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"*** S10 - EP8 East Coast Update Thread ***"

Posted by IceCat on 04-07-05 at 07:58 PM
Before 11:00 EST, please use this thread or the Preview Vidcap thread to discuss tonight's episode ..................

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1) People who want to post and read about the episode as it is being telecast across the various time zones. If you can't wait for the show to appear in your time zone, read the 'East Coast Update Thread' for an on-the-fly commentary.

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Messages in this discussion
"RE: *** S10 - EP8 East Coast Update Thread ***"
Posted by alwaysintruble1 on 04-07-05 at 07:59 PM
Yeah, we know, Ulong svcks, and Koror is kicking thier butts all over the islands.

Bring on the new stuff!!

"RE: *** S10 - EP8 East Coast Update Thread ***"
Posted by alwaysintruble1 on 04-07-05 at 08:04 PM
LAST EDITED ON 04-07-05 AT 08:04 PM (EST)

Night at Ulong.

Steph thanksing BJ for keeping his word and not voting her off.

"RE: *** S10 - EP8 East Coast Update Thread ***"
Posted by alwaysintruble1 on 04-07-05 at 08:05 PM
Steph still having delusions that they can win.

"RE: *** S10 - EP8 East Coast Update Thread ***"
Posted by King Will on 04-07-05 at 08:06 PM
Oh good she's found Ib's mushroom stash then.

"RE: *** S10 - EP8 East Coast Update Thread ***"
Posted by Incognito9 on 04-07-05 at 08:06 PM
bare shark skull shown... rats are clearly getting more to eat there than Ulong

"RE: *** S10 - EP8 East Coast Update Thread ***"
Posted by alwaysintruble1 on 04-07-05 at 08:06 PM
Rats and flies are all over Koror's camp.

Tom says the rats are getting used to them

Coby says it because everyone is getting lazy.

"RE: *** S10 - EP8 East Coast Update Thread ***"
Posted by seahorse on 04-07-05 at 11:23 PM
I guess they are. If you leave dead seafood hanging around, the flies and rats are gonna go nuts. They should have thrown it back in the

"Ulong camp"
Posted by kathliam on 04-07-05 at 08:07 PM
LAST EDITED ON 04-07-05 AT 08:07 PM (EST)

Edited: sorry, Koror camp. My bad

Ewwww, their camp is just gross. They have food and trash laying all over the place. No wonder their camp is infested with flies and rats. Ewww.

"RE: *** S10 - EP8 East Coast Update Thread ***"
Posted by alwaysintruble1 on 04-07-05 at 08:07 PM
Coby b!tching big time about the women on his tribe!

"RE: *** S10 - EP8 East Coast Update Thread ***"
Posted by seahorse on 04-07-05 at 08:07 PM
Coby wants to push the girls in the fire. They are so lazy.

"RE: *** S10 - EP8 East Coast Update Thread ***"
Posted by CutsyTootsy on 04-07-05 at 08:09 PM
Do you think the reward fits the challange? That's a tough challange.

"RE: *** S10 - EP8 East Coast Update Thread ***"
Posted by seahorse on 04-07-05 at 11:28 PM
As long as someone else on my tribe is eating it, I'm okay. Otherwise forgewt it. The other tribe can have it.

"Reward Challenge"
Posted by alwaysintruble1 on 04-07-05 at 08:09 PM
Gross food eating for 55 gallons of fresh water and stuff to take showers because JP says they all stink.

Ian and Tom competing for Koror

"RE: *** S10 - EP8 East Coast Update Thread ***"
Posted by seahorse on 04-07-05 at 08:09 PM
Ian and Tom vs Steph and BJ eating nasty food (duck)

"RE: *** S10 - EP8 East Coast Update Thread ***"
Posted by Flowerpower on 04-07-05 at 08:14 PM
Interesting, the two men amoung men, competing against each other....if looks could kill, Tom would be dead....

"gross food challenge"
Posted by moonbaby on 04-07-05 at 08:10 PM
VERY gross. Fertilized eggs with little birdy bits inside. BLEH. I wouldn't eat that for any amount of soap and scope.

"RE: gross food challenge"
Posted by seahorse on 04-07-05 at 11:18 PM
I'm with you, moonie.

"RE: *** S10 - EP8 East Coast Update Thread ***"
Posted by seahorse on 04-07-05 at 08:10 PM
Tom ate it like it was nothing.

"RE: *** S10 - EP8 East Coast Update Thread ***"
Posted by seahorse on 04-07-05 at 08:11 PM
Steph is pretty good at eating it, herself.

"RE: *** S10 - EP8 East Coast Update Thread ***"
Posted by alwaysintruble1 on 04-07-05 at 08:11 PM
Tom ate 3 like it was nothing, Steph had a little but not much trouble.

"RE: *** S10 - EP8 East Coast Update Thread ***"
Posted by alwaysintruble1 on 04-07-05 at 08:12 PM
Tom vs BJ, first to eat 5 wins

"I can't watch this"
Posted by moonbaby on 04-07-05 at 08:14 PM
gross food stuff anymore. It makes me really queasy! Tom won. Of course. Now he'll go throw up. And so will I

"RE: *** S10 - EP8 East Coast Update Thread ***"
Posted by emydi on 04-07-05 at 09:01 PM
and Tom is now speaking of himself in the 3rd person....

Tom will do it...gimme a freakin break here...

But he didn't almost walk on water like Bobby Jesus did in the IC...

"RE: *** S10 - EP8 East Coast Update Thread ***"
Posted by seahorse on 04-07-05 at 08:12 PM
I wouldn't touch the stuff, but Tom should win this against BJ

"RE: *** S10 - EP8 East Coast Update Thread ***"
Posted by seahorse on 04-07-05 at 08:13 PM
Koror wins reward.

"RE: *** S10 - EP8 East Coast Update Thread ***"
Posted by alwaysintruble1 on 04-07-05 at 08:14 PM
BJ giving the most evil looks to Tom after losing the challenge to him.

"RE: *** S10 - EP8 East Coast Update Thread ***"
Posted by Incognito9 on 04-07-05 at 08:14 PM
Bobby Jon lost tiebreaker and looks Pi$$ed, lots of closeup on him giving Koror evil eye

"Reward Challenge"
Posted by kathliam on 04-07-05 at 08:14 PM
Gross food challenge. Must eat bilud (? partially fertilized egg, Palua delicacy). Must go in rounds, 1 egg, then 2, then 3, then 4. Reward is 55 gallons fresh water in a tank with a shower head, plus basket of hygiene items (mouthwash, toothpaste, shampoo, soap, etc.)

Stephanie v. Tom. , and BJ v. Ian. First round, both finish. Second round, both finish. Third round, both finish. Fourth round, both finish. BJ v. Tom for tie-breaker, must eat 5 eggs. Tom finishes, BJ almost lost it, still has a mouth full of egg.

Koror wins Reward. Ian doing the happy dance, tribe taking turns swigging the Scope.

"RE: *** S10 - EP8 East Coast Update Thread ***"
Posted by seahorse on 04-07-05 at 08:14 PM
I would hate to lose that challenge after eating that garbage.

Posted by King Will on 04-07-05 at 08:16 PM
At least the protein should help Ulong for the immunity...

or not.

"RE: *** S10 - EP8 East Coast Update Thread ***"
Posted by MS MONTANA on 04-07-05 at 08:16 PM
At least Ulong got some protein...

"RE: *** S10 - EP8 East Coast Update Thread ***"
Posted by MS MONTANA on 04-07-05 at 08:17 PM
haha Great minds think alike - everbody needs an optimist

"RE: *** S10 - EP8 East Coast Update Thread ***"
Posted by King Will on 04-07-05 at 08:20 PM
Especially Ulong.

"RE: *** S10 - EP8 East Coast Update Thread ***"
Posted by BoBoSYD on 04-07-05 at 08:18 PM
I've always thought the food challenge was contemptuous of the palyers.

Posted by AyaK on 04-07-05 at 08:34 PM
...the idea was that "survivors" would have to make do with whatever they found on the place where they washed up/crashlanded.

At first, it was unique. But now, with so many shows doing these, it's just gross. I don't want to be grossed out by Survivor.

"RE: Well..."
Posted by seahorse on 04-07-05 at 11:31 PM
That is why I don't watch fear factor.

"RE: *** S10 - EP8 East Coast Update Thread ***"
Posted by Incognito9 on 04-07-05 at 08:18 PM
Oh like these guys at Club Med need anymore rewards.

What's next? Casino?

"RE: *** S10 - EP8 East Coast Update Thread ***"
Posted by seahorse on 04-07-05 at 08:19 PM
I agree the water should be used for drinking.

"RE: *** S10 - EP8 East Coast Update Thread ***"
Posted by Incognito9 on 04-07-05 at 08:20 PM


"RE: *** S10 - EP8 East Coast Update Thread ***"
Posted by seahorse on 04-07-05 at 11:33 PM
But she made fun of him in a confessional. She didn't have the guts to stand up against him with the tribe.

"RE: *** S10 - EP8 East Coast Update Thread ***"
Posted by alwaysintruble1 on 04-07-05 at 08:20 PM
Tom wants to save the water for drinking, and Jenn really wants to take a shower (probably with Gregg)

Tribe agrees to save the water.

"they could have bathed in salt water and"
Posted by moonbaby on 04-07-05 at 08:22 PM
rinsed quickly in a minimal amount of fresh. I've done that, it works just fine.

"RE: they could have bathed in salt water and"
Posted by kathliam on 04-07-05 at 08:28 PM
Wasn't it Vanuatu or Pearl Island they received soap supplies as reward and the ladies all bathed in the lagoon? I seem to remember the men drooling over the ladies lathering themselves.

Posted by seahorse on 04-07-05 at 08:20 PM
Jenn is alive and can talk.

"RE: Newsflash"
Posted by alwaysintruble1 on 04-07-05 at 08:22 PM
I think that was more words than she's said the enitre season so far!

Posted by kathliam on 04-07-05 at 08:21 PM
Koror is debating whether to use the water for showers or drinking. Jenn is looking forward to taking a shower, but Tom is pressing for filling up the canteens first. Ian agreeing, Greg makes mention that some folks wanted to take a shower. None of the girls wants to speak up for taking showers. In the end they decide to save the fresh water for drinking. (Smart move, imho)

"RE: *** S10 - EP8 East Coast Update Thread ***"
Posted by alwaysintruble1 on 04-07-05 at 08:21 PM
BJ getting really really tired of losing, esp to Tom.

"RE: *** S10 - EP8 East Coast Update Thread ***"
Posted by kathliam on 04-07-05 at 08:22 PM
He's taking out his frustration by chopping trees with his axe, and Stephenie's getting a little freaked out.

Posted by AyaK on 04-07-05 at 08:25 PM
Geez, we've already answered all of the questions raised by the CBS misdirection this week:

A Survivor becomes irritated with the tribe's living conditions and lack of maintenance around camp, which has attracted unwelcome visitors.


Several weeks surviving on an island has driven one Survivor to exhibit unruly behavior, much to the concern of a tribemate.

Unruly behavior: BJ. Tribemate: Stephanie.

The Survivors get a chance to sample a Palauan delicacy, which can be rather difficult to swallow. Who has the will to stomach this indigenous cuisine?


Two Survivors disagree on how the tribe should enjoy their Reward, leaving one of them feeling defeated and annoyed with the final decision.

Tom and Jenn, with Jenn the defeated-annoyed one.

All in the first 20 minutes!

"RE: *** S10 - EP8 East Coast Update Thread ***"
Posted by seahorse on 04-07-05 at 08:23 PM
Gregg and Jenn are a threat to Tom and Ian

"Alliances Revealed"
Posted by kathliam on 04-07-05 at 08:24 PM
Finally some alliances revealed at Koror. Ian and Tom are talking, and reveal they are in an alliance with Katie and if Stephenie makes it they have an alliance with her, they plan to split up Gregg and Jenn at the first chance.

"RE: Alliances Revealed"
Posted by King Will on 04-07-05 at 08:27 PM
maybe Koror has been trying to put up some weaker immunity challenge teams of late (janu, jenn, caryn) tom and ian have to sit out this one. Can't lose for trying though.

"RE: Alliances Revealed"
Posted by seahorse on 04-07-05 at 11:37 PM
I don't think they ever tried to lose, the just had to spread out the challenge participants due to an 8 vs. 2 imbalance. Remember they only used males in both challenges, which was smart.

"RE: *** S10 - EP8 East Coast Update Thread ***"
Posted by alwaysintruble1 on 04-07-05 at 08:25 PM
Steph complaining how nasty Bj had become about everything.

"RE: *** S10 - EP8 East Coast Update Thread ***"
Posted by seahorse on 04-07-05 at 08:25 PM
Bobby Jon is eating the shell of the crab. Steph is complaining about BJ big time.

"RE: *** S10 - EP8 East Coast Update Thread ***"
Posted by alwaysintruble1 on 04-07-05 at 08:26 PM
Ulong struggling just to get their canoe into the water

"RE: *** S10 - EP8 East Coast Update Thread ***"
Posted by seahorse on 04-07-05 at 08:28 PM
A two person tribe is difficult. It seems all on Koror are sitting around taking it easy for the most part.

"RE: *** S10 - EP8 East Coast Update Thread ***"
Posted by Incognito9 on 04-07-05 at 08:27 PM
Stephenie gives a sweet and touching soliloquy about the trouble her and Bobby Jon are facing in the game.

"RE: *** S10 - EP8 East Coast Update Thread ***"
Posted by seahorse on 04-07-05 at 08:30 PM
There is obviously no love life between these two.

"i'm getting sadder and sadder"
Posted by littletown on 04-07-05 at 08:30 PM

"RE: i'm getting sadder and sadder"
Posted by seahorse on 04-07-05 at 08:31 PM
And why is that.

"RE: *** S10 - EP8 East Coast Update Thread ***"
Posted by Incognito9 on 04-07-05 at 08:31 PM

Steph and Bobby Jon - big deal made out of their meal and big emphasis on the 2 of them.

Reminiscent of a "Last Supper"

I worry

"RE: *** S10 - EP8 East Coast Update Thread ***"
Posted by seahorse on 04-07-05 at 08:33 PM
Immunuity is a swimming game along with making a puzzle, not a BJ specialty.

"Anyone catch the sarcasm..."
Posted by alwaysintruble1 on 04-07-05 at 08:33 PM
when Jeff said that immunity was back up for grabs and anyone can win?

Even JP know's how bad Ulong svcks!

"RE: *** S10 - EP8 East Coast Update Thread ***"
Posted by Incognito9 on 04-07-05 at 08:33 PM
P.S. This show is evil for leaving them as 2 separate tribes for this long

"RE: *** S10 - EP8 East Coast Update Thread ***"
Posted by seahorse on 04-07-05 at 08:35 PM
It's definitely something new.

"RE: *** S10 - EP8 East Coast Update Thread ***"
Posted by seahorse on 04-07-05 at 08:34 PM
Coby and Gregg compete for immunity for Koror.

"RE: *** S10 - EP8 East Coast Update Thread ***"
Posted by skye on 04-07-05 at 08:35 PM
You would think that being gay Coby would have more fashion sense. Bikini undies on men = not good.

Just saying is all.

Dressed for Spring by SigGoddess Syren

"RE: *** S10 - EP8 East Coast Update Thread ***"
Posted by BoBoSYD on 04-07-05 at 08:39 PM
I'm confused.
ARe they still only with the clothes they arrived on the island with?
Is that why most are still in their underwear?
And is that hygienic?

"RE: *** S10 - EP8 East Coast Update Thread ***"
Posted by alwaysintruble1 on 04-07-05 at 08:36 PM
Ulong actually had a lead for a little bit, until BJ struggled getting last bag.

All tied up putting the puzzle together

"RE: *** S10 - EP8 East Coast Update Thread ***"
Posted by seahorse on 04-07-05 at 08:36 PM
Ulong has a big lead, but I bet the puzzle kills Ulong.

"RE: *** S10 - EP8 East Coast Update Thread ***"
Posted by seahorse on 04-07-05 at 08:37 PM
Koror has puzzle together first.

"Poor Ulong"
Posted by AyaK on 04-07-05 at 08:38 PM
The wipeout is complete!

"RE: *** S10 - EP8 East Coast Update Thread ***"
Posted by seahorse on 04-07-05 at 08:38 PM
Koror wins again, gasp. Who would have thunk it.

"Immunity challenge"
Posted by kathliam on 04-07-05 at 08:38 PM
Sink or Swim. swim to series of pontoons, under the pontoons is rope holding 4 bags of puzzle pieces. One person at a time swims out and retrieves bag of puzzle pieces, walk back over balance beam. Once all bags are retrieved, start working on puzzle. It's a word scramble puzzle, find connecting words to decipher immunity phrase.

Stephanie vs. Gregg. They are neck and neck. BJ v. Coby. Coby up first, but BJ beats him over the pontoons. Stephenie has a lead over Gregg. BJ is in the water before Gregg returns. Coby is closing the gap. BJ struggling to retrieve last bag, Coby caught up. BJ on beach first, but teams are basically neck and neck. Koror has puzzle together and starts working on word scramble. Ulong can't get puzzle together. Koror has all their words and working on their phrase. Koror deciphers the phrase "Victory at Sea" and wins Immunity.

Ulong goes to Tribal Council, because there are only two there will be no vote, but instead an individual challenge and the loser goes home.

"I'd laugh if the 2 pers IC"
Posted by IceCat on 04-07-05 at 08:39 PM
... was another puzzle.

Gawd whut a doofus that Bobby Jon is.

"RE: *** S10 - EP8 East Coast Update Thread ***"
Posted by alwaysintruble1 on 04-07-05 at 08:39 PM
JP tells them there will be an individual immunity challenge at TC tonight for Ulong to compete in.

"RE: *** S10 - EP8 East Coast Update Thread ***"
Posted by seahorse on 04-07-05 at 08:39 PM
Something new an individual immunity challenge at tribal council since there are only two left on Uloing.

"RE: *** S10 - EP8 East Coast Update Thread ***"
Posted by seahorse on 04-07-05 at 08:42 PM
I actually thought Koror would vote the last of Ulong off at tribal council.

"RE: *** S10 - EP8 East Coast Update Thread ***"
Posted by alwaysintruble1 on 04-07-05 at 08:43 PM
Coby crying about how nice it is to be part of a winning team, since he was picked on as a kid.

"RE: *** S10 - EP8 East Coast Update Thread ***"
Posted by littletown on 04-07-05 at 08:44 PM
the locusts are coming to kill bobby jon
coby has an emotional moment

"RE: *** S10 - EP8 East Coast Update Thread ***"
Posted by seahorse on 04-07-05 at 08:45 PM
Real tears from Coby.

"Interesting Point"
Posted by kathliam on 04-07-05 at 08:45 PM
Koror is talking about how amazing it is to be on a team that has won every immunity challenge. Coby mentions they are all on the jury. That will be one tough final speech, with people who have seen you play every minute of the entire game. (With the exception of the single remaining Ulong.)

"RE: *** S10 - EP8 East Coast Update Thread ***"
Posted by alwaysintruble1 on 04-07-05 at 08:46 PM
Steph talking about how scary it would be to come back to camp tonight after TC all alone.

"RE: *** S10 - EP8 East Coast Update Thread ***"
Posted by seahorse on 04-07-05 at 08:47 PM
Steph is scared that there will be no merge and that she will have to go back to camp by herself if she wins.

"RE: *** S10 - EP8 East Coast Update Thread ***"
Posted by seahorse on 04-07-05 at 08:47 PM
BJ says he can last by himself for weeks.

"RE: *** S10 - EP8 East Coast Update Thread ***"
Posted by seahorse on 04-07-05 at 08:48 PM
At least the winner will make it to the jury.

"RE: *** S10 - EP8 East Coast Update Thread ***"
Posted by seahorse on 04-07-05 at 08:50 PM
How ironic, the challenge is to make fire.

"RE: *** S10 - EP8 East Coast Update Thread ***"
Posted by seahorse on 04-07-05 at 08:51 PM
I can not imagine any of the girls from Koror competing in this task. Steph wins immunity.

"RE: *** S10 - EP8 East Coast Update Thread ***"
Posted by braveheart on 04-07-05 at 09:08 PM
Just a thought:

Why didn't BJ blow on the fire...you see him looking at Steph blowing on her fire with success but yet he doesn't follow suit. Didn't he want to win? Maybe he'll explain tomorrow.


"RE: *** S10 - EP8 East Coast Update Thread ***"
Posted by seahorse on 04-07-05 at 08:52 PM
BJ is gone but the tribe has not spoken

Posted by emydi on 04-07-05 at 09:10 PM
THat was the suckiest Survivor ever!!

This week sucked as far as my reality show watching

First Brian and Greg leave on TAR while Rob and Lamber come in first and win yet another prize, then Nikko leaves instead of Anthony The Hideous on Am Idol and now BJ goes in Survivor

And his final words were about the best of any Survivor's ever. He just became my favorite Survivor...I wish I could call Survivor Live tomorrow but I'll be out all day

At least for JTS I was right that the challenge was at TC where the jury would sit and his torch was snuffed out...no vote though, oh well....

"RE: Ok"
Posted by Brownroach on 04-08-05 at 11:00 AM
And his final words were about the best of any Survivor's ever.

I liked how, since there were no votes to show, they showed a little montage of BJ's greatest hits while he was giving his last words -- whacking at the logs with his axe, trying to swallow the gross food, racing into the water, etc. It was a nice touch, and a well-deserved little tribute.

Bridge for sale to highest bidder. Call 1-800-BRroach.

"RE: *** S10 - EP8 East Coast Update Thread ***"
Posted by Incognito9 on 04-07-05 at 08:52 PM
OK that was by far the most evil and awkward departure they could've made.

They rushed BJ outta there before he could've even said "Boo"

"RE: *** S10 - EP8 East Coast Update Thread ***"
Posted by seahorse on 04-07-05 at 08:53 PM
And Steph has to go back to her camp alone.

"Tribal Council (Sort Of)"
Posted by kathliam on 04-07-05 at 08:53 PM
Jiffy talking to Steph and BJ how it was at camp today with just the 2 of them. He even mentions it's like the F2 except we're only half way through the game. BJ says Steph can do anything a man can do. Lot of talk about most important element - fire.

The challenge: fire building challenge. Each person given 25 matches, coconut husk and kindling. Build fire big enough to light the torch. BJ has fire first, Steph right behind. Steph's flame is higher. Steph's torch is lit, it's over for Bobby Jon. BJ tells her to win this thing as he leaves.

Stephenie talking about going back to camp, a little hope in her eyes that Jiffy will say, 'nah, head on over to Koror'. She says she left the fire stoked, lots of firewood and her bed made in case she returned. Well, she's gonna.

"RE: Tribal Council (Sort Of)"
Posted by seahorse on 04-07-05 at 08:57 PM
What a strange episode.

"RE: Tribal Council (Sort Of)"
Posted by SherpaDave on 04-07-05 at 09:09 PM
WOW. I'm not gonna be able to see the show tonight (I'll be on a boat), so I read the thread. I think this is fascinating! I would LOVE to see there be no merge for at least a little while yet. I think it'd be great drama to see Steph pulling off immunity win after immunity win against an entire tribe. And something tells me if anyone can do it, she can. Definitely looking forward to next week's show.

Dave writesDave editsDave blogs

"Next week"
Posted by seahorse on 04-07-05 at 08:56 PM
Coby and Tom are at odds. Steph is at it alone.

"Next Time on Survivor"
Posted by kathliam on 04-07-05 at 08:56 PM
Tom offends Coby by not including him in a project.

Stephenie is struggling along at camp.

Bobby Jon is proud of himself for competing. She's proud of Stephenie and just wants to tell her to keep going, she's an awesome competitor.

"RE: Next Time on Survivor"
Posted by Flowerpower on 04-07-05 at 09:01 PM
I am so sad that BJ is gone....why oh why couldn't they have had a regular merge....then we could see how far he could go! He was a most honorable guy!

"RE: Next Time on Survivor"
Posted by littletown on 04-07-05 at 09:02 PM
that damn mark brunette he should have just merged them

"RE: Next Time on Survivor"
Posted by Flowerpower on 04-07-05 at 09:06 PM
LAST EDITED ON 04-07-05 AT 10:00 PM (EST)

During the previews for next week we see Coby really getting mad at Tom and raising a huge issue. Hmmmm sure looks as though this may lead to his boot.....so wonder who he will vote for in the jury? Will it be Katie, who he will puke, puke, puke over if she outlasts him, or will it be Tom, who is the at the core of his boot???? Interesting!

"RE: Next Time on Survivor"
Posted by emydi on 04-07-05 at 09:16 PM
Not to get too ahead of ourselves, but Coby will most definitely vote for Steph...one of the three guys will most likely win Ind. Immunity and the powers that be will make like Steph goes bc she's not Koror and they will oust Coby...

another sucky episode to look forward to...

"Did Jeff..."
Posted by Capn2patch on 04-07-05 at 09:17 PM
...specifically say to BJ that he was going home? He just told him to leave didn't he?

"RE: Did Jeff..."
Posted by emydi on 04-07-05 at 09:26 PM
He only told one person ever to go home and that was Osten who Ostened ...he always just says "the tribe has spoken" tonite he said "the tribe has most definitely not spoken" and broke my heart

I almost teared up

"RE: Did Jeff..."
Posted by Capn2patch on 04-07-05 at 09:33 PM
I haven't recorded the episode so I can't revue, but I first got that impression at the end of IC. I don't believe Jeff specifically said someone was going home like he usually does.

Cheer up emedi, and visualize Coby in his bikini underwear.

"he'll be back"
Posted by littletown on 04-07-05 at 09:04 PM
I know what will happen!!
Janu will die, and they will eat her.
Then bring Bobby Jon back to be on the jury!

"RE: he'll be back"
Posted by LibraRising on 04-07-05 at 09:23 PM
LAST EDITED ON 04-07-05 AT 09:24 PM (EST)

Coby had an unintentionally funny one, too, at the beginning. He said something like "Nobody else gets wood out here but me."

Tee hee.

ETA: oops...this was meant to be a response to the next message...

"Judging from the previews..."
Posted by Capn2patch on 04-07-05 at 09:28 PM
...it's definately not Tom he's getting "wood" for.

"They had better..."
Posted by Capn2patch on 04-07-05 at 09:25 PM
...plan on making soup, cause there ain't too much meat on dem' bones.

"Best Quotes tonight"
Posted by KObrien_fan on 04-07-05 at 09:06 PM
LAST EDITED ON 04-07-05 AT 09:07 PM (EST)

Bobby John (about Stephenie) She can get coconuts, she can get crabs...ROFL!

"Snot Rocket"
Posted by Capn2patch on 04-07-05 at 09:19 PM
I almost let one out when I heard that!

"RE: Best Quotes tonight"
Posted by flygirl on 04-07-05 at 09:46 PM
Tonight was full of the best quotes!! "snot rocket" is the best!

Posted by strid333 on 04-07-05 at 09:17 PM
Thanks for the updates people!

"best quotes"
Posted by littletown on 04-07-05 at 10:01 PM
coby talking about jenn and katie
"i've never seen them touch a piece of wood since we've been here"

"RE: best quotes"
Posted by littletown on 04-07-05 at 10:12 PM

"it felt so good, cuz it was just tingling, it was wonderful."

"RE: best quotes"
Posted by littletown on 04-07-05 at 10:14 PM
bobby jon

"i had my throat open as much as i could shoving it in, but Tom shoved it in faster."

"RE: best quotes"
Posted by misngoodrock on 04-08-05 at 00:49 AM
I think it was just pitiful that they didn't just go ahead and merge. Very unfair survivor this time. Then look at Janu and Jen just riding along on coattails.

"RE: best quotes"
Posted by emydi on 04-07-05 at 10:50 PM
wait a minute....I think Jenn has touch some wood...or no wait...no I'm wrong, a lot of wood has touched her

"Wolf in Sheeps Clothing"
Posted by Debberz13 on 04-08-05 at 08:41 AM
Did anyone else catch that? Tom called Stephaine a wolf in sheep's clothing. On the Sucks board about Mer's spoilers, Snewers made a post that included a cartoon pic of a wolf in sheep's clothing. This was back when Red Queen was saying that Mer didn't know what she was talking about. I will look for the exact post today.

Does anyone think this means something?