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"Flags and Jenna"

Posted by PhillyBrat on 02-02-04 at 01:37 PM
Lets start with this shot:

In this shot we have Jerri holding the Saboga flag.

We have caps of Rupert holding the flag with the Reward challange. Which means Jerri must be holding this for Immunity right?

However the backround of this shot is very rocky. What I don't get is "challange beach" has no rocks at all.

This shot also runs the risk of being an "on the way to the challange" picture, however it still caught my eye.

Also note that RUDY is also included in this picture.

We have 1 more thing... Jenna:

In this shot above we have Jenna wearing a "thicker" swimsuit top.

In the shot with Rupert holding the flag:

We see Jenna kinda wearing the same Thick top as before in both area's.

However here she is wearing a THINER top. The one that is not the same as at.

So where does Jenna get the thin swimming top? And where is she with Jerri? Is this Jenna??


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"RE: Flags and Jenna"
Posted by KObrien_fan on 02-02-04 at 01:45 PM
Yellow buffed female in this shot, it can't be Tina, so it has to be Jenna. So the question is where is this shot taken. I'll have to review a few more vidcaps, but good catch. This frame has seemed to be out of context with the others.

Surgeon General G.A.W.K.U.R's of OT

"RE: Flags and Jenna"
Posted by Blow by Blow on 02-02-04 at 01:47 PM
If you go here:
you can see Jenna wearing the top with the thinner straps. You can also see that she and Ethan are trying to get a fire going with someone glasses.

In pic 29, I think the general consensus is that this shot is on challenge beach after either the build-the-ladder or free-the-boat challenge in Ep2.


"RE: Flags and Jenna"
Posted by PepeLePew13 on 02-02-04 at 01:53 PM
Jenna's also got a whopper of a suntan and burn on her shoulders, and it's more brown than red... indicating it's after she's been on the island a few days. So, she brought two bathing tops -- or it's a bra under the buff, but don't think she'd wear just a bra while the buff's around her neck during a competition.

"RE: Flags and Jenna"
Posted by wendyp on 02-02-04 at 02:00 PM
I thinkt he thinner strap is a bra stap. I think she has the thick strapped swim suit and the other is a bra.

The shot with Jerri holding the flag is probably from their camp as most are looking down at the ground. if they were at the challenge I think they would be holding their heads up to show the others they are in this competition.

"RE: Flags and Jenna"
Posted by Flowerpower on 02-02-04 at 02:12 PM
LAST EDITED ON 02-02-04 AT 02:23 PM (EST)

LAST EDITED ON 02-02-04 AT 02:21 PM (EST)

LAST EDITED ON 02-02-04 AT 02:19 PM (EST)

Philly brat, I do think it's Jenna L. that Jerri is hugging, check out this pic from Survivor Fever of Jenna L.'s suit. I think this is the only suit she is wearing, it appears to have thick straps in the front and much smaller in the back.
And please notice she is holding glasses in her hand....for all of you who were wondering why they were'nt trying to start the fire with glasses/lenses!

"RE: Flags and Jenna"
Posted by KObrien_fan on 02-02-04 at 02:38 PM
Yep, you got it! Nice find.

Surgeon General G.A.W.K.U.R's of OT

"RE: Flags and Jenna"
Posted by pmspml5 on 02-02-04 at 03:06 PM
LAST EDITED ON 02-02-04 AT 03:07 PM (EST)

Is there any reason why the picture of Jenna and Jerri celebrated isnt at the tribe when they finally get fire?

Edited to ad - there are no pictures of Jenna in the pink "bra" at any challenges.

"RE: Flags and Jenna"
Posted by geg6 on 02-02-04 at 03:33 PM
Exactly!! That was my first reaction to the shot. They're thrilled to the point of hysteria at the idea that they finally have fire.

"RE: Flags and Jenna"
Posted by Cyanide4U on 02-02-04 at 03:44 PM
For those who might not know this:

Only glasses from a far-sighted person will likely be able to be used to start a fire. These are the glasses from someone who seems to have big huge eyes when you look at them (because there eyes seem magnified). Typically though, most people in western society who need glasses get them at a relatively early age and through fairly "benign" pathophysiological processes (school work, "near" office work, too much time with books hehe). This will be myopia and needs a diverging lens. Ultimately, I can't remember who wears the glasses, but for all intents and purposes, one can likely assume that these glasses will be nearly useless towards starting a fire (or else, everyone whereing glasses would be acutely afraid of looking at the sun hehe).

So if you are going to use glasses to start fires, get them from "Piggy", the kid with the stupidly big looking eyes. Else, better focus on friction vs tinder.

"RE: Flags and Jenna"
Posted by mistofleas on 02-02-04 at 04:38 PM
Actually, any eyeglasses can work. All you have to do is put a little water on the glass to make it magnify.

--has made a fire in just that way

"RE: Flags and Jenna"
Posted by Blow by Blow on 02-02-04 at 04:40 PM
Mistosmartypants has arrived! Why am I not surprised these All Stars are so incompetent.


"RE: Flags and Jenna"
Posted by mistofleas on 02-02-04 at 05:40 PM
LAST EDITED ON 02-02-04 AT 05:40 PM (EST)

Mistosmartypants has arrived!

Stop lookin' at my pants BbB!

--hasn't been called smartypants in...oh a couple of hours

"RE: Flags and Jenna"
Posted by Cyanide4U on 02-02-04 at 06:08 PM
I was wondering how one could create a convex lens in the wilderness. Was even wondering how to do it with water. Adding a layer of water over top is quite ingenious. But, based on the fact that the water is a different refractive index than the lens and that water may not be willing to form a dome shaped meniscus over the full area of a lens (especially not enough to offset whatever concave shape the lens may have on the opposite side: is there any other steps you have to take besides just dumping the water on? Also, I imagine this would make a very weak lens (considering the limitations above). Would this system require to lens holder to be many feet above the ground (where the fire is meant to start), possibly taller than the average adult?

Not questioning your reliability. Just enquiring about the details. I am a bit of a back-woods-goer myself.



"RE: Flags and Jenna"
Posted by udg on 02-02-04 at 06:32 PM
You wouldn't have to cover the entire lens with water, and I suspect it would work better if you didn't.


"RE: Flags and Jenna"
Posted by munson on 02-02-04 at 06:37 PM
Please note Ethan's lack of facial hair growth. I think this was E1 despite Jenna1's tan lines.

I can tan like that in a day but I can't reverse hair growth and Ethan's is more noticable in the other E2 shots.

"RE: Flags and Jenna"
Posted by Cyanide4U on 02-02-04 at 06:34 PM
Is it just me, or does Ethan's 5 oclock shadow seem a little darker and thicker than in the tribal council pictures or other pics so far?

Could be a "biological clock" for further consideration

But enough procrastination from me