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"Matt catches on to Rob this week?"

Posted by Brownroach on 04-21-03 at 12:06 PM
LAST EDITED ON 04-21-03 AT 12:07 PM (EST)

Some things struck me about Bungler's Sunday preview vidcaps, here:


We see the alliance of 4 sunbathing while the others work. Then at the RC (Caps 12 and 13) the factions are positioned on opposite sides of the benches. Interestingly, Rob is positioned away from Matt and Butch (whom he has been stringing along), while Alex (cap 15) is in the "bridge" position between the two groups.

We also see Matt and Butch presumably talking to each other in the woods in Cap 25. And in cap 17, Rob ( in green shirt -- not at RC) looks a little nervous, like he's trying to figure out what to do.

I think we will see Matt start questioning Rob's loyalty and motives this week ("Q & A" double meaning). Matt and Butch may be discussing ways to take down the alliance and stay in the game. Matt no longer trusts Rob, but at some point after the RC, Rob comes to him with a plan to take out Alex. Matt listens, interested, and, per Rob's instructions, relays the plan to Butch, and maybe Christy as well.

They know for sure that Rob is two-faced now. But he has presented them with a viable plan to start whittling down the power alliance. So what do they decide to do? One possibility: they agree to vote against Alex, and then Heidi, but they privately plan to get rid of Rob right after Heidi.

That would satisfy Ryan's remark that Rob's scheming comes back to bite him. It also makes the most sense to me as to how Rob would get axed in Ep 12.

The other possibility is that Matt takes the information to Alex. Since Alex knows Matt has not heretofore been a schemer, Alex might very well believe what Matt says. They set up a counterplan to remove Rob now, with Heidi's and Jenna's help. That also seems feasible, though it doesn't offer much to explain why Heidi goes in Episode 11.

But I really think Rob is going to get in a jam with Matt this week, whether he gets axed sooner or later.

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"RE: Matt catches on to Rob this week?"
Posted by Cathy the Canadian on 04-21-03 at 01:19 PM
I was thinking the same thing - but I was sure I'd get flamed if I put it out there (everyone is so sure it's Alex this week).

I think this is going to be Christy's week to stir the pot. Did you notice a few eps back, when Rob was making fun of Matt to the delight of the tribe, Christy was there. She knows what Rob thinks of Matt, and when Matt comes to her, and tells her how Rob wants them to vote out Alex, I think she will be very suspicious.

I see Christy approaching Alex/Jenna/Hiedi with news of thier benedict arnold. She's been duped too many times into voting against the majority alliance. This time she'll want to make sure she's on board with the winning team.

I think Matt is the one who vows to vote against a trusted ally, and Rob is the one set into a flutter when he senses things aren't going as planned.

Sour grapes will happen next week, when Alex/Hiedi/Jenna realize they've lost their power.

"RE: Matt catches on to Rob this week?"
Posted by Brownroach on 04-21-03 at 01:34 PM
LAST EDITED ON 04-21-03 AT 01:35 PM (EST)

Could go that way too, Cathy. Christy is also shown in the Sunday preview, apparently complaining about the laziness of the alliance. She was very vocal about that at Jaburu. If she knows that things aren't looking good for her anyway, why not stir the pot if she can, especially if she has information about a traitor?

Still can't decide on Alex or Rob for this week, though.

"RE: Matt catches on to Rob this week?"
Posted by Loree on 04-21-03 at 01:45 PM
I can't decide between Rob and Alex either. I know the popular vote is Alex goes. But I just have this nagging feeling that everything isn't as obvious as it seems. I wonder if Jenna isn't closer with Matt than we realize. She hasn't really said he creeps her out. Jenna and Alex could decide to talk to Matt and see what he thinks. Matt has to be confused about Rob's actions. Rob keeps feeding Matt the line that they can't be seen talking together, etc. But does that mean Rob can lay around and Matt is suppose to do all the work. Matt should be getting resentful by now. And Butch can't be that stupid. He has to be observing something along with Christy. The 3 of them have to realize they need to do something now. And Rob seems to be playing the Deena Game right now. Both sides. That is what got Deena booted. So why not Rob too?

"The Chain"
Posted by frisky on 04-21-03 at 04:11 PM
Matt and Butch have an alliance that goes beyond the "secret agent man" scheme that Rob instigated. In fact, by sending Matt off to be in charge of Butch, he may have written his ticket out of the game.

When Rob was making fun of Matt, did he mention "THE CHAIN?" I think not. He doesn't know about it. The Chain is the basis of Matt and Butch's alliance, and it's the key to how these two "outcasts" make it to the final four. I think the significant of THE CHAIN is being overlooked.

In the boat, Matt explained the chain to Butch, and Butch explained it to us in his confessional. The plan is: there's these four strong links in the chain. Eventually, links are going to break off and that's when you "jump in and grab on" or something or other. Butch was all excited with newfound hope.

I think that's exactly how it's going to go down, and I think that Matt has figured this out all by himself without his mentor Rob. That he planned this scheme with Butch and not with Rob indicates that he caught on to Rob at least one or two eps back.

"RE: The Chain"
Posted by Krautboy on 04-21-03 at 04:36 PM
Excellent Frisky!

Matt is not the clueless character the editing has depicted. Your observations about "The Chain" discussion are very insightful.

When Rob defects he will become the weak link on the Matt and Butch's chain...


"RE: The Chain"
Posted by Devious Weasel on 04-21-03 at 04:56 PM
I thought I remembered everyone (sans Christy, Matt, and Butch, of course) laughing about how Rob tells Matt what is going on and then Matt tells Butch. They might not have mentioned the Chain specifically, but I think they did know about Matt and Butch's conversations.

"RE: The Chain"
Posted by Brownroach on 04-21-03 at 05:04 PM
LAST EDITED ON 04-21-03 AT 05:10 PM (EST)

I think you're right Weasel. Didn't Rob say something to the tribe about information being parceled out to Butch on a "need-to-know" basis?

***Edited to add:
Although, this doesn't contradict Frisky's speculation. Rob is probably not thinking that there could be a stronger connection between Matt and Butch now than between himself and Matt.

"RE: The Chain"
Posted by frisky on 04-22-03 at 02:25 AM
LAST EDITED ON 04-22-03 AT 02:30 AM (EST)

>Although, this doesn't contradict Frisky's speculation.

Exactly. ;)

The only thing Matt ISN'T filtering back to Rob is "The Chain." He keeps up the dum-dum facade and the master/servant charade so that Rob thinks he has Matt in his back pocket. Everything is business-as-usual. Meanwhile, Matt is plotting with Butch.

This might be stretching it a bit, but oh well:

Maybe Matt has told Butch about his relationship with Rob and how he's going to "screw" Rob (to borrow a word from Jenna). When we saw Matt doing the secret-agent-man routine with Butch in the boat, maybe he was relaying what Rob had told him to say, and MB pieced it together thusly:

*snip* "This is what I'm going to tell Rob I told you... *snip*
...you're on a need-to-know basis. All information filters through me."

Honestly, Butch may be boring but he's not a dumb man. I just couldn't picture a guy like Butch hearing that info without the snippets, presented in the context that we saw it on TV, and then running up into the bushes and giving an excited confessional about linking up with Matt. I don't think he would completely accept the whole mystery thing at face value. He's a principal, he's used to being at the top of a whole hierarchy of people, and after years of experience probably doesn't take BS. I don't think he's playing into Matt's hands. I think these two guys are totally on the level.

"RE: The Chain"
Posted by SaphireLady on 04-22-03 at 03:50 AM
I agree that Butch is not dumb. I think there is alot more to those two then has been shown or told.

"Now I will believe that there are unicorns..." William Shakespeare; "The Tempest"

"RE: The Chain"
Posted by Thaibeach on 04-22-03 at 07:47 AM
Frisky, you are absolutely right. There is no way that people of Matt's and Butch's backgrounds could be as naive and gullible (or just plain dumb)as they've been portrayed.

Whether Rob gets it this week or in Ep12 - I can't wait to see the look on his face.

"RE: The Chain"
Posted by Krautboy on 04-21-03 at 06:54 PM
Christy was standing right there listening to Rob laugh behind Matt and Butch's back...

Christy was either already united with Butch and Matt and biting her lip or will reveal some of this during this week's episode after she gets pissed that the arrogant sunbathers aren't working...


"RE: The Chain"
Posted by Jims02 on 04-21-03 at 10:32 PM
Ahhhh, excellent analysis!

Rob isn't setting himself up any better switching over to Butch/Matt's side.

We would have a chain like this if Rob defects


Of course, Christy and Rob would be on the "outside" of the alliance. (#5 & #4 overall)

So they take out Alex and Heidi in the following episodes.

I'm still trying to wonder how Jenna would survive after that though. Maybe IC? Who knows? Maybe it's a little too early for that right now.

In Honor of Summary Writers...
5. "She’s deaf! She’s deaf! Oh God, the humanity, she’s deaf!" -TechNoir
6. "Christy’s smile... one of the 1,612 defining moments" -TeamJoisey
7. "Christy wins the Jan Gentry “Aim High” Award" -Fester
8. "Heidi and Jenna are more Butch than Butch" -Draco
9. "Matthew: DINNER!" -Anotherkim

"RE: Matt catches on to Rob this week?"
Posted by whoami on 04-21-03 at 11:38 PM
I think that Matt has already cought on to Rob, and will he use him to get rid of Alex this week? Will the four Jenna, Heidi, Alex and Rob, Break there alliance and vote Rob out even if they know he is a traitor? They kept Shawna. Why would they give up the majority, they can vote Rob out after getting rid of the other three. Or after getting rid of only one of them.

I am still not convinsed of the F4 & F2 will be as it has been said it will be, Remember S1.

Mabe they take Christy into there alliance and vote out Rob.
Then after Heidi gets nacked again and grosses everyone out they get rid of her and bring Butch into the alliance. Now we have Jenna, Alex, Christy and Butch in alliance With Mat on the out side. Mat wins the next IC and Alex is then voted out. Wait a min. this would give us the F4 By CO.

Let me think on this one there has to be another way.

"Matt playing harder than we see..."
Posted by VanQ1 on 04-21-03 at 11:47 PM
I think that one thing that keeps coming up, is that Matt is clueless and not playing the game. The first time that I have seen contrary is in the Reality News Online interview with Shawna.

When asked why Alex and herself had voted for Matt, she replied:
"Matthew was campaigning for the votes against me, but I did not partake in trying to sway anyone's decisions".

I think that we are definitely being mislead about Matts' gameplan... ala Vee.

Also, I wonder if Matts' campaigning against Shawna left any lasting impressions with Alex. Alex may harbor some resentment there.

Posted by lizzmac on 04-22-03 at 07:03 PM
I definitely believe there's more to Matt than meets the eye. I've been waiting for the "clueless" Matt to overthrow "Master Survivor Player" Rob for weeks... all in good time.


Posted by Wacko Jacko on 04-22-03 at 09:14 AM
LAST EDITED ON 04-22-03 AT 10:35 AM (EST)

I know I have written this before (no one responds) but let's assume that Matt and Jenna are the final two.

Does it seem like Matt is being edited as the winner?

Jenna on the other hand they just keep showing her doing one thing stupid thing after another (washing the buffs, revealing her alliances, alienating the deaf girl, being lazy and riding her alliances by not doing work, stripping, etc). Don't you think that these are things coming from a person that Burnett would not want to win. Verses Matt, the Underdog always makes a nice story. It kinda reminds me of Kathy from Marcasious - each week he is the one targeted but each week he keeps surviving. I think by the time Matt gets to the finals everyone will be scratching their heads and people will be routing for him and he will win. Makes for a nice Survivor Story and Survivor's in the future could be marketed as "Don't give up Matt didn't and he came out on top". As for Jenna, if she won - what would be the story? Besides Matt has been a hard worker.

I think that the editing clearly points to Matt winning the whole thing.


Editted to add: In hindsight this would be better suited to be it's own topic header.

"RE: Editing"
Posted by Thaibeach on 04-22-03 at 09:23 AM
LAST EDITED ON 04-22-03 AT 01:54 PM (EST)

Excellent point, WJ!

The whole issue of Rob seeming to play Matt for a fool (and Matt edited as falling for it) fits right into your theory.

Though he's always been a hard worker, he's been portrayed as a little weird (OK, very weird). But Matt has become a more sympathetic character (at least to me) since Rob's "plot" was revealed. When he was making fun of Matt in front of the "cool kids", I actually got angry and felt sorry for Matt.

This is manipulation by MB, pure and simple. But it's manipulation with a goal in sight - and that is making Matt a more likable and sympathetic WINNER.

PS - if Jenna wins, I will puke...copiously!

"RE: Editing"
Posted by Brownroach on 04-22-03 at 10:29 AM
LAST EDITED ON 04-22-03 AT 10:30 AM (EST)

Jacko, I would agree. Really, in terms of "type", Jenna isn't all that much different from Sarah from Marquesas, though she seems a little smarter, and she's being edited a bit more positively -- probably because she got all the way to F2.

But if Matt is revealed to be much more on the ball than we've previously been shown, I think he would become the audience favorite to take it all.

"RE: Editing"
Posted by Devious Weasel on 04-22-03 at 10:45 AM
Although if we're given the emotional piece of her sick mother this week, that may sway viewers into looking more favorably at her.

"RE: Editing"
Posted by Krautboy on 04-22-03 at 10:53 AM
WJ: MB knows who wins and the editing is all about building up to a suspenseful finale. The editing is used as the great equalizer...balancing out the real game to make it appear as suspenseful as possible, with a 4-3 vote being ideal.

I agree that Matthew has been edited like the eventual winner, but his real performance has probably been muted and hidden by the editing to make the finale more suspenseful...


"RE: Editing"
Posted by Wacko Jacko on 04-22-03 at 11:36 AM
Exactly, Burnett is presenting us with so many confessionals about how creepy and stupid Matt is. Their reason is to make us believe that Jenna will either be real close to Matt in votes or even win the voting. But if you look at the editing of the two characters, Matt is the one that Burnett is setting up to be the winner. His winning is a better story than Jenna's winning and helps Survivor keep strong ratings in the future.

"Matt & Jenna"
Posted by Jims02 on 04-22-03 at 03:45 PM
Matt and Jenna, by far, have had the oddest editing pattern this season.

MB has shown us very little of Matt's strategy, and has portrayed him as someone who does not know what's going on.


There are two explanations.

-As stated before, Matthew could actually win Survivor, so MB plays up Rob as an unfeeling person to gain sympathy toward Matt.

-However, Matthew may lose in the Final 2, so MB portrays him as a naive person who didn't really have a strategy (thus not deserving the victory). Remember the "Vee backlash" when she won. People were upset because she just kind of hung around for the ride.

Jenna's editing has been odd too. Jenna is the type of person that I instinctively dislike. However, lately her editing pattern has convinced me to actually like/respect the way she is playing the game.

Remember Episodes 1 and 2? Christy gave Jenna her only vote, because Christy felt like Jenna was snubbing her. What has happened to these feelings? Do they exist? Why hasn't MB shown these feelings to us again?

I thought that these two might actually be a division in a tribe, but NOTHING seemed to happen after that. It just struck me as weird.

In Honor of Summary Writers...
5. "She’s deaf! She’s deaf! Oh God, the humanity, she’s deaf!" -TechNoir
6. "Christy’s smile... one of the 1,612 defining moments" -TeamJoisey
7. "Christy wins the Jan Gentry “Aim High” Award" -Fester
8. "Heidi and Jenna are more Butch than Butch" -Draco
9. "Matthew: DINNER!" -Anotherkim