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"Treasure Island Challenge"

Posted by FreddyFingrz on 02-25-02 at 01:06 PM
This was posted at SS. Makes some legitimate sense.

SPECULATION - Treasure Island Challenge
This is my first posting to this message board. Due to the
amount of current speculation filling various message boards,
I wouldn't blame you one bit if you choose to disregard this.

But before you toss this to the garbage heep, it might be
worthwhile for some of you to keep a copy of this posting handy
for future reference.

By now, it should be well-known to the best of the speculation
and spoiler experts among you that Robert Louis Stevenson,
author of the classic novel Treasure Island once lived and
worked in the Marquesas, and one of his first stops was Naku-Hiva.

We now know this as Nuku Hiva, but the place
is the same.

Below is a quote about his initial visit:

The Stevenson party embarked aboard the chartered schooner-yacht
Casco in 1888, sailing through San Francisco's Golden Gate to chase the
setting sun. First land-fall was Naku-Hiva in the Marquesas, which
Stevenson described: "The first experience can never be repeated.
The first love, the first sunrise, the first South Sea island, are
memories apart and touched a virginity of sense .... the first rays
of the sun displayed the Needles of Ua-pu. These pricked about the
line of the horizon; like the pinnacles of some ornate and monstrous
church they stood there, in the sparkling brightness of the morning,
the fit signboard of a world of wonders."

This exact quote can be found at this link:

If we use past history, somewhere between EP3 and EP6, there will be
a challenge based on "Treasure Island", which might use part of the
storyline in the book.

As far as what type of challenge this will be (reward or immunity)
I don't know. This type of challenge is not new, and was successfully
utilized in S1 (but not based on this particular classic novel).

For further reference, please check the previous S1 challenges listed
at this link: home.fuse.net/mel/SurvChallenges.htm

With a history of past treasure-hunt type challenges on S1, and by
using previous examples of SURVIVOR incorporating location history
and folklore into its challenges, the logic behind this speculation
makes a great deal of sense, especially with the Back to the Beach

Any thoughts or additions to this speculation would be greatly appreciated.

Registered User
(2/25/02 2:49:36 am)
Reply Re: SPECULATION - Treasure Island Challenge
i had to read that book in english last year - it was the most boring term in my life. But good find.

Survivormoth Prophecies
Registered User
(2/25/02 11:56:49 am)
Reply Re: SPECULATION - Treasure Island Challenge
True -- the book was overdrawn and quite boring.

However, let's not forget that Mark Burnett has a
penchant for including folklore and history of the
locations he uses in some of his challenges.

Considering Robert Louis Stevenson, an author who
wrote a book (coincidentally) titled "Treasure Island",
and who's first stop in Marquesas (coincidentally) was
on Naku-Hiva (now renamed Nuku-Hiva) is a pretty
good connection.

Now, add previous island challenges taken from S1
(in keeping with the Back to the Beach theme,
and you possibly have the makings of a treasure-hunt
challenge based on this history.

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Messages in this discussion
"RE: Treasure Island Challenge"
Posted by Outfrontgirl on 02-25-02 at 07:04 PM
Sounds like a likely theme for a challenge all right. Will there be strong spirits involved?

"yo-ho-ho and a bottle of rum" is the main line I remember from that book!

I remember a little more; methinks there was a treasure map as key element, not too much of a stretch for a challenge.

"Let's not forget Melville!"
Posted by George Tirebiter on 02-25-02 at 08:56 PM
I'm sure someone, somewhere has already mentioned Melville, as well, as his books Typee and Omoo were set in the area--the former specifically in the Marquesas.

Horace Greeley provided this literary criticism at the time:

Omoo ... proves the author a born genius, with few superiors either as a narrator, a describer, or a humorist....Yet (Typee and Omoo) are unmistakably defective if not positively diseased in moral tone, and will very fairly be condemned as dangerous reading for those of immature intellects and unsettled principles. -- in New York Weekly Tribune, June 23 1847

Guess the sex and island religions were a bit depraved for the era--but it sounds perfect for Prime Time SeeBS! Wonder how Burn-it's going to fit THIS into the game?


"RE: Let's not forget Melville!"
Posted by Outfrontgirl on 02-26-02 at 00:19 AM
Melville set Typee in the valley adjacent to what's been identified as most likely merge camp. So once they merge, they will be in perfect Typee-type challenge country.

Only problem I foresee is that the tribe(s) featured in Typee practiced cannibalism. (Please correct me if that's totally wrong; I haven't read the original, but saw that mentioned in a reference.) Hmmm, I've heard it said by some that a little cannibalism action might improve the series...