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"More S11 contestant pics, but no names yet"

Posted by Incognito9 on 07-17-05 at 04:44 PM
found these pics on Survivor Phoenix


the two newest speculated players include some metrosexual dude and a Kansas gal. Underneath each of their pics is a link to some blog that aims to update info as its made available

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Messages in this discussion
"RE: More S11 contestant pics, but no names yet"
Posted by Corvis on 07-17-05 at 06:49 PM
LAST EDITED ON 07-18-05 AT 10:15 AM (EST)

Some blog? Some blog?

Here are the names: Ryan Kline and Stacy Billings.

EDIT: Well, don't count on those names. Stacy Billings is almost certainly not the woman in the picture. Not sure about Ryan Kline.


Excuse me while I go blog some more.

"RE: More S11 contestant pics, but no names yet"
Posted by Incognito9 on 07-17-05 at 07:18 PM
>>>Here are the names: Ryan Kline and Stacy Billings.

Dammit, they need to stop it with casting people with the same 30 names.

Is EPMB already running out of names to cast? How about a Joe? a Dennis? a Rachel? an Annie? Mark? Laura?

But nope. Now I'll probably get another batch of 4 or 5 Johns to remember with different last name initials. Hey JohnMc, add these 2 newly confirmed DAWS to Survivor: Mogo Mogo 2.

"RE: More S11 contestant pics, but no names yet"
Posted by Brownroach on 07-18-05 at 02:48 PM
"some blog..." -- bwahahahaha

Keep us posted on any developments, Matt.

Bridge for sale to highest bidder. Call 1-800-BRroach.

"RE: More S11 contestant pics, but no names yet"
Posted by Incognito9 on 07-21-05 at 11:02 AM

Now there's some confirmed contestant named "Rafe".

Yes, "Rafe". I kid you not.


"RE: More S11 contestant pics, but no names yet"
Posted by Brownroach on 07-21-05 at 11:31 AM
Not quite confirmed yet, but VG thinks he's highly likely.

Bridge for sale to highest bidder. Call 1-800-BRroach.

"RE: More S11 contestant pics, but no names yet"
Posted by Scarlett O Hara on 07-21-05 at 03:27 PM
OMH! It's looking like another season of "Perfect" survivors ... ... bring back the regular more colorful characters!

"RE: More S11 contestant pics, but no names yet"
Posted by silentJ on 07-22-05 at 00:02 AM
Rafe? Glenn Beck's 1 year old adopted son? Hmmm... must be a juniors edition or something.

"RE: More S11 contestant pics, but no names yet"
Posted by Incognito9 on 07-22-05 at 09:41 AM
Rafe Judkins is on Facebook (thing for College Students)... listed as an alumnus from Brown and the same pic there as on the spoiler pages.

With such easy access to people's pics,... I wouldn't be surprised if this one was a hoax.

"RE: More S11 contestant pics, but no names yet"
Posted by Corvis on 07-22-05 at 11:13 AM
LAST EDITED ON 07-22-05 AT 06:05 PM (EST)

Check this out:


Rafe seems pretty normal looking there. And he's obviously a huge fan of Survivor.

"RE: More S11 contestant pics, but no names yet"
Posted by Thaibeach on 08-09-05 at 01:19 AM
Rafe seems pretty normal looking there. And he's obviously a huge fan of Survivor.

Um, Rafe? Carrot Top called. He wants his hair back.

Thou shalt not name thy child after the hero of a cheesy bodice-ripper romance novel.

"RE: More S11 contestant pics, but no names yet"
Posted by Georgianna on 08-09-05 at 12:33 PM
I just wonder if, come show time, there will be a blonde or red hair in evidence. Given the heavy emphasis that CBS is placing on this season’s theme, I have a feeling that we are about to see a cast of Latter Day Mayans: all dark hair and bronzed skin.

And it wouldn’t surprise me if our characters were appropriately costumed. Because I just can’t picture Fruit of the Loom and Victoria’s Secret wardrobes against the backdrop of a “vanished civilization”. But then again ...

Of course, no matter what the network does to set the mood, BobbyJon will eventually open his mouth. And there will go that!

"Danielle Boatwright"
Posted by Brownroach on 07-22-05 at 05:48 PM
Corvis found out the brunette is named Danielle 'Danni' Boatwright.

Bridge for sale to highest bidder. Call 1-800-BRroach.

"RE: More S11 contestant pics, but no names yet"
Posted by Incognito9 on 07-22-05 at 08:14 PM
Another potential Survivor 11'er? so soon?

Gary Hogeboom (former NFL player), age 47

He actually seems pretty cool by what this link says on him, at least compared to these other model types on S11 so far:


"Gary Hogeboom"
Posted by Flowerpower on 07-23-05 at 09:59 AM
See Corvis' blog for a note on Gary as well here and check out TDT, Truedorktimes.com. They have really researched Gary.
Here are the pics of him that TDT post on their site:

"RE: Gary Hogeboom"
Posted by Scarlett O Hara on 07-23-05 at 11:42 AM
What's this guys height? It looks to me like he will reprise the role previously filled by Ian (Palau), Ryan Shoulders (Panama), Mitch (Australia) --- in other words, here's our "tall guy."

"RE: Gary Hogeboom"
Posted by redbeard103152 on 07-23-05 at 05:35 PM
Scarlett For his sake I hope he fairs better than the other tall guys for all us tall guys 6ft4in yours truely included lol.RedBeard

"RE: More S11 contestant pics, but no names yet"
Posted by Draco Malfoy on 07-26-05 at 06:01 AM
Detroit Free Press also had an article on Hogeboom (or Hogenbloom as Tom Landry always referred to him:


Survivor: The Surreal Life. *rolleyes*

"Speaking of Draco, he has serious issues, still, the little snot." - kathliam

"4.0 cheerleader / sorority girl"
Posted by Incognito9 on 07-25-05 at 04:22 PM
We have the identity of this 4.0 GPA sorority / cheerleader girl

Her name is Morgan


No matter how badly she does, she won't suck as badly as the Pearl Islands Morgan

"Morgan Mc"
Posted by Flowerpower on 07-25-05 at 07:06 PM
LAST EDITED ON 07-25-05 AT 07:20 PM (EST)

Courtesy of TDT, here is a look at Morgan McDevitt....Cheerleader, sorority sister, National Honor Society:

"20 players again?"
Posted by Incognito9 on 07-27-05 at 03:47 PM
An article I just saw about Gary Hogeboom possibly being a Survivor contestant mentioned that Survivor: Guatemala would start being shown on TV on September 8...

Which has me thinking of several possibilities.

Is the Sept 8 date probably wrong?

Well.. if it isn't, then is there going to be more than the usual 14 episodes?

Which has me thinking... back in May, did the Guatemala promo say "18 NEW castaways" or just "18 castaways"?

Steph and BJ wouldn't be NEW castaways ... so is there a chance that .... there could be ... 20 players again?

Twisted logic indeed... but what do you think?

"RE: 20 players again?"
Posted by Corvis on 07-27-05 at 04:12 PM
From TDT's site, here is what the CBS promo said:

CBS: "18 Survivors will be marooned within this mysterious and rugged terrain. For the first time, the castaways will actually live within the ruins of a vanished civilization. And they will be forced to embrace the ancient Maya lifestyle. Join us this fall as the adventure continues with Survivor: Guatemala, The Maya Empire."

So, I'd say nope, we're looking at 18 Survivors. That still doesn't exclude the chance that Steph and BJ are not be in that number, but in that case, they probably don't play the game in the same way everyone else does.

"Blake Towsley"
Posted by Incognito9 on 07-29-05 at 11:33 AM
The previously unnamed model dude now has a name: Blake.


Blake = BobbyJon version 2.0?

"RE: Blake Towsley"
Posted by Flowerpower on 07-29-05 at 03:22 PM
LAST EDITED ON 08-11-05 AT 08:04 AM (EST)

Yes, defiately he is a male model, SMU graduate. Check out his pics at Survivor Phoenix...here are a few:

Says he is selling commercial real estate...

Posted by TanNymph on 07-29-05 at 03:49 PM
Great pics FP

"Brooke Struck"
Posted by Flowerpower on 08-02-05 at 12:18 PM
Brooke Struck: Name discovered by True Dork Times, who also reports: 26 years old, Hood River, Oregon. Graduated from Oregon State University and then from Pepperdine School of Law. Has background in volunteerism for HOPE and for teaching classes on first home buying. AmeriCorps Vista Volunteer of the Year.

"RE: Brooke Struck"
Posted by Incognito9 on 08-02-05 at 12:21 PM
I hope she does better than that arrogant Vanuatu Brook loser.

"RE: More S11 contestant pics, but no names yet"
Posted by Incognito9 on 08-04-05 at 00:01 AM
P.S. If the online Guatemala calendars are right, the Final 2 players in S11 have just been determined.


Would be ironic if this flake just above this sentence is one of those 2.

"RE: More S11 contestant pics, but no names yet"
Posted by tvgeek401 on 08-05-05 at 03:17 AM
Would be ironic if this flake just above this sentence is one of those 2.

As ironic as rain on your wedding day.

A Cygnus Masterpiece ignore this space. ignore, ignore, ignore this spaceIcecat is da bomb!
4 8 15 16 23 42
and it had better not be.

"Morgan McDevitt"
Posted by RMAZING AACE on 08-05-05 at 01:12 PM
I just looked up Morgan McDevitt on facebook (college students know what i'm talking about) and found her and she goes to the same college that was listen on survivorphenoix. Here is the message that I just sent her...

I heard a rumor somewhere... and you probably can't tell me if its true or not... that you are going to be on the next survivor... if its true send me a message back, you dont have to say anything about survivor but that will let me know if your on or not.

I will keep you guys updated on this and forward along any messages she writes back. BTW if the finaly 2 were determined yesterday or today than she wouldn't be one of them because her last activity on that site was today (Aug. 5)

"RE: Morgan McDevitt"
Posted by VolcanicGlass on 08-05-05 at 05:58 PM
Players returned home today. ;)
Nice catch.

Don't take a lack of response as a statement either way, as Morgan probably won't be able to comment until CBS announces the cast, due to contractual obligations.

"RE: Morgan McDevitt"
Posted by Wonderful on 08-07-05 at 02:14 AM
>I will keep you guys updated on this and forward along any >messages she writes back.

Morgan, most likely, is looking at survivor websites, so IF she does write back to you, I don't think she'd appreciate any forwarding of her messages to a public forum. Just saying.

Posted by RMAZING AACE on 08-06-05 at 06:01 PM
OK so maybe i'm stalking a little bit but she made this public knowledge on facebook... http://www.xanga.com/home.aspx?user=morganmalloy

theres her website... note the dates that she posted, do they line up with the show taping?

Also note the song she wrote on June 15 and the quote at the end of June 10... Could it mean anything??

"RE: Morgan"
Posted by Incognito9 on 08-06-05 at 06:34 PM
LAST EDITED ON 08-06-05 AT 06:34 PM (EST)

She is on The Facebook indeed. I also found that Rafe loser, as well as Eliza Orlins from S9: Vanuatu. But I'm not gonna "friend" any of them or contact them.

Are you from the same college as Morgan? Or did she accept your friend invite? How did you get all this dirt?

Morgan's Xanga (blog) is that of a stereotypical girl. Quotes from wussy songs, poetry, hints about an ex-boyfriend, and little snippets of their daily lives with hidden meanings that nobody really cares about. I think the real meat-and-potatoes of Morgan is in her link to her "Livejournal" from her Xanga.

I will browse it when I have time, if I feel like it.

This chick and her outrageously massive eyelashes better not disappoint on S11.

"RE: Morgan"
Posted by RMAZING AACE on 08-06-05 at 07:14 PM
She is definatly a good looking girl, and no I am not at the same school as her i just sent her an add request and she accepted!
The thing i found intresting is that the song she has is "Leaving on a jet plane" and that the quote says "Those who know..know. And those who don't, soon will." Could this mean that some people know shes on the show and some will soon find out??

"Morgan's Xanga"
Posted by Incognito9 on 08-06-05 at 07:42 PM
I am bored at the moment. I am going to take a few minutes and read her friends' Xangas that are found in the links one the left in Morgan's Xanga. Maybe 1 or 2 have slipped up and mentioned a thing or two about Survivor since June!

"RE: Morgan's Xanga"
Posted by RMAZING AACE on 08-06-05 at 07:45 PM
Let me know what you find... I also found her screen name and email.. I sent her a friendly email about her school asking some questions just to see if she would respond. And I swear i'm not a stalker!!

"RE: Morgan's Xanga"
Posted by Incognito9 on 08-06-05 at 08:58 PM

I have sent you a Personal Message (PM). On the main Conferences Page (Lobby), you'll see a red flag waving... click on that link there to open your inbox, my message will be there.

Welcome to the boards!

"Margaret Bobonich, Judd Sergeant"
Posted by Flowerpower on 08-07-05 at 02:19 PM
LAST EDITED ON 08-11-05 AT 08:05 AM (EST)

Two more S11 Contestants have been identified:

1. Margaret Bobonich was discovered by TDT here. She is 43, married and resides in Chardon, Ohio, a suburb of the Cleveland area. Her husband is Stephen and he is a Senior Vice President with Republic Bank in Cleveland. She is a Certified Registered Nurse Practioner...

2. Judd Sergeant was discovered by Survivor Phoenix here. He is a 35 year old, married New York City Doorman who resides with his wife in Ridgefield, NJ. His wife, Kristin, is a working actress.

Pictures will be added when they are revealed.

"RE: Margaret Bobonich, Judd Sergeant"
Posted by redbeard103152 on 08-08-05 at 10:46 AM
Piece by piece we are putting the puzzle together. Thanks alot for the update.RedBeard

"Jamie Newton"
Posted by Flowerpower on 08-10-05 at 07:33 AM
LAST EDITED ON 08-10-05 AT 07:57 AM (EST)

Jamie Newton is the next Survivor revealed by Survivor Fever. He is 24 from Douglas, Ga but now resides in LA. Occupation: Air conditioning and plumbing repair. Graduated from Central Missouri State Univ. in 2004 with BS in Finance. Member of the wrestling team. Has a twin brother and his biggest claim to fame so far was that he was a finalist in All My Children's "Sexiest Man in America" contest.

Sure looks like another serious DAW:

"RE: Jamie Newton"
Posted by Incognito9 on 08-10-05 at 10:12 AM

Another one-dimensional priick (a la John P., Jeff W.) who probably has absolutely no f&%$kin clue how to play the game. At this point, I'm convinced I would never have a chance at making it on this show, because I don't shave my chest, don't belong to Alpha Crappa Sigma MastaBeta fraternity, and can't bench at least 250 lbs. Even though I would have absolutely killer strategy once I make it to the merge - I have a feeling I could be incredibly obnoxious and create fake arguments and force 3-way ties at TC and such. But no, I don't belong to a modelling agency.


Posted by RMAZING AACE on 08-11-05 at 00:23 AM
Morgan has an away message up that reads "Check out the Early Show tomorrow morning!" so I guess we can pen her in as a definate contestant

"RE: Morgan"
Posted by Incognito9 on 08-11-05 at 00:31 AM
Stalk much?

"RE: Morgan"
Posted by Incognito9 on 08-11-05 at 00:33 AM
LAST EDITED ON 08-11-05 AT 00:37 AM (EST)

edited to include nothing