't get to make a statement at all???

"RE: F3: Mike, Carolyn, Will"
Posted by PepeLePew13 on 05-20-15 at 10:02 PM
I think they did make statements - they were your dime-a-dozen spiels and they were short on time, so they were edited out. Didn't miss a thing, the jury questions were always going to be better than the statements.

"RE: F3: Mike, Carolyn, Will"
Posted by michel2 on 05-21-15 at 05:05 PM
The jury was less than spectacular but I did like Shirin's practical joke on Carolyn. Did you guys noticed how "Mama" C. was beaming after Shirin said she'd get her vote? Carolyn must have spent the last year thinking she had a good shot at winning this thing when, in actuality, she got only 1 vote like super-goat Will!!!! And then Jeff tells her: "No 2nd Chance for you!" Perfect ending for her smugness.

"RE: S30 | Finale-Ep 14 | East Coast Spoiler Thread"
Posted by PepeLePew13 on 05-20-15 at 10:00 PM
Mike = howler monkey who comes right at you and is loud.
Carolyn = stingray who lurks quietly and stings when threatened.
Will = dead fish who doesn't do a thing and lets himself be dragged in by the net.

Appropriate comparisons. I thought Shirin would actually be harder on Will than that.

"RE: S30 | Finale-Ep 14 | East Coast Spoiler Thread"
Posted by Outsider32 on 05-20-15 at 10:01 PM
She is voting for Mike, its all suspense.

"RE: S30 | Finale-Ep 14 | East Coast Spoiler Thread"
Posted by dabo on 05-20-15 at 10:01 PM
FTC Jurists
Jenn A+
Shirin A
Joe A-
Sierra B
Hali B
Dan B
Rodney C
Tyler D

Posted by Brownroach on 05-20-15 at 10:09 PM

"Live Reading"
Posted by dabo on 05-20-15 at 10:09 PM
For a minute there I was wondering why Sierra was sitting between Mike and Will. Dayum, Mama C cleans up real fine!

"RE: Live Reading"
Posted by michel2 on 05-20-15 at 10:23 PM
Yes she does but looks like Sierra? Maybe you need glasses!

"RE: Live Reading"
Posted by dabo on 05-20-15 at 11:00 PM
I do have glasses but I also have incredibly bad eyes, have to spend more for my prescriptions.

Posted by Flowerpower1 on 05-20-15 at 10:11 PM
Wow, it's a pretty bitter jury. I love Jenn!

Night 39

Vote for a winner, Mike, Carolyn or Will, someone most deserving of title of sole survivor and the million that goes along with it. Halie is first voter....Joe...Jenn votes Mike. Will did nothing, Carolyn nothing, Mike deservers this 150 percent. Rodney votes Will, love you brother. Sierra voted for Mama C, played the best game in it's entirety
Dan is knocking his head at the voting booth...

Jeff: I'll go get the votes, see you back in the US for the reading of the votes....now at the finale....coming on the stage...high giving the audience....see cochran...no such thing as an easy path to the end, now the moment of truth....see them all sitting by the fire, holding hands..


Winner of Survivor: MIKE

They hug.....he kisses Jeff and hugs him....jumps in the audience and kisses his mother...we did it...Jeff hands him the check...he gives his check to his mother....as the winner mike is no longer eligible so somebody else just moved up a spot, says Jiffy

Posted by Sagebrush Dan on 05-20-15 at 10:36 PM
My worst nightmare just came true.

"oh hohum Mike wins"
Posted by dabo on 05-20-15 at 10:11 PM
Mama C and Will may be co runners-up

Posted by tribephyl on 05-20-15 at 10:20 PM
Previous Fire-Making Challenges...

Bobby Jon Drinkard VS Stephenie LaGrossa
Becky Lee VS Sundra Oakley
Matty Whitmore VS Bob Crowley
Jenn Lyon VS Ian Rosenberger
Cirie Fields VS Danielle DiLorenzo
Rodney Lavoie VS Carolyn Rivera

"Reunion show..."
Posted by Flowerpower1 on 05-20-15 at 10:20 PM
Curious about something...when your back was against the wall, it made you play aggressively...you had nothing to lose....and you know what position you are in, you are able to make moves that you wouldn't normally...What got his back against the wall was the move you made in the auction...WOW, says Jiffy...that one got me...said Jiffy, int he final tribal you said you regretted the move at the auction...he said yes, it was horrible strategy. Said that he and Dan are good. More than good. Rodney, hello, look at the suit he's wearing...had you won the fire making challenge, do you believe you would have won the challenge? he thinks he had a great shot at winning the game. I had the blues and the axis of evil. Show of hands if rodney is at the jury...three...but Mike still would have won. Carolyn thought she would have gotten more votes? Where is Joe:
So many people tweeted because Joe got voted out....one of the most popular of 30 seasons...he's single...are women approaching you...yes a little bit, now more people want to pick me up now...hahha...

Three of the most controversial players in the game, they will address all of it, Rodney, Will and Dan

"RE: Reunion show..."
Posted by PepeLePew13 on 05-20-15 at 10:36 PM
Dan is absolutely getting R.O.A.S.T.E.D to a crisp.

Got caught with his pants down trying to claim that his "your mother is a whore" comment was in the midst of joking, after which Jiffy pulled out a video that clearly showed it came out of left field.

Impossible to believe, but Dan looks more like an ass than ever.

"RE: Reunion show..."
Posted by PepeLePew13 on 05-20-15 at 10:43 PM
So much time spent on Dan, Will, Shirin and Rodney, while almost everyone else is being ignored ... but it's a dialogue that needed to happen and was more compelling than the usual small-talk tripe that goes on in most reunions.

I hope this goes a long way toward waking people up to the reality of verbal abuse.

"RE: Reunion show..."
Posted by Flowerpower1 on 05-22-15 at 06:06 PM
Dan strikes me as a real jack a$$. He's all about playing to the camera, and he has to have the last word. I really loathe guys like him. He wasted SO much time and was so disrespectful to Jiffy. No matter how anyone explains it to him, he won't see it that way. He's so stubborn and so righteous. Ugh. I hope CBS learns a lesson from him and steers clearly AWAY from that type.

You know when Mike made that move at the auction, I think they were gunning for him anyway. They just used that move as the catalyst that started it. But, that's all hogwash. He was next on the list no matter what. They just blew it all up and tried to vilify him to rationalize voting him out. Why couldn't they just admit it afterwards?

Dan and Will were very shallow ego-centric people that seem incapable of empathy. As for Shirin, I hope we don't have to live with her past through the entire next season as well. She needs to move beyond this now too.

"RE: Reunion show..."
Posted by dabo on 05-22-15 at 06:48 PM
Mike had just previously discovered the truth about the Axis of Evil alliance, the auction move and calling out Rodney in camp for flipping were tactical errors Mike made in trying to deal with that threat. He was still caught up in his Blue Strong think. What he should have done was put Dan and Sierra in the loop then they could have formed a counter-alliance with Jenn and Shirin.

Agree about Shirin, she needs to show up next season as the new and improved Shirin.

"RE: Reunion show..."
Posted by michel2 on 05-22-15 at 09:47 PM
Mike had just done the same with Rodney and Joaquin just a few cycles earlier. All he had to do was show Dan how close Roid and Will had become. He made two consecutive dickhead moves yet Jeff thinks he's the best winner ever. Go figure.

"RE: Reunion show..."
Posted by dabo on 05-20-15 at 10:44 PM
He is chauvinist whether he knows it or not.

And the Will Shirin stuff is still incredibly uncomfortable, thought he was condescending playing the religion card.

"RE: Reunion show..."
Posted by PepeLePew13 on 05-20-15 at 10:46 PM
No, Will clearly doesn't get it at all, and disappointing to see his wife try to claim that Will never does it or that the truth would come out (she was never there in camp other than for a few minutes during the loved ones challenge).

"RE: Reunion show..."
Posted by michel2 on 05-21-15 at 05:10 PM
I think more than anything, Will was going after Shirin for being an atheist. The "no soul" comment seemed to point that way but it was swept under the carpet.

"RE: Reunion show..."
Posted by dabo on 05-21-15 at 10:20 PM
That's the sort of thing that is bad Christianity. Dan for all his flaws was willing to own his flaws, the ones he recognized anyway. Will telling Shirin what she should do, presuming to give her advice, when she made it clear she was going to take a stand and not take it because that is what she decided she had to do, after she wouldn't go along with his concocted "out," he just kept making it worse.

"RE: Reunion show..."
Posted by Georganna on 05-21-15 at 11:15 PM
I was confused by that exchange.

I think that I heard Will suggest to Shirin that, for the sake of his soul, he had offered his apology and that she, for the sake of her soul, should respond with forgiveness.

And that she then countered that she, believing that neither he nor she has a soul, found his argument fatally flawed (and insulting):

That it was Shirin's position that neither apology or forgiveness should ever require any justification beyond a profound respect for a common humanity.

But, did I?


If I did, then as a human being, and as a Christian, I agree with Shirin. And with you.

"RE: Reunion show..."
Posted by dabo on 05-22-15 at 02:20 AM
Okay, so I rewatched it despite my disgust just so no one else has to. Sequence of events:

Clip of TC with Shirin explaining her abused childhood.

Probst asks Will why he would not apologize when asked to at that TC.

Will says he could not be sincere and also claims that he knew Shirin would not accept his apology.

Will then claims he apologized to her at the Ponderosa, Shirin shakes her head "No." Says he only gave her a weak apology after the episode aired and after public opinion turned against him. She then explained how wrong has no expiration and she has an obligation to use this as a platform against domestic abuse.

Probst again asks Will if he can apologize.

Will apologizes to Shirin's family in the audience ou there somewhere, tells Shirin again he apologized at Ponderosa, and then tells Shirin she should forgive in order to be the person God intended her to be.

Shirin again asks why she doesn't have a soul and why peoiple without souls should be treated that way, and explains that she won't forgive Will because she doesn't believe he really does understand: It would be on her if she did forgive him and he treated anyone in the future like he treated her.

Cut to Will's wife in the audience saying Will is yadayada just so wonderful.

And then Probst gave Rodney a birthday cake

"RE: Reunion show..."
Posted by Georganna on 05-22-15 at 02:32 AM
And then Probst gave Rodney a birthday cake

Well, at least I got that part right. Thank God ...

And thank you,


"RE: Reunion show..."
Posted by michel2 on 05-22-15 at 05:24 PM
To me, it seemed obvious that Will thinks that someone who doesn't believe in God is sub-human. That is XVIIth century thinking.

"RE: S30 | Finale-Ep 14 | East Coast Spoiler Thread"
Posted by PepeLePew13 on 05-20-15 at 10:55 PM
LAST EDITED ON 05-20-15 AT 10:58 PM (EST)

Huh. Woo makes it over Shane, Troyzan and Jim Rice? Baloney.

ETA: No quibbles over the female vote from as far as I could see. Glad that Natalie and Mikayla didn't make it as they only flaunted their looks and didn't do much strategic-wise. The only eliminee that I felt should have made it was T-Bird.

"RE: S30 | Finale-Ep 14 | East Coast Spoiler Thread"
Posted by dabo on 05-20-15 at 10:58 PM
Jeremy Collins
Keith Nale
Stephen Fishbach
Jeff Varner
Joe Anglin
Spencer Bledsoe
Woo Hwang
Terry Deitz
Andrew Savage
Vytas Baskautas
Ciera Eastin
Kass McQuillan
Monica Padilla
Peih-Gee Law
Tasha Fox
Kelley Wentworth
Kelly Wiglesworth
Kimmi Kappenberg
Shirin Oskooi
Abi-Maria Gomes

"Second chancres Revealed..."
Posted by Flowerpower1 on 05-20-15 at 10:56 PM
LAST EDITED ON 05-20-15 AT 10:57 PM (EST)

second chances:

A bus outside to take them...all 32 of them are there braved the crowd, knowing that some won't make it

Kelly wigglesworth
Kimmie Kappenburg
Jeff Varner
Keith Nale
Peih Gee
Terry Dietz
Andrew Savage
Abbi Marie
Kelly Wentworth
Monica Padilla
Stephen Fishbach

"RE: Second chancres Revealed..."
Posted by michel2 on 05-20-15 at 10:59 PM
I'm really disappointed that Shane and T-Bird aren't on.

"RE: Second chancres Revealed..."
Posted by PepeLePew13 on 05-20-15 at 11:00 PM
*waits for the next Shane video on YouTube cussing out the entire CBS and Survivor universe while in a drunken, naked rant*

"RE: Second chancres Revealed..."
Posted by dabo on 05-20-15 at 11:22 PM
LOL. He was colorful, but if he's back to smoking four packs a day I really didn't want to see him go through withdrawal again.

I really couldn't pick 20 out of the selection that I would like to see again, kinda got fed up with returning players some while back. But I am disappointed that Stephanie and Jim didn't make the cut.

Kelly Wiglesworth after all these years might be a virtually new player, she was a kid then and is probably mentally tougher now.

Kimmi gets to make a comeback? Good news for PETA and the whipped cream bikini crowd I suppose.

"RE: Second chancres Revealed..."
Posted by Jims03 on 05-20-15 at 11:24 PM
LAST EDITED ON 05-20-15 AT 11:29 PM (EST)

Yeah, when I saw Shane didn't get it, I am now prepared for the worst. He's probably going to have a meltdown.

Poor T-Bird. I wanted her to get on so badly.

Interesting list. A lot of little groups that'll be interesting to see how they play out.

Kimmi/Varner (old feud?)
Ciera/Vytas (buddies from their old season? resentment from Vytas?)
Kelley/Jeremy (allies from their season) with Keith (wildcard)
Tasha/Spencer (allies) with Kass (resentment there?) with Woo (wildcard)
Joe/Shirin (got closer post-game?)

Then we've got the really active RHAP crew from recently:
Stephen/Spencer/Tasha/Jeremy/Kelley/Vytas/Shirin (and Kass is a regular too)

And there are the weird Blood vs. Water connections:
Monica/Ciera (through Laura M.)
Terry/Vytas (through Aras)

Basically, the potential relationships are kind of a mess. It'll be interesting to see how the free agents like Kelly W. or Peih Gee will be able to navigate.

"RE: Second chancres Revealed..."
Posted by Georganna on 05-21-15 at 00:19 AM
LAST EDITED ON 05-21-15 AT 00:23 AM (EST)

*waits for the next Shane video on YouTube cussing out the entire CBS and Survivor universe while in a drunken, naked rant*

Well, Pepe ...

His birthday is November 28th. So ...

"RE: Second chancres Revealed..."
Posted by Outsider32 on 05-21-15 at 00:15 AM
Poor Carolyn

Posted by Flowerpower1 on 05-21-15 at 10:29 AM
Yes, I was so disappointed that Carolyn didn't get to come back, she was robbed! I agree Shane was a hot mess in his season and I didn't particularly want to see him go through all that again either.

T-bird, yes, she would have been a great one to have back. I also would have liked to see what Natalie Tenerelli could have brought to the table after all the tutoring she got from BRob. Not thrilled to have Abby Maria back.

I was just thrilled to see that Andrew Savage and Stephen finally get their second chance.

What the he!! with Shirin telling the entire cast on National TV that she made her first million by age 25....wow, kind of blows her chances in the next season!

Also have to wonder if Keith has learned anything...anything at all!

Posted by PepeLePew13 on 05-21-15 at 11:04 AM
I think the process was unfair for Mike and, in particular, Carolyn. They campaigned far less than most of the others did for Second Chances and I think Carolyn may have felt that she couldn't campaign too hard or it'd tip off that she didn't win (I believe everyone on the cast knew who would win before the final vote was revealed).

If Carolyn was freely able to campaign, I think she'd have made it.

Posted by michel2 on 05-21-15 at 05:14 PM
Yeah, yeah but we still have way too many from the recent seasons. Let her wait a few years then maybe... Kimmi and/or Monica had to be the last in and both are funnier than Carolyn by miles.