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"Colton's and his appendix are both doing fine."

Posted by SOAR64 on 03-22-12 at 02:46 PM
Just listened to Colton being interviewed on Rob Cesternino's Rob Has A Website.com. It turns out that he was only suffering from a severe bacteria infection and after receiving a round of antibiotics in New Zeland, both he and his appendix are doing fine. He did say something strange, he said that he did not have a choice on whether he stayed or was evacuated. He did not need surgery after all.

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"RE: Colton's and his appendix are both doing fine."
Posted by dabo on 03-22-12 at 03:39 PM
he said that he did not have a choice on whether he stayed or was evacuated


General Order 104 Section A, he was deemed medically unfit for command.

"RE: Colton's and his appendix are both doing fine."
Posted by jasonkola on 03-22-12 at 04:21 PM
I am not really surprised. When I saw how high up on his abdomen the medic pushed I was thinking than is no where near the appendix. Plus his pain started in his head in the middle of the night. When I had appendicitis all the pain was from the waist down. I could hardly walk. I believe that medic knew something was wrong but was guessing as far as the appendix as concerned.

"RE: Colton's and his appendix are both doing fine."
Posted by Outfrontgirl on 03-22-12 at 06:57 PM
>>> only suffering from a severe bacteria infection

well, I wouldn't say only. The bacteria in the tropics are fully as dangerous as appendicitis. (not only in the tropics by any means, but they are virulent here)

They have become resistant to the antibiotics. It's no longer a case of you just take your meds and you're good to go. You may respond to them and you may not, but if the infection has a good hold on your system, you may well die.

Bacteria are living organisms that multiply rapidly, so time is of the essence in treatment. First you have this amount, then they double, then that doubles, and so forth ... soon it is untreatable and a body literally decomposes into ooze and organs burst. It is disgusting and an awful way to die.

The medic may have wanted to come up with a "condition" for the moment and for the camera that would justify removal, while most likely knowing perfectly well there were a number of things it could be, but blood tests and cultures were needed.

"RE: Colton's and his appendix are both doing fine."
Posted by dabo on 03-23-12 at 00:45 AM
Yeah. Appendicitis is familiar enough to most people not named Kat that it was the best way to go, and fortunately they had Tarzan's confessional to help lead into it.

He is pretty straight and clear in confessionals.