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"VIDCAPS: Survivor All Stars Episode 10 Preview "

Posted by SurvivorBlows on 04-01-04 at 11:38 PM
LAST EDITED ON 04-02-04 AT 00:08 AM (EST)

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"RE: VIDCAPS: Survivor All Stars Episode 10 Preview "
Posted by volsfan on 04-02-04 at 08:01 AM
Well, no challenge pics at all! The only question I have is when Rob makes the alliance with Alicia...is he at the same camp when he is talking about breaking his word. These two pics:

I first thought this was in a different place (merge) however, after looking, I think the leaves that are behind Rob in the second vid cap could very well be just to his left and our right of where he is sitting in the first cap!

Director of Public Relations for GAWKUR!

"RE: VIDCAPS: Survivor All Stars Episode 10 Preview "
Posted by Breezy on 04-02-04 at 08:08 AM
I took the breaking his word comment to be that Lex is next to go. Course I'm also bringing in the family visit spoilers that BR has been working on.
I think it's total misdirection that we're shown the breaking his word comment clip, right after the clip of him making a deal with Alicia. The deal he's going to break is with Lex.

Just say no to trolls.

"RE: VIDCAPS: Survivor All Stars Episode 10 Preview "
Posted by volsfan on 04-02-04 at 08:12 AM
Breezy, I follow your thought process and I agree. I am just trying to take vid cap work and figure things out rather than basing it on who we think goes next. In order for Rob to break his word to Lex, there has to be a merge. We have yet to see any vid caps that gives that to us.

Just trying to work with what we have..not what we think we have!

Director of Public Relations for GAWKUR!

"RE: VIDCAPS: Survivor All Stars Episode 10 Preview "
Posted by Breezy on 04-02-04 at 08:38 AM
There's not much in the vicaps. Who is Rob talking too in the last three?

*waves* to Vols, Happy Friday

"RE: VIDCAPS: Survivor All Stars Episode 10 Preview "
Posted by volsfan on 04-02-04 at 08:54 AM
Breezy...that is the question! Who is he talking to? I am trying to place him in one of the camps to determine if there could have been a merge!

Director of Public Relations for GAWKUR!
*waves* to Breezy and yes IT IS a happy Friday! WOO HOO!

"RE: VIDCAPS: Survivor All Stars Episode 10 Preview "
Posted by Breezy on 04-02-04 at 09:04 AM
I know you're going on the vidcaps and nothing else, but in Slicey's thread for Episode 11 stuff. It says they merge.

Going just on vicaps, didn't Saboga also have a lot of weird trees and stuff in their camp?

Is it lunch time yet?

"RE: VIDCAPS: Survivor All Stars Episode 10 Preview "
Posted by Scarlett O Hara on 04-02-04 at 01:25 PM
G'day Vols and Breezy-

Just wanted to add that we already have spoilers that indicate the merge takes place on Sabago.


"RE: VIDCAPS: Survivor All Stars Episode 10 Preview "
Posted by RyrieRae on 04-02-04 at 08:41 AM
LAST EDITED ON 04-02-04 AT 08:42 AM (EST)

In Cap 26/27 there is a splotch of red behind Rob's left arm (to our right). This can't be his shorts... what is it? In cap 21/22, He is wearing his green buff on his right arm... they were careful not to show this arm in his 26/27 interview.

"RE: VIDCAPS: Survivor All Stars Episode 10 Preview "
Posted by sondral on 04-02-04 at 09:18 AM
Hi All, Long time lurker, finally decided to join in.
Anyway, just checked the CBS site and there definitely is a merge next week. Here's what it says:

Amber is trapped between promises to two rival castaways.
The tribes finally merge, prompting a new and explosive dynamic among the tribe members.
The stakes are raised when the All-Stars are hit with a new twist at the Immunity Challenge.
Total chaos erupts when the castaways prepare for Tribal Council.

"RE: VIDCAPS: Survivor All Stars Episode 10 Preview "
Posted by ohboy on 04-02-04 at 08:57 AM
I took the breaking his word comment to mean someone from original chapera ( or now mogo mogo) overheard his little plea for Amber and gets mad cause he made a deal with Lex which means he is going to break deal with one of them.

"RE: VIDCAPS: Survivor All Stars Episode 10 Preview "
Posted by EMT135 on 04-02-04 at 08:44 AM
Not as much to pick apart from this preview as we've had in other weeks.
Two things come to mind:

IF the previews are indicative of how much air time each Survivor gets, it looks like we'll see a lot of Rob, and

IF his time is significantly increased, could it be peaking in preparation for a soon-to-follow boot?


"RE: VIDCAPS: Survivor All Stars Episode 10 Preview "
Posted by Flowerpower on 04-02-04 at 09:26 AM
Going out on a limb here, and just really going with my "gut"...I agree with those of you that think Rob is not going to renig on his alliance with Alicia(just yet, that is), and I think that the last three clips of the Robfadda are of him talking to Lex...VO: and goes back on his word, "Sorry you feel that way, I really truely am!" ....at the merge location, Saboga?

"RE: VIDCAPS: Survivor All Stars Episode 10 Preview "
Posted by Breezy on 04-02-04 at 09:30 AM
That's my feeling also, we'll have to dig for some pics of Saboga camp. So we can compare leaves and trees.

That sounds so funny, comparing leaves and trees. Shouldn't it be twigs and berries?

"RE: Twigs and Berries"
Posted by Scarlett O Hara on 04-02-04 at 01:30 PM

>That sounds so funny, comparing leaves and trees. Shouldn't it be twigs and berries?

Are you referring to Richard Hatch, perhaps?

Sorry Breezy -- couldn't resist!

"RE: Twigs and Berries"
Posted by Scarlett O Hara on 04-02-04 at 01:45 PM
LAST EDITED ON 04-02-04 AT 01:50 PM (EST)

LAST EDITED ON 04-02-04 AT 01:49 PM (EST)

Here are some earlier vidcaps from the original Sabago camp:


IMHO, I think they would not be at the same pitiful spot that the earlier Sabagans stayed at. I think they might be on another part of the Sabago Island. All of the vegetation is going to be somewhat the same on all of the islands -- trees, leaves, twigs, berries -- the only variations will come in edge growth v. mid-forest growth, old growth v. new growth, etc. IMO.


"RE: Twigs and Berries"
Posted by Tinman on 04-02-04 at 03:53 PM
On SNN, Snewser's original map has the "merger camp" at the exact location of what was the Saboga Tribal Camp. (There's a different map there now or I'd have posted the link.)

Posted by udg on 04-03-04 at 04:52 AM
Current map:

Previous map:


"RE: VIDCAPS: Survivor All Stars Episode 10 Preview "
Posted by samboohoo on 04-02-04 at 09:33 AM
Agree with most people on the boards that it's probably Lex, but we listened to the promo about 10 times last night and it really sounds like Alicia.


"RE: VIDCAPS: Survivor All Stars Episode 10 Preview "
Posted by sondral on 04-02-04 at 09:55 AM
Somewhat agree with you, I only heard it once (last night, didn't tape, CBS promo not up yet), but it definitely sounded like a woman to me. However, since we know that there is a merge coming, he could be talking to anyone, and given the tendency toward misdirection, Romber and whomever could be talking about how to prepare the fish for dinner!

I can't see him already backing out on Alicia. Here's what I think will happen after the merge:

We'll have Romber, Big Tom, Rupert, Alicia, Jenna and Kathy (she's not stupid) in one strong alliance, leaving Lex and Shiian. Since Shiann is not that strong a threat to the Robfather(he thinks), Lex goes.

The "Amber is trapped between promises to two rival castaways" is almost certainly Rob and Lex. They seem to be the only two true rivals at this point.

"RE: VIDCAPS: Survivor All Stars Episode 10 Preview "
Posted by Brownroach on 04-02-04 at 12:11 PM
Samboohoo, where was there another voice? I only remember Rob's remarks and that's all that's posted in the voiceover transcript at Fever.

I suppose it *could* be Alicia since it seems Rob only aligns with Alicia out of fear that Amber got voted out. Once he sees Amber is fine, and then the tribes merge, he might want to disengage from Alicia pronto.

It's just that the preview's juxtaposition of the two events without naming the second person leads me to believe they want us to think it's Alicia but it really isn't.

"RE: VIDCAPS: Survivor All Stars Episode 10 Preview "
Posted by cdlafl on 04-02-04 at 01:17 PM
the cbs promo is up...rob is telling lex and kathy that he is sorry...he is breaking his/amber's bond there...probably in reference to the final 5 comment amber made to kathy...

"RE: VIDCAPS: Survivor All Stars Episode 10 Preview "
Posted by Dene on 04-02-04 at 10:25 AM
Just a thought....Kathy overheard the conversation between Rob and Lex concerning protecting Amber at TC. Could it be Rob saying he is sorry to Kathy because Lex is now being targeted??

"RE: VIDCAPS: Survivor All Stars Episode 10 Preview "
Posted by Brownroach on 04-02-04 at 10:35 AM
LAST EDITED ON 04-02-04 AT 12:13 PM (EST)

Rob hasn't made any promises to Kathy, and I don't think Rob would use this manner with Kathy anyway. It could be any of the other Chaperas, I mean Mogo Mogos (thank God they're merging), but I'm with Volsfan and Breezy that's it's not Alicia and it's probably Lex.

I also suspect this may be misdirection and the person he says this to does not get booted next week -- so if it's Lex, that might throw a wrench into my family visit speculation...

RyrieRae pointed out that there's something red behind Rob's left arm in the ending caps. Any ideas what this could be, or if it could be significant, are welcome...

"RE: VIDCAPS: Survivor All Stars Episode 10 Preview "
Posted by sondral on 04-02-04 at 10:37 AM
LAST EDITED ON 04-02-04 AT 10:38 AM (EST)

See, I don't know about that. I honestly don't think Kathy is going to be an issue for the Rob tribe, she's not stupid; she is going to join the stronger tribe.
And if that is true, who else would she want to vote out? I think she is tighter with Shi and trusts her more than Lex. I just don't see her having a problem with getting rid of Lex, other than the obligatory (to make herself look loyal) "I object, tribe loyalty blah blah blah". But again, she's smart. In the end she knows what she needs to do to stay in the game.

"RE: VIDCAPS: Survivor All Stars Episode 10 Preview "
Posted by Emily RugBurn on 04-02-04 at 01:16 PM
I think she is tighter with Shi and trusts her more than Lex. I just don't see her having a problem with getting rid of Lex...

That theory doesn't fit with Markopolo's observation re: the 'Insider' clips:

"Markopolo's note: WOW. Great votes tonight. Kathy and Lex are DEEP in an alliance. Shii Ann is definitely the third wheel. And Kathy's vote tells us that. (see her comments about RobFather, too). I really was taken aback by their strategy. I personally don't think they would have kept Amber had Rob not made that statement to Lex. But, since the tribes merge next week, I guess it was worth the gamble."

~ EmRB

"RE: VIDCAPS: Survivor All Stars Episode 10 Preview "
Posted by Dregar on 04-02-04 at 01:43 PM
Interesting vidcaps #'s 6-9 showing Amber with the 3 flags of survivors tag line "Outwit, Outplay, Outlast" MB, IMO opinion is starting to show a winners edit towards Amber.

(I'd like to add, although may go into separate thread)
To go along with some of the articles we've read about ROMBER sill being together, being seen at Mass together and what not. Amber, surviving the TC immediately after the buff swap, IMO, shows that there relationship goes a little further than just final 7..I'd say at least final 4. With the merge coming up this week Pagonging is back up and running. Tears of joy and relief!

Posted by PhillyBrat on 04-02-04 at 02:00 PM
Since when does Chapera have these flags at their camp? Haven't we only seen these flags at challanges? (not that Amber is at a challange or anything.)


"RE: VIDCAPS: Survivor All Stars Episode 10 Preview "
Posted by sondral on 04-03-04 at 09:20 PM
I just really believe that there is stuff they are not showing us between Shii and Kathy/Lex....she's still there over Colby. And I guess I'm hoping Kathy is smarter this time around.....

"Here is who Rob is betraying:"
Posted by KObrien_fan on 04-03-04 at 07:00 AM
When I first watched the previews for next week and saw Rob make a deal with Alicia, right after that you see his confessional, then bang back at camp and he is now talking to someone "I'm sorry that you feel that way" speech. Just before he started talking I saw two people sitting on the bench, then the close up of Rob.

To me it is clear that the two people he is talking to is Rupert and Jenna. Remember the foursome promised to these guys from Rob and Amber? Rupert is already feeling like Rob doesn't like him, then in his chat with Shii Ann it is reinforced that Rob is a dangerous immunity threat (and if Shii can figure that out, it must be obvious to all) and now Rupert may over hear the alliance promise made to Alicia.

Jenna and Rupert confront Rob about the "new deal" with Alicia and let him know that they feel they can't trust him anymore, that they are disgruntled with their original deal. To which Rob states "I'm sorry that you feel that way"...

With the merge coming it should be very interesting. Through editing we have seen Rupert picked on by Rob, Jenna has been UTR but to me it appears she is biding her time until it is time to strike, Tom is getting closer to Rupert, Alicia has always been an outsider to Chapera. Now you merge and bring in a hungry three of Lex, Shii, and Kathy (who may get wind of the stab in the back that Rob intends) and you get some interesting combos and this game is far from over.

I think Rob has made himself most vulnerable. Unlike Brian in S5 who hid his lies and alliance deals with everyone, Rob is about to be exposed for the fraud he is. Especially since Amber has also started making her own deals.

"RE: Here is who Rob is betraying:"
Posted by emydi on 04-03-04 at 10:45 AM

IMHO I think Rob is talking to Lex and Kathy

Compare vidcap when Rob is talking to Alicia:

with when he says he is "I'm sorry you feel that way"

And then compare the foliage in the "sorry you feel that way" to the foliage in caps 13 and 16 from the web promo

The foliage is the same.

I think Rob is in the new merged camp of Saboga??? and is in the same place when he says "Sorry you feel that way" and when he is clearly talking to Kathy and Lex


"RE: Here is who Rob is betraying:"
Posted by udg on 04-03-04 at 02:28 PM
There are also two voices in the promo in addition to Rob's. I tried to figure out exactly who is saying what, but there's only a sylable before each one is cut off by Rob. I really think it sounds like Lex and Kathy, but there's just so little there, that it's hard to be sure. My initial ASSumption was that it was only one person, but if I were placing a wager, I'd go with Lex & Kathy.


"RE: Here is who Rob is betraying:"
Posted by sondral on 04-03-04 at 07:44 PM
KOBrien Fan,
Regardless of who Rob is betraying (me thinks Lex and Kathy now), I agree with you on one thing for sure: Rob has painted himself into an ugly little corner, and I think that there is a chance that the first time he does NOT win immunity, he's going to be voted off. Rupert is already on the fence about Rob, Alicia (unless she gets voted off before him) can see there's a threat in Rob, Kathy and Lex are being screwed by him right now, and I think Jenna is an easy convince to vote him off. Leaves Tom (who I think can be swayed by Rupert) and Amber.
As much as I like Rob and find him extremely entertaining, I think he's been WAY too cocky about this game and is going to find himself in the looser's lodge soon, unless he manages to win immunity at each and every IC.

"RE: Here is who Rob is betraying:"
Posted by Loree on 04-04-04 at 09:09 AM
But Rob has convinced several people he is taking them to the final 3 or 4 or whatever and then it is all of them for themselves. And nobody wants to turn on Rob and get his wrath because they believe he has the power right now. And I think alot of the players think they are more liked than Rob and he would be the perfect final 2 partner. So everyone is hoping that Rob is being truthful to them and they are sitting in a good spot for now. I beleive Rob is safe for now. And when the numbers get less he has a good shot at immunity and he does look like a nice partner for final 2.