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Thread Number: 7674
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"SurvivorBlowsTribe, Time To Vote: S22 ep11"

Posted by dabo on 04-26-11 at 09:28 AM
LAST EDITED ON 04-26-11 AT 11:22 AM (EST)

ADVISORY: Vote threads are open to all who wish to participate and cast their votes, spoilers and non-spoilers alike. The posts initiating these threads contain no spoiler information other than perhaps referencing what has been revealed in TV promos for the upcoming episode. Non-spoilers, be advised that spoilers may include information in their posts here which you may not wish to read. Spoilers, please do not include spoiler information for future episodes, stick to the episode in question.

The Rules

1. Put the name of your choice for this week's boot in the subject heading.

This is easy, just erase where it says "Re: SurvivorBlowsTribe, Time to Vote..." and replace with your vote on which player will get the boot, e.g., "Ralph." Or, if you think this will be a two-boot week: "Ralph and Steve." It doesn't matter which order you put them in unless it matters to you. This is projected to be a two-boot week; it doesn't really much matter if you get them in order but try if you want with the order being boot 12, boot 13.

This makes it easier to tally votes quickly and accurately. Nicknames are tougher to tally unless they are really obvious without actually reading your post. Other things you want to vote on (how they'll make this season worse, how they'll make this season worse, how they'll make this season worse), these should go in your post not in your subject line.

("Boot" defines as voted out of a tribe, either exiled to Redemption Island or, when Redemption Island is no longer a factor in the game, eliminated from the game. Quitters are also regarded as boots though whether they would be exiled or eliminated/disqualified is unknown. It is assumed that medical evacuees would be eliminated/disqualified without prejudice.)

1b. The process for voting on which Exile on Redemption Island will be eliminated from the game.

Place your elimination vote anywhere in the subject line with the boot vote. Place an "X" in front of the name of the exile you think will lose the duel and be eliminated from the game, as in XMatthew or XMike or XDavid. Alternately, should you wish to save space in the subject line, cast your vote using the exile's placement number determined by the time of their arrivals on Redemption Island, noted in the list below in this post. Exile 8, Matthew, would be X8. Exile 9, Mike, would be X9. Exile 11, Julie, would be X11.

This week we will be using the finale style voting method for duel voting. You will be voting on who finishes third (last), who finishes second, and who finishes first (wins). Please use the following designations in casting these votes:

JW for Julie Wolfe
MC for Mike Chiesl
ME for Matt Elrod

Place these votes in this format: 3rd/2nd/1st. So, for example, if you think Julie will finish third, Mike will finish second, and Matt will finish first, your vote should read "JW/MC/ME."

1c. Returnees.

This section is to note that it is entirely possible for a player to be returned to the game immediately after a duel and subsequently be voted out again within the same episode. So an exile could also get the boot, both votes could be for exiles. Hence the importance of the X, please get in the habit.

2. Reply only to this post.

We like to keep our votes threads nice and straight.


2b. But to change your vote (or add additional votes) reply to your own previous vote post.

Your new post heading should read, for example, "VOTE CHANGE: Rob." Or perhaps "VOTE CHANGE: Rob and Phil" if you think it will be a two-boot week.

3. This is not a discussion thread, do not treat it as such.

There are plenty of places on the forum to debate the merits of people's arguments, have discussions, have civil and polite disagreements, don't do it here.

But please feel free to discuss your vote in your own post, cast all the extra votes you want, tell us how much you hate this stupid horrible insane game-destructive RI twist, fondly remember the days when Survivor actually was a game, we're all interested in what you have to say. And KB wants your challenge votes for scoring purposes! ETA: and you might want to pick two of them for immunity this week

4. No graphics, particularly no sig pics.

If you must have a graphic make it pertinent to something. Thank you.

5. Have fun!

NOTE: Rob Mariano will soon be appearing on a History Channel reality travel show, read about Rob's Next Show! which he may actually win since he has only one person to whackcompete against.


Murlonio (black) tribe

Andrea (Ometepe)
Ashley (Ometepe)
Grant (Ometepe)
Natalie (Ometepe)
Phillip (Ometepe)
Ralph "Rooster" (Zapatera)
Boston Rob (Ometepe)
Steve (Zapatera)

Redemption Island

exile 8. Matthew (Ometepe, exile 2, Murlonio)
exile 9. Mike (Zapatera, Murlonio)
exile 11. Julie (Zapatera, Murlonio)


Francesca (Ometepe, exile 1)
Russell (Zapatera, exile 3)
Kristina (Ometepe, exile 4)
Krista (Zapatera, exile 5)
Stephanie (Zapatera, exile 6)
Sarita (Zapatera, exile 7)


David (Zapatera, Murlonio, exile 10)

Table of contents

Messages in this discussion
"Ralph and Steve, JW/ME/MC"
Posted by parathor on 04-26-11 at 11:27 AM
*hits big red button* That was easy...

Grant wins log-rolling immunity.
Rob wins random tribal-council immunity (fire-starting? quiz? either way, he's smarter than the rest, so that's another easy guess)

"Steve and Phil JW/ME/MC"
Posted by kingfish on 04-26-11 at 11:54 AM
Grant to win the first IN. He'll probably pick Rob and Phil to share reward. If there's a second Immunity, I'll pick Rooster.

An exZap is the planned TC boot, but Rob needs to keep the exZap who isn't likely to go on an IC winning streak. Steve came within one second of beating him last week, and ever the paranoid soul, he gets the cult to boot Steve to RI this week. Sorry Bug.

He doesn't have time to orchestrate anything for a surprise 2nd boot, so, lacking a control spell from Svengali-Rob, the cult votes out Phil. Rooster escapes either due to the confusion of the surprise second boot or because he wins a second IN.

The RI elimination is a shot in the dark. Matt's luck should run out soon, and he certianly seems to be at the end of his road.

"Because Spoiler to the stars, MissyPissy says so!"

You should listen!

"Ralph and Steve, JW/ME/MC"
Posted by byoffer on 04-26-11 at 01:22 PM
Matty will keep on keeping on at RI, and after this week the Ome's will have to start eating their own.

"1. Ralph 2. Steve JW/MC/ME"
Posted by emydi on 04-26-11 at 02:56 PM
I like gup's thinking on why Steve goes first but Rob could have voted Steve last week but he didn't. I think Rob is most worried about Matt on RI and he thinks Rooster is stronger than Steve overall. He just thought Julie was stronger last week than 2 guys. He thinks Steve is weakest.

Grant wins Log Rolling IC

Rob wins 2nd IC if there is one

I think Matt wins RI truel and Julie is gone coming in last, Mike is 2nd..and stays...then it will be 4 on RI until after first F5 and quadruels from here on out.

"Yo, emy!"
Posted by dabo on 04-28-11 at 02:00 AM

Big Congrats!

Posted by tribephyl on 04-28-11 at 06:01 AM
just... wow.
Phantastic job, em!

"RE: wow"
Posted by emydi on 04-28-11 at 10:32 AM
Thanks dabo and Tribey...I haven't got everything right ever I think (at least unspoiled seasons!)

"RE: wow"
Posted by Blind Freddy on 04-28-11 at 10:54 AM
Bigtime kudos!!!!

"JW/MC/ME - 1. Ralph 2. Steve"
Posted by Brownroach on 04-26-11 at 03:08 PM
I'm dittoing emydi's picks for RI and TC.

Grant wins the IC.

There won't be a second challenge at TC, the immunity will have been good only for the first vote, ergo no one will be immune in the second vote. That's my take on what will happen.

"1. Ralph 2. Phillip JW/MC/ME"
Posted by HitmanPayne on 04-26-11 at 03:25 PM
Ralph is the biggest threat from the Zaps to possibly take Matt out.

I truly believe all of this "positivity" for Phillip in this promo is his downfall.

As for Matt and Mike on RI, It'll be the same old story. Matt cries and talks about Jesus. Mike consoles him, but comes in 2nd in the duel. Julie heads to Ponderosa.

"Andrea wins IC"
Posted by HitmanPayne on 04-27-11 at 07:20 PM
Forgot to put who wins IC.

"TC#1: Steve | TC#2: Phillip | RI: JW/ME/MC"
Posted by KwietOne on 04-26-11 at 04:01 PM
I never get these right. Just pure speculation.

"Ralph and Steve, JW/ME/MC"
Posted by kiki_k on 04-26-11 at 04:02 PM
see: emydi's analysis.

Matt isn't going anywhere & I'm picking him now to be the one to come back into the game at F5. But I'm not to sure if he or Mike gets 1st in the truel -- Julie is the definite 3rd place (and 2nd jury member).

I'll go with Andrea for the log rolling IC win.

Ralph 1st boot.

Steve 2nd boot (if that is the twist).

"Rooster, Steve JW/MC/ME"
Posted by vince3 on 04-26-11 at 04:19 PM
Final peals of the Pagong will be heard, and things will get crowded at RI.

Rooster gets the normal kill, then Steve is sacrificed as well... Meanwhile, whatever the challenge at RI is, it won't favor Julie and the boys get to welcome their new visitors soon... with Matt this time edging out Mike.

"excellent work!"
Posted by tribephyl on 04-28-11 at 06:04 AM
I'm in awe of you. Excellent picks this week.

"RE: excellent work!"
Posted by Blind Freddy on 04-28-11 at 10:57 AM

Many kudos for thinking this out correctly

"Steve and Ralph.....ME/JW/MC"
Posted by Loree on 04-26-11 at 06:10 PM
I expect Steve and Ralph will finish off being pagonged and it was a good reason for the double boot. They wanted to get it over and move on.

Grant will win IC since he is the most physical threat left.

Don't think there will be time for a second IC.

Matt's luck has to run out eventuallly. He is last in the duel. Julie in the middle. Mike wins.

"Steve - Ralph MC/JW/ME"
Posted by michel on 04-26-11 at 06:31 PM
LAST EDITED ON 04-26-11 AT 06:34 PM (EST)

First, a woman has to win sooner or later because Phil is supposed to last every man on Zapatera! Therefore Mike is toast but really, all that matters is that Matt stays.

For IC: Grant will win. That log rolling is based on footwork and football players are used to exercises that involve good footwork.

Steve is toast because, knowing how much Ralph wanted to stay, Rob will give him that much. Next, if there's another TC, we'll see the Rooster's last call. Rob promised F6 to his troops, he'll give them that.

ETA: The Jury wins the second IC unless they are not eligible then I'll go with Ashley because Andrea pays her debt.

"Ralph & Steve, JW/MC/ME"
Posted by Round Robin on 04-27-11 at 02:18 AM
Grant wins 1st IC, if there are 2 IC's Rob will win the other one. I think he's too observant to lose the kind of quiz about his tribemates that I think a 2nd IC might be.

Posted by tribephyl on 04-28-11 at 06:03 AM
excellent job making the guesses.

"RE: fan*freakin*tastic"
Posted by Blind Freddy on 04-28-11 at 10:55 AM
<bowing to a greater mind>


"Steve ~ None RI: JW/ME/MC"
Posted by tribephyl on 04-27-11 at 04:00 AM
Julie comes in first on RI and Matt makes it through at the last moment. Most likely GOD will continue to carry him. That'll continue until GOD gets busy helping one of the American Idol contestants.
Mike joins the jury. More because even though he won last week he had no confessionals and is experiencing the dip before the exit.

I'm still not sold on the double boot. Nor the Andrea on fire near exit. What I am sold on is that Phillip has his best day ever!
1. He finds his shorts!
2. His biggest enemy becomes the target. Steve.
3. He's given a chance to field 'offers' from key castaways. (Which sound a lot better than they actually turn out to be.)

I see this episode more as the beginning of the final days of Rob. Seeing Andrea in trouble leads me to believe that those plans will be thwarted. Whether through Immunity or twist, Andrea will stay alive. Setting up further for Rob's worst fears to come true. He's made the first move.
Throwing one of his own under the bus before their is need to will open the door for all the Ometepe to become more receptive to alternate end results.

Quick Pick Entry:
RI Winner: Julie
RI Loser: Mike
IC Winner: Andrea
TC votee: Steve

Posted by dabo on 04-27-11 at 11:58 AM
The order is 3rd/2nd/1st. But it is clear in reading tribe's post he meant to vote Julie as the winner of the duel, reversed the order in his subject line ballot. This CORRECTION post is presented as a service and no other meaning should be read into it than that for tallying purposes it is easier to use the subject line ballots. All posts are read and enjoyed.

"1stVO:Steve / 2ndVO:Phillip............IC:Andrea..............RI : MC/ME/JW "
Posted by Woogie on 04-27-11 at 04:55 AM
at RI : Julie comes first, Matt second(lives again) and Mike sent to Jury

Andrea wins IN!!!

Steve is voted out

Then comes the twist!!!

Another vote..
Maybe there is IC b4 that, tho I doubt it.
But if there is Rooster wins.

Omes votes out Phillip, tho Rob may have wanted to keep hil around.

"Steve/Rooster XI-Mike"
Posted by Scarlett O Hara on 04-27-11 at 08:14 AM
Steve is voted off first
Rooster is voted off last

Julie wins at XI and Mike finishes last and makes the walk of shame to the Ponderosa.

Can't wait to see Robfadda's new show!~!!!

"CORRECTION: Steve/Rooster MC/ME/JW"
Posted by dabo on 04-27-11 at 12:01 PM
see post #19. Maybe I'm just in petty tyrant mood at the moment.

"Ralph ..JW/MC/ME"
Posted by Travel_Queen on 04-27-11 at 10:38 AM
LAST EDITED ON 04-27-11 AT 10:38 AM (EST)

Tough week!

II winner of log roll: Boston Rob, only because he did well last time. If not Rob, Grant

If there is a 2nd boot as speculated, The last of the ZAPS, Steve will be going to RI.

If there is a second II: Boston Rob

Matt will win the RI Tru-el.

Julie will join her frenemy David at Ponderosa.

I think we can't go by the normal rules of editing this year, they are really keeping the boots well hidden.

"Ralph and Steve voted out. Julie loses-Mike-Matt wins for the duel"
Posted by Corvis on 04-27-11 at 10:52 AM
Not a lot of time this week, so just getting my vote in without explanation.

Andrea wins the IC.

"VOTE CHANGE: Steve and then Ralph voted out -Julie loses-Mike-Matt wins the duel"
Posted by Corvis on 04-27-11 at 06:10 PM
LAST EDITED ON 04-27-11 AT 06:12 PM (EST)

Changing vote to Steve getting the axe first and then Ralph in second surprise vote. However, I am really thinking that a second vote out is not what "changes the game". I think we (definitely me) jumped too quickly on that idea. I have this feeling something else is happening. I wonder if it's just that Jeff reveals something about the way RI works with returnees or something...

IC: Still Andrea.
Duel: Matt wins, Mike in second and Julies loses

"Steve then Ralph, JW/ME/MC"
Posted by dabo on 04-27-11 at 11:30 AM
I think Steve is on the chopping block ahead of Ralph for the simple reason that Ralph does the fishing and other keep busy stuff, he's useful and he doesn't mind working, whereas Steve is a good guy but he's tired and doesn't do all that much. Rob may also realize that his obsession about Matt on RI is his problem, the rest of the Omes may relax a bit if it seems he's not worried about Matt anymore.

Ralph goes second if they have to vote out someone else at TC, it doesn't even have to be stated that completing the Pagonging of Zapatera is the order of the day.

We've had nothing about RI this week except Matt's whining. And Matt's sudden Christian media tour. This tells me Matt continues at RI. Nothing about a woman at RI? Julie probably goes to the jury, Mike continues his stand-by substitute for Matt if it happens to happen game. Just guessing but I think Mike continues to come in ahead of Matt, great drama for the yuppie Christian viewers.

In the challenges, there have been no rewards for a long time, not since the merge, so the Omes haven't been trained how to deal with individual reward situations. Andrea wins immunity and then plays politics by sharing with Rob and Grant because that's where the money is for the time being.

If there is a challenge at TC it is probably trivia, probably how well they remember their pre-game training how to survive particular to Nicaragua. Dumb as Ralph may be he probably absorbed and retained all of that stuff, so Rob has to go all out to beat Ralph and does.

boot 1: Steve
boot 2: Ralph
duel winner: Mike
duel loser: Julie to the jury
duel middle: Matt continues in the game
first immunity rolling logs: Andrea
second immunity trivia: Rob by a hair

"1. Steve 2. Ralph; JW/MC/ME; IC-Andrea"
Posted by Blind Freddy on 04-27-11 at 12:57 PM
1st Votee Steve - I'm going with Steve as the first votee, since he almost beat Rob, at his(Rob's) own claim-to-fame...puzzle master. And since Julie's Insider confessional mentioned that Steve's recent burger-fest revitalized him, I think he's moved up to top-blip on Rob's radar screen. And you'd get no objection from Phillip on that. Two birds with one stone...Robus modus operandi.

2nd Votee, Ralph - At the second 'mystery package' reveal, a second votee scramble. Even w/o time to arrange strings to pull, Rob has his squad in cult-mode for the auto-vote. No time for any thinking about a silly betrayal.

IC winner, Andrea - She's closest to JP when the toss is made. I think the sitting posture is explained by the nature of the Reward. Likely food and letters or Sprint phone video from home. In either case, she would be sitting down on the short bench to watch/re-watch them. Meanwhile JP takes care of business and sends the losers back to camp with the mystery package to ponder over. Thus all the long faces back at camp: no family message and a new twist at TC.

RI Truel, Matt wins, Mike second, Julie to Jury. Because we've seen no hint of what the truel is about and the fact that we have a female up against 2 athletic males, I'm thinking this will be a boring mental chal of some type(puzzle?). And in Matt's recent Christian confessional, he states...

"Physically, I had lost a ton of weight and struggled to stand without seeing stars and feeling like I would pass out. Mentally, my mind simply wouldn't slow down"

I'm thinking that Matt will excell at any mental chal remaining and struggle at the physical or endurance ones. Thus I'm picking Matt for the win. Julie, I think was done with the game when she taunted phillip and ate the 'spite' rice. You don't do that if you're still working for Jury votes. Plus I think she struggled at the last puzzle chal in which she participated. And that leaves Mike in the middle to challenge new arrivals Ralph and Steve at the quaduel.

That's my best guesses for this week. Enjoy the show guys.

"Vote Tally #1"
Posted by dabo on 04-27-11 at 01:20 PM
LAST EDITED ON 04-27-11 AT 04:07 PM (EST)

This is post #22, vote tally #1, compiling 21 previous posts; 19 vote, 2 correction (just part of the service), no others.

Duel Finish Orders (19)

Julie has 14 3rd votes, 2 2nd votes, 3 1st votes.
Matthew has 1 3rd vote, 9 2nd votes, 9 1st votes.
Mike has 4 3rd votes, 8 2nd votes, 7 1st votes.

First Boot (19)
Ralph: 10
Steve: 9

Second Boot (19)
Steve: 9
Ralph: 5
Phillip: 4
none: 1

Boot Totals (37)
Steve: 18
Ralph: 15
Phillip: 4

First Immunity (14)
Grant: 7
Andrea: 6
Rob: 1

Second Immunity (11)
Rob: 5
no second immunity: 3
Ralph: 2
jury: 1

ETA: I'm not going to update for two votes at the moment, but Steve is now the leader for both the first and second boot.

"1-Steve, 2-Rooster; Julie/Mike/Matt"
Posted by CTgirl on 04-27-11 at 02:30 PM
1st immunity - Andrea
2nd immunity - Grant

"Steve, then Ralph. Julie loses RI~Matt~Mike"
Posted by Flowerpower on 04-27-11 at 03:14 PM
LAST EDITED ON 04-27-11 AT 04:38 PM (EST)

Boy this is getting complicated! I have thought about it, and I think Steve will be first. I do believe there will be a surprise vote again as is instructed by the mystery package. If it's so surprising than the Old Omes will most likely all vote for the last Zap standing.

I think Mike and Matt will advance on RI, leaving Julie to head to the jury. I think Mike will win first place, Matt second...

I think that Grant will win the IC log rolling. It very well could be the Sprint phones and letters from home. Could be why Phillip is so happy, he gets a letter from home. I think that Grant and Rob will get to speak to their spouses. Should be good...

"JW/MC/ME...IC Andrea...1.Ralph...2.Steve"
Posted by Krautboy on 04-27-11 at 04:15 PM
Going with the emydi/Blindfreddy hybrid vote:

Julie loses RI Challenge, Matt wins.
Andrea wins log rolling IC
Ralph is first votee
Steve is second votee (if that is the twist)

"JW/ME/MC for RI; Andrea wins Immunity, Steve and maybe Ralph go to RI"
Posted by Belle Book on 04-27-11 at 05:22 PM
Julie loses the truel and goes to the jury. Mike and Matt are spared for another truel.

Andrea wins Immunity, ensuring the demise of one of Zapatera. The Ometepe tribe decides on Steve and he heads to RI. If there's a second vote, Ralph joins him.