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""State of the Spoiling, Episode Ten""

Posted by Flowerpower on 11-17-04 at 11:04 AM
LAST EDITED ON 11-17-04 AT 05:56 PM (EST) by SurvivorBlows (admin)

State of the Spoiling
Episode Ten

Culture Shock and Violent Storms

Welcome to Alinta, Vanuatu! Island of fire and home to worshipers of the almighty, sacred piggy.

Where the recently merged tribes of Yasur and Lopevi roam at will. This week promises some culture shock and violent storms! But before we get started on this weeks happenings, take a moment to review our guidelines. They make it a better place for all of us!

Before we get started on the highlights of this week, let’s begin by recapping the events of last weeks gender wars. If, God forbid, you missed episode nine in its entirety, make sure to check out the East Coast Update Thread. Last week found the guys new residents of estrogen city, and I don’t think they liked what they found one bit. At the reward challenge Eliza found just where she stood among the women and took it very personally. Leann won and promised Julie a spot in the F4, having no problem putting Scout at F5. Must mean that Ami and Eliza would be F3 and F4 respectively in her book, leaving Twila at F6. Or, it could mean that Ami, Leann, Twila were the F3, adding Julie to F4, while Scout bumps to F5, leaving Eliza at F6.

The immunity challenge was a puzzle which most definitely favored the women. Amy wins and therefore was safe from being the target. Chad votes Julie, Sarge votes Eliza, and everyone else gives Sarge the boot. Interesting that Chris’ vote was for him and not against him….hmmm??

I’d like to now reflect on Survivor Lea as he certainly grew on me throughout the season. I for one, am sorry to see him go! Here’s a tribute to Survivor Sarge:

Ode to Sarge

On your first day at Lopevi, Vanuatu
You asked the young men to join you.
Shunned by the young ‘ens at first,
“Who needs you freakin studs!!”, you cursed!

Forced to find your troops elsewhere,
You didn’t look far, for they were right there.
Although rejected, you did not mourn,
Instead the feeble fat five were born.

In your mind, the clear leader is Sarge,
But we know it’s Chris who’s really in charge!
Pick off the strongest was your plan,
And win immunity as much as you can!

You are an honest hard worker who had one thorn in his side,
His name was Rory, “he’s a whiner!”,you cried!

You were crowned chief by your peers
Who hollered cheers and jeers,
But boy you were a jolly ole gent,
When off to Yasur, ole Rory you sent!

In exchange you received a burly and a bowhead.
Lopevi was thrilled to finally go co-ed!
“Put Twila in a dress and I’d take her to dinner”,
How were you to know she might be the winner!

Although in the beginning we thought you were tough,
At least until we saw your buns in the buff!
With Julie and Twila, you got some sun,
At least you’re a guy that knows how to have fun!

So long, Survivor Sarge!

See what Sarge had to say to Julie Chen on the Early Show. See what insight the Survivor Insider provides. Could the fact that Sarge named Twila as the
one that he thought would win mean certain doom for Twila?

Continuing on with our saga some questions we may have after last weeks episode include:
1. Will the men somehow save themselves from a straight out pagonging?
2. Who will claim victory in the war of the whiner vs. the hippy….I mean Eliza vs. Scout?
3. Will Ami continue to rule the roost or will she take a dive?
4. Will Scout ever win anything?
5. Will the violent storms precipitate someone being medivaced out?
6. Just how shocking is culture shock?
7. What will happen to the little piggy?

SeeBS Misdirection gives us further puzzles to contemplate:

1. Two Survivors become “sacrificial lambs” and are tied up by their tribe.
Thanks to our vidcaps this week we can speculate that the two “sacrificial lambs” are referring to Julie and Eliza who have to be tied at the wrists by their perspective teams in the reward challenge, while their teammates help get them up, over, under, and beyond the obstacle course. Someone at Sucks suggested that perhaps the sacrificial lambs could be referring to the boot-vulnerability of Julie and Eliza.

2. A surreal Reward drives one Survivor to overindulge and pay for it later.
I’m speculating that this is referring to one of our reward winners who may have overindulged while visiting the village. Specifically, I’m thinking that this is referring to Chris.

3. After a tumultuous night in which one castaway struggles to keep the camp together, Scout, it is decided that the most useless tribe mate should go, Eliza. I think they plotted this while the reward winners were gone.

4. One Survivor is torn between joining a new alliance or thwarting an existing one. A tribe mate exploits this indecision to work a plan.
Most are speculating that this is referring to Scout, and that the tribe mate doing the exploiting is referring to Chris. Perhaps Chris picks up on Scouts indecision to join he, Chad, and Twila, so he goes on to recruit the lowest on the totem pole, the little useless one, Eliza. However, Krautboy theorizes that perhaps the one torn is actually Julie caught between thwarting the existing female alliance by replacing Scout at F4, or joining a new alliance of Chris, Chad, Scout and Twila. Scout would be the one to exploit Julie’s indecision. While Sylvester speculates that it will be Eliza with the indecision leading to joining forces with Chad/Chris/Twila/Scout which leads to a Julie/Leann/Ami boot.

5. Before TC, one Survivor makes a last ditch effort to sway a tribe mate, will it work?

Hmmmm, this could be Ami talking to Scout, Eliza, or Twila, or it could be Chris talking to Eliza, Scout, Twila or Julie. One thing we know for sure is that it won’t work!

The Reward Challenge

This week CBS was kind to us in handing us the reward challenge on a silver platter via the web promo. The challenge involves dividing the eight survivors into two teams of four. Miraculously, the 3 strongest survivors, Chris, Chad, and Ami all end up on the same team as the smallest and lightest, Eliza. The other team consists of Twila, Scout, Leann, and Julie.

The teams must choose one survivor to be bound at the wrists. The object of the challenge is to get the bound person through various obstacles along the course. This involves lifting, pulling, pushing, heaving…you get the picture. The winners are also handed to us on a platter as well. Here they are high-fiving each other:

The reward involves taking their little pet piggy to market….all wrapped up with a neat little neck buff.

They must be trading him for some Vanuatan delicacies. While they are there they are treated to some Vanuatan culture, which is probably more shocking to the ladies than to the men. At any rate, I think they all overindulge, one more than others, I suppose….Chris. I have read that some speculate that perhaps they are participating in a Vanuatan wedding.

The Immunity Challenge

The immunity challenge is an endurance challenge, where they are instructed to hold on for dear Survivor life. We think that the object of the challenge is just that, to hold on the longest. Some are speculating that perhaps a bit of climbing is involved as well, and that perhaps the poles are greased, but I tend to think it’s just a holding on challenge, after all, they have Scout to consider. We have no idea how they get the survivors up those poles, but we do see that there are colored areas on them, and that they have intermittent rope that runs circumferentially around the poles. The survivors could use these as foot holds.

There is a group shot of Eliza, Leann, Twila, Julie, and Scout. Frankly, judging from those shots, I’d say that Leanne and Julie look to be the most comfortable and secure. There is some pics of Ami’s feet as she slips beyond one of the ropes…misdirection or no?

There are some pics of Chad with a slight smile on his face….outlasting, or misdirection.

There are no pics of the sore footed Chris. This is a hard one to call.

Usually, I’d say that the endurance challenges do favor the women. But, clinging on to a pole requires more than endurance, but strength, upper and lower body strength. I think that the strongest survivors out there are Chad, Chris, and Ami. Some say that this challenge will favor the smallest which would favor Eliza, Julie, and Leann. Some say that Chad could be at a disadvantage, while others think he’ll be at an advantage. As far as favoring the one that needs it the most, well, I’d say that Chad, Chris, Ami, Julie, and Eliza all need it pretty badly. If Chad’s prosthesis works to his advantage, then I say, he’ll win. If it works as a disadvantage, then I would favor Ami, Julie, or Chris. Sorry, that’s the best I can do!

Some people are speculating about the vidcaps of Alinta as they forge on to TC. Here’s a cap with them heading to TC, note that their torches are not lit as they would be if they were returning from TC.

(L to R)Chris, Eliza, Chad, Ami, Julie, Leann, Scout

It’s speculated that Ami is the fourth from the left and that she indeed has on the IC. Note that she has a buff or wrap around her head, and that at last weeks TC, episode 9, she had no buff or wrap on her head. It really looks inconclusive, but you can make the call. Sarge is no where to be seen, but that’s not to say that he isn’t out of frame. Others are sure that Ami, Eliza, and Chad all have their packs with them and so therefore they are in danger and couldn’t have won the IC. These people are leaning toward a Julie IC win. Chris is the one closest to the left, and you really can’t tell if he may have on the IN or not.

And the speculation goes on and on…..

Check out the Thursday night preview cap thread and figure out for yourself who the OFG , as well as the OFS/STC theory may suggest this week. Will the emydi theory hold pertaining to the CBS eye mail?
See what Krautboy had to add in his confessional analysis thread.
For a detailed breakdown of the events in episode 10 check out the Vidcaps, Web Promo thread. Our resident master of editing interpretation, Veruca Salt, continues on in a very enlightening post episode 9 discussion. She feels that the editing is not over for Ami, so therefore she’ll be safe this week. Who does she think is vulnerable a la the editing….Chad! See who others suggest will soon be going to loser lodge.

There are a few sites that have come out with boot choices so far that we think are interesting. As always, please stop by TDT and check out their thoughts, and The Game Board was also brought to our attention this week. Check out Eliza’s Edit, is it one that will be short lived from here on out, or is she fated to F3 status? Esquire ponders what three women could possibly put the past behind them, make a pact to join the men, vote out the remaining women, go on to vote out the men, and make it to the F3 in an opportunity for smart girls. Shakes makes an excellent case for a Chad boot, and a possible Scout boot.

The Bootee

Towards the beginning of the week, some people were heavily speculating on a Julie boot. The theory was that as Sarge had exposed her as a liar to Twila in front of the whole group, painting a target on her back for Twila, Chris, Chad, and Eliza. As the week has progressed, she has moved back into a more solid area and appears that she will be safe this week.

There have been some very insightful discussions this week in practically every thread regarding the boot choice. One strong theory is that all the bickering between the women (Eliza vs. Scout, Scout vs. Eliza, Scout vs. Ami, Ami vs. Scout and or Twila, etc., etc.) is just serious misdirection. It does, however, set up for some serious conflict and betrayal among the women for the next episode, Surprise and Surprise again. This week however the women will stick together one last time and boot the next man on the pecking order, Chad. (Don't have the link yet but rumor has it that Dark Rivers says it'd Chad....but then again, why do we need him when we have Veruca Salt and Shakes who have been screaming for a Chad boot all week???)

Two other bootee candidates are Eliza and Scout. Eliza has grated in particularly on Scout’s nerves, and perhaps Scout persuades the guys, Twila and one other to vote out Eliza, then Leann, and then finally Ami. Others think, and some are praying, that Scout will finally get the boot and spread her peace, love, and harmony all over Loser Lodge. Ami discovers that Scout plans on betraying her alliance. I think she learns this via Leann, some speculate Chris to rat her out. At any rate, we all know what happens to someone that crosses Ami……remember Lisa? She definitely paints a target on her back if Ami catches wind of the fact that she wants to break the all female alliance.

Our final bootee choice for the week is Ami. She is shown saying that she’s not trusting of the ladies anymore, and in CBS eye mail it says that she discovers that Scout is going to join up with the remaining men. If she does not win the IC, she could be history.

If you are still in a quandary as to which one to pick, you can always do what I do and go:

This little piggy went to market...

This little piggy stayed home....

This little piggy had roast beef....

and this little piggy had none...

Last, but not least, don't forget to VOTE!

SOTS is provided by SurvivorBlows.comas a service to our readers. The purpose of this post is to consolidate the threads in the Spoiler Forum pertaining to this week's episode. Feel free to reply to this post if you feel that a theory you support was not adequately represented in this message...Please use this thread for unified discussion of all topics as we approach the next episode.

Lastly, a huge thanks to KO Fan; without you there would be no Ep 10 SOTS!!!

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Messages in this discussion
"RE: "State of the Spoiling, Episode Ten""
Posted by KObrien_fan on 11-17-04 at 11:20 AM
Excellent job FP, you did one heck of a job!

2004 A S S Trivia Champ

"RE: "State of the Spoiling, Episode Ten""
Posted by VerucaSalt on 11-17-04 at 11:23 AM
FP, an outstanding job and your Ode is fabulous dear

Posted by forehead on 11-17-04 at 11:22 AM
Great SOTS, fp!

"(Don't have the link yet but rumor has it that Dark Rivers says it'd Chad....but then again, why do we need him when we have Veruca Salt and Shakes who have been screaming for a Chad boot all week???)"

Agree, and here ya go:



"RE: "State of the Spoiling, Episode Ten""
Posted by SurvivaBear on 11-17-04 at 11:23 AM
Thanks FP! Great graphics! That was a really good summation of a tough spoiling week.

I've been Sliced!
"Shrinks are just friends that you pay for." - Tech

"RE: "State of the Spoiling, Episode Ten""
Posted by Brownroach on 11-17-04 at 11:42 AM
Smashing SOTS, Fp. Very creative!

Bridge for sale to highest bidder. Call 1-800-BRroach.

"RE: "State of the Spoiling, Episode Ten""
Posted by emydi on 11-17-04 at 11:45 AM
GREAT SOTS FP...and I have to follow you!!!

And to all Survivors that vote Chad I say to you:

Wizard of Oz is on all weekend!! I'll be Tivoing it

"RE: "State of the Spoiling, Episode Ten""
Posted by Tinman on 11-17-04 at 12:44 PM
Top notch SOTS, FP! And I'm missing Sarge, too.

"RE: "State of the Spoiling, Episode Ten""
Posted by strid333 on 11-17-04 at 03:23 PM
Very good SOTS.

Three is the perfect number.

"RE: "State of the Spoiling, Episode Ten""
Posted by alwaysintruble1 on 11-17-04 at 06:06 PM
Wonderful STOS FP, the "this little piggy" idea at the end was great!

"RE: "State of the Spoiling, Episode Ten""
Posted by kingfish on 11-17-04 at 06:41 PM
LAST EDITED ON 11-17-04 AT 06:48 PM (EST)

Nice job Ms Power.

And admirably evenhanded.

I slowly read, in exquisite detail every little thing you wrote, and did not detect a single allusion to a KINGFISH theory, for which I am very grateful. I have to preserve that for the killer comprehensive unified field boot/ RC/ IC/ bare butt showing/ lava burning/ bamboozeling/ omnipotent/ introverted women/ marcel the mime spoiler (and it will have pizzazz) theory that I'm working on, and since I hear there's a Theory Jacking fiend lurking herebouts, I'm a little paranoid and have to be defensive. Thanks for that.

Nice Job.

ETA to remove the 18 point blinking font from KINGFISH. It was a bit much.

"RE: "State of the Spoiling, Episode Ten""
Posted by sylvester on 11-17-04 at 07:05 PM
Loved the SOTS FP!

Especially your 'ode to Sarge', and the piggy pics, excellent!

Thank you

Sylvester (just call me CAT)

"RE: "State of the Spoiling, Episode Ten""
Posted by Fire Fly on 11-17-04 at 08:53 PM
Terrific FP- Lots of facts and yet a fun read as well. Loved the 'little piggy went to market' scenario. Real creative. KUDOS!

"NICE job!"
Posted by RudyRules on 11-17-04 at 09:22 PM
And poetry and pig pics to boot (no pun intended)!

Your 2003 College Football Pool Ultimate Prize Winner!

"Outstanding SOTS FP!!!"
Posted by Capn2patch on 11-17-04 at 11:17 PM
I am truly in awe FP. That was great, I'm all caught up. If SB needs to showpiece a SOTS, this is definitely the one.

I enjoyed your piece on Sarge. Your words and pics captured the essence of who Sarge portrayed. Good job!

"RE: "State of the Spoiling, Episode Ten""
Posted by Krautboy on 11-18-04 at 02:48 AM
FP, outstanding SOTS! They just keep getting better and better.

Nice to have it all so well laid out during this misdirecetion packed week....



"RE: "State of the Spoiling, Episode Ten""
Posted by Markopolo100 on 11-18-04 at 06:21 AM

This is one of the best SOTS ever!

Thanks for catching me up!

"RE: "State of the Spoiling, Episode Ten""
Posted by emydi on 11-18-04 at 10:13 AM
They just keep getting better and better.

Well.....my dear KB, your dreams will be dashed next week, I'm afraid..

Courtesy of the Amazing Slice & Dice Chop Shop 2004

"RE: "State of the Spoiling, Episode Ten""
Posted by greg2557 on 11-18-04 at 08:53 AM
Very nice SOTS,made it easy to catch up on everything.