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"The Final Vote (spoiler?)"

Posted by AyatollahKhomeini on 08-18-00 at 02:00 AM
What do we know about the final vote? We have MB's statement today that it was "very close." We also have this post from our own DivaRachel on 8/10, which I'm copying here:
Last week, I watched the rerun of "That 70's Show" on Tuesday, Aug.1st (I think that was the date) on Global TV. It was on at 7PM or 8PM.

During the commercial break, they had Elaine Loring's "entertainment segment". She said "We have a sneek peek at Survivor" and they showed Sean voting for Kelly at a TC. Then Eliane says "you heard it here first!". They implied that this was gonna happen on last week's episode, but it didn't (or maybe I assumed). I was pissed, cuz I thought I had a scoop.

I can't see how Global TV would purposely screw ppl like that.

Has Sean ever voted for Kelly in the past? Could this footage be from the next episode? Did any 1 else see this on TV (Canadians only!)

Answer: Neither Sean nor anyone else has ever voted for Kelly to get the boot. Of course, DR could be wrong about what she saw (no offense intended, DR), but let's presume that she's right. Sean gets only one more vote: at the last TC. That means KELLY must make the final.

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"Possible scenario with MB quote"
Posted by AyatollahKhomeini on 08-18-00 at 02:02 AM
Can't let this go without a little speculation.... If the final is Kelly vs. Susan, as I've predicted, and the jury votes in alphabetical order, how about these as the possible votes:
Colleen, Gervase: Kelly. Greg: Susan. Jenna: Kelly. Richard & Rudy: Susan. Now comes Dr. Suess's vote -- he follows his alphabet theory and votes for Kelly. Kelly wins the million thanks to Sean and looks like a chump for her temper tantrum when she didn't get the breakfast (which is why MB focused on it so much), MB has his "very close" vote, and Global gave Canada a spoiler of the most dramatic moment of the whole series ("you heard it here first!").

"Golf clap !!"
Posted by BadAs on 08-18-00 at 02:16 AM
LAST EDITED ON 08-18-00 AT 02:21 AM (EST)

"If, 'If's and But's" were 'Gifts and Nuts' we would all have a Merry X-mas" -BA's old football coach George Welsch

You're sticking your neck out more than I did with my Sue pick yesterday.

God forbide if you are right.

It's amazing what we can find to validate our own theories, remeber the email I sent you about Rudy wins the million

Just messing with ya AK.

In my epitah on the tribute thread, I beqeuthed to You : OverTime Pay for all the long hours of posting while working.

I will miss your post and email...Hey give me a play by play of the thought process via email when I am gone. It is sure to be an intersting read and with Me being a Week late Monday QuarterBack, I can truely flame Ya!!


"RE: Possible scenario with MB quote"
Posted by dfox on 08-18-00 at 02:22 AM
Unfortunately, I have to disagree. In last night's episode we saw a lengthy discussion between Kelly and Susan. This was after the RC and everybody was washing mud out of their orifices. It seems that each of them thinks that they should be in the final 3 and the other should be sittin'. "Nothing personal". They say. "That's cool".

This sounds like both are resigned to the fact that Rich and Rudy are voting together and cannot be picked off. Therefore, each female is going to vote for the opposing female knowing that a female has to leave.

Therefore, we will not be seeing Sue and Kelly in the final 2. Personally, I don't see Sue winning immunity and Kelly has a very good chance of answering questions about Fallen Comrades because she spent time with the Pagongers while Sue did not.

Now for a female in the final 2. The only way that I see this happening (assuming Sue got the boot) is if Kelly wins her 4th IC in a row. Not likely. But, not all that unlikely either considering that she'll be walking on coals with Rich and "I dunno". I'm starting to convince myself that the final 2 is shaping up to be "I dunno" and "that queer".

I'm hoping, big time, for "I dunno" at the wire because I don't want to see the dance that is sure to follow if "I dunno" gets the boot. IMHO.

"P vs D"
Posted by BadAs on 08-18-00 at 02:29 AM
My too fav poster's in a logic thread with diff opinions. ANTI-BA take this one.

since BA wants Rudy and BA is never right, Kelly most likely will prevail!


"Tie vote"
Posted by AyatollahKhomeini on 08-18-00 at 02:48 AM
If Susan and Kelly accept that whichever of them does not have immunity gets voted off, then we don't have a tie vote. But MB says we do. So one of two things must be true:

1. MB lied in the USA Today online chat, or
2. Susan and Kelly do NOT accept that whichever one of them doesn't have immunity gets voted off.

I think there's a tie and MB told the truth. Since I think Rich, Rudy and Susan would vote Kelly off in a flash (no tie), Kelly must win IC.

My first thought, based on Richard's ridicule of Rudy last night, was that he and Sue try to vote off Rudy, while Kelly and Rudy try to vote off Sue. But I think the more likely scenario is that Kelly and Susan (targeting Rudy) vote against Richard and Rudy (targeting Susan). Who wins this showdown? "I dunno." But I think that age, fatigue, and malnourishment finally play into it, and Rudy will give in and go.

"RE: Tie vote"
Posted by dfox on 08-18-00 at 10:28 AM
Personally, I think that you place too much value in an MB quote. I give "tie vote" the same credence that I do "winner will be a shocker". Frankly, none of the remaining 4 would shock me at this point (well maybe if Sue wins and does the "Richdance", yukk).

I've always believed a couple of things about "tie vote":
1 - we would never see it. It'd be edited out (too time
2 - it probably has already happened in a previous ep (I'm
assuming here that the words "final 4" were never
mentioned in the same sentence since I've never been
able to find it in that context)

Every post that I see concerning "tie vote" assumes a 2-2 tie and thus final 4 vote. However, it is just as conceivable that it may have been a 2-2-1, 2-2-2, 2-2-1-1- or a 3-3 vote. This is just my gut feeling.

Interesting take, though, on the Rudy walking scenario. I could actually see that happening. I could just see the final words take:

Rudy - "They wanted me to say a few words before I leave the island. You're probably wondering why I changed my vote. I dunno. I didn't want to sit here in the rain all night pissin' in the wind. Them two females were never going to do the right thing. So I voted for the queer. I'm ready to get out of here. I'm tired of sleeping with queers, felons and truck drivers. I'm goin' home to my wife."

Off camera - "You're on the jury now."

Rudy - "Jury?"

Off camera - "Yeah. You know those guys that have been sitting across from you for the last 5 weeks at Tribal Councils?"

Rudy - "I dunno"

"RE: Tie vote"
Posted by AyatollahKhomeini on 08-18-00 at 12:35 PM
I like this scenario! Two more points:

1. You're right that MB never says the tie vote is in the final four, just that there is one. I do think MB would show the tie in edited form, though: imagine the reactions of the two tied contestants during the revote! Better TV than some of what we've seen so far.

2. I went back and looked it up: the quote about the winner being scary to society DID NOT come from MB. Supposedly, it was said by one of the cameramen from the show! Thus, it's worthless as a predictor. Scratch one theory.

"RE: Tie vote"
Posted by dfox on 08-18-00 at 01:07 PM
I recall seeing that the voting supposedly took 40 minutes while in other posts, I've seen it said that it wasn't uncommon for a TC to take an hour (I'm assuming that this was probably early eps or right after the merger).

I've thought of another interesting twist. Suppose:

Kelly wins immunity and thus becomes Rich's best friend. They discuss who goes. Obviously, it's Rudy or Sue. They toss around several reasons for who should go and agree. However, each has a different take on what was agreed upon.

At TC, Rich and Rudy vote for Sue (with Kelly winning immunity) and Sue and Kelly vote for Rudy. Rich realizing that maybe some signals got crossed with Kelly, changes his vote to Sue. Unbeknownst to him, Kelly has the same realization and change of heart and changes her vote to Rudy.

On the revote, we still have 2 votes for Rudy and 2 for Sue. Rudy and Sue are satisfied knowing that their choice for an ally is sticking with them. However, Rich and Kelly are now giving each other the eye, both knowing that the other changed their vote. Still there is a tie with not everyone knowing what has just transpired.

Next revote, both Rich and Kelly stand steadfast thinking that the other will realize their mistake and switch their vote back. Still a freakin' tie.

By this time, Rudy gives up and decides to take his walk (your scenario). To do this, he must change his vote (because it's obvious to him that nobody else will). Since he can't vote for himself, he must vote for Richard.

Kelly, tired of trying to figure out what Richard is going to do decides to tank her vote and let Rich decide it. She changes her vote to the only vote that will not confuse Rich and will let him know that he can decide it. Therefore, she votes for Rich.

There's another take on final words that I would like to see.

Oh would I like to see that one. I can't even speculate on that one. Sorry to disappoint.

"RE: Tie vote"
Posted by champagne_supernova on 08-18-00 at 04:31 PM
If there's a tie, you can't vote for anyone other than the people involved in the tie. So if Sue and Rudy were tied, you could only vote for Rudy and Sue...unfortunately...

"RE: Tie vote"
Posted by dfox on 08-18-00 at 04:39 PM

Then none of the proposed bootees could change their vote. They'd have to vote for the other one because they can't vote for themselves. If this is true, would they make the proposed bootees cast their vote again?


"I dunno"

"RE: Tie vote"
Posted by AyatollahKhomeini on 08-18-00 at 04:46 PM
I posted the MB quote from July 19 on the thread about a possible E6 tie, and (through the wonders of paste technology) here it is again:

St.Paul, Minnesota: What would have happened if there was a tie in the voting to get rid of a person. Say there were 6 people left and 3 voted for 1 person and 3 voted for another?

Mark Burnett: Actually, later in the series, you will see a tie occur. What happens is that everyone revotes and vote against those two people. I have all the time in the world, and if they choose to sit there and deliberate all day long, it just eats into their energy reserves, not mine.

Don't know where the "40 minutes" reference comes from (urban legend?). I agree, with all the silly ceremony at TC (plus camera crews moving around), it would have to take at least 40 minutes WITHOUT ties.

"RE: Tie vote"
Posted by dfox on 08-18-00 at 06:13 PM
Hmm. This is not the quote that I saw but, this is really interesting.

1st - "Actually, later in the series, you will
see a tie occur."

We will see it huh? OK, I know that I haven't
seen one yet. Since final 4 is the only remain-
ing TC that it can possibly happen, then this
tells us something.

2nd - "What happens is that everyone revotes and
vote against those two people."

The two people? This does away with the 2-2-2
scenario. Also, this may explain some of the
eps we saw where only two people got votes (in
which case he lied and we didn't see it).

3rd - "I have all the time in the world, and if
they choose to sit there and deliberate
all day long, it just eats into their
energy reserves, not mine."

He sounds a little pissed off that it may have
taken a while to break that tie vote. I would
have thought that he may have enjoyed it. That
it would have made for some interesting tellie.
Now, why would he be pissed off.

Still on this point: deliberate? Isn't that
what the jury does? I thought that I had seen
somewhere (way back when) that there were no
deliberations allowed at TC (probably a red
herring). But, still it is an intersting
choice of words.

I have always been skeptical of anything that is attributed to MB. Not because I think of him as the Evil Western Devil (sorry about that, I couldn't resist) but, I think that as a producer, he sold 13 episodes to SeeBS. I think that the first 3 or 4 were deliverd up front but, the rest were still "in production". Not that results get changed. But, certainly how we see everything else is a continuing process.

It is certainly within his rights to make a change to the episodes as he's going along. If they decide to redevelop a story line and something he has referred to winds up on the editor's floor, we can't hold that against him. That's Hollywood.

That being said, "Would I be surprised to see no tie in the final 4?" No. "Would I be surprise to see one?" Probably. What makes this interesting for me is this: I see Kelly winning another IC (she knows that it is her only chance). This means that Rich has a big assed decision to make. Who the hell does he have the tightest alliance with? I don't have this one figured out. The evidence right now tells us that it is probably Susan. This is where I think that MB has been at work lately. So we should think that Rich would then vote for Susan. Right? (God, I wish this were the case ) All he's got to do is match Kelly's vote and he, her and one other are off the the final 3.

So now let's analyze Kelly's vote. Should we believe the "I forgive you", "Everything's cool and oh, by the way, I'm voting your ass off next week" clip that we saw last episode? I'd love to very much. But, using the above logic (opposite of what is apparent), Kelly will vote Rudy. Would Rich really want to be the only woman with balls in the final 3? I'm thinking not.

Now, in the words of of my buddy BA, "I'm so confused". Still, I think Rudy summed it up best ...

"I dunno"

"RE: Tie vote"
Posted by flying squirrel on 08-18-00 at 06:33 PM
> Would Rich really want to be the only woman with balls in the
> final 3? I'm thinking not.

I hadn't thought of it this way!

"RE: Possible scenario with MB quote"
Posted by Laney on 08-19-00 at 00:19 AM
I dunno... My sister commented to me that she thought it was funny that Rich commented that one moment Sue & Kelly were fighting and the next they were washing mud off of eachother and seemingly having a good time. As women, we see nothing too amazing about this. Woman have blow out fights like this and make up. I think this will happen with Sue & Kelly. Sue would be a ditz to trust Rich and go into a final 3 with him and Rudy. He would back stab her in a heart beat, and she knows this. Her only smart move would be to ally with Kelly.

I wouldn't be suprised at all to see Kelly and Sue in the final three.

"ET spoiler?"
Posted by flying squirrel on 08-18-00 at 03:41 PM
Thought I'd add this in to our video clip spoiler discussion:

"survivor addict" from ss.com posted that he (she?) had seen a potential spoiler last night (8/17) on "Entertainment Tonight." During a segment on Survivor, there was a clip apparently from TC with:

"Jeff saying something about "one of you will not being going on to the final three" and it showed a super-quick shot of Rudy, Rich and Sue but not of Kelly. I was looking to see if I could see the immunity necklace on one of them but none of them had it on. I'm wondering if they didn't show Kelly because she has the necklace on."

Anyone else see this? If true, it would mean that Kelly gets at least to the final three, and it would set up the possible tie vote.