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"MTV's 'Survivor: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly' special -- possible spoiler value?"

Posted by SurvivorBlows on 09-09-02 at 07:08 PM

I just learned of the below this afternoon... I find it hard to believe that they are going to use this as a promotional tool without including some video footage within the program (you'd think they'd at least include the same footage they provided to the local affiliates and the entertainment news programs.)

Keep an eye open folks...



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"RE: MTV's 'Survivor: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly' special -- possible spoiler value?"
Posted by survivorlgirl3 on 09-09-02 at 08:36 PM
My friend works for MTV and he said that there is TONS of new Thailand footage in the MTV special. Filled with spoilers and new shots of the castaways interacting with each other. Much more than the stuff they are showing on the CBS commercials. I think CBS gave them some kind of never-before-seen clips from the new season to help promote it.

"RE: MTV's 'Survivor: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly' special -- possible spoiler value?"
Posted by SurvivorBlows on 09-09-02 at 09:08 PM
Thanks survivorlgirl3... and welcome to the message boards.

Looks like I'm going to have to remember to set the VCR for Thursday @ 5:30PM (what?? ...wait until Sunday night -- no way! )


"RE: MTV's 'Survivor: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly' special -- possible spoiler value?"
Posted by survivorlgirl3 on 09-09-02 at 09:14 PM
I'm pretty sure they are gonna show new stuff that nobody has seen anywhere else. At least from the descriptions my friend told me about, it sounds like it.
Definitely taping Thursday @ 5:30p.

"RE: MTV's 'Survivor: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly' special -- possible spoiler value?"
Posted by TechNoir on 09-09-02 at 09:25 PM
Nope, not a commercial. And they're only going to run it 10 times.

They forgot to mention Ms. Filarski's "The Look for Less" show on Style TV. Yeah, I've seen it. But I've never seen that Keith Famie show on FoodTV. A girl's gotta have some standards.

"RE: MTV's 'Survivor: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly' special -- possible spoiler value?"
Posted by survivorlgirl3 on 09-09-02 at 11:07 PM
It sounds like its' gonna be a cool special. Wonder if they will show any footage of the differnt tribes together. My friend said that there are clips of everyone wearing 2 different buff colors. And lots of scantily clad hotties. Sounds like fun!

"RE: MTV's 'Survivor: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly' special -- possible spoiler value?"
Posted by survivormitsx on 09-10-02 at 00:19 AM

Hey SGirl! It's great that you've got an MTV pal! What else can you get from him? Is the twist possibly revealed with the footage they gave them? What about challenges? And PEOPLE WEARING TWO DIFFERENT BUFFS?! What's the story behind that? Oh, and how about the Red tribe name? Your gonna be a superspoiler if you figure any of this out for us!

If your happy and you know it, Do the Cooper dance!!

"RE: MTV's 'Survivor: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly' special -- possible spoiler value?"
Posted by SurvivorBlows on 09-10-02 at 00:16 AM
It sounds like they are treating it like an episode of The Real World, LOL...I've practically got some of those memorized by now


"RE: MTV's 'Survivor: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly' special -- possible spoiler value?"
Posted by wendyp on 09-10-02 at 12:22 PM
Does anyone knwo what time zone the times listed are for? I went to MTV.com but it does not say if it is (PST, CST or what?). I need to set the VCR and did not see it in the local listings. (I am in Houston) Thanks!!

"RE: MTV's 'Survivor: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly' special -- possible spoiler value?"
Posted by addictedtoSB on 09-10-02 at 06:21 PM
The times listed are Eastern times. I checked the direct tv program guide. Good luck with your VCR!

"Any Canadians?"
Posted by VanQ on 09-11-02 at 01:37 AM
Well, looks like we might get shafted again up here. No MTV available to us in my area (we have our LAME muchmusic, MTVwannabe). Anyone know if this is gonna be carried on any other network?