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"EP 7 (Wed) Preview Vidcaps"

Posted by Bungler on 03-19-03 at 09:17 PM
LAST EDITED ON 03-19-03 AT 09:42 PM (EST)

I'll add the audio when I get a chance...

{JP} Next time on a special Wednesday Survivor, the tribes...
{Rob} Here it is.

{Jenna} Heeere's the key!

{JP} The tribes learn the secret of the locked box.

{Deena} I don't think I've seen Jaburu move that fast. Ever!

{JP} And it all comes off at the immunity challenge.

{Jenna} Heidi, you wanna pull your pants down?

{Bruce} Oh my, I'm not looking.

{Alex} Oh, I'm looking, are you kidding me?

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Messages in this discussion
"RE: EP 7 (Wed) Preview Vidcaps"
Posted by J Slice on 03-19-03 at 09:23 PM
Well, those bright new orangey/red buffs clearly indicate - this is a Merge, and not a fake merge. They're one tribe now... (side note: who the HELL would wanna see those butchered funbags revealed in their glory?!)

If Jenna takes off her top, wouldn't her protruding ribcage knock someone into the water anyway?

"RE: EP 7 (Wed) Preview Vidcaps"
Posted by NorthOfBoston on 03-19-03 at 09:25 PM
I don't think Jenna understands Physics that well...
after all, it's "dark down there" is her extent of biology knowledge

"Girls Gone Wilder"
Posted by NorthOfBoston on 03-19-03 at 09:23 PM
Well this explains the Girls Gone Wilder title

Posted by forehead on 03-19-03 at 09:24 PM
Red buffs...

Well, MB is keeping us on our toes; I thought there would be a cohabitation like in S5...

"Wait, maybe no merge?"
Posted by forehead on 03-19-03 at 09:27 PM
Was there a shot with any of the guys with a red buff? Is it just the women with red buffs?

"RE: Wait, maybe no merge?"
Posted by koki on 03-19-03 at 09:39 PM
I dont see any guys with a red buff, but I do see in what I think is vidcap 12 is a guy standing on a red disc. If they were seperate tribes, why would a guy be standing on a red disc?

I remember last season that in the fake merge, the tribe challenges still had the tribes colors involved, and thats why we got tinted caps, since these caps arent tinted, and they all seem to be standing on red, I have to say, they have merged.

"RE: Wait, maybe no merge?"
Posted by Bungler on 03-19-03 at 09:44 PM
forehead - Bruce's buff is on his left wrist in cap 8, and Alex has his on his right wrist in cap 12.

"RE: Wait, maybe no merge?"
Posted by J Slice on 03-19-03 at 09:50 PM
You mean Butch of course... ^__^

"RE: Wait, maybe no merge?"
Posted by Bungler on 03-19-03 at 10:24 PM
umm, yeah.


"not all show red buffs"
Posted by iheartmagilla on 03-20-03 at 11:11 AM
In response to Butch's buff on his left wrist in cap 8, and Alex's on his right wrist in cap 12 - if you look at their buffs, they are not the same stand-out red color that both Heidi's and Jenna's are. If they were the same color, we'd be able to see the red as easily on their wrists as we do on these girls' heads. Either they have just colorized the buffs of the girls closest to the camera, or not everyone put on a red buff (for whatever reason - some people assumed they've merged, etc).

"RE: Merge"
Posted by Krautboy on 03-20-03 at 00:50 AM
Forehead, it appears there may be colorized buffs used to hide the cohabitation from those of us who have seen the cohabitation before...

The previews make the post standing endurance challenge sound like a RC. Could they compete for food as a tribe endurance challenge, with the women bartering with the opposite tribe...as in something like "I'll strip if you jump off your poll?"


"RE: Merge"
Posted by Kokoro on 03-20-03 at 01:10 AM
LAST EDITED ON 03-20-03 AT 01:12 AM (EST)

The Reward Challenge theory is the most plausible explanation I can think of as well. They could also be trying to get (eliminated) people on the shore to save them some of the food that always comes with these challenges, but then why not just jump off?

There is one problem, though. Heidi and Jenna are working together. What if the coloured buffs are also hiding something else: Either the tribes go back to male vs. female, or we have something of an optional switch.

EDIT: Of course, it could always be the first post-merge reward challenge we've ever had and Heidi and Jenna will get rid of everyone else before battling it out, but they've never done a primary merge RC before so why bother now (since it just takes away time that could be spent on showing alliances and whatnot)?

"This isn't a story about how good triumphs. Good people are going to die." - BTVS

"RE: Merge"
Posted by cowboyroo on 03-20-03 at 12:08 PM
In the past, JP has bartered Survivors off the poles with food. Perhaps Jenna/Heidi are bribing the people who jumped off for food by stripping.

This is most definitely the RC and my guess is they are taking the reward for departure from those who jumped.

The only ones who'd go for that are Rob/Dave/Alex. Alex is still up when the clothes come off, so I'll guess Dave or Rob are in the water early.

I favor Deena to win this one.

"RE: Merge"
Posted by SurvivorC on 03-20-03 at 09:31 AM
Based on the new entries in the drop-down menu of the Survivor Blows Game, I think this week is a merge. For Episode's One thru Six, you selected a team for the IC and RC. For Episode Seven, it changed so that you are selecting an individual. That and the fact that it looks as if the Survivors are running around to collect things to take to either the other camp or an entirely new camp site make me almost postive that the tribes will merge.

The only other possibility I can think of makes no sense at all. The tribes could possibly merge, but continue to live at separate camps. I guess that would add a new twist to the game. When everyone goes to tribal council and one person has immunity, you might be voting for someone in the other camp whom you have never spent much time with. Then alliances and strategy would really come into play. That doesn't seem plausible, but I guess it is possible.

"RE: EP 7 (Wed) Preview Vidcaps"
Posted by VanQ1 on 03-19-03 at 09:39 PM
Looks like Jabaru packing up camp.. so either new camp is at new site, or at Tambaqui.

"Additional vidcaps"
Posted by SurvivorBlows on 03-19-03 at 10:08 PM
FYI, I posted some additional vidcaps inthe below directory:


Is that Dave or ALex next to Jenna:

That's Butch next to Heidi followed by I believe Alex and Deanna:

"RE: Additional vidcaps"
Posted by Bungler on 03-19-03 at 10:29 PM
Is that Dave or ALex next to Jenna:

SB, I'm guessing it's Alex. As the guys says that he's definitely looking, it's Alex's voice. Plus, Alex is the one with the gray and white camo shorts, not Dave.

"RE: Additional vidcaps"
Posted by munson on 03-19-03 at 10:44 PM
Yep, that's Alex next to Jenna.

"the disapearing Butch???"
Posted by shakes the clown on 03-19-03 at 10:57 PM
What happend to Butch between the two vidcaps Webby posted? In the first one he is on the post between Alex and heidi and in the next one there is NO post between Alex and Heidi????

Does this mean that there are different rounds to this competition? I don't see how that would make sense if this is the same challenge as the one Keith won is S2. I also doubt they would have the survivors move closer together after someone fell off since that would also defeat the purpose of standing on the same log for hours on end.

Quite confusing...

"RE: the disapearing Butch???"
Posted by Bungler on 03-19-03 at 11:06 PM

Shakes, this is the order I see (from right to left).

Heidi #1
Bruce #2
Dave #3
Rob #4
??? #5
??? #6
Jenna #7
Alex #8
??? #9
??? #10 (unseen in pic above)

"RE: the disapearing Butch???"
Posted by cowboyroo on 03-20-03 at 12:47 PM
I think #4 is Deena or Christy.

On Survivorfever, they have clips from CBS site.

From that site, it also shows what looks like Rodger is a blue shirt and hat jumping in. We also see Dave jumping in, with the #2 slot empty, as well as the #'s 5 and 6 slots.

Rodger, Butch, Dave and whoever is on 5 and 6 don't win Immunity.

"RE: the disapearing Butch???"
Posted by Kokoro on 03-19-03 at 11:16 PM
Huh? In the first one I see Butch between Heidi and Dave and in the second one I see Alex and Jenna....is there another vidcap in the directory that you're referring to?

"This isn't a story about how good triumphs. Good people are going to die." - BTVS

"RE: the disapearing Butch???"
Posted by shakes the clown on 03-19-03 at 11:43 PM
never mind, I got confused....thought that the pic of Jenna was a pic of Heidi.

Now everybody just shut up. And Bungler, I know you love the name Bruce and all, but you're just going to have to accept the fact that the guy's name is Butch, not Bruce

"Lineup vidcap"
Posted by SurvivorBlows on 03-19-03 at 11:43 PM
LAST EDITED ON 03-19-03 AT 11:44 PM (EST)

Here's a vidcap of the whole lineup... the Heidi cropped off on the right edge... I'm not sure what that boxy platform at the far end is all about -- maybe a camerca mount? ...it seems a wierd place for Jiffy to be positioned

"RE: Lineup vidcap"
Posted by Bungler on 03-20-03 at 02:04 PM

From left to right:

Position 10 is Roger
Position 9 (I believe) is Christy
Position 8 is Alex
Position 7 is Jenna
Position 6 is (I believe) Rob
Position 5 is (I believe) Matt
Position 4 is Deena
Position 3 is Dave
Position 2 is Butch
Position 1 is Heidi

"RE: Lineup vidcap"
Posted by cowboyroo on 03-20-03 at 03:21 PM
I think 5 is Christy and 9 is Matthew. In number 5, it looks like there is some hair on the shoulders....I concur with Rob being 6.

"After checking on Photoshop..."
Posted by PepeLePew13 on 03-20-03 at 08:57 PM
LAST EDITED ON 03-20-03 AT 09:02 PM (EST)

Doh! Pushed 'enter' too early.

... it does look to me more like Christy in the 5th position, beside Deena. She's got her black top, the physique (appears to have breasts) isn't as buff as Matthew would seem to be and the height seems to be in proportion to Deena's. I could be wrong as it's real fuzzy, but the physique seems to match Christy more. So, if that's Christy and Rob, then they're eliminated early.

"When you get to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on."

"RE: Lineup vidcap"
Posted by NorthOfBoston on 03-20-03 at 08:46 PM
I think Christy is #6. She has very bad posture (so much so that I remembered it) and that person appears to have rolled shoulders.

"Colorized Buffs?"
Posted by Krautboy on 03-20-03 at 00:20 AM
LAST EDITED ON 03-20-03 AT 00:43 AM (EST)

Either Deena buff is bleeding onto her forhead or the buff on her head is colorized...is there any reason to make us believe there is a merge when in reality it's a false merge?

Edited to add that Heidi also appears to have a colorized buff or red die bleeding onto her forehead...

Is MB hiding a false merge from the viewers who have seen it before?


"RE: Colorized Buffs?"
Posted by KDMaxx on 03-20-03 at 01:01 AM
LAST EDITED ON 03-20-03 AT 01:09 AM (EST)

I thought there would be a fake merge and I agree that the "bleeding buffs" look suspicious. But I can't see how the post standing challenge could be done in teams. This type of challenge would only work for individual immunity or reward. Unless someone can think of a way it might work while maintaining teams......


"RE: Colorized Buffs?"
Posted by Krautboy on 03-20-03 at 01:19 AM
Maybe RC is presented in such a way as to make the contestants believe they have merged when in reality they have not, in an attempt to create a ShiAnn type of surprise at the IC when they realize that they are still competing for team Immmunity...


"RE: Colorized Buffs?"
Posted by KDMaxx on 03-20-03 at 01:35 AM
The problem I see with that logic is that in the audio JP states that it is the immunity challenge where the clothes come off. (I just went to the top and noticed this comment in the audio.)


"RE: Colorized Buffs?"
Posted by DRONES on 03-20-03 at 06:16 AM
Measure the total time, that's how you can do this as a team challenge. Each memember of their respective tribe has their time on the pole added to that of their team and the team with most TOTAL time wins.

"RE: Colorized Buffs?"
Posted by Gweedeaux on 03-20-03 at 07:58 AM
However, if this is a team challenge, then why would it appear that Jenna and Heidi are working together?

"RE: Colorized Buffs?"
Posted by ElroyJetson on 03-20-03 at 09:42 AM
However, if this is a team challenge, then why would it appear that Jenna and Heidi are working together?

Because they THINK they have merged

"working together my thoughts"
Posted by mindella27 on 03-22-03 at 09:23 AM
When there is RC later on in the game they are always allowed to take one person with them. Heidi would take Jenna and vice versa.

"Total time and False Merge Makes sense"
Posted by Chez on 03-22-03 at 03:05 PM
I agree it could be that total times of survivors standing are added together to give the winner, and JP could state the instructions in an ambiguous way that somehow misleads them into thinking it is individual (and they already mistakenly think there's been a merge).

I think he might have to reveal the truth near the end of the contest however, unless the team whose winner is standing at the end has a substantial lead.

"remember the team snorkel challenge"
Posted by OBX on 03-20-03 at 05:13 PM
where both teams participated but the last one up for air won it for the whole team. (brian, clay had to jump back in to tell him he won he kept staying down.) maybe the last one standing wins for the whole team.

or, it could be an individual challenge for reward because it does say that the girls take off their clothes for food.

the red buffs do look fake.

i think they are trying to fool everyone online who is picking apart their show.

"RE: Colorized Buffs?"
Posted by SurvivorBlows on 03-20-03 at 07:57 AM
The colors look pretty sharp to me... ugly color but consistent:

"RE: Colorized Buffs?"
Posted by FSUGUY on 03-20-03 at 09:52 AM
what is that yellow below/right of jenna's blurr? tribal flag?

"RE: Colorized Buffs?"
Posted by Krautboy on 03-20-03 at 10:36 AM
Thanks Webby, the "bleed" must have something to do with Bunglers vidcapping equipment?

But the Yellow behind Jenna is suspicious?


"RE: Colorized Buffs?"
Posted by SurvivorBlows on 03-20-03 at 11:25 AM
The yellow is simply the edge of one of the flags in the row of flags that appears behind them:

Posted by Krautboy on 03-20-03 at 11:28 AM
OK, Merge it is!

Thanks again...


"RE: Colorized Buffs?"
Posted by samboohoo on 03-20-03 at 09:11 AM
Looks like Jenna is really having a tough time with that laundry.

"RE: Help"
Posted by wildchickenhunter on 03-20-03 at 08:31 AM
Help me out here. I am not very good on this spoiling thing. Why are they taking off their close? Do they think that the men are going to fall off their logs? Are they trying to get someone on shore to save them some food(as has been suggested in this thread)? If so doesn't that make them professionals?
Anyway. Why are they stripping?

"RE: Help"
Posted by wendyp on 03-20-03 at 09:50 AM
I was wondering the same thing. But in all the pics they are looking forward and not at each other. Maybe if they look at someone else they are out? The platforms look better then S2's platforms.

**side note these girls covered their chest to bath with other girls and now take everythign off!?!?!?**

"RE: Help"
Posted by wildchickenhunter on 03-20-03 at 09:58 AM
So they are showing off for Jiffy P. on shore. I get it....Kinda like a hooker on a street corner sort a thing!

"RE: Help"
Posted by Brownroach on 03-20-03 at 11:53 AM
Jenna and Heidi probably hope that if some of the men know they are topless/naked, but can't see them, they will jump off their posts and rush to shore to get a better look.

"RE: Help"
Posted by SurvivorBlows on 03-20-03 at 12:40 PM
LAST EDITED ON 03-20-03 AT 12:41 PM (EST)

According to the CBS Misdirection, this is a food challenge...

All eyes are on two women who strip in order to win their favorite food items at a Challenge.

"RE: Help"
Posted by Spidey on 03-20-03 at 03:05 PM
All eyes are on two women who strip in order to win their favorite food items at a Challenge.

Notice, though, it doesn't say reward challenge. I think it could still easily be stripping to have those on shore save them some of JP's bribe food.

"RE: Help"
Posted by LilNik8 on 03-21-03 at 03:23 PM
>Jenna and Heidi probably hope that
>if some of the men
>know they are topless/naked, but
>can't see them, they will
>jump off their posts and
>rush to shore to get
>a better look.

What a silly idea. Heidi looked like she needed to eat a sandwich the first day she got on the show..it's worse now though.

ANYWAY, Im not sure what the point is of not allowing them to look around though. Doesn't seem logical.

Go Heelz!

"RE: EP 7 (Wed) Preview Vidcaps"
Posted by Thaibeach on 03-20-03 at 09:19 AM
LAST EDITED ON 03-20-03 AT 11:18 AM (EST)

If it is a true merge, Heidi & Jenna are now competing against each other individually for immunity (or even reward, it's impossible to tell). Why would Jenna encourage Heidi to strip to distract someone else?

What is the purpose of this anyway. Is someone (gotta be fvckwit Rob) promising he'll drop out if the bimbos show some flesh? Or are these bims so arrogant that they think the sight of their emaciated bodies will make men swoon & fall off their perches?

"RE: EP 7 (Wed) Preview Vidcaps"
Posted by Loree on 03-20-03 at 12:58 PM
If there is some kind of food reward involved in this IC/RC(?) then maybe they are told the winner gets to take a friend with them on a feast. So Jenna and Heidi could be hoping one of them wins and not care which one. They would share the feast.

If the perches are in a straight enough line the women may realize the men would have to turn and bend around to look at them. Hoping they would fall off doing this. Who knows?

"RE: EP 7 (Wed) Preview Vidcaps"
Posted by PepeLePew13 on 03-20-03 at 01:16 PM
Do we really think they would have such an endurance challenge for a RC? I'm trying to think back, but it seems that endurance competitions have always been an IC.

It could just be a case similar to Jeff V. in S2 jumping off for some peanut butter -- the CBS misdirection is making us think there's a food reward for the winner of this, but what if it's simply an IC and Jiffy is doing the enticing like he always does and somebody cracks they'll save some delicious food for Jenna and/or Heidi if they show what they've got, so the girls go ahead and do it while at the same time hoping they can get immunity and knock some of the guys off their perches while they try to look.

"When you get to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on."

"my point exactly"
Posted by OBX on 03-20-03 at 05:17 PM
why would stripping cause someone to fall. i think its to encourage someone to jump. i still think its a personal food reward challage and not immunity challenge. they are trying to get others to jump for a flash.

me, i'd jump just to swim out to the pirannahs to get away from those scary looking bags of bones.

"Why I think Its a Fake Merge"
Posted by ElroyJetson on 03-20-03 at 09:46 AM
Mainly, the upcoming episode title Sleeping with the Enemy.

I think MB will pull this off by having the buffs in the locked box BUT never giving them instructions to put them on. They will assume they've merged but they have not.

"RE: Why I think Its a REAL Merge"
Posted by DoodleBug on 03-20-03 at 10:26 AM
The KEY to the mystery box shows up
Everyone scrambles to get their stuff because they are MOVING
NEW buffs
Single elimination immunity challenge
Jenna and Heidi working together

A REAL MERGE! Let's just face it folks... we've got one tribe now.....

"RE: Why I think Its a REAL Merge"
Posted by ElroyJetson on 03-20-03 at 12:01 PM

It's entirely possible that its a real merge. But I'm not convinced yet. I recall a Jeff Probst quote (don't have it handy) where he was talking about this cast not seeing the fake merge in S5. The quote went on to say they may plan on doing it again but with a different twist.

Take this with the Ep 8 title and it sounds like something is up. Why else would they call it Sleeping with the Enemy?

I also find it odd that only a few of the people appear to be wearing their buffs. Future vidcaps may refute that though.

I'm unclear as to why you say Jenna and Heidi are working together? Is it just because they each go nude or was their some audio in this to confirm this? It doesn't appear to be for immunity. The CBS quote reads "All eyes are on two women who strip in order to win their favorite food items at a Challenge"

"RE: Why I think Its a REAL Merge"
Posted by Thaibeach on 03-20-03 at 12:32 PM
>I'm unclear as to why you say Jenna and Heidi are working >together? Is it just because they each go nude or was their >some audio in this to confirm this? It doesn't appear to be for >immunity. The CBS quote reads "All eyes are on two women who >strip in order to win their favorite food items at a Challenge"

Elroy: It is an IC. In the clip shown last night, and in the captions below the vidcap frames from Bungler, Jeff Probst says "And it all comes off at the Immunity Challenge".

It appears J&H are working together because they are egging each other on. Jenna says something like, "Heidi, you wanna take your pants off?" This gives me the impression that maybe someone (drooling fvckwit Rob, most likely) has promised to "fall off his log" and drop out if they give him flashes. My question is, WHY, if they actually HAVE merged, and they are competing for individual immunity, would they be trying to help each other?

Also - anybody know why Heidi appears to be carrying a bag or knapsack on her right shoulder? Surely, even if they were told they had to go to TC immediately after the challenge, so their knapsacks should be brought along, she would have left it on shore? why burden herself (literally)?

"RE: Why I think Its a REAL Merge"
Posted by survivorscott on 03-20-03 at 12:49 PM
There is no knapsack. The pink item is her shirt, and the dark item is her bikini top after she took it off.

Come in a stranger,leave a little stranger

"Not a napsack"
Posted by zuckie on 03-20-03 at 12:52 PM
LAST EDITED ON 03-20-03 AT 12:59 PM (EST)

I do not think it is her napsack, I did at first glance but after looking a second time it is her clothes she has taken off. The black bikini top and pink shirt.

Edited because I just type too slow and was beat to it.

"RE: Why I think Its a REAL Merge"
Posted by ElroyJetson on 03-20-03 at 01:00 PM
Also - anybody know why Heidi appears to be carrying a bag or knapsack on her right shoulder? Surely, even if they were told they had to go to TC immediately after the challenge, so their knapsacks should be brought along, she would have left it on shore? why burden herself (literally)?

I think it is the top of her bikini on her shoulder. You can't see it is there in 09 but its there in 13. It just looks like a purse because it has to hold super-sized funbags.

Elroy: It is an IC. In the clip shown last night, and in the captions below the vidcap frames from Bungler, Jeff Probst says "And it all comes off at the Immunity Challenge".

Gotcha. My guess is that someone on the shore (one of the losers who was bribed off by Jeff ala Survivor: Africa) said they would save some food for one of the cute girls if they "show it". It wouldn't surprise me if JP said, "Hey Rob, would you save Heidi some of that chow if she shows your her bizarro bolt-ons?"

My guess as to why one is egging the other on is so that she's not the ONLY ONE standing around nekkid.

The biggest hole in my "fake merge" theory is that it does in fact look like individual immunity. At this point in the game, Jeff HAD to have told them what type of immunity its for.

"RE: Why I think Its a Fake Merge"
Posted by Brownroach on 03-20-03 at 12:07 PM
If that were the case, Elroy, Jiffy wouldn't allow them keep the new buffs on during a challenge. He would instruct them to put their old ones back on first.

I'm still suspicious about doctoring here. That orange-red looks awfully bright compared to the rest of the palette in the caps, even without the bleeding.

"RE: Why I think Its a Fake Merge"
Posted by VerucaSalt on 03-20-03 at 01:05 PM
Can anyone crop the arm of Butch and enhance it? His arm seems the best to look at the buff.

In any event, why does everyone find it so hard to believe they really merged? This is probably the most screwed up two tribes in terms of alliances, friendships, etc that merging would be hysterical.

My only suspicion this isn't reward (even though it says for favorite food items) is that Heidi and Jenna are going to GREAT lengths to get the others to fall, I can see dropping trou for immunity but for a piece of pie? But the wording of the teaser sounds more like there is an array of food rewards rather than a jar of peanut butter to coax them off.

Also I don't think it would be unbelievable at all for Heidi/Jenna to assist each other in a II, they are a known alliance/friends, this type of challenge they have a good ploy to win the immunity over the men rather than a tough physical competition and Tina jumped right off her perch for Keith for her own motives so....

"what does jenna/heidi gain???"
Posted by OBX on 03-20-03 at 05:24 PM
if they both work together to gain a personal immunity for only one of them? makes no sense. they both should feel fairly safe anyways especially if there truly was a merge. they are back together again.

i don't buy it. i say its a reward challenge for food and maybe its for whoever stays on longest gets the best food and the final two win or the winner gets to pick someone to join them or something. there has to be a catch. makes no sense to work together to just win immunity for one. if they both feel that worried about getting voted next, then the one who doesn't get immunity could be voted. and only the one who wins will be safe.

they say its for food, take it at face value that is what it is. its not for immunity. dont try to play too much into it. everyone went nuts about the deal with shawna about "more than meats the eye" and there were all kinds of wild ideas about alex or shawna voting for each other, or some scheme. fact was, shawna wanted to go, they didn't let her. now that she wanted to stay, she got the boot. that was the sweet irony of it. no conspiracy theories involved.

"RE: Why I think Its a Fake Merge"
Posted by jennk on 03-20-03 at 02:21 PM
>Jiffy wouldn't allow them keep
>the new buffs on during
>a challenge. He would
>instruct them to put their
>old ones back on first.


There is a quote from JP about these survivors not knowing about the fake merge but, the audience does.. what if nobody knows the truth until after the immunity challenge? Is there a reason this couldn't be a possibility?

Posted by frisky on 03-20-03 at 02:48 PM
I'll have a fake merge with a twist.

This could very well be the twist that Jiffy speaks of.

"RE: Why I think Its a Fake Merge"
Posted by AndrewBC on 03-20-03 at 02:58 PM
hi all, i do belive this is a fake merge and like what was said above, they find the key in treemail, automatically think to open the box because the letter to them says something like this, then they think weve merged and they all think they are one. but they are not hence sleeping with a enemy. also i belive your right rob the retard jumps off the pole if he can see the girls. which is smart cause maybes its the last member of your tribe, like you all fight to win it for your tribe. and i bet if you look at the other people on the poles that your off? maybe

also i think theya re real buffs and they look bad due to the cards to get them off the TV

"RE: Merger "
Posted by VerucaSalt on 03-20-03 at 03:06 PM
First off it IS for immunity.

Rob: There it is.
Deena: Here'sssss the key.
JP: The tribes learn the secret of the locked box.
Deena: I don't think I have seen Jaburu move that fast, ever.
JP: And it all comes off at the Immunity Challenge.
Jenna: Heidi do you wanna pull your pants down?
Butch: Oh God, I'm not looking.
Alex: Oh I'm looking. Are you kidding?
Butch: Oh my God.

Also, there are caps of the men wearing red buffs as well. So why can't a rose be a rose?

"RE: Why I think Its a Fake Merge"
Posted by anotherkim on 03-20-03 at 03:28 PM
LAST EDITED ON 03-20-03 AT 03:29 PM (EST)

But why would they be wearing matching buffs if they weren't all merged?

I agree with someone above (can't remember who it is)--if it walks like a duck (they are obviously moving) if it talks like a duck (Jenna and Heidi are taunting the men while wearing matching buffs) then it is probably a duck (it's one tribe...GAME ON!)

Miscellaneous Ramblings
--kudos to Bungler for all the great pictures

"RE: Why I think Its a Fake Merge"
Posted by Brownroach on 03-20-03 at 03:29 PM
I don't remember if the tribes were forced to wear their old buffs at the Ep 7 challenge in S5. But they hadn't been given new buffs, so they either wore the old ones or they didn't wear any.

New buffs means new tribe, i.e. merge. As a matter of ritual, I do not believe they would be permitted to wear the new buffs in a challenge if they hadn't actually merged yet. And they'd have to find out BEFORE the challenge, because it makes a difference -- either they are competing for tribal immunity or individual immunity.

"RE: Why I think Its a Fake Merge"
Posted by evanakm on 03-20-03 at 09:07 PM
Mainly, the upcoming episode title Sleeping with the Enemy.

I think you're reading too much into that. If there is a real merge, then Rob/Matt/Deena/Jenna/possibly Heidi vote off somebody, likely Alex, but nobody else sees it coming, and when they get back to camp after TC, the game is on, there are two factions, and the people who were tricked are all "sleeping with the enemy"

"Voluntary merge?"
Posted by Brownroach on 03-20-03 at 04:51 PM
LAST EDITED ON 03-20-03 AT 05:05 PM (EST)


For instance, in Thailand, we did the fake merge. Now the Survivors that were shooting the Amazon did not know that. They did not know; they were already gone when that episode aired, so we had a big question, and the question was, we could pull that big merge again, these guys will never see it coming. Do we do that because we know it will result in great reality, maybe it's worth a lot? But we do have to consider that our audience has already seen it, so if we do it again, we have to know that, for them, this is old news, and make sure that, if we do it again, we spin it slightly in a way that is different for them, as well as for the survivors.

It sounds to me like they were really tempted to try this again. And if they wanted it to be a surprise, this is the only group of contestants they could use it on.

Since it appears there is a real merge in EP 7, I'm wondering if they might twist things by making the merge optional. In other words both tribes are told to move, but they aren't given new buffs. They live together thinking they've merged, but nothing is said about it. So some people start getting chatty and some old alliances pick up where they left off.

Then at some point before the IC, Jiffy says they haven't merged yet, they are still separate tribes. Surprise! But -- they CAN merge now if they want to. However, if they don't merge now, they won't know precisely if or when it will happen. It will be put to a vote.

Now, I think most players would opt to merge. But if someone suspects that a tribemate is going to immediately defect, a la Shii Ann, they might vote no. Likewise, someone who thinks he/she would immediately be targeted as an individual IC threat might also vote no. The vote itself could be interesting, and revealing.

In S5 the first two IC's after the Ep 7 fake merge could easily have been retooled as individual IC's. I think MB's implementation of the fake merge was contingent on whether anyone switched tribes in Ep 5.

The IC in these vidcaps could work as either a team IC or an individual IC, like the underwater breathing challenge in S5. So MB may have left himself some wiggle room in S6 too.

Any thoughts?

"RE: EP 7 (Wed) Preview Vidcaps"
Posted by OBX on 03-20-03 at 05:04 PM
why is it assumed this is for IC? doesn't the preview text say the girls strip for food. why is it impossible that its a personal reward for food and they are tempting the guys to jump off if they show them some skin. last one standing gets a big meal or something. i've seen nothing that says its a IC and can't be a RC at all.

"RE: EP 7 (Wed) Preview Vidcaps"
Posted by Kokoro on 03-20-03 at 07:55 PM
Actually, I'm starting to believe what I dismissed and what cowboy brought up - This is the big endurance IC and there is ~always~ food brought out after a few hours, to entice people to jump off, thereby shortening the challenge. Heidi and Jenna are trying to get the people on the shore to save them some food (chocolate, peanut butter, etc.). I don't think they're trying to get people to jump off, because they seem to be looking off in the distance - it isn't very flirtacious (sp?) at all and the people on the logs seem to have surprised reactions - they're not egging it on.

It is still daylight, though, so I'm not sure what these two hope to achieve unless they jump off soon, since this type of challenge will go into the night.

"RE: EP 7 (Wed) Preview Vidcaps"
Posted by Bungler on 03-20-03 at 09:48 PM
i've seen nothing that says its a IC

Then you haven't read the voiceover narration listed at the top of this topic. Jeff Probst clearly says that it "all comes off at the Immunity Challenge." Trouble is, SeeBS's newest press release muddles things even more by saying, "A trying reward challenge finds certain female castaways resorting to stripping completely naked in an attempt to gain their favorite food items...and perhaps the attention of the male tribe members."

I still think it's the traditional Ep 7 IC, in which food is offered as a temptation/"reward" to give up on the challenge.

"Ratings Sacrifice"
Posted by Krautboy on 03-21-03 at 00:19 AM
I think you're right Bungler.

MB probably decided to sacrifice the surprise aspect of the individual IC for ratings. Had the women not stripped during this IC we may not have gotten them in the previews, but because a little nudity will be good for ratings, it was probably decided o sacrifice the surprise for good ratings...


"RE: EP 7 (Wed) Preview Vidcaps"
Posted by Long Dong Pagong on 03-20-03 at 11:05 PM
Just confirming, for those who still may be doubtful - I just watched the tape a few minutes ago, and distinctly heard JP state "It all comes off at the Immunity Challenge"!

Posted by AndrewBC on 03-21-03 at 00:46 AM
i still belive its fake merge like said aove, they are told right befor they merged or someting like that, i bet they didn't merge right away, does chillone say anything about a merge? other then the one weve had already with the men and woman switching

"RE: well"
Posted by VerucaSalt on 03-21-03 at 10:00 AM
if ya'll would have read my last post in this thread you guys would have seen it is for individual immunity; I put the voice over in the post.

And I don't understand why there is justification that it is for II, upon merger, we don't have a RC anyway and that kind of solidifies to me along with all the red buffs this is a typical merger. I'm not sure why people are gung ho on trying to figure out why it can't be a real merger? This group of people are PERFECT for merger; what MB did last season was probably because of how the tribes were situated and wanted to shake things up which didn't end up working. Merging them together is actually going to shake things up even more because there were in essence four tribes developed and most of these people are hopping around like bunny rabbits. This is actually a perfect time for a real merger because they are just getting comfortable with their new people but still have some loyalty to their original tribes.

As far as Sleeping with the Enemy being a reason that it must be a phony merger, I don't think the title has meaning for that. Spot check of the dynamics going on; the whole group is one big enemy fest. Even with a real merger now, the upcoming title could still fit just fine. There are "enemies" there even if they are competing individually as one tribe; it doesn't HAVE to be Team A is sleeping with Team B therefore they are enemies. You can have enemies on your own team and you can have enemies if you are merged into one tribe too.

(Sorry I sound crabby - not my usual nature)

Posted by evanakm on 03-21-03 at 03:09 PM
At first I thought it was a trick, since not everyone had visible red buffs, so maybe they were put into a new 5-5 tribal configuration with cohabitation. But now, with the various new previews that have come out, 7 people have been seen with red buffs (Heidi, Jenna, Deena, Dave, Rob, Alex, Roger) so I'm sure that the other three must have them also.

Plus, I don't think MB would dare try another delayed merge, since it failed so miserably last time. Even though MB will never admit when he makes a mistake, I'm sure he is not too proud of the fact that he killed potential intertribal alliances and turned it into a Pagonging.

We're just reading too much into this, we will never see a false or delayed merge again, because there has never been any problem with a 10 person merge, and if it ain't broke, don't fix it. There has never been a Pagonging in a 10 person tribe in which the minority tribe or faction did not have the opportunity to stop it, and subsequently blow that opportunity.

"RE: Agreed"
Posted by DoodleBug on 03-21-03 at 04:53 PM
I'm ready for Wednesday to get here so we can all put this to rest!

Something that hasn't been mentioned... I think the excitement evident in the Jaburu tribe - Deena's comment is priceless about them moving so fast - shows this is a real merge.

The buffs could be inside the box with the map. Or they could get them at camp.

I think we'll only have one challenge because there will be too much time involved in the move.

And I remember last year, they did not receive buffs at the fake merge - they got them at TC when they really did merge.

A fake merge, in my opinion, would be boring. They better have a good twist for the non-spoiling community to buy into it.

"RE: Agreed"
Posted by Brownroach on 03-21-03 at 06:20 PM
A fake merge, in my opinion, would be boring. They better have a good twist for the non-spoiling community to buy into it.

It's pretty obvious from the vidcaps that the merge is real, if not for the red buffs, then because of the order in which they are arrayed for the IC. The members of Tambaqui and Jaburu are not grouped together, so the IC must not be tribal.

However, I posted above that I think MB might give them the option to remain separate tribes. If he ever wanted to use the fake merge again this is the last time he can do it. But he wouldn't do it exactly the same way as in S5.

As Krautboy pointed out above, MB apparently chose to show the nudity at the IC despite the fact the merge appears to be revealed, because it would attract viewers. Well in that case, why not just announce the merge as well?

We see new, bright orange-red buffs plastered with abandon all over the previews. On the other hand, we get mysterious "sweeping changes" coming to the tribes, and the word "merge", or any reference to it, is carefully omitted from all previews.

I still can't help thinking MB has some kind of twist up his sleeve for this Ep, even if the end result is a traditional merge.

"RE: Agreed"
Posted by Krautboy on 03-21-03 at 07:25 PM
BR: I'm also thinking we may be missing something. Look at the wording in this preview voiceovers:

SFever VoiceOver:Transcript :
VO: 1st the women fought the men.
Heidi: We're the Amazon chicks.
VO: Now they've lived together.
Deena: They think that we are so stupid.
Dave: They are looking at ??? package? <inaudible>
VO: Wed. on a special night...
Deena: Some boys are gonna be sweating.
VO: A Survivor surprise that's gonna blow the whole game...
Jenna: Heidi you wanna do it?
VO: ...wide open.
Butch: I'm not looking!

This makes it sound like it's back to men vs. women, which I suppose is the case after they merge...The women are outnumbered 6-4, but yet Deena sounds confident that some boys are going to be sweating. Is she refering to those boys who are not part of the women's alliance...Butch, Roger, Dave and Alex?


Posted by mavsfan on 03-21-03 at 08:28 PM
Deena's comments make it sound like the guys Butch/Dave/Roger/Alex don't realize that Rob/Matt flipped on them and now are part of the Girls alliance.

The guys are going to be sweating when they realize they are on the wrong end of a 6-4 match-up.

"RE: Agreed"
Posted by Booted on 03-21-03 at 08:57 PM

What if they go live together but go back to their original tribes? Then Jenna and Heidi would be working together to get the guys off!

Boot Ed

Posted by tribephyl on 03-23-03 at 05:25 AM
BOS is definitely a feature of this new promo.

I have been afraid to bring it up, but, I think there may be a re-switch (with non-merge).
Back to old tribal Make-ups. Boys vs. Girls. At the same beach/camp.


"RE: Agreed"
Posted by DoodleBug on 03-24-03 at 02:36 PM
Dave: They are looking at ??? package? <inaudible>

I think he says "they're looking to go packing"

"Red or Orange?"
Posted by mavsfan on 03-21-03 at 08:24 PM
These pics of Heidi and Jenna make the Buffs look ORANGE.

Other pics on different threads make the Buffs look RED.

Is this just a difference of contrast based on who did the vidcap?
Or are the Red Buffs the eventual merge color, and the Orange buffs hiding a delayed merge/living together situation?

We've seen MB use video from PAST episodes in Promo's, could he now be using video from FUTURE episodes (post merge/Red buffs) mixed with This weeks promos of stripping girls with colorized buffs?

"RE: Red or Orange?"
Posted by AndrewBC on 03-22-03 at 03:44 PM
damnit those vid caps are clear near the middle, wondering what kind of card i should buy, get back to me guys

"CBS blurb during NCAA tourney"
Posted by I_AM_HE on 03-22-03 at 07:23 PM
LAST EDITED ON 03-22-03 AT 11:00 PM (EST)

EDIT because I believe the word used was "surprising," not "shocking" (although i am no longer sure about that either)

said something about a "shocking twist"

now i think we do have a merge, but every other time i've heard about something "shocking" (or any other strong adjective) it has seemed to refer to the stripping, not a "twist" - i believe this is the first time i've heard that word. plus, could a merge possibly be called shocking with any truthfulness?


"RE: CBS blurb during NCAA tourney"
Posted by Loree on 03-22-03 at 08:57 PM
"shocking twist" always seems to be a MB phrase. He has used it before when it wasn't that big a deal. I think he uses this phrase for the non-spoiling viewers. Now what would the normal viewer consider a shocking twist?

The red buffs make it look like a merge. The standing on the individual platforms looks like individual immunity. They supposedly go to a new site and make camp. What is shocking about this? Seeing Jenna & Heidi strip could be shocking or sickening (depending how you look at it). But that is not a twist. Do the players end up in new tribes depending on how long they stay on the perches? Once they jump off could they be told that instead of just a reward they win new tribe mates? I think Jeff is going to be keeping something from the players. But not sure what yet.

"Orange Tribe?"
Posted by Yogi on 03-22-03 at 09:13 PM

If you look at the picture of the platform that Heidi is standing on
it looks like it is painted orange. Now if you look at the platform
that Alex is standing on it looks to be Red. Also, the flags beside
Alex seem to be yellow, orange, purple and blue (very blurry).

Another point of interest is that the Survivor 6 logo has more
colours than the logos from previous shows. Usually the buff
colours are the same as the colours in the logos. The Survivor 6
logo looks to have the following colours: Yellow, Blue, Red, Orange and Green...

What does this mean.... probably nothing, but I keep thinking
there must be more than just a traditional merge.

"RE: Orange Tribe?"
Posted by buckeyegirl on 03-23-03 at 05:27 PM
Did anyone else notice the reddish flag underneath the yellow flag that Bungler posted? If it were a fake merge would they go through the trouble of making a new flag for it?
Just a thought...

"Never doubt that a small, group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has." Margaret Mead

"RE: Orange Tribe?"
Posted by VerucaSalt on 03-24-03 at 08:32 AM
The other thread has views and the buffs are the same color, bright reddish/orange or what have you.

I still don't see why people are trying so hard to figure out what MB is trying to do, we have had normal merging in the past, once that got a little old with Pagonging he added a little spice. This is a whole different season with some very pigheaded, aggressive players who don't know the MEANING of alliance; I don't see why it is so hard to accept this is just a normal merge.

With MB stating a surprise whatever it was. Please, two girls stripping naked on a pole is surprising. You don't think the general viewing audience won't be like OMG, what are they doing? Richard's naked ass on a log and Steph's night time skinny dipping was peanuts. This is full frontal manipulative nudity. It's surprising and MB making it seem like something shocking/surprising is happening is something he always does and this fits the bill. MB beefing up a scenario with the words shocking/surprising? Go figure.

"Re: Merge"
Posted by DoodleBug on 03-24-03 at 12:08 PM
I think we will have a real "traditional" merge. They all pack up camp, get new buffs (reddish-orange or whatever), and have to set up a NEW camp at the Forest of Life. Roger shows his true colors when he starts bossing everyone around. He probably even picks the new name. Dave tries to smooth talk the girls. Rob is irked.

We have what will appear as a girls vs. guys thing again... the girls all team up again (Christy is questionable in my mind) and the guys THINK they are all working together, but some of the guys now have a secret alliance with the girls (ie. Rob and Matt).

Roger probably wins IC based on his comments in the vidcaps. Deena makes the comment "they think we are so stupid". I'd say she is referring to Dave and Roger (maybe Butch). She also says "some of the boys will be sweating". R/B/D don't realize a new alliance has been formed until Tribal Council when the votes come out.

I predict R/B/D/A all vote for Deena (she may have lasted the longest of the girls during the IC and seen as a threat). But D/J/H/R/M vote for ALEX. Christy is the swing vote. I don't have a CLUE who she will align with. So either Alex will be voted out or we have a tie. Why they vote for Alex is an entirely different story...

After the dust settles, the title of Episode 8, sleeping with the enemy, makes sense. R/B/D are now sharing a camp with the "enemy", Rob and Matt, who they thought were in their "guy allicance". Not the "fake merge" as some have predicted.

"Sweeping Changes"
Posted by CinnaMinnie on 03-24-03 at 02:03 PM
I am thinking that the sweeping changes that change the game forever are just that the merged tribs has to make camp at a brand new spot.
We have known that they would go to a new camp for a long time, but I doubt that the regular audience would be thinking about that. I can't remember if that was ever done (maybe S2?) before, but it makes for a more interesting game since the survivors now have to make a new place to sleep, new fire etc.
It would force a new leader out of the merged group even if everyone wanted to lay low.
BTW - This is one of the few episodes when I am embarrased to say that I watch Survivor. Those vidcaps of the IC are something else. Ick.