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Thread Number: 534
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"Just wondering..."

Posted by GangGreen on 08-28-00 at 09:32 AM
Who plans NOT to watch Survivor 2? After being addicted to the show, I'm kind of turned off by it now. I guess I just don't want to waste my time watching another obnoxious person win a million dollars.

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"RE: Just wondering..."
Posted by Rudyrox on 08-28-00 at 10:17 AM
SII has a chance to save itself.. maybe the good guy will win this one. I'll be watching.


"RE: Just wondering..."
Posted by AresMars on 08-28-00 at 10:44 AM
I'll watch it at first but if another evil alliance forms and it becomes apparent that the TC's turn into the same shooting gallery then I'll bail.

There are two types of people, predators and prey, and the sound you hear is the sharpening of my claws.

"RE: Just wondering..."
Posted by NTK on 08-28-00 at 12:06 PM
After enjoying all the speculation on the board, it was a huge let down to see that it was Rich after all. It was beyond feeling used. But, by the end of the Reunion show, I was looking ahead to S2. It will be interesting to see how the new cast uses what it learned from watching this show.

"RE: Just wondering..."
Posted by janisella on 08-28-00 at 04:29 PM
It will depend on several things, one being when it's on. The main reason I checked out the first episode of Survivor I was that I was home that night and nothing else was on (it was also an 8:00 show and my kids go to bed at 8. I usually need to veg right after putting them to bed). Then I kept watching because I enjoyed it.

Survivor II will be on in the winter when our lives are busier and the other networks have non-reruns on. I think that combined with the fact that it won't be a new concept anymore might mean it doesn't fare as well in the ratings.

"RE: Just wondering..."
Posted by Lucian on 08-29-00 at 02:02 PM
I don't think any one is expecting to fare as well as the first one but it should bring solid numbers. I'll be there every week watching to see how they react to the previous run.

"RE: Just wondering..."
Posted by dolphin on 08-30-00 at 08:54 AM
No way! I was sickened by the winner and the whiner. The show ran it's course and life goes on. I am even tired of the Millionaire show.

"RE: Just wondering..."
Posted by castaway on 08-30-00 at 09:53 AM
Oh yeah, I'll be glued to the tube again. New location, new people... the dynamics are sure to be interesting. Only this time I'll be watching closer to see what 'clues' there might be in the beginning as to who wins. I didn't think to record the first episodes of SI & wish I could've played those over. There's a lot more mental strategy going on than the physical challenges alone & at first viewing I didn't realize that. But that's what makes it so entertaining. I do hope we see a little more 'people friendly' survivors this time. Who knows, but I think it will be just as enthralling. Looking forward to seeing who's in the next batch!

"RE: Just wondering..."
Posted by DivaRachel on 08-30-00 at 06:55 PM
I will only watch if they habe more ppl like the TA thanthe dumb Pagongs. I am not interested in seeing ppl who think they came to OZ for a friendship festival to sing Kumbaya around the camp fire.

MB better pick the contestants carefully, because this may be his 1 hit, as a 1-hit-wonder if he picks a bunch of fools like Pagongs.

Go Rich&Rudy, Go!

"RE: Just wondering..."
Posted by Kalsteau on 08-31-00 at 08:24 AM
Now every one of you who says they will not watch Survivor II is full of crapola! The anticipation will grow as the weeks lead up to the Superbowl, when the SII cast will be introduced. You will become transfixed in front of the TV, again a victim of clever CBS editing. You'll ponder, speculate, pontificate and again nitpick every minute detail of the show, trying to figure out the "winner". But, alas, in the end you all will prove to be nothing but mere pawns in the hands of the master, Mark Burnett.

So quit your whining - just shut up and watch the show!