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"Vaguely Survivor-Like Product #27: Bloody Hell: Episode #8 East Coast Spoiler Thread"

Posted by Estee on 11-06-13 at 06:31 PM
Tonight: your eyelids will merge!

Isn't that exciting?

...oh, come on: you've been waiting weeks for the chance to fall asleep on an endurance contest. And it's for the right to get back into the game for one whole half of an episode! Don't you want to see who gets boomeranged? After all, getting rid of the returnee (again) is so much more important than breaking up couples (since an alliance of two is scarier than one of six), at least for one part-of-an-episode -- unless you can do both at the same time, in which case, Jeff's ego will finally tear the hat apart.

Remember: this remains Big Brother 6.5. More Stupid Twists are coming.

I'm waiting on Pandora.

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Messages in this discussion
"Previously on Survivor...."
Posted by Flowerpower on 11-06-13 at 09:11 PM
At Galang the women were in control, leaving Vytas on the outside looking in

At Tadhana, Aras thought he was in control, but it was Tyson that put together a majority alliance of 5...Tadhana won IC, Galang lost, Laura B revealed the women's plan, and in the end, she got her wish, saving Vytas' feelings and getting voted out herself.

Night 18, thanks for having my back, Vytas says he feels such trust in this group, he tells them that based on this, plus Aras, this is my five, and that makes 6...there is nothing else that needs to be said. Vytas says we are going to be honest even if it means our necks, death in this game, in conf Vytas says this is what he is telling the girls but not what he means....in other words he is telling them that he will die before breaking his word to them, but he really doesn't mean it...

Tina tells the group that Monica has had to do more to stick her neck out than Gervase has, so when it gets down to 5 and 6 spot it needs to be her in that 5 spot, not him...Monica says thanks Tina, that means alot...in conf Monica says that Tina has me in the 5 spot, if we merge it will be difficult when people come to me with a better offer than 5...

Laura b at RI, it was a horrible nonstrategic move to get rid of me instead of Vytas...I'm trying to be nice and hones. They tell her it should have been Vytas. She says that it's a huge mistake to leave V in the game, it's RIDICULOUS to leave him in the game when the merge could be tomorrow...cut to AM...the day is here, do or die following todays duel the winner will rejoin the game reads Laura B. John gets conf: this final duel is what I have been training for the last 12 days. Conf: Laura M, no second place is good enough, I told my daughter that I would come back to her, no second place!

See them walk in...see the tribes, first Tadhana, seeing that Laura B was voted out, now comes Galang. Then come John, and the 2 Laura's. Welcome to RI arena and your final duel...winner of today reenters this game see Laura M look up to Cierra...

"At RI challenge...."
Posted by Flowerpower on 11-06-13 at 09:21 PM
Winner reenters and quest for the million, losers out for good. Cierra has mixed feelings about her coming back into the game, it could ruin my game if she comes back...(in conf)

Winner will also get the clue to the HII. They climb the poles, in position, duel is on, Laura B struggling right away. Now appears to have found a spot, rule is if any part of your body touches the ground you are out. John knows about this challenge because Candice won it in Hero's vs Villans. See the hot sun, 20 minutes has elapsed, and john is sliding down, kicking off his shoes, and worked his way back up, now his socks are slipping, John has recovered, Laura M has not moved. Laura B is not using a foothold she is wrapped around like a baby holding on. John is struggling and is slipping more and more and is out. He is so mad and frustrated. Jiffy says he fought so hard for so many days, now down to the 2 Laura's. Now Laura B is sliding down to the last foothold and is almost out...Laura M says that she is NOT letting go, her daughter is on the line...see Cierra, Laura M is starting to slide, and Laura B is sliding more, here Laura B say gosh Da$n it...Laura M is back and she goes to hug Cierra, and says I'm back, I'm Back!

Laura B, what will you take away, I defied the odds came out of my comfort zone the farm girl goes out strong. they clap

JOhn: shakes his head, he didn't want to leave, out here for 12 days just thinking about this challenge, compares it to his first year at West Point, hardest 15 days of his life, after 19 days, your time is over...they all wish him well...

Laura M, how does it feel? Good, I am still in the game like I should be...you and everyone else can drop your buffs, we are officially merged...she gives Cierra hers and Cierra is crying, and Laura M says it's good to be back. You get the clue now, the last ones have been tossed, what will you do...she puts it in the fire....Jiffy says, I had a feeling

See Vytas and Aras hug and Vytas says I'm glad we made it! Then Aras Conf: As it stands now My strategy is to go Galang Strong, me, vytas, Tyson, Gervase, Monica, Tina and Katie, that's 7, there are 11 people left in the game, that's a distinct advantage...

"Post RI challenge and merge..."
Posted by Flowerpower on 11-06-13 at 09:41 PM
LAST EDITED ON 11-07-13 AT 08:57 AM (EST)

see them returning to a beach...day 19, merged tribe, where's the food they say...red wine!, they are grabbing it out of the chest...Hayden: we hit the beach, we have wine, food, we have a picnic, the merge feadst, I am stuffing my face but the whole time I am thinking ok, what can I do to stay in the numbers, we have the 5, Tyson, Gervase, me, Caleb, Cierra, and now I am thinking, ok, is Laura M gonna come with Cierra or is she going to pull Cierra to make 3 pairs, every thing will hinge on Cierra...it's a long game, once the merge comes this is where the game starts and Survivor becomes Survivor...

So Laura how long would you have hung on, she says forever,

Conf: for the first time in 19 days I get to play with my daughter, we can stay with the 3 couplde but I have to talk to my daughter...Cierra is going to take somone down the beach, her mom...Gervase whispers to Tyson, it all comes down to Laura M

Cierra says that she feels so blessed making it to the merge, but her mom coming back into the game could really hurt me but obviously she caused some rifts with the other tribe...she could ruin my game.

Cierra is out with her mom talking, and Cierra tells her she is in an alliance with Caleb and Hayden, but here's where it gets sketchy, you make it sketchy, becasue I am in an alliance with all the singles, me Tyson, Gervase, Hayden, Caleb and me... please don't talk strategy with ANYONE...we promised each other f5..Here is the thing, Aras is the nbext to go

Conf: Cierra: I want to make sure my mom is on board and this is the way we are gonna play it, I feel like I am the teacher...

Laura M conf: Me and Cierra are the 2 people that are going to decide the fate of t;he singles or the couples, who would have thought I'd be in the position of power to decide who is gonna go home...

Cierra tells her, just don't play hard...

Tyson leaves, Aras asks are you going for awalk Tyson, yes...Tyson in conf: when we merged Hayden gave me all the clues, I think it's at the giant tree at the water fall, it has to be there, he's looking and he finds it...TA DA....definitely noit sharing this at all right now, if it becomes to my advantage to share it with some one in my alliance to help me than I will do it....he tries it on to see if it fits....I have never had an idol before and I have also never won the show before, do those 2 correlate, I don't know...

Vytas and Aras together...Aras says, you made the merge! And Vytas tells him, skin of my teeth, bro! Vytas in conf: I am so stoked that I get to play with Aras, and I want to go deep in this game with them...Vytas tells Aras He is so stoked, we have a path, Tina, and Katie, and Monica, even though she talks alot she is totally on board, and Gervase and Tyson, aras adds....really? Tyson? Vytas says but what if he goes on a run, aras says he can't he's got a broken arm...Vytas says REALLY?

Vytas in conf: Tina, Monica, Aras, Gervase, Tyson, Katie...the majority...then they talk again, they need to get Laura M

Aras says getting rid of Laura is not just because she was on RI, the safest play because everyone is uncomfortable with her, an easy vote

Vytas to ARas: if these people were smart they would try to get rid of us right now saying these brothers can get to the end, but they are not going to , we are going to try to get Laura Morrett or somebody else...

Vytas conf: Blood vs water should really be called Vytas vs Aras

Aras to Vytas, you and I can win in the F3 against anybody, and they put their arms around each other and start to walk back to camp...

"RE: Post RI challenge and merge..."
Posted by michel on 11-06-13 at 10:40 PM
Did Aras really say that Laura M was the easy vote?!!! I'll be listening for that on replay but it's hilarious considering he said before that the easy vote was often the dumb vote. Funniest thing was that he said that when he voted out Laura the first time!

"RE: Post RI challenge and merge..."
Posted by Flowerpower on 11-07-13 at 08:58 AM
Congrats, michel on calling out that Tyson would win the HII! You rock!

"Pre Challenge..."
Posted by Flowerpower on 11-06-13 at 09:57 PM
Cut to night 19, Monica pulls Tyson over and wants to know what's going on, Monica tells him that they are telling me that I am number 5, Monica says that Tina says that Monica will be happy to make it to 5 because she doesn't have a chance in hell of winning....want me to tell you what's going on...

Here is what I have set up: Me and Gervase are tight,

Monica; but is he gonna flip because Aras and Tina think he's with them...

Tyson: NO
I need to tell Monica about the plan to get Aras out, show a little plan, a little love, show her some respect just to solidify the numbers...

take Aras out first and then start picking them off one by one

Tyson in conf: but she keeps repeating everything over and over again, but I don't want to be rude to her because I have to keep her close

At some point I want to say , Monica...SHUT UP, then give me some rusty spoons because I just want to dig both my eyeballs out

hear Monica say the only other option is...are you SURE that Gervase is with you...I am sure

She is taking all of my patience, all of it

I watn to know where you are with me, we are going to the end...we are going to the end? this was our thing from the beginning, me you and Gervase....Monica says that she had a reality sandwich, that it was spelled out, Monica I will just spell it out, you are number five.

Then monica conf: If Tyson would just say I am 100 percent with you, I would probably jump in bed and relax, but it's Survivor, how can you relax...I'm not sure, I am in a big predictament...see Tyson and Monica hug and Tyson tells her, just keep playing along!

cut to challenge

first IC, Laura M hands him back the idol, tribal immunity no more, now the IN, with this around your neck can't go, without it you are vulnerable, todays challenge tests your memory, show a series of symbols, repeat them and you are safe...

first item show barrel, crate, cannon, ship, compass, lantern...now repeat them, show first item, everyone has barrell, next item, every one has crate except Monica, first out, next item everyone has cannon except for Caleb and Katie are out, she says LOSER to caleb, Tina and Tyson are out next, Hayden is out, last item they all get, Laura, Cierra, Aras, Vytas, and Gervase

7 items: barrell, lantern, cannon, lantern, compass, barrell, cannon

show first item, they all have it
next item, veryone has lantern except Laura, Laura M is out
next Cierra is out
Vytas, Aras, Gervase still in
all get the next item
Gervase is wrong
down to Vytas and Aras staying alive
both show barrell
Vytas wins, Aras loses

Vytas wins immunity, they hug each other, and Vytas gets the necklace, see Aras, see Cierra, Tina, should be a very interesting afternoon says Jiffy, see Aras in close up, then again as they walk out....

"RE: Pre Challenge..."
Posted by michel on 11-06-13 at 10:44 PM
Dumb Vytas. He says he should only win immunity when he needs it but then he goes all the way to the end of the challenge against his brother. They knew they could be seen as threats so why make it even more obvious?

"RE: Pre Challenge..."
Posted by dabo on 11-06-13 at 10:51 PM
Sibling rivalry. Cain and Abel. Black sheep Vytas has to take every opportunity he can to better Golden child Aras. It's a law.

Posted by Jims02 on 11-06-13 at 10:01 PM
I realize the producers have to tell a story and foreshadow things, but how can the audience feel shocked about a blindside they've been teasing for 3 full episodes now?

This thing is approaching "Roger from Amazon" levels of obviousness, here.

A 2003 IceCat original

"RE: Boring"
Posted by CTgirl on 11-07-13 at 09:05 AM
The episode was a let down because it was so predictable. Aras might have been blindsided but we sure weren't.

And Vytas is up there now too showing him over-confident and smug. I think he's toast as soon as he doesn't have immunity.

"RE: Boring"
Posted by Round Robin on 11-08-13 at 09:05 AM
You could very well be right about Vytas being gone. This is the stage of the game at which the weaker players start to think about booting the physical challenge threats lest they go on an immunity run and become unbootable. The trouble this season is that there are a few more physical threats left than usual, and they have to get after them right away to get them all out. If the challenge mix is as it usually is, I doubt there will be any weaker players left at the end.

"Post challenge....."
Posted by Flowerpower on 11-06-13 at 10:16 PM
See the jungle and a lizard with a black tongue, Kasama tribe, good job V, the battle of the brothers...Vytsas said he didn't need immunity to day but he needed immunity to beat his brother, and he did, the biggest threats in this game and would be surprised if anybody had the guts to do anything about it...

See all of them around camp...see ARas, I don't trust Laura M we have to get her out to Katie and Tyson and Gervase...they say yes. Right now we have 9 peices, everyone is with us, all the girls voting for Cierra and all the guys voting for Laura M (in case Laura M has the idol)...ARas asks Katie if she is alright with it, and she says yes...

See Laura M and Cierra walk away to talk...Laura M...Here is waht I am scared of? do you think Aras has the idol? Buecasue of Russel Hantz the last time...

Cierra says that Aras is so comfortable right now...who Aras? Is he comfortable because he has an idol?

All of my life I am my mom's biggest cheerleader, go mom, go mom, that's my game instinct is ok, Laura, think about what you are doing

Laura wants to throw 3 votes to Tina incase Aras has the idol

It's wierd, I want to listen to my mom, but on the same side I am here to play my game...see Caleb and Gervase collecting firewoood

Gervase in conf: it's funny that Aras has the plan that all boys are voting for Laura, and girls vote for Cierra. Tyson's plan is me, Tyson, Mon, Haydon, Caleb, Cierra and Laura M vote for Aras. It just starts to get a little tricky because I am not sure that we are on the same page because people can say one thing to your face but behind your back they say something else, I think I know how it will shake out, but I coudl be wrong, that 's the crazy part about thisgame...to TCj

see ARas as they sit down and Aras is right smack in the middle

Jiffy asks Tyson...we merge, original tribal lines, then switch then there is blood vs water, and I am sure that the couples want to work together as long as they can, is that fair to say, if my brother was here I would ant to work with him as long as I could...

ARas agrees, is that fair, yes, absolutely, but right now there is 11 people here, Vytas and I just can't be alone, we need others it's about relationships not just Vytas and I

There are 3 pairs and One of those pairs has Laura, and in past the person from RI, usually goes right back, and Hayden agrees, does that make Laura and Cierra the swing votes, Hayden says yes...

Katie doesn't want to complicate things too much, I want to stick with th e loved ones...Tyson says it's tough, because there is 6 of them, and only 5 of us singles...Tyson hopes to get the largest portion of the pie...

Laura how do you feel, it's like the kids with chicken pox coming back to school...it's great because my daughter is playing the social girl, mom relax, just calm down because you are freaking me out...

Gervase, what will be different? Gervase says stay calm, it could chanbge liek that, be ready when it does and take advantage of it...

Katie seen voting for Cierra, we have been friends since the beginning, but...

Gervase votes ARas, this is my power move in the game, I love you like a brother, it's just how it is...

Laura M is last voter...

Vote tally:

see Tyson...

see Vytas, Aras, Laura M
Tyson, Gervase, ARas, Tyson

see Vytas raise his eyebrows and Tina is shaking her head

he (Aras) rubs Vytas' shoulders, see Tina

Well played guys, well played

have lots of fun, bro, I love you , I love you too

you will have a chance to get back in this game, see Vytas then Laura

Jiffy: well, there were questions coming into TC, there is a little clarity now that it is over...

"Next week on Survivor...."
Posted by Flowerpower on 11-06-13 at 10:22 PM
lAt night when they get back to camp

Tina: Bravo, Bravo (she says this to Tyson)
You've got 5 jury votes that you'll never get
Tyson: you pushed us out
Jiffy: The game gets ugly
Vytas in conf: Vengeance is gonna be mine at some point
Jiffy: and just when you thought it couldn't get any nastier there is a food eating competition, see them all gagging and coughing

I am still shocked a little bit, the first time I played I never got voted out, so getting voted out is a new experience for me. but the worst part is that Vytas is in a really tough position now, I wouldn't be surprised if he didn't join me in 2 or 3 days...

Well, I thought he was TOTALLY blindsided, but I have found the editing this season is pretty much dead on, so far. Aras took it very well, I might add, classy exit, imo.

"RE: Next week on Survivor...."
Posted by Sheldor on 11-06-13 at 10:31 PM
"Tina: Bravo, Bravo (she says this to Tyson)
You've got 5 jury votes that you'll never get"

There are only 4 potential jury votes that did not vote for Aras. Tina/Katie (for Ciera) and Aras/Vytas (for LauraM)

I guess Tina thought Monica voted with them but if she did Jiffy would have revealed Monica's vote.

"RE: Next week on Survivor...."
Posted by michel on 11-06-13 at 10:47 PM
Hearing about 5 jury votes puts even more doubt on Tyson. I don't even think the jurors will feel like Tina.

"RE: Next week on Survivor...."
Posted by dabo on 11-06-13 at 10:47 PM
Gervase in a yucky eats challenge, this should be fun. He is about as predictable as Boston Rob when it comes to having a queasy stomach.

At least Aras can now meditate as much as he wants.

Shame they are continuing Redemption Island for the back nine, but there can be no duel until someone else gets there. So next week we may have the rarity of the season, an actual Reward Challenge!

"RE: Next week on Survivor...."
Posted by Sheldor on 11-06-13 at 11:46 PM
In both Redemption Island and South Pacific the episode after the merge episode was a double boot episode which put 2 more people on Redemption Island and started 3-way "duels" on the next episode.

In Redemption Island the last person to finish the "truel" was eliminated.

In South Pacific, only the winner stayed, the other 2 were eliminated but then that episode was also a double boot episode so there was again 3 people on Redemption Island when the next episode started and again only the winner stayed and the other 2 were eliminated.