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"S29 | Ep 13 | East Coast Spoiler Thread - "Let's Make a Move""

Posted by Brownroach on 12-10-14 at 02:07 PM
On second thought, let's not. Please confine all wine-tasting and ankle-twisting to this thread until everyone gets sloshed and falls off the bed.

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Messages in this discussion
"RE: S29 | Ep 13 | East Coast Spoiler Thread - "Let's Make a Move""
Posted by dabo on 12-10-14 at 08:14 PM
If Probst's soliloquy happens at TC before the vote that will ruin the entire season.

Posted by Flowerpower1 on 12-10-14 at 08:52 PM
Okay, just because our vote thread had NO Jon votes, makes me want to vote change to JON! IT is what it is....so they say! LOL

Posted by dabo on 12-10-14 at 09:05 PM
This late in the game and he is so naive.

"Wheeee! It's snowing!!!!"
Posted by Brownroach on 12-10-14 at 09:00 PM

"RE: S29 | Ep 13 | East Coast Spoiler Thread - "Let's Make a Move""
Posted by Sheldor on 12-10-14 at 09:01 PM
It would be something if TWO people got voted out with an idol in their pocket since John Rocker already did that this season! However, it would fit this season!

"Post TC"
Posted by Brownroach on 12-10-14 at 09:04 PM
Natalie puts on her act. She didn't want Jon to have more power than he needs. Baylor keeps mum.

Natalie tells Keith she was supposed to vote for him. She tells him that she, Keith, Missy and Baylor need to be tight. She wants to use him to get Jon out.

"RE: S29 | Ep 13 | East Coast Spoiler Thread - "Let's Make a Move""
Posted by Sheldor on 12-10-14 at 09:06 PM
Wow all the close ups of Keith and Natalie's feet!

Obviously feet / ankles are going to play a big part tonight...

"Previously on Survivor...."
Posted by Flowerpower1 on 12-10-14 at 09:08 PM
Let the GAMES begin....Natalie, makin' moves....

Previously on Survivor:

8th out, Jeremy, after Jon blindsided Natalie's partner, and revealed he found another immunity idol,
Natalie and Baylor wanted him out...hear Jon, I am almost done with my wine, Nat: but don't tell Missy cause she's not voting out Jon...But, after Jon won immunity
the majority all decided to take out Keith...we had the #s we should just split votes,
but Natalie had a diff't plan and at TC, Nat secretly switched her vote to ruin Jon's plan...Alec...see their faces...6 are left, who will be voted out tonight

they come back to camp...see a snake, what happened? didn't you tell me me,you, and him were voting Alec, Nat: just the way tc went I had to pretend to vote out Keith, and save Keith, didn't want to give Jon more power, Jon is on my hit list, it's been a long time in coming and I need to make moves soon
Bay: it's hilarious to watch Nat, if they were smart they would know exactly what she was doing
Jon: conf: not voting out Keith could screw up a lot of plans, that's a big deal

See Keith walking in tha AM...Nat comes to him...I was supposed to vote for you and I voted for alec instead, because Alecwas just obsessed with Jon for no reason
Keith in conf: I just keep squeaking by squeaking by....after 30 some days all alone, maybe I got somebody now...can you believe it? After Nat tells him you me Missy and Bay, we gotta be tight!

I'e got Nat, what could happen after that? I think you deserve to be in this game more than Jon, he says more than miss homecoming queen?
Keith is unpredictable, I told him he was here because of me and that me and Baylor have his back and hopefully he will be a perfect person to use against Jon...

Posted by Brownroach on 12-10-14 at 09:15 PM
LAST EDITED ON 12-10-14 AT 09:17 PM (EST)

Two teams, belted together. Race thru hay, etc. etc. teeter-totter, buckets of water, solve puzzle... Reward: spa with spa food..

Keith Missy Jon (blue) vs.
Natalie Baylor Jaclyn (yellow)

Missy falls but seems unhurt
Missy comes down hard on ankle now

Yellow a bit ahead

Both teams working on puzzle

Blue wins reward a split second before yellow. Keith, Jon and Missy. Missy says her ankle is fine. Missy says the reward is a game-changer. Jaclyn says Jon is annoying her. Jon gives his reward to Baylor so that Mom and daughter can have a good time.

Natalie volunteers to go to EI. Baylor gives Missy horseback ride out. Jon says his decision was strategic for his alliance.

"RE: RC"
Posted by dabo on 12-10-14 at 09:20 PM
Jon managed to isolate himself and Jaclyn from everyone else.

"Post Intro:"
Posted by Flowerpower1 on 12-10-14 at 09:19 PM
RC, see the obstacle course...see Keith...then Jon...divided into 2 teams belted together, thru tunnel of hay, thru highcing posts , get bucket of water over teeter totter, fill trough that rasies gait....survivor style spa...hot shower, after 33 days, Keith, yes we need it, nice massage, eat, seared steak, brownies, great day of rejuvenation...

2 teams: blue: keith, Missy, Jon
Yellow: Nat, Jac, Bay

off and running, thru the hahy...going over under around, Nat, bay, thru and over, they are working as at good team...see Missy taking a lot of hard falls, Keith Missy and Jon over, then fill bucket, Nat has theirs, over the teeter totter, then Jon and Missy, K, add enough waterMissy has hurt her ankle on the teeter totter....Jac falls on her #####...Jon, Keith, and Missy moving slowly....Nat and girls have theirs oven, then they are doing the puzzle part...yellow is working on the puzzle....Keith and Jon helping missy thru the course and have enough water...everyone is working on the puzzle....blue has time to make up....who works together the best, the girls are arguing....Keith missy and Jon working very well....Blue wins
Keith, Missy , and Jon win! See Baylor is getting ready to cry....her ankle is swollen....nice reward...a spa day, she's happy, she says that he ankle is just swollen...she is going to feel as good as she looks...Jackly says that Jon is annoying right now....he's happy right now, so it's pissing you off, he's giving his spa reward to Baylor....this is something that she and her mom deserve together....come on little sis! he hugs her!...Keith Missy and Baylor you must decide who goes to EI...Natalie says that she agrees to go, but Jon offered to go....

Missy, Baylor and Keith go....Baylor is giving Missy a piggy back ride. Missy, if you need medical to look at that, let me know, says Jiffy...

Trading places with Baylor was just an opportunity for me to do a good deed and to strengthen my case with the jury...

"RE: S29 | Ep 13 | East Coast Spoiler Thread - "Let's Make a Move""
Posted by Sheldor on 12-10-14 at 09:20 PM
That is a LOT of focus on Jon who NO ONE voted for.

"Post RC"
Posted by Brownroach on 12-10-14 at 09:25 PM
LAST EDITED ON 12-10-14 AT 10:15 PM (EST)

At the spa: food, drinks. Baylor was surprised by Jon's decision because she and Natalie want to get Jon out. Missy is in pain, her ankle is swelling. But she says she is going to hang tough. Showers, massage. Keith had never had this kind of treatment. Baylor thinks Keith is funny, and kind of cool.

Back at camp: Jon and Jac talking. Jon says Nat made a stupid mistake. Jaclyn wonders if Keith and Natalie have something going on. Jon thinks Natalie is solid.

On EI: Natalie is missing Nadiya. Uh-oh. Sounds like potential exit confessional.

"RE: Post RC"
Posted by michel2 on 12-10-14 at 10:11 PM

>On EI: Natalie is missing
>Nadiya. Uh-oh. Sounds
>like potential exit confessional.

I thought of Tyson missing Rachel myself.

Posted by Brownroach on 12-10-14 at 09:30 PM
Natalie returns, is crying. Missy and Baylor brought her rice. Missy's ankle is getting worse. But she won't quit. Jeff wants to have medical look at it before the challenge. It's very swollen. Medical says at the very least it's a significant sprain. It could be broken, only way to know for sure is x-ray, and to do that he'd have to pull Missy from game. Cut to commercial.

"RE: S29 | Ep 13 | East Coast Spoiler Thread - "Let's Make a Move""
Posted by Sheldor on 12-10-14 at 09:32 PM
Bravo Missy! You show those Quitters how badly a real survivor wants to STAY in the game! I hope you are able to stay.

"RE: S29 | Ep 13 | East Coast Spoiler Thread - "Let's Make a Move""
Posted by michel2 on 12-10-14 at 10:12 PM
Even after all those years, they are still rubbing it in Palau Jeff's face!

"Jon gives Baylor reward to Spa day..."
Posted by Flowerpower1 on 12-10-14 at 09:32 PM
Leaving Jac and Jon home alone, Nat goes to exile, she volunteered, while Jon offered to go there too...

cut to Bay still giving Missy a piggy back ride, they are at the spa on the beach, get a lovely drink, shrimp...Keith, I have never been to a spa....thank you to Jon, that was the nicest thing ever...
Baylor in conf: super nice of him to do that, but getting Jon out was me and Nat's #1 priority

At the RC, I was trying not to show signs of pain, but now....it hurts real bad, I am in a lot of pain, I don't know how the next couple days are going to go, but I am going to finish...

tons of food, Baylor, don't fill up on the rabbit food, salad....
Keith in conf: never had a spa day, see him in the shower, ate as much as he could then the shower, he is going to look like George Clooney...hahahhaha, then the massage, l

Baylor had a realization that Keith is kind of cool

Never had a massage before....don't want the guys at the fire station to know this, I've been rejuvenated, 4-6 days left, no problem now!

cut to huyopa, jon and mac

day 33...Jon would have been nice to take reward, but it was smart to give it to Bay...nice to have camp with just Jac and I...they talk about Nat screwing up...I told her keith, that was a big thing to screw up, I will 100% bring that up to the jury...Nat made a big mistake, now kept in K, one of the biggest threats....Jac: maybe she and Keith had something going? Maybe she trusts K more than Alec? Jon: I don't see Nat flipping...
Jac conf: If K wins IC, then we will have to split up the 5 sooner than we thought...hear snake rattles...

If K wins IC, everyone will be madder at Nat

Night time, and a preying mantic at EI...Nat. I volunteered to go to EI....this point in time, so tired, it's depressing me out here, the longest time that I have not been without Nadiya...crying....Nadiya has been gone for like 30 days, doing this without her, want to use this as motivation instead of bringing me down, I have one shot to put it all out on the table and make these last few days fully worth it...

IC: Missy is doing with a cane...Keith and Bay are helping her...
Jiffy: clearly we have something to talk about, Nat from EI, they hug her, Bay and Nat....Bay gives her something, she' crying...handed me some rice...it was the hardest things I had to do, cried 50% of the day, and Missy...last I saw you, ankle worse? Bt, I am not gonna quit, I won't , there is no way...I am gonna try on one foot, have medical look at it before the challenge....medical comes in...

examines foot...it's huge...swelling is getting worse, Nat holds Baylors hand...it's just tender and sore....touches it...she says right there...Medical says his concern is that there is a significant sprain...considering a fx...only way to know if it's fx'd is to do an x/ray, and only way to do that is to pull Missy from the game....crying, Missy and Bay...

"IC - back from commercial"
Posted by Brownroach on 12-10-14 at 09:41 PM
LAST EDITED ON 12-10-14 AT 09:42 PM (EST)

Doc says Missy does not NEED to be pulled, leaves it up to Missy. She doesn't want to leave. They will immobilize the limb and Missy will sit out the IC. Baylor in conf says Mom has always been strong, Baylor will carry Mom to the end if necessary.

Hold on to handles, balance feet on teeter-totter with vase. When vase drops you're out.

Jaclyn first one out.
Baylor out next.
It's very windy...
Keith out now.
More wind...
Jon out. Natalie wins immunity! (sorry tribe!)

Jon says Natalie winning IC makes up for her TC mistake, and now they will do what they tried to do last time and get Keith out. Hmm....

"RE: IC - back from commercial"
Posted by michel2 on 12-10-14 at 10:15 PM
>Jon says Natalie winning IC makes
>up for her TC mistake,
>and now they will do
>what they tried to do
>last time and get Keith
>out. Hmm....

The perfect Kiss-of-death confessional

"RE: S29 | Ep 13 | East Coast Spoiler Thread - "Let's Make a Move""
Posted by dabo on 12-10-14 at 09:42 PM
Look up tunnel vision, see a picture of Jon.

Posted by Flowerpower1 on 12-10-14 at 09:43 PM
Missy is bawling now...so frustrating....Jac is rubbing Baylor's back...would you as a dr. say she has to be pulled....NO, I don't think she needs to be pulled from the game, it's not life threatening...how ar you feeling...I am staying in this game, I am not quitting, immobilize it, and I will root on my tribe, sit this challenge out, take each day as it comes....thank you...

see Baylor...what's that like for you? My mom's a fighter...she never gives up,a nd so we are gonna keep fighting, I will carry her to the finish line if I have to...Nat says I will help you.....Jon gives back the necklace...

Hold on to 2 handles while your feet are balancing on a teeter totter, balance the vase, when the vase drops you are out...

wind gusts today are big...could go a long time, or could be quick....show Baylor....

everybody is in place and challenge is on....Baylor with movement, Keith with wobble and nice recovery...cannot lose your concentration, very little forgiveness in this challenge, Jac is out....Jon says sorry baby....takes tiny adjustments all the time, especially as the feet become numb, and you don't know what they are doing anymore, baylor is out....

down to Keith, Jon, and Nat, huge gust of wind....who wants this the most...wind again, brace yourself....big wind...Keith is out...down to Nat and Jon....do not want to risk being voted out tonight at TC...Jon talks to Nat...wind up again....Jon's blew over, Natalie wins individual immunity, ...she goes and hugs Jiffy, then Jon...good job...makes exile so worth it....after 35 days, you can't be voted out...as for the others, somebody will be voted out...
Jon gets the confessional of DEATH, Keith is an incredible threat on all IC's so Nat winning today does make up for her messing up the last tc, and now we will try to do what we should have done and get Keith out!

Going to be JON, I think!

"RE: IC..."
Posted by PepeLePew13 on 12-10-14 at 09:45 PM
Key quote of the season, perhaps?

Baylor: I'll carry her on my back to the finish line, if I have to.

"RE: IC..."
Posted by michel2 on 12-10-14 at 10:18 PM
I heard it that way also but can she beat Nat or even Keith? They do have two TCs to get them out!

"RE: IC..."
Posted by PepeLePew13 on 12-10-14 at 10:25 PM
LAST EDITED ON 12-10-14 AT 10:26 PM (EST)

One interpretation of that line could be that Baylor would be willing to help Missy to the finish line by saying something to the final jury something like, "My mom and I really worked together to get to this end game, but it's all her who pulled the strings" to improve Missy's chance of crossing the finish line first, so to speak.

"RE: IC..."
Posted by Sheldor on 12-10-14 at 10:35 PM
michel: Only 1 Tribal Council to get out Nat since she will play her idol at F5. 2 Tribal Councils to get out Keith.

However from those Bonus Videos I posted of Missy and Baylor I'm almost positive they will be trying to vote out Jaclyn and Keith probably in that order as Jaclyn is going to be REAL MAD!

Also seems like NO Family Visit so that spoiler seems totally bogus or backwards.

"RE: IC..."
Posted by michel2 on 12-10-14 at 10:44 PM
Technically, they could make her so confident that she keeps it as a souvenir but Keith should be the first target anyway. Jaclyn is such a good goat.

As for the spoiler, the way I heard it, it was that Jaclyn's father was told at the last minute he wasn't going for a visit. It's possible that all the visits were cancelled at the last minute. I can see production scheduling the family visit only as a back up plan in case someone had quit and they had been forced to start the finale with only 4 players.

"Post IC"
Posted by Brownroach on 12-10-14 at 09:48 PM
LAST EDITED ON 12-10-14 AT 10:06 PM (EST)

Keith helps Missy on the walk back to camp.

Natalie wants to split votes to get Jon or Jaclyn out. Natalie tells Keith to act depressed at TC, like he knows he's going home.

Jaclyn is worried. She thinks they may try to blindside Jon.

Baylor and Natalie: split votes 2-2-2.

Baylor tries to get Missy on board. Missy says absolutely not.. But Baylor is very convincing. Now Missy reconsiders.

"RE: Post IC"
Posted by michel2 on 12-10-14 at 10:19 PM
It was funny to watch when we knew that the discussion between Missy, Baylor and Natalie happened about a week earlier.

Posted by Brownroach on 12-10-14 at 09:55 PM
LAST EDITED ON 12-10-14 AT 10:09 PM (EST)

Keith says making big moves gets you the votes.

Jon says he doesn't want to let his group of five down.

Jaclyn says she doesn't think she or Jon is going anywhere.

Jon says in response to Jeff that he is thinking about his final speech.

Missy deflects Jeff's question quite nicely.

Time to vote.

No votes shown.

No idol played.


A three way tie!

Revote with Baylor, Missy, Natalie

None shown

Jon is voted out!!!!

"RE: TC"
Posted by dabo on 12-10-14 at 10:00 PM
Ponderosa Boys Club, not shabby considered the women were outnumbered from the start.

Hobbled Missy may actually now have a chance to win.

"Next time"
Posted by Brownroach on 12-10-14 at 09:58 PM
LAST EDITED ON 12-10-14 AT 10:07 PM (EST)

Two hour finale. Missy seems still to be in pain, Jaclyn argues with Natalie and Missy.

"Jon put the target on himself"
Posted by Rembrandt on 12-10-14 at 10:00 PM
By taking out Jeremy to early.

"Post IC....drama...."
Posted by Flowerpower1 on 12-10-14 at 10:00 PM
Day 35...Missy with cane...the fact that Missy had to sit out was excruciating for her, Jon in conf...and probably just as bad as the pain she was feeling...see Jon ask her, how are you feeling...
Jon says it was frustrating but God has a plan and I have to accept it. However things fall will be best for me

Nat: see Keith in the ocean, and a big wayve comes and gets him...

See Nat and Jac...who does he think is going home tonight...we should keep own eye on him, he's not going spas is he?

Jon and Jac think that we are all voting out Keith tonight, but I want to get Jon, split the vote sand vote jon out...if Jon plays his idol, we revote and get Jaclyn out...plan is to blindside Jon...but Jon has an idol, it won't be easy

Keith with Natalie.... just vote Jon, split votes, if Jon plays idol, get Jac out, if he doesn't play the idol then Jon goes home....at TC, don't act crazy, act depressed that you are going....Keith, I think I can do it, if I can't I am going home

Jac: Keith was supposed to go home last night...could I go home tonight, could Jon...I am being paranoid....blindsiding you...I know....they kiss...we vote 222 to Nat, says Bay....

I need my mo to get on board to vote Jon out...My mom treats Jon like the son she never had....Baylor I can't do that...I have given him my word to the end....going with keith, me, and Natalie is a lot better chance, I am not gonna break that loyalty....
Bay says lets vote him out, can't because I can't break that...
her down side is to put men before her....Natalie is arguing with her now...I just hope she will see it before it's too late....when my child says it's our goal to go to the end together, but it's important for me to play this game honestly, tonight this is the first time I am having a tough time with it....

come into TC...

Jury come in...so Keith, give it to me, I have been trying to pierce this 5, I am not invisible, I have a vote, use it....what do you do when you are the one on the outside, trust me, I am a fireman...Jon: it's not about not trusting keith, we built this trust with this 5, not kieht

Jac: is there any argument for K....all I can say is that I feel strong with the five,I dont think Jon and I are going anywhere... Baylor's eyes open wide

Blood is really really thick...and I have been gone for 2 days, so thank god I won bloody immunity

Jon: he thinks about the final speech, sticking together and having the loyalty is one of the rarest things you can have

Missy broken foot, I don't know where to begin on this day...Missy says that she is loyal to a fault, and I haven't wavered. alright, time to vote...Jac is up first

Keith is helping Missy to vote...

See Jon looking at everyone...as they vote

Jon is not playing it....

3 way tie
the jury is all laughing
revote: Jac Jon Keith do not revote

Baylor is voting
Jon has his head down

Natalie is laughing, no hard feelings guys....see Natalie

Jac says see you on the other side...Survivor is a tricky game, it can lull you into believing things
this game is wide open!

"Congratulations NO ONE!"
Posted by Sheldor on 12-10-14 at 10:02 PM
Well NO ONE got the vote right tonight.

I guess Congratulations go to the Editors!

We should have learned our lesson! This season they outright tell us who is going home and we over analyze and find another alternative!

"RE: Congratulations NO ONE!"
Posted by PepeLePew13 on 12-10-14 at 10:12 PM
Should have voted myself, surprised that nobody got Jon as it seemed 95% sure to me that it would be either him or Jaclyn going tonight, with only a Jon immunity win saving him tonight. He was toast as soon as he got blindsided with Natalie changing her vote last episode and then being lied to post-TC -- it was clear that Natalie was eventually going to get him for the Jeremy vote with the editing of the past few episodes, only question was when.

"RE: Congratulations NO ONE!"
Posted by Flowerpower1 on 12-10-14 at 10:16 PM
LAST EDITED ON 12-10-14 AT 10:19 PM (EST)

LAST EDITED ON 12-10-14 AT 10:18 PM (EST)

Michel called it, when Natalie vowed to seek revenge for Jeremy, he said that Natalie would see it to fruition....and she did! I kept seeing it as a missed opportunity, after missed opportunity....ugh! But, maybe Nat can still win this thing!

Geez, if I ever get on this show and get an II, and make it to F6, you can BET I would PLAY THAT SUCKER whether I needed it or not....when will these people LEARN? D'oh!

He went out well though...with a smile!

So who's next? Will Missy throw in the towel for Baylor? Who will they send to EI, will another idol be hidden?

"RE: Congratulations NO ONE!"
Posted by michel2 on 12-10-14 at 10:34 PM
Well, you had me wavering with that Natalie is a villain talk!

"RE: Congratulations NO ONE!"
Posted by dabo on 12-10-14 at 10:45 PM
LAST EDITED ON 12-10-14 AT 10:46 PM (EST)

One Twinnie is nothing like two Twinnies running together. Keith has Wes's Vote, Jaclyn has Jon's, so all she has to do now is keep Baylor and Missy together so they can gang up and eliminate the "jury threats."

"RE: Congratulations NO ONE!"
Posted by PepeLePew13 on 12-11-14 at 01:07 AM
If I'm the ladies, I get Keith out ASAP. Four ladies and one guy left in the game, all six on the jury so far are men. Jaclyn is less of a priority at the moment judging from some of the snipping going on between her and the guys while Jon was away at EI a few episodes ago.

"RE: Congratulations NO ONE!"
Posted by Flowerpower1 on 12-11-14 at 05:48 PM
Well, it was the editing that led me there....snarky comments about others, a snake preceding all her scenes...Rattles when she speaks...or when Jon spoke about his trust...she was the villain until she went to exile island and had her confessional about the hardships of the game for her....

"RE: Congratulations NO ONE!"
Posted by Sheldor on 12-11-14 at 08:57 AM
Flowerpower wrote: "So who's next? Will Missy throw in the towel for Baylor? Who will they send to EI, will another idol be hidden? "

Final 5 Finales with a Final 3 only have 2 Immunity Challenges and NO Reward Challenges. So most likely no one will be sent to Exile Island since most likely there will not be a Reward Challenge.

"RE: Congratulations NO ONE!"
Posted by Brownroach on 12-10-14 at 10:16 PM
They told us outright how exactly?

"RE: Congratulations NO ONE!"
Posted by Sheldor on 12-11-14 at 08:55 AM
Brownroach wrote: "They told us outright how exactly?"

CBS Press Release: “Let’s Make a Move” – A shocking tribal council leads to one of the biggest blindsides of the season.

I immediately thought that referred to Jon but I thought that must be a red herring.

This season the Press Releases and/or Promos mentioned a Blindside for the following Episodes and every time the player most likely to get Blindsided was Blindsided:

Ep03 Blindside = John
Ep04 Blindside = Drew
Ep09 Blindside = Josh
Ep10 Blindside = Jeremy
Ep13 Blindside = Jon

"Good to know!"
Posted by Flowerpower1 on 12-11-14 at 01:07 PM
This season the Press Releases and/or Promos mentioned a Blindside for the following Episodes and every time the player most likely to get Blindsided was Blindsided

Really good to know, Sheldor!

"Thoughts In retrospect"
Posted by Brownroach on 12-10-14 at 10:03 PM
LAST EDITED ON 12-10-14 AT 10:06 PM (EST)

Missy, Baylor, and Natalie all got stellar edits tonight. Any of them would make a satisfying winner, imo. Jaclyn was shown as being much smarter than Jon. Keith, well, Keith is just Keith. Jon was simply "naive", as Alec observed.

"RE: Thoughts In retrospect"
Posted by PepeLePew13 on 12-10-14 at 10:15 PM
Agree on the Missy/Baylor/Natalie edits - I'd be quick to say that these three are our finalists, but there's that niggling bit in the back of my head with the TeamJoisey spoiler; i.e., could Jaclyn replace one of the three in the finals? Still leaning 'no' on that question.

"RE: Thoughts In retrospect"
Posted by Brownroach on 12-10-14 at 10:24 PM
Maybe TJ's source got it backward and it was Jon's father whose visit was cancelled, while it's Jaclyn's final placement that will affect what they will be able to do with their finances.

"Jon is O-U-T"
Posted by Flowerpower1 on 12-10-14 at 10:06 PM
LAST EDITED ON 12-10-14 AT 10:08 PM (EST)

I knew it! I couldn't believe not one person on our boards voted for him....ugh! It is what it is!

Next time on Survivor:

2 hour season finale

Is it really fair, because I can't do anything
jIt all comes to an end
I didn't come 36 days to get voted out
Don't say that you know Jon
Nat: I know Jon... in this game
Jac: in this game, Not in REAL LIFE...
see Missy sitting next to them.
See Jac and Natalie yelling at each other, Jac is pointing her fingers at Nat and yelling at her...
Keith the next AM....alright, as he slaps his own face....

Jon: I thought I was doing a really good job putting my trust in the right people., it ended up biting me in the butt. Missy and Natalie did a really good job in gaining my trust, honestly didn't see this one coming, I regret not playing my idol, Jaclyn I hope that you make it to the final 3, kick butt, you know you got my vote!

"RE: S29 | Ep 13 | East Coast Spoiler Thread - "Let's Make a Move""
Posted by Murphy3126 on 12-10-14 at 10:17 PM
Underestimated how naive Jon & Jaclyn are, thought for sure at least one of them would get worried enough to play HII. Working late, thanks to all for posting. Did Jon leave Jacyln HII?

"RE: S29 | Ep 13 | East Coast Spoiler Thread - "Let's Make a Move""
Posted by Rembrandt on 12-10-14 at 10:21 PM
Well I'm assuming he had it on him. When he is voted out, the idol is out of play. So it wouldn't be allowed for him to do so.

"RE: S29 | Ep 13 | East Coast Spoiler Thread - "Let's Make a Move""
Posted by Brownroach on 12-10-14 at 10:30 PM
They will rehide that idol though, assuming it is still valid till F5. So whoever goes to EI next could potentially find and play it.

"RE: S29 | Ep 13 | East Coast Spoiler Thread - "Let's Make a Move""
Posted by Outsider32 on 12-10-14 at 11:23 PM
Unfortunately there is no more EI there is not enough time for that. They also can't do reward with two ICs in two hourss plus three TCs.

"RE: S29 | Ep 13 | East Coast Spoiler Thread - "Let's Make a Move""
Posted by Brownroach on 12-11-14 at 00:01 AM
Unless tonight's TC was the last time to play an HII, which Jeff did not state, there will be one more trip to EI and one last chance to find an idol.

"RE: S29 | Ep 13 | East Coast Spoiler Thread - "Let's Make a Move""
Posted by dabo on 12-11-14 at 00:40 AM
HII's have been good up to F5 ever since they adopted the current rules about when to play them, though I've thought for some time that is a decision that production should reconsider. In this edition, for example, at one time there were three idols in player possession. Had all three idols survived until F5 TC that would basically have amounted to four out of five players going to TC with immunity. It would be a total farce.

If they don't have time for EI after this they could still hide one in camp and throw a clue in with reward, but they could still get another EI in if they want. It is simply a matter, if they don't want to split attention too much, of making the reward something to take back to camp. Here you go, you now have your own personal cot with mosquito netting to take home for your use alone, no sharing.

In any event, two-hour finales have been digging into live one-hour reunion time for several years now anyway, they really don't care how long the reunion actually lasts.

"RE: S29 | Ep 13 | East Coast Spoiler Thread - "Let's Make a Move""
Posted by Sheldor on 12-11-14 at 09:20 AM
Highly Unlikely that a Final 5 Finale would have a Reward Challenge (and sending someone to Exile Island) and TWO Immunity Challenges. The ONLY time they have done 3 Challenges in the Finale is on Redemption Island seasons.

They have NEVER had 1 Reward Challenge and 2 Immunity Challenges in the Finale.

So while it is possible there would be 3 Challenges (1xRC +EI and 2xIC) it is not very likely.

History of F5 (or F4) Finales since F3 started in S13:

S28 F4->F2 = 2 Challenges: 2xIC
S27 F5->F3 = 3 Challenges: 1xRIC, 2xIC
S26 F5->F3 = 2 Challenges: 1xRC, 1xIC (+Erik Medevac)
S25 F4->F3 = 2 Challenges: 1xRC, 1xIC
S24 F5->F3 = 2 Challenges: 2xIC
S23 F5->F3 = 3 Challenges: 1xRIC, 2xIC
S22 F5->F3 = 3 Challenges: 1xRIC, 2xIC
S21 F5->F3 = 2 Challenges: 2xIC
S20 F5->F3 = 2 Challenges: 2xIC
S19 F5->F3 = 2 Challenges: 2xIC
S18 F4->F2 = 2 Challenges: 2xIC
S17 F5->F3 = 2 Challenges: 2xIC
S16 F4->F2 = 2 Challenges: 2xIC
S15 F4->F3 = 2 Challenges: 1xRC, 1xIC
S14 F5->F3 = 2 Challenges: 2xIC
S13 F5->F3 = 2 Challenges: 2xIC

"RE: S29 | Ep 13 | East Coast Spoiler Thread - "Let's Make a Move""
Posted by kingfish on 12-11-14 at 09:32 AM
They didn't show Nat getting a EI clue this time. I think that there are no more hidden idols.

"RE: S29 | Ep 13 | East Coast Spoiler Thread - "Let's Make a Move""
Posted by Sheldor on 12-11-14 at 10:55 AM
Kingfish wrote: "They didn't show Nat getting a EI clue this time."

In one of Natalie's Bonus Videos she says the EI clue was to the same location where Jon found the idol so she didn't bother looking.

"RE: S29 | Ep 13 | East Coast Spoiler Thread - "Let's Make a Move""
Posted by Flowerpower1 on 12-11-14 at 05:55 PM
King: Since Natalie had one idol, and Jon found the other, there were no more planted. But now that Jon has left with one, and there is one more TC to play them, I bet that there will be one hidden...either at camp, or at exile, if they still employ it.

"RE: S29 | Ep 13 | East Coast Spoiler Thread - "Let's Make a Move""
Posted by kingfish on 12-12-14 at 05:26 PM
The bonus video doesn't make sense, I know that she was aware that Jon found it, but I wasn't aware that she knew what the clue was. Jon didn't pass that around, did he?

But, I agree, it would have been easy for her to just deduce that there wasn't one hidden there.

I am thinking that there will be no more HIs. Now that we are at F5, two HI's in play plus an IN really reduces the drama at TC, especially since at that point the IN winner will be known.

I was kinda hoping that Jon would have had his HI ready to hand off to Jac on his way out when he saw the handwriting on the wall last week.

"RE: S29 | Ep 13 | East Coast Spoiler Thread - "Let's Make a Move""
Posted by Flowerpower1 on 12-12-14 at 05:31 PM
Regarding the HII, he left it in his bag at the TC....hoping that Jac could use it, but he thinks there are rules that prevent that...

"RE: S29 | Ep 13 | East Coast Spoiler Thread - "Let's Make a Move""
Posted by kingfish on 12-12-14 at 06:52 PM
I'm glad he was thinking anyway. Hopefully she can use it. Doubt it though, so far (as far as I know) the editors have not given any hint about that, and it's hard to imagine them letting that go by without some sly hint about "the biggest blind side ever!!".

So he's probably right. However if they don't have arule book in the island (weren't they asking if F5 was their last opportunity to use it?) Jac could say she's going to play it anyway. Maybe that would scramble a plan or two? Would be fun to watch.

"RE: S29 | Ep 13 | East Coast Spoiler Thread - "Let's Make a Move""
Posted by Brownroach on 12-13-14 at 00:18 AM
I think they would take all Jon's personal stuff and remove it to LL without anyone being able to go through it first. So it's highly unlikely Jaclyn would get any opportunity to use it. She might try to lie about it, but I doubt anyone would believe her.

"RE: S29 | Ep 13 | East Coast Spoiler Thread - "Let's Make a Move""
Posted by michel2 on 12-12-14 at 08:05 PM
Jon didn,t show Natalie his clue but Jeremy showed them both when he confronted Jon. So Natalie knew exactly what was written on the clue.