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"Ghost Tribe Redux?"

Posted by dphagan on 02-03-06 at 08:25 AM
Hey all,

I was perusing the CBS website, and noticed something interesting. If you go to the voting history page, the chart has 16 columns, rather than the 13 (4 people in the last column) it would take to vote each survivor off once. Also, there seems to be 3 columns containing all 16 slots. Add to that the tidbit stating that after the tribe mixup next week there is one person left over and Jeff reveals another twist in the game. Is it possible that the Ghost Tribe (from Pearl Islands, also filmed in Panama) has returned?

Any thoughts?


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"RE: Ghost Tribe Redux?"
Posted by PepeLePew13 on 02-03-06 at 02:44 PM
16 columns for 16 people. It was the same way as last season where they showed 18 names across. I don't think CBS wants to give anything away so they're just laying it out that way for now. For example, in Palau, there was a double boot in episode 5, but I doubt they set up the voting history chart to show two boots right away, they prolly had it the same way as it is now for SExI.

I do wish that CBS would get their act together -- they're notorious for colossal screwups or source errors. And it'd be nice if they learned to spell their own contestant names correctly as Aras is spelled as "Arias" and Danielle is spelled as "Danniel" on the voting history sheet.

Check out my Survivor Guatemala Finale episode summary

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"Tsk, tsk. Pepe's messing with the newbies again." Spidey, 3/30/05

"RE: Ghost Tribe Redux?"
Posted by Brownroach on 02-03-06 at 02:55 PM
Aras is spelled as "Arias" and Danielle is spelled as "Danniel" on the voting history sheet.

Omigod. Clearly that means they are the final 2.

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