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"Ep 9, Vidcaps"

Posted by Flowerpower on 11-09-07 at 05:14 PM
Thanks so much to Survivor Phoenix!

And a special frame from Volcanic Glass at Survivor Phoenix:

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Messages in this discussion
"RE: Ep 9, Vidcaps"
Posted by whoami on 11-09-07 at 11:49 PM
So far there are no vidcaps of a challange.

At least we know who wins immunity.

"RE: Ep 9, Vidcaps"
Posted by CTgirl on 11-10-07 at 11:49 AM
Peih Gee probably wins a puzzle challenge (maybe it's a Sudoku challenge! )

"RE: Ep 9, Vidcaps"
Posted by Scarlett O Hara on 11-10-07 at 09:14 AM
LAST EDITED ON 11-10-07 AT 04:33 PM (EST)

The first thing I notice in these vidcaps is this:

Peih Gee is shown at Tribal Council sitting next to James. Note, she is wearing the Immunity Necklace

Amanda is sitting at Tribal Council next to James.

How can this be? Two women at one tribal council sitting next to the same person? It can not be. Must be TWO DIFFERENT TRIBAL COUNCILS.

eta: Here's a look at Eric's jacket and Frosti's T-shirt:

Maybe it is Eric's jacket, after all.

"RE: Ep 9, Vidcaps"
Posted by Flowerpower on 11-10-07 at 10:41 AM
LAST EDITED ON 11-10-07 AT 10:46 AM (EST)

I don't know, Scarlett. Clearly Amanda is sitting next to James....but, I don't know how you can say that PG is? It looks like a different shirt to me, and you can't see any part of his shoulder, as you can in Amanda's shot...I think that it is 2 different guys.

Actually, I think that it could only be Frosti, that PG is sitting next to as Todd is wearing the vest, and Erik is wearing his coat, buff around his neck, as they approach the TC...

"RE: Ep 9, Vidcaps"
Posted by CTgirl on 11-10-07 at 11:50 AM
I think it's Erik in his green shirt - look at what he's wearing when he walks in.

"RE: Ep 9, Vidcaps"
Posted by dabo on 11-10-07 at 12:08 PM
Looks like Eric's shirt to me as well. But the clip may be prevote, shown out or order.

"RE: Ep 9, Vidcaps"
Posted by Flowerpower on 11-10-07 at 03:39 PM
Erik looks like he's wearing a coat to me...could definately be him...

"RE: Ep 9, Vidcaps"
Posted by dabo on 11-11-07 at 02:07 AM
From the ep 7 vidcaps

Frosti wears a light-colored Tshirt and dark vest. The only other person unaccounted for is Denise in her dark Vneck Tshirt.

"RE: Ep 9, Vidcaps"
Posted by byoffer on 11-12-07 at 09:29 AM
It is definitely Erik. If you look at the hug picture above, you can see that his green shirt has epaullettes on the shoulders. The picture with PG wearing the II also shows the epaullette behind her.

"RE: Ep 9, Vidcaps"
Posted by whoami on 11-11-07 at 06:09 PM

If you look at the shoulder of the person next to PG, you will see something on his shoulder. It is that button thing on Erik's jacket. So this is Erik.

Posted by mimo on 11-11-07 at 11:22 AM
Is the towel around Todd's neck new? I don't remember seeing it before, but maybe I haven't been playing close enough attention.

"RE: Question"
Posted by KObrien_fan on 11-11-07 at 12:14 PM
It is not new, they had them last episode. I believe that they got them at the swampy IC.

I'm not sure who came first hosting games, you or Tribe, but you are both nefarious! - CTGirl

"PIP promo"
Posted by Flowerpower on 11-11-07 at 08:07 PM
Thanks Survivor Fever:

...and another promo: Thanks again to Survivor Fever:

"Reward Challenge"
Posted by KObrien_fan on 11-12-07 at 01:54 PM
Here is what I see:

1. Two teams red (James, PG, Todd and lets say Denise) vs yellow (Erik, Amanda, Frosti, and Courtney)

2. Clearly RC, winners get the boat trip.

3. We can see Jeff P's arm and side on the right here:

4. Players have to bounce a ball one at a time on a drum with the goal to bounce it into the headless warrior's body to score a point. We can see the clay warrior's in this pic on the right:

5. Courtney and Denise probably have to get the balls started by bouncing at an angle off the tall drum on the floor to one of the teammates drums, tall drum on floor behind Frosti here:

6. First team to X points wins reward. Frosti's team wins and he does a flip for joy.

Frosti and Courtney are all over each other, Amanda watches them closely and will report back to Todd that Courtney is under the "influence". Todd back at camp with PG, James, and Denise might get a little info/plotting done as well. He might even be the one to utter the title line, "It's one thing to be out here tempted by the women, just don't eat the apple"

I'm not sure who came first hosting games, you or Tribe, but you are both nefarious! - CTGirl

"RE: Reward Challenge"
Posted by emydi on 11-12-07 at 02:19 PM
Ok so this is the rc and no coconut chop...Catty's pic in SOTS is from the sword challenge where Courtney couldn't cut the rope (aaron is behind her) and the alliance boat building is just that--a new 4 person alliance formed on the trip not telling who is in alliance and who is not.

Courtesy of the Amazing Slice & Dice Chop Shop 2004

"RE: Reward Challenge"
Posted by CattyChat on 11-12-07 at 04:12 PM
KO, your scenario certainly makes a lot of sense. I am just stuck on the whole "someone wins the semiannual, alliance-testing boat trip." If it is a team reward challenge, how does that boil down to "someone wins" and how is a team win really "alliance-testing"?

This is where I am driving myself crazy trying to wrap my brain around the potential sequence of events. Plus this is about time to do a pecking order challenge.

Darn those promo editors! Here I thought my SOTS would be so easy and then they dump all this stuff out there to mix everything up. At least I know I have to have one thing right -- Peih-Gee winning immunity. Everything else, who knows?

But the freedom that they fought for & the country grand they wrought for,
is their monument to-day, and for aye. ~~~ Thomas Dunn English

"RE: Reward Challenge"
Posted by KObrien_fan on 11-12-07 at 04:36 PM
"someone wins the semiannual, alliance-testing boat trip."

It doesn't say alliance testing challenge, it is referring simply to the reward. What makes it alliance testing, IMO is that you have people from different alliances on the same team that go on the reward AND you have people from different alliances back at camp. Paranoia is a big thing and it will be a test when Todd and Amanda are separated, as is Courtney and she will be worked on by Frosti, and Erik. At camp, PG will be trying to work her magic.

I'm not sure who came first hosting games, you or Tribe, but you are both nefarious! - CTGirl

"RE: Ep 9, Vidcaps"
Posted by CattyChat on 11-12-07 at 03:59 PM
Ugh, I have been studying these pictures over at "SurvivorFever.net" -- great site for captures, btw, and I wish I would have seen this site earlier -- and I am even more confused than before.

Assuming the drum & ball is part of a team reward challenge, which makes sense, and assuming that Todd/PG/James are the losers, I only wonder why Todd looks "freshly showered" here --

Unless this "confessional shot" is taken totally out of sequence (which is highly likely).

Also, what is Todd sitting in front of in these shots?

Could he be on a boat?

Now, we also have a possible "celebrating" Frosti here --

But what looks like a very sad Frosti here --

In comparing the pic of "celebrating" Frosti, I note the rope in the background, that looks very similar to the rope in the ball & drum challenge shots --

I also noted the grasses are similar in the ball & drum shots as with the shots of Frosti with a knife and what appears puzzle pieces or placards of some kind --

Are these part of the same challenge where it starts out as a team effort and then works its way down to where the winning team is then competing against each other for individual immunity? Or are both challenges just of a similar land-based variety, rather than mixing it up one wet challenge & one dry challenge?

What if the sequence is the drum & ball --

In which Frosti's team finishes that portion first and Frosti is excitedly flipping himself over some barrier to get to the knife & placard portion --

And then Frosti is stuck on the "puzzle" portion, taking so much time, that Peih-Gee, who was on the slower "red" team is able to get to the puzzle and pull off a victory for individual immunity.

There are just so many shots of Frosti at that knife & placard station, which makes me wonder.

So, Peih-Gee wins immunity and Frosti needs to be consoled by Courtney, because Courtney already told Frosti that Todd was planning on voting out Frosti if Frosti didn't win immunity.

So, in this scenario, all these shots are actually from the Immunity Challenge and not reward challenge and there is still a "coconut chop" like pecking order challenge that tests alliances by revealing where each person stands.

And the super blurry shots of James in the PIP screen shots are of him before and after he chopped through something --

And this shot of Erik's head and something suspended by a rope is part of that challenge that is being dropped down and smashed?

See, this is one of my problems, that I will continue to over-analyze everything and get myself totally confused and way off base.

But the freedom that they fought for & the country grand they wrought for,
is their monument to-day, and for aye. ~~~ Thomas Dunn English

"RE: Ep 9, Vidcaps"
Posted by KObrien_fan on 11-12-07 at 04:45 PM
1. That towel around Todds neck was clearly at camp prior to this week. It was shown in footage after they got back from the dragon IC. Todd could look like that because he was just swimming in the lake and toweled his hair up like that.

2. Sad Frosti is most likely at camp after IC and with the realization that his number is up.

3. If the stabbing card Frosti is still part of the RC, then why is his station color blue? It is because that is a picture of him in the IC, it is a different challenge.

4. Footage of James is old.

5. Footage of Erik is him drinking from a water canteen.

I'm not sure who came first hosting games, you or Tribe, but you are both nefarious! - CTGirl

"Promo Vidcaps: Challenges"
Posted by Flowerpower on 11-12-07 at 05:22 PM
LAST EDITED ON 11-12-07 AT 05:27 PM (EST)

Catty: I agree with KO in that the stabbing challenge is different, Frosti has a buff on his head, and in the drum challenge with teammates, he is wearing his hat. Clearly the team challenge must be the Reward Challenge. I also agree that the pic with those poles in the background of Todd with the towel around his neck is indeed at camp. Those round things are their bed of bamboo hollowed logs that they sleep in...

Also, It appears that Todd who is in the red shirt and buff on his head is approaching the horizontal pole quickly and looks like he will be scaling it somehow, similar to the one that Frosti is flipping over, perhaps this is part of the challenge, I think that it is....not convinced that it is celebratory(his flip). Anyone have a link to the video? Let me know!

Also the shots of Amanda are from an OLD Challenge as you can see Aaron there.

But, please folks remember to post all of the vidcaps so others can chime in with their assessments as well! Thanks so much...

Thanks to Survivor Fever, here are all of the new vidcaps from the promo:

"RE: Promo Vidcaps: Challenges"
Posted by KObrien_fan on 11-12-07 at 05:31 PM
Also, It appears that Todd who is in the red shirt and buff on his head is approaching the horizontal pole quickly, similar to the one that Frosti is flipping over, perhaps this is part of the challenge....not convinced that it is celebratory(his flip).

Do you mean this pic?:

That is Todd in first few days getting trees to build shelter, look ma, no beard.

Anyone have a link to the video? Let me know!

It was on TAR last night, not sure if it is on the web and where, sorry.

I didn't have time to post all of the vidcaps earlier, sorry.

I'm not sure who came first hosting games, you or Tribe, but you are both nefarious! - CTGirl

"RE: Promo Vidcaps: Challenges"
Posted by Flowerpower on 11-12-07 at 05:48 PM
Good eye there, KO! You are right, no beard! Regarding the RC, my spec is that any team with Courtney on it will lose....so the key is to figure that out!

"RE: Promo Vidcaps: Challenges"
Posted by KObrien_fan on 11-12-07 at 05:59 PM
my spec is that any team with Courtney on it will lose....so the key is to figure that out!

That really depends on what the task is for the remaining player. If it is bouncing the ball off the first drum, or catching the ball and putting it in the clay warrior, she might not mess that up. You would think that she is faster than Denise.

I'm not sure who came first hosting games, you or Tribe, but you are both nefarious! - CTGirl

"RE: Promo Vidcaps: Challenges"
Posted by CattyChat on 11-12-07 at 06:28 PM
The old vidcaps mixed with new definitely makes things more difficult. Some were easy to remember to be old and others, not so much, especially the blurry PIP ones. I had no idea the ones with James were old and that Erik was drinking from a canteen (thanks KO).

I'm just going blame the whole "someone wins" as a typo by TV Guide and go back and scrap the whole possibility of a pecking order/chop reward challenge.

I really can't argue with KO's logic (as she has been right on so many other things in the past) and I might as well go with the majority of the other boards that I have been exploring.

With the whole "oh, blame" argument between PG & James, that really seems to point to an argument following a loss of some kind. So, if PG wins immunity, she must have lost the reward and it's obvious that she is working with Todd & James.

I wonder which teams Courtney & Denise are on? I think KO has a good scenario with the "Amanda the spy" on the reward reporting back to Todd how lovey-dovey Courtney & Frosti were on the boat.

I'll have to make some quick amendments to my SOTS with this new info. Thanks FloPo for posting all these screencaps and thanks KO for putting all your thoughts out there and directing me to Survivor Fever. I need to broaden my "spoiler" data gathering when doing these SOTS.

But the freedom that they fought for & the country grand they wrought for,
is their monument to-day, and for aye. ~~~ Thomas Dunn English

"RE: Promo Vidcaps: Challenges"
Posted by Outfrontgirl on 11-12-07 at 08:55 PM
Catty, if you recall (or look up) last week's teaser, it said that one Survivor would get an invite to the party of the year. But then it was a team RC. Sounds like the same gufu this week.

Hoping that knowing it happened last week will help you relax about the teaser wording this week.

Posted by CattyChat on 11-15-07 at 11:18 AM
Survivor Fever has posted vidcaps from the "Jeff Probst Preview" which gives us a tad bit more info . . . namely about the Immunity Change . . . read below

So, I wonder how many Fei Longs sit out of the immunity challenge? I'm guessing hungry dual-idol-holding James is one who chooses to eat rather than compete.

Posted by emydi on 11-15-07 at 01:55 PM
I think all of FL will eat. Who competed when they did this before, in Exile, I believe? Didn't everyone that had to compete and then one or two others from majority alliance.

Erik and PG will compete, it's Frosti who gets bit in the butt...wonder what the actual challenge is and if they know what it is before they choose. If it's more physical then Frosti would be dumb not to compete. But with PG winning...it's likely more brain bc Erik would aslo be competing.

Posted by byoffer on 11-15-07 at 04:26 PM
Two eating challenges in one episode? The picture looks like cheeseburgers. Must be the reward. In the last two pictures PG looks like she is choking something down.

In this picture you can see a bunch of different covered plates. Is if time for the annual auction? That usually reveals some alliances, as people pool money. Also, if they are well fed one day, will that make a gross-food IC tougher?