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"The Results of Each All-Star Survivor Episode"

Posted by Steiny1021 on 02-23-04 at 01:37 PM
There is a web-site that has released the results of each all-star survivor episode. The first four episodes were accurate so I am assuming the remaining episodes will be accurate as well. The following are the predicted results

1. Tina Wesson: Tina did not want to do this show- the media says different, but she was very hesitant and did not seem to be very positive from the beginning- She is the first booted player and while i cannot tell you the vote count (Q knows why) she seems to feel doomed from the start- The tribe does get along well, and even Jerri is kind (at the beginning) In confessionals Jerri does talk about seeing the ouster of Tina and Colby as her main priority- Tina is one you will see that defends her position in survivor history and dismisses this game as a true measure of "survivor"- Jenna and Jerri seem to persuade at least one other to vote off Tina

2. Rudy Boesch -- This tribe does not start off well, and that is obvious- Rudy has lost a few steps since survivor one, Rupert does lie to Rudy- whether or not the final editing shows this or not remaiins to be seen- i just laugh because Rupert is seen as a hero but he is just as bad as those he Criticized in PI- Rudy thinks he is Ok but easily is the second boot- Rupert justifies the boot afterward (as usual) Jenna (leaves cuz somebody in family died, not voted out-symbolic tribal council)

3. Jenna Morasca leaves game, and i guess that is already known- Originally they were not going to make this a huge part of the episode, BUT the overwhelming feelings of the whole cast were evident- Just to make you Jenna fans feel better- She and Colby were going to be targeted anyway- if they had lost i think Jenna would have been the first boot anyway (we will never know for sure)

4. Rob Cesternino - Rob is well liked by his tribemates- believe it or not this tribe really is the love tribe- they all are very respectful of each other- i thought there would be more friction early on in this tribe and it turned out to be just the opposite- In their confessionals- they are mean and dirty- especially ROBM.- he does this the whole game- If things go as orginally planned, alot of this episode talks about Rob C's strategy and i have to admit that he does not see it coming- the editing starts to show the true tribel leader, Rob M as the leader

Swap time

5. Jerri Manthey -- Jerri is the obvious boot in her new living environment- she is one of the very few that leaves with class- she pretty much knows she is going home-nothing too exciting with her

6. Susan Hawke -- Sue thinks she is in a position of power, she is not however Lex and Shi Ann lead to her dismissal

7. Ethan Zohn -- Ethan acts like a jackass pretty much the whole time he is there- he complains alot, on camera and off- he feels that the set up put him in a tough situation- he knows he is going as well- he threatens to quit the show but does not- voted out easily (he really is a pansy) He also talks alot about how the switch put him in a group of people he does not know that well- i dont know if in the end they focus on that

8. Richard Hatch -- Richard loses the most respect of any of the former survivors- his strategy seemed very odd- he wanted to immediately try and minimize his S1 success by acting bizarre- he and Kathy have a huge blowup and the rest join in to vote Richard out- This is the episode where Jeff yells at many of the contestants and they show some of this in this episode- Rich leaves with Rupert calling him "pathetic shell of the survivor 1 champion"

9. Colby Donaldson -- this is really where the backstabbing gets bad- Jenna Lewis turns her back on her "new" alliance that includes Lex, Cathy, Shi-ann and Rupert- To me Colby seemed like the life of the party on the outback- he really does not do a whole lot on this- He is not the leader, purposely, but his alliance building was not that strong- he has the whole "marked man" complex and is not surprised that someone has turned their back on him- he exits gracefully

Merge time

10. Lex Van den Berghe -- Lex is really cool on this show, but alot of this episode focus's on he and Tom's relationship- Lex is convinced that Tom, Kathy, Shi-Ann, and Rupert are sticking together- Tom specifically talks about the Ethan- Lex final 2 pact and that he has no loyalty- Tom is smart enough to see that he can win by sticking with his original group- Needless to say Lex is chapped on this

11. Kathy Vavrick O’Brien -- Shi jumps ship and votes Kathy- this episode is pretty boring- Kathy focuses on persuading the "older" crowd to stick together and form a new alliance- the editing shows it might work but we all know better than that

12. Shii-Ann Huang - Shi thinks she has convinced Alicia and Jenna to vote with her- no shock when Shi goes- I cant stand this girl- she spends the whole game playing to the cameras and bragging as if she is a great manipulator- she also gets bad edit which makes here America's new Jerri-

13. Alicia Calaway -- Alicia and Jenna are good friends- Amber and Rob vote Alicia out in a scheme that leaves Alicia in shock- RobM, Amber, Alicia, and Tom all agreed to vote Rupert

14. Jenna Lewis -- Here it gets tricky- lots of changing deals- the voting block focuses on Jenna, Tom, Rupert voting out Rob M-Someone changes their mind ( i would guess Tom) Read between the lines when i say that i have no access to the actual votes

15. Rupert Boneham - Tie here- GREAT episode- Amber and Rob vote Rupert, Tom and Rupert vote Rob M (while i cannot tell you for sure, it is obvious through confessionals) Rob M makes deal with Tom at tribal council to change vote and take to final 2- Tom takes deal- just like in PI Rupert actually was pretty cool during this, but just like in Pi his bad moments are not shown

16. Big Tom Buchanan - Amber knows exactly what Rob was doing and they discussed before hand what they would do in that event- Rupert was too well liked- Tom is very loved- Rob wins immunity and takes Amber- Tom is livid

17 & 18. Amber Brkich and Rob Mariano final 2 I do not know final vote- Rob is hated because of his cockiness and backstabbing- Rob also promised on his life he would not betray Tom- Amber is not just flying under the radar during allstars- she is not well like either- I really think it might be closer vote than people would think it would be- I think the players that would vote based on gameplay were booted before Jury- BUT here is the predicted upset- I think Rob's Jury performance is one of the best, if not the best ever- he specifically talks about how great the booted members are; Amber does not do as well- although Rob is hated i think he wins a close vote (just my opinion) He explains in jury every step of every decision

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Messages in this discussion
"RE: The Results of Each All-Star Survivor Episode"
Posted by DoodleBug on 02-23-04 at 01:40 PM
First off, Steiny, welcome to Blows.

Secondly, please post your source.

Snazzy new sigpic by Slice
This list looks a lot like that dreaded Sleek boot list.....

"RE: The Results of Each All-Star Survivor Episode"
Posted by pmspml5 on 02-23-04 at 01:41 PM
This is either sleeks or stars not sure but I do believe this will be locked soon. It has come out that this list is a hoax and only acurate through the first 4 boots thanks to the vacation spoiler.

"RE: The Results of Each All-Star Survivor Episode"
Posted by Steiny1021 on 02-23-04 at 02:01 PM
The source of the leak is the following web-site.


It is also my understanding that most major gambling services that place odds on the winner of survivor have terminated wagering on All-Star survivor based on this leak.

"RE: The Results of Each All-Star Survivor Episode"
Posted by bdemoney on 02-23-04 at 02:14 PM
Welcome to the board, Steiniy. Just an FYI. This is the same list from Sleek28 that has already been greatly debated/discussed here at great length.

To view these discussions please go to the following posts:

Sleek's boot list:
The link that admits he's a hoax:

Just to name a few.

"RE: The Results of Each All-Star Survivor Episode"
Posted by udg on 02-23-04 at 02:09 PM
It's a hoax. Sleek28, here is the link that says he is admits being a hoax

Here's the original thread discussing the boot list: Sleek28's "boot list"
Don't post in that thread. It's so long that it has been continued here: silverstarz - insider episode info?


"RE: The Results of Each All-Star Survivor Episode"
Posted by Brownroach on 02-23-04 at 02:20 PM
Also see the Spoiler Forum Guidelines here:
