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"Survivor China: State of the Spoiling - Ep. 9"

Posted by CattyChat on 11-11-07 at 06:35 PM
LAST EDITED ON 11-12-07 AT 08:01 PM (EST)

Survivor: China – Episode 9
“Just don’t eat the apple”

Previously on Survivor . . . the Survivors went “Back to School.”

“Coach Probst” reveals in gym class that the challenge would be “rub-a-dub-dub, survivors in a tub.” Denise reveals she is the weird fat girl always picked last (or not at all). It was “Cool Kids” and “School Bully” Jean-Robert versus the “Transfer Students” and “Too-Cool-for-School” Courtney. Obviously Cool Rules and the reward was a field trip to an ancient city and lunch outside the school cafeteria.

Transfer PG tries to start a clique of her own, hoping to lure in “Too-Cool” and “Fat Girl”. “Fat Girl” ponders the offer and “Too-Cool” is just too cool to care. Transfer Erik, the invisible wallflower, is just there. “Floater” Frosti flirts with “Too-Cool,” and floats between cliques.

“Bully” tries to infiltrate the cool clique, but fails. He then thinks it genius to try to threaten “School Jock” James into an alliance. Alas, “Jock” actually has some brains and shoots “Bully” down. “Bully” goes to “Class Prez” Todd with a scheme to get “Jock” expelled. “Prez” is annoyed, because he already had that same idea, “like, 4ever, dude.”

Principal Probst issues the final exam and one by one, each survivor fails to complete their test. Shockingly to all, “Too-Cool” aces the exam, as all it entailed her to do was absolutely nothing and let the others crack under the pressure.

Just prior to the pep assembly, Prez calls in his trusty “Veep” Amanda and “Prez” decides it’s time to get “Bully” expelled. “Jock” agrees that the dumbazz/big mouth “Bully” must go. “Too-Cool” concurs, as she is, “like, totally grossed out” by “Bully.” “Veep” worries that Transfer PG should be expelled instead, but succumbs to peer pressure. On the other side, the “Transfers” heard the gossip that “Jock” was to be expelled and thought they had a chance to finally be accepted. Sadly, “Fat Girl” is all by herself, as neither the “Cool Kids” nor the “Transfers” even think to include her.

Principal Probst calls the pep assembly and announces that “Bully” broke various school codes due to his bullying, rifling through others’ lockers, peeping in the girls’ locker room and, worst of all, just being plain stupid. Principal Probst advises the class that “Bully” has been expelled. School spirit is once again restored and Principal Probst releases the class, following a brief PSA.

Reference Guide

In case you new to our community or are too lazy to search for these things yourself, here are some valuable resources gathered together and placed here at your fingertips:

Now, without further ado, let’s get to some spoiling!!

Survivor: China – Episode 9
“Just don’t eat the apple”

Michel posted this week’s title from TV Guide to start the speculation: ”Just don’t eat the apple.” Of course, this could have meant anything, until our dependable FlowerPower bestowed upon us Ep 9 Vidcaps to get the ball rolling.

Now it seems pretty obvious that the title is referring to the flirtation between these two:

Other than making me throw up in my mouth a little at the thought of Courtney mouthing those words in a squeaky voice, it is not lost upon me how blatantly these “scrumptious” references are repeated ad nauseam in the previews. As James has been the king of the one-liners lately, my guess is that James utters the phrase, either directly to Courtney or in a confessional referencing Courtney.

Don’t worry, James. While you may think that Courtney “jumps on every swinging Dicque . . . and Harry,” I don’t see evidence of any swallowing going on (e.g. Exs A & B), so biting Frosti’s apple may be okay.

Also included in Michel’s episode title thread are the . . .

CBS Misdirection Clues

Reward Challenge

Our hardworking FloPo also posted a blurb from the TV Guide which states that “Someone wins the semiannual, alliance-testing boat trip on November 15.”

Guessing that this challenge will be some “coconut chop” variation, revealing the current pecking order, I am going to go way out on a limb and say that this one DOES NOT win:

Without any additional info at this point, I will go out on another limb and say that our one and only Miss Montana wins the reward challenge, as we have yet to see her irritate anyone or act irritated herself.

To further support this theory, I point out the various shots of Todd in the previews with a towel around his neck. Obviously, Amanda would pick Todd to join her on the reward, at the very least.

I would also suspect that Amanda would also bring along Courtney. Not because Courtney is a joy to be around, but so Courtney is kept “satisfied” and under Todd’s watchful eye, so as not to do any additional damage to his “alliance.”

Reward Challenge Redux

Man, that Burnett sure has some balls!!

If you have been keeping an eye on FloPo’s Ep 9 Vidcap Thread, like you should be doing, you already know that we have more information on the challenges. Thank you FP and KO for keeping us up to date.

It looks like TV GUIDE made a typo and there is no “someone” winning the reward, but some “team” wins reward. We have some bouncing balls and drums and red versus yellow . . .

We are not shown which team Denise & Courtney are on, but since we have seen their past performances, does it really matter? I think they cancel each other out.

Judging by these next four photos, it appears Yellow wins reward. Now we know who really has a handle on their balls.

KO makes a very convincing argument that Courtney is probably on the yellow team and Amanda observes the flirting between Courtney & Frosti. (Which is probably elevated to new levels with the addition of some alcohol. As we all know Courtney prefers liquor to food, harkening back to the merge feast.) Amanda then reports all back to Todd.

Immunity Challenge

Here is where things get interesting for all of us. We have some VERY observant peeps around here, who are also very generous with their observations. Christmas came early for us in the form of a major editing snafu, revealing that Peih-Gee wins immunity this week. Sure makes my job a heck of a lot easier.

First, Dabo started an Ep 9 Promo Speculation thread when he/she was shocked to see the revelation following last week’s episode in the “next time on Survivor” previews. Check it out, it’s all there for us, tied up in a bright shiny red bow.

To make it even more clear, FloPo posted this wonderful tidbit created by VolcanicGlass.

Now, we don’t know yet what the actual Immunity challenge is, but CTgirl points out that it is probably a puzzle and very well may be a “Soduku challenge!”

Could this be a shot of the immunity challenge?

The Tribe Has Spoken

So, who is getting voted out? Peih-Gee was probably the one planned, but she obviously wins immunity. We know that Todd really wants to blind-side James and take out both the hidden immunity idols, along with the biggest physical threat. However, that would be too easy. Right now, all signs seem to indicate that Frosti is getting licked.

Evidence to support this:

Another pair of young lovers torn apart by Todd and his minions.
There will be no love in Survivor!

I think my job here is done. A really brief recap of my supposition:

Utters Title: James

Reward Challenge: Amanda and she takes along Todd & Courtney
(+ Courtney or Denise)

Immunity Challenge: Peih-Gee

Snuffed Torch: Frosti

Wait a minute, you mean there is more???

What the frick is this all about??? First of all, in the famous words of Courtney . . .

What could this be? Is there going to be a second boot? That just doesn’t seem right.
Right now, I’ve got nothing. As soon as I hear something, I’ll be sure to post it.

It was Autumn & incessant piped the quails from shocks & sheaves;
like living coals, the apples burned among the withering leaves.
~~ Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Table of contents
  • RE: Survivor China: State of the Spoiling - Ep. 9,Flowerpower, 07:45 PM, 11-11-07
    • RE: Survivor China: State of the Spoiling - Ep. 9,KObrien_fan, 07:49 PM, 11-11-07
  • RE: Survivor China: State of the Spoiling - Ep. 9,byoffer, 07:48 PM, 11-11-07
  • RE: Survivor China: State of the Spoiling - Ep. 9,whoami, 11:33 PM, 11-11-07
  • RE: Survivor China: State of the Spoiling - Ep. 9,Max Headroom, 08:44 AM, 11-12-07
  • RE: Survivor China: State of the Spoiling - Ep. 9,dabo, 08:53 AM, 11-12-07
    • RE: Survivor China: State of the Spoiling - Ep. 9,Max Headroom, 01:19 PM, 11-12-07
  • RE: Survivor China: State of the Spoiling - Ep. 9,CTgirl, 01:30 PM, 11-12-07
    • RE: Survivor China: State of the Spoiling - Ep. 9,Wezzie, 01:12 PM, 11-14-07
  • RE: Survivor China: State of the Spoiling - Ep. 9,Wallflower66, 01:41 PM, 11-14-07
  • RE: Survivor China: State of the Spoiling - Ep. 9,kircon, 03:32 PM, 11-14-07
  • RE: Survivor China: State of the Spoiling - Ep. 9,Scarlett O Hara, 02:50 PM, 11-15-07
  • RE: Survivor China: State of the Spoiling - Ep. 9,kingfish, 04:01 PM, 11-15-07
  • RE: Survivor China: State of the Spoiling - Ep. 9,mattben, 06:35 PM, 11-15-07

Messages in this discussion
"RE: Survivor China: State of the Spoiling - Ep. 9"
Posted by Flowerpower on 11-11-07 at 07:45 PM
Catty, Catty, Catty....you just had to let the cat out of the bag....and so EARLY! When I first saw this up, I said, uh-oh, this could be an accidental hit of the post message button, instead of the preview button. But, once read, once understood. If you have figured it all out now, why not post it! Outstanding JOB, Catty! You are the new CAT in town, I just love your SOTS!

I just have one question though. Will the RC be the ole alliance revealing challenge, or will it be an alliance-testing reward when half of the folks get to go on the Reward, and the other alliance mates do not...If it is the former, then no doubt Amanda will win, but if it's the latter, then I think Todd could be on the outs. Where did he get that towel anyway, I sure was wondering about that? Could it have come with their bathing suits, or is it from this RC?

GREAT, FANTASTIC, AWESOME job, Catty! Many thanks!

"RE: Survivor China: State of the Spoiling - Ep. 9"
Posted by KObrien_fan on 11-11-07 at 07:49 PM
They had the towels at the last IC.

Great job Catty!

I'm not sure who came first hosting games, you or Tribe, but you are both nefarious! - CTGirl

"RE: Survivor China: State of the Spoiling - Ep. 9"
Posted by byoffer on 11-11-07 at 07:48 PM
I don’t see evidence of any swallowing going on

Oh my heck, CattyChat, that is hilarious. Great SOTS!!

"RE: Survivor China: State of the Spoiling - Ep. 9"
Posted by whoami on 11-11-07 at 11:33 PM

Great job CattyChat. This is up early but like you said the IC winner was handed to us on a platter this week. That was half your job right there. Loved your recap. LOL

"RE: Survivor China: State of the Spoiling - Ep. 9"
Posted by Max Headroom on 11-12-07 at 08:44 AM
Very nicely done, and bonus points for posting so quickly.

"RE: Survivor China: State of the Spoiling - Ep. 9"
Posted by dabo on 11-12-07 at 08:53 AM
Awesome, CC! He.

I'm half expecting the "more business" will be...








"To Be Continued."

"If all machines were to be annihilated at one moment, so that not a knife nor lever nor rag of clothing nor anything whatsoever were left to man but his bare body alone that he was born with, and if all knowledge of mechanical laws were taken from him so that he could make no more machines, and all machine-made food destroyed so that the race of man should be left as it were naked upon a desert island, we should become extinct in six weeks." (Samuel Butler, "Erewhon")

"RE: Survivor China: State of the Spoiling - Ep. 9"
Posted by Max Headroom on 11-12-07 at 01:19 PM
Naw, that only happens on TAR. Especially in this season with no non-elim legs.

"RE: Survivor China: State of the Spoiling - Ep. 9"
Posted by CTgirl on 11-12-07 at 01:30 PM
Great job Catty - and I loved your photo of Frosti "getting licked!"

The high school friend recap was too funny!

surfkitty sig shop 2007

"RE: Survivor China: State of the Spoiling - Ep. 9"
Posted by Wezzie on 11-14-07 at 01:12 PM
(first try using a sigpic.. thank you, Scarlett!)

Catty, my face muscles are sore from laughing. Your 'previously on survivor' high school story was hilarious!!! Well done, all of it!

"RE: Survivor China: State of the Spoiling - Ep. 9"
Posted by Wallflower66 on 11-14-07 at 01:41 PM
A most excellent and hysterical SOTS, CC! Way to go, girl!

"RE: Survivor China: State of the Spoiling - Ep. 9"
Posted by kircon on 11-14-07 at 03:32 PM
Great Job Catt! I really like the reference guide idea. Everything is easy to read with lots of extras. Even one of my favorite Elaine quotes. Thanks for getting this up so early. It helps with the games. Thanks!

"RE: Survivor China: State of the Spoiling - Ep. 9"
Posted by Scarlett O Hara on 11-15-07 at 02:50 PM
Three paws up for CattyChat's SOTS!! Woot! It was hilarious and very well done! Thanks Catty!

"RE: Survivor China: State of the Spoiling - Ep. 9"
Posted by kingfish on 11-15-07 at 04:01 PM
Hats off Catty - You are one fine SOTS putter-together. I though it was just so professionally done.

Thanks also to Flopo, KatieO, and the others who provided the clues and insights. You guys rock.

"RE: Survivor China: State of the Spoiling - Ep. 9"
Posted by mattben on 11-15-07 at 06:35 PM
Nicely done. Almost like a summary before the fact.