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"Do We Have a Set DAte For the Finale?"

Posted by curtisknewyork on 02-08-04 at 11:52 PM
Thanks in advance

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Messages in this discussion
"RE: Do We Have a Set DAte For the Finale?"
Posted by dabo on 02-09-04 at 00:23 AM
Not that I've heard. It is curious that this Survivor won't stretch into May sweeps under the current schedule, with only 13 or 14 episodes.

"If all machines were to be annihilated at one moment, so that not a knife nor lever nor rag of clothing nor anything whatsoever were left to man but his bare body alone that he was born with, and if all knowledge of mechanical laws were taken from him so that he could make no more machines, and all machine-made food destroyed so that the race of man should be left as it were naked upon a desert island, we should become extinct in six weeks." (Samuel Butler, "Erewhon")

"final TC format change?"
Posted by big idiot on 02-09-04 at 02:59 AM
I was just thinking today if a final episode twist may be that instead of a final two, there is a final three that goes up for jury vote. Apologies if this has been discussed somewhere.

That would mess with strategies pretty good.

From a production standpoint, you don't need all that reminiscing of fallen survivors with the all-stars. So perhaps have a final episode with 5 or 6 survivors left and a final 3 to be voted by jury.

Evidence for (weak):
1) "we've saved all the big twists for the all-stars"
2) 18 survivors with only "one climax per episode", that means there could be a final 5 or 6 instead of a final 4.

Evidence against:
1) amber/rob final two rumors
2) Probst saying that they stuck to the original concept

And biggest problem: that would leave 6 voters on jury, with possibility of a tie and someone being the sole survivor with only 3 votes.

So, quite doubtful i guess.


"RE: final TC format change?"
Posted by JohnMc on 02-09-04 at 10:44 AM
If you have a final 3 being picked for the million (an idea that I don't really believe, but I've been wrong on LOTS of spoiler beliefs before), then it would make sense to still have 7 people on the jury.

If you have a final 2, then you have to have 7 to prevent a tie. With 3 in the final you can have a 3-3-0 tie or a 2-2-2 tie. Having 7 people would still mean that there can be no tie. That would mean that everyone on the "traditional" merge would be on the jury.

(personal note - that's always been one thing that bothered me about all the previous series. The person that comes in 10th place makes the merge but not the jury, like Shii Ann or Rob M. That would have to be incredibly disappointing!)

"RE: final TC format change?"
Posted by MourC on 02-09-04 at 11:55 AM
even with 7 there can still be a 3-3-1 tie for first, i highly doubt there would be a 3 people finale

"RE: final TC format change?"
Posted by JohnMc on 02-09-04 at 02:20 PM
While there can be a 3-3-1 tie to begin with, that tie can be broken fairly easily. You still have to have 7 and not 6.

"RE: final TC format change?"
Posted by Brownroach on 02-09-04 at 02:24 PM
But if they have a live finale, Jiffy would have to have a live revote at the finale.

"RE: final TC format change?"
Posted by dabo on 02-09-04 at 02:31 PM
jiffy was live at the S7 reunion which would have been day 40 of S8 shoot.

"RE: final TC format change?"
Posted by Brownroach on 02-09-04 at 02:35 PM
No sure what you mean, Dabo, but ASS wrapped up a few days before the S7 finale, I believe. After all, Rupert was at the S7 finale too.

"RE: final TC format change?"
Posted by dabo on 02-09-04 at 03:03 PM
ok, consider that a brain fart

jiffy hosted S8, jiffy hosted S7, jiffy was live for S7 finale in LA, s8 had to be wrapped up before then (except for live finale stuff); ...

ergo, the final TC vote for s8 was decided before the broadcast of the conclusion of S7. It may have been sealed and unrevealed at the time, but the final decision was certainly made by then.

"RE: final TC format change?"
Posted by JohnMc on 02-09-04 at 02:52 PM
nah, they'd know that ahead of time. It might get out that there was a revote, but no one has to know the winner.

(still being hypothetical, because I still think that most of this show is still intact.)

"RE: Do We Have a Set DAte For the Finale?"
Posted by Griffe on 02-09-04 at 12:09 PM
They haven't announced a Finale date but originally Mark Burnett had announced 14 episodes and had said Survivor would end before the Friends' finale. Then a week or two ago, Les Moonves announced that they would be putting up a new episode opposite of Friends which presumably isn't the Survivor Finale so most likely Survivor would now have 16 episodes with one of them being a recap.

Channel 5 Mediacorp in Asia usually airs Survivor the day after the USA and they have on their website that the Finale is on Monday, May 10th so probably the USA one will be on Sunday, May 9th.

"RE: Do We Have a Set DAte For the Finale?"
Posted by dabo on 02-10-04 at 11:13 AM
Woo-Hoo! So, Survivor-AS should last into May sweeps after all, it makes perfect sense.

"3 episodes in May sweeps"
Posted by AyaK on 02-10-04 at 06:14 PM
Thanks, Griffe.

Yeah, 16 episodes is what I expected (and scheduled for summaries). This would put 3 episodes in May sweeps: April 29 (the first day of May sweeps), May 6 and the May 9 finale.

I also don't know how Burnett gets 16 episodes without a recap, but his anti-recap comments in S7 lead me to believe that he does it somehow....

"RE: 3 episodes in May sweeps"
Posted by PepeLePew13 on 02-10-04 at 11:44 PM
Brownroach has suggested here that one possible scenario might be that Episodes 3 and 4 are stretched out over a normal 3-day period in Survivor time with the big storyline of Jenna's departure taking up a big chunk of time.

If this is what happens, we could be seeing a dragged out version of RC and the decision process being done by Jenna this week, and then in next week's episode we'd get some reaction from the other tribes to the news in the early part before proceeding on to the IC and then a TC.

This would help stretch it out to 16 episodes without needing a recrap.

"RE: 3 episodes in May sweeps"
Posted by dabo on 02-10-04 at 11:50 PM
Yep, but it was still a 39-day shoot, 13 3-day cycles. Breaking episode 3 into two parts only gets it to 14 episodes. There has to be another twist or two to get it to 15 or 16.

"RE: 3 episodes in May sweeps"
Posted by PepeLePew13 on 02-11-04 at 00:01 AM
Considering there's 14 boots and/or quittings (including the Jenna drama) to get to the final four, it makes sense there's 16 episodes accounted for right there if we buy into the 3 days being stretched out over episodes 3 and 4.

I wonder if EPMB had scheduled for a 42 or 45 day shooting period but it conveniently got shortened to 39 days with Jenna (and maybe one other person) quitting?

We'll know more after this week's and next week's episodes, I guess.

"RE: 3 episodes in May sweeps"
Posted by dabo on 02-11-04 at 00:14 AM
Had to have been planned for 39, I would think. He had originally intended the live reunion for S7 to take place in Panama, but I would think the timing of the wrap before the live event was not fortuitous circumstance.

"RE: 3 episodes in May sweeps"
Posted by Round Robin on 02-11-04 at 00:19 AM
I believe ASS was originally scheduled for 39 days with TC's being accelerated after the merge. I remember it originally being announced as a 14 episode series with no recraps. Assuming a standard 4 player finale, you can get to 16 episodes by having Jenna's departure and the next regular voteoff as separate episodes, which adds one, and by adding a recrap. There are always 2 weeks during the NCAA hoops tournament in which the episodes are moved to Wednesdays, and if a recrap is done it would make sense to put it there. With this being All-Stars, CBS and MB might decide to run a recrap to give these people more camera time and to run more confessionals. With guys like Mariano around, there oughta be plenty of good ones.

"RE: 3 episodes in May sweeps"
Posted by Brownroach on 02-11-04 at 11:01 AM
Assuming a standard 4 player finale, you can get to 16 episodes by having Jenna's departure and the next regular voteoff as separate episodes, which adds one, and by adding a recrap.

That's what I think will happen. One other option is to have an episode covering only the F4 boot, and then an F3 finale, like they did in S2. Then the recrap can be eliminated. I doubt MB will do that though.

"Let's do the math"
Posted by JohnMc on 02-11-04 at 12:36 PM
Standard game with 16 players going 39 days = 13 episodes, which has a final 4 episode.

Add 1 more if you stretch out the game to 42 days like S2 = 14 episodes.

Subtract one if you go back to 39 days, but add it back to include the recrap like in S3, S4, S5, and S6 = 13 episodes

Subtract the recrap when you realize that people don't really like it, but add it back when you have a game twist having a day 20 boot of 2 players, bring back 2 players on day 21, and then have the regular TC on day 21 in S7 = 14 episodes.

Now with ASS we have 18 players. That should automatically take 16 episodes because we add 2 players to the standard game with a recrap.

If the Jenna boot/going home is only 2 days, then the next episode should have the traditional TC, but that's only 1 day, and unless it has some tension, it will be hard to fill up an hour (or even 44-46 minutes). But let's say that's what they do, we are back to 15, but since EPM said that he hates doing the recrap, now we have 16 again.

My question is this: How do you get back down to 14 if you take the NCAA into account?

"RE: Let's do the math"
Posted by Round Robin on 02-13-04 at 01:05 AM
They won't go down to 14. The weeks work out perfect for a 16 episode series, and they never take the 2 weeks off for the NCAA hoops, they always go to Wednesdays. So either they do a recrap or there's some huge twist that necessitates a 2 part episode. Based on statements from Burnett and Probst that they pretty much stuck to the original game, the best bet seems to be a recrap and 15 regular episodes.

"From SNN: May 9"
Posted by udg on 02-22-04 at 05:37 AM
Start Spreadin the News
SNN has learned from a source close to CBS that the Survivor All-Stars finale will air live from New York's Madison Square Garden. The expected date is Sunday, May 9. The decision was supposedly made very recently, so info is still sketchy. More later as we find out...
Thursday, February 19, 2004
