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"Survivor All Stars State of the Spoiling Episode 11"

Posted by ExInterper on 04-13-04 at 10:59 AM
LAST EDITED ON 04-13-04 AT 07:44 PM (EST)

Episode Eleven

Last time, on All-Star Survivor Spoiling:

After Lex and Kathy made a huge tactical error keeping Amber over Jerri (and who would have EVER said that three months ago without laughing?), Lex seemed the most likely to go from game strategy. But then Shakes came up with some decent logic about why Kathy would actually be the next to go. As IE and KObrien_Fan held their breath, game logic prevailed over the power of the spinning head, and Lex was sent packing, and hopefully will spend some of his time looking up the word "hypocrite" while waiting for the complementary hairstylist to perfect his Mohawk.

Cue the Survivor Theme Remix!

Episode 11: "A Thoughtful Gesture or a Deceptive Plan?"

SeeBS Misdirection
Courtesy of everyone's favorite Kittyloaf:
Feeling isolated, Kathy works to reconcile with a tribemate.
After several castaways are brought to tears, one Survivor surprises all.
Paranoia plagues Jenna, who witnesses a strategy session amongst tribemates.
Scrambling, panic and pleading intensify as Tribal Council approaches.

Everyone seems to agree that the last two lines are about Kathy's efforts to get her head off the chopping block, and that the second line will relate in someway to the impending family reward. As to who "surprises," the jury's still out, but it's probably going to be whoever wins the reward.

We've got the old-fashioned Vidcaps and your new-fangled Webcaps.

Both focus on the upcoming family video reward and on Kathy's apparent attempt to get Chapera to turn on Jenna to save her own skin. Speculation on the videocaps thread is that Jenna might win RC or at least will get to share in it from her "tears of joy" (thus meaning she FINALLY gets her video 7 seasons after the first season) and that Rob's cockiness indicates that he wins immunity. The webcaps tell us that there's only 1 reward and 1 immunity. Speculation in that thread is that Shii-Ann wins reward and opts to share, a la Amazon Matthew. They've got a pretty good still of everyone toasting the winner in Shii's general direction, so take that for what you will. Immunity challenge would appear to be some sort of obstacle course with "heats:" Rob, Amber, Shii-Ann and Alicia v. Tom, Rupert, Kathy and Jenna. Speculation is that the heats will eliminate half the field each time, going from 8 to 4 to 2 to 1. If Rob's team wins, then everyone seems to think that Rob should coast to the IC win.

Lex's Post-Game Whining
Lex fulfills his inner Daw by doing the traditional Early Show and web chat. The threads mostly are analyzing Lex's martyr complex and his inability to separate the game from real life, but one interesting point is that Lex and Rob are apparently not friends in real life any more. If Rob makes it to F2, it seems to indicate that Lex will vote for whoever is opposing him just out of spite. You know, I used to respect Lex…sigh.

Who's the Bootee?
Well…let's just say everything is pointing in one direction: Kathy's. From a game logic perspective, Kathy's two alliance-mates have either gotten the heave-ho, or are Shii-Ann. Either way, logic tells us Kathy's next. The family visit usually happens next week, and we've got spoilers indicating that Kathy's family member got to Panama and then was told to go home. Plus, in that thread, KOBrien_Fan reported (at post #23) that Kathy will not have her regularly scheduled viewing party, indicating that she will likely be in NY doing the DAW thing. Snewser's got her going next in his scorecard, and he's got 4 checkmarks for week 11. There's still a chance the impossible could happen, but let's face it folks: if it looks like a Kathy boot, smells like a Kathy boot and sounds like a Kathy boot, then it's gonna be a Kathy boot.

However, Kathy isn't going down without a fight, as the Vidcaps indicate that she apparently is trying to rally support around getting Jenna booted. However, some are speculating that she might be trying to indicate that she wouldn't want Jenna to win in order to get Tom to ally with Jenna rather than Romber. However, she could just find Jenna annoying…. Either or.

Long Term Spoilers/Miscellaneous
Veruca's After the Twist Thread continues to provide some great insights about the editing of the game, potential alliances, what seating at TCs really means, and evaluating the strength of the bonds between the players. There's a lot there, and way too much to summarize here, so go take a look and see the work of some of the best spoilers on the net.

We also may want to keep in mind Alicia's Key Quote, when she promised to never write Rob's name down. Some have speculated that his could mean that Alicia may be the swing vote away from Rob if he gets to Final 2 when she fulfills her promise and never writes his name down. I'm not sure that's what happens, but I like the theory.

Marcopolo once again puts his typing and humor skills to the test to give us Survivor Insider. Some interesting stuff in there, and Marco's always a good read.

Our episode title for next week is perhaps the best description of our remaining contestants as I've ever heard: "Stupid People, Stupid, Stupid People.

We've got a small thread on betting sites and who they've got the best odds on. The sites seem to be steering clear of Romber based on spoilers, and Jenna and Tom are getting pretty good odds. It may be nothing, but last season's betting site info ended up having some spoiler value too.

Keep track of our analysis of Snewser's Scorecard or go right to the source.

We've said it once, and we'll say it again: We *heart* Guidelines. You should too.

New Threads
A thread popped up Tuesday afternoon speculating on what happens at endgame, if Snewser's apparent final three of Jenna, Amber and Rob happen. This, of course, assumes that the last three people on Snewser's score card actually are the final three, of course. But there some good speculation going on there, so check it out.

I think that's it. If any late breaking news comes my way, I'll update. Feel free to post any additions or corrections as well. Now I? Am off to finish this freakin' Biotech Law paper. Isn't it May yet?

SOTS is provided by SurvivorBlows.com as a service to our readers. The purpose of this post is to consolidate the threads in the Spoiler Forum pertaining to this week's episode. Feel free to reply to this post if you feel that a theory you support was not adequately represented in this message... Please use this thread for unified discussion of all topics as we approach the next episode.

Yet another Jslice masterpiece!
"They say the next big thing is here, that the revolution's near.
But to me it seems quite clear that it's all just a little bit of history repeating." -- Propellerheads

Table of contents
  • RE: Survivor All Stars State of the Spoiling Episode 11,Ra_8secs, 11:06 AM, 04-13-04
  • RE: Survivor All Stars State of the Spoiling Episode 11,TenPin, 11:07 AM, 04-13-04
  • RE: Survivor All Stars State of the Spoiling Episode 11,Flowerpower, 11:09 AM, 04-13-04
  • RE: Survivor All Stars State of the Spoiling Episode 11,KObrien_fan, 12:00 PM, 04-13-04
    • RE: Survivor All Stars State of the Spoiling Episode 11,PsychoKitty, 03:29 PM, 04-16-04
  • RE: Survivor All Stars State of the Spoiling Episode 11,RudyRules, 12:51 PM, 04-13-04
    • RE: Survivor All Stars State of the Spoiling Episode 11,ExInterper, 02:13 PM, 04-13-04
  • RE: Survivor All Stars State of the Spoiling Episode 11,SurvivorMack, 01:07 PM, 04-13-04
  • RE: Survivor All Stars State of the Spoiling Episode 11,emydi, 01:34 PM, 04-13-04
  • RE: Survivor All Stars State of the Spoiling Episode 11,DoodleBug, 01:56 PM, 04-13-04
  • RE: Survivor All Stars State of the Spoiling Episode 11,LookeeLoo, 10:29 PM, 04-13-04
  • RE: Survivor All Stars State of the Spoiling Episode 11,Krautboy, 00:28 AM, 04-14-04
    • RE: Survivor All Stars State of the Spoiling Episode 11,leogirl_21, 11:03 AM, 04-14-04
  • RE: Survivor All Stars State of the Spoiling Episode 11,Monicanada, 11:32 AM, 04-14-04
  • RE: Survivor All Stars State of the Spoiling Episode 11,Brownroach, 12:36 PM, 04-14-04
    • RE: Survivor All Stars State of the Spoiling Episode 11,bobstew617, 01:21 PM, 04-14-04
  • RE: Survivor All Stars State of the Spoiling Episode 11,oddglass2, 01:03 PM, 04-14-04
  • RE: Survivor All Stars State of the Spoiling Episode 11,Emily RugBurn, 01:16 PM, 04-14-04
  • RE: Survivor All Stars State of the Spoiling Episode 11,Tinman, 10:12 AM, 04-15-04

Messages in this discussion
"RE: Survivor All Stars State of the Spoiling Episode 11"
Posted by Ra_8secs on 04-13-04 at 11:06 AM
Excellent summary

-- Ra, Spinning in geo/helio eccentric orbit

"RE: Survivor All Stars State of the Spoiling Episode 11"
Posted by TenPin on 04-13-04 at 11:07 AM
Great job ExI. Clear and Concise

Don't worry May is on it's way.


"It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intellegent, but the most responsive to change."
Charles Darwin

"RE: Survivor All Stars State of the Spoiling Episode 11"
Posted by Flowerpower on 04-13-04 at 11:09 AM
Awesome SOTS! Concise yet encompassing! Pretty much covers the week. Thanks, great job!

"RE: Survivor All Stars State of the Spoiling Episode 11"
Posted by KObrien_fan on 04-13-04 at 12:00 PM
Nice job ExI, though I hate to see Kathy go, I know it is her time. She played way too emotionally to go any further.

"RE: Survivor All Stars State of the Spoiling Episode 11"
Posted by PsychoKitty on 04-16-04 at 03:29 PM
I have to agree with you. I am really sorry to see Kathy go. I really liked her and felt she was cheated from winning Survivor before. She was just a great player then and really deserved to win. This time, she has been showing her emotions alot (probably not a good idea) and making some poor decisions like who to trust. Though I certainly wasn't sorry to see Jerri go! That result was just fine with me. But I am sorry she got railroaded out. I hope she does find a way to make a million dollars because she deserves the very best.


"RE: Survivor All Stars State of the Spoiling Episode 11"
Posted by RudyRules on 04-13-04 at 12:51 PM
Good job EI.
Now get back to writing that paper!

Your 2003 College Football Pool Ultimate Prize Winner!

"RE: Survivor All Stars State of the Spoiling Episode 11"
Posted by ExInterper on 04-13-04 at 02:13 PM
Yeah I know...but I really don't wanna.

Yet another Jslice masterpiece!
"They say the next big thing is here, that the revolution's near.
But to me it seems quite clear that it's all just a little bit of history repeating." -- Propellerheads

"RE: Survivor All Stars State of the Spoiling Episode 11"
Posted by SurvivorMack on 04-13-04 at 01:07 PM
Great job! It really looks like Kathy will join Rob C as one of the greatest players to never win, who should have won, but played like an idiot the second time around :-P

~ The Mack

"RE: Survivor All Stars State of the Spoiling Episode 11"
Posted by emydi on 04-13-04 at 01:34 PM
Thanks ExI, great job!


"RE: Survivor All Stars State of the Spoiling Episode 11"
Posted by DoodleBug on 04-13-04 at 01:56 PM
Great job, Terp! I'm beginning to wonder if all Lex's talk about not being friends with Rob any more is just a ruse. I don't know. I used to respect Lex too. Guess I still wanna.

Snazzy new sigpic by Slice

"RE: Survivor All Stars State of the Spoiling Episode 11"
Posted by LookeeLoo on 04-13-04 at 10:29 PM
Thanks ExI! This flowed very nicely!

A Slicey original

"RE: Survivor All Stars State of the Spoiling Episode 11"
Posted by Krautboy on 04-14-04 at 00:28 AM
Thanks ExI! I've been gone for a few weeks and this is just what I needed to get back up to speed. Thanks for the great summary!


"RE: Survivor All Stars State of the Spoiling Episode 11"
Posted by leogirl_21 on 04-14-04 at 11:03 AM
LAST EDITED ON 04-14-04 AT 11:03 AM (EST)

Very good job...thanks!

"RE: Survivor All Stars State of the Spoiling Episode 11"
Posted by Monicanada on 04-14-04 at 11:32 AM
Well done, ExI! Thanks.

Created by the amazing J Slice!
Go Habs Go! Please!?! <\*desperation*>

"RE: Survivor All Stars State of the Spoiling Episode 11"
Posted by Brownroach on 04-14-04 at 12:36 PM
Very cool job, ExInterper!

(...drumming fingers, also waiting for May and for this cast of stupid players to be history...)

"RE: Survivor All Stars State of the Spoiling Episode 11"
Posted by bobstew617 on 04-14-04 at 01:21 PM
(...drumming fingers, also waiting for May and for this cast of stupid players to be history...)

I'm glad I'm not the ONLY one who thinks this way!
ExInterper, WONDERFUL job--very organized SOTS, even though I don't like the results. (IE, KO, and I will go cry in our little corner now...)

"RE: Survivor All Stars State of the Spoiling Episode 11"
Posted by oddglass2 on 04-14-04 at 01:03 PM
Thank-you for the summary - as always it helps with the voting thread! Great job.

"RE: Survivor All Stars State of the Spoiling Episode 11"
Posted by Emily RugBurn on 04-14-04 at 01:16 PM
Excellent job, ExI. I've been too busy to read, read, read this week's discussions -- this is just what I needed to get back in the game.

REALLY great job bringin' it all together. Cheers to you!

~ EmRB

"RE: Survivor All Stars State of the Spoiling Episode 11"
Posted by Tinman on 04-15-04 at 10:12 AM
Great SOTS, EI! Now - get your homework done!!!!