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"Survivor Phillipines Press"

Posted by Corvis on 09-20-12 at 09:42 AM
Here's a thread to put all the interviews and such for this season. Here's the link to Jeff's three questions with EW:


And here's the interesting spoiler-y bit:

"Okay, Jeffrey, tease us up for next week’s episode. Whatcha got?"

Malcolm and Angie are on the hot seat as they canoodle in front of everyone, and Lisa Whelchel is already feeling the truth — Survivor is an equal opportunity ##### kicker.

Table of contents

Messages in this discussion
Posted by CTgirl on 09-20-12 at 04:12 PM
Gordon Holmes (Xfinity) interview with Zane

Zane was an interesting character but I'm not too sure how much I trust his take on the players. The only interesting thing he said:

Holmes: You said Denise was hard to get along with, when it seemed like she was making strides to get to know you better. What am I missing?
Knight: She’s one of those people that you don’t ever know. In the back of your mind you’re always thinking, “Maybe.” It’s not that you can’t trust her, you just can’t assess her.

"Lisa Whelchel and Steve Cauble divorced; 'Survivor: Philippines' helped Whelchel cope"
Posted by Sheldor on 09-21-12 at 00:23 AM
This helps explain part of the Episode 2 press release "Lisa Whelchel reaches her breaking point early in the game"

Lisa Whelchel and Steve Cauble divorced; 'Survivor: Philippines' helped Whelchel cope

"If you were watching Lisa Whelchel on the Wednesday (Sept. 19) premiere of "Survivor: Philippines" and thought perhaps there was some personal stuff going on with her, consider yourself very perceptive. The 49-year-old actress had just finalized her divorce.

People reports that Whelchel and her husband Steve Cauble, whom she married in 1988 when "Facts of Life" wrapped, finalized their divorce on March 1, 2012 and she left to begin filming "Survivor" on March 10."

‘Facts of Life’ star Lisa Whelchel is divorced after 24 years of marriage

Lisa Whelchel Is Divorced

Posted by dabo on 09-25-12 at 11:45 AM
Part 1

Malcolm is an awesome player. He came into this game and he handled himself very well. At the same time I thought I was running everything, he was running around behind me doing his own thing.

Part 2

I was hoping it was going to be Penner, because Skupin is a bad man. I think we all know that. And Russ is, I mean, he's your best friend and you're scared of him at the same time. ... Skupin seemed like he would be able to smell my bullsh-t, ...

Don't know what he meant by "bad man" but I doubt he would have said that about Skupin if he'd spent much time with the guy.

Denise, and now, watching and learning and understanding that she's a therapist, now I get why she was like she was. But you could never figure her out. You never knew if she was being sincere or if she was trying to -- you always felt like she was feeling you out, you know what I mean?

Posted by dabo on 09-28-12 at 00:34 AM
Really hates Denise. Part 1.


I mean, it was one of those unhealthy addictions that honestly was led by Denise. Denise is a workhorse.

That's the way of her kind of shifting people to not look at her. "Let's go get this! Let's go get that!" That's manipulating the group through work, work, work! And if you're not in the circle working, you're automatically on the outside of the group. And I wasn't falling for it. I wasn't going to fall under her spell of becoming a workhorse.

So in addition to that, I did see that people were putting their energy into getting up really early in the morning, working, working, working.

Personally I'm thinking, you go Denise, good for her.

Mainly, Roxy got the impression that Denise is an atheist who hates Jesus people, the typical Faux News blame game.

She never called herself an atheist, but from the things that she said, she doesn't pray to God for anything or ask God for anything -- she doesn't believe there's a God. She believes in her own efforts and her own efforts only. And that's her stance and that's her right.

Roxy, ever hear the expression "God helps those who help themselves"?

Anyway, she thinks Russell was smart, but Angie proved to be weaker in challenges than Roxanne.

Foretelling more Matsing losses?

"RE: Roxy"
Posted by PepeLePew13 on 09-28-12 at 06:11 AM
Huh. What a froot loop, good thing they got rid of her before she had a chance to drive them apesh!t.

"RE: Roxy"
Posted by dabo on 09-30-12 at 01:47 AM
Part 2


Nothing really worth quoting, she thinks she would have done better in a two-tribe game, she had nowhere to hide.

Posted by dabo on 10-05-12 at 00:30 AM
LAST EDITED ON 10-10-12 AT 11:01 AM (EST)

RTVW part 1

Nothing quotable, seems like she knew the score.

RTVW part 2

Posted by dabo on 10-12-12 at 12:04 PM
RTVW part 1

Malcolm's a great player. I love the way he came in there and played hard ...

Denise is more the go-along and get-along, because she's just kind of going with the flow. Malcolm was playing a little bit more of an aggressive game. ...

I'm thinking at some point, they're either going to absorb this tribe, they're going to do "Rock, Paper, Scissors," or something's gotta happen. Something's gotta give. They can't do like they've done in years past when they just had two tribes and they just allowed the one tribe to just get decimated down to nothing -- like they did when, I think, Stephenie LaGrossa was basically by herself. ...

I was emotional out there. I was putting everything on the line because it meant everything to me -- even too much.

"RE: Russell"
Posted by SquidProQuo on 10-12-12 at 09:40 PM
Thought this little factoid about RC was interesting. (From Russell's Hollywood Reporter interview) Her team is probably hoping there will be more water challenges!

RC, here's a woman that did three of those in a row. Come to find out, she swam the freaking English Channel. So that was her strength; she grew up with that.

"RE: Russell"
Posted by dabo on 10-13-12 at 11:59 PM
RTVW part 2

Stick in the fork, yep he's done.

Posted by dabo on 10-18-12 at 11:35 PM
RTVW part 1

She says the women were in a female alliance from the start. And she was sick and fighting it the whole time, didn't think she could last another twelve hours. Spent four days in the hospital after leaving the game.

"RE: Dana"
Posted by dabo on 10-21-12 at 00:06 AM
RTVW part 2

Denise did her number on Dana, loves Denise. The women would have gunned for Carter, "Jeffkent's shadow." Penner was a really good tribemate. Would have blown Jeffkant's game had Dawson told her his MLB millionaire status.

Posted by dabo on 10-18-12 at 11:38 PM
RTVW part 1

Whatever planet she lives on, says she is a big Jeff Kent fan and had his back and was his #1 ally.

"RE: Dawson"
Posted by dabo on 10-21-12 at 00:12 AM
LAST EDITED ON 10-21-12 AT 00:12 AM (EST)

RTVW part 2

Didn't tell anyone about the Jeffkent past, doesn't think it would have made a difference if she had. Planet Dawson obviously doesn't know Planet Dana as well as she thinks. Thinks if she had told Penner he would have used it to "protect himself."

"RE: Survivor Phillipines Press"
Posted by suzzee on 10-19-12 at 12:15 PM
Seems to be a new SeeBS live show. They only have Dawson & and a Russell show posted.

Bill Posely Survivor One World hosts for Sprint.


Dawson on Survivor Live After Show

What a lovely bunch of coconuts.

"RE: Survivor Phillipines Press"
Posted by Sheldor on 10-19-12 at 04:18 PM
>Seems to be a new SeeBS live show.

Yes, it started when Russell was voted out.

> They only have Dawson & and a Russell show posted.

Note: Dana is on the show with Dawson and the co-host is Amanda Kimmell!!! I thought Amanda did a good job. Much better host than Final Tribal council speaker!

>Bill Posely Survivor One World hosts for Sprint.

Bill SCREAMS at you in the first show with Russell but he is much better in the second show with Amanda, Dana, and Dawson


Dana and Dawson on Survivor Live After Show

Posted by SquidProQuo on 10-25-12 at 10:42 PM
From her ETonline interview:

ETonline: Besides Penner, who do you think has the best chance of winning the whole game?

Katie: I can tell you that Denise is a very, very likeable person. No matter where she goes, or where she gets thrown, I think that she has the ability to mold people's minds that she is your friend. Even though she voted me out, I still have nothing bad to say about her, because she's a really nice lady! She's obviously flying under the radar, she's coming in as the new person on someone's tribe. So she can survive Kalabaw, why couldn't she make it all the way?

"RE: Katie"
Posted by SquidProQuo on 10-25-12 at 10:49 PM
Re Jeff Kent and Carter, from Katie's Xfinity interview with Gordon Holmes:

Hanson:....Jeff knows how to get under people’s skin. It was kind of funny to watch, but I was trying to stay out of it.
Holmes: Did Jeff get under your skin?
Hanson: No, no, no…he just knows the right ways to get under people’s skin and he totally did it to Artis. (Hmmm, will that make Jeff the top target for Tandang?)

Holmes: Dawson was pretty harsh when she was discussing Jeff’s social game. Do you think that’s accurate?
Hanson: I think that’s totally false. Jeff Kent was playing the game from the get go. He knew the right people he wanted to align with. He had Carter following his every move. He got Penner, who actually wanted to play with him. He was, in my opinion, the dominant male force on our tribe. So, I think Jeff has an excellent social game.

Holmes: Dana also had some harsh words for Carter. She called him a “chauvinist.” Did you witness any of that? Did you get along with Carter?
Hanson: I think all of us can agree on this; he had nothing to talk about. He had nothing to say..... He was just so boring. He didn’t have much character to him. And I couldn’t respect him because all he’d do is follow Jeff around. I think all of us girls, if Dana had never gotten sick, Carter was our number one priority to get out of there. Because then Jeff wouldn’t be so powerful. He wouldn’t have this little tool he could manipulate.
(This is my impression of Carter too - hope he goes next and is the merge boot!)

"RE: Katie"
Posted by dabo on 10-27-12 at 00:26 AM
RTVW interview part 1 and part 2.

Oh yeah, everyone knew he (Penner) had the idol. He made it pretty clear ...

I mean, what alliance do I have now? They're all gone. So Denise did a smart move. She did what would make her go a little bit further in this game. So I can't knock her at all for her decision. ...

There was food left over, and everyone ate their own sub. But because my stomach shrunk, I could only eat half of the damn footlong! So I was so upset! But yeah, no, you couldn't take any of the reward back with you, and that stinks. Because if that was the case, I think we would've been set. ...

Carter Williams was terrible too, and if anything, the ball went his way more than it went mine. ...

Jeff didn't give me the idea that he was any kind of pro athlete. ...

Well, we all wanted Denise on our tribe. Well, I can't speak for the guys, but the girls alliance knew that if we got Denise, she is much more likely to side with the females ...

Denise always had a very positive vibe about her at challenges, and she was exactly that when she joined our tribe -- very helpful, very positive. I have nothing bad to say about Denise. I enjoyed her very much.

Posted by SquidProQuo on 11-08-12 at 04:13 PM
Placeholder for her interviews - they were late because of Hurricane Sandy last week. Just noticed they're up on Survivor Fever. WIll try to review and post nuggets later.

"RE: RC"
Posted by SquidProQuo on 11-08-12 at 04:44 PM
A few nuggets from her RWTV interview:

1. She was surprised about Mike voting for her. Her answer below seems to imply she didn't find out until she watched on TV...which could imply Mike makes F3. Would think she'd be a sure vote for Mike unless she realizes and is bitter about this issue before Final TC.
2. Evil alliance ostracized her/Mike so badly that Malcolm was afraid to even talk with her. Oh, and she still hates Abi - no surprise there.
3. Her comments about Pete and regretting decision re clue and her knowing about Pete hiding the clue before seeing it on TV implies they talk in Loser Lodge.

Reality TV World: I noticed at Tribal Council Michael actually voted for Jonathan instead of joining you and Jonathan in voting for Pete. So did that kind of surprise you to have that come out? Because it seemed like Michael kind of had an idea you were going home well before Pete cast his vote then.

"RC" Roberta Saint-Amour: Oh yeah, that's for sure. You know, I understand that only one person can win this game, and really, the rest of us are all losers, right? (Laughs) But I thought that we had an alliance -- a true alliance, a lifelong alliance. So, I did not think he was going to do what he did, especially since he told me he wasn't or didn't even warn me.

And that's not a decision that I -- if I was in his shoes -- I have made, but I guess he did what he thought he had to do and that was to also not vote with me, not tell me, and not tell me that I was getting voted out that night. And so, that's certainly something that you'd have to obviously bring up with Michal. ]But yes, it was a shock to me to find out that that's really how everything went down.

Reality TV World: What was your reaction when you learned that Pete was the one who put the hidden Immunity Idol clue in your bag?

"RC" Roberta Saint-Amour: I found out earlier than when it aired, so I was prepared for it.

Reality TV World: But after you were voted out of the game? Because it seemed like at Tribal Council, you still didn't know.

"RC" Roberta Saint-Amour: Yeah you know, nothing really shocks me about Pete. He's not a smart player. He's not a strategic player. He did something I know he regretted because he has since apologized and he knows that that's where everything unraveled for the Tandang tribe.

And so, you know, clearly he regrets it. So nothing really surprises me that he did, because he's an irrational player as well and he made an irrational decision.

"RE: RC"
Posted by mimo on 11-11-12 at 01:22 PM
We lost power for a week because of the storm, so I'm still playing catch up. One quote from RC's interview really caught my eye -- especially reading it after seeing this week's craziness.

"RC" Roberta Saint-Amour: Yeah you know, nothing really shocks me about Pete. He's not a smart player. He's not a strategic player. He did something I know he regretted because he has since apologized and he knows that that's where everything unraveled for the Tandang tribe.

So is she telling us that Tandang is about to implode? I hope so!!!

"RE: RC"
Posted by SquidProQuo on 11-12-12 at 04:21 PM
That was my impression too, Mimo! At the very least, I think this means that Abi/Pete/Artis do not make F3. (Although you could probably say that just based on edit.)

"Jeff Kent"
Posted by SquidProQuo on 11-08-12 at 04:21 PM
Thought this was interesting from Kent's ZapIt interview:

Before getting voted out, what shocked you most about Tribal Council?
First I was shocked that Pete wasn't playing a very smart game. It still blows me away that Pete wasn't smarter about the position that he had put himself in and cost him the opportunity he had. The second shocker was seeing the vote for Abi from Penner. That came from left field. I had no idea where this came from. And still to this day I have no real reason why he did that -- it's just confusing.

Hmm, could imply they never talk in Loser Lodge??? Then again, not a lot of time for last boots in Ponderosa. Or maybe he just never got a good explanation.

This is funny too:

Of all the people we saw at your last Tribal Council, who's the dumbest?
Golly -- who was wearing yellow? When we merged and got to see all those yellow Tandang tribe , "Are these guys really that stupid? Are they even trying to play this game? What's going on?" And then all of a sudden you finally see Lisa play a little bit. Pete's so stupid he believed Malcolm when he said he didn't have the Idol. Are you kidding me? And Artis and Skupin -- who we nicknamed "Stupin" -- that should tell you who the smartest people were, and it sure wasn't the guys wearing yellow.

Seems to me Kent votes Denise in F3 vs. Mike (assuming they both make it to F3). He also had a few negatives about Lisa in his interview, although not as bad as Stupin, ha.

"RE: Jeff Kent"
Posted by SquidProQuo on 11-08-12 at 04:27 PM
From ESPN interview:

Says he'd play again -- it's "unfinished business." The loss still stings and he really wants to win.

"I don't even remember that rant. (After voted off). I was just so pissed off that I didn't win. I didn't care if it was 50 cents or a Snickers bar or a million bucks," Kent told Playbook exclusively. "It's kind of funny to relisten to the rant, though. I just wanted to win the dang game."

"RE: Jeff Kent"
Posted by Estee on 11-09-12 at 08:38 AM
Says he'd play again -- it's "unfinished business."

Then I sincerely hope he'll understand when everyone votes him off just because a returning player should never win.

"RE: Jeff Kent"
Posted by SquidProQuo on 11-09-12 at 10:10 AM
LOL I was thinking the same Estee!

"RE: Jeff Kent"
Posted by PepeLePew13 on 11-08-12 at 04:30 PM
LAST EDITED ON 11-09-12 AT 09:27 PM (EST)

I saw that, interesting interview!

On Rob Cesternino's website, apparently there might have been a major slip-up from Kent. Perhaps someone could take a listen to the podcast as I can't hear, but apparently something was said like this:

...in the end, it worked out for Denise that she started playing the game at just the right time ... ummm ... I mean Lisa, she didn't start playing the game until the merge and it worked out for her last night but we'll see how it works out moving forward. She's made a lot of enemies."

See if it sounds like Jeff slipped up in revealing too much or if it was just a name mix-up?

"RE: Jeff Kent"
Posted by mrtricky19 on 11-09-12 at 09:20 PM
Just the fact that Penner might not make it to the end makes the season not worthwhile at all. Besides Malcolm, he's the only one worth rooting for! Lisa is too truthful, Abi is mean, Skupin is useless, so is Artis, Pete is a piece of you know what and Denise is just a follower. Penner and Malcolm are the only good players left and it sucks that they both might not make it...what a crappy ending!

"RE: Jeff Kent"
Posted by michel on 11-24-12 at 09:45 PM
Before seeing it on TV, Kent probably had no idea that Penner was the one that wrote Abi's name so he wouldn't have asked him about it.

Posted by SquidProQuo on 11-15-12 at 08:38 PM
From Artis' ZapIt interview:

He'd definitely not a Mike vote, ha. But sounds like Mike could get other jury votes:
"The one thing he has going for him is everybody seems to love him," Artis offers. "Why, I have no idea. Let's just say from a personal standpoint he and I will never see eye to eye."

Re Pete: "just a frat boy doing frat boy stuff."

Re Abi: " ... Man. I sure hope that she was playing the game and just created that character and that's not who she is. That was a horrible character to create."

He also says Lisa was loyal to Tandang, so I'm guessing he's a Lisa vote, should it be Mike/Lisa/Denise (or even Penner and Malcom) in F3.

"RE: Artis"
Posted by SquidProQuo on 11-15-12 at 09:18 PM
From his ET Online interview:

- He says "Abi was abusive" and must be playing for the goat role. (My term, not his.) He says he doesn't agree with that philosophy of play.

- Says surviving cancer changed him and helped him to have a better attitude toward life and the game. He also talks about how it's just a game and he doesn't fault anyone for trying to play the game.

- In hindsight, wishes he had worked with Kent. (He also said in one of his interviews that he recognized Kent but didn't feel it was any advantage to bring it up.)

- Says he figured Mike would flip with the immunity necklace around his neck. Didn't think it was Penner convincing him so much as having immunity.


"RE: Artis"
Posted by SquidProQuo on 11-15-12 at 09:25 PM
From his EW podcast with Dalton Ross:

- His alliance/F3 plan was Lisa and Pete, not Abi....which perhaps helps explain why Lisa didn't flip and vote Artis this week.

Dabo posted a link in the east coast thread for those who might be interested. Sorry, having computer problems today so can't bring it over.

"RE: Artis"
Posted by dabo on 11-15-12 at 09:38 PM
Here you go


It's a long podcast, first half-hour goes on forever about nothing remotely interesting.

"RE: Artis"
Posted by dabo on 11-16-12 at 00:39 AM
RTVW part one

I knew Mike would flip the minute he had the opportunity where he felt safe. ...

Penner was an excellent player. ...

I knew Abi would never give me the idol. ... The only person Abi would ever even remotely consider giving the idol to was Pete. ...

you see how volatile she gets. I could've asked her for the idol in secret and she could've blown up and let everybody know that I was asking for it. ...

Abi's mouth is just ridiculous. I don't know if she created that character to play the game or what and she just decided she was going to be the villainess person because the episodes needed a villain and so she was going to be that person -- I don't know what was going on in her head to come out and play like that. ...

I wasn't out there to make great TV. I was there to make a million dollars. ...

We have personal problems, Mike and I, and I explained that to him. And like I said, I'm not understanding of the fascination with Mike, you know. Mike's just not a good -- Mike's not a nice human being as far as I'm concerned and he knows that. ...

Mike and I will never be eye-to-eye, and he knows that. It's not gameplay. It's not gameplay, it's personal.

"RE: Artis"
Posted by dabo on 11-17-12 at 02:38 AM
RTVW part two

I'm not understanding Abi's tirade at her. And I'm like, "Abi, please shut up. Please, for one time in your life. Just be quiet." ...

I think Abi just enjoys picking on other women. ...

(Abi and her HII) Tandang knew she had it. But why she let everybody else know she had it was unbelievable. ...

Abi's one of those people where she has to one-up everybody. If you did something, she had to do it bigger. If you did something, she's also done it. ...

I applied just about every single time except for when I had cancer -- since Season 2.

Posted by Scarlett O Hara on 11-24-12 at 09:08 PM
Jiffy has proclaimed Abi as a definite all-time Survivor Villain Hall of Famer ...


"RE: Abi"
Posted by Round Robin on 11-25-12 at 01:13 AM
See, he doesn't buy her bull$hit either.

"RE: Abi"
Posted by dabo on 11-25-12 at 01:42 AM
Shame they don't have a Goat Hall of Fame. Really, I don't think Abi rises to the level of a villain. She's one of the whackos who just can't help it: Buis, Zoe, Granny Jan, Phil..

"RE: Abi"
Posted by michel on 11-25-12 at 01:55 AM
LAST EDITED ON 11-25-12 AT 02:01 AM (EST)

As Mario Lanza wrote: "You see, Greg was bizarre. Greg was brilliant. Greg was unique. And he also happened to be one of the most entertaining Survivor players of all time. And the guy who frightened Richard Hatch half to death."


Burnett's book makes it obviously clear that Pagong loved greg and he would have win the game easily if he had made it to the end. So, goat?

"RE: Abi"
Posted by dabo on 11-25-12 at 02:25 AM
LAST EDITED ON 11-25-12 AT 02:59 AM (EST)

I was listing him as a whacko. Not all whackos are bad at the game (see Jud "Fabio") just as not all villains are inevitable losers of the game (see Brian the Iceman, see Sandra mistress of the passive-aggressive strategy).

But for all that, I took aftergame Greg talk (S1) the same way I took aftergame Skupin talk (S2), I don't think either of them really could have won, they certainly weren't guaranteed winners had they made final.

Those things do speak, however, to a reality in the game of Survivor, that what is said and done in the game can affect the course things take, how jurists think, what decisions are most favorable in the game.

For example, hang out enough with Jeffkent and Artis to know how they think, like about "deserving" players and being real "competitors," well maybe when both of them are sitting on the jury it is smart to say a few things at TCs that they would take positively in your favor.

"RE: Abi"
Posted by Scarlett O Hara on 11-25-12 at 11:08 AM
Love them or hate them, Survivor "villains" such as Abi make for entertaining TV. Word on the street from Jim Early at Survivor Whispers is that we may see Abi return to Survivor 28 alongside Colton. Time will tell if this will pan out.

"RE: Abi"
Posted by mimo on 11-25-12 at 02:50 PM
That would a season I would be guaranteed to miss. If it does pan out, those two will need automatically renewable hidden immunity idols that magically find their way directly into their bags...

"RE: Abi"
Posted by Round Robin on 11-26-12 at 01:40 AM
If they ever bring that damned woman back to Survivor, Burnett and Probst should both be hung.

"RE: Abi"
Posted by Estee on 11-25-12 at 11:33 AM
I would like to preemptively name any alliance between Abi and Colton as the UBQs. I would also like to preemptively vomit.

*sigh* Well, they stopped pretending they were casting for players a long time ago.

"RE: Abi"
Posted by dabo on 11-27-12 at 11:13 AM
Found this pre-game interview with Abi that you may find interesting:


Holmes: You still have a very strong Brazilian accent.
Gomes: I do!
Holmes: You’re entering a game where people are looking for any little reason to send you packing. Are you worried that might cause you some trouble or can you get it to work to your advantage?
Gomes: I think it could work to my advantage. I plan on getting in the final three, and hopefully they’ll think, “She can’t speak English very well.”

Gomes: And what I’m going to do is, “Guys, I have an accent. My English is not powerful. So, if you take me to the final three I’m not going to talk in front of the jury…”
Holmes: And then you tear them up.
Gomes: Exactly.

Posted by dabo on 11-26-12 at 09:04 PM
RTVW part one

I thought Carter was just going to vote this one Tribal Council and try to save me. ...

I got along with her (Abi) sometimes. Other times, obviously not. It got a little annoying and she's kind of abrasive sometimes. But I mean, I felt bad because nobody deserves to cry ...

maybe I should've broken the Abi-alliance a little bit earlier ...

I don't feel like he was ostracized at all. The only person that had a serious problem with him was probably Artis, and Artis was kind of vocal about it. I never really said anything that negatively impacted Skupin. Obviously with RC, we just needed to get her gone.

There was no way -- she wasn't going to let anyone else take any control. She wanted to call all the shots. She wanted everybody to be her little puppets, and that just wasn't going to happen. ...

Lisa wasn't going to flip and she was going to be loyal until Skupin made that one decision to knock out Artis without telling her actually.

"RE: Pete"
Posted by dabo on 11-27-12 at 11:46 PM
RTVW part two

Lisa genuinely wanted to stay loyal the entire time. That was like her gameplan before she ever came out to the island. ...

Carter was a big part and I thought we had him. When we voted off Jeff Kent, we saw that, "Hey, Carter doesn't have anyone to follow anymore, so maybe we can get him to follow us."

Unfortunately, it didn't work out that way and he went with Penner ...

It was very apparent that they weren't getting along. Skupin really, I guess, didn't understand why. But I mean, Artis made it pretty clear. ... It's their little issue.

"RE: Pete"
Posted by mimo on 11-28-12 at 00:33 AM

So there's someone on the island called Carter? And he's supposedly playing the game?

Posted by Flowerpower on 11-28-12 at 07:53 AM
It was very apparent that they weren't getting along. Skupin really, I guess, didn't understand why. But I mean, Artis made it pretty clear. ... It's their little issue.

What was this issue? Artis pointed out Skupin's eating habits, that he consumed so much more than anyone else. Is that "their little issue"?

"RE: What?"
Posted by Corvis on 11-28-12 at 09:30 AM
No one will talk about it - it's a big mystery. Artis refused to say anything in his interviews and Pete deferred to Artis and didn't explain. But Artis sure makes it sound like it is something bad. Makes me wonder if it Mike made some sort of racist comment or (giving Mike the benefit of the doubt) said something Artis interpreted as a racist comment. I am hoping Jeff asks them about it at the reunion.

"RE: What?"
Posted by dabo on 11-30-12 at 08:51 PM
I wouldn't think it was racism on Michael's part, in general Artis seemed (to me) to be talking about some character flaw he found in Mike, and something about being a liar.

"RE: What?"
Posted by dabo on 11-28-12 at 11:27 AM
Yeah, it's a mystery. Artis quote from above in this thread:

"Mike's not a nice human being as far as I'm concerned and he knows that. ...

Mike and I will never be eye-to-eye, and he knows that. It's not gameplay. It's not gameplay, it's personal."

While Artis made it pretty clear in his interviews how he feels about Mike, and that he confronted Mike about it, he never did say what issue came up. Perhaps this was because he wanted to take the high road since Mike can't tell his side of the story at this point.

Pete takes that same road in not revealing the nature of the issue, but it is notable that he thinks Mike never understood.

"RE: What?"
Posted by PepeLePew13 on 11-28-12 at 02:09 PM
Be interesting to see how that influences things during the final jury statements if Skupin is there at the end. Will it come up from either Artis or Pete if Skupin is there and how will Skupin handle that kind of commentary?

Posted by SquidProQuo on 11-29-12 at 05:19 PM
From Penner's EW podcast with Dalton Ross. Nothing really spoilerish but enjoyable as always:

- He admits not accepting Mike and Lisa's F4 deal was a mistake and it "bit him in the #####." He says he didn't read the signals clearly enough at the time and didn't want to change his game. His plan was to go to F3 with Carter and Skupin. He didn't realize that Skupin and Lisa were so close. LIsa was his last choice of the 6 to take to F3 because he felt she had voted for him twice.

- He says he also didn't realize that Jeff Kent was so fixated on getting him out until he watched it all on TV. Laughed about 4-fingered handshake. Also didn't know he was a baseball player.

- Re why not use Abi as a number (earlier) vs. vote her out: She was hated. It was like nails on a chalkboard. So annoying and no one of the 6 wanted to take her to the end.

- Re why not save your $ at auction for advantage vs. let Abi get it: He says he's not such a student of the game to realize it was coming. Previous auctions he was in were done a little differently -- e.g., could pool $. Bottom line, he didn't think he needed it. Bought a $200 sundae that they didn't show.

Penner starts at the 22:07 mark:

P.S. Everyone's still talking F3 so guess it is one?

"RE: Penner"
Posted by SquidProQuo on 11-29-12 at 05:25 PM
P.S. EW also has a video clip where Penner talks about how he had received a call to possibly be on AllStars/Heroes vs. Villains season, but then they called back that there was a new player (Russell Hantz) that the producers fell in love with and wanted to bring back, so sounds like he got bumped for Russell.

He laughs about how he evidently was going to be a Villain, whereas Candace landed on the Heroes.

"RE: Penner"
Posted by dabo on 11-29-12 at 10:46 PM
LAST EDITED ON 11-30-12 AT 00:19 AM (EST)

RTVW part one

There's nobody on the jury right now that I believe would vote for them (Lisa and Michael) -- that's what I said to them anyway. ... "If you vote me out, there will be one more person that probably won't vote for you. So that's five people whose votes you have f-cked up. You guys were not thinking about the end game. You are not playing a winning game. You are playing a surviving game, which is fair enough. You hope for the best. You hope you can sit next to somebody that you can beat at the end." ...

They believed that they are all playing winning games -- Malcolm and Denise as well, same with Abi-Maria Gomes, same with Carter Williams. And the truth is, three of them are going to be in the Final 3 or the Final 2 or whatever it works out to be but only one of them is going to be right, you know? ...

The second she tore up the note, I knew that she was full of sh-t. Why tear it up? If you've got immunity, everyone's blazing their immunity idols around -- she was scrambling. I respected that, appreciated it, but didn't put much stock in it.

"RE: Penner"
Posted by dabo on 11-30-12 at 08:30 PM
RTVW part two

I had just been worrying about how to keep myself alive until then. And that's why I passed on her, and it wasn't a Final 4. She wanted to make it a Final 3 -- although I guess the implication was Carter would've been the Final 4. I simply wasn't prepared yet to lie to her. ...

I thought that Skupin and Carter and I were in a lock and that Lisa actually was kind of on the bottom because we'd get rid of Denise. Malcolm would have his idol. It would either be Malcolm or Lisa, and then Carter and Skupin and I would go to the end. ...

Jeff went home because Skupin did not vote the way he said he was going to vote. I voted for Abi because I wanted to be able to walk back into the camp with one person and be able to say, "I didn't vote for you." And I wanted to have the other person on the jury to say, "I didn't vote for you" -- and to p-ss Abi off a little bit. ...

I mean, it's a shame and I didn't understand why Denise did what she did. And she said, "Well, I have my own plan," or something -- "I'm playing my own game." And you can't argue with that. And I was forced to play the idol and RC went home. ...

I don't think she's (Abi) a bad person (laughs) at all, but she just rubbed everybody the wrong way.

"RE: Penner"
Posted by SquidProQuo on 11-30-12 at 00:07 AM
From Xfinity interview with Gordon Holmes:

Holmes: Last night you said that Skup and Lisa couldn’t beat Malcolm and Denise. Did you mean that or was that strategy?
Penner: Well, I did mean it. The lie that I did tell them was that I thought they might have a chance of beating me. I don’t think they could beat me. My way of thinking was, “You guys have screwed yourself with the jury. You can get to the end, but who the hell is going to vote for you?” They never thought about that. I told them straight to their faces that I didn’t think they could win and they get to make the choice of who does. As I walked out I said, “You have just given a million dollars to an unemployed bartender or a sex therapist. I hope that’s what you wanted to do.” Now, obviously it might play out differently, but that’s what I believed. And I was cross with them for not giving me the million dollars. But that’s the choice they made based on me not making a commitment to them.

Holmes: Just to rewind a little bit, you voted for Abi in the vote that sent Jeff Kent home. If you’d voted for Pete, it would have forced a tie. What was your reasoning behind that vote?
Penner: A couple of reasons; I was playing for the jury. I knew that I was walking home with either Jeff or Pete. This way I could walk home with them and say, “I didn’t vote for you.” And then look at someone on the jury and say, “I didn’t vote for you.” Both would have been true. I was happy to stir the pot with Abi. I was supposed to be in a short-term alliance with them because I thought I was going home until that day. I was willing to work with anybody. When Abi and Pete said, “Let’s get rid of Jeff” I thought I’d do that if it keeps me alive. I didn’t want to vote for Jeff. Also, I thought Skupin was with us, so I thought we had the votes to get Pete and my vote would be extraneous. Unfortunately, Skupin did not vote the way he’d indicated that he was going to vote.

"RE: Penner"
Posted by michel on 11-30-12 at 07:41 PM
Everyone's still talking F3 so guess it is one?

Could it be that they are forced to keep the secret? There are 3 episodes left and we are down to 6 so the premier will start with 4 players just like the Final 2 seasons.

"RE: Penner"
Posted by SquidProQuo on 11-30-12 at 08:04 PM

>There are 3 episodes left
>and we are down to
>6 so the premier will
>start with 4 players just
>like the Final 2 seasons.

Exactly. Pepe and I (and others) have posted about this in other threads, once we realized there was no recap. I was really leaning toward F2 for a while but we'll see.

Note that in the RTVW interview that Dabo posted, Penner mentions F2 or F3, "however it shakes out." So like you said, perhaps they've been told to keep it secret.

It could make a huge difference, especially if they're all assuming F3 and get surprised. Reminds me of Cece. She would have won if F3 that season.

"RE: Penner"
Posted by SquidProQuo on 12-01-12 at 00:02 AM
Interesting, it was Denise who told Penner who Lisa was, and apparently others know too:

Did it ever occur to you to use Lisa's secret - her identity as a former TV star - against her in order to keep yourself in the game?

We weren't the only ones who knew. In fact, Denise had told me, I didn't know. I certainly let Lisa believe that I did know. By the time I met her, I did know. But when we first had gotten on the beach I did not recognize her, I had never and have never seen one episode of "The Facts of Life." Just like I didn't know Jeff Kent was a baseball player. Did I ever consider using that against her? No. I honestly didn't. Nor did I ever consider betraying some of the other stuff she told me in confidence.

(From Penner's Examiner interview)

Posted by SquidProQuo on 12-06-12 at 04:52 PM
Not much to go on, but a couple nuggets from Carter's ZapIt interview:

Re Abi and Lisa:
"It's unfortunate, because she's really been a bully out there to Lisa -- and have you seen Lisa? She hasn't done anything to deserve that at all."

Re Skupin:

Carter, on the other hand, bonded with the elder statesmen of the game.

"I loved Penner and I loved Skupin -- both in different ways. Skupin and I became really close and they showed it at last Tribal Council -- him saying, 'This kid's like a son to me.' I really hope that was the truth, it wasn't just him flattering me before he sent me home."

No mention of Denise, even though they were on the same tribe for a while.

Carter seems to look up to older males like Kent and Skupin....I think he votes for a guy, so guessing Skupin gets his vote. Lisa seems like 2nd choice.

"RE: Carter"
Posted by SquidProQuo on 12-06-12 at 11:28 PM
From his Xfinity interview with Gordon Holmes. This confirms that he/Penner/Skupin had an F3 deal.

Honestly, I thought that me, Penner, Skupin, and Lisa were tight. I talked to Skupin, I talked to Penner. Lisa and I were really great friends out there, but we never really discussed strategy. I thought it was going to be me, Skupin, and Penner in the final three. I did have a strategy and it wasn’t to ride on the coattails of Penner. But it was with that four. I didn’t know that a handshake didn’t take place and that they felt uncomfortable.

Also, when asked to describe Skupin, he says "a good man." And Denise is "poker face."

"RE: Carter"
Posted by dabo on 12-08-12 at 02:57 AM
RTVW part one

We were very nervous because we had no food. ...

I actually don't know what would've been the smartest strategic thing to do with it. That was just me being me. ...

Abi, if she could get her way to the finals, she would actually have a pretty good speech lined up. ...

And yeah, no one believed her. I don't think that's why I went home. ...

they were afraid of the challenges.

RTVW part two

Had Lisa blindsided Malcolm last night had he not won immunity, that would've been an awesome play. And a lot of people would've been sad, but that would've been a great play. ...

So the play we had set up was designed to get rid of Malcolm, and when that kind of fell short, then I was trying to get them to get rid of Abi. ...

For whatever reason, they didn't get rid of Denise. I don't think people saw her out there as maybe that big of a threat. ... I don't know if people at this point have truly recognized how big of a threat she is. ...

I love Lisa. I got to know her really well out there. Like Jeff Kent, I got to know her apart from The Facts of Life, which to me, was really cool.

Posted by SquidProQuo on 12-13-12 at 03:14 PM
From her podcast with Dalton Ross at EW:

- Abi says that Penner didn't give the finger to her -- that he gave it to DENISE when she walked by to vote. I'm not sure I'm buying this. However, Penner was the first one to greet Abi in the Ponderosa clip and didn't seem mad at her, so who knows. Abi says that Penner was mad at Denise because she was the reason he got voted out. We'll see.

- Dalton says he met her before the game and thought she was so nice, so what the hell happened?!! She admits she was a "royal #####" but blames it on the fact that she was injured on the first or second day and therefore had to play a more aggressive game than she had planned so she wouldn't get voted out as the weakest link.

- She says that the only reason she called Skupin a moron and an idiot at TC last night is because a) he said she was the cancer of the tribe immediately before that (which was edited out) and b) he lied and told her he was keeping her, but Lisa told her the truth that she would be voted out that night.

- She says she's had to drink 2 bottles of wine each Wed. to make it through watching the episodes and seeing how she's portrayed on TV....but she owns her edit and doesn't blame it on CBS. She's happy for all the air time and exposure (!!??) since she's starting a new bottled cocktail / beverage company. Hilarious. I can see the commercials.

- She holds no grudge against RC but RC still hates her and won't talk to her. She says she's even afraid of seeing RC and her family at the reunion. Dalton makes a joke that maybe Probst should do a cage match, and Abi immediately jumps in with, "I would kill her and kick her #####." Very scary.

- Says her biggest strategic mistake was making Lisa and Skupin feel low on the totem pole. (This was with prompting by Dalton.) She says she apologized to Lisa at the Probst show taping last week, and that she didn't realize Lisa was America's sweetheart. So sounds like that tidbit might not come out in the final TC.

- She's not mad at Pete for planting the clue and instigating between her and RC. She says by the time she got to Ponderosa, she was over the game.

Abi starts at around the 35 min. mark of the podcast:


"RE: Abi"
Posted by SquidProQuo on 12-13-12 at 03:44 PM
LAST EDITED ON 12-13-12 AT 03:45 PM (EST)

Here's Gordon Holmes' Xfinity interview. Pretty much says the same thing as the EW podcast posted above. She calls RC a "bitter ##### that got blindsided."

It's interesting that Gordon says the same thing that Dalton and Prosbst have said -- i.e., Abi seemed so sweet and charming before the show, so they were surprised with how she turned out.


"RE: Abi"
Posted by SquidProQuo on 12-13-12 at 06:08 PM
From Survivor Fans Podcast:

- She tore her ACL on day one. Had to have surgery when she got back. She was in so much pain and that's why she was so cranky.
- Says her criteria for voting at Final TC will be all about gameplay and strategy. She says she doesn't care about likeability. No kidding .


"RE: Abi"
Posted by dabo on 12-13-12 at 07:19 PM
RTVW part one

I was hated and that was sort of my strategy throughout the game. I went in with good intentions. ...

Yeah, my behavior was somewhat a result of my injury and the circumstances there. I wasn't in a good mood; I was in pain. ...

I definitely am a very competitive person, but I don't want to blame it on being Latina or the cultural thing or being Brazilian. I acted poorly and I want to take ownership. I don't want to blame it on anything; I don't want to blame it on culture. ...

I think that Denise was pretty confident in her position in the game.

"RE: Abi"
Posted by tikigirlie on 12-14-12 at 01:41 PM
After reading part 2 as well, it sure seems like we might see Abi pull a Christa and maybe vote for Denise (if not Malcolm)?

Of course in the Amazon, it didn't really matter which way Christa voted in the end, but it seems like crazy Abi's vote is gonna be VERY important.

I believed that Malcolm and Denise both have strong arguments for making it to the end, but I think Skupin and Lisa also have their own arguments, you know? But I mean, they survived every Tribal -- Malcolm and Denise, and it's hard to beat that.

I think all of them have great chances of winning, but I think that Denise and Malcolm have the strongest case.

Re FTC voting criteria:
Strategy. It doesn't even have to do with likeness. I don't even care if I like the person or not. It was mostly strategy.

Of course, she's so bat-sh!t crazy and bad with strategy that who knows what she actually means.

"RE: Abi"
Posted by dabo on 12-14-12 at 02:14 PM
part two

Both of them have great arguments. Both of them survived. ...

I was also trying to save myself. I mean, anyone can build an amazing argument and change the jury's mind at the end. ...

It's going to be a really hard decision because if Malcolm and Denise end up in the Final 3 together, it will be a really hard decision. ...

I knew that they didn't believe me, but I was just relying on that one-percent chance. I knew that they knew I was bluffing. ...

RC actually told me the story. And when she told me the story, she was expecting me to be upset about it, but you know, the game was over for me. So I thought it was funny. ...

And I apologized, but she did not want to accept my apology. ...

It's an honor playing Survivor.

Posted by dabo on 12-18-12 at 01:46 AM
RTVW part one

it's unfortunate for Malcolm that he couldn't just look me in the face and lie

But after the game, Jonathan and I are -- actually all of us -- are all on good terms.

all of us were just so done with dealing with Abi. And whether or not that could've come back to bite any of us strategically, none of us was willing to take her into the final. It was just miserable and none of us wanted to sit next to her.

"RE: Denise"
Posted by dabo on 12-19-12 at 10:30 PM
RTVW part two

I was pretty sure that we were all onboard to vote Abi out, and that likely could've played into Michael and Lisa's thoughts. I'm not sure how strongly that fear of, "Would Malcolm pass that or give that to me to play?" But for me, him not being able to, again, just say, "You bet, we're going to make sure that this alliance stays strong," that was my first cue. ..

I was really concerned myself that that tension between Abi and I would just infect the whole jury. But it infected it in a very different way that played out for me. ...

I never would have thought of it as under the radar. I think it was smart. ...

As long as the vote was going in a direction I already wanted it to go, the smartest thing for me to say was, "Absolutely. I am onboard. I'll do that," because it played to my favor ...

it's kind of hard to stay under the radar when you keep changing tribes and you have to keep scrambling. It's like you have to figure out a way, and you can't come in there breaking down doors. You have to come in like a guest ...

the game was really a rollercoaster for Lisa. But in the end, I respect how she played the game. She played it the best way that she could

Posted by dabo on 12-19-12 at 11:15 AM
RTVW part one

I'm surprised that Lisa and Skupin got the votes they did. ...

Lisa and Skupin were playing much better than I was giving them credit for out there. But it's so much about perception when you're going to make a case for the jury, and nobody on that jury perceived that Skupin and Lisa were playing a good game. ...

Everyone completely respected Denise out there. I think I made friends, but people respected what she was doing.

"RE: Malcolm"
Posted by SquidProQuo on 12-19-12 at 07:08 PM
Thanks Dabo!

The other thing I wanted to add is that in several interviews, Malcolm mentioned how Penner/Pete/Carter cooked up the idea in the Green Room prior to the Reunion Show to mess with Probst and say that they would NOT have voted for Malcolm, when they really would have. They knew that Probst always asks the question, and it was just a joke. So that explains it and definitely makes sense -- Malcolm would have won.

"RE: Malcolm"
Posted by dabo on 12-20-12 at 11:35 PM
RTVW part two

So before we go out there, Pete, Penner and Carter told me they weren't going to raise their hands when he asks that question (laughs) when I know they would've absolutely voted for me. ...

If I go with Denise, it's very close and I would've had to make a really good argument. It probably would come down to the argument. ...

They would've gotten rid of her had I not -- Skupin walks up to me and says, "So what are you going to do with your idol?" And I go, "Oh, I'm giving it to Denise." ...

If I didn't have the idol, they would've gotten rid of Denise right there, and then they'd get rid of me on this next one and it'd be Lisa, Skupin and Abi at the end ...

It would've been very, very close between Lisa and Skupin had they done that. I would've voted for Lisa though. ...

I just had a horrible, horrible read on Lisa. Good for her, that's the game. She just absolutely outplayed me there at the end.

Posted by dabo on 12-19-12 at 11:22 AM
RTVW part one

Malcolm was just a little bit more charismatic than Denise and everybody just loved Malcolm.

"RE: Lisa"
Posted by dabo on 12-19-12 at 10:38 PM
RTVW part two

as far as he knew at that point, I was still playing the game with my heart and wasn't going to go against that. He didn't know the consequences of my brother's visit, and since that time, I was back in the game and ready to do whatever it took to get to the end and win ...

I think she played an awesome game. I would've voted for Denise! ...

she stayed with strong alliances, she listened and paid attention, but she didn't get her heart so in the game that it got in the way. ...

Granted, I was wishy-washy throughout the game, but there was never a time that I wasn't loyal to Tandang until it would've been stupid ...

Yeah, it's my opinion that people kind of know who they're going to vote for. They've had days to ponder over it over at Ponderosa. So, I think it was already a done deal. ...

By that point, we had spent a lot of time together. They knew me as me

Posted by dabo on 12-19-12 at 06:02 PM
RTVW part one

Flame On!

I thought the vote would be between me and Lisa. I didn't think Denise would get a single vote. She played such an under the radar game. I guess she offended less people. ...

I thought that I could play a very strategic, a very bold, a very offensive game, and that they would respect the principle or integrity of the game. ...

Remember, everything that Penner does is pre-calculated. ...

I will say that there is more game played at Ponderosa than actually on the island itself. There are people that will go there that will -- in fact, there are people that are still playing the game today. They're lying about their age and saying crazy things about what happened seven months ago ...

Abi's game has won the million dollars before, because with that game, if you make it into the Final 3, that's a pretty good reason and she could tell a pretty good story. And I'm not saying she would've won, but everybody in the Final 7 could have told a brilliant story.

And there's stuff about Artis but go read it yourself.

"RE: Skupin"
Posted by dabo on 12-21-12 at 02:48 PM
RTVW part two

Even production didn't know about our Day 1 alliance until about Day 25, because I told Lisa, "Don't sit next to me. Don't eat next to me. Don't offer me water." We were on such opposite ends of camp that they felt comfortable downloading to Lisa, which she was going to tell me. And at other points, they felt comfortable telling me things about Lisa, and then I would run and tell her. ...

Pete's strategy was very cards face-up. ...

You have to trust at some point. It's just, you have to make a decision on whom you could trust the most. ...

I look at Denise's game and it's a game that I can't play. ...

I just could never figure out that Ponderosa. And watching that Ponderosa video coming back, that is a part of the game that I completely underestimated. It is a part of the game. I'm not going to complain about that being a part of the game, but that's the part of the game I still haven't figured out.

"RE: Skupin"
Posted by michel on 12-24-12 at 12:55 PM
Skupin's right that there's a lot of game played at Ponderosa. I even witnessed it in my games!! Imagine when you get there after seeing your dream of a million dollars crushed.

The weirdest thing is that Abi was one of the few people that really seemed to get over the game. RC's behavior is completely ridiculous but much closer to the norm.

"RE: Skupin"
Posted by dabo on 12-24-12 at 11:00 PM
I know, it was like Abi just flipped a switch, game over. Though she did say she wanted to take seriously her responsibility of being on the jury.

RC was the one who just wouldn't let anything rest, seemed extremely frustrated. Kent brooded. The others palled around just trying to enjoy themselves as best they could. Penner seemed to be the one who paid the best attention to things.

Anyway, Merry Christmas.

"RE: Skupin"
Posted by michel on 12-24-12 at 11:43 PM
Merry Christmas to you too.