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"Cirie Makes the Merge"

Posted by MattyMax on 02-26-08 at 10:18 PM
Jeez, I haven't read or posted on Spoilers in AGES!

Feel free to lock, freeze, whatever if this is discussed elsewhere.

But here's a little bit of classic spoiling:

Yau-Man's interview with RTVW:

Reality TV World: But even with yourself and Jonathan, that still would have out her third in a five-person alliance. What made her so convinced she was the fifth person?

Yau-Man: I don't know. I wish... When I get to talk to her again, I'd like to ask her that question (laughing). "Why do you think somehow that Amy and Eliza, why would she consider us being so tight?" At first, we could see she would have a much, much better chance with us than with those two couples. We couldn't see why she couldn't see that.

If Yau hasn't seen Cirie since the vote, then she at least made it past the merge. Otherwise, they would have seen each other at the losers resort.

YAY CIRIE! (after that amazing 3-2-1 Vote she orchestrated in Panama, she's been my favorite ever)


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Messages in this discussion
"RE: Cirie Makes the Merge"
Posted by Scarlett O Hara on 02-27-08 at 10:31 AM
Good to see you around these parts, MattyMax! Thanks for calling this to our attention and I think you could very well be onto something!