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"S22 Press, Post-game interviews..."

Posted by Flowerpower on 02-10-11 at 03:08 PM
A thread to place press related to S22, including post-game interviews...

Here is a pregame interview with Boston Rob, RussHell, and Dalton Ross from EW.com

one nation, under Romber...

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"Interview with EPMB on Redeption Island"
Posted by CTgirl on 02-10-11 at 04:49 PM

Here are some of the highlights:

How Will the Redemption Island Twist Work?

Mark Burnett: The very first person (voted out of the game) goes to Redemption Island. There on Redemption Island they live alone. The same conditions, the same amount of food, almost nothing to live with except it’s even worse because they’re completely lonely and alone. And they’re waiting for what happens next in episode two when the next person is voted out of their tribe and joins the first person at Redemption Island. In episode three, person one and person two compete in the first challenge of the episode. It’s a face-to-face duel. And some of the members of their tribes who had voted them out get to be spectators and watch the one-on-one duel.

The winner of Redemption Island stays on Redemption Island, the loser now actually goes home. Week four, there’s another duel, spectators come from the tribes to watch, and it goes on.

Did Russell Hantz Leak Spoilers Online for “Survivor: Samoa” and “Survivor: Heroes Vs. Villains”?

Mark Burnett: I found out the same time you found out. I read it online. I had no idea about it. Don’t know if it’s actually true. As of this minute, I still have not had a conversation with CBS about it. I should probably call someone and ask someone. (yeah, right, I believe that!)

"Jeff Probst You Tube Video"
Posted by Flowerpower on 02-13-11 at 11:32 AM
A new Jeff Probst You tube video posted here, 5 days prior to the premiere for Survivor: RI. Interesting that he specifically notes only Phillip, and the Russ vs. Rob conflict.

Also note that he will be posting his blog at: http://www.jeffprobst.com/

As posted by Wezzie, at Survivor Sucks, Mess Hall.

"Jiffy's Blog, Ep 1"
Posted by Flowerpower on 02-17-11 at 07:24 AM
LAST EDITED ON 02-17-11 AT 08:15 AM (EST)

Jiffy's Blog after episode one....lots of Phillip love. Rob and Russhell love...not too much here...


"RE: Jiffy's Blog, Ep 1"
Posted by dabo on 02-17-11 at 09:54 AM
The Hypester doesn't prepare any of this in advance and tries to do a vid on his lonesome? Yeah, whatever. I really don't see how you can credit RI with that awesome Tribal, it seemed like the twist had no impact on events.

It will, it is inevitable, but not yet.

"Dalton Ross, post ep 1"
Posted by Flowerpower on 02-17-11 at 10:42 AM
A great post game commentary from Dalton Ross, with some added highlights, can be found here.

1. * We saw Stephanie do her best Natalie and Parvati impersonation and form that early alliance with Russell. What you did not see — but I did while out there — is Russell campaigning hard to get rid of Sarita (although he was having trouble remembering her name). He was working Steve hard on getting rid of her but Steve didn’t want to hear any of it, telling Russell "I'm just gonna focus on challenges. Right now, that's all I'm gonna do — camp and challenges. I don’t want cannibalism inside here right now." Steve was the most vocal anti-Russell voice before the game began ("Russell was a little idiot," he told me, while also dubbing him a "cancer" and "the lowest of the low") so I'll be very curious to see how that relationship shakes out.

2. * You saw a lot of Rob with his little harem of longhairs (and I'm including Matt in that group), but don't overlook Grant. When I was out there, he and Rob were pretty inseparable. Like Russell, Rob usually forms closer alliances with women, but keep an eye on mister dread head as well.

3. Probst called the immunity challenge deceptively hard, and he's right. I did a run through with Dream Teamers and other members of the press, and moving those blocks royally sucked. The smaller ones were actually more difficult than the big ones because you had to get so low to push them along. (Like my boy the King Ad Rock said, slow and low is the tempo.) For that reason I figured Zapatera would have a big advantage. Not only did they have an extra man, but Julie is also built like a tank. And sure enough, they smoked Ometepe in that physical part of the competition. But never count Boston Rob out when it comes to puzzles, and he brought his tribe back close to winning. Just not close enough. Imagine if Rob and Russell and ended up on opposite tribes: that could have been one of the biggest #####-kickings in immunity challenge history. "I know how Boston Rob thinks," said Russell after his tribe's victory, "and right now he's thinking, 'Oh, crap. I'm stuck with a bunch of weenies.'" Not necessarily. Even with the opening loss, Rob looks a lot more secure to me in his tribe than Russell looks in his.

4. That way — either way — the idol is gone. Either the person uses it, or they don't use it and get voted off with it still in their pocket. But Rob's plan (if he masterminded the voting, as it appeared he did in the episode) called for all the guys (4) to vote for Franquaalude while the girls (3) voted for Kristina. And now Kristina is still in the game and sill has the idol. I think Dalton is misled here. I thought that the only ones that were in on the plan to split the vote were the 6 people that were gathered when the discussion occured....guys: Rob, Grant, Matt vote for Francesca, and girls: Natalie, Ashley, Andrea would vote for Kristina....I never thought that Phillip was made privy to the plan....just my 2 cents

"RE: Dalton Ross, post ep 1"
Posted by samboohoo on 02-17-11 at 10:50 AM
4. Agree. Rob's plan was for six votes. There could have very well been something between he and Philip that was not shown. But Rob knew he had it when Philip said he was voting for Francesca, which is why Rob said, "I'm planning to do what I said I was going to do with the people I said I was doing it with." Had Kris played the idol, he knew Francesca was still gone.

Samboobree, brought to life by Arkie

"RE: Dalton Ross, post ep 1"
Posted by dabo on 02-17-11 at 11:12 AM
LAST EDITED ON 02-17-11 AT 11:21 AM (EST)

That's how it seemed to me, Rob had it set for a three-way tie on the first vote. That way on the tiebreaker vote they had 5 against 2 or 1 (if Kristina played the idol it's 2). The five remaining in his alliance could then all vote the same, a 3-2 split, in which case the person getting three votes was gone; or vote together, in which case the person getting five votes was gone: win-win.

The Russell quote is more interesting in what it says about how Russell thinks than about how Rob thinks.

"Jiffy answers questions post ep 1"
Posted by Flowerpower on 02-17-11 at 01:29 PM
Jiffy answers questions from Dalton Ross, here

"Episode 1 Insider Transcripts"
Posted by Flowerpower on 02-22-11 at 08:49 AM
James Barber has transcribed the Insider clips post episode one here

They are very long, but one thing I noted about Rob...

"The one thing I know that's been consistent throughout all the times I've played Survivor is I have to lead. It's just my nature. I can't sit in the backseat. I wanna drive. That's just who I am. As hard as I try to say I'm gonna be the quiet guy and be the guy in the background, I know it's not gonna happen. Hopefully all these new guys get right in line, like they should, and do as they're told, and we'll have a great time out here."

Interesting when you look at what he's saying here, and applying that to game theory. To me, if he can get rid of Kristina, who wants it to be her game, and Phillip, the loose canon, I think he indeed has a tribe of "followers". This is the kind of tribe where the leader will do very well. So, it will depend on the other tribe. If the Ometepe's can get to the merge with numbers on their side, and Robfadda is solidly the leader, he should indeed do very well. But, we all know there are many twists in between now and then.

When the tribes merge, since Rob has to be the leader, look for the leader of the Zapatera's to be taken out sooner, rather than later. Interesting to note that the two who come to mind after reading the insider are: Mike, I'm used to being in charge, and Steve, "What really pisses me off? I hate to say it, but kind of not getting my way. If the Ometepe's are in the majority at the merge, than this could indeed happen....
Too many leaders all around this season? Than more than likely one of the followers, or one that lets the alphas and more outspoken folks have their way.

"RE: Episode 1 Insider Transcripts"
Posted by suzzee on 02-22-11 at 02:57 PM
You aren't kidding about length

I wouldn't want to be any part of Phillips de-briefing. my eyes.

I love a Tribe siggie

"RE: S22 Press, Post-game interviews..."
Posted by Krautboy on 02-22-11 at 07:43 PM
Interesting article...explains that David was the brains behind Zapatera's puzzle win, but was smart enough to give Russell the credit.


Survivor: Here's What Really Happened During That Epic Tribal Council
by Andrew Evans TV.com
02/17/11 08:27 AM

Last August, I traveled to Nicaragua for the kick-off of Survivor, Season 22 I was on the beach when the castaways landed and were met by Russell and Boston Rob. I got to spy on both camps as they finished their shelters and began conspiring against one another. Best of all, I was there for that trippy Tribal Council... a few things got cut. So do you wanna know what you missed?

...After reaching their camp, Ometepe (under Boston Rob's instruction) put up a large, strong shelter fairly quickly and was able to keep out of the rain. In Zapatera camp, though, it felt like there was a large dark cloud hanging overhead. The tribe's half-assed shelter showed a lack of team spirit as last nights episode accurately depicted the wary emotions brewing around camp. Right off the bat, Dave, Michael and Sarita were forging a definite alliance against Russell, all three of them were smart enough to keep their collaboration a secret and play it cool...

...Similarly, Kristina feels so threatened that she just overplays herself. I remember watching her in camp and noticing how she failed to connect with anyone else in her tribe. She just hung back and did nothing to contribute to any group efforts, be it building fire or gathering food she was too hung up on watching her own back.< Unfortunately for Francesca, Phillip's crazy aggression and Kristin's selfish insecurity served to bring her down...[P>
...what you didn't see is that Francesca had a tough time adjusting to life in camp. The first night she barely slept choosing to sit by a smoky fire and swat at mosquitoes in the dark rather than huddle up with her fellow tribe members on the shelter's bamboo floor. Early on, the other castaways questioned her willingness to stick it out for the long haul, and Francesca made little effort to show her own physical resolve...

...On screen, Tribal Council lasted less than seven minutes. In real life, it dragged on for over two hours. There was an out-and-out fight between Phillip and Francesca with plenty of outrageous shouting and finger-pointing. Kristina played the coward, trying desperately to look like she was on the right side of wrong. Phillip's inability to correctly pronounce Francesca's name was a sticking point, and there were even some silly racial remarks between the two African-American castaways. Phillip just couldn't let it go and got hotter and hotter in his outbursts. If anything, he revealed himself as the shows raging lunatic...

...One last note: One man who understands the old saying "less is more" is David, over in Zapatera tribe. In real life, the pyramid puzzle in the physical challenge took both tribes much longer to complete. On screen, it seemed to be Russell who took charge and led the tribe to victory. In actuality, it was Dave and his exceptionally high IQ who quietly directed his teammates as they assembled the tricky puzzle. The difference with Dave is that he gave Russell credit for the victory even high-fiving him after the two climbed back down from the pyramid. As a criminal defense lawyer, Dave understands Russell and his ego all too well...


"RE: S22 Press, Post-game interviews..."
Posted by SquidProQuo on 02-26-11 at 07:52 PM
KB, I agree, this was an excellent article. I found this bit very interesting:

"Right off the bat, Dave, Michael and Sarita were forging a definite alliance against Russell—all three of them were smart enough to keep their collaboration a secret and play it cool." (Personally, I'd love to see this smart trio do well! I do get the vibe, though, that Dave is going to play both sides and will also stay in Russell's good graces.)

Also, it's not surprising that David was the brains behind Zaps' puzzle challenge win, but given how he appeared to be somewhat arrogant in his pre-game video, I think it's a good sign that he allowed Russell to take the limelight for the win. I read in an LA Times article that he read “The Art of War” and “How to Win Friends and Influence People” in preparation for the show, and I think it's paying off because he appears to be doing much better at the social part of the game than I thought he would.

"post ep 2, Jiffy's blog..."
Posted by Flowerpower on 02-24-11 at 08:44 AM
Jiffy's blog post episode 2 is here.

I found him to be defensive of Rob's move:

Rob is determined to not make that mistake again. He keeps reminding everybody in his alliance – if we stick together, we’ll be okay… but tonight showed once again how difficult it is to keep your alliance together.

As you saw from last night’s episode even with an experienced player like Rob – what was true at sunrise is not always true at sunset. You have to adapt. Rob adapted and now Matt, one of his original six, is gone.

Think of Rob as the Godfather. The moment he saw that relationship forming he knew it was a problem.

As he referenced during the show, Rob made an alliance in Survivor: All-Stars with Amber and they rode it to the end. He then married her. They had a baby. And then another. So Rob knows that you can fall into an alliance that will extend beyond the game and that could spell disaster for Rob.

That attempt at good sportsmanship really got to Rob. He’s no dummy. Those little “friendly” moments can often be the difference when it comes to a merge or even the final tribal council. Acts of kindness are so rare that when you do one it can have a real impact. Rob knows that Matt is a good kid and seeing him playing up the other tribe – worried him. When the Godfather gets worried, somebody is gonna end up with a horse head in their bed. Russell is much the same way. They both make BIG moves with one goal – get to the end.

Rob played tribal about as well as it can be played. A work of art. Rob’s experience is really paying off right now. He lied to Matt and Andrea, got Kristina to play the idol, kept Philip in check, dictated how Phillip should vote and got rid of Matt. Wow. That was pretty amazing.

Only time will tell if it was the right move. Rob either cemented himself firmly in control or just hung his own noose. This is a huge statement for Jiffy to say, he's spelling it out for us, if it is one or the other, my guess is that it is the first choice, He is cementing himself firmly in control...

And with Russell and company:

This is a first. Russell is not in control. For me though, the most interesting aspect of this moment was Mike’s comment about Russell:
Mike: “He’s the most untrustworthy person in this game.”
Ah Russell, he hasn’t changed a bit.

Interesting that in the last weeks vidcaps they had a vidcap like this:

Using the word CONTROL, with a picture of Rob, who I now think will be in control, and one of RussHell, which Jiffy notes does not have control, and there in the middle is the boot. Clearly, for Jiffy anyway, this episode theme was control.

Other interesting observations by Jiffy:

Side bar – Natalie is a very interesting contestant to watch this season.
Grant is one helluva athlete. Ashlee is another one. I love contestants that go all out or as I mentioned earlier “all in.”
Zapatera really works well together. Very calm.

If Mike thinks he can survive this game without lying to someone… he is in for a shock. Lying is okay on Survivor. It’s called “outwit” and it’s a huge part of the game.

Andrea could be his{Rob's} biggest threat if she decides to go for revenge.

Our first duel. Matt vs Francesca at Redemption Island Arena. It’s gooooooood!

"Let's TALK ... about Jiffy's post-Ep. 2 Blog ..."
Posted by Scarlett O Hara on 02-24-11 at 10:29 AM
LAST EDITED ON 02-24-11 AT 10:34 AM (EST)

This blog is very telling...

First, Jiffy starts off ... I love how confident Rob is at this point in the game. Rob only knows one way to play and that is full out, aka “all in.”

Again, we are reminded by Jiffy of Rob's excellent plan in Heroes v Villains, until the dim-witted Tyson blew it. In other words, Rob is brilliant, and he just might do better if he can control those around him (in his alliance). He has also been shown over and over again that he has indeed learned from his past mistakes. And I quote Jiffy Rob is determined to not make that mistake again. He keeps reminding everybody in his alliance – if we stick together, we’ll be okay…

Jiffy also tells us that Survivor is a game where you have to adapt ...
As you saw from last night’s episode even with an experienced player like Rob – what was true at sunrise is not always true at sunset. and now Matt, one of his original six, is gone.

Rob was shown as being able to adapt!

About Matt ...
Matt never saw it coming. How could he? He was smitten. He was thinking about a first kiss and Rob was thinking about another blindside. Think of Rob as the Godfather. The moment he saw that relationship forming he knew it was a problem.

Rob has LEARNED from his past experiences. As he referenced during the show, Rob made an alliance in Survivor: All-Stars with Amber and they rode it to the end.

Note that at this point Jiffy adds a "Side Bar:"

Side bar – Natalie is a very interesting contestant to watch this season. She is so young at only 18 years old (which means she was seven years old when we started! Seven!) but she seems to have a really great head on her shoulders. That’s the reason we put her on the show. She really impressed us during the casting process.

For Jiffy to speak so well of Natalie at this point, I get the impression that she will go FAR into the game. And who told us in confessional just last night who he would take to the end, carrying her on his back? It was Rob! He picked her to be his coattail-rider. If Natalie goes far, than it must be on the back of Rob!

More positive words for Rob's other Alliance partners:

Grant is one helluva athlete. Ashlee is another one. I love contestants that go all out or as I mentioned earlier “all in.” ... Contestants that go “all in” on Survivor are almost always memorable. In my opinion, this bodes very well for the Robfadda!

And more Rob-love from Jiffy ...
Rob played tribal about as well as it can be played. A work of art. Rob’s experience is really paying off right now. He lied to Matt and Andrea, got Kristina to play the idol, kept Philip in check, dictated how Phillip should vote and got rid of Matt. Wow. That was pretty amazing ... At this point, Rob is in control of his tribe.

So far, it is looking very good for Robfadda! As Jiffy pointed out, if Rob can maintain his control, than he can win. And, I'm really cheering for him to do so!

One last thought -- the comment that Jiffy made about Mike was telling ...

If Mike thinks he can survive this game without lying to someone… he is in for a shock. Lying is okay on Survivor. It’s called “outwit” and it’s a huge part of the game.

This, in my opinion, does not bode well for Mike...

"RE: Let's TALK ... about Jiffy's post-Ep. 2 Blog ..."
Posted by SquidProQuo on 02-26-11 at 08:24 PM
Hi Scarlett, I definitely agree with you about Natalie. In fact, I was just reading Jeff's Week 1 and Week 2 blogs at the same time, and I noticed that Jeff said this about Natalie in Week 1 (on top of what you already noted in Week 2):

Natalie – our youngest competitor ever at 18. Huge adventure for a girl just out of high school. Think about it. Takes nerve just to show up. I root for Natalie.

Kinda reminds me of 2 seasons ago when Jeff kept finding ways to bring up Natalie in his blogs when she hadn't done much.

Re Jeff's comment about Mike: I noticed that one too and it worries me! Especially since last week Jeff said in his blog that Matt might be too nice for Survivor, and look what happened to him. Also, the shorts of the white guy walking down the steps to RI kinda look like Mike's, so now I'm getting concerned about chances.

"Jeff Probst Blog, Ep 3"
Posted by Flowerpower on 03-03-11 at 08:24 AM
Jeff Probst's blog is here.

Here are some highlights:

The possible threat of Matt returning is already causing Rob major stress. You saw him trying to soothe Andrea, but I don’t think she was buying it. If Matt gets back in the game and Andrea is still around, there will be trouble.

I don't know about you, but I am getting some vibes that Matt just may get to return? Food for thought...

Ralph’s biggest issue is not his manner of speaking, it’s his ego. Ralph is heading down the same slippery slope of ego that has consumed Russell. Ralph is not quite as smart a Survivor player as he thinks and his biggest liability is his mouth. He doesn’t think before he speaks. Ralph has the idol and he’s been strong in challenges. He has so much going for him but if someone doesn’t get his ego in check he’ll do himself in.

Last week Jiffy noted that Ralph may not know what to do with the power of the idol. This week we hear this...makes me think Ralph won't be too long for this season...?

"RE: Jeff Probst Blog, Ep 3"
Posted by Scarlett O Hara on 03-03-11 at 08:53 AM
For me, the most provocative line in the blog was ...

I’m not second guessing Zapatera’s move, but it will be interesting to see if history repeats and Zapatera lives to regret their decision.

Will they eventually regret their decision booting out RussHell? No, I don't think so. I'm wondering though if their will be a tribal switch up with Stephanie going over to the other tribe and banding with them? Her contempt might come back to bite the Zaps.

I kind of see Stephanie and Andrea in the same position. Both are very, very angry and want revenge against their tribes. Will they live long enough in the game to realize it? Time will tell!

"RE: Jeff Probst Blog, Ep 3"
Posted by SquidProQuo on 03-03-11 at 10:47 AM
I'm really enjoying Jeff's blogs this season. His tweets during the game are also telling.

Agreed, it sure feels to me like they're setting up a Matt/Andrea redemption story which would tie in beautifully with the new twist of the season if it indeed plays out. Andrea is getting a very good edit so far vs. the other women on her tribe.

I also thought Jeff's comments about Stephanie were interesting:
"Stephanie is no joke. She is a player. She’s smart and she’s feisty. Her idea for a fake idol, while not a new idea, was still a good one. It was a worthy performance as she pretended to protect her bag. The double team effort to get Julie to flip and join their alliance was a valiant effort. I give Russell credit, he chose the right person for his alliance as Stephanie is a barracuda. Stephanie’s problem now is quite obvious. She and Krista have nobody left. They must make a move or they’ll be gone soon.

The big difference between Stephanie and Andrea is that Andrea's being edited as the sympathetic underdog that the audience should pull for, whereas Stephanie is the annoying gadfly. You could tell that David and Sarita wanted to smack her at TC.

"RE: Jeff Probst Blog, Ep 3"
Posted by Flowerpower on 03-03-11 at 11:09 AM
Andrea is getting a very good edit so far vs. the other women on her tribe.

I don't know if I necessarily agree with that statement, Squid. Andrea is shown to be playing a better game though, going along with the group to try and fit in, but ready to change it up. But, on the other hand, we are shown Rob's confessionals noting that he realizes that she is indeed a woman scorned and that she will rejoin her boyfriend should he last. Judging from her reaction from Matt being voted out, I'd say Rob has a very accurate assessment of her. When Rob was talking with her last night and they were sitting together, I heard a rattlesnake noise, that played when Rob spoke....to me, it made me think that Rob was going to strike her, before she strikes him...I know that this belongs in the editing thread.

Definitely have vibes that Matt will get back in this game, though, and that WILL be interesting!

"RE: Jeff Probst Blog, Ep 3"
Posted by SquidProQuo on 03-03-11 at 11:00 AM
P.S. FloPo, I agree with you -- even though I love Ralph, I'm worried about his prospects based on Jeff's blog comments. Could see a scenario playing out where his alliance will be really mad when they find out he didn't share that he had idol, esp. given the split/tie vote and all.

"RE: Jeff Probst Blog, Ep 3"
Posted by jbug on 03-03-11 at 12:40 PM
from Jeff's blog:
On top of it all, Russell thinks he is going to battle against Francesca, a far cry from the athletic abilities of Matt.

Why is it always assumed that the physically stronger person will win a challenge? Didn't Fran almost beat Matt?
All challenges do not require physical strength; some ore mental.

And yet, even Jeff thinks & says - physical.

"RE: Jeff Probst Blog, Ep 3"
Posted by kiki_k on 03-03-11 at 06:12 PM
Fran did have a huge head start on Matt -- but Fran (although a female) was in excellent shape & a pretty smart cookie (other than her mistake in teaming up with Philip). So, I don't think it is fair to look at her early lead against Matt as a sign that someone could be "weak" and win.

I'm not saying that could not happen (a physically weak person taking out a physically stronger one), I'm just saying that Fran wasn't physically weak, so her performance against Matt isn't something to gage things by.

"Jeff EW Q&A, Ep 3"
Posted by SquidProQuo on 03-03-11 at 11:10 AM
Interesting that Jeff is not coming down as hard on Zapetera as he usually does for throwing the challenge:

Is throwing a challenge ever a good idea, because I’ve never seen it lead to anything good?

The biggest risk in throwing a challenge is you give the other tribe confidence and often momentum. It’s leading by fear and it’s not a strong way to play Survivor. I do understand the reasoning. If you let someone like Russell stick around he could form a strong alliance and take over, or you could go to the merge with too many people and the people on the bottom decide to flip. Can’t say it’s always a bad idea, but agree with you, I’ve only seen it backfire. Maybe this time will be different.


"RE: Jeff EW Q&A, Ep 3"
Posted by kiki_k on 03-03-11 at 02:28 PM
Jeff is full of it -- I remember golden-boy Ethan's tribe throwing a challenge in Africa after the swap to protect his former tribe members on the other tribe & to get rid of Silas on his. Nothing about that backfired.

Typical selective memory/revisionist history by Jeff to make his point. Throwing the challenge to get rid of that sociopath was about the best move the Zap6 could make -- if they go to TC again they can get rid of Stephanie because if they make it to merge with that little twit she is DEFINITELY switching sides to vote the Zap6 out.

"Jeff's tweets during Ep 3 show"
Posted by SquidProQuo on 03-03-11 at 01:50 PM
A few of Jeff's tweets last night were interesting, esp. the comment about Grant (which did not make it into the blog, though), so thought I'd post them here:

# For the first time in his Survivor history, Russell is the one being lied to. Crazy turn of events.

# This is why we separate the tribe on rewards and now at RI - because it opens up the opp for lying and other conflict.

# The decision of when they are coming back is set in stone. But we're keeping it from them as a surprise.

# Do you think Rob is telling Andrea the truth? Do you think she believes him?

# Rob is very smart. Andrea is his biggest problem right now. He doesn't want to vote her out but he can't trust her.

# Nobody knows when the person on RI will be let back into the game.That's part of the mystery. Matt has no idea how many days he'll be there

# The buff burning was necessary.You need closure both emotionally and visually. The buff burn is the same as the torch snuff.

# Not sure if you caught this but matt brought nothing with him to TC, so he is living with very little on the island and now he's alone.

# So now Francesca is out of the game for good. She will not get another shot. Matt now lives on RI alone. He awaits his next opponent.

# Can you believe this drama? Come on. This is prime time baby. A great first duel. Survivor magic coming thru again. a

# The camera coverage on our challenges is so good. Every shot. Every angle. Great drama. Are you on the edge of your seat?!! I am!

# Francesca off to a fast start! That's why these duels are so fun - anybody can win.
# We used old challenges for duels because we know they work and we know they are fair for any competitor who might end up on RI (So sounds like strength and athletic ability per se won't necessarily be an asset?)

# Two people from each tribe will know who won - the question is what will they tell the rest of their tribe?

# The first duel... our art dept out did themselves by creating an amazing "Arena" for the duels.It's an old ruin that looks fantastic.

# We split the tribe up - sone get to go to the duel, others have to stay back. Always creates opp for conflict - a must on reality shows.

# Scott Duncan, (Tim Duncan's bro), Sean Foley and Russ Landau make the opens every year. Great team. But we have too much show!

# We have so much show content that we do not have time for the main title. Such a shame because the opens are beautiful.

# Boston Rob has become a very good player.That may be his biggest problem..he's too good. The ohter guy is Grant. I know you're wondering.

# It's only night 5 and let me tell you they're already miserable. They're starving. They're wet. They're homesick. Survivor is an #####...

# Does Francesca have any shot against Matt?

# Redemption Island is as miserable as it looks. Very little. Flint, handful of rice, lousy shelter. Pitch black.

# Our first duel... yeah baby! Redemption Island is about to become official.

"RE: Jeff's tweets during Ep 3 show"
Posted by Flowerpower on 03-03-11 at 02:24 PM

Rob is very smart. Andrea is his biggest problem right now. He doesn't want to vote her out but he can't trust her.

Agreed. I can see Andrea as the next boot, perhaps...

...and, will Boston Rob be voted out for being too good?

"RE: Jeff's tweets during Ep 3 show"
Posted by SquidProQuo on 03-03-11 at 04:11 PM
"Being too good" stood out to me too. If Rob gets far, they'll all be afraid he'll walk away with the million -- just like Jane last season. He's really playing a great game in terms of how he mentioned that he learned from his mistake of ignoring the HII last time and in how he's managing the feelings of the "outliers" like Phillip, Kristina and Andrea very well.

Re Andrea: I mentioned in another thread that I think she's the best person for Rob to vote out next...but it sure seems to me from the storyline that they're setting up the Andrea/Matt/Rob story to be something bigger.

Ashley does mention in the Insider Clips that she was angry that Andrea publicly noted at RI that she hadn't voted for Matt or Francesca, and she told the rest of Rob's alliance. So it comes down to, who does Rob trust the most out of Kristina/Phillip/Andrea?

"RE: Jeff's tweets during Ep 3 show"
Posted by Flowerpower on 03-03-11 at 07:10 PM

I wouldn't be surprised if they voted Andrea out to go and duel her boyfriend...this could be her big story arc...

Regarding the Insider clips this week, I sure hope we can get the transcripts because I thought there was some great stuff in there....Ashley, Rob dealing with Kristina, Kristina's feelings, etc. I agree, Rob is trying to pacify and address the outliers. Jiffy told us that Rob can't trust Andrea....

"Francesca interview."
Posted by Corvis on 03-03-11 at 11:28 PM
Thought this was interesting. Kind of sounds like they didn't meet outside of the game. Does Phillip make the jury? Or is he that crazy in real life, too?

Q. Gina, RealityWanted: You and Phillip had one of the most memorable arguments at tribal council in the history of the show.
Let me just ask you this - is he for real?

A. Francesca: I don't know if Phillip is for real or not. Maybe he is still really deep undercover and he's playing us all. He might be some secretly brilliant performance artist. I have no idea. I'm not a mental health profession. I cannot give an educated professional on his state.


"RE: Francesca interview."
Posted by SquidProQuo on 03-04-11 at 01:33 AM
I'm really liking Francesca. She comes across well in her interviews. Too bad she wasn't with the Zap 6. Thought this bit was interesting:

Tom Santilli: Had you have stayed in the game and not have been voted out at Tribal, what would your next move had been?

Francesca: Well my plan had been to vote out Natalie, and I felt that Natalie was key to Rob's alliance. I thought that if Natalie was gone, Kristina and I would have been able to flip Matt and Andrea, and we thought we had a good chance of flipping Ashley too.

And also this:
"I told him, Matt, if you get back in the game you need to take them down! Don't let Rob try to make it up to you...no, you have to take them down! So we made a pact that, whichever one of us would have made it, to take them down."


"RE: Francesca interview."
Posted by Flowerpower on 03-04-11 at 08:16 AM
LAST EDITED ON 03-04-11 AT 08:19 AM (EST)

Wow, that is interesting, Squid. Thanks for posting. That means if Francesca and Kristina could see that Natalie was the key, and they felt they could flip Matt and Andrea, than more than likely Boston Rob saw all of that as well. Makes much more sense when she clues us in that Matt and Andrea were borderline earlier on. The editors made it seem like it was a shocking, almost impulsive decision to break up Matt and Andrea, and therefore most of us were left with feelings of, "what just happened?"

I wonder what Veruca and company would make of that. It seems that while CBS played up the rash decision, and made it seem that it was indeed Rob that was "in control" and he pulled off the TC outcome to perfection...

ETA: This week when Rob notes that someone in my alliance will flip in a concerned manner, (he says this when Andrea, Ashley, and Natalie are in the shelter.) To me, this points out a huge target on Andrea's back...what do you think?

"RE: S22 Press, Post-game interviews..."
Posted by Scarlett O Hara on 03-04-11 at 08:39 AM
From Stephan Fishbach for People.com ... more Rob-love!!

Boston Rob is riding the Survivor tsunami on a mercury surfboard. He makes Hatch, Hantz, Heidik, and Kwon look like droopy-eyed armless children... Rob's sheen isn't just due to his Adonis DNA. He's simply more focused than anybody else.


"Reality Wanted.com Francesqua Interview"
Posted by Flowerpower on 03-04-11 at 10:24 AM
LAST EDITED ON 03-04-11 AT 10:25 AM (EST)

Here's an interview from Realitywanted.com. I found this excerpt interesting...

Q: Gina, RealityWanted: You were very surprised to see Matt join you. Did watching the show shed any light about what was going on at Ometepe?
A. Francesca: Yeah. I was totally, totally shocked to see Matt. I didn't watch the episode where he was voted out. Matt and Andrea clearly connected on day one. That connection is why he was voted out. I think the handshake thing is an excuse. Matt is genuinely a goodhearted guy. I don't think he was playing the game by shaking the other tribe's hand.

I don't know what to make of Francesca's assessments with her post-game interviews, I am finding them skewed a bit. Clearly, she points out that Andrea and Matt connected on day one, and were on periphery of the BR alliance. She said that she thought they could get Matt and Andrea over to her and Kristina if they took out Natalie. This is most likely why Rob honed in on them.

The handshake after losing also pointed out to Rob, that indeed Matt was too good, playing the end game on day 5. He sits in a far superior vantage point after playing 3 times to assess post game strategy, than Francesca, imo. The handshake was additive, icing on the cake.

Also, Francesca does note that her "unfiltered" comment about how both Rob and Russhell were the biggest troublemakers ever, on the beach before they even started was a mistake. She doesn't seem to attribute that comment though to placing a target on her back. It seems, from her vantage point, she tried to get in Rob's alliance, but was rejected. And, she labels that rejection as the main reason she was voted out. I disagree. I felt the main reason she was voted out was as collateral damage in trying to flush the idol by voting 3/3 for Kristina/Francesca. Phillip was the deciding factor.

"Francesca podcasts"
Posted by CTgirl on 03-04-11 at 02:57 PM
Here are a few things that are potentially of interest-

In her interview with Rob Cesternino, she talked about the sleeping arrangements. She said that Natalie and Rob slept together from Day 1, Ashley with Grant, Andrea with Matt and she was stuck with Phillip. She also mentioned that Rob told everyone - you can tell who is aligned with whom by who they sleep with. (Why would he mention that to a bunch of noobs? Why give them a hint?!) She said Natalie would follow Rob around and do whatever he wanted.

From the Survivor Fans Podcast:

Ometepe was not split 6-3 like Zap. Everyone got along great and all made fun of Phillip when he wasn't around. She really, really dislikes Phillip and it wasn't because of the fight at tribal council. She found him really difficult to live with and said 3 days at RI alone was easier than 3 days of living with him!

The lantern at RI does have a flame. She had a brain fart her first night and didn't think to use it. However she knew how to make a fire with flint and said that the magnesium from the flint helps make the fire spread better. She used the lantern once and the flint the rest of the time.

She loves, loves, loves Matt and didn't mind losing to him and she's rooting for him.

She was a good speaker and I liked her. I'm sorry she's gone; she would have added some interesting dynamics.

"Jiffy answers questions post ep 4"
Posted by Flowerpower on 03-10-11 at 08:49 AM
Jeff answers a few questions but this one was telling:

Okay, tease us up for next week, Probst!
Next week… one of the best examples of “outwit” I’ve seen in quite a while. You will want to tip your hat to the person behind the feat but you’ll have to do it while wiping away the tears of laughter at how they do it.

I think he may be referring to Stephanie and Krista's plan to unravel the Zap 6...specifically, Stephanie

"RE: Jiffy answers questions post ep 4"
Posted by Outfrontgirl on 03-10-11 at 07:31 PM
That should go in the episode thread!
It could be Rob's master plan to keep his tribesmates convinced that the HII clues were hidden so well that no one can find them. Or that someone else has got them and isn't sharing.

Rob is so entertaining, and funny, and he makes me want to "tip my hat" to him. Last night's scheme for getting everyone out of camp was a thing of beauty.

"Jeff's interview with Russell"
Posted by SquidProQuo on 03-10-11 at 05:35 PM
Jeff did a live 15--min interview w/Russell via Skype last night. A couple tidbits:

- Russell says that Krista didn't like him and he had to work hard to get her on his side. He also says he was thisclose to getting Julie to flip.

- Jeff says the Zaps "are in trouble" now that Russell got Rooster to reveal the HII to the other tribe. Russell says this move will haunt them through the rest of the game.

- Jeff's 8 year old nice called him after the show crying because she was so sad that Russell was voted out.

And I hate to break it to you, but Jeff asked Russell if he'd be willing to come back a 4th time. Unbelievable. Fortunately Russell said no, but Jeff said he's sure Russell will change his mind. Jeff just won't let go of it.


"Russhole wants to sue his tribemates"
Posted by Brownroach on 03-10-11 at 05:59 PM
because in the contract it says you can't throw challenges.


For more Russhole delusions see Survivor Fever. I really don't feel like posting links.

Posted by Estee on 03-10-11 at 06:42 PM
So RussHell believes people who break their reality show contracts deserve to be sued?

The planetary supply of irony meters just went boom.

"RE: Wait."
Posted by Brownroach on 03-10-11 at 07:03 PM
But RussHole never broke his contract. Surely you don't believe he leaked all that info, when he has so much respect for the game?

"RE: Wait."
Posted by Estee on 03-10-11 at 07:15 PM
i found out what it means to he


"RE: Russhole wants to sue his tribemates"
Posted by kiki_k on 03-10-11 at 10:27 PM
Just when you think he can't be more delusional, he says he is going to have a show where the cameras "follow him around" (like anyone wants to watch that cr@p), wants to sue his tribe AND that Boston Rahb is the "survivor wh@re."

"Wh@re" & "Respect" -- two words Russell uses that I don't think mean what he thinks they mean.

"Russel by Dalton Ross"
Posted by Outfrontgirl on 03-10-11 at 11:33 PM
Good one.
Secret scene Krista.

"RE: S22 Press, Post-game interviews..."
Posted by Karchita on 03-11-11 at 00:15 AM
More vomit from Russell:


He doesn't even make sense half the time. But I think he gives away the next immunity challenge when he says this:

Now, this is what would have happened. Number one, we was up two . If they wouldn't have thrown that challenge, we would have been up three. They won the next challenge. If we won the next challenge, we would have been up four. Now, that makes strategic sense. Then, throw a challenge and get rid of me.

Emphasis added. He's talking about the upcoming challenge, right? And "they" means Zapetera, right?

"RE: S22 Press, Post-game interviews..."
Posted by vince3 on 03-11-11 at 00:20 AM
I think he was referring to the most recent IC, which the Zaps won...

"RE: S22 Press, Post-game interviews..."
Posted by dabo on 03-11-11 at 00:22 AM
I think he meant the RC/IC they showed this week, if they hadn't tanked it last week Zap would be up 9 to 5 now.

"interpreting Russell-speak"
Posted by Karchita on 03-11-11 at 02:10 AM
LAST EDITED ON 03-11-11 AT 02:18 AM (EST)

is not so easy. I can't figure out what he means.

~has a headache and needs a shower

"RE: interpreting Russell-speak"
Posted by dabo on 03-11-11 at 11:35 AM
But he's omnipresent and still going to be a factor in the game.

"RE: interpreting Russell-speak"
Posted by Brownroach on 03-11-11 at 12:12 PM
I think he means the challenge we just saw, but he's not stating it well.

They won the next challenge.

This clearly refers to the challenge we just saw. Had Zapatera not thrown the the previous challenge and won it, Zapatera would be up four at this point. But then he continues...

If we won the next challenge, we would have been up four.

So which challenge does he mean here? The fifth challenge? But then they would be up five. If he means the fourth challenge again, why say "IF"? We already know they won.

So you are correct, it does not quite make sense.

"RE: interpreting Russell-speak"
Posted by Karchita on 03-11-11 at 12:19 PM
Thanks, BR. The referents are unclear, and that is what I eventually concluded as well.

A lot of the rest of what he says is gibberish, too. Most of it, maybe. Seeing his speech transcribed makes me realize just how off his rocker he is.

"RE: S22 Press, Post-game interviews..."
Posted by michel on 03-12-11 at 10:12 PM
Did Russell spoil that Phil was F3?

Reality TV World: After you got eliminated, you boasted that were getting to live on in the game through and . Now that you've gotten to see what was going on in their tribe, how do you think that's going to work out -- do you think either one of them have a chance of ending up going deep into the game at this point?

Russell Hantz: I do. Yes I do. I think if it was me playing in that game, I'd have to -- I know when people don't like somebody -- that's what I mean, like you don't like me, I'm the perfect one to take . What do they call it? The goat?

"JIffy's blog post episode 5..."
Posted by Flowerpower on 03-17-11 at 08:56 AM
Jiffy's blog is here.

Some good stuff. I feel like Jiffy is making so much of the Steph and Krista offering to go with Rob at the RI duel, that it most likely will come to fruition. Anybody that is in the game is a threat and anybody who is low on the totem pole within a tribe is a MAJOR threat What if we have a tribe switch coming up? Or an early merge?

Could Jeff be foreshadowing?

Regarding Matt at the duel...

the difference was Matt never lost his mind or got frustrated. He just kept studying it until it finally became clear.

Lots of Zapatera dissing...but, Jeff spells it out...

Someone has to step up and gather the troops or Zapatera is going to continue to fall apart day by day.

The question is, will someone step up?

Seems like the big conflict at Zapatera is now between Sarita and David. I'd say that Sarita is in more trouble...

Phillip is worth more to him in the game than he is being sent to Redemption Island. For now anyway…

I say Phillip isn't going anywhere soon.

Lots of Rob love.

"RE: JIffy's blog post episode 5..."
Posted by suzzee on 03-17-11 at 02:37 PM
Don’t you guys watch this show? What are you thinking? This is not good news. You didn’t really win by losing. Losing another member of your tribe at this point in the game does not make your tribe stronger.

In Jeff's pre-season assessment he had Julie as someone he "liked"
along with Matt and Steve. He called Serita, Rooster and Kristina "favorites". For Krista he had no expectations or opinions.

A Tribe masterpiece

"RE: JIffy's blog post episode 5..."
Posted by Brownroach on 03-17-11 at 03:03 PM
You didn’t really win by losing. Losing another member of your tribe at this point in the game does not make your tribe stronger.

But he just pointed out further up how Stephanie and Krista are not pawns, they are playing the game and now they've made an offer to flip to the other tribe. True, the other Zaps don't know they did that. But having the opportunity to lose a tribemember who is certainly going to flip doesn't look too disastrous from our vantage point.

"RE: JIffy's blog post episode 5..."
Posted by michel on 03-20-11 at 09:51 PM
Look at it this way: One person that could have been a number for Rob was leaving but it would have been better if Rob himself had voted that person out. Why? Look at any professional team: The spirit is high when the team wins, the discord grows in the locker room with a string of losses. Rob's team gained unity and we saw how going to TC increased the fractures in Zapatera. Had they won, David doesn't blow up at Sarita, Krista doesn't blast everyone at TC and they still can hope to bring the girls back in the fold.

"RE: JIffy's blog post episode 5..."
Posted by Outfrontgirl on 03-20-11 at 10:26 PM
Really well put michel.

Team morale means so much in that enviroent.
Not that I agree with Jeff that it was bad to get rid of Russell. Zap had a raw deal either way. Keep Satan and win challenges or fracture over kicking Satan to curb.

Posted by dabo on 03-25-11 at 02:07 AM

I don't know Andrea. I didn't get to meet Andrea or get to know her

"RE: Krista"
Posted by tribephyl on 03-25-11 at 05:06 AM
So, that sounds pretty definitive that Andrea is NOT Pre-Jury.

"RE: Krista"
Posted by Brownroach on 03-25-11 at 01:26 PM
Which is not really a surprise, but still it's nice to get more evidence.

Her comment that she thinks Matt will really need Andrea if he gets back in the game could possibly be a hint dropped about what's to come.

"RE: Krista"
Posted by Krautboy on 03-25-11 at 03:05 PM
There was also a family visit spoiler for Andrea. It was independent of Blackwhale and Missyae, so may still be valid. The spoiler was about her father going for the family visit.


"RE: Krista"
Posted by Scarlett O Hara on 03-25-11 at 09:29 PM
Family visit? I can't help but wonder if Amber will show up for Rob?! Was she pregnant while Rob was gone? Anyone have a Mariano family timeline?

"RE: Krista"
Posted by Flowerpower on 03-25-11 at 09:50 PM
Scarlett: Yes, people have already speculated about this and have said that Amber would have been too pregnant to make the flight, but, I don't know....I mean Guatamala isn't that far by flight from Florida, but I don't know what kind of shape she'd be in to do challenges... But, knowing Amber, she'd sure give it her best shot!

"RE: Krista"
Posted by Travel_Queen on 03-25-11 at 09:51 PM
At the renunion for Nicaragua, Amber had just had the baby or about to, so unlikely that she made the family visit. However, I'm betting that she will be in the video clip on a Sprint iphone4 (product placement)...and we'll get an emotional reaction from BRob, showing us his softer side.

Posted by SquidProQuo on 04-01-11 at 11:49 PM
Some interesting nuggets from Stephanie's Survivor Fans podcast interview:

- She had no idea that Ralph had the HII.

- She shared with David that she had "spilled the beans" to Rob at RI. She and David also discussed the possibility of flipping to Ome at the merge. But she wasn't sure if they could trust Rob.

- She said that Steve was not holding up well physically. He had lost a ton of weight, was having trouble breathing and got exhausted easily. She also said that Mike had to take over for him in one of the challenges because he had lost his breath and couldn't keep going. She said his height/size was working against him. This tells me that Mike should definitely be the #1 target for Ome.

"RE: Stephanie"
Posted by Outfrontgirl on 04-03-11 at 03:13 AM
good stuff, Squid!

Steve has had quite the spike though. It feels like he either goes real soon or lasts to the end of Zapatera.

Mike should be the target as a threat, although Grant can beat him.
Rooster though, has the idol, seems Rob will want to get that out of there as first order of business.

Maybe I just don't want to see Mike go. I like him.

"Dalton Ross Post ep 8"
Posted by Flowerpower on 04-07-11 at 10:06 AM
GREAT secret scene with Rooster telling us what he really thinks of Bossy Boston Rob...

located, here

Posted by SquidProQuo on 04-21-11 at 01:23 PM
Was Boston Rob really as in complete control of the game as it looks like on TV?

"Yes. During the time after the merge while I was there, it was pretty apparent that he was pulling all the strings. Everything that was done from strategic game play down to the decisions in daily life for them, all those decisions were made by him."

Once you were kicked off, who were you hoping would make it to the end?

"There was no one person that I was specifically rooting for. I was kind of pulling for somebody from Redemption Island to come back and make noise just to see that happen, I think would be a nice way to have it all play out."


"RE: David"
Posted by dabo on 04-21-11 at 04:45 PM

Saying Phil is crazy is based on Phil's action.

They didn't eat any fish that were found dead.

"RE: David"
Posted by SquidProQuo on 04-22-11 at 10:51 AM
LAST EDITED ON 04-22-11 AT 10:57 AM (EST)

Gordon Holmes' interview w/David has some interesting nuggets:

Gordon: Time to initiate you into the word association family. Let’s start this off with Ralph.
David: Wow…Ralph’s an interesting character. Hard worker.
Gordon: Rob?
David: Mastermind.
Gordon: Phillip?
David: Crazy. Especially after last night. And there were no racial undertones to that statement.
Gordon: Ashley?
David: Very nice.
Gordon: Andrea?
David: Playing the game more than anybody realizes.
Gordon: Natalie?
David: Conveniently innocent.
Gordon: Mike?
David: Physically dominant.
Gordon: And let’s finish this off with Sarita.
David: Annoying.
The Andrea bit especially caught my eye. Surprised that Ashley is "very nice" because she sure hasn't come across that way so far on the editing. Not sure why he didn't ask about Matt!

Also, I just listened to David's Survivor Fans Podcast, and when asked what criteria he'd be using to pick the winner and who he wants to win, he said overall game play and he'd "really like to see someone come back from RI."

ETA: Wouldn't expect a "thinker" type like David to root for an RI returnee. Very interesting.

"RE: David"
Posted by dabo on 04-22-11 at 11:05 AM
Ashley probably is nice, but a competitor when it is game time. Her clashes have been with Phil, who she appears to despise.

"RE: David"
Posted by SquidProQuo on 04-22-11 at 05:58 PM
I was probably reading too much into it -- i.e. that Dave gets to know Ashley at Ponderosa or on RI. I was thinking that she was the one who talked about how the Zaps shouldn't get the tarp at TC and the whole spa girl thing, so I was just surprised that David would call her "very nice." Then again, Ralph picked her out to approach about the chopping block thing, so she must give off the "nice" vibe.

"RE: David"
Posted by Outfrontgirl on 04-23-11 at 00:04 AM
If you read Ashley's tweets, she is "nice." She is also deeply into thanking the lord all the time for everything, which doesn't get into her edit. However, she's not got a lot going on in her head other than her family/fiancee, her diet, her exercise, and her favorite teams.

As a pageant queen, she is probably programmed to be nice, but she comes off in her edit like one of the cute girls in high school who is too good for others.

Interesting snark towards Natalie. I think he might be busting her for playing the innocent Amber to the new Rob, keeping the blood off her hands.

"RE: David"
Posted by SquidProQuo on 04-23-11 at 02:24 PM
That's interesting about Ashley being so religious. Makes sense why Francesca or someone early on had said she could have been possibly flipped with Andrea/Matt. I haven't followed her at all because she's been such a huge disappointment to me...but still hoping she'll pull out a challenge victory or have some game in her when the time is right.

And yes, I loved the snark about Natalie. (Although probably means she makes the finals.) I think David will be great on the jury. He also hinted in 1 of the interviews that his role wasn't over and there's still more to come, so that will hopefully be fun.

"RE: David"
Posted by dabo on 04-23-11 at 02:57 PM
re. snark: Perhaps Natalie plays the plausible deniability card at Final. That would really only have a chance of working against Rob's game.

"RE: David"
Posted by CTgirl on 04-22-11 at 10:58 PM
ETA: Wouldn't expect a "thinker" type like David to root for an RI returnee. Very interesting.

It is another way of saying that he is rooting for a Zap to return to the game and that doesn't surprise me.

"RE: David"
Posted by SquidProQuo on 04-27-11 at 02:41 PM
Hi CTGirl, normally I'd agree with you, but David's made it clear in all his post-game interviews that he didn't like the people in his Zap6 alliance, so I don't think he's rooting for any of them.

"RE: David"
Posted by dabo on 04-27-11 at 03:27 PM
LAST EDITED ON 04-27-11 AT 03:39 PM (EST)

What Zap alliance?

It was just an anti-Russell union which got impatient and tossed a challenge they didn't need to toss in order to steamroll Russell. Then at the merge it became an actual alliance of necessity under Mike's leadership, but they didn't have the numbers and no one could crack the Ometepe alliance.

What constitutes "best game" in David-speak?

If Rob gets to Final without going to RI he has the best game, period. Playing the HII when he has to would be smart but would be the only chink in his game. Keeping the HII in his pocket, keeping it from everyone else, damn good game.

It would take more than one person to oust Rob, one person making that move is impossible without the HII on their(his/her) side. So that one person could only be regarded as the ringleader of the rebellion. Failing at that move would still be game, failing because Rob plays the HII is no-fault failure.

Does David buy into the RI nonsense that allows someone who was voted out to go on and win the game? Hope not. But if the returnee and the ringleader are one and the same, ka-ching!


Coat-tailing, bad game? Not if it gets you to Final. But not impressive game.

Goat game is more impressive but would require some mighty fine talking at Final.

"RE: David"
Posted by michel on 04-23-11 at 04:45 PM
"Gordon: Andrea?
David: Playing the game more than anybody realizes."

At face value, it sounds good for Andrea but they said that about Stephen also. David could be saying that he never got to see that Andrea was actually playing until he saw her on TV.

"RE: David"
Posted by SquidProQuo on 04-27-11 at 02:37 PM
Here's a new TV Guide interview with David that Survivor Fever has posted. I can't get the link to work, but here's the excerpt they posted:

TVGuide.ca 4.27.11)
Who is going to get David's vote for the million dollars: It’s really a matter of who is playing the best game. As it stands right now, somebody has got to make a big move to take Rob out of the driver’s seat. If someone steps up and does that, that person is going to have a pretty good chance to win or if someone is able to make it back from Redemption Island and can make it to the end, that person would stand a good chance to get a fair number of jury votes just for the adversity they had to overcome.

"RE: David"
Posted by Blind Freddy on 04-27-11 at 03:04 PM
website hiccup I think.

Here's the link:


"RE: David"
Posted by Flowerpower on 04-27-11 at 03:05 PM
LAST EDITED ON 04-27-11 AT 03:06 PM (EST)

David is noting in the above interview what we have known since day 1. Robfadda is in control and hats off to the DAW that dares to take him down. If they are successful, they will indeed win the game, imo. I would love to see Grant do it, but I have reservations.

Regarding the RI returnee....kind of makes me think that since he wanted the RI returnee to win in the former interview, that no one that remains in the game is successful, therefore the only hope to take Rob out would come in the form of the returnee....

This still leads me to believe that we will have a Rob vs. Matt conflict again in the end game. If the returnee is promptly booted, than Rob will win, imo.

"RE: David"
Posted by SquidProQuo on 04-27-11 at 03:16 PM
Yep, he's brought up the RI returnee several times in his post game interviews....and then there was Jeff's tweet that David is on to something and RI might be the best path to the finals...so I think the Matt/Rob showdown is inevitable.

The funniest thing would be if the 2 of them meet on RI! If someone pulls a big move, it could happen.

"RE: David"
Posted by Brownroach on 04-27-11 at 03:54 PM
The funniest thing would be if the 2 of them meet on RI

I'm pretty sure that's not what we're being set up for.

"RE: David"
Posted by SquidProQuo on 04-27-11 at 04:18 PM
LOL, I don't think so either.

David's whole bit about the "adversity they had to overcome" on RI is a jury argument that can only best be made by Matt....Mike, Julie and the upcoming Omes won't even be out there that long. And to not lose a truel/quadruel for several weeks is nothing vs. having to win so many duels in a row like Matt had to do.

"RE: David"
Posted by Brownroach on 04-27-11 at 04:51 PM
It's interesting that David cites two non-Rob examples of who could win (I agree the later RI arrivals wouldn't count in David's mind, so that category would exclude Rob should he go there).

I guess it goes without saying that if Rob gets to the F3 he will have played the best game, which is David's first criterion. But I suspect David voted for someone who did one or both of the other two things he mentions.

"Julie's post-game interviews"
Posted by SquidProQuo on 04-28-11 at 02:21 PM
LAST EDITED ON 04-28-11 AT 02:24 PM (EST)

In 2 different places, Julie notes how the Zaps felt like Russell and Rob already had their shot and didn't deserve another:

"When we found out Russell was on our tribe, it wasn’t Rob and Russell’s game – it was our game. He already had two opportunities for the million dollars, so our strategy was to get rid of him."


"We didn’t’ want this to be a Rob/Russell game, they already had their chances.

So I'm thinking that while the Zaps will respect Rob's game play, we shouldn't assume they'll vote for Rob for the million. Also, I think it goes without saying that Matt (or a Zap returnee) would get their vote.

P.S. Julie had to file bankruptcy but was able to keep her house.

Edited to fix link: http://www.realitynewsonline.com/cgi-bin/ae.pl?mode=1&article=article12511.art&page=1

"RE: Julie's post-game interviews"
Posted by Travel_Queen on 04-28-11 at 02:26 PM
And herein lies the problem when you put experienced players with the noobs. They will remain bitter about someone who has had the chance to win before. I would hope that as a former NFL'er, Steve wouldn't feel that way, or you would have a lot of bitter pro-athletes..."why should Tiger win again, it's not fair that the Yankees are in the World Series for the 1000th time"....well the last one I might agree with : )

"RE: Julie's post-game interviews"
Posted by SquidProQuo on 04-28-11 at 02:29 PM
Yep, Jeff referred to bitter juries in his blog this week, so I'm wondering if he's setting us up for that.

There was also the whole Lex/Amber/Rob All Stars conversation last night at tribal council.

"RE: Julie's post-game interviews"
Posted by dabo on 04-28-11 at 02:39 PM
This addresses one thing I have thought all along. Rob and Russell already had multiple chances, these other players have to appraoch it as this is their one shot at it. Rob seems to have forgotten the adventure of being a first time player.

"RE: Julie's post-game interviews"
Posted by emydi on 04-28-11 at 02:48 PM
By Day 3, my whole strategy went down the tubes because I made really good friends with Ralph, Mike, and Steve – I would have been fine if any of those three won the million dollars.

Maybe a bit of a slip..."I would have been" so it didn't happen none of them were in final 3? It could be read another way so...

"RE: Julie's post-game interviews"
Posted by SquidProQuo on 04-28-11 at 02:52 PM
Good catch!

"RE: Julie's post-game interviews"
Posted by SquidProQuo on 04-28-11 at 04:29 PM
Another Julie interview from ZapIt. She says Phillip is a poison; she's rooting for Mike; she thinks Mike or Matt could beat Rob.

Obviously right now you know who makes it to the end, but at this point back during the game, who did you think had the best chance of usurping Boston Rob? Because right now it looks like he is controlling everything.

"Gosh, especially looking back and watching it, he is very in control. But at this point, Mike is just a solid solid player, Matt with his whole story and his experience with God and what God is doing with him, both Matt and Mike. If anybody, those two can beat Boston Rob."


"RE: Julie's post-game interviews"
Posted by Travel_Queen on 04-28-11 at 05:00 PM
I really am disliking Julie's logic. She was with Matt for all of what 48 hours? and during that time, he managed to "convert" her between his bouts of crying fits? Matt maybe and likely is a lovely man, but sole survivor? No way.

"RE: Julie's post-game interviews"
Posted by SquidProQuo on 04-28-11 at 10:25 PM
Check this out: Julie says in this interview that Russell told her he had an idol from production. Given all the rumors in past seasons about production helping him out, this was actually pretty clever on his part.

She also says that after the racial rant, the Zaps talked to the producers because they feared for their safety with Phil.


"RE: Julie's post-game interviews"
Posted by PepeLePew13 on 04-29-11 at 07:37 AM
I don't buy that about them being scared for their safety. They're three tough people (Rooster, a former NFL lineman, a firefighter) and Julie goes and hides Phillip's shorts knowing it'll set him off even more?

"RE: Julie's post-game interviews"
Posted by SquidProQuo on 04-29-11 at 08:56 AM
I was thinking the same thing, Pepe. Although in a couple of the interviews she says that things happened that they didn't show and she can't talk about....and that's what prompted her to hide the shorts. She also says they were worried about Phil with the machete .

Based on this week's promo, he might be smarter than we think.

"RE: Julie's post-game interviews"
Posted by dabo on 04-29-11 at 09:34 AM
A desperate ploy that would have only bought each of them one Ometepe out of the game had it worked. "This psycho is threatening us, we're scared!" What would happen, he gets locked up for observation -- isn't that basically what it is anyway? No one gets removed from the game simply for going crazy, they have to go crazy and quit.

"RE: Julie's post-game interviews"
Posted by SquidProQuo on 04-30-11 at 06:33 PM
A few interesting tidbits from Julie's Survivor Fans podcast:

When asked whether Matt is more upset with Andrea or Rob, she says that on a personal level, he's more hurt by Andrea. But on a game level, Matt "sees the big picture" and sees that Rob was controlling everything and from that respect he's more disappointed in Rob. DOES THIS LEAVES AN OPENING FOR MATT TO FORGIVE ANDREA?

When asked if she thinks the RI returnee will have an advantage with the jury, she says "absolutely." She says that someone like Matt is "likeable and respectable" and someone who "a lot of us would vote for." She goes on to say that "coming from RI is a huge honor. It's something they've earned and will score a lot of points with the jury." (Interesting that she chose to take it from the hypothetical and talk about Matt only and not Mike, whom she clearly also likes a lot. She does preface her remarks by saying how Matt was on RI by himself for so long -- so hard to say if the jury would feel the same about an RI returnee who was only there for a short time?) THIS APPEARS TO BE ANOTHER INDICATION THAT MATT COULD LIKELY GET THE 5 ZAP VOTES IF HE MAKES F3

When asked what she was most shocked by when watching the show on TV, she says Natalie throwing Ashley under the bus with Rob, because those two "were like sisters" and "tighter than tight." THIS SAYS TO ME THAT ASH/NAT DON'T PUBLICLY BETRAY EACH OTHER IN THE GAME (SO IF EITHER/BOTH GET BLINDSIDED, IT MUST COME ACROSS TO THE JURY AS ROB's -- OR SOMEONE ELSE's -- DOING)

"RE: Julie's post-game interviews"
Posted by dabo on 04-30-11 at 08:22 PM
LAST EDITED ON 04-30-11 AT 08:24 PM (EST)

Thanks. Basically, Julie doesn't care about the game itself, she's judging who is best and most likeable and determining stuff on how people should act in real life rather than in this contrived game situation. Very well, that's her right, stupid though it is. I don't think Survivor should be a popularity contest, YMMV.

She is very critical of Andrea. I am getting a sense that she doesn't spend much time if any with Andrea on the jury.

"RE: Julie's post-game interviews"
Posted by PepeLePew13 on 04-30-11 at 08:27 PM
Also read in one of the interviews (can't recall which one at the moment) that Julie was complimentary towards Grant and Ashley. Perhaps this means she got to know them a bit in Loser Lodge?

"RE: Julie's post-game interviews"
Posted by SquidProQuo on 04-30-11 at 10:40 PM
Pepe, I recall that too but can't seem to find it other than this Gordon Holmes interview (although no mention of Ashley). The "awesome" Grant comment here could be LL bonding or could just be that he's great at challenges and ate a little fish with them. I do think the Zap 5 would vote for Grant over the other Omes because they'd respect his challenge ability.

Gordon: OK, then I can’t be too mad at you. Let’s try some word association here. We’ll start off with Boston Rob.
Julie: Deceiving.
Gordon: Andrea?
Julie: Untrustworthy.
Gordon: Grant?
Julie: Awesome.
Gordon: Steve?
Julie: He’s just a great guy.
Gordon: Ralph?
Julie: Does it have to be one word?
Gordon: I don’t want to get too strict. You say what you need to say.
Julie: (Laughs) Ralph is the hardest working man on this planet.
Gordon: Matt?
Julie: Loyal to his God, faithful.
Gordon: Phillip?
Julie: Crazy, lunatic.
Gordon: Mike?
Julie: Respect. I have nothing but respect for that man.
Gordon: Phillip’s pink panties?
Julie: Disgusting.
Gordon: And Natalie?
Julie: Immature.

Interesting, David was also snarky about Natalie.

"RE: Julie's post-game interviews"
Posted by Outfrontgirl on 04-30-11 at 11:21 PM
Well, Natalie is literally immature. She's a teenager. Another casting mistake. 21 is young enough.

OTOH, Ashley didn't even rate a word association?

About Loser Lodge bonding, this was something I looked at with great results in Africa and used to pay more attention to than I do now when the interviews are so much more prepared.

People do tend to smooth over their differences at Ponderosa. Not always though, and in the case of a really tight tribal group, sometimes they don't get over it.

Julie does seem to be the kind who will embrace others as they lose. I would tend to agree that she may not spend time with Andrea or Natalie.

The only way she would bond with Phil at Ponderosa is if he is really just acting and knows how to be normal.

Now looking at the time left, we need to keep in mind that Julie is out and there is limited time for her to spend with any Ometepe at Ponderosa.

Julie spends 8 1/2 days with the next duel loser, but that is a Zap or Matt.
Julie spends 6 1/2 days with the Ep 13 loser. One Ometepe will be competing in that quadruel.

Julie spends 3 1/2 days with the F8-F6 jurors.
1 1/2 days with F5.
1 day with F4.

The last two are not enough for doing much bonding. In Africa, the first juror, Kelly, still displayed bitterness towards Lex, and had nothing much to say about T-bird, who was F4.

So Julie does have enough time to bond with Andrea if she is out this time and immediately out of RI at the next duel. Otherwise it is three days, and with three jurors showing up at once, there won't be so much one on one time.

This season could end with something horrible like Natalie, Andrea, and Phil as F3.
Jeff hasn't once said that we will love the winner or like the winner.

"Steve Post-game interviews"
Posted by SquidProQuo on 05-05-11 at 06:29 PM
No surprises in Steve's Zapit interview -- he's rooting for Mike or Matt:

"Not a lot of love lost between me and the old Ometepe tribe, I'd like to see Matt or Mike pull it off."

But this Examiner interview has more positives for Rob:

Other Zapatera's voted off before you claim that Rob would have been voted out first as well had he been placed on your tribe. Agree?
No, I don't think so. Rob is more of a team guy. He gets it a little bit more. I like Rob. Rob's been playing a smart game, and he doesn't rub you the wrong way. He just flies low under the radar, hasn't really upset anybody, and brings a lot of experience. But no, it wouldn't have been the same with him. But who knows, maybe I've been drinking the Kool-Aid too (laughs).

Talk more about Boston Rob and how difficult it was to crack the Ometepe alliance.
I tried to do everything I could with Rob. I think Rob played a pretty straight up game, a very smart game, who knows if somebody is going to bring him along...I'd think he has a pretty big mark on his head.

"RE: Steve Post-game interviews"
Posted by SquidProQuo on 05-05-11 at 07:45 PM
Here's Steve's word association with Gordon Holmes:

Gordon: Word association time, let’s start with Matt.
Steve: Love him, great kid.
Gordon: Mike?
Steve: Big heart, warrior.
Gordon: Ralph?
Steve: Simple and loving.
Gordon: Andrea?
Steve: Wacky.
Gordon: Natalie?
Steve: Just sweet and innocent.
Gordon: Boston Rob?
Steve: Very intelligent.
Gordon: Phillip?
Steve: (Laughs) CRAZY!
Gordon: In the non-racial way, of course.
Steve: No racial in there, just crazy.
Gordon: Julie?
Steve: Warrior.
Gordon: Ashley?
Steve: Very sweet.
Gordon: Grant?
Steve: How about…follower.

"RE: Steve Post-game interviews"
Posted by CTgirl on 05-05-11 at 07:53 PM
Here's the full interview which I thought was a good one. The word association was interesting!

Here is what he said about Rob:

Gordon: Boston Rob seems to be running the show. How did that affect your feelings toward him? Was it respect? Was it resentment?
Steve: It was a little of both. It was respect for how well he was playing the game and watching him control his tribe. And then on the other side you can’t believe how his tribe mates are under his spell and drinking the Kool-Aid. We were working like crazy trying to infiltrate the girls or Grant. We felt sorry for them in a way. We had plenty of fish and we offered it to them, and Rob wouldn’t let them eat it. Also, anybody that plays the game three times, I respect. And he’s not a bad guy, he’s a likable guy who plays a really tough game.

Put that together with calling Rob very intelligent, I think he would vote for him (if there wasn't a Zap in the final 3).

"Ralph's Post-game interviews..."
Posted by SquidProQuo on 05-12-11 at 06:54 PM
Based on this interview, sounds like Rooster would vote for Phillip over Rob.

What's your opinion of the way Rob is playing the game?
Rob is not really playing the game. Rob is letting them play them the game.

Most fans, including Rob himself, say he's playing nonstop.
Well, I look at it different. He's letting everybody else cut their own throats. Phillip, "Hey, we've got to keep Phillip here." They like he is a little angel. Rob's strategy—he's played it something similar, every time I watched him on TV, based on way back, when Big Tom and all of them played. He will tell you one thing and shake your hand and grin and then do the opposite, and get that sneaky look and s--t-eating grin, and he done it again last night to Grant. Over a little money people will go any way, do anything, and he's to do it.

What's your opinion of Phillip?
With Phillip...I ain't gonna say he's crazy. Phillip I think is playing the game. He is the best player I have seen so far that has played the game, that's left. He's trying to make enemies and he's not doing it. You think you'd get rid of the enemy. They're not trying to get rid of him. I think Phillip is doing the best at the game playing—because I don't think that's himself, in real life, out here in the real world. He is the best player.

Which player annoyed you the most?
Probably the two ladies that sit around and didn't do nothing.

Did that include Andrea, or just Ashley and Natalie?
Ashley and Natalie. Andrea was a working little girl, she had a heart to play the game, she just had a leader that told her not to play the game with us. They didn't really do nothing, Natalie and Ashley. They kind of bothered me because you're there to play a game—but that might have been their way of playing it: Just lay around and take it easy.


"RE: Ralph's Post-game interviews..."
Posted by SquidProQuo on 05-12-11 at 06:58 PM
Here's another Ralph interview. He's more positive about Rob in this one, but still says that Phillip is faking it, playing the game, etc.


"RE: Ralph's Post-game interviews..."
Posted by PepeLePew13 on 05-12-11 at 07:21 PM
Might be worth remembering that Julie, for one, mentioned that while Phillip is a crazy ol' coot, he is recognized as a hard worker and that the others were lazy in camp. So, who knows? If Phillip can make the final three while also making a coherent argument to the jury that he did what he had to do to ensure lasting until the final tribal council while letting Rob get roasted by the jury, anything's possible.

"RE: Ralph's Post-game interviews..."
Posted by SquidProQuo on 05-12-11 at 08:16 PM
Good point, Pepe. Here's another Ralph interview (nice job, webby!)where work ethic seems to be an important criteria vs. strategy. He definitely does not seem to be a fun of Matt/the Christian coalition.

He also seems to indicate that the jury will be bitter against Rob:

(Sorry, can't seem to cut and paste the key quotes, but here's the link: http://www.realitytvworld.com/news/exclusive-ralph-kiser-talks-about-survivor-redemption-island-12284.php)

"RE: Ralph's Post-game interviews..."
Posted by PepeLePew13 on 05-14-11 at 05:03 PM
Trying to decipher Rooster's words is a challenge in the best of times, so am not sure what to make of this tidbit from your link:

Ralph Kiser: Yes. Well, he {Matt} didn't really want to talk about it and he was tired and all that, so we just let it go at that. I just knew the only chance he's got is to get off the island and win or he's gonna lose. I was kind of hoping he'd lose because he made that big bold move -- staying on his tribe. I wanted him to lose anyway, and he did. Or I say "did," he stayed on Redemption Island.

Did he mean coming back to Redemption Island after the merge boot (in which case, Matt was "voted out") or did he mean that Matt never got off Redemption Island again as in not winning the chance to get back into the game in the finale (in which case the wording "lose" is more appropriate)? It wouldn't be described as "he stayed on Redemption Island" if he went back into the game the first time and then promptly got booted during the merge episode.

Am I reading too much into this ... or is this a case of Rooster accidentally spoiling that Matt does not get back into the game in tomorrow's finale?

"RE: Ralph's Post-game interviews..."
Posted by kiki_k on 05-14-11 at 06:59 PM
I just knew the only chance he's got is to get off the island and win or he's gonna lose. I was kind of hoping he'd lose because he made that big bold move -- staying on his tribe. I wanted him to lose anyway, and he did. Or I say "did," he stayed on Redemption Island.

My translation:

The only chance Matt had to win the game (after returning from RI) was to win his way to the F3 -- he didn't do that. I wanted him to lose anyway because he tried to stay with Ometepe after the merge (when he should have joined the Zaps).

I take that as Ralph slipping that Matt gets back into the game & is then voted out after he loses an IC (the only chance he had was to win his way to the F3). That didn't happen.
The last little bit "Or I say 'did,' he stayed on Redemption Island" is Ralph trying to cover up that he let the fact that Matt gets back into the game & then loses an IC & is voted off slip.

Of course, my translation could be as off the mark as Ralph's spelling.

"Stephen Fishbachs Survivor Blog"
Posted by Flowerpower on 05-13-11 at 08:22 AM
Stephen Fishbach's post ep 13 article here

"Ralph's Survivor Fans Podcast interview"
Posted by SquidProQuo on 05-13-11 at 01:33 PM
LAST EDITED ON 05-13-11 AT 01:42 PM (EST)

Here's an interesting tidbit from SFP:

Ralph says the thing that surprised him the most when watching the game on TV is that Rob had an idol. Ralph's on the jury, so he should obviously know if Rob plays the HII at F5 (or gives it to someone), right? I don't think he's lying, so could it be possible that Rob doesn't play it because he feels he doesn't need to and/or because he doesn't want to lose the trust/jury votes of the Omes? I sure hope he doesn't get blindsided with it in his pocket after saying he learned from his past mistakes. I always kind of had a feeling that the HII could come back to bite Rob, so it'll be interesting to see how it plays out.

Ralph also says that he's going to vote on the jury for someone who "put in effort to play the game and help out." He says he WON'T vote for a "coattail rider" or someone who didn't pull their weight. So I think the Spa Girls are out for sure when it comes to his vote.

Oh, and he applied 3 times before getting on Survivor. First time he did a video with a rooster and a pig (which did get him an interview but not on the show); second time he did an Amish video; third time was the charm with a video milking his cow .

"RE: Ralph's Survivor Fans Podcast interview"
Posted by Brownroach on 05-13-11 at 02:50 PM
LAST EDITED ON 05-13-11 AT 05:54 PM (EST)

Ralph says the thing that surprised him the most when watching the game on TV is that Rob had an idol.

Well that does rather look like a spoiler that Rob didn't play it.

ETA: Rob should be feeling relatively safe at the first TC even if the RI person wins immunity. He still has Phillip and Natalie with him. If Ashley has to go he can tell Natalie, look I did you a favor and saved her once but there's nothing I can do this time.

To target Rob the RI person and/or Ashley would have to get one of Phillip and Natalie to turn on Rob and I don't see that happening at F5.

"RE: Ralph's Survivor Fans Podcast interview"
Posted by SquidProQuo on 05-13-11 at 06:38 PM
My first inclination was that Rob must win the F5 IC and/or the returnee does not win for him not to play it. But you're probably right that he feels he's a lock regardless. I do think that playing the HII would end up hurting him with Grant and others on the jury because of the trust/loyalty issue.

It would be unbelievable if Rob goes home with it in his pocket.

"RE: Ralph's Survivor Fans Podcast interview"
Posted by Flowerpower on 05-14-11 at 06:36 AM
Squid: How can finding a HII all on your own, saving it, not revealing it, to play it for yourself when you need it, possibly hurt someone with their argument in front of a jury that they are indeed the player that outwitted, outlasted, and OUTPLAYED? Doesn't make any sense.

Rob could win it over with his argument alone. All he would have to do is argue that he wanted to keep it a secret this time and use it possibly to save himself if he needed it. How could he tell anyone that he had it, if in the end, it could possibly be a situation that could end up as YOU or ME. Not revealing the idol is SMART play...not playing it if you don't have to is SMART play as well...imho.

Finding and concealing the idol adds to his argument as the best player out there.

"RE: Ralph's Survivor Fans Podcast interview"
Posted by Outfrontgirl on 05-14-11 at 06:54 AM
I think that no one likes being played for a fool -- as with the you and me hoard the clues game. Game or no. If Rob doesn't need to play it, he should not reveal he had it. JMHO

"RE: Ralph's Survivor Fans Podcast interview"
Posted by Flowerpower on 05-14-11 at 06:45 PM
You have a point, OFG...(as always But, one could be considered a fool if he found it and told people, OR, one could be considered a fool for concealing it? Doesn't make sense to me, especially if he didn't use it on or against anyone. In retrospect they may say, wow, what a rascal, but I don't think in the end they'd hold it against him for not divulging it. We all know what can happen when others know...

"RE: Ralph's Survivor Fans Podcast interview"
Posted by SquidProQuo on 05-15-11 at 04:11 PM
Squid: How can finding a HII all on your own, saving it, not revealing it, to play it for yourself when you need it, possibly hurt someone with their argument in front of a jury that they are indeed the player that outwitted, outlasted, and OUTPLAYED? Doesn't make any sense.

FloPo, I've been traveling so sorry for the delayed response. My thinking was that if Rob doesn't need to play the HII at F5, then it's probably better/safer for him to just keep it quiet come jury time vs. taking the risk of alienating some of his former Ome allies. E.g., He and Grant were looking for the HII together, and Grant seems to have left the game feeling positive about Rob, so why risk making him feel that Rob was playing him all along and being untruthful? Same thing with Phillip and Natalie (if either of them are on the jury). Could lose him a jury vote or two.

If Rob ended up in the F3 with someone like Russell, then I think it would be very cool for Rob to flaunt the HII in his pocket with the jury and make the case that he didn't even need to play it to make it to the end. But with this F3 and jury, I think things like trust and loyalty (vs. strategic game play) seem to be more important.

P.S. FWIW, I've always been a huge Rob fan so I'm not knocking him and wouldn't be surprised at all if he wins. It just seems obvious and this season has been so boring so it's fun for me to look at alternate angles and possibilities. For some reason Rob winning this season doesn't feel like a great victory to me like it would have if he won All Stars or HvV...maybe that's why I'm sort of rooting for Ashley or the RI returnee. If Phillip wins over Rob, though, I'm definitely done with Survivor!

"RE: Ralph's Survivor Fans Podcast interview"
Posted by Outfrontgirl on 05-14-11 at 04:05 AM
one thing to factor in though, is they should know it's almost impossible to make a move against Rob at F4. They being Phillip and Ashley. a) he is very likely to win immunity every time, so if he doesn't one time, that may be the only shot (same as with Grant). b) Natalie is weak and can force a tie.

F5 is the time to do what you can, then hope to take the right person out at F4.

Re the HII -- I think Rob would be more likely not to play it if the RI person is vulnerable. After all, the vote is a no brainer.

If RI is immune, Rob should be worried, and he should play it to be sure he bounces Ashley, knowing that he probably has at least two votes coming his way from RI and Ashley, so his whole game comes down to Phillip resisting the RI person's offer AND Natalie resisting Ashley's whisper in her ear.

"RE: Ralph's Survivor Fans Podcast interview"
Posted by kiki_k on 05-14-11 at 07:07 PM
LAST EDITED ON 05-14-11 AT 07:15 PM (EST)

Ralph is difficult to understand & I can't listen to the podcasts (I don't have the right whatever is needed on my PC & I'm not downloading it) -- are we sure he is surprised Rob had a HII at all or surprised he had it all that time?

Otherwise, I agree with OFG & others -- if Rob doesn't need to use the HII (either by winning the first IC after the RI returnee comes back in or by being *that* secure), he would be stupid to use the HII. Why "show it off" and potentially upset the other original Ometepes if he doesn't need to? He still will needs their votes & that would look like a betrayal.

And, btw, that word is what makes me ask for clarification of what Ralph said about Rob having the HII. Jeff said in an earlier blog that Rob needs to watch out for Grant -- if Grant learns he has the HII, Grant will feel betrayed by Rob. I took that to mean, at the time I read it, that Rob will be using it at some point in the game because how else would Jeff know Grant would feel betrayed? With only one chance left to play it, I'm thinking Rob does play it at the second F5 & Grant, feeling betrayed, doesn't vote for Rob to win. But what I can't believe is that Rob would play it just to "show it off" -- he isn't that stupid of a player. (Sandra played hers in HvV when she didn't need to, but, for Sandra it actually helped her to play it because people were not giving her any credit for "playing" the game -- by finding the HII, she showed she was).

eta: Thanks to anyone who can listen to the podcast & takes the time to answer that for me.

"RE: Ralph's Survivor Fans Podcast interview"
Posted by SquidProQuo on 05-15-11 at 03:50 PM
Kiki, sorry, I've been out of town so just seeing your question and don't have time to listen again (esp. since he's so hard to understand!). Even if we got Ralph's exact words, I wouldn't put too much stock into what he says. I just threw it out there because it was interesting/opposite of mainstream opinion to think that Rob wouldn't play the HII at all.

I think the 1 thing we can count on is that he won't vote for a coattail rider.

"RE: Ralph's Survivor Fans Podcast interview"
Posted by kiki_k on 05-15-11 at 06:16 PM
Thanks Squid!

Rooster-speak is hard! But, I've sic'd myself out & changed my vote anyway. It's all good because I'm so far behind (not voting in the first 5 or 6) there is no way I can catch up anyway. Next season, I'll be sure not to skip any votes.

"RE: S22 Press, Post-game interviews..."
Posted by PepeLePew13 on 05-19-11 at 09:45 AM
If there were any doubts left that Natalie is an airhead, it's forever erased here ... RTVW's interview with Natalie Tenerelli

"RE: S22 Press, Post-game interviews..."
Posted by dabo on 05-19-11 at 10:27 AM
Gee whiz. They simply should not have kids in Survivor.

"RE: S22 Press, Post-game interviews..."
Posted by Round Robin on 05-20-11 at 03:31 AM
It ain't her age, dabo. I've heard women of all ages with that much hurricane in their brains.

"RE: S22 Press, Post-game interviews..."
Posted by Outfrontgirl on 05-25-11 at 09:49 AM
F4 tie isn't picking rocks. It's the fire-starting challenge. She doesn't seem to know that. Ashley and Phillip would have competed, and Phillip would have won because I doubt Ashley ever did the fire in cmap. Then Natalie wouldn't have voted out Ashley, and she could possibly have gotten Ashley's vote.

"RE: S22 Press, Post-game interviews..."
Posted by dabo on 05-25-11 at 10:32 AM
I had the same thought. Don't know who would have won the tie-breaker but at worst Natalie would have been no worse off at FTC (Phillip would never have voted for one of the spa girls), very naive.

"RE: S22 Press, Post-game interviews..."
Posted by michel on 05-25-11 at 06:43 PM
I see two possibilities here:

1- Survivor is so stupid about revealing their rules that she really didn't know and didn't read the contract with enough attention. Dumb but understandable: That contract has no end!

2- She just didn't want to give Ashley a shot because she knew she couldn't beat Ashley but thought she had a shot against Phil and Rob. She's playing dumb to spare Ashley's feelings.

"RE: S22 Press, Post-game interviews..."
Posted by PepeLePew13 on 05-26-11 at 04:37 PM
I see a third option:

Natalie is so dumb and flighty that she completely forgot what the tiebreaker was and talked completely out of her azz in the interview. She may have "read" the contract at some point but yadda yadda it went in one eye and out the other.

"RE: S22 Press, Post-game interviews..."
Posted by michel on 05-26-11 at 06:23 PM
That's pretty much what I meant by point #1: Rules should be clear but Survivor doesn't make them clear so we still have posters and contestants that think it's rocks at F4.

"Waiting on Phillip."
Posted by Estee on 05-21-11 at 08:31 AM
I have no interest in hearing anything he says. But the longer he keeps not saying it, the better the odds he might not have been available for interviews due to a sudden trip to the South Pacific.

"RE: Waiting on Phillip."
Posted by dabo on 05-21-11 at 09:18 AM
LAST EDITED ON 05-21-11 AT 09:19 AM (EST)

Federal Agents grabbed him and sent him back to the factory to have his programming debugged.

"RE: Waiting on Phillip."
Posted by PepeLePew13 on 05-21-11 at 11:48 AM
Well... He might not have given one to Webby yet (or Webby chose to ignore him), but that doesn't mean he didn't give interviews elsewhere:


"RE: Waiting on Phillip."
Posted by Estee on 05-21-11 at 05:00 PM
Ah, but was that Phillip, or a fellow agent in a clever disguise?

Wait! It must have been Phillip disguised as himself! No one would ever see through that!

"Playing to Lose"
Posted by dabo on 05-24-11 at 10:36 AM

"RE: Playing to Lose"
Posted by PepeLePew13 on 05-24-11 at 03:59 PM
Huh, it seems like Phillip wasn't talking out of his azz when he mentioned things like his brother being the chief of police in Rochester, N.Y. ... here's James Sheppard.

"RE: Playing to Lose"
Posted by iltarion on 05-24-11 at 04:53 PM

I don't buy it. People who are @sses can't help themselves from being @sses. Since he made the FTC, he can forever rationalize that it was a strategy. If it had truly been a strategy, then he wouldn't have gone even more crazy at FTC.

His bit about reading the books on Survivor is pretty funny though.

Unfortunately, I feel Phillip's antics and partial success have completely opened a floodgate that was already cracked.


"RE: Playing to Lose"
Posted by Round Robin on 05-25-11 at 03:17 AM
I just hope that Phil's relative success doesn't lead to the casting of a succession of completely mentally ill wackjobs like the ones that have polluted the casts of Big Brother for the last 11 years. The last thing we need is for Burnett and Probst to turn into Grodner and Chenbot.

"RE: Playing to Lose"
Posted by suzzee on 05-25-11 at 09:40 AM
You make a lot of sense unfortunately for future seasons. One can only hope that the @ss strategy only insures a very early boot.

A Tribe masterpiece

"RE: S22 Press, Post-game interviews..."
Posted by Scarlett O Hara on 08-08-11 at 08:21 PM
From e-Online ... Did Boston Rob Even Outwit Wife Amber About Survivor Win? And Will He Ever Face RussHell Again?


Some good insight from Survivor's Winner Boston Rob!

FISH by agman