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"SOTS Ep 10 "

Posted by emydi on 11-19-08 at 12:00 PM
LAST EDITED ON 11-19-08 AT 01:52 PM (EST)

The only spoiler FP and the rest of you'll need Thursday nite


As you can see from above, I will have a viewing conflict come Thursday night. I'll have to watch Survivor on DVR during half time...Maybe my Steelers will be so far ahead of the Bengals in first 10 minutes, I'll be able to watch sooner!!

We have a lot of new posters !! Great!! Welcome all!! Go here if you need or would like to read our board's

The Title of Episode 10 Nothing Tastes better than $500 was brought to us by my Co-Steelers fan vince 3!!

I originally thought this was Randy's quote but we know now he spent all of his money at the Auction and gave away cookies...even to Crystal

In his Preview of Ep. 10 brought to us by the lovely VG at Survivor Phoenix along with all the other videos of all the promos, Jiffy says:

We also have the survivor auction. And there is a great moment, a GREAT moment with Randy, that only Randy could provide us, and it just shows us that you can't predict human nature and you can't change who you are because in the middle of a game for a million dollars, Randy doesn't seem to care about who he offends.

Randy in confessional: "I left the auction broke, full, half drunk, and pissed off..."

Cut to Randy talking to Matty at Camp: "I gotta little room left for one big cookie..."

Cut back to him in confessional, right before he dives naked into the pond: "...so, I'm gonna burn this house down!"

I think the title may be from Crystal even after Randy gave her a cookie, she calls him a troll again.

From Jiffy's Blog from ep. 9 he states:

Next time on...Survivor. One of the best episodes of the season. No hype. Pure truth.

So we know this will be the most spacktabulous most wonderful most mind boggling episode EVAH!!!

And the all encompassing ever present Good vs. Evil theme will continue

But what's up with CBS if this the best ep. ever? We didn't even get our normal CBmiSdirection clues...all we got was a stinking Press release


One Castaway devises a dangerous plan that hinges on the hidden immunity idol, while another Castaway considers betraying their alliance in order to avoid elimination.

Well we know the Auction shenanigans are Randy's and the existing rivalry is with Crystal.

The Castaway with the dangerous plan with the hidden immunity idol is Randy

The Voiceover for the 20 second promo...

Randy: I'm gonna burn this house down...
Announcer: One Castaway is going for broke...(picture of Randy)
Jiffy: As Matty scurries across the balance beam in the IC,
"Matty doesn't hesitate"
Announcer: Randy is shown, "insulting everyone", then shot to Matty and then to Sugar...
Sugar: "I loathe him"
Then shot of Fake II...
Announceer: "But with a fake Immunity Idol in play",
Randy: "if Bob would give me the idol"
Announcer: Will his strategy work at Tribal Council?
Randy: "There is gonna be some surprised people tonight", then shot of Corrine, Susie, Matty

We know that Bob shows Randy the idol he made last week because here are Randy's grubby fingers...

And that is the wrappted up fake HI in the package here where Randy says people are going to be surprised tonite.

The question is does Randy know its fake and what is he gonna do with it?

We know from pics going to TC that Randy does not win the II (neither does Susie, Corrine, Matty or Crystal)

But this pic shows him with a necklace on

But I think it's not fake HI, rather it's the necklace he got from last week's reward (with blue in it like Corrine's)

I think Bob wins the II for 2 reasons. Even though the shots of the IC show MATTY way ahead here:

We know Matty does not win from the walk to TC pics. The only three that are not shown are Sugar Bob and Kenny. Likely this is the classic F8 IC where the course is divided into 3 parts. Matty is just far ahead in the first section where 4 go on and the final 2 do a puzzle. We know Kenny and Bob are good at puzzles.

But why would Bob feel so comfortable in giving his fake idol up if he didn't feel safe from boot...Also I love this "cat ate the canary" look on Bob's face here.

I do indeed think that Randy knows it is fake because there is no need for Bob to trick Randy to get him out. If he goes along with Uthong it's a 6-2 vote against Randy. I think Bob is loyal and is trying to help save the other onions.

So what is the plan...we know that Corrine is in on it because she says in the show promo

Corinne (in confessional): We have to get this right. If we get this right the whole game will change.

But what is the plan and will it work at all, just to save Randy, to save all 3 onions?

We know Randy is working on Matty from the promo

Randy (talking to Matty): You're on the outs. The final three in this game is Kenny, Crystal and Susie. You're not part of it.

This is smart of Randy because Matty has to start to play for end game and Susie is closer with Crystal and Kenny from their time at NunuKotex.

Who does Matty want to go to F3 or F2 with ?

Side NOTE: I still think with schedule it will be a F2 like Fans v. Faves--these people would have seen the finale in May before leaving for Africa in June but they keep talking about F3 (well Susie anyway)

Sugar and Bob? I don't see why he would because the Onions on the jury will vote for Bob...also Sugar could get a few votes for being nice

Randy and/or Corrine--again Kotas will vote but if they are both there then they might split the Onion vote

Crystal and Kenny (or Susie)--imho this is best scenario because Matty is most desirable of this bunch.

So Randy gets into Matty's head or at least he tries to.

This could be MISDIRECTION as many of us think from dabo's voted thread and Matty sticks with CSSK until F7 when many people think it will be more beneficial for him to flip becuase of the numbers.

By the way DON'T forget to vote....we need a bit more splintering

Could Bob be working on Sugar to flip too? We see a meeting between them in Jiffy's preview

FP thinks this may be right before TC because it looks as if Bob is putting on his bow tie...I'm not sure but they do meet anyway.

Would Sugar help, for now anyway, a person she LOATHES?

It really depends on who she talks to last and if FP is right, she just may

So who are the boot possibilities? I think from pure old fashioned OFG theory it's one of these 4 from Randy's Surprise comment





I don't think it's Kenny...

As new poster yucca points out, the night shots are usually at the beginning of the show right after they return from TC. Perhaps Crystal is worried about the Charlie boot before Randy or Corrine and he calms her by saying this. I don't think this conversation takes place after IC when Kenny could be a possible boot. I think it's classic misdirection.

I think Crystal is misdirection too..Randy would be smart to let Matty pick who he wants to boot.

Sugar has the HI and is not going anywhere. I think Bob has II and is not going anywhere yet.

It's only Matty if Randy gets mad that he won't flip and he tries to get a 5 person majority to go after a physical threat. But I think Matty is safe. He has so much end game editing now it's ridiculous.

It's Randy if the onions can't convince someone (Matty and/or Sugar) to flip AND he cannot fake Uthong out about the fake idol at TC.

What I think will happen is that Randy doesn't tell them he has an idol until late in the TC (he could even say either me or Corrine have it) and will hope that the Uthongs split their vote between him and Corrine because they don't have any time to converse. It could still be a 3-3-2 tie if neither Matty nor Sugar flips.

It's Corrine if Randy convinces them the idol is real and they vote Corrine instead. Corvis supports this idea and his
awesome confessional analysis supports that Corrine goes soon. THANKS CORVIS For bringing back this great spoiling tool!!

Although, michel, Corrine's boyfriend thinks that Jiffy's comments about her toning it down to placate jury members is some evidence that Corrine faces the jury

But I was in the minority but it appears it may become a slight majority that Susie is our boot. First off, go read FP's great analyis of why she thinks Susie may go. michel also has some interesting things to say in his vote

In my vote post for Susie I JOKINGLY say it's because she's too much of an immunity threat...but my gut has been telling me it's her and I have been ignoring it...I ignored my gut last week and went with Corrine instead of Charlie.

But also Jiffy in his Blog from Ep. 7 he states:

Matty, Matty, Matty. He's like a Billy Joel song. Wearing his heart on his sleeve. He must stay in this game a long time. Along with Kenny, Crystal, Corrine, Randy, and Sugar.

I think Jiffy just may be giving us the Final 6. Our lovely Resident astrologist Georgina posted this week that:

"‘I'm just saying,’ Probst says, with a playful laugh. 'There have been times when I've jokingly said who wins the game, and I've been telling the truth. And nobody listens.’"

So maybe we should listen to Jiffy here.

Also Susie disappeared in confessionals last episode.

Corvis states in his confessional analysis post this week that

We have seen three Survivors disappear in confessionals before their boot episode this season, so that might be something to watch for. I said last time, that Susie will be the one we'll know more about next episode. Well, the fact she disappeared in an episode where she won immunity by building fire is significant. There had to be confessionals where she talked about how proud she was, how she built fire like a true Survivor, etc. We weren't shown any of that. If she makes to the end, why not show us that stuff? So now I am wondering if perhaps she doesn't make it.

So the people who are most in danger are (in order according to my thinking):

Corinne (strong D pattern)
Crystal (disappeared and more Ds than Ts)
Randy (slight D bump)
Susie (disappeared)

I just disagree that Susie is on the bottom, I think she's at the top followed by Corrine, Randy and Crystal.

Also I think Matty will want to replace Susie in the Crystal Kenny Susie F3.

MY Predictions (take em for what they're worth!!):

RC Auction: Randy and Crystal butt heads
IC Winner: Bob
Randy gets Bob's Fake Idol and knows it's fake and his plan works
Boot: Susie BUT I would not be at all surprised by Corrine or Randy going.

For additional information continue reading Veruca Salt's Amazing Editing thread...She's Back!! Also check out the Ep. 9 Insider transcripts Now where did b1 go..I hope she didn't think we imploded after last week's server problems!! I always appreciate her analysis of insider...Charlie and Marcus' honeymoon in Ponderosa ends this week, right BR?

Handcrafted by RollDdice

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Messages in this discussion
"RE: SOTS Ep 10 "
Posted by suzzee on 11-19-08 at 02:25 PM
You're good! I'm really enjoying this season and am ever in awe of those that do these SOTS! I'm fine with a Susie boot and (I know I'm one of the very few) hope Randy stays a bit longer. Again really nice work emydi!

Agman camouflaged me for S17

"RE: SOTS Ep 10 "
Posted by CTgirl on 11-19-08 at 02:29 PM
Great SOTS Emy. I would be thrilled if Susie went home this week!

I loved the Steelers football ad - I never knew that players name. I always called him "the guy with the hair!" I hope your Steelers win and if Susie goes home, wouldn't that be a beautiful night?!

"RE: SOTS Ep 10 "
Posted by Corvis on 11-19-08 at 02:31 PM
Great job, emydi!

I was adamant that Susie doesn't go this week until I read your SOTS. Hrm. Still like Corinne but those Jeffy comments are interesting. The only problem with that comment he makes about a possible Final 6 is that we'd have to believe Bob goes next week, which really makes no sense.

"RE: SOTS Ep 10 "
Posted by kingfish on 11-19-08 at 03:08 PM
Great job, Mistress.

You didn't even have to whip me once to get me to read it this time.

I think you captured all of what is available spoiler-wise very intelligently, and although I tend to think Randy will be fooled by Bob (Mr. Cheshire Smile), reason being that Bob may be getting paranoid and Bob will recruit the others go vote Randy out, I have to admit to being a bit doubtful, now. It could be Susie. And who wouldn't want to vote Corrine out?

But Randy would make an ideal F2 (or even F3 if that's how it goes) partner.

Yes Madam, I agree, those spike heels do need a tongue shine. Yes Ma’am!

"RE: SOTS Ep 10 "
Posted by Brownroach on 11-19-08 at 03:18 PM
Great SOTS, emy.

I am scratching my head over all the Susie votes though. I just can't see what would cause that to happen. Okay, it's possible to come up with scenarios where alliances break or people flip but I just don't think any of them are likely. Last week's vote was 5/4. A turnabout within the 5 this week puts whoever of them remains at a disadvantage. I don't think they are that stupid that they don't realize that.

Surfkitten Summer Sigshop 2008

"Great job, emy!"
Posted by Flowerpower on 11-19-08 at 03:31 PM
Great job, Emy! Wow! I am loving a season where the boot is not obvious. Let's face it, the logical thing to do would be to boot Randy, but it seems logic doesn't have much of a place in predicting the boot this season....sure makes it fun to ponder it all! Thanks for putting it all out there for us in record time! I hope for at least this week, we are right...would be fun!

If it's not Susie, imo, it's indeed Dandy Randy, the King of Gabon! PS. I'd be happy if the winner is who Jeff notes, Matty, Matty, Matty!

"RE: SOTS Ep 10 "
Posted by yucca on 11-19-08 at 03:40 PM
Yes, great SOTS and thanks for the shout out. I don't know. I think that picture of sugar and bob looks more like sugar is working on Bob. I think Randy is toast.

"RE: SOTS Ep 10 "
Posted by byoffer on 11-19-08 at 03:58 PM
Great SOTS, Ms. Polamalu. Though I would think for a defensive guy it should be Out Hit, Out Cover, Out Tackle.

As for the boot this week, I am sticking to my gut that Randy and Bob come up with a plan to use the fake idol to confuse the non-onion bloc. Maybe wishful thinking, but I am still hoping that the boot is Susie or maybe Crystal.

"RE: SOTS Ep 10 "
Posted by Scarlett O Hara on 11-19-08 at 05:11 PM
Great job, emydi! Thanks for stepping up to the plate! You forgot to mention a couple of things. Last week Jeff told us in his blog Susie is going to blow over the Marcus boot. We still haven't seen that -- could we see it this week? It's possible! I'm all over the hidden boot scenario. This has really been the M.O. this season with the vidcaps. Last week, Kenny was all over the vidcaps and he was safe -- Charlie got the boot. The week Kelly left, Sugar was all over the vidcaps and I could have sworn she would be the bootee. Therefore, Randy is obviously safe this week as he is front and center in the vidcaps. I agree that Bob will win immunity. That leaves Corrine as the most likely Onion to be voted out. However, I'm in the michel camp -- I think she will be an end-game player.

Therefore, it has to be one of the Fang-five who gets voted out this week. Sugar is safe with the real HII in pocket. I also think Kenny and Matty are safe, for at least this week. I'm going with the revenge of Corrine scenario and going with the Susie boot as well. And if it's not Susie, than it has to be Crystal. There is nothing that Jiffy loves more than a blindside and it will indeed, be a blindside if one of the Fang-five goes home.

Lastly, I'm curious as to why we don't have a lot of clues this week? Usually we have four or five. And, for what it's worth, you can't believe anything Jiffy has to say really. It is all hype and B.S. coming from him, IMHO!! He'll say anything to get peeps to watch!

"RE: SOTS Ep 10 "
Posted by bluepanther on 11-19-08 at 05:23 PM
I hope it's okay to post this here. Since there is no clear boot this week, could it be it is Matty that goes? He could be like Dolly and Christy when they didn't commit to one side and got voted out. Like emydi said Matty fits the OFG theory and he's the only one with burning fire over him like Randy. So maybe he gets burned by Randy's plan?

"RE: SOTS Ep 10 "
Posted by Flowerpower on 11-19-08 at 07:58 PM

Welcome to Blows, bluepanther! Definately, it's ok to post here and all over our boards, we welcome all the input we can get. I am in agreement and see Matty as an outside contender for the boot, along with Crystal. But, at this point, I don't know exactly how it could unravel...unless the bluff forces the majority his way? Excellent observation though, regarding the burning fire...food for thought! I also noted that the lone bird seems to represent Matty this season, and at the beginning of the initial preview promo, we see the lone bird flying away...what could that mean? You should stop in at the editing thread and throw your 2 cents in there!

Jeff Probst said that someone benefits from the fake idol..."Bob's visit to EI pays off in a big way for at least 1 person in this game, and it makes for a very fun and somewhat ugly TC." Well, the one that you would expect it to benefit is the one who is going to wield it, Randy. Of course, Jeff has led all of us down the garden path on more than one occasion! I don't see that it would be benefiting Bob, if he is wearing the II around his neck. For it to benefit one, it needs to save someone that would have otherwise been the boot...most logical is Randy, imo. I suppose one could make an argument that it would benefit Corrine if it was used and targeted the one who used it, Randy.

Jeff's idea of a fun TC is a blindside...and he says this one is "very fun"...Matty could and would be blindsided, imo, as would Susie. But, I don't think either Randy or Corrine would be. OTOH, a "very good" TC could be the demise of the one who offends everyone...Randy.

Just no way to feed off of what Probst tells us in his preview...last time we put stock into his preview we had the Fang's going to TC, yet that was the week Marcus was booted.

"RE: SOTS Ep 10 "
Posted by michel on 11-19-08 at 06:45 PM
Great SOTS, emydi. This should be another interesting week. I was bored with this season up to the Ace boot but, since then, it has been full of good surprises. You've nicely set-up the possible scenarios for this week.

Corinne's boyfriend? Does she know? But, seriously, I like her edit, only her edit, really....

Here's a spoiler for you: Steelers 28 - Bungles 13

Polamalu's interception: WOW!

"RE: SOTS Ep 10 "
Posted by NedraSue on 11-20-08 at 00:11 AM
We know that Randy makes a fool of himself at RC...so, how about Bob and his 'Cat & Canary' look. MAYBE...Randy makes everyone mad...even Bob. And so, Bob wins IC...so Bob feels it would be fun to see what Randy does if he thinks he has both a HII and the II, so maybe Randy could hang himself, without giving him the tree...just the neckless. So, Bob agrees to let Randy have it...and sure enough Jiffy gets to toss the fake into the fire. Randy would about swallow his tongue. And it would make for a great TC.

Just my thoughts.

"RE: SOTS Ep 10 "
Posted by redbeard103152 on 11-20-08 at 02:08 AM
Great SOTS Emydi My gut and your gut must be on the same page for this episode. By the way I love your Steeler video. As someone who went to high school in Penn Hills although I have lived in Ohio since 1979 I am and always will be a member of the Steeler Nation for life.

"RE: SOTS Ep 10 "
Posted by Carezy on 11-20-08 at 10:56 AM
GREAT SOTS, I enjoyed reading it. I hope you're right cause I'm not a fan of Susie.

GO STEELERS!!! Can you do a SOTS for the game tonight?? I'll be happy as long as the Steelers win and Ward catches a few passes and puts that smile on his face. lol, is that asking too much??

BIG NIGHT TONIGHT, I really want your spoiling to be right...

"RE: SOTS Ep 10 "
Posted by whoami on 11-20-08 at 07:14 PM
Thanks for the SOTS emydi. The way we are being mislead, this season, who knows what is going to happen next.

"One word......"
Posted by Kermit the Vixen on 11-20-08 at 07:39 PM
Being from the Cin-city, I've got only one word....


Although I have been saying it somewhat under my breath this season....