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"SurvivorBlows Tribe, It's Time to Vote!"

Posted by SherpaDave on 12-10-02 at 07:20 PM
Hey, whattaya know? It's actually my turn to post the vote thread this week, so I can't give Superman a hard time. Hey, now. Stop that. I know what you're thinking. Superman. Hard time. Just stop it.

The Rules

1. Please put the name of your choice for this week's bootee IN THE SUBJECT HEADING! This is really easy. Just erase the bit where it says "Re: SurvivorBlows Tribe, It's Time to Vote!" and replace with your vote, i.e., Ghandia. This makes it easier to tally votes quickly and accurately.

2. Reply ONLY to this post! Curves on women are good. Curves on vote threads are bad.


If it just so happens that you wanna change your vote for whatever reason, REPLY TO YOUR ORIGINAL POST! Your new post heading should read "VOTE CHANGE: Clay (or Whoever)".

3. THIS IS NOT A DISCUSSION THREAD! DO NOT TREAT IT AS SUCH! There are plenty of places on the Spoilers Forum to debate the merits of people's arguments. Let's keep it out of here, please.

4. No sig pics! It was suggested that because this can be such a long thread, sig pics make it really hard to load for folks with dial-up connections. So show some respect to your slower brethren (and sistren).

Know what's cool? I don't think it's a foregone conclusion this week (FINALLY). This might actually be kinda interesting. Whee!

Criminals From the Neck Up

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Messages in this discussion
Posted by SherpaDave on 12-10-02 at 07:21 PM
Look, look! Brian's in the early lead in SB's voting! I'll bet he's going! *giggle*

Posted by johnthemod on 12-10-02 at 07:22 PM
why stop a good trend? I've been voting clay for a while now, since the merge I think, so I'll just keep going with it til the old pervert is gone.

Posted by sittem on 12-10-02 at 07:25 PM
Perhaps with some "positive" thinking we can tilt the universe and somehow go back in time and change what actually happened. Here's wishing.........

"Brian the snake"
Posted by NorthOfBoston on 12-10-02 at 07:31 PM
Two reasons:
1) I think the previews are leaning towards a female winning immunity ("she owes me"), and quite frankly, I just hope it isn't Jan

2) the <<CHOP CHOP>> axe action in the preview coupled with images of Clay are too red herring-ish for it to be true.

If it's anyone BUT Brian or Clay, the next week will be BOH!ring to say the least. Survivor Gods, please send us a power-shake-up!

BYW - It seems like MB is setting up Clay to be the next Richard Hatch, but let's face it, who the HELL would vote for him??

PS!! Where is the PTTE thread??

Posted by IceCat on 12-10-02 at 07:32 PM
Ted wins truck during RC and is feeling cocky...

Ted approaches Helen with the idea to boot Clay...

Helen dutifully reports this Brian...

Brian advises Clay...

Big blow-up at camp just before IC...

Sets up 'Ted must win at all costs' for IC...

Ted doesn't win immunity...

Last minute pre-TC comments from cast as they second guess booting Ted...

Ted gets the boot, anyway...

Posted by Krautboy on 12-10-02 at 08:51 PM
LAST EDITED ON 12-10-02 AT 08:57 PM (EST)

This week the Chuay Gahn must finally vote off one of their own. Their loyalties and alliances will finally be tested as lines are drawn in the sand…

“JP: The former Chuay Gahn's turn on each other.
TED: Those that I've trusted, I'm going to continue to trust. But I'm not going to base the results of this game on that trust.”

Ted trusts Jan and Brian, with whom he’s had separate alliances since early on in the game, but he realizes that it is time to take matters into his own hands. His former ally Clay now stands in his way…

"Feeling rebuffed by a former ally, one Survivor hatches a plan and enlists the support of unlikely new allies."

Ted approaches Helen with his plan to get rid of Clay, as we see Ted scratch the “BHT/J” in the sand. Helen looks on with interest…

Helen realizes that she is the swing vote…Brian/Clay on one side and Ted/Jan on the other. Ted is targeting Clay, while Clay has Brian’s ear and wants to be rid of Ted. And both alliances need Helen to pull it off…

“{Helen} I am definitely playing both sides of the fence…”

As Helen's husband said, "She didn't come her to end up in third place". Helen obviously knows where she stands in the “pecking order”. Jake laid it out for her back in EP10. Now she is trying to figure out if she has better odds in the F3 with Ted and Jan or Brian and Clay.

Immunity is the Key to spoiling this week.
The CBS Website poll asks, “Who is more desperate for immunity, Helen, Clay or Brian?
The CBS Website also asks, “Who’s next? 56% think Clay is next!

CBS is focusing on Immunity because it will be an important element in this weeks show. Last week Helen was shown plotting against Clay, while remaining loyal to Brian. Ted is loyal to Brian, and Jan is loyal to Ted. This week Ted is also shown plotting against Clay.

“Who is most desperate for immunity?” Obviously Clay. If anyone other than Clay wins, Clay is gone. But thanks to TDT, we know that Clay survives, so he must win Immunity!

The CBS website is preparing the general audience, that expects Clay to go this week, for a dramatic Immunity Challenge. After Clay wins, he can sit back and watch the circus…”Here we go again, the circus is coming”

Once Clay is protected by immunity, Brian will get nervous and negotiate to collect a debt of gratitude from Helen…

At the end of this past episode, Brian, Helen and Clay all underlined their vote for Jake. They were either checking Ted’s loyalty or signaling each other. Regardless Helen decided to vote with Brian and Clay.

Helen expressed to her husband the loyalty she feels toward Brian. Brian is aware of this and will call in his markers. As Brian points out in the previews: “She owes me.” A comment that indicates Brian needs Helen this week. Brian will not get rid of Helen until she has paid her debt and Helen will ultimately continue to vote with Brian and Clay.

So, then we need to answer the question, “Who goes this week, Ted or Jan?”

Ted trusts Jan. Jan is loyal to Ted. They have an alliance, but as Jake explained in his interview, Jan is the only one out there not trying to win the game. Ted has Jan’s vote in his back pocket. Ted is a potential threat to Brian; Jan is not. Ted is a Challenge threat; Jan is not. Ted is trying to take control of the game; Jan is not. Ted is the target this week; Jan is not.

With Ted gone, Jan will just wait quietly for her turn next, happy to have made the F4.

The editing is setting up a Ted vs. Clay storyline this week. Since we know Clay survives, Clay either wins immunity or Helen sticks with Brian, because “she owes him”…Clay has organized votes against Ted before and he won’t hesitate to do it again, given the chance.

“Having won a Reward Challenge, a tribe member becomes overly excited, shouting and rolling on the ground, while others stew bitterly in their loss.”

Clay will stew bitterly, when Ted wins the RC…just more fuel for the Ted vs. Clay storyline, and just one more reason for him to go this week.

As far as Ted’s plans for “BHT/J”…strategies revealed do not succeed.

The tides turn and Ted joins the jury…


Posted by BaquaR13 on 12-10-02 at 09:33 PM
"Know what's cool? I don't think it's a foregone conclusion this week (FINALLY). This might actually be kinda interesting. Whee!"

Oh, but Sherpa, that is where you are wrong. The previews point to Helen, last episode points to Helen (MB wants to point to Clay). It is Helen!!! (for sure...)

~No sig pic!! Aren't you proud i remembered?

Posted by corcam on 12-10-02 at 10:34 PM
LAST EDITED ON 12-10-02 AT 10:35 PM (EST)

Even though I really don't like any of them left I guess Ted the molester can go next. Brian would be sweet justice as well, his sh!t don't stink attitude is starting to get on my nerves. And don't get me started on the @ss man!........ Jan and Helen are okay but need to get out of the shadows.

ALT Brian -- mr cocky doesnt seem to sure of himself this episode.

RC Ted-- more fuel to the fire if he wins

IC Clay -- b/c everyone wants him gone of course except Brian

"Brian (I WISH!)"
Posted by J Slice on 12-10-02 at 10:41 PM
I can only hope that someone will figure out what Mr. Hairy-ex-porn-star is up to... and gut him for it.


Posted by SuperClyde on 12-10-02 at 11:05 PM
I guess I just don't buy the TDT F2 (or I just want Jan to win a lot). I'm thinking Clay - Helen - Ted - Brian - JAN, as Endgame.

Just some SuperSpeculation from a SuperClyde.

Posted by smokedog on 12-10-02 at 11:10 PM
Thanks to TDT.

Posted by bubbastan on 12-10-02 at 11:44 PM
For Brian's master plan to work, he needs to be seen as not having stabbed anyone in the back, which points towards either Ted or Helen going this week. It's the last chance he will have to "hide" his vote (with only three needed for majority, it's possible that his vote might not be read, or that there is sufficient cover so that the bootee thinks it was someone else).

Helen seems to me to be the bigger Immunity threat, despite Ted's win last week, since he had "help". Helen is definitely the more overt strategizer, and is strong willed enough to take matters into her own hands if she doesn't like the way that things are going down. I'm not sure if Ted would, despite previews to the contrary.

The CBS website question regarding who is more desperate to win immunity -- Clay, Brian, Helen. I don't think that Brian is at all desperate, and Clay seems pretty self-assured, whether or not he should be. Is it just possible that there's some foreshadowing here, and Helen is really the one who will need, but not get, immunity?

I'm guessing Clay wins IC, and Brian, Clay, and Jan and/or Ted (if his target wins IC, would Helen or Jan make a more tempting secondary objective? I'm thinking Helen would.) vote Helen out.

Alternate - Ted

Posted by SteffiGurl on 12-11-02 at 00:12 AM
Krautboy has me convinced. Although I want to say Helen...or Jan...or Clay...

Posted by ejm92 on 12-11-02 at 01:37 AM
Possibly continuing with the trend of voting out characters that don't get a lot of screen time.

"Jan Gentry"
Posted by ivoryElephant on 12-11-02 at 01:53 AM
The tribe has spoken.

It is time for you to go.

Posted by MattyMax on 12-11-02 at 04:12 AM
Go helen? I wish there were still pretty people to root for.

Posted by JeffGator on 12-11-02 at 04:54 AM
Let's just say I have an inside source

Posted by Thaibeach on 12-11-02 at 06:38 AM
but oh, pleasepleasepleaseplease, let it be Clay instead.

Posted by Draco Malfoy on 12-11-02 at 06:43 AM
Wow... it's tough to pick finally. It's between her or Ted.

Posted by Q on 12-11-02 at 09:32 AM
All this clay talk is misdirection. Brian listened to Helen, but she only convinced him more that he has to go against Clay for the vote.

Helen will end up voting for Ted after Brian talks with her.

Jan votes Clay again along with Ted, but its not enough.

Posted by wepaxson on 12-11-02 at 10:18 AM
Well, age before beauty!

"Ted (idiotic reasoning included)"
Posted by big idiot on 12-11-02 at 11:02 AM
LAST EDITED ON 12-11-02 AT 12:44 PM (EST)

Dang, I have little confidence this week but here goes:

The easy start is who DOES NOT go this week:

1) TDT spoiler: Brian and Clay are safe - not because I am confident that they are the final two, but because I am confident that the source knows they are in the final four, final episode will reveal if the source was legit or MB ploy.

2) BHT (J): Jan and Clay are safe because I don't believe the previews would reveal this plotting if it worked. The revealing of Jan and Clay being in the line of fire marks them as safe in my opinion. Jan additionally has the article with the mantel items, things I believe were tokens of something with being in the final four. Her inability to win challenges makes her an ideal F4 partner.

Who is left as not safe: Helen and Ted

Pro-boot speculation that applies to both of them:
1) both challenge threats, each won a challenge last week, so this is fresh in everyone's minds
2) both have personality conflicts in the tribe (unlike Jan and Brian)

Pro-boot specific to Helen
1) Not a guy, boys network may be thicker than broth.
2) She is gunning for Clay, which may mean the antithesis, that Clay is gunning for her.
3) Trying to exert to much control over master Brian, he may not like this and view her as untrustworthy, her "playing both sides of the fence" may be realized by Brian.
4) That damn sunrise picture on the dock. It does look like all the current jury members and her, this explains why they are wearing non-game clothes (dresses), but would MB really want this in the intro? More importantly, would Helen really wear a dress?
5) On Erin's current list of friends, friendship initiated b/c ample Jury time?
6) Brian's quote, "she owes me and she knows it" does this mean that Brian is sending her to the Jury but she owes him a jury vote for him?

Anti-boot specific to Helen:
1) Her attitude. Meaning that Brian may know that this is someone you do not cross. I have this image from the RC when she was telling her husband to "swallow it!!". I can see her speaking to brian in the same tone saying, "if I go this week you are not getting my jury vote, got it?! don't you betray me!"
2) Hard worker, camp work/skills may still be valued.
3) Contrary to editing, Helen is somewhat well-like. Tanya called her motherly, John spoke highly of her, we actually don't hear too many in-game or post-game negative comments about her.
4) Weight loss is difficult to factor this late in game, but her percentage loss is more significant for her size than Ted's percentage loss, may indicate that she was in the game longer.
5) Brian's quote "she owes me and she knows it" Helen gets immunity and brian is voicing how he feels safe from being voted out at TC? Has there been a recent discussion about who to vote out and Brian has convinced her that Ted is a wiser boot choice than clay?
6) If IC is Fallen Comrades, I think Helen has better shot than Ted at winning IN.

Pro-boot specific to Ted:
1) At a recent point in time he was next on the chopping block. We know this directly from the show and from Jake's interviews. Clay was gunning for him and others find him annoying.
2) His attitude. Meaning that he is a bit of a naive oaf, someone that Brian may be able to vote off and still squeeze a jury vote out of.
3) Not a hard worker, contributions to camp won't be missed?
4) Likely win of RC this week? Increased challenge threat if so.
5) Ted's tightest ally may be Jan, yet she takes direction from Brian (torch IC).
6) A man proposing a boot plan in the sand in Episode 12 is a man that is not in control, feels desperate, and is unsure of his fate. A last ditch attempt to save his butt?
7) Ted's quote "I'm physically and mentally strong" is from a previous episode, why no new quote of his status, perhaps he does not feel this way anymore and is petering out physically and mentally. The previews want to make him seem still in 5th gear, but in reality has he lost his game edge and showing this in the previews would be too obvious of a boot?
8) Less chance than Helen at winning IC if Fallen Comrades

Anti-boot for Ted:
1) A guy, more fun than Helen to hang around for the boys.
2) Not on Erin's current friends list, little jury time or just not a post game chatter?

Damn, overall I'm only 55% confident for a Ted boot and 45% for a Helen boot.

Posted by Cin on 12-11-02 at 11:45 AM
A girl can dream can't she??? I actually like the rest of the survivors, so I want crappy Clay to go.


Posted by lizzmac on 12-11-02 at 11:46 AM
(a) I think Brian is pulling all the strings. If Clay, Helen or Ted would figure that out and talk to each other, they could pull off a coup - but I don't believe that will happen.

(b) Therefore, Jan is safe until next week. It'll be easier for Brian to hide his "betrayal" of any of his F2 allies in this vote as opposed to next week. (Although I'm not certain of any F2 agreement with Helen - she certainly thinks of it like that.)

(c) I think Clay is safe. Not sure I fully believe the TDT spoiler, but if I were Brian, Clay is certainly the guy I'd want to face in F2. So should someone (cough Helen cough) approach him about booting Clay, he'll avoid it - either by convincing her/him outright why not to do it, or by letting them go ahead and think he's agreeing to a Clay boot, when in reality he isn't.

(d) That leaves Ted and Helen - and so far that "subject" space up there is blank - Ted. Helen. Ted. Helen. Ted. Helen.

(e) OK. I don't think Brian can risk Ted going on an immunity run. Now is the time to get rid of him. If he does it now, and does it right (which I think he's fully capable of - I've enjoyed watching him this season more than anyone since Richard), he could pull it off so that Ted doesn't even realize Brian was involved, and therefore preserve Ted's vote in the jury.


Posted by macamrox on 12-11-02 at 11:57 AM
I think that no matter what happens tonight with Ted, Brian will convince each of his alliances individually to vote out Jan. He will not want to be viewed as a traitor, and voting Jan out now seems to be sticking to the pecking order. At Final 4 is when things will get interesting.

Now..... If Helen and Ted are as smart as I hope they are, they would pull together with Jan and vote out Brian this episode.

Posted by WildEel on 12-11-02 at 12:25 PM
LAST EDITED ON 12-11-02 AT 12:36 PM (EST)

Ted wins whatever vehicle in the reward challenge.

Helen goes back and forth deciding who to side with. We've seen before that having nice things isn't a good thing in Helen's book. Ted's reward victory makes her think that Ted has won enough this game and sides with Brian/Clay to vote him out.

I think Helen's spike in face time isn't indicative of a boot, rather I think she's going to be focused on as the key player/swing vote this coming episode, her heavy editing is hyping the audience up for this. Similar to Kathy last season.

Alternate: Helen

Posted by Loree on 12-11-02 at 01:11 PM
This is a tough one. But at this point I am leaning towards Ted. But I will probably change my mind 5 times by the show. But I'll stick with Ted.

Posted by ulalame on 12-11-02 at 01:16 PM
LAST EDITED ON 12-11-02 AT 01:25 PM (EST)

I posted right after the last episode that I think that Brian is our winner and is playing the game smoother than we have been lead to believe. In order for him to get to the end without betraying anyone, he has to let the others think they are somewhat in charge, and he also should not win immunity so he is not in the cat seat when one of his "final two" pacts is betrayed.

In E12, Helen may lobby Brian to vote of Clay, but Clay will win immunity, leaving them all no choice but to vote out Jan. She's stated she'd be happy if she made the jury, and she has not been shown having a final two alliance with Brian.

Edited to add: although I find Krautboy's speculation that Ted goes this week very persuasive, I think that it would be against Brian's plan to overtly betray Ted, a final two ally, because it could cost him Ted's vote in the end. If the final four is made up of Brian and all three of his "final two" partners, he's golden. He's played the game well enough and fairly enough, that I do not think anyone will turn against him in the endgame. However, if he cuts Ted before Jan, he will have shown himself untrustworthy, as well as earning the ire of Ted, a former ally. It could play out either way -- with Ted going this week, and Jan next, or Jan this week and Ted next as I've speculated, but I think my scenario makes Brian look better in the eyes of his teammates and the rest of the jury.

In E13, either Clay or Helen will win immunity, and Ted's a goner.

In E13, I think Clay will win the final two immunity and of course will take Brian along over Helen, making oh so ironic her husband's comment that she "did not go there to come in third." As in past survivors, the person who wins the final two immunity will lose the million. The only question is, will we see our first 7-0 vote in favor of Brian?

Posted by weltek on 12-11-02 at 01:29 PM
My gut says Jan, but my gut is usually wrong, so I'm going with Ted. The biggest problem I have with him being booted is that it's a huge alienation of a jury member.

The only person that wouldn't be pissed to be voted off is Jan. But keep Ted around and there is no reason Helen wouldn't team up with him for the finals.

Tough week.

Posted by Boilermaker on 12-11-02 at 02:25 PM
LAST EDITED ON 12-12-02 AT 09:59 AM (EST)

Ted and Jan are on the outside alliance. Jan is much more quiet and is less of an immunity risk. We have already seen Ted argue once before, seen his story last week again, what else can the big guy do other than be voted off.

While watching the show we will all be given Clay as the person that everyone talks about booting. When in fact Clay doesn't even need immunity to get by this vote.

Final Votes:
Clay - Ted
Brian - Ted
Helen - Ted
Ted - Clay
Jan - Clay

My 2 cents.

Edited to remove sigpic. Sorry.

Posted by samboohoo on 12-11-02 at 02:48 PM
I've given up on thinking that woman is smart. Krautboy provided an excellent analysis, and I really am torn between Ted and Helen. The only things I think are certain are that Jan will go next week and Clay will be in the final 2.

Previews show us that Ted seems to be trying to get something going with Helen. Helen is known for running back and telling Brian everything. She probably tells him this too. And then the audience is led to believe Ted will go.

Helen goes this week, Jan next, then Brian. That's right. Brian in all his cockiness throws the final IC and get the shock of his life when either Ted or Clay figure out that their best shot to win is against eachother - not Brian. That's my bold prediction. Of course it won't happen.

Posted by steppingrazor42 on 12-11-02 at 02:55 PM
I just think after winning the car and IC that people will begin to be weary of Ted pulling a Colby....he's obviously strong and has proved he can win both mental and physical challenges. Brian will want to keep him around a little longer (so maybe he'll convince them not to boot him), but I think Jan, Helen and Clay all will have no problem writing Ted's name down at TC.

There's alot of Clay hype, but I think he sticks around for a little while longer, Brian knows everyone hates him and probably wants to be sitting next to him in the F2.

Alt: Helen

"RE: Ted"
Posted by smrtNsassybnkr on 12-11-02 at 03:34 PM
Although I wish it was Clay, I think we will see Brian's betrayal of Ted this week. Sorry Big guy!

Posted by Spidey on 12-11-02 at 03:49 PM
Ted or Helen? Helen or Ted? I was leaning Jan initially, but everyone who has commented that she is a safer, more malleable teammate for Pornoman have me convinced it isn't her.

Brian has to pick off one of his F2 partners, this week or next. Why not do it this week, when it cannot be proven that one of the 3 votes for ouster was from him? He risks alienating a juror no matter what, but taking out Helen or Ted now is the only way to mitigate that risk. Then @ F4 pick off Jan, who will likely not win IC (as she has won nothing so far), who will have no hard feelings, then tank the final IC a al Dique. Man, Brian has it in the bag if he plays it right.

So Ted or Helen? I'm going with Krautboy and the others who have made a good case for Ted, but I wouldn't be suprised to see H go either. Should be a fun one!


Posted by foolishgirl on 12-11-02 at 04:34 PM
I think Jan will win immunity.

Of course I don't look busy....I did it right the first time.

Posted by bebekid on 12-11-02 at 04:47 PM
I'm glad to see I'm not the only one having trouble deciding between Helen and Ted. I was convinced it was Helen until yesterday when I read some excellent reasoning by Krautboy.

What swayed me it's Ted's time:

In a final four situation, I think Jan/Ted would be more likely to go to a tie-breaker vote with Brian/Clay than Jan/Helen would be. To my knowledge, Jan and Helen have no alliance. Brian is in control of the game, so to keep his odds high, Ted must go.

My STRONG alternate is Helen.


"RE: SurvivorBlows Tribe, It's Time to Vote!"
Posted by Wacko Jacko on 12-11-02 at 05:02 PM
LAST EDITED ON 12-12-02 AT 11:09 AM (EST)

Clay went to Penny's wedding. If Clay is in the final two. I just don't see why he would be the only CJ at the wedding. Let's say Ted goes tonight. Why did Clay go to the Wedding instead of Ted? I am going Clay. That would leave the final four and would also explain why Clay was the only CJ going - all other CJs would of not been on the jury. One CJ on Jury (excluding final 4) - One CJ at the wedding. Points to Clay in my mind. But if Clay don't get the boot this weekend I will believe he is in the final 2. Don't see him staying past this week. I really don't. Burnett has also been handing the bootee on a platter and that man is Clay this week. Follows the pattern.

"Oops, that's a vote for CLAzY."
Posted by Wacko Jacko on 12-11-02 at 05:03 PM
see reasoning above.

"God, I hope you're right..."
Posted by TribalTex29 on 12-12-02 at 06:26 PM
although Brian would be fine with me too.

"Vote tally # 1"
Posted by Brownroach on 12-11-02 at 05:16 PM
Since I don't feel like voting yet, I figured I'd jump in and help out with this in the meantime.

This is post # 39 -- Vote Tally # 1, comprising 37 votes and one mistake rectification. Ted's out in front, with a 3-way tie for second:

Ted -- 16
Helen -- 6
Jan -- 6
Clay -- 6
Brian -- 3

UTR -- no one

Posted by jsanb on 12-11-02 at 05:32 PM
Brian will win this. Anyone voting for Brian is doing so based on hope. Ted is fairly safe, and I am basing that on his relationships with everyone and won't be the one tossed. Clay is the one that MB is directing us towards being the next to go, but Jan is the most logical to go in a Brain win- so she is going.

Peanut Butter Jeff
"If you thought S3 was bad just wait until S5."

Posted by AyaK on 12-11-02 at 06:08 PM
I'm not bringing any spoiling to the table here, merely speculation. We know, from back at the time of Ghandia's boot (the last time that these five had to boot one of their own), that Brian-Clay-Ted-Helen voted together; Jan voted to boot Ted. This marks Jan as the outsider in this crew.

Everyone seems to be focusing on Helen. MB set us up for this last week, when he showed us Helen and her husband, with the husband advocating her to break with her alliance. She won't. Brian, Clay and Helen are the final three unless immunity screws it up.

So ... the question becomes Ted. Yes, Jan and Ted seem to be close -- and they should be, since they are the "outcasts." Brian, though, has no reason to boot Ted yet, even if Ted is trying to break up his final 3 plan. Jan's still the main outcast. Ted is no threat as long as Brian's coalition of 3 holds -- and it will.

Thus, Jan goes now, followed by Ted unless he wins the round-of-4 IC, followed by a battle to the death between Clay and Helen for the "other" spot in the final 2 with Brian. Ted knows his place in the pecking order, so even though he would like to win, he wouldn't hold a 4th place finish against Brian.

So ... that's my speculation, based on absolutely no evidence. Without TDT's spoiler, and based just on what MB chose to show last week, I'd think that the finalists were Brian and Helen, with Clay third -- but I'm sticking with TDT's final two of Brian and Clay.

Posted by bondt007 on 12-11-02 at 06:13 PM
much bigger threat over-all than Jan. And, I don't think he will influance the jury very much at all.

Posted by VerucaSalt on 12-11-02 at 07:35 PM
No lengthy post; basing this on Brian conducting this like a business and Krautboy summarized excellent.

Clay gets a vacation day
Brian's loyal secretary bends his ear about the manager in training going off on his own and that only seals his fate after he boasts about getting a company car
The retiring secretary is still needed temporarily

Here's your pink slip Ted.

Posted by Genius47 on 12-11-02 at 08:51 PM
I think Helen is the swing vote this time, between Ted/Jan and Brian/Clay. I'm personally hoping she sides with Ted & Jan to get rid of Clay. She probably won't, though.

Alt- Ted

"The Tedmeister"
Posted by RudyRules on 12-11-02 at 09:04 PM
Ted, alternate Helen, 2nd alternate Jan.

Tough week, but I think this makes the most sense for reasons stated by lots of other peeps.

Posted by GuessItRains on 12-11-02 at 10:20 PM
It's not Brian. He's clearly being edited for the Final 4, reserving judgment still on whether he wins.
It's also not Clay. MB is pushing too hard in that direction.
I don't think it's Jan. AyaK and others have some nice reasons but she seems to me to pose almost no challenge threat, especially relative to the other options.
So is it Ted or Helen? I think either one would be really ticked to be betrayed. But Helen would be as likely to take her anger out on Clay as she would on Brian. Ted would only take things out on Brian, just like Jerri did on Colby.
Does Brian realize this? I think he does, and I think he pulls the strings, so I'm voting for Helen. If I'm wrong and Clay is in charge, then I think the Jan/Ted alliance suffers its first casualty...Ted.

Posted by cowboyroo on 12-11-02 at 10:36 PM
Icecat and Krautboy put it better than I ever could...

Posted by Yogi on 12-11-02 at 11:04 PM
Helen comments on 'playing both sides'.
Unfortunately for Helen both sides lead
back to Brian.

Posted by bobstew617 on 12-11-02 at 11:29 PM
I think he'll go this week because Brian will realize he's plotting against him, and thus is his biggest threat.

Posted by Round Robin on 12-12-02 at 00:29 AM
...it's time for you to go!

Posted by sleeeve on 12-12-02 at 03:00 AM
First of all, to AyaK-- Jan voted to boot CLAY... Ghandia tried to talk Jan into voting for Ted, but she refused, so both GDiva and Jan voted to boot Clay.

Why did this likely happen? Because Ted and Jan have an alliance.

We also know that Brian has an alliance with Ted, with Clay, and with Helen.

So who is probably safest? Brian... right?? right???

But what will happen when Ted tries to talk Brian into voting out Clay next. Brian will obviously want to target Jan... she's the only one that he doesn't have an alliance with... we know from the previews that someone is feeling rebuffed by a former ally and tries a daring new strategy.

We also have the vidcap of Ted drawing "BHT" into the sand.

I think that Brian will tell Ted that Helen is the third person in thier alliance, and so Ted will try to verify that... but when Brian tries to boot Clay, Helen will find herself with a choice-- Brian and Clay or Ted and Jan as her final partners.

If I were Helen, I'd choose Ted and Jan, but there's two reasons to think that she won't do this. First of all, we know that Helen wants to get rid of Clay, but have no reason to believe that Helen wants to get rid of Brian. Secondly, we know (thanks to TDT that Brian and Clay make it to the final two so SOMEONE must side with them this week!)

We have the following revealed strategies:

Ted wants "BHT" to be in final three.
Helen wants Clay gone.

What would upset this plan? Clay winning immunity! It would mean two things. For Ted to form the BHT alliance he has to vote out former ally Jan... and he still has no assurances that B and H will stick with him -OR- Helen must vote out former ally Brian-- virtually assuring herself that she will not get his vote on the jury (and she's gotta know that she needs it to win!!)

Finally, Ted and Jan are probably more difficult people for Helen (the swing vote) to beat in the finals.

So, given that we know that both Brian and Clay survive this week, we must assume that something prevents Helen from following through with her "eliminate Clay" plan AND at the same time prevents Ted from forming his BHT alliance.

The only thing that seems to do this is Clay wins immunity!!!

Now... if Clay wins immunity, then things become much more complicated. With Ted's scheming known to Brian (he's gotta approach Brian about the BHT final three), Brian will push to have Ted booted from the tribe. Jan may be willing to vote for Brian with Ted, changing Ted's final three plan to JHT. So it all comes down to Helen... will she vote for Ted or Brian? Well... we know the outcome (Brian stays), but even without it, the choice seems clear!!

Ted will blame Brian (and not Helen) when he is voted out. It's Helen's chance to capture his vote, should she make it to the jury. By siding with Brian and Clay, she is putting herself in a position where she must wint he final immunity (against people that will be difficult to beat, no less), but we know from interviews that Erin and Penny LOVED Helen's recipes, that Jake is rooting for Helen to win... and with this final move, she will cement a fourth jury vote for herself... so her only challenge will be to win the final IC, and then she should have the whole game in the bag.

So Helen will side with Brian and Clay and vote out Ted this week.

Next TC (barring an IC win), Jan is gone. Then Helen will try to win the final IC... if she does, she wins the game. If Clay wins, then she's eliminated. If Brian wins the final IC, then it's unclear what he will do (but Helen may believe that he'll take her to the finals, giving her even MORE of a reason to stick with B/C... a 2/3 chance of getting to the end.

As for the reward? Well... there are several vidcaps that seem to suggest that Ted wins it... and it would give Helen one more excuse to turn on him (hey! at least he gets a car!)

RC: Ted
IC: Clay
Boot: Ted

As for alternates? Well... let's assume that Brian manages to hold his alliance together for one more TC (possibly due to his assurace to Ted that the final three will be BHT). In that case, bye bye Jan. When Clay wins IC, your (living on borrowed) time is up!

Posted by George Tirebiter on 12-12-02 at 04:12 AM
I love it when someone like Krautboy validates my thinking. Especially since if we're wrong, I can blame someone for my shortcomings.

I suspect Ted wins the ugly vehicle--which has been the death knoll for anyone previously, because no one wants them to win ALL the big prizes--Helen's too stupid to do anything but help someone else (Brian) get close to the million bucks, Jan is too useless to be considered a threat yet, and maybe Clay wins the butt-ugly immunity necklace to save his sorry arse.

Does it really matter WHO wins or loses, at this point? This is the sorriest bunch of loozers yet, and I think NONE of them deserve to win; the prize ought to just roll over to the next series.

Posted by echogirl on 12-12-02 at 05:30 AM

Posted by SurvivinDawg on 12-12-02 at 07:19 AM
As if anyone cares for my reasons, here they are:

First, I accept the TDT Brian/Clay F2 as truth. If I'm wrong, so are a LOT of other big-time spoilers. So there!

In posting what amounts to my PTTE thresd on Spoilers, I thought Jan was next and Ted 4th (place). However, there are two things I simply cannot get around:

1) The "BHT" in the sand. MB never shows successful strategies, and he showed this. MB earlier showed the Ted/Brian alliance. So this puts Ted and Helen in the spotlight.

2) Helen's hatred of Clay. I realized there was no way Helen would, of her own choosing, go with Clay over Ted or anyone else. Helen could easily (IMHO) get Ted and Jan to vote for Clay, and I'm sure she would put this plan into effect if she could.

Therefore, following the Sherlock Holmesian axiom that "whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth", I am forced to agree with Krautboy et. al. that the only way Clay survives is to win immunity. Therefore, Clay will indeed win said immunity.

This leaves Ted, Helen and Jan. (TDT eliminates Brian, of course.)

First, to dispense with Jan: There is nothing to support a Jan boot at this time. I thought that everyone might pause to vote out someone they can agree on, but then realized that everyone would be courting Jan's vote.

Second, Helen v. Ted. This is the choice, and I chose Ted based on this BIG piece of disinformation: The CBS site question "Who is more desperate for immunity, Helen, Clay or Brian?" Answer: Ted. CBS is notorious for these questions that name three people, then in the end NONE of them are involved. At first, I interpreted this to mean Ted wins immunity, but now I think it's more that he takes the Boat Ride of Shame.

Further evidence for Ted:
Clay clearly has a problem with Ted. Clay did not help Ted over the wall (almost pointedly so). Clay has remarked several times of his growing irritation with Clay.

Ted's singular, lone boat ride. Why show that? It clearly had meaning for later. Now we'll find out that Ted's isolationism hurts him in the polls... the TC voting polls.

Now reasons against Helen: She is an immunity threat, and doesn't like Clay. Clay doesn't like her. I thought that Brian might see fit to eliminate the problem, then realized he doesn't NEED to! Brian probably wants Helen and Clay in the F3 so that he can do the Dicque Hatch and take his hands off the idol and let the other two fight it out, then the winner will vote out the loser, not Brian. Brian also wants to eliminate Ted as an immunity threat.

Finally, the IMPORTANT stuff:

Posted by AresMars on 12-12-02 at 09:58 AM
With so many SJ on the jury he can't begin betraying the members of his alliance(s) this early. I see a strong possiblity of him pulling a Hach where he takes Ted and Clay to the final three and then bails on the final IC counting on one of them to take him.
If he bails on Ted now he risks not only losing Ted's vote but Jan and Helen's as well.


God Bless America

There are two types of people, predators and prey, and the sound you hear is the sharpening of my claws.

Posted by janisella on 12-12-02 at 10:13 AM
I really think those chauvinists are going to get rid of the women.

Posted by NTK on 12-12-02 at 10:23 AM
I can't believe it is this hard to pick from the remaining three people (after the TDT spoiler). To me, Helen looks very unhappy in the previews-almost betrayed. But, Brian has her under his thumb. It's harder to decide if Jan would be better as a cheerful jury vote or non-threating tribe member. The idea that Clay must win immunity this time is impossible to shake. Therefore, backing into Ted's time being up.

Posted by zzz on 12-12-02 at 10:40 AM
This is a tough one for me. If it weren't for the TDT spoiler, I might be tempted to go for Clay. There are very good arguments for Ted and Helen. But Jan is just too easy to boot. She would be the least upset. She is the only one, apparently, that does not have a stated alliance with Brian.

Posted by mistofleas on 12-12-02 at 10:41 AM
I've been voting for him for weeks and weeks now. It's nice to see that maybe, finally and at last I could be getting it right!

I think that MB showing us Ted writing the BHT in the sand, Ted as, very likely, the RC winner, Ted as a threat in the physical challenges and Ted as someone who wants Clay gone and will work hard to make it happen...he's finally getting the boot not the bootie.

I think Helen is interested in what Ted has to say about who should be the final three (BHT) but she's got her own plan and I believe she'll run to Brian with this information and spill the beans. Ted may also talk to Jan about this plan so we might see 2 votes for Clay (or if Clay wins immunity, Helen) but Brian, Clay and Helen will vote for Ted.

--So speaks mistofleas

Posted by strone on 12-12-02 at 11:30 AM
Hey Ted, Grind This!

Posted by FesterFan1 on 12-12-02 at 11:35 AM
I juggled the three players in play (much like Snewser is today) for a while this week, but was finally hit with a moment of clarity. I've read such good arguments for Helen, Jan and Ted, but I don't really think it's that complicated. Provided, that is, Clay wins immunity (which I think he must in order to fulfill the TDT prophecy).

Here's what happens...
Helen, Ted, and Jan all want to vote Clay. Brian dreads this, but won't go down for the sake of Clay, so he is poised to do the same. However, Clay thwarts these intentions by winning immunity. So what then?

Well, Clay will, no doubt, want to vote out Ted. He's wanted to vote out Ted for a while now, but there was some Pagonging to do. Brian would probably prefer to vote out Jan, but Ted and Clay would give him resistance on this (Clay for reasons above and Ted because he (at the least) likes Jan or (at most) has a F3 or better pact with her).

Brian will then determine that if Jan can't go, then Ted must. So that puts Clay and Brian against Ted, and Ted and Jan (probably) against Brian. Helen really has no choice in the matter. She has to side with Brian ("She owes me" & foreshadowing from E11 with her husband where she professes her undying loyalty to Brian). She will hold her nose and vote for Ted.


Posted by Bebo on 12-12-02 at 12:07 PM
Like many others here, I believe the TDT spoiler. And like many others here, I think Clay is toast this week unless he wins immunity. Therefore, he does.

I think our man Ted takes a lovely car home with him as a consolation prize for tonight's walk o' shame, because I think he'll win the reward challenge first.

Posted by Ronnet on 12-12-02 at 12:27 PM

Posted by travelingbetty on 12-12-02 at 12:46 PM
Clay should go but won't when he wins immunity. Helen didn't help when pointing out the obvious to Brian that Clay will make a perfect final two partner.

Posted by blacknwhitedog on 12-12-02 at 12:55 PM
I'm picking Ted to go because of the BHT he drew in the sand. He thinks he's "in" with Brian and Helen. He is not.

Posted by snoocharoo on 12-12-02 at 01:03 PM
"You shall have your justice. Some day, and that day may never come, I will call upon you to do me a service in return. Until that day, consider this justice a gift" ~ "Don" Vito Corleone

The day has come for Helen to repay Brian's gift.

Posted by Krendie on 12-12-02 at 01:10 PM
Ted is an immunity threat. Ted gets the car. Clay gets grumpy. Ted gets the boot.

Posted by MDSkinner on 12-12-02 at 02:21 PM
This seems to be the prevailing argument, and I can see nothing to dissuade myself from agreeing.

Posted by lionsroar on 12-12-02 at 02:28 PM
Brians "she owe's me" comment convinces me of Teds boot more than anything else this week. I believe he is talking about Helen and who would he have to convince her to vote out?? Not Clay and probably not Jan, that leaves Ted.

Posted by QueenP on 12-12-02 at 02:34 PM
just 'cause I want Ted to stay in the game. Jan would most likely be the least upset to be booted.

Posted by munson on 12-12-02 at 02:38 PM
Long before TDT posted the Brian/Clay F2 spoiler, I had this theory. See, I was convinced that the F2 would be a battle of the sexes, continuing on a theme established at the very beginning of the series when the Survivors arrived by gender. Then we get the Ted/Ghandi men v women misdirection. All throughout we have the "cavemen" commenting on a woman's role in the tribe. Male vs. female for all the money.

Not such a wild theory if you think about it. One overarching theme of S3 was the generational schism. Who ends up in the F2? Old vs. young. S4 saw Sean play the race card. Who is that in the F2. Yep. Vee and Neleh. Sure, neither age nor race played a part in geting them to the finals. It just sort of works for me.

Damn, TDT! I thought I was onto something here.

Well, maybe all's not lost. This week CG vote out Ted and what do you know? We are set up for a battle of the sexes in F4. Of course, it'll all be misdirection as I think Jan then becomes the target. But how else can MB put a target on Clay or Brian unless Helen's "alligned" with Jan?

Ted goes this week.

Alternate is Helen.

Posted by thndrkttn on 12-12-02 at 02:42 PM
LAST EDITED ON 12-12-02 AT 02:43 PM (EST)

Krautboy is the t*ts when it comes to spoiling.

Edited: I didn't know you could say ASS but not t*ts.

Posted by Rain Crow on 12-12-02 at 02:55 PM
Lots of reasons, most of which have been well covered by earlier posters.

Rain Crow

"Not TED...CLAY"
Posted by FSUGUY on 12-12-02 at 03:09 PM
I think HTJ vote for Clay and BC vote for Jan.

Brian will know the others want clay out, but he can't vote for him. he votes for jan to keep the BHT alliance. clay will follow brian.

then jan goes next.

Posted by Brownroach on 12-12-02 at 03:18 PM
LAST EDITED ON 12-12-02 AT 03:26 PM (EST)

Here I rushed back from lunch all set to plunk down the amazing logic I finally came up with for a Jan boot, only to see that Snewser and TDT have already posted their picks. And they agree with each other.

Oh well, I'm not one to argue. Gee, dya think the PTTE could be ANY easier now?

**edited for clarity.

Posted by s_man on 12-12-02 at 03:27 PM
I'm not going to go into the details, several folks already have.

Posted by smiles on 12-12-02 at 03:33 PM
I'll go with snewster

"Ted !!!!!"
Posted by katem on 12-12-02 at 03:49 PM
Krautboy is God

He did a magnificent job of explaining all the reasons, so I do not need to add anything, or have anything to add.

"I'm Sick (read:Ted)"
Posted by DeclaringJihadOnSurvivor on 12-12-02 at 03:50 PM
Blah blah blah
blah blah blah
blah blah blah
Ted blah blah

Posted by dabo on 12-12-02 at 04:17 PM
Reward winner pays the price just like Sean in S4.

Posted by MakeItStop on 12-12-02 at 04:54 PM
You want reasons? Well, I got my reasons. Go read GT's post.

Posted by SurvivaBear on 12-12-02 at 05:23 PM
LAST EDITED ON 12-12-02 AT 05:24 PM (EST)

I am a hopeless lemming and not even an amateur spoiler. However, folks like sleeeve and krautboy make convincing arguments.

edited to remove sig pic before I get jeered.

"Ted "
Posted by MissSusan on 12-12-02 at 05:29 PM

Posted by twentyfourseven on 12-12-02 at 05:41 PM
My eyes cannae take it no more.

Posted by pancho on 12-12-02 at 05:52 PM
or Jan or Helen.. crap.. OK Ted

Posted by anotherkim on 12-12-02 at 06:07 PM
he is too big (no pun intended) of a threat for future IC--has to go ASAP.

Posted by GeorgiaBelle on 12-12-02 at 06:20 PM
Dave you are bad

Posted by Swami on 12-12-02 at 06:44 PM
Look at all those pretty 'Ted's lined up in row. How could I break the perfect symmetry by putting in another name?

Besides, like everyone says--it's only logical. But if Clay does not win IC, his sorry ass is outta there

Posted by specie on 12-12-02 at 07:12 PM
I really think it will be Ted, but I don't want that to happen. I think Ted & Jan & Helen will oust the man of Clay.

one can dream,


Posted by PlaneJane3 on 12-12-02 at 07:22 PM
It has almost become a little to obvious this week, i am disappointed.

Posted by ringtheory on 12-12-02 at 07:23 PM
A Jan boot makes sense.

A Ted boot makes sense.

But a Helen boot makes the most sense, so I'm probably wrong.

Posted by survivorscott on 12-12-02 at 07:35 PM

Come in a stranger,leave a little stranger

"Teddy, but who really cares?"
Posted by Squarepants party of one on 12-12-02 at 07:38 PM
There's no reason to keep him around. I do think this one is worse than Africa. Friends and Scrubs is looking better and better.

Posted by zuckie on 12-12-02 at 07:42 PM
I just would hate to see him in the final two.

"Theodore Rogers Jr."
Posted by PepeLePew13 on 12-12-02 at 08:01 PM
LAST EDITED ON 12-12-02 AT 08:01 PM (EST)

The Grinder gets grinded this week. He's drawing "BHT" in the sand thinking that Helen and Brian are unequivocally aligned with him. Guess again, Teddy. Clay or Jan wins IC this week and you get the boot.

Alternate pick: Helen.