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"CBS Website Preview "

Posted by sweetpea on 05-04-02 at 10:04 AM
Until Bungler caps this and posts it here (hint....hint...) Survivor Fever has the vidcaps of the new promo at the website. Here is the link:


Vo> "3 Episodes Left....Six Castaways remain...CBS Thursday"
Kathy> "We're just depleted"
VO> "The survivors struggle to stay on the island"
Robert> "This game takes you through every mental high and low there is"
VO> "Plus a surprise visitor joins the tribe...and you won't believe who it is"
Kathy> "This is seductive.....and cunning"
VO> "Get ready for the most emotional Survivor ever"
Paschal> "I have come face to face with myself"
VO> "Who will be voted off next"
Neleh> "There is no way that I would do that now"

I copied a couple. IC is sling shot as you can see a very happy Vee holding a sling shot in this one

Also, the mystery guest is pictured.

Looks to be a white male so that eliminates Vee's fiance.

And, here is them walking with Rob wearing IN

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Messages in this discussion
"RE: CBS Website Preview "
Posted by infinitesurvivor on 05-04-02 at 02:42 PM
Paschal> "I have come face to face with myself"

Neleh's father?

"RE: CBS Website Preview "
Posted by BMH on 05-04-02 at 03:03 PM
If the immunity challenge is a slingshot challenge like u said Sweetpea..then I think we can def. say that Robert has no chance at winning immunity...bc Neleh,Sean,Kathy,Vee,and Paschal will most likely aim for his targets first..and then go after each-other..they dont want Robert winning immunity again.

"RE: CBS Website Preview "
Posted by littlesplitty on 05-08-02 at 05:30 PM
Interesting though that the web site says that there is a new "Young Princess" target. This could reference the idea that Neleh is targeted at the slingshot immunity challenge. :O)

"RE: CBS Website Preview "
Posted by Loree on 05-04-02 at 03:18 PM
The fact that we won't believe who the mystery guest is, makes me think it isn't a family member. We would expect a family member to show up. It has been done in the past.

That means it is someone we would probably recognize. Why would we be surprised to see someone we didn't know. Maybe it's a past Survivor contestant? Or some minor celebrity.

"RE: CBS Website Preview...Neleh quote...."
Posted by Dalton on 05-04-02 at 03:52 PM
After listening to the audio of the CBS promo about 5 times --
I think my first perception is accurate.

Substitute Neleh saying:
<<<<Neleh: "There is no way that I would do that now">>>>

to Neleh saying:
<<<<"There is no way that I will give up now">>>>

Just my opinion.


"You're right."
Posted by samiam on 05-04-02 at 04:37 PM
LAST EDITED ON 05-04-02 AT 04:43 PM (EST)

I listen to people talk for a living, so my ears are pretty sharp. She DOES say, "There is no way I would give up now."

Edited to add: If you watch the promo, in the b/w sequence, there are TWO people. I'm *assuming* that one would be Jiffy, leading the guest to camp, but I hate to make assumptions. Wish we could get a better cap than that.

I still think that the reward is the "videos/letters/chat from home" one. Why else would *everyone* be emotional? I don't think it would just be over a visitor. If it were simply one person's relative, or a celebrity, or a former Survivor, why would they all be crying like that? Unless, of course, it were Bryant Gumbel. Then *I'd* cry, too.

"You are a fluke of the Universe. You have no right to be here. And whether you can hear it or not, the Universe is laughing behind your back." - Tony Hendra, Deteriorata

"Santa Claus??"
Posted by TechNoir on 05-04-02 at 05:26 PM
The shots of the visitor seem to carefully eliminate even the back of his/her head. Could be a Santa dressed in local garb. And we know that reminding them of luxury and home brings them to tears.

Just a shot in the dark... I don't even believe it

60 Pixel Series, No. 2

"Sweetie, if you're not living on the edge, then you're taking up space..." Flo Kennedy

"The secret person is a little boy"
Posted by wephanie on 05-04-02 at 06:12 PM
LAST EDITED ON 05-04-02 AT 06:14 PM (EST)

From watching the video promo, it seems to be a little boy around 9 or 10 years of age. This could be Kathy's son.

Because then the shot of Kathy is show right after they show the little secret person walking. Kathy is saying “This is seductive and cunning." What ever that is supposed to mean.

I don't know, but everybody is crying because they are able to see their families after 30 something days during a reward challenge.

Edited to correct my error

"RE: The secret person is a little boy"
Posted by Serendipity on 05-04-02 at 07:45 PM
Haven't seen the video. The person in the still seems to have too much "bum" for a little boy of that age. Their behinds are usually flatter. Also, the pants are kind of tight. All the little boys around me seem to wear baggier stuff.

"RE: The secret person is a little boy"
Posted by corcam on 05-04-02 at 10:22 PM
I enlarged the picture when I went to SurvivorFever but due to my natural grace of stupidity I couldn't get the image to come over here. So maybe someone else could do what I did.

On the second black and white picture I enlarged it to 200 and 300 then I fliped it and it is easier to see the people in the picture, there is the one that we see first off and it appears to be a man, just for the fact that this person seems big and fat LOL. There is a second person in front of him which is most likely another male b/c it appears that he has his shirt off. They are walking up to another person on the hill, which is blurry but almost looks like Kathy, due to the short hair.

Can someon else try this and post what you find thanks.

(also since it was easier to flip do you think since we have seen alot of flipping this time around that the image that is posted is actually flipped since it is easier to see the other way.)

"RE: The secret person is a little boy"
Posted by smiles on 05-05-02 at 05:30 PM
From watching the video promo, it seems to be a little boy around 9 or 10 years of age. This could be Kathy's son.

Because then the shot of Kathy is show right after they show the little secret person walking. Kathy is saying “This is seductive and cunning." What ever that is supposed to mean.

I think Kathy is talking about the game in general. Actually most of the comments seem to be about the experience in general.


"RE: The secret person is a little boy"
Posted by JeffGator on 05-05-02 at 05:35 PM
From watching the video promo, it seems to be a little boy around 9 or 10 years of age. This could be Kathy's son.

Because then the shot of Kathy is show right after they show the little secret person walking. Kathy is saying “This is seductive and cunning."

--sorry to sound rude, but what the hell does seductive and cunning have to do with Kathy's son? She's probably just talking about the game.

Richard Hatch/Tina Wesson/Ethan Zohn/Kathy O'Brien
"There's some milk in the fridge that's about to go bad...and there it goes."--Bobby Hill
--"I will cut the head off of whoever it is that did this. I'm gonna take them out. I'm gonna slit their throat."

"RE: The secret person is a little boy"
Posted by smiles on 05-06-02 at 02:38 PM
Again JG?

What up with that? We must have posted around the same time.


"I also think the mystery person is a young boy"
Posted by umdmom926 on 05-06-02 at 11:28 PM
I also think the mystery person is a young boy, but maybe slightly older, 13 or 14. If you look at the grainy b&w picture, it looks like a man. But if you look at the video clip, the person has the "gait" of a young teenage boy. and I don't think it is Kathy's son. Kathy's son is 20 years old, she says so in her audition video. I don't know what it all means though.

"RE: CBS Website Preview "
Posted by drawde236 on 05-04-02 at 11:20 PM
Since everyone is in a mood to throw in a doubtful suggestion, then I will toss one in myself. The actual Vee wedding date combined with the visitor/honeymoon seems a bit too coincidental. Here is my take one things, Vee renews her vows on 5/5 for family and friends. She'll be married on the show this Thursday. The man in the vidclip is the red herring. He is the one who officiates the service. Any takes on this one?

"RE: CBS Website Preview "
Posted by dabo on 05-05-02 at 00:54 AM
Well, we got a proposal in S2, a wedding this time would be neat. Or maybe Richard Hatch shows up a Santa Claus and helps Jiffy tell the history lesson.

Maybe we should just approach this from:
"You Won't Believe" who wins the RC. At this point it looks like Neleh is unlikely to win anything, except maybe the game.


"RE: CBS Website Preview "
Posted by PsychoDoc on 05-05-02 at 04:31 AM
>Well, we got a proposal in
>S2, a wedding this time
>would be neat.

That was sacarsm, right?
Keith can propose, no need a ring or anything else, just a very high reading in the attention seeking whore meter. But if a wedding does occur now, won't there have to be some collusion between the producers and the couple.

Think that there is no link between the visitor and Vee. Not the kind of clothes to wear even for officiating a grubby, smelly survivor island wedding. My guess is that maybe someone is just trying to milk Rosie for a bigger and better loser prize. Get married this week and get on the show next week. Maybe, all the talk will be on the wedding and no one will remember the kind of game she played, true to being inVeesible.

Know I'm probably wrong as usual. Going be my substandard record in spoiling, I shall now step aside and let the pros do it.

"It's Rosie!"
Posted by Fast Eddie on 05-05-02 at 03:03 PM
The visitor is Rosie O'Donnell. At first, everyone is delighted, thinking they are getting great gifts. Then she tells them she's only come to visit, and that she hasn't eaten since Los Angeles and is very hungry. Finally, they pull out the slingshots to keep her away from the food.

"RE: It's Rosie!"
Posted by Kokoro on 05-06-02 at 00:29 AM
lol OMG <click>
This is so hilarious - I totally forgot I was on Spoilers for a sec there ^-^

Now let us never speak of S3 again.

Stop Discrimination Now

"RE: It's Rosie!"
Posted by JeffGator on 05-06-02 at 00:38 AM
Well the picture clearly shows that the guest is a large caucasian male, so it definitely could be Rosie O'Donnell

Richard Hatch/Tina Wesson/Ethan Zohn/Kathy O'Brien
"There's some milk in the fridge that's about to go bad...and there it goes."--Bobby Hill
--"I will cut the head off of whoever it is that did this. I'm gonna take them out. I'm gonna slit their throat."

"How about Rodger?"
Posted by PagongRatEater on 05-06-02 at 04:43 PM
Since we are throwing wacky theories out there, I'd like to float Rodger's name. Looking at the pic it looks to ME like and older person and the fact that they are hyping it as "YOU won't believe who" comes to visit - you have to guess that it is a former Survivor or a celebrity. If it is a celebrity, I am definitely clueless, so going the older, former Survivor route you have to think that it is someone who lasted a little while or they wouldn't bother bring them back. It could be Rich or Rudy or possiblly a couple of others, but Pascal's "seeing himself" commment made me think of Rodger. Not the likeliest of possibilities, but perhaps something to keep in the back on our minds.

"RE: How about Rodger?"
Posted by sorgee on 05-07-02 at 09:38 AM
a rodger visit would be interesting. any visit from any survivor contestant would be cool. however, i can't figure out what the purpose of the visit would be?

Don't do the action if you can't handle the reaction. ~deborah briggs

"RE: CBS Website Preview "
Posted by steppingrazor42 on 05-05-02 at 03:18 PM
To me the clip of the "mystery guest" just looks like a back shot of Robert, same long shorts, same dark tee shirt, looks like his buff is around his left wrist in each both of those clips....but who knows, it was my first reaction after looking at each picture.

"RE: CBS Website Preview "
Posted by JeffGator on 05-05-02 at 04:26 PM

I think that our surprise guest is going to be a family member; probably Neleh's father. If you look at the picture, it kind of looks like Paschal from the back. This would make sense becuase Neleh has said that Pappy reminds her of her father.

I know that the previews said a surprise visitor joins the tribe...and you won't believe who it is but I think that's just MB overhyping the event, just like he has done many times in the past. The only guest that would make sense other than a family member is Richard Hatch, and I doubt neither Rich nor MB would go to the trouble of arranging such a visit. And I think it's about that time that there is a family member reward challenge.

My guess is that Neleh wins the reward challenge and daddy neleh makes a visit to the island and hands out some present like Sean's dad did.

Richard Hatch/Tina Wesson/Ethan Zohn/Kathy O'Brien
"There's some milk in the fridge that's about to go bad...and there it goes."--Bobby Hill
--"I will cut the head off of whoever it is that did this. I'm gonna take them out. I'm gonna slit their throat."

"RE: CBS Website Preview "
Posted by samiam on 05-05-02 at 08:07 PM
Yeah, it does kinda look like Paschal from the back, if he suddenly gained about 50 pounds and lost about 20 years. *grin*

I think this sudden notion that the visitor is Neleh's father is coming from his "I've come face to face with myself" comment. However, both this comment and Kathy's "it's cunning and blah blah blah" comment relate to the game's effect on the contestants in general, not to the guest specifically.

And OF COURSE MB is overhyping. It's what he DOES. How ELSE is he supposed to make 13 weeks of this drivel sound vaguely interesting?

"You are a fluke of the Universe. You have no right to be here. And whether you can hear it or not, the Universe is laughing behind your back." - Tony Hendra, Deteriorata

"RE: CBS Website Preview "
Posted by JeffGator on 05-05-02 at 08:15 PM
Hmmm... well as you can see it's a large, white, caucasian male

Maybe Rosie O'Donnell is paying a suprise visit before she has to do the reunion special.

Richard Hatch/Tina Wesson/Ethan Zohn/Kathy O'Brien
"There's some milk in the fridge that's about to go bad...and there it goes."--Bobby Hill
--"I will cut the head off of whoever it is that did this. I'm gonna take them out. I'm gonna slit their throat."

"RE: CBS Website Preview "
Posted by TechNoir on 05-06-02 at 04:47 PM
Just exactly what anatomical features scream "male" to you?

And I'm here to tell you that isn't Rosie's butt.

60 Pixel Series, No. 2

"Sweetie, if you're not living on the edge, then you're taking up space..." Flo Kennedy

"RE: CBS Website Preview "
Posted by JeffGator on 05-05-02 at 08:29 PM
By the way, I wanted to say that the reason I think that Neleh's father is visiting has nothing to do with Paschal's or Kathy's comments. You are right--Paschal and Kathy were clearly talking about the game, and not a family member when they made those confessionals that were shown during the previews.
I think Neleh's father is coming for several non related reasons:

1.It's about that time for a family member to pay a visit on a reward challenge.

2.I think a family member is just about the only possible guest that would visit the survivors.

3.The picture looks kind of like Paschal, and Neleh said that Pappy reminded her of her father.

And remember I'm not saying it will be Neleh's father, I'm just saying it will be somebody's father (or son, brother, or uncle).
But we can rule out Sean and Vecepia for obvious reasons. So that just leaves Robert, Kathy, Paschal, and Neleh, and it seems like Neleh would have just as good of a chance as any at winning a challenge. She seems to be pretty close to her parents and might do very well at one of those family reward challenges. Most families that are that religious have a very close relationship with their children.

By the way, I don't think the contestants crying has anything to do with the guest visiting.

I think that is a totally different thing. The previews mention the guest visiting, and the event happening that will shock the survivors in 2 different sentences, therefore I think they are totally unrelated.

Richard Hatch/Tina Wesson/Ethan Zohn/Kathy O'Brien
"There's some milk in the fridge that's about to go bad...and there it goes."--Bobby Hill
--"I will cut the head off of whoever it is that did this. I'm gonna take them out. I'm gonna slit their throat."

"RE: CBS Website Preview "
Posted by Bungler on 05-05-02 at 09:38 PM

Looks like I'm missing a couple scenes. I'll cap 'em as soon as they show 'em.

"RE: CBS Website Preview "
Posted by corcam on 05-05-02 at 09:48 PM
Hey Bungler don;t mean to be a brat but could you take the second black and white picture and see if you can flip it and post it. I have been trying to do it myself, but I am a dumb butt LOL

When I flipped it and enlarged it there are 3 people in the pic the 2 look like to be men and the third is blurry that they are walking up to. Kind of looks like Kathy


"RE: CBS Website Preview "
Posted by Bungler on 05-05-02 at 10:20 PM

It's easy to upload pics to the SB board. Just hit reply to this message. When it brings up the reply box, just above the gray message box are two links (one for emoticons, the other that just above it says "Click here to upload your file"). Click that, it'll open a new window. Choose JPEG picture, click the browse box and find the image file on your computer, click Upload File! and when the image is uploaded, just copy-paste the URL it gives you into your message box.

P.S. In the live preview, I definitely only see movement from two people. But I don't always see everything, so definitely feel free to show us what you see.

"RE: CBS Website Preview "
Posted by JeffGator on 05-05-02 at 09:55 PM
You won't believe who it is
--Geez, I'm starting to think it is someone more famous than a family member of one of the survivors. If it really is only a family member joining the tribe then MB is officially an a$$ for teasing us like that.

Richard Hatch/Tina Wesson/Ethan Zohn/Kathy O'Brien
"There's some milk in the fridge that's about to go bad...and there it goes."--Bobby Hill
--"I will cut the head off of whoever it is that did this. I'm gonna take them out. I'm gonna slit their throat."

"RE: Robert in picture"
Posted by mindysue on 05-05-02 at 10:21 PM
I think the person walking is Robert. Compare several features.

1) The person is not wearing socks. If you look at the picture of Robert walking, it doesn't look like he has any socks on.

2) Robert's shoes and similar to this person's shoes.

3) Robert's shorts extend to the knee. This person's shorts go to the knee.

4) Robert is wearing a dark shirt. The person in the cap is in a dark shirt.

5) Robert has a large build. The person in the cap has a large build

Therefore, the picture is of Robert.

"RE: Robert in picture"
Posted by RocketGirl7 on 05-05-02 at 10:38 PM
It seems like Robert usually wears his buff around his wrist and I don't see that in the black and white picture. Also the "mystery person" has another layer on underneath his t-shirt which I also don't remember seeing on Robert. Please correct me if I'm wrong.

"RE: Robert in picture"
Posted by Mitrelleum on 05-06-02 at 01:57 AM
It is quite clear that the persons' shorts in the picture are longer than Roberts'. Not to say this isn't Robert, but they clearly aren't the same shorts.
Besides, I see no direct similarity in the two persons' sneakers, and the fact that neither of them are wearing socks is hardly a spoiler.

"RE: Robert in picture"
Posted by Naked on 05-06-02 at 04:22 AM

I just blew up these pics, and took a look at them in comparison. Here is what I came up with so far....

Shoes do not match Robert.

Shirt does not match Robert.

Shorts do not match Robert.

Body Style does not match Robert.

Conclusion : It is not Robert.

I might know who this is though. I'm off to go check something. I might be editing this post....

"RE: Robert in picture"
Posted by steppingrazor42 on 05-07-02 at 10:20 AM
THANK YOU!!! Does anyone else see this??
It also looks like the buff is around the left wrist of the "mystery guest". I think this is just cimematic misdirection for MB. Definitely Robert.

"Robert win Immunity again"
Posted by mindysue on 05-05-02 at 10:25 PM
Does Robert win immunity again?

The picture could not be taken leaving TC since it is daytime. Could this be the walk to the next IC? Or does Robert surprise us and win immunity again? MB has given away the immunity win, Tammy, twice this season. Would he do it again?

"RE: Robert win Immunity again"
Posted by katem on 05-05-02 at 10:44 PM
>Does Robert win immunity again?

See, you have all been concentrating on the family visit angle, but we should be paying more attention to that shot of Vee with the slingshot.

In the past, that sort of challenge has always been for immunity. In S2 Colby "won". In S3 it was Tom. Don't remember if the original had a similar challenge.

What if the this is the IC again? Which contestants would have the better aim? I think Robert might be capable, but will the others succesfully gang up on him and take him out? Or, will the others suck so badly that Robert wins IC again?

"RE: Robert win Immunity again"
Posted by JeffGator on 05-05-02 at 10:53 PM
I think Robert wants this immunity more because his a$$ is gonna be on the line and therefore, is going to try a lot harder than the other contestants. And not to be sexist, but I think in a slingshot challenge, Robert has a definite advantage over the women and Paschal. I think his only competition is going to be from Sean. Therefore, this is going to be a CRUCIAL immunity challenge, and I do think Robert could and will pull it off. If that is the case, then goodbye Vee--i think she is the princess who is going to be targeted.

Richard Hatch/Tina Wesson/Ethan Zohn/Kathy O'Brien
"There's some milk in the fridge that's about to go bad...and there it goes."--Bobby Hill
--"I will cut the head off of whoever it is that did this. I'm gonna take them out. I'm gonna slit their throat."

"RE: Robert win Immunity again"
Posted by Bungler on 05-05-02 at 11:07 PM

I think Vee has a very good shot at this IC. Her military experience would very likely include some kind of target practice in it. Then again, we said a similar thing about Frank last season (i.e. his military/hunting experience would make him the fire arrow shooting hero, but he basically sucked at that challenge.

I'm leaning towards a Vee IC win at this early stage of the spoiling game though. And that's all a hunch, so don't put any stock in it.

"RE: Robert win Immunity again"
Posted by katem on 05-06-02 at 11:11 AM
Bungler, your hunch might be right. Vee has come close in the last two IC, in fact, she has been the runner-up in both.

She is the only player we have seen with the slingshot in her hands. AND, as Jeffgator said, she might be the next to go if Robert is allowed to win IC again.

"RE: Robert win Immunity again"
Posted by Bebo on 05-06-02 at 11:18 AM
I'm leaning towards a Vee IC win at this early stage of the spoiling game though. And that's all a hunch, so don't put any
stock in it.

I think it's a valid lean. In each of the past three episodes, we've been given a challenge winner in the previews:
- This week, Paschal was featured prominently performing the reward challenge, which he won.
- The two previous weeks we were given pictures of Tammy wearing the IN, and she won both of those ICs.

At this point, we've only been given two possibilities in the previews:
- Robert wearing the IN, but it's believed to be as they're walking to the challenge.
- Vee participating in a challenge.

I don't think you're off-base with your thought that Vee wins, based on what we've got now.

fluent in Sarcastic, Blahblah, and Mockery

'Canes Rock! Beat Canada!

"RE: Robert win Immunity again"
Posted by sticks on 05-06-02 at 04:33 PM
Also, in S1 Gretchen did very well with the slingshot. It was part of the reward challenge where Pagong won the chickens that they named breakfast, lunch, and dinner. She was a former military person, and she went up against Rich and broke a lot more pots than he could.

I think Vecepia could do the same.

"RE: Robert win Immunity again"
Posted by hrc2u on 05-08-02 at 05:23 PM
LAST EDITED ON 05-08-02 AT 05:24 PM (EST)

>I'm leaning towards a Vee IC
>win at this early stage
>of the spoiling game though.
> And that's all a
>hunch, so don't put any
>stock in it.

>I think it's a valid lean.
> In each of the
>past three episodes, we've been
>given a challenge winner in
>the previews:
>- This week, Paschal was featured
>prominently performing the reward challenge,
>which he won.
>- The two previous weeks we
>were given pictures of Tammy
>wearing the IN, and she
>won both of those ICs.
Not that I don't like your theory. Just want to add my .02.
Remember the pick of Zoe on the stilts?
It was one of the few up close pics (I could be wrong) of Zoe I think we had this season. And most people have been calling Vee inVeesible. Yet these last two weeks we seem to have a lot of vocus in the promos with her. Could this be her exiting pic?
Just wanted to throw that thought out there.

I agree it would be stupid to keep Robert around, but if he wins immunity like Tammy did in episode 9, I think Vee would go.


"RE: Robert win Immunity again"
Posted by simone on 05-06-02 at 04:08 PM
I think Vee has a very good chance at winning this challenge. In SurvivinDawg's misdirection thread from 3/29, George Tirebiter quotes from (I think) the eyemail:

>In today's "Still Standing" SeeBS newsletter, they throw in an >added tidbit to spice this up:
>Survivor Trivia

>While serving in the United States Air Force, Vecepia Towery >was awarded the
>Small Arms Expert Marksmanship Ribbon.

>Does this mean we should be looking for a marksmanship >challenge next episode (perhaps the javelins we got ourselves >so worked up about?) And if there IS such a challenge, will >Vee's expertise be helpful to Rotu, or an embarrassment, as >with Frank, the archery expert?

Here is the link (I don't know if it came out alright):

So a marksmanship challenge could be a (belated) b-day gift for Vee....although I would imagine that there is a considerable difference between small arms and a slingshot, and so she might have trouble like everyone else. But the hand-eye coordination might still be the same?

"RE: Robert win Immunity again"
Posted by JeffGator on 05-05-02 at 10:45 PM
According to Survivor Fever:
Walk to Immunity Challenge....Robert is wearing the Immunity Necklace

--They even put the "to" in bold. I have no idea how they know it is to tribal council and they don't say anything to back it up. Here's the link: http://www.survivorfever.net/Speculation.html

Richard Hatch/Tina Wesson/Ethan Zohn/Kathy O'Brien
"There's some milk in the fridge that's about to go bad...and there it goes."--Bobby Hill
--"I will cut the head off of whoever it is that did this. I'm gonna take them out. I'm gonna slit their throat."

"RE: Robert win Immunity again"
Posted by true on 05-05-02 at 10:52 PM
I think it's the walk to IC, notice the water to the survivors right. On the walk back, the water is always to their left. Plus, they are walking on sand, so, I think it's challenge beach.

~ true

True friends stab you in the front -Oscar Wilde

"RE: Robert win Immunity again"
Posted by Q on 05-06-02 at 04:52 PM
I have to issues with this statment. First it is daylight and if they were on their way to TC, then it would be darker, also, would they not have their torches with them if they were on their way to TC? This is most likely on the way to the IC.

No Torches, No Darkness = not Tribal Council.

I do not think Robert will win again, but who knows?


"RE: CBS Website Preview "
Posted by pisspoorprotoplasm on 05-06-02 at 04:33 PM
Lok at vidcaps 23 and 29. Neleh looks very surprised and emotional. I think we have to lean toward the notion that the surprise guest is Neleh's father. That would also account for Pappy's comment that he "has come face to face with myself", since he is Neleh's surrogate father on the show.

"RE: CBS Website Preview "
Posted by I_AM_HE on 05-07-02 at 07:13 AM
my impression from the caps is that Kathy is the most emotional. not that that's a big surprise...but it could be further indication that the mystery guest is her son

"RE: CBS Website Preview "
Posted by AZ_Leo on 05-06-02 at 04:48 PM
I've been lurking on these boards since S2 but never felt I had anything worthwhile to contribute. I'm not sure that I do now however something has been bothering me about #20 (and similar frames from survivorfever) and I haven't seen anyone asking about it.

It looks like there is a small, square item at the waist of the mystery person. For some reason I immediately thought of the transmitters used with wireless microphones. Could that be what it is? Do they put mikes on the contestants? I seem to recall reading somewhere that they usually don't. I'm certain that they would put a mike on any guests to catch all conversations by and around them. I don't have any software to analyze the picture in detail so I could be completely wrong.

Forgive me if this has been discussed elsewhere and I missed it or if it has no relevance but for some reason it has been bugging me all morning.

I'll step back into the shadows now to await any comments by those with more experience.

"RE: CBS Website Preview "
Posted by PepeLePew13 on 05-07-02 at 07:40 AM
LAST EDITED ON 05-07-02 AT 07:41 AM (EST)

See how Pappy is all emotional in the first vidcap? Then he is shown comforting Vecepia in the second one. These are nothing more than the family videos from home where they probably have their families answer questions about their survivors.

Edited to change 'Robert' to 'Vecepia'... my oops

I know they're trumpeting it as an "unexpected event" -- but this could mean just about anything. A mother shark jumping up to bite Kathy for whacking these baby sharks would be considered an "unexpected event."

I'm of the opinion that whoever that mystery person is, he's just coming in to camp to meet the RC winner (I'm thinking Neleh and the person is her father, hence Pappy's comment). They're not expecting to actually have someone come onto the island and meet them -- in the past, we've seen Dr. Sean go onto a ship to meet his dad, we've seen Colby go meet his mom (she did come to say hello to the others the next morning, didn't she?) and we've seen Lex go off to an African hospital without meeting any family. The viewers will probably remember this happening, so the family visit here would be a little more of an unexpected occurrance.

"I'm the General and that's that."
Robert DeCanio, April 11/02

"remote possibility..."
Posted by sorgee on 05-07-02 at 09:46 AM
ther eis always a VERY small possibility that mb has all of the "family" members come to the island, lets the contestants see them from far away and then the contestants will play the RC challenge to determine who actully gets to spend time with their "family."

i know. it's way out there and not likely, but it sure would be unexpected and emotional. can you just imagine the drama?

Don't do the action if you can't handle the reaction. ~deborah briggs

"RE: remote possibility..."
Posted by Naked on 05-08-02 at 04:18 AM
<<<there is always a VERY small possibility that mb has all of the "family" members come to the island, lets the contestants see them from far away and then the contestants will play the RC challenge to determine who actully gets to spend time with their "family.">>>

There is actually some "spoiling" validity to this theory. There have been rumors that both Sean and Tammy's family took the trip out to the Marqueses, so it could be that MB flew all of the remaining contestants families out. (Tammy was booted less than 24 hours before this RC takes place, so there wouldn't have been enough time to cancel her fiance's trip.)

The only problem that I see in this though, is that previews say an unexpected Visitor, as in Singular. We'll see....

"Robert and Pappy caps"
Posted by cowboyroo on 05-09-02 at 02:24 AM
The Robert and Pappy caps seem to be taken in two different places. In one, Robt is to Pappy's right, the other to Pappy's left. Could Robert be our RC winner and the Robert bawling pic is when his family member leaves the tribe. This would go with the family member helping plot strategy knowing their family member is next in line to go...

"Significance of black and white?"
Posted by RocketGirl7 on 05-05-02 at 10:53 PM
Why would MB put 4 black and white clips in the middle of a color preview? I have two possible thoughts, one is that it's just editing for effect... perhaps to add to the *mystery*. On the other hand, maybe he did it to conceal something. It is certainly harder to disguish features when the image is grayscale. I'm thinking that perhaps there is some tell-tale color in this picture that he's covering up by making the image b&w. For instance, if Paschal's shirt (that bright blue one) were visible up ahead we might be able to conclude that it is Paschal's guest... As it is it's hard to say anything about color other than light and dark. (I'm not saying that I think the guy in front is Paschal, that's just an example of what MB might be trying to hide.) Ideas anyone?

"RE: Significance of black and white?"
Posted by Spidey on 05-06-02 at 10:27 AM
Maybe b&w to hide the clothing color and the fact that this person is filthy dirty and is just one of the survivors (Robert?). I also that second person who is visible looks like Kathy. Hips too wide to be a man, and I really hate to admit I analyzed this, but I think it looks like Kathy's tush.

"RE: Significance of black and white?"
Posted by scante60a on 05-08-02 at 04:22 PM
Funny you should point out the black and white clips....
One thing has been nagging at the back of my head the last few weeks. At the beginning of the recrap episode, they showed all of the remaining survivors (8 at that point) in a series of shots. I believe that of all of the photos, only Neleh's was black and white, while everyone else was in color (feel free to correct me if I'm wrong, though - I'm going from memory here, and I may be just remembering what I want to, but I'm pretty sure I went back to check this a couple of times). Skip ahead to the previews for this week, where the "mystery guest" is shown in black and white - could this indicate some connection to Neleh (i.e., she wins this week's RC and it's her relative). Furthermore, why make this connection with Neleh/B&W? I don't know if there have been any other uses of this previously in this edition of Survivor (Neleh in B&W), and maybe it's just coincidence - I guess there's no way to know for sure until tomorrow. Just a wacky thought.

"RE: CBS Website Preview "
Posted by corcam on 05-05-02 at 11:33 PM

okay wooohooo Bungler look I did it, Sorry everyone but I couldn't make them stay any bigger, but when I enlarged it it was much clearer and it looks like the 2 people who are more than likely male are walking up to another person, in the flipped picture.

Make what you want of this but it could be useful

"RE: CBS Website Preview "
Posted by jkokoj on 05-06-02 at 10:34 AM
Maybe it is just Robert and Paschal going to get tree mail.

Maybe it is just a crew member. We have seen lots of misleading photos all season and I am not sure at this point if this picture is of the "mystery guest".

"RE: CBS Website Preview "
Posted by smiles on 05-06-02 at 03:11 PM
It's not Robert. The clothing/shoes don't match. I don't think MB is going to give us the mystery person. My vote is for a crew member.

"Don't Miss the Elimination Vote!"
Posted by Kokoro on 05-08-02 at 02:58 AM
LAST EDITED ON 05-08-02 AT 03:14 AM (EST)

I don't know why this hasn't been brought up here....On
SurvivorFever, this is what they have as being said in the voice-over before Neleh's: "There is no way that I would give up now." When this is said it doesn't always mean a huge surprise - ie. Someone breaks down emotionally but the vote is predictable; but notice it says to watch the ~vote~ this time, not that "this is the most exciting ~Tribal Council~ ever"

I don't want to heavily speculate because it could be over-hyping, but maybe a Robert boot isn't the only major possibility; or maybe this will be the first deadlock....

Second "You won't believe who it is" can't be hyping a family member. Unless it's a borderline-insane family member dressed in a clown suit or something of the like, of course ^-^

It really does sound like we'll know who this person is (and I'm not sure it'd be a previous contestant, either - remember not all of these people have even ~seen~ the other seasons so they'd be like: "Um....yeah okay who?")

EDIT: This doesn't mean the "Family Visit" isn't also this episode - the extra visitor could just be helping with a challenge, escorting the family member, etc.

Furthermore, the family challenge hasn't actually been a visit since S1 (when the show wasn't so into protectionism ;) - they could just be getting videos or letters or some such junk again.

Now let us never speak of S3 again.

Stop Discrimination Now

"RE: Don't Miss the Elimination Vote!"
Posted by dabo on 05-08-02 at 11:57 AM
LAST EDITED ON 05-08-02 AT 02:19 PM (EST)

>Second "You won't believe who it
>is" can't be hyping a
>family member. Unless it's
>a borderline-insane family member dressed
>in a clown suit or
>something of the like, of
>course ^-^
This is pretty much the same hype they used for the family visit in Australia. People were expecting Paul Hogan or Steve Erwin or even Rudy Boesch to show up. But it was Colby's mom and they got to spend the night in an Aztec and it was almost like a conjugal visit if you were a prisoner (ewwwwwwww!). At least he got a hot shower out of it and Mama Donaldson even took pictures for his scrapbook (again, ewwwwwwww!).

Lex didn't get a shower with his Avalanche, that I recall, but if a shower is part of the reward I wouldn't rule out Paschal or Neleh on the basis of what the TP reported.


"RE: Don't Miss the Elimination Vote!"
Posted by Kokoro on 05-08-02 at 02:44 PM
<<Jeff P.: Next time on "Survivor": Only four remain of Barramundi, and the outback has taken its toll on all of them.

Eisabeth: My hair is falling out! My hair is falling out.

Jeff P.: And a surprise guest visits the remaining survivors.

Tina: Welcome to Barramundi!>>

Here's the old promo....and you're right to an extent - but I'm still not sure that "You won't believe who it is!" is just screwing with the viewers minds.

Now let us never speak of S3 again.

"RE: Don't Miss the Elimination Vote!"
Posted by PagongRatEater on 05-08-02 at 02:54 PM
>Second "You won't believe who it
>is" can't be hyping a
>family member. Unless it's
>a borderline-insane family member dressed
>in a clown suit or
>something of the like, of
>course ^-^

Shakes is going to be on Survivor, too! How weird.

"Unexpected Event"
Posted by Kokoro on 05-08-02 at 03:04 AM
On SS, it has been brought up that there will be a Solar Eclipse on the morning of the 3rd day (Dec. 14)

Could be a minute of the show, could not be featured at all - just another thing to keep in mind as an "exciting surprise" type thing.

Now let us never speak of S3 again.

Stop Discrimination Now

"RE: Unexpected Event"
Posted by pisspoorprotoplasm on 05-08-02 at 01:16 PM
There's also talk of a large rainstorm. The vidcaps show the tribe members repairing their hut. Maybe this is the emotional component that Kathy speaks of.

I do think that the mystery guest is a family member. The title "Marquesan Vacation" and the crying noted by all the survivors make this a very strong likelihood.

"Who is the Mystery Date . . . er, Visitor "
Posted by SurvivaBear on 05-08-02 at 03:02 PM
While people are speculating a family member, EPMB, Dique, Rosie, Colby's mom, etc. I think folks are forgetting the Sean/Mike Boogie connection. Perhaps Mike comes as a treat for Sean and promotes Big Brother III.

Beware the Bear!

Thanks IceCat!

"Why is Robert crying like a baby???????????"
Posted by snoocharoo on 05-08-02 at 04:54 PM
Any speculation as to why The General is bawling on Pappy's shoulder? Perhaps exhaustion, hunger, not catching a pig, family video? None of the others seem quite so emotional (at least not in the vid caps). It seems kind of extreme for a manly-man such as The General to be boo-hooing openly especially when he has a big target on his back. Just curious as to whether or not anyone has any ideas on this.

I still liked the "pig as the mystery visitor to the camp" idea the best. What if all this hype is over a pig that stumbles into the camp and after several unsuccessful attempts at capture little Porky makes his daring escape, then it's back to scheming and plotting for the Survivors. Now THAT would be funny...

Flame Away!!!!!

"And now I know how Joan of Arc felt, as the flames rose to her roman nose and her walkman started to melt..."

The Smiths