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"SOTS S21 Nicaragua 1st Episode"

Posted by kircon on 09-14-10 at 05:01 AM
Welcome to another season of Survivor, the 21st to be exact.

We are glad you stopped by the State of the Spoiling thread where we try to one-up EPMB
and accurately predict the results of his show before it airs...
sometimes we are right, and sometimes we are not.
But, we will eternally try!

The wise Kingfish best stated what a SOTS is:

“With SOTS we try and figure out who will be kicked off, who will win the immunity challenge, and who will win the reward challenge. We also try our hand at guessing who will be sent to Exile Island, if the hidden immunity idol will be found, and if so by whom. Might even take a stab at what kind of challenges the EPMB and his junior P in training, JP, devise for the surviving survivors on Survivor. We use the information freely available and anything we can steal. Including VidCaps provided from Survivor Fever..., the survivor quotes and clues from CBS..., and just about anything else we can lay our hands, fins, claws and tentacles on... We use the editing clues from VerucaSalt's thread. She scrutinizes EPMB's Survivor editing. She won't be reading these SOTS because she insulates herself from the opinions and spoilerings of others so that her conclusions are pure and uninfluenced. Yet somehow, she and her helpers manage to nail the long-term trends each Survivor season.

The collective intelligence in this Spoilers Forum sifts and sorts this data and comes up with opinions as to who's gonna do whut to who, and why, and how. These detectives all work hard, and selflessly share their opinions... These results are definitely a community product. Lurkers contribute by just being there.”

If you’re new to our site, please check out our Community Guidelines that are located here.

They keep Blows running smoothly and remind us that it is nice to be civil!

***We have had spoiling that gives the entire boot list for the last couple of seasons. It has bothered several peeps. I will post a warning before the thread’s link if it contains a boot list. If you do not want to know, please do not click on the link. You have been warned.***

I believe you want to know spoiling for each week, just not the entire season.
We still have many things we can spoil.

We use any information freely available to us. A few are:

VidCaps provided from Survivorfever
(Thanks SF for all the hard work you do for our enjoyment)

You can check out what CBS has to offer here: CBS. They always have secret scenes and Ponderosa clips.

TVGuide is another new source.

Dalton Ross post articles and thoughts at Entertainment Weekley in ’Survivor’ Central

TDT or TrueDorkTimes has a page called Surviv-O-Meter 21 that gives chances of survival. This list does turn into a boot list at some point. You may also link to the other spoiling sites.


OK! Let’s get to it:

In February toad8098 posted Future locations revealed?? and suggested that it will take place in Nicaragua. tribephyl confirmed the site with another link. Karchita shared recent vacation thoughts in Nicaragua and a map.
If you would like to learn more about Nicaragua; San Juan del Sur & Nicaragua – Wikipedia.

goldenmike4393 started a thread june 24 to let us know filming had started. SURVIVOR NICARAGUA: PRODUCTION IN REAL TIME does not have boot list but there are many spoilers and links.

BrassFan brought us a link Casting Rumor, that Jimmy Johnson would be part of the cast.

Survivor 21: Nicaragua Castaways


Name: Alina Wilson (23)
Tribe: La Flor
Current Residence: Downey, Calif.
Occupation: Art Student at California State University (Fullerton)

Personal Claim to Fame: Finishing a six day, 30 mile hike in the Sierra Nevada Mountains after almost having my finger bitten off by a dog on the first night. No stitches, no emergency room.
Inspiration in Life: Paris Hilton... just kidding. I hate this question because I am moved and inspired by a lot of people.
Hobbies: Traveling, hiking, scuba diving, swimming, cycling, photography, scrapbooking.
Pet Peeves: People who love the sound of their own voice and people who call me "hun" or "sweetie."
3 Words to Describe You: Creative, determined, sweet.

SURVIVOR Contestant You Are Most Like: I'm like Stephanie because I am super competitive and athletic, Ozzy because I work really hard and sometimes keep to myself and Amanda because I tend to be too trusting.
Reason for being on SURVIVOR: I want to prove I'm not just a pretty face.
Why you think you will be the sole SURVIVOR: Because I really want it and no one can mess with me when I set my mind to something.


Name: Ben "Benry" Henry (24)
Tribe: La Flor
Current Residence: Los Angeles, Calif.
Occupation: Club Promoter

Personal Claim to Fame: Running two businesses at such a young age.
Inspiration in Life: My father John Henry because of his success and business intelligence, and my friend Matt Oka who was paralyzed after a 4th of July accident in 2008. His determination is my inspiration!
Hobbies: Snowboarding, landscaping and partying with hot girls.
Pet Peeves: Snoring, name droppers, and flakes!

3 Words to Describe You: Controlling, competitive, and crazy
SURVIVOR Contestant You Are Most Like: The winners... They win!
Reason for being on SURVIVOR: To dominate and show the world what it is like to be a champion.
Why you think you will be the sole SURVIVOR: Because if you look good, you feel good. If you feel good, you play good. If you play good, you get paid good!


Name: Brenda Lowe (27)
Tribe: La Flor
Current Residence: Miami, Fla.
Occupation: Paddleboard Co. Owner

Personal Claim to Fame: Winning a Hispanic beauty pageant. I was the lamb among the Latin wolves.
Inspiration in Life: Living by the saying- "There's only one way to find out!"
Hobbies: Paddle boarding, mountain biking, swimming.
Pet Peeves: Complainers and people who don't take action!
3 Words to Describe You: Smart, sarcastic, straight-forward.

SURVIVOR Contestant You Are Most Like: Ozzy- I wish!
Reason for being on SURVIVOR: $1,000,000 + it looks like a lot of F U N.
Why you think you will be the sole SURVIVOR: Easy, I'm a natural winner. I'm not scared of anything and nothing stops me when I get an idea in my head.


Name: Chase Rice (24)
Tribe: La Flor
Current Residence: Fairview, N.C.
Occupation: Pro Race Car Jackman

Personal Claim to Fame: Winning the John Lotz Award. It is awarded to the student at the University of North Carolina that overcomes the most adverse circumstances.
Inspiration in Life: My father. I found out after he passed away that I got more from him in 22 years than most people get in a lifetime. He was always there for me no matter what.
Hobbies: Working on cars, riding 4-wheelers, hunting.
Pet Peeves: Lazy people.
3 Words to Describe You: Adventurous, athletic, competitive.

SURVIVOR Contestant You Are Most Like: JT, the man's from the South. I've gotta stick with my southern roots.
Reason for being on SURVIVOR: It's a once in a lifetime opportunity.
Why you think you will be the sole SURVIVOR: I'm hoping people will trust me because I'm from the South and people tend to trust a southerner.


Name: Dan Lembo (63)
Tribe: Espada
Current Residence: Watermill, N.Y.
Occupation: Real Estate Executive

Personal Claim to Fame: Raising two sons & my career.
Inspiration in Life: Ronald Reagan
Hobbies: Weight-lifting, softball, skiing.
Pet Peeves: Existing politicians.
3 Words to Describe You: Aggressive, cunning, devious.

SURVIVOR Contestant You Are Most Like: No one.
Reason for being on SURVIVOR: My ego (and for fun).
Why you think you will be the sole SURVIVOR: Because I've been a SURVIVOR my entire life and thrive on beating everyone else.


Name: Holly Hoffman (44)
Tribe: Espada
Current Residence: Eureka, S.D.
Occupation: Swim Coach

Personal Claim to Fame: Started my own swim team 16 years ago. I was named Coach of the Year twice.
Inspiration in Life: My husband - he is always there for me.
Hobbies: Running, biking and swimming.
Pet Peeves: Standing in line.
3 Words to Describe You: Energetic, understanding and competitive.

SURVIVOR Contestant You Are Most Like: No one.
Reason for being on SURVIVOR: I have raised three children and given 24 years to my family... Now it is time for me to prove to them who I really am and who I can be. To prove to myself that I can do it!
Why you think you will be the sole SURVIVOR: One word - determination.


Name: Jane Bright (56)
Tribe: Espada
Current Residence: Jackson Springs, N.C.
Occupation: Dog Trainer

Personal Claim to Fame: Winning best in show!
Hobbies: Snow/water skiing and showing dogs.
Pet Peeves: Lazy people.
3 Words To Describe You: Crazy, daring and honest.

SURVIVOR Contestant You Are Most Like: Rupert because he was loveable, but I still think I'm smarter.
Reason for being on SURVIVOR: To win America over.
Why you think you will be the sole SURVIVOR: Everybody likes me and respects me. Plus, I'd be an underdog to them.


Name: Jill Behm (43)
Tribe: Espada
Current Residence: Erie, Pa.
Occupation: ER Doctor

Personal Claim to Fame: Getting through medical school and residency with high honors.
Inspiration in Life: My mom because she was a fantastic, loving mother who overcame adversity with a positive attitude and great outlook on life.
Hobbies: Cycling, hunting and paint ball.
Pet Peeves: Smoking and crowds.
3 Words to Describe You: Competitive, trustworthy and smart.

SURVIVOR Contestant You Are Most Like: Tom Westman and Colby Donaldson because they are physically dominating and played with intelligence.
Reason for being on SURVIVOR: The thrill of competition.
Why you think you will be the sole SURVIVOR: The better question to ask is how could I not be the sole SURVIVOR? I'm the total package. I have all the tools, mental and physical, to win the game.

Jimmy J

Name: Jimmy Johnson (67)
Tribe: Espada
Current Residence: Islamorada, Fla.
Occupation: Sports Broadcaster

Personal Claim to Fame: Winning two college national championships with Arkansas (playing) and University of Miami (coaching) and winning two Super Bowl championships coaching the Dallas Cowboys.
Hobbies: Fishing, scuba diving and boating.
Pet Peeves: People being lazy or late.
3 Words to Describe You: Happy, intelligent and goal oriented.

SURVIVOR Contestant You Are Most Like: Tom Westman, because he is trustworthy.
Reason for being on SURVIVOR: For the adventure!
Why you think you will be the sole SURVIVOR: Because people can trust me, and I'm not a threat.

Jimmy T

Name: James "Jimmy T" Tarantino (48)
Tribe: Espada
Current Residence: Gloucester, Mass.
Occupation: Commercial Fisherman

Personal Claim to Fame: My children
Inspiration in Life: Jim Ciaramitaro. He's just a really good person.
Hobbies: Rowing, hiking, swimming.
Pet Peeves: Low tolerance for incompetence.
3 Words to Describe You: Charismatic, genuine, proud.

SURVIVOR Contestant You Are Most Like: Rupert. I'm just as lovable.
Reason for being on SURVIVOR: Pride in myself and my community. They helped me win the Sears Casting Call and I intend on doing them proud.
Why you think you will be the sole SURVIVOR: I'm resourceful and I have the ability to win.


Name: Jud Birza (21)
Tribe: La Flor
Current Residence: Venice, Calif.
Occupation: Student

Personal Claim to Fame: Being a rad older brother.
Inspiration in Life: My dad. Despite growing up under-privileged, he put himself through college and flight school. He is now a pilot, which is sick! We have a very strong relationship.
Hobbies: Surfing, skating and bike riding. I also enjoy jamming all night with buddies.
Pet Peeves: Inconsiderate people.
3 Words to Describe You: Intelligent, sexy and goofy.

SURVIVOR Contestant You Are Most Like: Ozzy because he surfs. Although, I'm younger, goofier and probably a better swimmer.
Reason for being on SURVIVOR: I could do a lot with a million dollars! Plus, camping on a tropical island with a bunch of cute girls sounds like the best vacation ever.
Why you think you will be the sole SURVIVOR: I'm young and seem innocent enough. Although I take very careful notes on behavior and will follow my instincts until the end.

Kelly B

Name: Kelly Bruno (26)
Tribe: La Flor
Current Residence: Durham, N.C.
Occupation: Medical Student at University of North Carolina

Personal Claim to Fame: Becoming the second and fastest female amputee to finish the Ironman World Championships in Kona, Hawaii in 2007.
Inspiration in Life: My father who was recently killed in the earthquake in Haiti. He was there with Food for the Poor to bring hope and aid to people less fortunate. My dad was a doctor, a teacher and a humanist. I most admired him and looked up to him for his willingness to help others. He lived his life to the fullest every single day. His legacy will be carried on by all of the lives he touched during his life.
Hobbies: Triathlons, cooking and traveling.
Pet Peeves: When people chew ice or blow bubbles in an otherwise quiet room.
3 Words to Describe You: Determined, persistent and strong-willed.

SURVIVOR Contestant You Are Most Like: Christy Smith because she also faced a physical disadvantage that, in the end, gave her additional strength. I also relate to Helen Glover's no-nonsense-appeal as that is how I approach my own life; with a no-nonsense attitude.
Reason for being on SURVIVOR: The challenge and the competition; I also want to honor my father who has been a strong influence in overcoming many of the challenges I've faced as an amputee and in life.
Why you think you will be the sole SURVIVOR: I'm physically and mentally strong. I've overcome obstacles before when the odds were stacked up against me and I can do it again.

Kelly S

Name: Kelly Shinn (20)
Tribe: La Flor
Current Residence: Mesa, Ariz.
Occupation: Nursing Student at the University of Hawaii.

Personal Claim to Fame: Successfully completing my first two years of pre-med/nursing classes at the University of Hawaii. On a smaller scale, I also look at winning homecoming queen as one of my greatest accomplishments.
Inspiration in Life: My dad. He has a beautiful heart and is the hardest worker I know.
Hobbies: Surfing, wake boarding, go-kart racing.
Pet Peeves: Dirty fingernails.
3 Words to Describe You: Vivacious, confident, outspoken.

SURVIVOR Contestant You Are Most Like: Elizabeth Hasselbeck because she played with smarts and integrity.
Reason for being on SURVIVOR: It is the opportunity of a lifetime. People dream to do things as great as this.
Why you think you will be the sole SURVIVOR: I know how to play the "social popularity"game.


Name: Marty Piombo (48)
Tribe: Espada
Current Residence: Mill Valley, Calif.
Occupation: Technology Executive

Personal Claim to Fame: Rescuing an injured climber off Mt. Whitney from 13,000 ft. in the dead of winter.
Inspiration in Life: Lance Armstrong - where do you start? The guy overcame all sorts of odds. His climbs and his epic wins are historic.
Hobbies: Winter alpinism, rock climbing, cooking.
Pet Peeves: Waiting in line and inconsiderate people.
3 Words to Describe You: Competitive, funny, charismatic.

SURVIVOR Contestant You Are Most Like: I'm a mix of Boston Rob and Russell. They are relentless, clever, devious and will do anything to win. I'll play the game in a similar fashion.
Reason for being on SURVIVOR: I want to win. To be on the show would be cool (no doubt), BUT to say you won SURVIVOR - that's a whole other ball game. I consider it the ultimate challenge.
Why you think you will be the sole SURVIVOR: I've been in those cutthroat pressure-cooker situations and I've succeeded. I am downright certain I could manipulate people and get them to vote my way. I will play this game HARD!


Name: Matthew "Sash" Lenahan (30)
Tribe: La Flor
Current Residence: New York, N.Y.
Occupation: Real Estate Broker

Personal Claim to Fame: Being one of the fastest distance runners in the country and one of the youngest brokers ever on Wall Street.
Inspiration in Life: My Mom
Hobbies: Extreme Adventures, Running, Dating Beautiful Women

Survivor Contestant you are Most Like: Tyson, because I have some great one-liners and because I'm awesome.
Reason for being on Survivor: For the adventure and for the glory of winning the greatest game in the World.
Why you think you will be the sole SURVIVOR: This game is something people have in their blood. Either you've got it or you don't. Count me in!


Name: NaOnka Mixon (27)
Tribe: La Flor
Current Residence: Los Angeles, Calif.
Occupation: PE Teacher

Personal Claim to Fame: Not having any kids at 27!
Inspiration in Life: My sister. No matter if I stumble and fall, my sister always believes in me.
Hobbies: Playing with my doggies, working out, playing volleyball.
Pet Peeves: Old people driving.
3 Words To Describe You: Unique, spontaneous, funny.

SURVIVOR Contestant You Are Most Like: No one.
Reason for being on SURVIVOR: Getting the experience of survival.
Why you think you will be the sole SURVIVOR: My drive to win.


Name: Shannon Elkins (30)
Tribe: La Flor
Current Residence: Lafayette, La.
Occupation: Pest Control Co. Owner

Personal Claim to Fame: Raising three children.
Inspiration in Life: My family.
Hobbies: Working out, playing basketball and coaching.
Pet Peeves: Dumb people.
3 Words to Describe You: Smart, sexy and strong.

SURVIVOR Contestant You Are Most Like: Straight forward like Russell but much prettier.
Reason for being on SURVIVOR: To put another notch in my belt.
Why you think you will be the sole SURVIVOR: I'm very likeable and very athletic so it will be hard to get rid of me.


Name: Tyrone Davis (42)
Tribe: Espada
Current Residence: Inglewood, Calif.
Occupation: Fire Captain

Personal Claim to Fame: The ability to stay consistent and true to who I am and accomplish all that I choose to in life.
Inspiration in Life: God and my parents.
Hobbies: Triathlons, snowboarding, partying with friends and dancing.
Pet Peeves: Inauthentic/plastic people, close-minded people, mean and selfish people.
3 Words to Describe You: Self-confident, dynamic and compassionate.

SURVIVOR Contestant You Are Most Like: Tom Westman because of the value he placed on integrity and being true to himself.
Reason for being on SURVIVOR: One million dollars! Plus, the challenge of being able to lead others from diverse backgrounds.
Why you think you will be the sole SURVIVOR: Because I want it! That's all it takes for me to get it done.


Name: Wendy DeSmidt-Kohlhoff (48)
Tribe: Espada
Current Residence: Fromberg, Mont.
Occupation: Goat Rancher

Personal Claim to Fame: Reaching the Lieutenant Colonel rank in the Army.
Inspiration in Life: My mother because she made me who I am today.
Hobbies: Singing, dancing, fishing, hunting, and anything to do with animals.
Pet Peeves: Stuck-up, rude, self-centered, dishonest, know-it-all people.
3 Words to Describe You: Honest, talkative and competitive.

SURVIVOR Contestant You Are Most Like: No one, especially NOT the other female military contestant, Shambo. We just have different personalities.
Reason for being on SURVIVOR: To prove that I can do this. I would also love to pay off our ranch in Montana.
Why you think you will be the sole SURVIVOR: Because if you put your heart and mind into the game anyone can be the final Survivor. You need skill, strategy, physical/mental abilities and a little luck. I'm Irish, so hopefully I'll have the luck of the Irish with me.


Name: Yve Rojas (41)
Tribe: Espada
Current Residence: Kansas City, Mo.
Occupation: Homemaker

Personal Claim to Fame: I am most proud of my daughters. They are independent, kind, smart and inspiring - an ongoing accomplishment.
Inspiration in Life: My mother. She is remarkable.
Hobbies: Traveling by myself, dancing, yoga, catching the last movie of the day.
Pet Peeves: Not being acknowledged when I speak.
3 Words to Describe You: Tenacious, resilient, magnetic.

SURVIVOR Contestant You Are Most Like: A mix between Bob Crowley and Danni Boatwright. Intelligence + Athleticism + Generosity = a lethal winning combination.
Reason for being on SURVIVOR: Turning 40 was tough. I want to be an example of perseverance for my girls...make life and dreams happen and forget about age!
Why you think you will be the sole SURVIVOR: I am utterly unassuming. I am never what people expect after they get to know me.


Now we are at the point of true spoiling:

The State Of The Spoiling is
what we make it this season.

We have talented new contributors, true old friends, great discussion threads,
and a fresh new season before us.
But best of all ...
we have spoiling material.

Krautboy made a wise statement that I would like to post here.
I'm hoping S20 allowed those with insider information to have their moment of fame and enjoy the attention. Missyae seems like he is ready to move on to the next level and use his knowledge responsibly, so that he and the rest of the spoiler community can enjoy spoiling and speculating together.
However, I think we may see a proliferation of false spoilers; those that will take the information and clues provided by Missyae, and use it as the framework for their own fabricated spoilers and boot predictions.
And if that happens, that's ok, because it will force us to use our own spoiling skills to arrive at our own conclusions about which spoilers are valid and which are hoax....could be a fun season.

Krautboy posted three threads that have major spoiling throuthout.
Bootlist Spoilers and Speculation
Blackwhale Spoilers S21
Missyae Spoilers Survivor 21

There is a lot of material in these threads. I ran out of time trying to understand everything. I believe I pulled everything out that pertains to this episode.


I would invite all lurkers to join us this season. Join the discussion. It always helps to have many voices to figure out who wins what, who loses, who changes tribes, who has alliances, and who will be booted.
just might see the missing piece of the puzzle. For you that Immunity Idol is so obvious. Why doesn’t anyone else see it? Even if you are wrong, that just helps narrow down the answer.

So we’re off!



No title yet.


Krautboy posted "EP1 Press Release

"Survivor" Returns to the Night That Launched the Series When SURVIVOR: NICARAGUA, Hosted by Emmy Award-Winner Jeff Probst, Moves to Wednesday Nights
"Young at Heart" - The castaways are shocked to learn that they'll be divided into tribes of older players versus younger players. The older tribe is especially surprised to learn that they'll be teamed with former NFL Coach Jimmy Johnson. Meanwhile, one castaway reveals a personal secret that could affect the entire tribe as they head into their first challenge, *2 on the season premiere of SURVIVOR: NICARAGUA, Wednesday, Sept. 15 (8:00-9:00 PM ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network.

*1 What could be more powerful than a "Medallion of Power"? A little misdirection suggesting the tribe that ends up with it gets the upper hand...
*2 Kelly B. reveals her leg. More misdirection, suggesting her leg will put La Flor at a disadvantage in their first challenge.

Krautboy posted EP1 Medallion of Power Challenge to explain this first challenge. The Survivors arrive in street clothes, after which they are divided into two "mixed-age" teams of 10 each.

One of the two teams just before the "Medallion Challenge".

We can conclude that the two teams are:
Team 1: Jud, Jimmy T.,Yve, Holly, Kelly S., Tyrone, Kelly B.,Dan, Matt, and Jill.

Team 2: Alina, Ben, Brenda, Chase, Na'Onka, Shannon, Jane, Jimmy J., Marty, and Wendy.

The Medallion of Power Challenge is only to determine who controls the Medallion when the teams divide up into tribes by age, after this challenge.

Here's how Missyae explained it...
The new twist of the Medallion
1. The players walk in to join Jeff. They have already been divided into 2 teams, but not the old vs young. Jeff talks about the Medallion but does not tell them exactly what power it will hold later in The Game. The first challenge is (to find) the Medallion.

Ready, Set, Go

They start to spread out.

Here's an shot of Brenda wearing the MOP.

Brenda Lowe's team wins the Medallion as she is the player who takes possession of it during the challenge. At that point, Jeff then splits them into the old vs. young tribes so the Medallion goes to the young tribe. However,
Jeff gives them the option to give the Medallion to the old tribe in exchange for flint.

After a quick meeting and deciding nobody could make fire, they choose to take the flint and give the Medallion to the old tribe and The Game begins!!!!

MOP around Marty's neck, apparently after Espada traded their flint for it...

Proof that La Flor has a flint

Espada Tribal Flag

Yve Rojas Age: 41
Tyrone Davis Age: 42
Jill Behm Age: 43
Holly Hoffman Age: 44
Jimmy Tarantino Age: 48
Marty Piombo Age: 48
Wendy DeSmidt-Kohlhoff Age: 48
Jane Bright Age: 56
Dan Lembo Age: 63
Jimmy Johnson Age: 67

La Flor Tribal Flag

Kelly Shinn Age: 20
Judson Birza Age: 21
Alina Wilson Age: 23
Ben "Benry" Henry Age: 24
Chase Rice Age: 24
Kelly Bruno Age: 26
Brenda Lowe Age: 27
NaOnka Mixon Age: 27
Matthew "Sash" Lenaham Age: 30
Shannon Elkins Age: 30

Reward Challenge

None this week


The Immunity Idol

The Challenge: "Getting Tanked"
Kirhoffer tells us: We have water tanks at the top.

Transferring water to six different gutter systems into a barrel

that once it is full will trip a mechanism dropping puzzle pieces.

Once the puzzle pieces drop, the four remaining tribe members can solve the puzzle.

In this challenge, one tribe will have the Medallion of Power which will give them a one bucket advantage which would be significant to get a head start in this challenge.


So who wins?


The First Survivor to have their torch extinguished

Krautboy posted a thread discussing the First Boot Profile
The discussion started August 2. “Since the contestant list has been spoiled, and we have a brief synopsis of each contestant’s performance from Missyae, we should be able to start figuring out who the most likely first boot from each tribe would be if they went to TC.”

Krautboy continues; “First boots often have overbearing personalities, are often considered obnoxious, or are frequently described as “bossy”, “pushy” or too controlling. They are usually unable to stay under the radar. They may also be viewed as a physical liability, due to illness or poor fitness, or are sometimes viewed as “lazy loners” who are unable or unwilling to “fit in”.”

So based on the clues we have so far, it appears that Espada is more likely to be going to tribal council in EP1.

Missyae tells us Holly is safe. She and Danny were the only two Espada members listed as “memorable” on the list. Jimmy Johnson needs time to become the unexpected fisherman, and Marty “loves to dig”, so he will need some time to dig for the HII, so he’s probably not going anywhere soon. Jane and Jill are described in glowing terms, which leaves just a handful of primary candidates for the EP1 First Boot!

First Boot Candidates:
Yve Rojas… Yve - Dynamite comes in small packages!
Wendy Jo Desmidt-Kohlhoff… Wendy Jo - Still getting the hang of planet Earth
Tyronne Davis… Tyronne - Strong competitor, socially weak
Jimmy Tarantino… Jimmy T - Too competitive for older tribe

PepeLePew13 gave us the first boot’s list and reasons why they were booted:
1. Sonja Christopher - old/weak
2. Debb Eaton - misfit/bossy
3. Diane Ogden - misfit/annoying
4. Peter Harkey - misfit/annoying
5. John Raymond - misfit/annoying
6. Ryan Aiken - annoying/clashed with main alliance
7. Nicole Delma - untrustworthy/clashed with main alliance
8. Tina Wesson - previous winner
9. Brook Geraghty - clashed with main alliance
10. Jonathan Libby - unfriendly/misfit,
Wanda Shirk - old/misfit/annoying,
Jolanda Jones - obnoxious/domineering
11. Jim Lynch - old/weak
12. Tina Scheer - bossy
13. Sekou Bunch - old/weak/bossy
14. Jessica deBen - clashed with main alliance
15. Chicken Morris - misfit/annoying
16. Jonny Fairplay - need I say more?
17. Michelle Chase - misfit/negativity
18. Carolina Eastwood - bossy/annoying
19. Marisa Calihan - clashed with main alliance/threat to Russhole
20. Sugar Kiper - misfit/clashed with main alliance

It's clear that the most common reasons for a first boot has to do with being a misfit or annoying, or not fitting in with the main alliance.

We were told that it was a female.
Yve Rojas… Yve - Dynamite comes in small packages!
Wendy Jo Desmidt-Kohlhoff… Wendy Jo - Still getting the hang of planet Earth

Who would you choose?

Missyae replied on another site:
Since you have been so gracious and enjoying the fun so much, I am going to comment on your first boot guess. Wendy IS the first boot."
"If you watch her video with Dalton Ross on EW she was not far off on her idea about what twist was coming. She said she thought it would be old vs. young and Russell would be back for the old tribe and Parv would be back for the young tribe. Maybe she is a little ahead of her time, lol. Hardly got to know ya Wendy."
"Thats the only boot coming for now from me. It was starting to look like I watching torture with all the guessing surrounding the young tribe so I decided to put you out of your misery. Lots of great spec but all on the wrong tribe. I still don't understand why all the spec went to the young tribe. BTW krautboy had nailed this on another board with some very sound reasoning. It is just a basic first boot, plain and simple."

Great job Krautboy. !!!

The tribe has spoken!


Feel free to discuss any of the items above, add to them or take them home with you. Amaze your co-workers, family and friends with your knowledge of

Survivor 21: Nicaragua

Don't forget to vote in dabo’s SurvivorBlowsTribe, Time To Vote: S21 ep1 thread located in the Spoilers Forum.
Post your vote and let us know who you think will be the first to be voted out.

If you’re on-line during the airing of Survivor check out the East Coast Update Thread, also in the Spoilers Forum. All talk of the current broadcast show is kept in this thread.


Continue the fun with these other threads in our Survivor Forums at RTVW.

The Survivor Fanatic Forum has no spoiling in it.
Just postings for those who love the show, the contestants, Jeff, EPMB, or anything Survivor.

Read tribe’s S21 Nicaragua: Preseason Love List.

Keep an eye out for the weekly thread Survivor #21 Love/Loathe List.
Find out who’s the most loved and the most loathed.

Check out the Survivor Basher Forum
If you are not happy with the show or a castaway. Bash and snark all you want, but remember we’re PG 13.

The roll-playing thread Be The Survivor: Apathy or Self-Preservation? is starting up.
Thanks RollDdice for getting this going.

For those unfamiliar, the Be The... game is a role-playing dialog game where posters claim a survivor persona and then weekly come in and drop a few thoughts by, as if they were that survivor.
It's only fun when people participate so try to make often returns to the weekly threads.
It'll do wonders for your DAW count. And what better way to have fun while watching the this season of Survivor than to spread some snark, from their unique points of view.

If you need to snark some more sign up for a Survivor Summary at kircon’s
S21: Nicaragua: Summary Writer's Calendar & Signup
No previous summary writing needed.

The Survivor Spoilers Forum is exclusively for the discussion of possible Survivor spoilers and their speculation.

VerucaSalt’s, The Players, The Game, The Editing thread is located in this forum.
This is a no-spoiling zone.
VerucaSalt stays spoiler free but uses great detective work. This is a must read. Thank you, VerucaSalt for your insights and posting them on our board.

Outfrontgirl posted a thread about what Jeff Probst says ...

Krautboy posted a thread Who is the First Quitter? that discusses quitters.

Krautboy posted The See-Saw Season (21A & 21B)?

Krautboy posted The Unexpected Fisherman

Hopefully our own Georjanna will post her thread called Signs of Survival.
Thank you for all the hard work and time you put into this subject. And a big thanks for sharing it with us.
You are a valuable resource for us.

Any video or still shot for the coming week and all press releases can be found here.

Want to try your hand at writing a SOTS? State Of The Spoiling Sign up in kircon’s
S21 Nicaragua: State Of The Spoiling Calendar & Sign-Ups.

There's NO prerequisite for doing a SOTS so if you’re new and want to take a stab at summarizing the weekly spoiling info and present it to our hungry speculators, now's your chance. Or if SOTS is old-hat to you, we're looking for your continued participation and alumnal insights.

The Survivor Game Forum has several games for your enjoyment.
We love games so much we devote a forum to them.

PTTE: The longest running RTVW game!
kircon’s S21 PTTE: Nicaragua

tribephyl will be combining two games this year. STOPP
Survivor Team Office Pool Phantasy: A New(ish) Survivor Game

tribephyl’s game for all losers, , Loser Lodge (LL)

And we will welcome back: AvidRealityWatcher’s Game
He is healing after an accident. See you soon ARW.

There could be a couple more pop up in the next couple of weeks.


Thank you, Sir Tribephyl for the wonderful SOTS Logo. Your work is legend.

Now go enter some games, post in one of the forums, and enjoy the show.

Who do you think will win?
See you back here next week!

Table of contents

Messages in this discussion
"Don't be Scared"
Posted by kircon on 09-14-10 at 05:08 AM
Please don't let the size of the first SOTS scare you off from writing one. Many things need to be stated.

A normal SOTS covers the Reward Challenge, the Immunity Challenge, Hidden Immunity idols, the Medallion of Power, and the Boot.

So please sign up for one. Thanks


"RE: Don't be Scared"
Posted by PepeLePew13 on 09-14-10 at 04:56 PM
LAST EDITED ON 09-14-10 AT 04:56 PM (EST)

Agreed... the typical size of the second and afterward SOTS is about 1/4 the size of this opening one!

Great job to get us off to a smashing start this season, kircon!

"RE: SOTS S21 Nicaragua 1st Episode"
Posted by dabo on 09-14-10 at 11:03 AM
Excellent! Thanks for starting off the season, let's go get 'em!

"RE: SOTS S21 Nicaragua 1st Episode"
Posted by tribephyl on 09-14-10 at 03:29 PM
Thanks a billion, kircon.
You're right, the first SOTS is a monster and you, my dear, have an amazing ability to control the monster. Allowing for us to get a close look at the monster without being crushed or eaten alive.

"RE: SOTS S21 Nicaragua 1st Episode"
Posted by Krautboy on 09-14-10 at 04:04 PM
Thanks for all your hard work Kircon! You're amazing!

Your SOTS should make it easy for those who are just now coming back to SBlows after a summer off...should be a fun season!


"RE: SOTS S21 Nicaragua 1st Episode"
Posted by Brownroach on 09-14-10 at 04:50 PM
Bang-up job, kircon! For anyone coming late to the party, you've definitely covered all there is to know for Ep 1.

"RE: SOTS S21 Nicaragua 1st Episode"
Posted by emydi on 09-15-10 at 11:31 AM
I always come late to the party...and this is a terrific SOTS...I don't know how you do it k! Great job.

I watched the TV Guide special last night and this SOTS today makes me ready for the show tonite!

"RE: SOTS S21 Nicaragua 1st Episode"
Posted by Brownroach on 09-15-10 at 11:51 AM
Hey you! Where ya been?

"RE: SOTS S21 Nicaragua 1st Episode"
Posted by Scarlett O Hara on 09-15-10 at 05:02 PM
Great job Kircon! I learned all I need to know and then some about this season of Survivor. Can't wait to see it tonight and join in the Spoiling fun!

"RE: SOTS S21 Nicaragua 1st Episode"
Posted by CTgirl on 09-15-10 at 05:50 PM
Wow! You did an amazing job on this first SOTS of Season 21 kircon!! You've outdone even yourself!

Thanks for organizing us and organizing this. I will sign up for a SOTS when I figure out my fall schedule.

And how cool was it to see your SOTS with Jeff's face pop up on my facebook feed!!

Surviving with Agman

"RE: SOTS S21 Nicaragua 1st Episode"
Posted by Outfrontgirl on 09-17-10 at 00:30 AM
This was absolutely stellar, kircon! Sorry I'm late to say so.

As an update on TDT's Survivometer as a resource -- since the SOTS was a written, TDT has labeled the F3 as definite. Before it was mid-late jury with question marks. So really don't go to that page if you don't want to know.

TDT's Spoilers page goes episode by episode though.

"Way to go, Kircon"
Posted by Flowerpower on 09-18-10 at 08:31 AM
Kircon: Sorry, I was very late to the party. But, this was a stellar job for the first SOTS of the season. You were very thorough, and I loved the way you presented the players...just the right amount of info on them. Thanks for all the hard work in putting this all together, and thanks to all of the folks that have been keeping up with the vast amount of information from the other sites. You all ROCK!