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Thread Number: 3581
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Posted by corcam on 02-26-03 at 08:42 AM
Same rules as the booted off poll... Who wins reward this week?!?

So Frickin' Hot LOL

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Messages in this discussion
Posted by corcam on 02-26-03 at 08:44 AM

Posted by ejm92 on 02-26-03 at 09:50 AM
Against the men close-up for the first time, I think they have the advantage, plus it looks to be a mental challenge.

Survior 5 Anti-Bootee Champion

Posted by Loree on 02-26-03 at 12:01 PM
the women use their assets to distract the guys

Posted by esquire on 02-26-03 at 12:02 PM
The videos shpow the girls with extra food. My guess that's the reward

Posted by GeorgiaBelle on 02-26-03 at 12:19 PM

"Individual contestants win"
Posted by cowboyroo on 02-26-03 at 02:15 PM
I tend to believe that this challenge has individual winners win a date with a member of the other tribe that involves food. The vidcaps seem to surround around Rob, and I think he wins a date with one of the girls.

Posted by Q on 02-26-03 at 02:50 PM
The women will win this one.

It is astonishing how foolish humans can be in groups, especially when they follow their leaders without question - States: The Bene Gesserit View. All States Are an Abstraction.

"RE Girls WIn"
Posted by smrtNsassybnkr on 02-26-03 at 03:02 PM
Of course the girls win! We rock!!!

"It's a mixer..."
Posted by ShowMeTheWinner on 02-26-03 at 03:34 PM
Probably a date reward challenge.
Alt: Girls!

Kathy O'Brien... The Sole Survivor! (I'd rather be delusional)

"Girl Power"
Posted by djandy on 02-26-03 at 03:38 PM
I think the girls win by flirting and distracting the guys in the mental challenge.

Posted by CardShark on 02-26-03 at 04:18 PM
Alt- Alex and his date

Posted by dabo on 02-26-03 at 04:43 PM
With any luck they'll win some Red Berets, it's their only hope.

"If all machines were to be annihilated at one moment, so that not a knife nor lever nor rag of clothing nor anything whatsoever were left to man but his bare body alone that he was born with, and if all knowledge of mechanical laws were taken from him so that he could make no more machines, and all machine-made food destroyed so that the race of man should be left as it were naked upon a desert island, we should become extinct in six weeks." (Samuel Butler, "Erewhon")