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"Merge Scenarios"

Posted by dabo on 10-21-02 at 02:32 PM
In past Survivors the merge was handled in these various ways:

S1, episode 7: ambassadors Jenna and Sean visited camps then decided together on which camp to merge to and new tribe name.

S2, episode 7: boys and girls segregated for one night, then all moved to a new camp, group decision on new tribe name.

S3, episode 7: group decision about which camp to merge to (at first individual immunity challenge), group decision after challenge on new tribe name.

S4, episode 7: ambassadors Kathy and Rob at sacred meeting place decide together on which camp to merge to and new tribe name.

So, what are the prospects for S5? Early merge has been discussed but at this point we have evidence of an episode 6 team challenge (giant slingshots) so early merge would seem to be out for now. However, there is one prospect remaining for it:

S5, episode 6: merge camp determined as part of reward at RC.

Traditional merge remains the most likely prospect at this point, though. What are the chances of one of the previous merge scenarios being played out? With no swap having occured, I think the prospect of the Africa S3 scenario being repeated is the least likely to be repeated. Ambassadors has already been repeated; I would be in favor of it being repeated again this time but it seems unlikely that MB would do this. That leaves segregating the sexes again, which would fit with the themes already in play in this series, or something entirely new.

Do we have anything to indicate whether one of the existing camps will be merged to or if a new location will be the merge camp?

Finally, there is the prospect of late merge, which I consider very unlikely but will mention regardless. If a late merge were to happen it would most likely be the first thing to be attended to in episode 8 with everyone in both camps being awakened early one morning and forced to relocate, vacating camp within five minutes or something. The problem with merging late is that it gives the first member of the jury less time to interact with the remaining players, but then MB doesn't seem to care how the jurists make their final decision (unfortunately) or else Greg and Sue would never have been allowed to established the character and byotch methods in S1.

"If all machines were to be annihilated at one moment, so that not a knife nor lever nor rag of clothing nor anything whatsoever were left to man but his bare body alone that he was born with, and if all knowledge of mechanical laws were taken from him so that he could make no more machines, and all machine-made food destroyed so that the race of man should be left as it were naked upon a desert island, we should become extinct in six weeks." (Samuel Butler, "Erewhon")

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Messages in this discussion
"RE: Merge Scenarios"
Posted by FesterFan1 on 10-21-02 at 03:06 PM
Do we have anything to indicate whether one of the existing camps will be merged to or if a new location will be the merge camp?

Well, yes. At Survivor Maps there was a link (it's unfortunately dead now) from a paddle tours guide who discovered what appeared to be the shelter remains of the merged camp at Ao Molee, which is just south of Ao Jak (SJ camp) on the west coast of Turutao.

I think we're probably looking at something similar to S2 based on the likelihood of a new merger camp. Whether it's a boys night out and girls night out again, who knows?


"RE: Merge Scenarios"
Posted by SurvivinDawg on 10-21-02 at 03:10 PM
There are also spoilers out that Sook Jai was the merge camp. It could be either SJ or the new camp Fester discusses above.

I do not think there will be an early merge. In fact, in Krautboy's Reverse Logic thresd, I espoused this theory on the next 3 boots.

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"RE: Merge Scenarios"
Posted by erikman on 10-21-02 at 03:51 PM
the bad thing about a new camp is they would have to build a new
hut. you knew how long the 1st one took. allthough ted will hurry them up.

"RE: Merge Scenarios"
Posted by dabo on 10-21-02 at 03:59 PM
Thanks, Fester and Dawg! I think if S-Maps was right about it being a new camp for the merge, that would eliminate what remains of the prospect for an early merge. Too bad that link is dead now, darn it.

Of the two camps in use, MB would probably favor merging to Sook Jai for better filming conditions. Merging to one of the existing camps would eliminate what prospect there ever was for a late merge, as building the new camp would be an integral team effort for the merged tribe to undertake.

Would be nice if that question could be resolved, but I was leaning way in favor of a traditional merge anyway.


"RE: Merge Scenarios"
Posted by Yogi on 10-21-02 at 04:26 PM
I saved a couple of pics from that website.

I think the idea of a new site would be good for the show
as it will give this group something to do other than sitting
around all day.

"RE: Merge Scenarios"
Posted by dabo on 10-21-02 at 05:04 PM
Wow, that looks like a really nice camp! Clearly, the Red Beret training would be required for that, Sook Jai couldn't accomplish such a nice camp on a dare. However, with the cave for shelter, Chuay Gahn didn't really need the Red Berets to teach them shelter skills (though they may have gotten some of that anyway). Too bad they didn't learn how to take care of their canoe properly as well, but that's a different subject.

Wow, though, that is a really nice camp! I'll be surprised if this turns out to be the merge camp, it is too nice, but MB has managed to surprise me before.

Thanks for the pics, Yogi, good job.


"RE: Merge Scenarios"
Posted by TechNoir on 10-21-02 at 05:13 PM
The link is working just fine now. Their indicated merge camp sits right by the Sook Jai fresh water pond.

The lettering is shown in a kind of gold/brown which is likely to indicate the merged tribe buff color. (Note that the lettering of the two pre-merge tribes is in each of their buff colors.)

The following link is to a page of photos believed to be from the merger camp:http://www.claycritters.com/map/john_gray_photos/survivor_5_gray_aomolee.htm
Note in particular the abandoned "chess or checker board" that may be associated with some challenge.


"RE: Merge Scenarios"
Posted by ejm92 on 10-21-02 at 03:54 PM
As soon as I realized they spent so much time on the hut, I figured EPM would make them move to a new camp. I remember in S2, Kucha spent a lot of time (which we didn't see much of) improving their camp, and EPM made them move...he's just mean like that. Another possible division is by age, maybe have the five youngest visit while the five eldest (who mostly would be Chuay Ghans) visit....since EPM used age in the beginning of the game and all.

"RE: Merge Scenarios"
Posted by dabo on 10-21-02 at 04:22 PM
Age segregation already happened with the initial tribal picks, with the exception of Jake and Tanya. But you bring up an interesting point with the tribal elders, perhaps they would be the ambassadors if that scenario is played out. And Jan would probably agree to move to Sook Jai because of the water situation (which would be smart actually, watering 10 would be twice as much trouble as watering 5).


"RE: Merge Scenarios"
Posted by erikman on 10-21-02 at 04:57 PM
i want the ambasadors to be brian and erin the sucks camp
would be better they won all the rewords except training, and what little chuy had was lost with the boat.

"RE: Merge Scenarios"
Posted by dabo on 10-21-02 at 05:43 PM
LOL! If Survivor is reduced to simulated grinding with a blow-up doll, I may stop watching.

Thanks for the link, TechNoir! I really like that camp, it would be very cool if it actually turned out to be the merge camp.


"RE: Merge Scenarios"
Posted by erikman on 10-21-02 at 06:01 PM
yep they go to a new camp that checker board proves it clay got tired of golf and started playing checkers with jake. ted and brian will want to play chess.

"RE: Merge Scenarios"
Posted by PhoenixMons on 10-21-02 at 07:41 PM
I just took a look at the pictures on the linked site and to me, the shelter (among other things like the utensils) look a little too "good" to be found on a Survivior camp. Is it just me?

The utensils look a little too "real", though I don't really pay close attention to what they're been using thus far in S5. I know they have a lot more "tools" and things at their disposal than in past seasons, so it could be that I just haven't noticed that they have nice wooden spoons. But that shelter just looks far too well put together to me. I am not into spoiling (just like reading the threads to see what info others have been able to dig up and what "theories" are out there) so I have no idea how "accurate" the supposed finding is said to be. I just don't think it looks like a Survivor camp...but that's just my opinion!

Anyway as for merge scenarios (the topic at hand), I really only have one new (new to this thread at any rate...haven't read anything else on merge ideas thus far...could have been said somewhere else?) idea to add. Maybe there's an entirely new process of merging. Maybe the RC holds the key to the merge...whomever wins RC gets to keep their camp, or something along those lines. That's just a random though from me.

"RE: Merge Scenarios"
Posted by SeaOtter on 10-21-02 at 10:39 PM
As far as the eating utensils go, they are probably from the Chewies. I remember the Red Berets making what looked like spoons while they were there.

"RE: Merge Scenarios"
Posted by survivorpinoy on 10-21-02 at 11:46 PM
Correct me if I'm wrong. Isn't it that, for the times the survivors chose a camp (and not move to a new camp), the tribe which does not move ends up as the winning tribe?
The only exception maybe was Vecepia. But she did not really move to a new camp bec she switched.

The "inhabitants" of the merging camp always seem to have the upper hand. The visitors are just like visitors. They come and go!

"I never had any friends later on like the ones I had when I was twelve.
Jesus, does anyone?"
-Stand By Me

"RE: Merge Scenarios"
Posted by dabo on 10-22-02 at 09:26 PM
I like the idea of retaining your own camp into the merge as part of a reward scenario. Just imagine, though; Sook Jai wins a big Thai dinner (ep 6 reward) with all the frills and local entertainers, then return home to find that the Chuay Gahn have moved in during their absence. That would be a cool twist. Something along those lines could work in episode 7 as well, which would mean there would even be a team challenge that could be in the promos.

The drawback of having two challenges in the merge episode, of course, would be having less time (in the game and in the footage we get to see) for the two groups to intermingle, gauge each other, take stock of the situation, and so on. In Africa they left the two tribes hanging for awhile before having them merge at the first individual IC, but there had been a swap as well so there were fewer players needing to be introduced to each other.

As for the new camp found by John Gray, it's an odd mix of too good to be true and perfectly suited for a Survivor scene. The construction is more elaborate than would be expected, and very nicely done. But the checkerboard in particular seems to be right in keeping with things. The Red Berets showed CG how to make all sorts of thing, including eating utensils, using only bamboo and a knife (though a hatchet blade would probably work just as well). It's also curious, too, that this camp was left intact for John Gray to discover.