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"Survivor 22 Ep11 ECST"

Posted by vince3 on 04-27-11 at 02:57 PM
(Posting this now because power went out and is unsure if they'll get it back on in time as promised or not...)

When we last left the Survivors, Julie joined Matt and Mike on Redemption Island, leaving only two former Zaps left: Rooster and Steve. Things got heated when a war about rice became about race as well...

There is a promise of craziness tonight as they get a mystery package...

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Messages in this discussion
"I'm out of action"
Posted by vince3 on 04-27-11 at 06:49 PM
The original estimate for power restoration was 5pm... then indefinite... and now maybe by 10pm... and BTW, more storms are a coming...


Posting this from the library, and not in a good mood...

"RE: I'm out of action"
Posted by Snidget on 04-27-11 at 07:03 PM
I have power, but networks are on all weather all the time.

I'd rather sit in the dark.

"RE: I'm out of action"
Posted by vince3 on 04-27-11 at 07:07 PM
LAST EDITED ON 04-27-11 AT 07:09 PM (EST)

and I'd rather have power since at worst I'll watch cable, especially the hockey game...

ETA: and also be able to surf the web at my place instead of here at a library... *blech*

Posted by dabo on 04-27-11 at 07:51 PM
I may not have CBS tonight, barely have any TV at all somehow.

I hate this season.

I hate the jet stream.

I hate this season more.

"RE: Survivor 22 Ep11 ECST"
Posted by jbug on 04-27-11 at 08:03 PM
no storms here tonite! We're watching the crazy guy

"RE: Survivor 22 Ep11 ECST"
Posted by Nume on 04-27-11 at 08:16 PM
Ack, how am I supposed to find out what happens while I'm at work if none of y'all have power? guess I'll have to wait for power to be restored or til I get off at 11 heh.

"RE: Survivor 22 Ep11 ECST"
Posted by dabo on 04-27-11 at 08:22 PM
I expect someone's lost a duel by now. ))sigh((

"RE: Survivor 22 Ep11 ECST"
Posted by jbug on 04-27-11 at 08:24 PM
Julie's on the jury

"RE: Survivor 22 Ep11 ECST"
Posted by jbug on 04-27-11 at 08:25 PM
oh & Phil found his shorts
with no clue or nuttin.
He brought the big rock back to use as a foot rest.

"RE: Survivor 22 Ep11 ECST"
Posted by Nume on 04-27-11 at 08:30 PM
Phew! I was so worried I'd have to watch Phil in his underwear the rest of the season!

"RE: Survivor 22 Ep11 ECST"
Posted by jbug on 04-27-11 at 08:34 PM
Rob & Grant were discussing when to get rid of Andrea. Seems she is feeling bad & taking the blame for outing Matt.

"RE: Survivor 22 Ep11 ECST"
Posted by jbug on 04-27-11 at 08:33 PM
dang it

I had it all wrote out & this dang keyboard lost it

Log roll

Grant won
chose Rob & Andrea to share teh chocolate cake & cold milkk.

Ralph offered to hug his neck if he'd pick him.

They have 2 minutes to eat all the cake they can.

"RE: Survivor 22 Ep11 ECST"
Posted by jbug on 04-27-11 at 08:37 PM
oh & Grant got a mystery package that can't be opened till TC.

everyone talking about what it might be
guessing a 2nd voted out at TC
quessing a deck of cards to draw from.

Ralph talking to steve; steve has to ask him to repeat something he says 3 times. LOL

"RE: Survivor 22 Ep11 ECST"
Posted by jbug on 04-27-11 at 08:38 PM
Rob thinking Ralph to go next casue he's still has his head in the game; steve has almost checked out

Rob & Grant worried about Andrea having made friends with the zaps

if there ix z 2nd vote, tehy'll vote andrea

"RE: Survivor 22 Ep11 ECST"
Posted by jbug on 04-27-11 at 08:40 PM
steve telling natalie & ashely he & ralph are voting Rob - tries to get them to get Rob out now.

They go tell Rob.

now Rob thinks maybe Steve has gotten his 2nd wind & needs to go next instead of Andrea

Posted by jbug on 04-27-11 at 08:44 PM
Andrea tells Jeff the Ome's are rock solid.
Ralph thinks it is him.
Steve is playing that he's weak, that Ralph is the stronger & should be voted out.

Steve reminds the girls that Rob turned on his best friends before to save amber
more discussion on him betraying Lex

Rob says that he is still true to Amber to this day.


"RE: TC"
Posted by jbug on 04-27-11 at 08:46 PM
LAST EDITED ON 04-27-11 AT 08:48 PM (EST)

Jeff tallying votes (it's only 7:45).

12th person voted out.
Ralph started to walk away without his torch; jeff said "not so fast"
I thought he was about to put Ralph in the twist! LOL
sent Ralph to RI

the twist....
Steve opens it.

flips top card, it says you will now compete in a IC & then vote again.

"2nd IC"
Posted by jbug on 04-27-11 at 08:53 PM
each person gets a stack of cards
looks them over

Jeff showing series of symbols;
they show them back

all right

all right

all right

Phil & Natalie wrong

Grant & Amber wrong

Steve & Ashley out


"2nd TC"
Posted by jbug on 04-27-11 at 08:55 PM
tallying votes


13th person voted out.

Off to RI with you!

Now there are 4 on RI.

Congrats - not more Zaps;
bad news no where else to hide.

"RE: 2nd TC"
Posted by jbug on 04-27-11 at 08:56 PM
this was very very hard.

Vince, I don't know how you do it!!!

"RE: 2nd TC"
Posted by Puffy on 04-27-11 at 08:57 PM
Thanks, JBug!

Posted by Outfrontgirl on 04-27-11 at 09:03 PM
Thanks vince and jbug!

If anyone wants to read the MESS GUT I wrote this week (shameless plug), it's here:
"A Twist is Born"
The picks are the group consensus; the silliness is mine.

I am not happy for myself falling for the Andrea does well in challenge idea.
I really didn't see how she could beat Rob or Grant on the log roll, but the hair was there ... and she seemed an unlikely one for Grant to pick to eat. Now it all makes sense of course.

"RE: thanks"
Posted by Nume on 04-27-11 at 09:28 PM
Yes, thx for the updates. Also, as much as I hate to say it, Russel has to be enjoying watching this. Now 6/6 main island and 7/10 total players are original oma's .

"on the bright side"
Posted by dabo on 04-27-11 at 09:32 PM
the ratings this week are gonna be bad

"For vote scoring"
Posted by dabo on 04-27-11 at 11:08 PM
Duel: JW/MC/ME
Boot 1: Ralph
Boot 2: Steve
Immunity 1: Grant
Immunity 2: Rob

"RE: Survivor 22 Ep11 ECST"
Posted by Brownroach on 04-27-11 at 11:49 PM
LAST EDITED ON 04-27-11 AT 11:53 PM (EST)

A rather subdued edit of Rob tonight, which I take as a sign that this is where we will see his game start to unravel. Grant was dictating strategy regarding booting Andrea, and Rob agreed rather than dismiss it as he did with Phillip earlier.

And prospective victim Andrea came up with a prominent and ultimately triumphant (if unbeknownst to her) edit by the end. Plus her ties to Matt were re-established, a good sign. It all seemed to portend the slippage of Rob's control.

Rob will be going down. But not yet. My early pick for next week's boot is Natalie.

"RE: Survivor 22 Ep11 ECST"
Posted by michel on 04-28-11 at 06:18 PM
I'm having computer problem so I'll need to make thsf ast but, BR, on first watch, it seemed to paint Andrea negatively, especially mIKe's confessional and talk with Julie. Then, because Andrea is somewhat likable, I thought it very important that Grant was the first to mention her name: Less blame on rob

"RE: Survivor 22 Ep11 ECST"
Posted by SquidProQuo on 04-28-11 at 00:56 AM
Thanks jbug and Vince! This episode turned out to be more interesting than I thought it would be, despite the Pagonging.

- Big uptick in the Matt/Andrea storyline. Will he forgive her? Will one of them unseat Rob and/or make the finals? Sure seems like God and CBS are on Matt's side.

- Nice to see Grant finally talking strategy! But were his moves smart? Natalie sure didn't seem happy about the chocolate (although at least he explained how he wanted to keep Andrea feeling secure). And his "I love you Rob" and picking Rob for the reward should put Phillip and the 3 degrees on notice. But his sudden spike in airtime has me a bit worried for him.

- The All Stars discussion at TC was very interesting, esp. Jeff's commentary, but I feel like I need to rewatch it again before deciding on an interpretation. Would love to get others' take on this -- i.e. has Rob truly learned from his past mistakes? Will he avoid being Ambered this time? Will one of his blindsides cost him the game?

Re Next Time:
No mention of Family Visit...although we did see Ashley and Natalie crying.

The challenge looks epic....lots of stairs....Grant would seem to be a favorite, but I could also see Natalie having good endurance as a dancer.

Rob's quote about "32 days of hard work gone, just like that" seems to be ominous, but is it just misdirection?

"RE: Survivor 22 Ep11 ECST"
Posted by Flowerpower on 04-28-11 at 10:38 AM
Frankly, I found Matt to be somewhat pathetic out there this episode. If he is ready to be done, then let him be done. I am getting to the point where if he were to be the first winner at the first RI duel, and spend the entire show there, than how can he say he really played the game? Sure he won some competitions, but now that there are three competing in the second half of the show, it's not like he even needs to "win" the challenges, he just needs to not lose. He didn't make enemies because he never voted anyone off, of course they all love him. I would still think that the argument alone that any of the players that were NOT voted out, could be made to win the game in the end.
We'll see.

Regarding the uptick in the Matt/Andrea association. I don't quite know what to make of it. I did have vibes that Andrea would indeed thwart the boot last night, and in the next episode perhaps. But, with her increase in confessionals with this episode, it could foreshadow her impending boot, where she'll be reunited with Matt one way or the other. Again, we'll see....

Did you see Natalie's face when she wasn't picked for the chocolate....that was priceless! I think Rob is playing this game to perfection. He's made a very cohesive tribe. Then in the previews he's discussing that what comes next won't be easy, that one of them will be going to RI...how much more diplomatic can you be at a time like this?

Yes, I would agree that Rob's comment did lead me to believe that he didn't win....could it be foreshadowing or misdirection?

"RE: Survivor 22 Ep11 ECST"
Posted by Blind Freddy on 04-28-11 at 10:51 AM
Re: "how much more diplomatic can you be at a time like this?"

I would choose the word strategic to describe his actions. Everything Rob does is game related. He wants to control his tribe's votes, their actions, their thoughts and even their emotions. Thus it is ROB who holds the Sprint phone doling out emotional rewards for good behavior(loyalty). Only Rich Hatch and Russell have approached this level of control over a tribe. But Rob pretty much owns the control-freak title I'd say.

But does this equate to a winning strategy? That's not near as decisive....just read the David criteria for his winner vote. And there will be more Zaps on the Jury than Omes. What one tribe views as excellent game play can be entirely different for another tribe.

I think JP summed it up best in a recent quote...~'Rob is the best player to have never won'. And it may be coming true again.

"RE: Survivor 22 Ep11 ECST"
Posted by emydi on 04-28-11 at 11:07 AM
I just kept repeating Shii Ann's mantra "Stupid stupid people."

Perfect timing- The women had a 3-2 advantage over Zaps but they ran and told Rob...even after they talked about Lex...They all think they are Amber...FP we need a photoshop!!

"RE: Survivor 22 Ep11 ECST"
Posted by PepeLePew13 on 04-28-11 at 12:36 PM
Something like this, perhaps? (Pulled over from Sucks)

"RE: Survivor 22 Ep11 ECST"
Posted by emydi on 04-28-11 at 12:52 PM
Great pic!!

I was more thinking Rob with the 5 Omes with Amber heads! But this is hilarious.

"RE: Survivor 22 Ep11 ECST"
Posted by Flowerpower on 04-28-11 at 03:31 PM
Who will be Rob's AMBER....

"RE: Survivor 22 Ep11 ECST"
Posted by emydi on 04-28-11 at 04:18 PM

"The Tribe"
Posted by Flowerpower on 04-28-11 at 12:59 PM
They all want to be Rob's Amber....

"RE: The Tribe"
Posted by SquidProQuo on 04-28-11 at 01:16 PM
This clip's funny too -- Rob's Angels with Grant as Bosley.


"RE: The Tribe"
Posted by emydi on 04-28-11 at 02:55 PM
Hey, FP, you forgot 2... "I love you Rob!"

"Thanks jbug"
Posted by vince3 on 04-28-11 at 04:38 AM
My power came back on sometime between 12:30 and 3am... The timeline kept getting pushed back and after it got pushed back to 4am and it was around midnight I gave up and went to bed... and woke up with the lights back on at 3am...

So, they had a quick mental challenge for the IC at TC, huh? makes sense so that it would be quick and easy... and it can be done at any location they really want to have it...

"RE: Thanks jbug"
Posted by SquidProQuo on 04-28-11 at 09:06 AM
Yes, as spec'd, quick IC at TC. 8 cards w/symbols in the package. Memory game where Jeff showed them a series and then they had to play back the symbols in order.

At least the 2nd IC was better than the RI challenge, which was shuffleboard. Very lame!

"RE: Thanks jbug"
Posted by emydi on 04-28-11 at 10:46 AM
hmmm...I had power all nite vince, Pgh weather???

"RE: Thanks jbug"
Posted by vince3 on 04-28-11 at 12:29 PM
Wind gusts at about 2:30pm knocked out power in Sheraden after (at least in my house) a little flickering. Duquesne Light said it was equipment failure. I saw lights in areas a couple of blocks away, but each time I had ventured out and then returned home, the entire street was dark: No house lights, no street lights, nothing except ambient light from lights that could be seen further away...

Call initially said 5pm, then indefinite. Went to the library, returned at 8 and they said around 10. Played DS for a bit and comforted cat... At 10pm they said around 11:30pm, so went out to get something to eat and a little bit of groceries and gas... (listened to end of bloody hockey game at Settler's Cabin Giant Eagle... grrrr...) Came back close to midnight and they then said 4am... Gave up and went to bed. Next thing I know I wake up and the lights are finally back on. Turned on computer and it said 3-something...