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"SOTS Ep 2: Fatigue Makes Cowards of Us All"

Posted by kircon on 09-22-10 at 02:01 AM
This is a report of the past week’s spoiling.

We are glad you stopped by the State of the Spoiling thread where we try to one-up EPMB
and accurately predict the results of his show before it airs...
sometimes we are right, and sometimes we are not.
But, we will eternally try!

The collective intelligence in this Spoilers Forum sifts and sorts this data and comes up with opinions as to who's gonna do whut to who, and why, and how. These detectives all work hard, and selflessly share their opinions... These results are definitely a community product. Lurkers contribute by just being there.

If you’re new to our site, please check out our Community Guidelines that are located here.

They keep Blows running smoothly and remind us that it is nice to be civil!

***We have had spoiling that gives the entire boot list for the last couple of seasons. It has bothered several peeps. I will post a warning before the thread’s link if it contains a boot list. If you do not want to know, please do not click on the link. You have been warned.***


OK! Let’s get to it:

I would invite all lurkers to join us this season. Join the discussion. It always helps to have many voices to figure out who wins what, who loses, who changes tribes, who has alliances, and who will be booted.
just might see the missing piece of the puzzle. For you that Immunity Idol is so obvious. Why doesn’t anyone else see it? Even if you are wrong, that just helps narrow down the answer.

So we’re off!


SquidProQuo brought us the title,

S21Ep. 2, Title and Clues – "Fatigue Makes Cowards of Us All"

Outfrontgirl knows her quotes and shares how the quote came from Shakespeare to General George Patton to Vince Lombardi and then Jimmy J.

Jimmy Johnson: Fatigue makes the mind get weak.


Currently held by: Espada

Will they use it? More than likely!!!


CBS posted this on their site. It allows us to play along. Can you decipher it?

SquidProQuo posted a thread to work out the clues.
PepeLePew13 was the first to solve the clue.
Grrrrrr 8 Work Pepe!!!

***DO NOT GO IF YOU DON’T WANT TO KNOW the answer. ***
Hidden Immunity Idol Clues


The clues are also in the title thread.

Outfrontgirl posted the new clues in the EP 2 Boot thread.

The new clues are up which point towards a paranoid meltdown.

"Fatigue Makes Cowards of Us All" - Tempers flare at La Flor and fights erupt as the young castaways struggle to overcome some potentially dangerous personality conflicts within the tribe

Na Onka fighting with Jud looks like the promo misdirection.


No Reward Challenge.

Krautboy posted The Unexpected Fisherman. It does contain Boot Spoilers. But I will share this:

On 8-27-10 vince correctly predicted; As of late, in the early episodes the Immunity Challenges also contain Reward packages...
With that in mind, I'm thinking they
(Espada) win the Ep 2 challenge and the fishing gear (it's tradition, after all...)

Good Job vince!!! Now that’s spoiling!!!


Krautboy posted EP2 Immunity Challenge in late August with details of the challenge.

“A La Flor tribemember sits out.

4 players from each tribe run through the mud, one at a time.

Jimmy J



Kelly S

Kelly S & Jane

After getting through the mud they dive into a pile of hay and retrieve a ball that is given to an unraveler to unravel.

The "unraveler" could only unravel 1 ball at a time before starting on the next ball.
(So the first ball has to be shot into the bucket before starting on the second ball, etc.)

Unraveler tosses ball to another player who catches it with a board and flips the ball to another player who flips it to a "shooter".

Shooter shoots ball into a bucket and process starts over again with another ball."

So who wins.

We believe that Espada wins.


Krautboy posted the EP2 Boot
***SPOILER ALERT...this discussion thread includes some references to "sourced spoliers"...DON"T GO IF YOU DON"T WANT TO KNOW***

Krautboy says, “In EP1 Kelly was used for misdirection as the editing focused on her leg and the confessionals of those who said she needed to be voted out. In EP2 Espada will probably use the Medallion of Power, La Flor will go to TC, Brenda will "dodge the bullet" and Shannon will treat us to one of "the best Tribal councils in Survivor History" before he is voted out…”

He uses another line of excellent logic this week, Thanks for sharing with us!

There is a lot of discussion using future spoiler, but I believe Flowerpower summed it up the best.

“…Last night definitely led me to believe that the Espada tribe will indeed be using their medallion of power for the IC in episode 2, therefore, more than likely the La Flor's will be heading to TC. There were several conflicts over at La Flor that arose last night. The first being the one regarding Brenda. Both she and Shannon came to Chase for an alliance. Chase gave his word to the scheming Shannon, in regards to sticking together as the strongest and taking out the women. Then, Chase exposed the guy's plan when Brenda approached him for an alliance. Shannon will see Brenda as a threat, and Brenda will most likely figure out that Shannon is the one behind the scheme to oust the women. With the whoop-a$$ that will be exploding post question one at TC, I'd say that Shannon could be heading down the path to LL, especially since we hear spoilers of a big surprise. It all fits!

Krautboy reminded us of Tina’ Theory;

Tina Wesson's theory was that you could tell who was in an alliance and who was on the outs, by observing who was next to whom at camp, Tribal council and as they walk to and from Challenges.

This vidcap from EP1 supports a Shannon boot...

Shannon is off by himself, separated from the rest of the tribe.

The Second Survivor to have their torch extinguished

Shannon Elkins


Feel free to discuss any of the items above, add to them or take them home with you. Amaze your co-workers, family and friends with your knowledge of

Survivor 21: Nicaragua

Don't forget to vote in dabo’s SurvivorBlowsTribe, Time To Vote: S21 ep2 thread located in the Spoilers Forum.
Post your vote and let us know who you think will be the voted out this week.

If you’re on-line during the airing of Survivor check out the East Coast Update Thread, also in the Spoilers Forum. All talk of the current broadcast show is kept in this thread. Read what was said last week in Snidget’s S21 Nicaragua Episode #1 ECST


You can check out what CBS has to offer here: CBS. They always have secret scenes and Ponderosa clips.

TVGuide is another new source.

Dalton Ross post articles and thoughts at Entertainment Weekley in ’Survivor’ Central

If you would like to learn more about Nicaragua; San Juan del Sur & Nicaragua – Wikipedia.

VidCaps provided from Survivorfever
(Thanks SF for all the hard work you do for our enjoyment)
There is a bootlist listed.

TDT or TrueDorkTimes has a page called Surviv-O-Meter 21 that gives chances of survival. This is a boot list.
You may also link to the other major spoiling sites.


Continue the fun with these other threads in our Survivor Forums at RTVW.

The Survivor Fanatic Forum has no spoiling in it.
Just postings for those who love the show, the contestants, Jeff, EPMB, or anything Survivor.

Check out tribe’s Love/ Loathe List.

Check out the Survivor Basher Forum
If you are not happy with the show or a castaway. Bash and snark all you want, but remember we’re PG 13.

RollDdice’s roll-playing thread, Be The Survivor: Apathy or Self-Preservation? is located here.

If you need to snark some more sign up for a Survivor Summary at kircon’s
S21: Nicaragua: Summary Writer's Calendar & Signup
No previous summary writing needed.

The Survivor Spoilers Forum is exclusively for the discussion of possible Survivor spoilers and their speculation.

These are the current threads in the forum.

VerucaSalt’s, The Players, The Game, The Editing thread is located in this forum.
This is a no-spoiling zone.
VerucaSalt stays spoiler free but uses great detective work. This is a must read. Thank you, VerucaSalt for your insights and posting them on our board.

Outfrontgirl posted a thread about what You can find Jeff’s Blog here.

Krautboy is keeping us up-to-date with several threads that have major spoiling throuthout and bootlist.

Bootlist Spoilers and Speculation
Blackwhale Spoilers S21
Missyae Spoilers Survivor 21
The Unexpected Fisherman
Contains Boot Info.

SquidProQuo posted Any 1st episode "winner" quotes? to discuss the Winner’s Quote Theory.

SquidProQuo posted S21 RTVW and other post-game interviews to post the castaways tale of woe.

* Any video or still shot for the coming week and all press releases can be found here.

Want to try your hand at writing a SOTS” State Of The Spoiling?
Sign up in kircon’s S21 Nicaragua: State Of The Spoiling Calendar & Sign-Ups.

There's NO prerequisite for doing a SOTS so if you’re new and want to take a stab at summarizing the weekly spoiling info and present it to our hungry speculators, now's your chance. Or if SOTS is old-hat to you, we're looking for your continued participation and alumnal insights.

The Survivor Game Forum has several games for your enjoyment.
We love games so much we devote a forum to them.

kircon’s S21 PTTE: Nicaragua

tribephyl’s STOPP

AvidRealityWatcher’s Home Survivor 2


Now go play some games, post in one of the forums, and enjoy the show.

Now who do you think will win?
See you back here next week!

Sorry for being late. Sometimes life happens and preempts my best-laid plans. My hubby’s 97-year-old Grandmother passed away over the weekend. She had an amazing life. 5 children, 14 grandchildren, and in my hubby’s line; 18 great-grandchildren and finally 28 great-great-grandchildren. I’m sure the numbers are the same with the other lines. Millie lost her 99-year-old brother a couple of months ago. Her 102-year-old sister is still living on her own. As I said, she had an amazing life. Rest in Peace Mildred.

Table of contents

Messages in this discussion
"RE: SOTS Ep 2: Fatigue Makes Cowards of Us All"
Posted by Krautboy on 09-22-10 at 02:32 AM
Kircon: Sorry to hear the sad news about Grandma Mildred. Hope your husband is doing ok and has lots of special memories to comfort him.

Thanks for doing the SOTS with everything else going on in your life...you are amazing!


"RE: SOTS Ep 2: Fatigue Makes Cowards of Us All"
Posted by tribephyl on 09-22-10 at 04:22 AM
Thank you, Queen.
Amazing job as always and even with the added stresses of life you still manage to squeeze every last bit of info, even from other forums, with all the requisite warnings and appropriate shout-outs and still in time for the rest of us to make informed decisions.
Truly royal.

"RE: SOTS Ep 2: Fatigue Makes Cowards of Us All"
Posted by Outfrontgirl on 09-22-10 at 05:25 AM
SOTS is amazing and not at all late by my standards.
RIP Mildred. We should all hope too last so long with such quality of life.
Thank you for doing this with a death in the family!

Oh, did I say enough about how great the SOTS is? No, I didn't. There's so much great stuff I can't even list it. Kudos too for taking on the special challenge of warning everyone about where the source spoilers are lurking!

P.S. It all seems pretty clearly to work out as you predict.
Apparently there will be references to peanut butter and jelly sandwich as part of the whoop-##### TC.

"RE: SOTS Ep 2: Fatigue Makes Cowards of Us All"
Posted by Flowerpower on 09-22-10 at 07:18 AM
Dear Kircon: Please accept my deepest sympathy for the loss of your husband's grandmother. Sounds like he descends from some hearty stock. Longevity certainly is an invaluable gift to pass down. May all of you have it!

AS for the SOTS, fantastic, as always. Leaving no stone unturned, I will not be surprised at all to see it unfold just as you specify. Should be a great tribal council!

"Thanks k"
Posted by emydi on 09-22-10 at 11:51 AM
great SOTS again

Sorry about grama Mildred

Love Prayers Peace

"RE: SOTS Ep 2: Fatigue Makes Cowards of Us All"
Posted by SquidProQuo on 09-22-10 at 07:15 PM
Great job, Kircon! Interesting that Kelly B. and Alina are also not pictured in the group photo where Shannon's off to the side. Maybe they snuck away to hunt for the HII?

So sorry to hear about Mildred. Sounds like she had a wonderful life....and it definitely sounds like your husband's family has good genes for longevity!

"RE: SOTS Ep 2: Fatigue Makes Cowards of Us All"
Posted by Wallflower66 on 09-23-10 at 08:12 AM
Excellent SOTS, kirkie! You nailed it!

R.I.P., Grandma Millie.