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Thread Number: 2196
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"S4 begins filming thursday, November 8th! "

Posted by Dan Bollinger on 11-06-01 at 07:43 AM
SurvivorMaps' man in Tahiti comes through again. Survivor4 begins filming this thursday! The castaways are already on the island of Nuku Hiva getting their survival training. A no-fly zone has been put in place for the valleys used for production.


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Messages in this discussion
"Thanks, Dan..."
Posted by IceCat on 11-06-01 at 07:53 AM
When's the satellite imagery due in?

September 11, 2001

"RE: S4 begins filming thursday, November 8th! "
Posted by dabo on 11-06-01 at 09:18 AM
Excellent, so my theory about S3 changes also being able to catch S4 players by surprise is back in place! They probably didn't see last week's episode if they were getting the same "week of survival training" as Africa players received right before games began.

And I second IceCat, hope you can get some more good satellite shots or something if it's possible.

"If the race of man should be left naked upon a desert island, we should become extinct in six weeks. A few individuals might linger, but in a year would become worse than monkeys." (Samuel Butler, "Erewhon")

"RE: S4 begins filming thursday, November 8th! "
Posted by PepeLePew13 on 11-07-01 at 10:43 AM
Here's a link from canoe.ca with a tiny bit more info to support the tahitipresse article from Dan... thanks Dan!

The only truly 'new' info is that the bootees from S4 will probably be put onto the 'Spirit of Oceanus' cruise ship to wait out the remaining time of the show being filmed. Sounds like we would have to watch carefully for any spoilers of who got to know each other really well in relation to being booted off S4 - no travelling together in a safari or anything like that?

I've also included the brief history/geography info about Nuka Hiva, which *may* eventually turn out to be useful for trying to figure out what challenges could take place that would have ties to the location.



'Survivor 4' to begin filming this week
By JOHN POWELL -- JAM! Showbiz

According to Tahiti Presse, the fourth installment of 'Survivor' will begin shooting this Thursday on Nuku Hiva Island in the Marquesas archipelago. Nuku Hiva is located 932 miles northeast of Tahiti.

Reports indicate that the sixteen new contestants have been in Tahiti since November 5th and are staying aboard the 'Spirit of Oceanus' cruise ship. The ship is going to remain near Nuku Hiva until the show concludes providing a place for the booted contestants and some of the production staff to stay. Sources who live on the Tahitian island have told Tahiti Presse that the producers have built their base of operations in nearby Anaho Bay, which is located on the island's north end.

'Survivor 4' is set to be shot in three Nuku Hiva valleys (Haatuatua, Hakaui and Hakatea) which are now closed to the public. The producers have built roads to access the locations and flights over the three valleys have been banned for the duration of production.

The tropical Marquesas archipelago was discovered by Spanish explorer Alvaro de Mendana in 1595. The archipelago is farther from a continental landfall than any other group of islands on earth. Just south of the equator and home to volcanoes and lush vegetation, the archipelago is made up of twelve islands. Today, approximately 7,000 people in total populate six of the islands. The six others remain uninhabited. Nuku Hiva is described as the "administrative and economic center of the Marquesas" and is the largest island in the archipelago. Its population is estimated at 2,100.


Dabo, I second your thought on the S4 contestants being totally in the dark on changes taking place in S3 because not only would they have had a period of survivor training just before the show, but if memory serves me correct, past Survivors were sequestered in a hotel for a short while before the training took place -- so they might not have seen any of the Survivor episodes or maybe only saw the first one.

"Damn you, Carl, for leaving me here with a bunch of misfits."
Frank Garrison, Nov. 1/01

"Possible Challenges"
Posted by Swami on 11-15-01 at 11:33 AM
>I've also included the brief history/geography
>info about Nuka Hiva, which
>*may* eventually turn out to
>be useful for trying to
>figure out what challenges could
>take place that would have
>ties to the location.
Elsewhere on this Board there have been references to Herman Melville staying on Nuku Hiva, and his book based on that stay, "Typee".

However, I recently discovered (during a search in elibrary.com) that Robert Louis Stevenson also spent time there. As I am sure you know, he wrote "Treasure Island" and "Kidnapped" which are stories somewhat familiar to the American public. Lots of people have read these books, and there have been several movies based on them. Might MB look to events (from the books) or scenarios (from the movies)for Challenge inspiration? In S2 & S3 especially he tried to put Challenges into a local, cultural context. Books are not that--they're fiction--but they are a source or context many viewers might be familiar with.

Also, I can't find it anywhere, but I keep thinking 'Brando' when I think of Nuku Hiva. Was "Mutiny in the Bounty" filmed or partly filmed there? I know Brando lives very nearby on another island in the same group, and I remember reading that he fell in love with Tahitian island life while filming that movie. That movie could inspire challenges too. Maybe Rose Red knows where exactly movie was filmed.

Anyway, that's all I know about Nuku Hiva. (Love the maps & photos posted elsewhere! I want to go!)


"OFG's Map Thread..."
Posted by IceCat on 11-07-01 at 06:19 PM
LAST EDITED ON 11-07-01 AT 06:20 PM (EST)

Don't forget the maps that OFG dug up and posted in her thread...

Very useful for orienting the various locations.

Edited to add a link to OFG's thread:


September 11, 2001