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"Ep 3 (Sun) Preview Vidcaps"

Posted by Bungler on 02-23-03 at 11:27 PM
I cut out all of the previous episode junk. Just new caps.

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Messages in this discussion
"RE: Ep 3 (Sun) Preview Vidcaps"
Posted by I_AM_HE on 02-24-03 at 05:13 AM
well, Roger and Alex seem to have made up, as Dave indicated in the CBS clip

"RE: Ep 3 (Sun) Preview Vidcaps"
Posted by VerucaSalt on 02-24-03 at 08:04 AM
((((Bungler)))) what would we do without you! I'm so glad those caps are up b/c I touted that Alex/Roger issue was already dead in the water and at least this confirms it!

"The Missing Captions To (RE: Ep 3 (Sun) Preview Vidcaps)"
Posted by WatcherX on 02-26-03 at 06:23 PM
You forgot to include the captions that went with the
video shots! Here they are:

30 minutes of video featuring unrestrained
college-aged women in the jungle!
Order yours now! Only $40!

Shot 5: The young, beautiful Heidi (the object of my undying
love and affection) reveals, in a confessional,
that she's actually a 45 year old news journalist,
who is currently going undercover as a 20-something
game show contestant to do a scoop on the dark side
of game show reality ... wondering how much longer
she can pull off the stunt, now that the makeup
has finally worn off.

Shot 6: The guys revealing to each other the crush they
all have on the young, beautiful 20-something Heidi.

Shot 7: Daniel slapping himself upside the head after botching
yet another Immunity Challenge, putting the girls
up 4-1 (2-0 on rewards), thus inspiring the name to
episode 3.

Shot 8: The expression of relief (and sympathy) of a game show
contestant after seeing just what the other side
actually won in their reward challenge.

Shot 9: They finally come out of the closet about each other
after having a 2nd heated debate.

The camera pans away to a lengthy 3-minute shot of
the guitar player and drummer in the backup band,
as they lean over to one another, closer and closer ...