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"S13 location??"

Posted by toad8098 on 02-12-06 at 10:16 PM
I know it's a little early, but what are the early talks on the location of survivior #13?? Madagascar? Seychelles? Philippines?

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"RE: S13 location??"
Posted by tribephyl on 02-13-06 at 03:58 AM
As of just a month ago, Dan Bollinger from Survivor maps, has said that the 13th season of Survivor will most likely return to Panama.


MB will just change the theme.

Of course things can still change.
But I imagine the producers are already in the planning stages so their location should be pretty solid.

"RE: S13 location??"
Posted by PepeLePew13 on 02-13-06 at 06:23 AM
LAST EDITED ON 02-13-06 AT 06:23 AM (EST)

Not that there's anything wrong with it, but just a curious observation -- you've done the same kind of thread for 4 Survivor seasons in a row, usually early in the current season and you come in asking about the NEXT season, while everyone else is still focused on this current season to spoil...

S10 location???
S11 location???
S12 location??

Check out my Survivor Guatemala Finale episode summary

A Tribe siggie
"Tsk, tsk. Pepe's messing with the newbies again." Spidey, 3/30/05

"RE: S13 location??"
Posted by KObrien_fan on 02-13-06 at 06:36 AM
Maybe he is waiting for the call from CBS and wants to study the local flora and fauna of said new location prior to selection so that he has an advantage over the others. Wouldn't that be refreshing to see someone on the show that was prepared?

"RE: S13 location??"
Posted by toad8098 on 02-15-06 at 11:49 PM
LAST EDITED ON 02-15-06 AT 11:50 PM (EST)

I'm always curious as to where it's headed. I'm always focused on the current season, but figured it would be interesting to know where it's headed. And if it's Panama again, I wonder what they'll come up with for the title?? Maybe they'll be by the Canal. Survivor: Panama Canal. LOL

"RE: S13 location??"
Posted by coolbluepig on 02-13-06 at 06:34 AM
LAST EDITED ON 02-13-06 AT 06:42 AM (EST)

I HOPE IT IN THE PHILIPPINES!!!!!!! the japanes edition of survivr used philippines as a location!!!!!!!


ETA: I think in Jeff's teleconference he said that their next location is the theme...

Co0L 3luE P1g: OINK OINK...

"RE: S13 location??"
Posted by xwraith27 on 02-13-06 at 07:10 PM
LAST EDITED ON 02-13-06 AT 07:14 PM (EST)

Hey coolblue! Nice to see another Flippy in the boards. I was kinda wondering if I was alone here. I read somewhere that the Philippines was actually the first choice for S6, but the shooting was canceled because of terrorist alerts.

Some European versions of Survivor have also been shot in Palawan and some outlying islands. S1 and S10 have so far been the closest to the Philippines in terms of location. I DO hope though that they do a Survivor in the Batanes Islands or in Siquijor. A voodoo/witchcraft theme would be perfect in such locations.

"RE: S13 location??"
Posted by coolbluepig on 02-14-06 at 07:10 AM
wuhoo!!! i thought i was alone too!!! yap wen i heard in PALAUA that they were close i was JUMOPING AND SCREAMIN WOTH JOY!!!

hopefully they go to the babuyan islands...

Co0L 3luE P1g: OINK OINK...

"RE: S13 location??"
Posted by Brownroach on 02-16-06 at 05:35 PM
I think in Jeff's teleconference he said that their next location is the theme...

He did, coolbluepig:

"And without giving anything away, our next season, the destination is going to be the theme. We have a great destination. That's really how it works."

I wondered what that meant exactly. I for one hope they keep the exile/hidden immunity idol going, even if they don't have a separate island to use for exile. It ups the ante in having to strategize.

Bridge for sale to highest bidder. Call 1-800-BRroach.

"RE: S13 location??"
Posted by FlamingCactusIT on 03-24-06 at 09:46 PM
I hate to bring back old threads, but it looks like the next location is the Cook Islands off of New Zealand.

"RE: S13 location??"
Posted by Wez on 03-24-06 at 11:19 PM
Dan and I got a tip back in '05 about the Cooks. Then a couple of months ago, we heard it was New Caledonia for S13 and they were looking at Cooks for S14.

Recently, there has been a lot of 'chatter' on the Lonely Planet Thorntree message board and in the Cook Island News (online) about Survivor filming in the Cook Islands this summer. Rumors are also floating around New Caledonia.

Originally, Dan and I heard they were returning to Panama for S13, but that seems to have been SEG 'misinformation.'

Here's the article from the Cook Island News
15 March

Million-dollar US reality TV bosses scout in Aitutaki

15 March: Scouts from the popular American reality television series Survivor are in the Cook Islands scouting for a possible location for their next series.
Early this month CBS announced a major round of renewals for their hit TV shows including Survivor.
According to locals in Aitutaki, a Survivor 'scouting crew' has been on the island since Monday. If all goes well the Cooks could be the location of the next Survivor television series.
Aitutaki mayor Teokotai Herman says the team of about 12 are looking at locations and researching other aspects of the viability of the island to host the show. Co-executive producer Kevin Greene is in Aitutaki, leading the scouting mission.
Herman says they are yet to confirm whether they will use Aitutaki as the next Survivor location. He says that if the show arrives it will be good marketing for the Cook Islands.
"It's going to be good, not only for the island, but for the country," he said yesterday.
CI News understands Tourism Cook Islands have been in discussions with the Survivor producers since last year.
The twelfth season of the popular reality series Survivor: Panama - Exile Island is currently being aired worldwide. It's expected that the show will conclude at the end of May. At the end of each show, the next filming location is announced. The series is produced by Mark Burnett and aired on the CBS network.
CBS spokesperson, Colleen Sullivan said yesterday that they could not confirm or deny any rumours or speculation about the show coming to the Cooks.
In the show, 16-20 American contestants are isolated in a remote location, divided into tribes, and compete for a cash prize, usually $1 million.
So will they 'outwit, outplay and outlast' in the Cooks for the next season?
Internet websites and forums have already pointed to Aitutaki as the location of the thirteenth series.
Dan Bollinger of 'Survivor Maps' (www.claycritters.com/map/survivormaps.htm) has already posted maps of Aitutaki on his site.
Aitutaki was most recently used as the location of the television series Shipwrecked 'Battle of the Islands' where contestants were divided into two teams, the Tigers and the Sharks on Moturakau and Rapota motu.
Bollinger says the Survivor series could have a 'Mutiny on the Bounty' theme as Captain William Bligh was the first to discover the island just days before the mutiny in 1789. - Helen Greig

"RE: S13 location??"
Posted by Outfrontgirl on 03-25-06 at 00:08 AM
Hi Wezzie!
OMG, that would be so great if they used Aitutaki. I have even been to the location of the Shipwrecked filming! The only bummer from my perspective is that I'm planning to go back to the Cooks as soon as I can manage and Survivor will bring a rush of tourists.

Our summer is kind of a dicey time to film there though, as it's the cyclone season there May to October. I'm surprised they wouldn't wait until the next filming season.

"RE: S13 location??"
Posted by vince3 on 03-25-06 at 00:13 AM
Shouldn't Survivor 13 be filming by now, anyway???

Because 3 Vinces are better than one.

"RE: S13 location??"
Posted by Outfrontgirl on 03-25-06 at 02:50 AM
LAST EDITED ON 03-25-06 AT 03:08 AM (EST)

they have never yet started filming for the Fall season until after the Finale of the spring show. If you think about it, everybody in Guatemala had seen the Palau season and knew Steph and BJ ... I think late June to early August is the usual time frame for the filming.

They can hardly hide a shoot in Aitutaki lagoon, as they will have to cancel the daily boat tours that visit the islands there. There are also a few flights daily between Rarotonga and Aitutaki on Air Raro, for both locals and of course tourists, so I'm not sure how they would handle that.

I told my husband about this news and his first response was, won't all the jet traffic over the camps be a little distracting?
Aitutaki itself is pretty remote and secluded in the Pacific, but within the lagoon, the motus are not that far from the main island and there is a lot of boat traffic, so they'll have to make some kind of agreement to seclude the areas they're using from tourists, for sure.

btw, if anyone is worried that the castaways would have it too easy there ... the mozzies are absolutely unbelievable and the sun is fierce ... although I was there in December, which is summer, and this would be shot in the middle of the winter there, so not as hot. But probably very rainy then.

The local delicacy on Aitutaki is beche le mer, or sea slug. You cut it open, squeeze out its guts, eat em up ... then toss it back, as the sea slug actually regrows its innards, talk about a renewable resource. And no, I didn't try it. Mostly I tried not to step on them ... they are everywhere on the sandy bottom.

"My Aitutaki photos"
Posted by Outfrontgirl on 03-25-06 at 00:15 AM
LAST EDITED ON 03-26-06 AT 01:46 AM (EST)

If anyone is interested, these are some of the photos I took in Aitutaki in November/December 2003. I entered them in the OT Summer Story contest for 2005.


And here is the webshots album with lots more pics labeled more to ID the motus where they might film: Moturakau and Rapota:


"RE: My Aitutaki photos"
Posted by PepeLePew13 on 03-25-06 at 09:49 AM
Great pics, OFG! If this is the next site, they picked a great location.

I'm thinking this would make for a great Exile Island site with a rule stating you can't go more than 5 feet or 10 feet away from the nebula while exiled...

A Tribe siggie
"Tsk, tsk. Pepe's messing with the newbies again." Spidey, 3/30/05

"RE: My Aitutaki photos"
Posted by Wez on 03-25-06 at 11:51 AM
Hi OFG! Miss you!

A traveler posted this on the Lonely Planet Thorntree message board,

"Just came back from Aitutaki and yes it is true. The Crew has actually booked an entire resort for 3 months (starting end of April/May"

and the Cook Island News reported,

"According to locals in Aitutaki, a Survivor 'scouting crew' has been on the island since Monday. If all goes well the Cooks could be the location of the next Survivor television series. Aitutaki mayor Teokotai Herman says the team of about 12 are looking at locations and researching other aspects of the viability of the island to host the show. Co-executive producer Kevin Greene is in Aitutaki, leading the scouting mission."

David Stanley, the author of the Moon travel books, writes a travel blog. About Survivor filming in the Cook Islands, he said,

If the Survivor people are really looking for a location in the Cook Islands Penrhyn Atoll would seem to serve their needs far better.

and a few days later,

Nothing has been confimed yet, but stay tuned."

So, the evidence certainly seems to be leaning towards Cook Islands for either S13 or 14. The evidence that makes me think that Cooks will be used for S13 is the Thorntree poster's comment about her resort (Are Tamanu) being booked for the summer by SEG. Plus, all this chatter reminds me of Vanuatu's lively coconut telegraph. As Thorntree poster said, "Everybody in the Cooks knows about it - it's big news."

As always, Dan Bollinger has done a super job on Survivor Maps. Here's his page on the Cook Islands:

Survivor Maps HOME page (for links to maps of past Survivor seasons): http://www.claycritters.com/map/survivormaps.htm

... but, back to my tipster. The tip was 'S13 in New Caledonia'. I wrote to someone there and was told, "I've heard the rumors too but I can't confirm!" Hmm... why the exclaimation point?

"RE: My Aitutaki photos"
Posted by Outfrontgirl on 03-26-06 at 07:02 PM
LAST EDITED ON 03-26-06 AT 07:03 PM (EST)

Thanks Pepe!
Funny you should pick that picture, because a couple years ago I was having a "good location for next Survivor" conversation and I threw in that exact picture of the sandbar ... as a very challenging place to survive! LOL, especially during high tide.

I have been spamming Dan's Sucks thread and talking to Wezzie, Dan, Quartzeye et al over there ... waiting until it's confirmed to go nuts over here, but here's the link, Dan posts his map of Aitutaki at about page 15 (linked), it's up to page 23 now.

Mea culpa me maxima culpa as Jimmy Buffet says.


PS. I edited the link to my full album of Aitutaki pics that I've relabeled with specific locations into my earlier post, but you might not have seen it as it's just an edit.

Posted by Outfrontgirl on 03-30-06 at 09:00 PM
It's Aitutaki.
The shipping is arranged; the accommodations have been hired; the boat operators are on board ... it's a go. Congrats to Dan Bollinger and thanks for all his hard work! His maps are great and updated with new and more certain locations for TC/PC.

When I say it's a go, I mean it's been confirmed by multiple local sources as definite. Could they back out and hurt a lot of people who are counting on them to infuse cash and PR? I suppose so, but that would be most uncool and create bad vibes.
Could something unforeseen happen? Sure. So don't yell at ME if it does, lol. But barring the above I am sure that the locals are sure that it's awn.

The Cook Islanders are among the nicest people I've ever met. They are friendlier than the Irish, and that says something.
And the lagoon is simply gorgeous, should look awesome on TV.

"RE: Confirmation"
Posted by toad8098 on 03-30-06 at 10:34 PM
Thank God it's not Panama again! Anywhere but Panama. Hopefully S14 will be New Caledonia. And then maybe S15 could head to Africa and maybe be filmed in Madagascar or Seychelles.

"RE: Confirmation"
Posted by Karchita on 03-31-06 at 03:41 AM
Thanks for posting your photos, OFG, they are beautiful. I like the stirations one in particular. I was on Aitutaki almost 20 years ago, which is a little hard to believe, but time does fly. At that time, there were no hotels and we stayed with a local family. Anyhow, it's exciting that Survivor is going there; I think it'll be a terrific location. I always like the shows on islands the best. It just makes more sense to me to be surviving on an island.

"RE: Confirmation"
Posted by afb0333 on 04-07-06 at 10:46 AM
Does anyone know if they started having callbacks yet?

"RE: Confirmation"
Posted by Outfrontgirl on 04-07-06 at 03:47 PM
That's not something we really track at this board. Over at Sucks in the Future Survivor forum you'll find a discussion on casting calls. This is purely a location thread.

"RE: Confirmation"
Posted by afb0333 on 04-07-06 at 04:02 PM
Sorry. Thanks.