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"S12 EP1 East Coast Update Thread "

Posted by IceCat on 02-02-06 at 07:14 PM
Please keep all discussion of tonight's episode on this thread until 11:00PM Eastern Time. Thanks

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Messages in this discussion
"RE: S12 EP1 East Coast Update Thread "
Posted by volsfan on 02-02-06 at 07:34 PM
Am I the first? Bring on Exile Island! WOO and HOO!

"RE: S12 EP1 East Coast Update Thread "
Posted by Survivorerist on 02-02-06 at 07:38 PM
15 minutes to go! Is everyone excited? Yay!



"RE: S12 EP1 East Coast Update Thread "
Posted by Scarlett O Hara on 02-02-06 at 07:38 PM
LAST EDITED ON 02-02-06 AT 07:39 PM (EST)

I'm with ya, baby!!! Woooo Hooooo!


"RE: S12 EP1 East Coast Update Thread "
Posted by xwraith27 on 02-02-06 at 07:42 PM
Might not even be able to watch it. *sobs* WORK SUCKS!

"RE: S12 EP1 East Coast Update Thread "
Posted by alwaysintruble1 on 02-02-06 at 07:45 PM
That is unless you have a TV at work

"RE: S12 EP1 East Coast Update Thread "
Posted by kathliam on 02-02-06 at 07:47 PM
I didn't think I was going to be so excited about tonight. But, guess what! I am!

"RE: S12 EP1 East Coast Update Thread "
Posted by I_Brake4Survivors on 02-02-06 at 07:54 PM
I read on yahoo entertainment that CBS is going to selling downloads of Survivor episodes for $1.99 each for those who can't watch it.

"RE: S12 EP1 East Coast Update Thread "
Posted by vince3 on 02-02-06 at 07:57 PM
Comcast is selling the repeat airings for $.99 each.

"RE: S12 EP1 East Coast Update Thread "
Posted by vince3 on 02-02-06 at 07:51 PM
Ready! As soon as my local station gets done tooting the daily Steeler horn for the day....

"RE: S12 EP1 East Coast Update Thread "
Posted by Estee on 02-02-06 at 07:51 PM
In just a few minutes, we'll know how much this season is going to suck...

"RE: S12 EP1 East Coast Update Thread "
Posted by vince3 on 02-02-06 at 07:54 PM
Did you get my email?

"RE: S12 EP1 East Coast Update Thread "
Posted by Flowerpower on 02-02-06 at 07:55 PM
WOOOHOOOO, Let the game begin, here we go, there's EI and Jiffy! Looking as hot as ever! Vultures flying, silver lining to EI with the hidden II, here come the boats for the adventure of a life time....

divided into 4 tribes, battle the elements and each other, in the end only one will remain to claim the million dollar prize!

"And We Begin..."
Posted by kathliam on 02-02-06 at 07:56 PM
Four tribes of four, strangers forced to depend upon each other and forge a new civilization...brak, brak, brak.

The new opening is pretty cool, though. I'm loving the huge skull on Exile Island.

"RE: S12 EP1 East Coast Update Thread "
Posted by Dakota on 02-02-06 at 07:57 PM
They're alert and sharp as tacks!

"Bobby's Take on the Tribes"
Posted by kathliam on 02-02-06 at 07:59 PM
The Young Beefcake crowd, the Love Boat crowd (older men), the Golden Girls, and the Spice Girls.


"RE: S12 EP1 East Coast Update Thread "
Posted by PepeLePew13 on 02-02-06 at 07:59 PM
I? Am stoked to see IceCat around -- we haven't seen much of you on this site lately, buddy! Hope all is well with ya.

Brrrrrriiiing on Survivor! Let me sink my fangs and bashing acumen into these loozers! Hope Exile Island gets a real workout!

Check out my Survivor Guatemala Finale episode summary

A Tribe siggie
"Tsk, tsk. Pepe's messing with the newbies again." Spidey, 3/30/05

"Reward Challenge right off the bat"
Posted by kathliam on 02-02-06 at 08:01 PM
LAST EDITED ON 02-02-06 AT 08:08 PM (EST)

Each tribe chooses one person to run. They will race to the other side of the island to find a pile of skulls. Taking one skull at a time, smash on a rock, finding a wrapped piece of fabric within. They are looking for an amulet, not a stone. The first 3 tribe members who find amulets win flint for their tribes. Losing tribe chooses one person to go to Exile Island.

ETA: Ruth Marie, Terry, Danielle and Austin competing. And they're off. Austin is dodwn, Terry in the lead. They are all smashing skulls. The other tribe members are too far away to see what is happening. Terry (older men) finds an amulet. Austin (young men) finds an amulet. The women are having trouble unwinding the fabric. OMG, the tension. Finally, Ruth Marie comes through the trees with the final amulet.

The Spice Girls must leave someone on Exile Island. Danielle volunteers to stay, they others say no, they decide to do 'rock, paper, scissors'. Misty (in the cowboy hat) loses and must stay until the first immunity challenge. She will join her tribe and compete in that immunity challenge.

Jiffy explains about the secret immunity idol hidden on the island. It can be used at any time until F4. The person holding the idol can wait to reveal until after the votes are revealed. If used, the person with the next fewer number of votes is voted out. (But we all knew that already, right?)

The tribes are given maps to their camps. Misty has a machete, a bucket of water that needs to be boiled but no fire, and she has a lot of time to think about the game. Jiffy tells her he has already given her a clue to the whereabouts of the idol.


"RE: Reward Challenge right off the bat"
Posted by Dakota on 02-02-06 at 08:04 PM
Young women are the only ones without an amulet, and not flint. Danielle volunteers to stay on Exile Island, but Misty is staying

"*Missile* Engineer?"
Posted by Survivorerist on 02-02-06 at 08:06 PM
Double-you tee eff?

Wow Misty...what a hottie though (too bad about the spoilers this week )

Oh yeah, Misty exiled. Spoiler majority seems on the money thus far



"RE: *Missile* Engineer?"
Posted by Estee on 02-02-06 at 08:07 PM
And the most educated goes out on -- Rock-Paper-Scissors. Gee, maybe she should have tried something more complicated, like drawing straws.

"RE: *Missile* Engineer?"
Posted by Survivorerist on 02-02-06 at 08:09 PM
Oooh oooh oooh, how about whoever draws the purple rock gets exiled?!?



"RE: *Missile* Engineer?"
Posted by alwaysintruble1 on 02-02-06 at 08:10 PM
I was hoping for a mud wrestling match, but I know that was wishing too much.

"The II on Exile Island"
Posted by volsfan on 02-02-06 at 08:06 PM
Will EPMB show us if someone finds it or will it be kept from us until some "shocking" moment at TC?

"RE: The II on Exile Island"
Posted by alwaysintruble1 on 02-02-06 at 08:08 PM
I'll vote for saving it for the shocking momoent when X person gets all but 1 vote and the pulls out the II sending the player of their choice home with that 1 vote.

Oh the power!

Posted by vince3 on 02-02-06 at 08:07 PM
The first clue was given to Misty as he spoke to her but I missed it! It was in something he said to her. I'm confused...(doesn't take much).

"RE: HUH!?!"
Posted by Scarlett O Hara on 02-02-06 at 08:08 PM
Jiffy: "You have a lot of time to think about why FATE led you HERE."

"RE: HUH!?!"
Posted by mysticwolf on 02-02-06 at 08:28 PM
I think what she said Jiffy told her was "You have a lot of time to think about why FATE left you BEHIND."

"RE: HUH!?!"
Posted by Estee on 02-02-06 at 08:08 PM
Maybe that it's on the island itself -- don't waste time checking the rocks around the shoreline, tidal pools, etc.

"RE: HUH!?!"
Posted by Flowerpower on 02-02-06 at 08:09 PM
Yes, Jiffy said she's already been given the clue....he said you've got alot of time to think about how fate led you HERE>>> do you think it was where he was standing, perhaps?

Just going for a guess...

"RE: HUH!?!"
Posted by Survivorerist on 02-02-06 at 08:12 PM
The challenge was also very luck based...personally I'd be smashing the rest of those skulls myself



Posted by dabo on 02-03-06 at 00:46 AM
It came down to luck. This is Survivor, talent or skill or ingenuity, that stuff don't matter.

"RE: S12 EP1 East Coast Update Thread "
Posted by Jims02 on 02-02-06 at 08:08 PM
LAST EDITED ON 02-02-06 AT 08:08 PM (EST)


You can use the Immunity Idol after Jiffy's read the votes.

Wow. Quite the interesting start to the season.

"RE: S12 EP1 East Coast Update Thread "
Posted by volsfan on 02-02-06 at 08:11 PM
*waves* to Jims! Long time no see.

Were the young guys drinking wine?

"RE: S12 EP1 East Coast Update Thread "
Posted by Dakota on 02-02-06 at 08:13 PM
Great, we have a confessional saying she's not good with creepy crawly things -- someone tell her this isn't The Bachelor

"RE: S12 EP1 East Coast Update Thread "
Posted by xwraith27 on 02-02-06 at 08:14 PM
Didn't Probst say that Misty was eaten by bugs? Could it be that she met the same fire ants that Dalton Ross found?

"A new record!"
Posted by vince3 on 02-02-06 at 08:14 PM
The older women have fire with only 18 minutes into the show!

Timber Tina is most responsible for fire making.

"Young mens camp"
Posted by vince3 on 02-02-06 at 08:16 PM

Fire building skills sux.

Shelter bulding skills sux also.

"Young womens camp"
Posted by vince3 on 02-02-06 at 08:18 PM
Nothing to see here, except a DEAD TURTLE!

"Older mens camp"
Posted by vince3 on 02-02-06 at 08:20 PM
LAST EDITED ON 02-02-06 AT 08:22 PM (EST)

Bonfire in progress.

Alliance making between the military men.

Camp building in progress.

Both military men lied about their jobs.

Edit: Shane's moaning and groaning about lack of cigs.

"Aras has lost it"
Posted by Survivorerist on 02-02-06 at 08:15 PM
Leading some mystic yoga fire-making drill



"RE: Aras has lost it"
Posted by Estee on 02-02-06 at 08:24 PM
Is anyone else waiting for Aras to start talking about the mystic properties of holes?

"RE: Aras has lost it"
Posted by Survivorerist on 02-02-06 at 08:25 PM
Bwahahahaha...baZING! Estee scores!



"RE: Aras has lost it"
Posted by Loree on 02-02-06 at 09:46 PM
Wow Aras already has quite a sunburn.

"Courtney is..."
Posted by Survivorerist on 02-02-06 at 08:17 PM
apparently, a "Fire Dancer." This is going to be a good season.



"RE: Courtney is..."
Posted by Survivorerist on 02-02-06 at 08:19 PM
hahaha, Courtney is going on and on about the spirituality of a dead sea turtle and how it represents their tribe of women etc. etc. etc. She should get together with Aras



"RE: Courtney is..."
Posted by alwaysintruble1 on 02-02-06 at 08:19 PM
..also a tad over emotional.

Crying over a dead turtle found on the beach, when instead should be thinking about being a "survivor" and looking at dinner.

"RE: Courtney is..."
Posted by I_Brake4Survivors on 02-02-06 at 08:21 PM
she is showing her gemini traits right out of the gate

"RE: Courtney is..."
Posted by Loree on 02-02-06 at 09:49 PM
She would have fit in well in Thailand helping to bury the dead bats.

"RE: Courtney is..."
Posted by michel on 02-02-06 at 09:52 PM
She should also connect with Aras and his creation of energy with your hands!?!?

"RE: S12 EP1 East Coast Update Thread "
Posted by alwaysintruble1 on 02-02-06 at 08:21 PM
Terry and Dan shake on not lying to each other ever.

They both tell each other their secrets about their backgroud.

"RE: S12 EP1 East Coast Update Thread "
Posted by Survivorerist on 02-02-06 at 08:22 PM
Awwww, it's a bonding moment



"RE: S12 EP1 East Coast Update Thread "
Posted by Loree on 02-02-06 at 09:51 PM
If I was Dan I wouldn't trust Terry. Terry did not seem like he really wanted to make that deal about lying.

"'The turtle is Mother Earth.'"
Posted by Estee on 02-02-06 at 08:23 PM
The turtle is dinner.

"RE: S12 EP1 East Coast Update Thread "
Posted by alwaysintruble1 on 02-02-06 at 08:23 PM
Shane's already having withdrawl problems in the first few hours.

This could be interesting.

"RE: S12 EP1 East Coast Update Thread "
Posted by PepeLePew13 on 02-02-06 at 09:08 PM
LAST EDITED ON 02-02-06 AT 09:11 PM (EST)

Man... Shane is gonna be a lot of fun to watch and channel my voice through him this season.

"Goddamnit, where's my ciggies? I NEED my coffee, too?!"

A Tribe siggie
"Tsk, tsk. Pepe's messing with the newbies again." Spidey, 3/30/05

"RE: S12 EP1 East Coast Update Thread "
Posted by kathliam on 02-02-06 at 09:17 PM
At least he wasn't yelling 'where the HELL is my chiffon!'

PR, my new obsession.

"Finding their camps"
Posted by kathliam on 02-02-06 at 08:23 PM
The 4 tribes take off in their boats, heading to their island. Misty is alone on Exile Island. She is searching for the idol (okay, half-heartedly).

The Golden Girls arrive at their camp. Tribe name: Casaya. They have a pot and a machete. They gather for a little prayer. (Please do not ask me to identify these women by name yet.) the start working on starting a fire and start one rather quickly. Tina the 'Lumber Jill' works like crazy with the flint. OMG, they are singing Kumbaya. Please make it stop.

Once the fire is begun, they start collecting wood and burnable material. Tina is a machine! Cirie (?) is afraid of the leaves.

Young Bucks arrive at their camp. Tribe name: Viveros. They are playing baseball with a stick and coconuts. Aras is teaching them yoga and creating positive energy to think about making fire. (?) They can't start fire, their shelter is pathetic.

Spice Girls arrive, tribe name: Bayoneta. They discuss where to place their camp. They're just kinda wandering around. They find a dead sea turtle on the sand, and Courtney finds spiritual significance.

Love Boat is at their camp, tribe name: La Mina. They already have a fire going and collecting lots of wood. Terry tells us they are having big fun. Terry and Dan (?) make an immediate alliance and promise never to lie to each other and reveal their secrets to each other - Dan is a former astronaut and Terry is former military pilot.

Shane is going through serious nicotine withdrawal. (3 packs a day for 20 years? no ciggies in 31 hours? I'm glad I'm not alone with him.)

"RE: Finding their camps"
Posted by Survivorerist on 02-02-06 at 08:24 PM
Do you know what the tribe names mean?



"RE: Finding their camps"
Posted by tribephyl on 02-02-06 at 08:27 PM
Named after the islands they are staying on.

"RE: Finding their camps"
Posted by Survivorerist on 02-02-06 at 08:29 PM
Okay, I was gonna say "Why would you name a tribe after a stick attached to a gun?"



"RE: Finding their camps"
Posted by tvgeek401 on 02-02-06 at 08:47 PM
And I was excited that they named a tribe after one of our posters, but then I discovered that 's' isn't 'h'.

--gotta love Tribe and his awesome siggies!
You guys are going to be wondeful this season. I had a choice between working Monday, Wednesday, or Thursday night and Lost/24 beat out Survivor.

"Hey Tribe..."
Posted by vince3 on 02-02-06 at 09:15 PM
You need somebody to help building the extra rooms for Loser Lodge this year?????

"RE: S12 EP1 East Coast Update Thread "
Posted by Survivorerist on 02-02-06 at 08:23 PM
Shane is having tobacco withdrawls. He doesn't want to randomly lose it at camp...too bad, he'd fit right in.



"RE: S12 EP1 East Coast Update Thread "
Posted by mysticwolf on 02-02-06 at 08:30 PM
Did I see that right? Misty is thirsty so she eats a worm. (And seems to decide it doesn't taste too badly.)

Posted by Survivorerist on 02-02-06 at 08:31 PM
Hop a wall, paddle a raft, solve a puzzle, drop a flag. First three are safe.



"RE: Immunity"
Posted by Survivorerist on 02-02-06 at 08:32 PM
LAST EDITED ON 02-02-06 AT 08:35 PM (EST)

LAST EDITED ON 02-02-06 AT 08:34 PM (EST)

At the paddling stage, older men and younger women are ahead.

younger women are 1st to the beach, followed by older men and older women.

Younger women are 1st.
Older men are 2nd.
Younger men are 3rd (one of them is bleeding).

The older women are 4th and going to TC.



"We have our first blur of the season!"
Posted by vince3 on 02-02-06 at 08:32 PM
Apparently Cirie is having a wardrobe malfunction!

Posted by vince3 on 02-02-06 at 08:35 PM
The young women have immunity!!!!!!!

Misty is safe!

Older men 2nd

Younger men 3rd

Older women last and somebody is toast!

"RE: GAK!"
Posted by Survivorerist on 02-02-06 at 08:37 PM
Jeff tells the younger women that they get the bottom of the staff and that "maybe it has more spiritual power" ... now he's just being a pot-stirrer



"RE: We have our first blur of the season!"
Posted by alwaysintruble1 on 02-02-06 at 08:35 PM
LAST EDITED ON 02-02-06 AT 08:36 PM (EST)

As well as several of the younger guys having crack problems.

"RE: We have our first blur of the season!"
Posted by volsfan on 02-02-06 at 08:38 PM
There is no problem with crack problems on any of the younger guys...just saying!

"RE: We have our first blur of the season!"
Posted by alwaysintruble1 on 02-02-06 at 08:39 PM
As long as we get equal crack from the young women I'm ok with it.

"RE: S12 EP1 East Coast Update Thread "
Posted by Dakota on 02-02-06 at 08:36 PM
Not having read spoilers, I'd have to guess that the woman who's afraid of leaves might be vulnerable. Ya think?

"RE: S12 EP1 East Coast Update Thread "
Posted by Estee on 02-02-06 at 08:39 PM
*nods* It's got to be swinging towards Cirie -- early challenge drag, and leaf phobias aren't going to help. If she's afraid of trees, they're doomed.

"And in record time --"
Posted by Estee on 02-02-06 at 08:37 PM
-- the majority of spoilers blow the first boot. Including Snewser. The idol is teetering...

"RE: And in record time --"
Posted by Survivorerist on 02-02-06 at 08:40 PM
Have they ever gotten the RC wrong before?



"Immunity Challenge"
Posted by kathliam on 02-02-06 at 08:40 PM
Big storm. Shots of Misty alone on Exile Island. When morning comes, she's searching for the idol and eating bugs (she makes a face but says 'protein' -- good for her). Even if she doesn't find it, she plans to tricking her tribe mates into thinking she found the idol.

The tribes enter the beach for challenge. Misty joins the tribes. Jiffy questioning Misty about her experience. The II is a spear with 3 shrunken heads. Three teams will win immunity and the fourth team will go to Tribal and send someone home.

Challenge: all 4 tribe members start on a dock. Climb up and over barrier, swim to raft, raft attached to clip, release clip and start paddling to shore, race to beach to solve brain-teaser, goal is to release metal ring attached to rope, a diagram is buried if you wish to spend time digging for diagram. Once metal ring is released use it to retrieve grappling hook, pull on hook to release flag. First 3 tribes to release flag win immunity.

Young Bucks are in the lead, Golden Girls behind. Love Boat frees raft, Spice Girls right behind. Golden Girls can't release raft, Young Bucks too. Love Boat having paddling troubles. Golden Girls release raft. Young Bucks in trouble, swap out divers, are finally released. Spice girls reach the beach, Love Boat right behind. Golden Girls reach the beach. Spice Girls find the diagram. Young Bucks reach the beach. Spice Girls release the ring, raise their flag. They have immunity.

Love Boat finds the diagram, the other teams in rapid succession. Love Boat free their ring and release their flag.

Young Bucks solve their puzzle and release their flag. The Golden Girls are going to Tribal Council.

Posted by Survivorerist on 02-02-06 at 08:41 PM
went off by herself to reflect about her son who died in a car accident. We have our first sad moment



"RE: Tina"
Posted by alwaysintruble1 on 02-02-06 at 08:44 PM
And she caught a fish with her bare hands!

Of course it was laying on the rocks half dead, but she doesn't have to tell the others that right?

"RE: Tina"
Posted by Survivorerist on 02-02-06 at 08:45 PM
It's not *technically* a lie...



"RE: Tina"
Posted by mysticwolf on 02-02-06 at 08:45 PM
Ya mean that wasn't the dead sea turtle ceremony moment?

"RE: Tina"
Posted by Survivorerist on 02-02-06 at 08:46 PM
No, mystic, that was at the younge...ohhhhh, sarcasm. I get it.



"RE: Tina"
Posted by alwaysintruble1 on 02-02-06 at 08:49 PM
And, she's the first one voted off.

Didn't see that one coming at all.

"First vistim of TC is..."
Posted by vince3 on 02-02-06 at 08:49 PM


SOB! My BTS and Office Pool person is gone already!

"And it's Tina"
Posted by Survivorerist on 02-02-06 at 08:49 PM
Looks like an "X" across the board for the spoilers.



"RE: And it's Tina"
Posted by skye on 02-02-06 at 08:51 PM
Well kiss the old chick tribe bu-bye. Because there's no way the chubby twins are going to be able to survive the remaining challenges.

"RE: And it's Tina"
Posted by vince3 on 02-02-06 at 08:52 PM
LAST EDITED ON 02-02-06 AT 08:52 PM (EST)

Depends on how they get split at pick-em time.

"So much for that!"
Posted by volsfan on 02-02-06 at 08:49 PM
LAST EDITED ON 02-02-06 AT 08:49 PM (EST)

Well, we didn't get the boot right. WOW! Is alls I can say.

Posted by mysticwolf on 02-02-06 at 08:50 PM
I think they made a mistake voting Tina off first. But, she kinda shot herself in the foot when she said they weren't pulling any weight. Ouch!

"RE: Wow"
Posted by Loree on 02-02-06 at 10:01 PM
Tina never should have went and sat alone. The others noticed and talked about how odd it was. You never isolate yourself in this game unless you want to be voted out.

"It's official."
Posted by Estee on 02-02-06 at 08:51 PM
We've got at least three morons in the sixteen.

First boot is a little early to play 'eat the strong', isn't it?

"Heading to Tribal Council"
Posted by kathliam on 02-02-06 at 08:52 PM
Golden Girls at camp. Cirie is concerned she will be the first to leave. Tina is sitting out on the beach by herself. The other women find this odd. Tina is upset, she's thinking about her son who died in a car accident a short time ago.

Cirie is working on Ruth Marie about sending Tina home since Tina's the strongest tribe member. Tina is walking and finds a large fish that's still alive. He fights but she manages to put him in her pouch and takes it back to camp. Melinda sees that Tina is valuable to the tribe. Cirie cleans the fish so she also appears valuable.

Cool new Tribal digs! I pretty much expect Count Dracula to walk down the stairs, don't you?

Usual Jiffy questions, has it been hard? Harder than you expected? Cirie has never even slept outdoors and tells us at home to stay on the couch. (Yes ma'am.) Ruth Marie glad they had Tina who knew what to do in the outdoors. Cirie says, yea, Tina has been the leader, she started the fire and found the water, but so what, someone else would have eventually. Tina doesn't think the others have her work ethic but she can push them. Melinda says, uh-huh, we're working too.

Melinda votes, Cirie votes for Tina, Ruth Marie votes, Tina votes for Cirie.

Votes: Tina, Cirie, Tina, Tina. Tina is voted out. (You have GOT to be kidding me. You mean to tell me these other three women will pick up fish off the rocks? Know how to start fire? Way to survive -- vote out the one who does know how to do these things. /rant)

"RE: Heading to Tribal Council"
Posted by Outfrontgirl on 02-02-06 at 08:55 PM
I hope they let them suffer a little before they rescue them with the pickem

The stupider the establishment is, the smarter the rebels become.
Establishment stupidity is the greatest spur to creativity in evolutionary history ~ Robert Anton Wilson

"RE: Heading to Tribal Council"
Posted by xwraith27 on 02-02-06 at 08:59 PM
Whew! Tina was my second pick for bootee. At least I feel kinda good about my predicting powers.

Posted by Estee on 02-02-06 at 08:55 PM
-- bar -- bar -- hey, I just won ten credits!

"RE: S12 EP1 East Coast Update Thread "
Posted by Silvergirl1 on 02-02-06 at 08:55 PM

Once again, they voted off one of the strongest players.

Swim with me

"Next Time on Survivor...and Last Words"
Posted by kathliam on 02-02-06 at 08:56 PM
A twist on Exile Island raises the stakes. The pressure gets to Shane. And the storm moves in. (Anything that gets Shane to take off his shirt again is good by me.) Just as Shane is saying 'this place breeds bad luck', there is lightning and looks like it hit pretty close to him, he cringes and looks like something falls on him.

Tina's last words - the girls made a huge mistake, hopes they do terribly, working hard worked against her, was a great experience, no regrets, with the wrong group of girls.

"RE: S12 EP1 East Coast Update Thread "
Posted by MattyMax on 02-02-06 at 08:56 PM
I love Cirie! she KNOWS she the weakest link, so what does she do, start scheming!!!

Pick a target! line up some votes! 'confide' in a swing vote about the other swing vote!

Good job!

"RE: S12 EP1 East Coast Update Thread "
Posted by emydi on 02-02-06 at 09:29 PM
Wow!! What a great episode (mainly bc we were soooo wrong!!)

I don't know Snewser is not wrong usually, the only connection I could make from the picture and OFG's find of the article (NICE GOING OFG) was that it talked about FOG and Tina was a LOGger...I know weak..but if Snewser keeps posting pictures, we may have to look deeper to figure them out...

As I was taking my editing notes for VS' thread in the scene at the camps I wrote down Cirie v. Tina...so not a huge surprise when that's what happened...Tina did not help herself any by going off by herself so much..any reason is enough...it appeared that Melinda and RM were hesitant but Cirie was persuasive enuf to convince them that Tina was too strong come later on...

next week it's Cirie v. Shane..."let em quit"--he won't of course but it's a good story line that really has never been emphasized..I'm sure there were other smokers but this is the first time I recall it being shown as a big issue.

One thing else I noted was that Cirie cheered when Terry came around the bend with the first amulet in RC. I think she will really hit it off with him and Dan and Bruce...that will help her longevity.

I did like Cirie's comment at TC about "stay on the couch" EMPB is going to hilite her and Shane, as I thought

And, Pepe, Misty would SO NOT have pulled off the "I found the idol on Exile Island" strategy---I was so hoping that the young women lost to see if "Pepe's theory" would claim its first victim!!!

It looks like Shane is the next one on Exile...from what he said in previews, but I'll wait to make final decision until see more previews...

"RE: S12 EP1 East Coast Update Thread "
Posted by PepeLePew13 on 02-02-06 at 10:33 PM
LAST EDITED ON 02-02-06 AT 10:33 PM (EST)

>And, Pepe, Misty would SO NOT
>have pulled off the "I
>found the idol on Exile
>Island" strategy---I was so
>hoping that the young women
>lost to see if "Pepe's
>theory" would claim its first

Heh, a theory of my own, eh? It seemed like Misty was trying to subtlely hint that she might have the II when she joined in at the immunity challenge by saying "Yeah, looked enough" when Jiffy asked if she searched for the II. See if this comes up in the conversation in camp next week during the first few minutes while the young girls are still together.

Check out my Survivor Guatemala Finale episode summary

A Tribe siggie
"Tsk, tsk. Pepe's messing with the newbies again." Spidey, 3/30/05

"RE: S12 EP1 East Coast Update Thread "
Posted by Brownroach on 02-03-06 at 01:18 PM
It seemed like Misty was trying to subtlely hint that she might have the II when she joined in at the immunity challenge

She was. She said she was going to do that in confessional right before.

Bridge for sale to highest bidder. Call 1-800-BRroach.

"RE: S12 EP1 East Coast Update Thread "
Posted by emydi on 02-03-06 at 03:20 PM
right and she did a really bad job of it imho...

I'd like to see what she says to others(if anything at all) about hidden idol...bc if she continues with the "act" it may bite her in butt when someone DOES find it...If I were her on her new team, I would not send her back to Exile Island again to "try" to find it again and then use her "lying" as a means to vote her out...she seems to have bonded with Courtney bc they hugged before IC when she returned.

"RE: S12 EP1 East Coast Update Thread "
Posted by michel on 02-02-06 at 09:31 PM
When Shane says: "This place breeds bad luck" wasn't he on Exile Island. The background could've been the skull. And with Cirie saying Shane should quit, we can be quite certain they wind up on same tribe.

"RE: S12 EP1 East Coast Update Thread "
Posted by Flowerpower on 02-02-06 at 09:06 PM
Wow! We all got it wrong....don't you just love it! Well, we knew that it would be one of the girls tribes....but boy, the young girls finished first! Wow!

Now that we have met them, we have a little more to go on....I just love it when we're wrong though...it's anyone's game!

"All full of poo..."
Posted by Round Robin on 02-03-06 at 01:39 AM
...right off the get-go, both us and the spoilers. Boy, this is gonna be one hell of a season!

"RE: S12 EP1 East Coast Update Thread "
Posted by Jims02 on 02-02-06 at 09:14 PM
LAST EDITED ON 02-02-06 AT 09:15 PM (EST)

This summary's going to write itself, amidst all the symbolism and Bobby naming the tribes for me. It should be done by midnight tonight.

Yeah right.

Oh, and I love how Tina wished her tribe miserable failure. Cracks me up.

People named Tina on this show... It's either all or nothing for them.

"RE: S12 EP1 East Coast Update Thread "
Posted by Estee on 02-02-06 at 09:24 PM
*mumblegrumble* Sure, this year, they actually give out material... *watermelonrhubarb*

"I thought"
Posted by moonbaby on 02-02-06 at 09:15 PM
Dani won this the last time...

"RE: S12 EP1 East Coast Update Thread "
Posted by Rothschild on 02-02-06 at 11:43 PM
Win or Lose, Aras, with his sun burn, is an ideal candidate for a
skin cancer awareness poster