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"S21, Ep 2, Vidcaps"

Posted by Flowerpower on 09-16-10 at 07:47 AM
Thanks to Survivor Fever for the vidcaps...


Jeff Probst: Next time on Survivor...

Jimmy Johnson: Fatigue makes the mind get weak.

Holly: New York city boy gang. Let's just fill his shoes up. And then...

NaOnka: Why are you raising your voice at me? I can get loud, too.

NaOnka : I don't like a thing about him and he gets on my nerves

Jeff: 21 seasons of Survivor. Never had an opening question open that much whoop-#####

So, on Espada, who is "New York city boy gang? Is that Dan? Clearly this must be misdirection, as it looks like the medallion of power will most likely be used at the next TC.

Another conflict arising at La Flor, Fabio vs. Na Onka. Misdirection or no? This leads us to believe that Na Onka and Judd could be capable of some "Whoop A$$" at TC...misdirection again?

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"RE: S21, Ep 2, Vidcaps"
Posted by SquidProQuo on 09-16-10 at 09:30 AM
Yes, I was thinking it must be Dan's shoes. Maybe he starts talking about a men's alliance and voting out another woman next? Also, in Jeff's video clip on EW, he says that Dan's knee is a major liability and he expects him to go next if the older tribe goes back to TC.

I agree, the older tribe is crazy if they don't use the Medallion of Power this time. Will that be enough for them to win? Jeff's Whoop A$$ comment also seems to point to the younger tribe going to TC but we'll have to see what the next vidcaps tell us.

"What Whoop"
Posted by Travelor on 09-16-10 at 09:46 AM
Jeff: 21 seasons of Survivor. Never had an opening question open that much whoop-#####

Not sure what Jeff is talking about - what was the opening question?

"RE: What Whoop"
Posted by Brownroach on 09-16-10 at 04:49 PM
LAST EDITED ON 09-16-10 AT 04:53 PM (EST)

I assume it means the first question that he asks (of whomever) at the Ep 2 TC unleashes copious amounts of whoopass.

"RE: What Whoop"
Posted by SquidProQuo on 09-16-10 at 05:38 PM
That was my impression too, BR. Usually Jeff has to coax people, esp. off the beginning when everyone tries to be PC, but it sounds like someone goes ballistic just based on 1 question at this TC. Should be fun!

"RE: What Whoop"
Posted by PepeLePew13 on 09-16-10 at 06:29 PM
Remember, Jiffy usually asks questions based on what has happened already in camp -- the producers or cameramen notice something and then tell Jiffy so he is aware of what to ask at TC or at challenges.

So, something's already brewing in camp and Jiffy found out about it, opened with a question relating to it, and ... ka-boom. The nerves are still raw from the confrontation that evidently just happened at camp.

"RE: What Whoop"
Posted by kingfish on 09-17-10 at 08:57 AM
Speculating that if the old codgers were at TC it might have been a question that revealed the shoe sabotage. That would get a rise out of me, at least.

But the thing I find funny are those shoes, who in their right mind would wear that type of shoe for any Survivor? One thing that is predictable about being on Survivor is that you need athletic shoes that can get wet and dirty and last for a month or so in a camp situation.

I guess that's a clue though, whoever wore those shoes has a deficiency in his decision making process. That pretty well dooms anyone in a game that requires a making a lot of really good decisions.

"RE: What Whoop"
Posted by Tercel on 09-21-10 at 08:51 AM
Maybe he thought he signed up for Dancing with the Stars?

"RE: What Whoop"
Posted by Outfrontgirl on 09-22-10 at 00:22 AM
kingfish, wardrobe assigns the castaways their clothes ... don't blame Danny.

"Mud challenge shots in Opening Credit Sequence"
Posted by SquidProQuo on 09-17-10 at 10:07 AM
I was just rewatching this week's episode and noticed that there are mud shots of Jimmy Johnson and I think Holly in the opening credits. So it must be from this week's challenge. Did not notice mud shots of anyone on the younger tribe.

Couldn't find the opening credit vidcaps on SF or SP -- does anyone have them? Might be helpful.

"RE: S21, Ep 2, Vidcaps"
Posted by dabo on 09-17-10 at 10:33 AM
Jeff's whoop ass comment makes me think it pretty much has to be La Flor going to Tribal. People on Espada are perfectly capable of going off, and Dan was completely hidden in the editing of the first episode after Jimmy T's mafia comment in the opening, or else he really just never said a single word at any time in those first three days. But Espada has already been to Tribal, they know how to handle it. La Flor, on the other hand, has some young guns who don't think there's any reason why their tribe should have to go to Tribal, and there seems to be a lot of jumping to conclusions going on over there: Jud is retarded, can't go to final with Kelly B., a guy has to sack up and win this one, Chase is clueless. Jud is too laid back to do the whooping himself, his strategy is to be pegged as Fabio and under-estimated by everyone, but he's perfectly capable of saying something volatile (in all innocence, dude, just like saying) and that could escalate when others jump in.

Squid, I recall those mud shots, I'll have to check the video, but didn't JJ and Holly seem not upset?

"RE: S21, Ep 2, Vidcaps"
Posted by SquidProQuo on 09-17-10 at 10:38 AM
Jimmy J. definitely was smiling through the mud...don't recall about Holly. Just thought it might be another indication that the Older Tribe wins IC. (Also the Medallion of Power advantage.)

"Here are the mud shots from the opening sequence"
Posted by SquidProQuo on 09-17-10 at 10:50 AM
Found 'em on TDT:

So looks like Holly and Jimmy J. do the mud-crawling portion and are happy, so they must do well. And looks like Jill does the throwing part for the Older Tribe. Not sure how many people do each part or how it works.

Is that Naonka in the hot pink shorts behind JJ? And are those 2 of the younger La Flor girls behind Jill while she's throwing? (Or could it be Yve and Jane?)

I'm kinda surprised that they'd have JJ doing the crawling vs. some of the more physical players, although Wendy said in one of her post-game interviews that JJ had chosen the players for the challenges last time (kinda like Coach liked to do .

"New web promo vidcaps "
Posted by SquidProQuo on 09-18-10 at 07:49 PM
The new web promo is up. I'm only bringing over the vidcaps that are new/different. Thanks to Survivor Fever!

Announcer: Last Wednesday, the young Survivors took on the old...

Jeff Probst: Young tribe wins Immunity!

Announcer: ...and the older tribe lost. Now two castaways are cracking...

Holly: The New York city boy, Danny, he doesn't like sand on them.

Announcer...big time.

NaOnka: If they want to play dirty, I can play dirty, too.

Announcer: Can former NFL coach, Jimmy Johnson, hold the older tribe together...

Jimmy Johnson: I'm just keeping my fingers crossed.

Announcer: ...or will they fall apart?

Danny : She stole my shoes.

Tyrone : I'm gonna keep one eye on her and one eye on my shoes.


As we discussed in other threads, looks like the Holly/shoe thing is misdirection. The most interesting part to me is NaOnka's comment, "If THEY want to play dirty...." Who is the "they"? The guys forming an all-guy alliance? Or someone else? Figuring that out might point to this week's boot.

"More vidcaps"
Posted by SquidProQuo on 09-18-10 at 11:25 PM
Here are some new challenge shots from the new :10 promo, thanks to Survivor Fever:

Announcer: Can the old Survivor tribe dominate the young?
New Survivor, CBS, Wednesday.

Looks like the 1st couple shots are of Holly. We know from the opening credit shots that she's one of the "mud" people for the Older Tribe.

The later side-by-side shots appear to be Jane from the Older Tribe and maybe Kelly from the Younger Tribe? Although I thought Kelly S. had a yellow bathing suit so maybe it's someone else? Doesn't look like NaOnka's hair...could it be Alina?

"RE: More vidcaps"
Posted by Outfrontgirl on 09-19-10 at 09:08 PM

Blonde hair, so it must be Purple Kelly, no?

Last episode they were all in underwear. Appears they get their swimsuits in Ep 2, was discussed at MESS I remember.

"RE: More vidcaps"
Posted by SquidProQuo on 09-20-10 at 09:24 AM
Yes, has to be Kelly S. I was going through vidcaps and promo shots and did find one of her in pink, although the first episode she was in yellow. It also looks like a muddy Kelly behind Jill in the opening sequence shot.

I'm surprised they'd have people like Jane and Jimmy J. doing the crawling through the mud part for the Older Tribe (vs. Marty or Yve) although I guess they could be mud-crawlers too, since we don't know for sure what the entire course is and how many "runs" there are.

"RE: More vidcaps"
Posted by michel on 09-21-10 at 10:22 AM
LAST EDITED ON 09-21-10 AT 10:35 AM (EST)

That looks like Kelly B to me. The "blonde" hair in the other caps look more like sun reflections than true color.

ETA: To answer Squid's question regarding picking JJ and Jane: Maybe the challenge is designed so that one tribe picks who the other tribe must play. I'd say the MoP would enable the old guys to run one less leg.

"RE: More vidcaps"
Posted by SquidProQuo on 09-21-10 at 12:44 PM
That would be an interesting twist if the other tribe got to choose who runs in the mud!

The jury's still out in my mind re the MoP, but so far I'm leaning toward not liking it -- too much of an advantage.

P.S. I get the 2 Kellys' last names confused -- I think the hair and face and pink suit looks like the younger Kelly who has both legs. Do you think it looks like the one with the artificial leg? Gotta go back and look at shots but I thought the Kelly with 1 leg had dark brown hair. That would be really cool, though, if Kelly with the artificial leg does the mud run and kicks butt.

"RE: More vidcaps"
Posted by Krautboy on 09-21-10 at 02:34 PM

>The jury's still out in my
>mind re the MoP, but
>so far I'm leaning toward
>not liking it -- too
>much of an advantage.

I think it will depend on what the producers choose as the "advantage" each week. It was a one bucket of water in the barrel head start, but it seemed like it wouldn't have made much difference. The puzzle was the more difficult part for Espada and it didn't appear that one bucket would have helped them.


"RE: More vidcaps"
Posted by Brownroach on 09-21-10 at 02:47 PM
Jeff in his blog says that's because the players didn't do the challenge the way they anticipated:

Despite testing our first challenge over and over, the Survivors did something that we didn’t count on. We expected the gutters to go from left to right, back and forth, because that is how the challenge was built to play. Instead, they simply formed one long gutter system, and it worked much better than what we had planned. As a result the challenge went much faster and because of that it reduced the amount of an ‘advantage” they would have had. Would the Medallion advantage have made enough difference for them to win? We’ll never know. But had the challenge been played the way it was tested and rehearsed, it most definitely would have made a difference.

I don't quite understand his description of how they set up the gutters in test mode. Having one long one seemed logical to me. (If they were supposed to be set up a certain way, why didn't he just tell them before the challenge?)

"RE: More vidcaps"
Posted by Krautboy on 09-21-10 at 03:30 PM
Thanks BR...I hadn't read that. Very interesting about the gutters.

Puzzles frequently become the great equalizer. Often a big lead gained during the physical part of the challenge slips away when one tribe hits a mental block on a puzzle, and before you know it
they've lost the challenge.


"RE: More vidcaps"
Posted by SquidProQuo on 09-21-10 at 04:45 PM
I don't quite understand his description of how they set up the gutters in test mode. Having one long one seemed logical to me.

BR, I read somewhere else that in the test run the producers thought they'd do it in a "Z" formation vs. straight. Evidently the guys on the Younger Tribe cracked the code and did the more logical straight formation, "outsmarting" the producers. Kinda funny how SEG didn't think of that.

Getting back to the MoP: I totally agree, it all depends on what the "advantage" is....will be interesting to see if they carry it through to the individual challenges. I still think back to the season where Danni got the special advantage and beat out Stephanie in that one challenge -- something like that is a huge toward the end game.

"RE: More vidcaps"
Posted by Flowerpower on 09-22-10 at 07:24 AM
Seeing this late, but I agree, I think it was not a very big advantage, and I tend to believe if the Espada tribe had traded the 1 bucket full lead, that they could have still ended up behind the La Flor tribe. I think they made a wise choice. Puzzles are far more time consuming for most, than a mere minute or so lead on that other portion. I was thinking that SEG certainly needs to be more generous with the lead if they want anyone to play that MoP...

"RE: More vidcaps"
Posted by michel on 09-21-10 at 04:46 PM
Yes, I think it is the Kelly with a handicap. The black pants are those she removed to reveal her artificial leg and the angle of the right leg in the picture that I posted doesn't seem quite natural.

"Ep. 2 Press Shots"
Posted by SquidProQuo on 09-21-10 at 05:07 PM
Here are the Ep. 2 press shots, thanks to Survivor Fever. We get to see more of the challenge and what happens after the mud crawl:

P.S. Michel, it definitely looks like the 2-legged Kelly doing the mud crawl with Jane. She's in pink...the 1-legged Kelly is in a yellow suit.

Lots of shots of the guys on the Younger Tribe.

"RE: Ep. 2 Press Shots"
Posted by SquidProQuo on 09-21-10 at 05:25 PM
I love the look that Jill and Marty are exchanging while Jimmy Johnson is directing or "coaching" their team.

A couple other things:

- So looks like both tribes "saved" a pair of guys for the end part of the challenge where you have to put the ball in the barrel.

- Is that shot of Alina and Kelly B. together on the beach a new one, or from last episode? Maybe they are hunting for the HII or plotting together? Must still be allied?

- A lot of shots with Jud and Sash together...are they allied? Sash sure is skinny already!

"RE: Ep. 2 Press Shots"
Posted by SquidProQuo on 09-21-10 at 05:32 PM
LAST EDITED ON 09-21-10 AT 05:39 PM (EST)

P.S. I'm confused about where this Opening Credits shot of Jill throwing fits in to the mud challenge sequence? It's clearly after people crawl through the mud....but is it before or after the pairs of guys flip the ball over the barrel?

ETA: It looks like Marty is facing the other direction in the Barrel shot (i.e. he's not facing Jimmy T.) So maybe he's waiting to catch the ball from Jill -- i.e. there's a step in between the hay and the barrels. Other ideas?

"RE: Ep. 2 Press Shots"
Posted by michel on 09-21-10 at 08:11 PM
LAST EDITED ON 09-21-10 AT 08:13 PM (EST)

You were right about the Kellys.

Now, for the challenge, you can see a second barrel on the old guys side, just a corner of it behind Jud's back so there must be a third person with a paddle.

I see people crawl through the mud to deliver ball (to Jill for espada) that person turns aropund and delivers to the first guy, (Sash for LaFlor) who relays it to a second guy and then a third. The barrels? I don't know at which point the ball has to go in.

ETA: With so many shots of LaFlor post challenge I guess they are going to TC.

"RE: Ep. 2 Press Shots"
Posted by SquidProQuo on 09-21-10 at 09:23 PM
Definitely agree about LaFlor going to TC. Wish I knew how to do those time posts to see about the timing of some of these shots.

"RE: Ep. 2 Press Shots"
Posted by Krautboy on 09-22-10 at 02:16 AM
Squid: I read a post over at Mess, forgot who posted it, but they knew how to read the time stamp on the photos. They commented that the shots at the La Flor camp were taken about 2 hours after the time of the IC, and went on to say the photographers usually go to the losing tribes camp afte the challenges to photograph...supporting the idea that La Flor is going to TC this week.


"RE: Ep. 2 Press Shots"
Posted by Outfrontgirl on 09-22-10 at 05:15 AM
LAST EDITED ON 09-22-10 AT 05:17 AM (EST)

Squid, I guess Volcanic Glass is not doing her gallery this season ... sadly. She always had the photo info clickable.

The way I have managed to see the EXIF info is by right-clicking and saving the photo into a photo program, in my case I tried iPhoto. The EXIF info is on the left column under information.

6/16 11:30 p.m. -- Shannon, Chase, and ?? Benry? fishing
6/17 at 12:08 a.m. -- Shannon and Jud talking -- arguing?
6/17 12;16 a.m. Sash and Jud and Na Onka in camp
6/18 at 9:59 a.m. -- Espada camp foursome of Yve, Marty, Jane, Dan
6/18 8:21 p.m. -- Kelly S and Jane going under ropes in challenge.
6/18 10:23 pm -- Kelly B and Alina on beach.
6/19 9:05 a.m -- The Jimmy J huddle
6/19 9:18 a.m. -- Kelly S runs ball
6/19 9:21 a.m. -- balls being flipped photo.

As you can see, two cameras are being used with different time date settings, and one is way off such that day photos appear with nighttime stamps. Kelly S is going under ropes at 8:21 p.m. and after finding the ball moments later it's 9:18 the next morning. It looks like one camera is 13 hours later (the one that's more like the right time of day).

Sash/Jud/Chase photo was taken June 19th at 11:27:51 a.m., which is post challenge by either camera.

If the time stamp is at night, then add 13 hours to that time. Thus Kelly B and Alina are walking on the beach at 11:23, while Sash/Jud/Chase are talking at 11:27, and this is maybe 90 minutes to two hours after the immunity challenge. So we get a little info about some of the scrambling perhaps.

Early look at a key alliance?

"RE: Ep. 2 Press Shots"
Posted by Flowerpower on 09-22-10 at 07:34 AM
Yes, OFG, definitely. But, I do think there is more than one alliance exposed in those press photos!

"RE: Ep. 2 Press Shots"
Posted by Outfrontgirl on 09-22-10 at 02:02 AM
Great work on the challenge.

From various descriptions, Mayan Sun, missyae, and TDT, the way it works is
Na Onka sits out.
4 people are on relay team through mud to find ball in hay.

When all four balls are to the "unraveler" -- that person can start untying the knots around the balls, one ball at a time.

The unraveler throws the untied ball to a flipper.
The first flippers flips to second flipper.
Second flipper flips it to shooter.
Shooter throws it into something ...
The 9th player is a chaser/runner, who retrieves balls that go astray.

La Flor
Kelly S, Alina (in suit behind Jill), Kelly B, (according to jessiiiek), Brenda or Chase.

Unraveler - Brenda or Chase

Flippers -- Sash to Jud
Shooter -- Ben (per missyae)
Chaser -- Shannon (per missyae)

I think Chase might unravel, as strategy seems to be send thin girls through mud.

Jimmy J, Holly, Jane, and Dan?

Legs of muddy person next to Holly and Jimmy J look to be in shorts?

Unraveler: Yve?

Flippers: Marty to Jimmy T
Shooter: Jill
Chaser - Tyrone?

At least, I would put Tyrone on running over Yve or Dan.

Close? Not even?

"RE: Ep. 2 Press Shots"
Posted by Outfrontgirl on 09-22-10 at 07:57 PM
As Squid thought, Jill could be the unraveler and Tyrone could be shooting.