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"Four Alliances of Two Revisited"

Posted by RocketGirl7 on 04-28-02 at 00:10 AM
I thought the analysis of the four alliances of two from last week was an interesting thread... there were some good ideas floating around about who is allied with whom, etc. It might be interesting to reevaluate the four groups of two since Zoe was voted off.

Most interesting of course is that of our four groups of two, Kathy is now out on her own. I see this as an advantage to her, as she could be the swing vote.

Tammy and Robert
Tammy and Robert are the outcasts it seems since P/N aren't buying their BS. The bad attitudes shown by both of them last week certainly doesn't help to bring them any closer to the rest of the tribe either.

Sean and Vee
Sean and Vee are close for many reasons. Quoting Krautboy from last week "Sean and Vee have religion, race, and their bond as original Maraamu holding them together." The episode 10 previews of Sean consoling Vee is just further proof of this.

Paschal and Neleh
I don't think there is any doubt these two are tight. There was previous talk of Paschal disliking Sean. Sure seems like that is no longer the case.

Questions to consider:
Will the SuperMu alliance of K/N/P/S/V stick together next episode?
Which group/person has the power now?
Is there any hope for the outcast T/R group?

My thoughts on the last question:
I have this nagging thought in the back of my mind regarding Tammy and Vee. The editing of earlier episodes really sticks out for me because Tammy and Vee were more then once shown interacting, talking, etc. They were obviously on friendly terms. I can't help but think there must be a reason for this editing. Perhaps this was just to make Vee voting with the Rotu4 make sense for a few episodes. Perhaps that is all there is to the Tammy/Vee friendship editing... on the other hand, it might be something to keep in mind. Could Tammy win Vee over? Maybe she wins the reward challenge and takes Vee along (since it's her b-day anyway.)

By the way, this is the first thread I've started and I'm a bit anxious about it given the number of threads started up by newbies lately that have gotten flamed... how'd I do? **closes her eyes, ducks her head and waits...**

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"RE: Four Alliances of Two Revisited"
Posted by corcam on 04-28-02 at 00:31 AM
Of course this doesn't have much of a spoiler approach as the elder posters would like but hey I don't care I like chatting about possible possibilities.

IF Tammy does indeed win immunity again this week, the next logical bootee would be Kathy or Sean. Robert being only that he is from the so called Rotu 4, is no immunity threat that I can see... so since Sean by standards is pysically fit if it does happen then he is the more than likely candidate to go, unless Vee sacrifices herselfs to to Gods.

Somehow I think that Tammy will get Neleh and Paschal to align with them especially if Tammy wins immunity again, and a bulb turns on in Neleh's head that if they vote out Robert, the next vote Kathy will try and get Sean and Vee to take out Neleh and Paschal, so her and Sean and Vee are the final 3, especially if Tammy keeps winning inmmunity

SO this still holds my final 4 of The General, Tammy, Neleh and Paschal, if this happens

Kathy being the sole survivor.. I don't buy that one..she kind of reminds me of Colby and how he was cascaded as the winner but inevitably his stupidity controlled him. (example of Colby land; lets say Tammy Kathy and Neleh make it to the final 3 Kathy would vote off Tammy and keep Neleh just for the fact that she didn;t like Tammy, and inevitably Neleh would win)

(Maybe the crazy Ethan Zohn is right and Paschal is the winner of S4)

"I rest my case"
Posted by shakes the clown on 04-28-02 at 11:41 AM
>SO this still holds my final
>4 of The General, Tammy,
>Neleh and Paschal, if this

....that sentence right there sums up perfectly the massive problem with people who choose to spoil/speculate beyond the episode at hand.

"RE: I rest my case"
Posted by bergdogg on 04-28-02 at 09:59 PM
It's also the main problem with the PTTE posts.

I have dedicated myself to forget my PTTE picks when I am posting, and not let them judge my decisions.


"RE: I rest my case"
Posted by corcam on 04-28-02 at 10:46 PM
Sorry I have the right to pick who I want in the final 4 just b/c you don't agree with it doesn't mean you have to get edgy.

There are plenty of people including you shakes that love to voice thier opinion of who they want to win

"RE: I rest my case"
Posted by samiam on 04-29-02 at 01:02 AM
Yes, some people DO enjoy long-term speculation, and you do have a right to voice your opinion. But just because you have the right to voice your opinion doesn't mean you are immune from people disagreeing with you (and by "people" I'm including the Clown, although there are indications to the contrary).

Calm down, honey, no harm done. And that's not him being edgy -- that's him being *rational*. You should SEE when he's edgy. Big, floppy shoes, flying everywhere...
*blows a kiss to shakes*

"You are a fluke of the Universe. You have no right to be here. And whether you can hear it or not, the Universe is laughing behind your back." - Tony Hendra, Deteriorata

"RE: Four Alliances of Two Revisited"
Posted by smokedog on 04-28-02 at 02:26 AM
>Questions to consider:
>Will the SuperMu alliance of K/N/P/S/V stick together next >episode?

Yes, they will stick together until the evil from the tribe has been purged (T/R). These people did not like how the Rotu 4 delegated them as jury members and are perfectly willing to try their hand at a 1 in 5 chance at winning. In their (slightly hypocritical) eyes, only someone of their group should win, because they all played 'fair'.

>Which group/person has the power now?

Obviously, SuperMu. When it gets down to five, the 'religious conflict' that we were promised could finally appear. Kathy appears to be the least religious of the five and will be the swing vote one way or the other. Look for Sean to exit as he is the biggest immunity threat at that point.

>Is there any hope for the outcast T/R group?

T/R have no power at all and must keep winning immunity to stay in the game. They will be the next two bootees, bet on it.

"RE: Four Alliances of Two Revisited"
Posted by vulcan on 04-28-02 at 12:23 PM
The alliance will be tested again as we see whether or not neleh and Pascal jump ship and go to tammy and Robert its a possibility and it nags me Just die to the fact that they could have taken out the tr alliance yet they didn't. The fac that the judge had stated that he just started playing set off alarms in my head. Or maybe i'm just a bit paranoid We'll see next week I guess

The roach is back bashers bash away

"Taking it at face value"
Posted by PsychoDoc on 04-28-02 at 01:29 PM
As we don't get the interviews here and the spoiler infomation I have is mainly thru this board, I have taken to watching the last three episodes multiple times in order to attempt to try and be as perceptive and insightful as the "elders" of this board, this is what I think.

Taking it at face value:
Will the SuperMu alliance of K/N/P/S/V stick together next episode?
I think that our theories on who’s in which alliance have to be re-evaluated.
The 5 member super-Mu alliance is in denial that they are in an alliance. It appears to be a bonding of previously power-impaired people to kick the powerful/arrogant out and even playing field for themselves.
I think that they would stick together at least for 1 more vote.

It also seemed that it was OK with Neleh and Paschal when they thought that they were in a Rotu-6, which would boot Sean, Vee then Kathy. They had a 1 in 6 chance for the million. So when Kathy told both of them about the Rotu plan to Pagong, she was dismissed. Their fates were not in the line, so it was OK. But when NP realized that they had a booting number, then JTRZ were "manipulating" and "being unfair".
I was rooting for Pappy and Sweetpea before this realization hit me. So this is rather disappointing.
Herein some of the hypocrisy Nightscribe brought up, I guess. If they give the last of the Rotu-4 a chance of trying to win without an alliance(as the 5 all claim to want) then it might not be hypocrisy.

But as there is still at least a 2-person alliance of NP, I wonder how the other 3 would react when we reach Final 5. Kathy might be the swing vote, but who’s to say Benedict-Vee wouldn’t abandon S again to join NP. After all, NP is weaker than K and S, V’s chances would be better in the challenges. The jury made up of 4 true-blue-Rotu whose booting not only appears to have been orchestrated by NP, but who were also rejected by NP, might look more kindly to VSK than NP. In a way NP betrayed them before they could do it to them. In all likelihood, they might remember the betrayal of NP more than their own intentions to do the same. John’s I’m-not-done yet seem to suggest this sentiment. Betrayal by one of your own hurts more than that of your “enemy”.

Which group/person has the power now?
If they are truly playing the fair game they claim, then all 5 have equal power till they are 5. But in reality, Kathy, the swing vote, appears to be most powerful as explained by others before me. She also appears to have slipped into the role of leader/mother, telling Sean(waiting for the helicopter) to eat lots of pig, drink lots of beer and have lots of fun, telling them that they should have fun that day(5 standing in a circle talking while T looked on), what they are doing at that time(Sent the others off to do some chores as she tried to get grouchy Rob to come along).

Is there any hope for the outcast T/R group?
Short of an immunity run, it’s difficult to see any hope left for them. V can't join T/R without getting another person for it to work. I can’t see why S or K would want to switch alliance. These were the people targeting them, and they would pose as greater challenge threats than NP. NP might be able to do what corcam suggested, but garnering votes from the jury would be tricky.

My 2-cents worth.

"RE: Four Alliances of Two Revisited"
Posted by samboohoo on 04-28-02 at 03:01 PM
I believe that N/P/Z/S want to have a level playing field and will vote together until T/R are gone. Kathy, although not quite as physically strong as Sean, will stay with the SuperMu "non-alliance" to take her as far as she can go. Sean will be ousted before Kathy (barring him winning immunity) based on him being a physical threat. But Kathy will probably prevail immunity wise in the non-physical challenges.

T/R will not win anyone over and must have immunity to survive now. Maybe Robert's story really is up. There were a lot of things that were cut due to editing/time constraints -- maybe most of Robert's story is on the editing room floor. I always wondered about his voodoo doll, and we finally saw that during the recap.

I believe that N/P will stick together no matter what. Neither of them has the heart to vote the other out. I'll have to check the Episode Feed on this one, but I recall Pappy saying something about smuggling food for his sweetpea.

One other note about Kathy: Maybe it's nothing, but maybe MB threw the winner to us in the recap episode. Kathy made a comment about taking Gina to Alaska and getting that restaurant for her. Maybe Kathy does win it all and makes Gina's wish come true. . . shades of Tina buying Colby a Harley.

"RE: Four Alliances of Two Revisited"
Posted by bergdogg on 04-28-02 at 10:14 PM
>although not quite as physically
>strong as Sean, will stay
>with the SuperMu "non-alliance" to
>take her as far as
>she can go. Sean
>will be ousted before Kathy
>(barring him winning immunity) based
>on him being a physical
>threat. But Kathy will
>probably prevail immunity wise in
>the non-physical challenges.

Agreed, 100%

>T/R will not win anyone over
>and must have immunity to
>survive now. Maybe Robert's
>story really is up.
>There were a lot of
>things that were cut due
>to editing/time constraints -- maybe
>most of Robert's story is
>on the editing room floor.
> I always wondered about
>his voodoo doll, and we
>finally saw that during the

Also agreed

>I believe that N/P will stick
>together no matter what.
>Neither of them has the
>heart to vote the other
>out. I'll have to
>check the Episode Feed on
>this one, but I recall
>Pappy saying something about smuggling
>food for his sweetpea.

Yes he did. I believe it was a potato or something that was especially for her.

>One other note about Kathy:
>Maybe it's nothing, but maybe
>MB threw the winner to
>us in the recap episode.
> Kathy made a comment
>about taking Gina to Alaska
>and getting that restaurant for
>her. Maybe Kathy does
>win it all and makes
>Gina's wish come true. .
>. shades of Tina buying
>Colby a Harley.

Actually, Tina and Colby made a bet that the winner would buy the loser a harley. I believe Tina just gave Colby money for a harley, since he needed the cash more. You may be right, but I think if she wins it will just be a coincidence. I myself think she just wants to add up their winnings and take on the business venture as partners.


"RE: Four Alliances of Two Revisited"
Posted by Silvergirl1 on 04-29-02 at 00:45 AM
**I believe Tina just gave Colby money for a harley, since he needed the cash more. You may be right, but I think if she wins it will just be a coincidence. I myself think she just wants to add up their winnings and take on the business venture as partners.**

Actually, Rosie O'Donnell gave Colby a new Harley and Colby told Tina that she was off the hook. Unless you have another source, this is the way the Harley situation played out.

My opinion of T/R - they have already signed their walking papers in Ep 8 with their arrogant, cocky handling of the IC challenge. The judge isn't going to allign himself with them at all.

Billions and Billions Cloned


R.I.P. (Recreating In Paradise):
Peter Harkey: Alien from Uranus getting into the best shape of his life.
Patricia Jackson: Nacho Mama chillin' at the Loser Buffet.
Hunter Ellis: The Knuckleheads have spoken sending the Eagle to go scuba diving.
Sarah Jones: Miss No-nos begins her tropical vacation at last.
Gabriel Cade: The teddy bear hugger looks for a new commune where they don't play games.
Gina Crews: Happy trails to our nature guide as she and Hunter meet at the Lover's Lodge. Favorite buffet item: Watermelon
Rob Mariano: The Robfodder never caught a chicken and he ain't no friend of mine.
John Carroll: This isn't the crying game, dude. Take it like a man.
One hour of my life after watching the Recrap show!
Zoe Zanidakis: I hate to break it to you, Lobster Woman, but even Gabe had a better game plan.