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"CBS Description Gaffes Galore? (with Episode 10 descriptors to boot)"

Posted by FFantasyFX on 12-21-01 at 01:06 AM
LAST EDITED ON 12-21-01 AT 12:23 PM (EST)

LAST EDITED ON 12-21-01 AT 12:20 PM (EST)

All right, other posters have already pointed out how whacked out CBS.com's Survivor site is. After this episode, I'm more confused than ever about what is going on.

For those that missed it, after Episode eight, four tidbits were included, the following three along with the mention that Tom washes the women.

Previews for Episode Nine

The tribe reacts to Brandon's decision.

An unlikely date is on the minds of many.

A tribe member breaks down in tears over a critical decision that needs to be made.

Well, the tribe certainly reacted to Brandon's decison and Frank/Brandon was an unlikely date. CBS.com must have realized that Tom showering the women was put there by mistake, since it is no longer listed and was clearly in Episode 10. Let's continue with the description of Episode 10.

Previews for Episode Ten

One tribe member gives a selfless blessing to another.

Some of the tribe members pair up on their own to cooperate at a Reward Challenge, revealing telling friendships and alliances.

Tom washes the women.

Well, the auction revealed friendships to a certain degree and Tom finally washed the women this episode. However, perhaps I just missed it, but I didn't see no selfless blessing, unless it was Tom finally letting KimP have her sundae (I was shocked how he toyed with her). However, Teresa did cry when she had to vote out Frank. So, the question is, was the crying reference also misplaced? And does the selfless blessing take place in Episode Eleven? Below are the descriptors for Episode 11, hot off the press.

Previews for Episode Eleven

One person wins a day and night away at a magnificent safari and gets to invite another to join. Together, thanks to a little bourbon, they have an incredibly memorable time.

The tribe members get to know each other a little better through their respective families, who participate in a challenge.

One tribe member attempts to form an alliance along gender lines. Only the votes will reveal whether this plan has worked. Will it?

Based on previews, all of the above seem to fit. And the selfless blessing could fit in with the family reward challenge. So, anyone know what the webmaster at CBS.com is smoking and how I can get ahold of it? Thoughts on the selfless blessing would be nice too.

Edited after Pepe pointed out that I went to the Big Tom school of mathematics.

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Messages in this discussion
"The Selfless Blessing"
Posted by Rose Red on 12-21-01 at 01:16 AM
Did someone wish the tribe and all at SBlows Merry Christmas!?!
Well, I would like to and also posit that the Selfless Blessing was Teresa's vote against Frank(as perverse at that sounds, but then that's EPMB)Her speech explaining her vote? Something she mouthed to him on the way out? I was very moved by her tears at the TC, I must say. We never saw TINA cry, did we?
I feel he's jes gonna keep doin' it.
It's my gut.

Rose Red(Herring)

"RE: CBS Description Gaffes Galore? (with Episode 10 descriptors to boot)"
Posted by dangerkitty on 12-21-01 at 01:23 AM
I hear ya, FFFX. I'll present this thought: We did not see a "selfless blessing" actually being given, but I suspect that Frank knew and okayed Teresa's vote for him. She went back to the TC area after voting, squeezed his shoulder and sat down behind him - in tears. This scene really gave me the feeling that Frank knew she was voting for him - and he gave her the "selfless blessing" to do so. Even if that is correct, it was in the preview and should have been shown explicitly.

Teresa said it was "strategy". It's not obvious what the strategy is, but I do believe there is one. And how does Frank's vote for MamaKim fit into that strategy?

I'll say this too: All the talk, from early on, about "the women" being disparaged by some of the men - how ironic would a female alliance be, especially a successful one? And there have been a few shots of three lionesses together - animal symbolism was correct for the three-person switch (Krautboy pointed to the three zebras "crossing the river").

Goddess of Words

"Teresa's strategy in voting out Frank"
Posted by bergdogg on 12-21-01 at 03:14 AM
I believe the reason that Teresa voted with the others to oust Frank tonight was to show KimJ that she has severed her ties with Frank to form an all woman alliance with herself, Kim P and Kim J.

This is the only thing that would have any strategy in favor for Teresa. Kim J even said that she couldn't form an alliance with her because of her ties with Frank. Now that Frank is out of the picture, it is more possible for Kim J to change her mind about her position in the tribe.

"I think you are exactly right....."
Posted by anotherkim on 12-21-01 at 09:06 AM
T. wouldn't turn on Frank and leave him in the dark. She all but broke down and apologized to him after she voted. Frank knew his days were numbered once MK didn't join in with T. He knew about her attempts and when she was unsuccessful, he probaby told her to use him as a fall guy.

It just keeps getting more and more interesting.


If it's a mental challenge, we're screwed...
Big Tom on his partnership with Lil' Kim

"RE: I think you are exactly right....."
Posted by ADKer on 12-21-01 at 09:30 AM
I love this show! Frank definitely knew that Teresa was voting for him but I can't see why they thought it was a good idea or how it will help Teresa. Maybe they knew Frank was gone and Teresa just didn't want to hurt anyone else. Colby was right - it isn't whether you win or loose; it's how you play the game!

"RE: CBS Description Gaffes Galore? (with Episode 10 descriptors to boot)"
Posted by Afreaqua on 12-21-01 at 09:31 AM
I think you're right. This for last week fits better for this week:

A tribe member breaks down in tears over a critical decision that needs to be made.

I didn't see no "selfless blessing" either unless it's Frank telling Theresa it was OK to vote for him. But that didn't happen in the show (maybe on Insider clips)....if that's the case they wouldn't (or shouldn't) have used it to promote this show.

I wonder.....do you think they might have a few different VERSIONS of each week's episode prepared in advance and based on sites like this and what the fans/fools are talking and speculating about....they decide pretty much at the last minute which version to air??

"Early Show Confirms Frank Gave Blessing"
Posted by realityjunkie on 12-21-01 at 09:50 AM
Frank said on the Early Show that he knew he was a target so he told Teressa to vote against him and, also, to keep her distance from him.

"RE: CBS Description Gaffes Galore? (with Episode 10 descriptors to boot)"
Posted by starshyn99 on 12-21-01 at 09:52 AM
The selfless blessing was Frank telling Teresa to vote for him. I watched The Early Show this morning and Frank told them that he at Teresa had a long talk and he insisted that she vote along with the rest of the tribe and vote him off so she could go on. He was actually pretty warm and personable on the show this morning.

"RE: CBS Description Gaffes Galore? (with Episode 10 descriptors to boot)"
Posted by shanana banana on 12-21-01 at 11:01 AM
>>>>>The selfless blessing was Frank telling Teresa to vote for him. I watched The Early Show this morning and Frank told them that he at Teresa had a long talk and he insisted that she vote
along with the rest of the tribe and vote him off so she could go on.
So glad to know my suspicions were right last night -- I had a very strong feeling that Teresa told Frank that she couldn't switch MK and that they were going to vote Frank and he okayed her to join them. It was obvious from the way Teresa acted at the TC, crying openly and squeezing Frank's shoulder. But it's nice to know that Frank was okay about it.

I understand why they couldn't show Frank's okay to Teresa beforehand because it would have spoiled the outcome of the TC and her surprise switch. But I wish there was some way they could have shown the clip directly afterwards, perhaps right before Frank's goodbye speech.

shanana banana

"KJ vote"
Posted by weltek on 12-21-01 at 09:55 AM
I agree witht the descriptions being misleading and need to chime in on something.

If an all female alliance were to take place, why would Frank be voting for Kim J? If Frank knew Teresa was voting for him, she probably had to explain her plan to him. Frank would want Teresa to win and probably was asked politely to vote for someone in particular. Not wanting to sabotage her plan, he would've done what she asked.

I think Teresa would like to see her, Kim P., Tom and Ethan in the final four. I'm sticking by an earlier observation that age isn't necessarily bringing Teresa and Kim J. together. I sense a little friction.

"RE: KJ vote"
Posted by TheWanderer on 12-21-01 at 11:16 AM
Frank voted for MammaKim as a parting shot. She now has one vote against her. Teresa's plea to MK didn't appear to sit too well with Mk. Especially since she wanted to oust Ethan. Regardless of the "alliances" that appeared to exist at the auction, don't be fooled for one minute into thinking that MK and Ethan aren't tight. I can't recall which Episode (2 or 3) where Ethen basically to MK to hang in there and that she's safe (not the exact words I know, but something to that effect).
The all female alliance isn't going to happen. Unless she wins immunity, look for Teresa to go next. If Lex doesn't win immunity again, T-bird will try to convince MK to join them in getting rid of Lex. In a tie vote, Lex loses. However, even though KimP and T-bird will cast votes against Lex (thinking they've convinced MK to join), she'll remain true to her tribe and oust Teresa.

"RE: KJ vote"
Posted by lroy on 12-21-01 at 11:35 AM
The reason that Frank voted for Kim J was to stack a vote against her in case the all female alliance works. If the women do band together, KimJ will be the only one with a vote.

"Good call Iroy"
Posted by weltek on 12-21-01 at 12:23 PM
I didn't think about it that way. I guess we can't say for certain at this point why he did it. I don't think he did it just because he was mad at her for not aligning with them. Teresa had him do it for a reason...whatever reason it may be.

"RE: KJ vote"
Posted by PepeLePew13 on 12-21-01 at 12:47 PM
LAST EDITED ON 12-21-01 AT 12:55 PM (EST)

>The reason that Frank voted for Kim J was to stack
>a vote against her in case the all female alliance
>works. If the women do band together, KimJ will
>be the only one with a vote.

My thinking is this is perhaps a good idea by Frank but probably might have been a better idea, if Frank truly supported Teresa's all-woman suggestion, to put his vote to ETHAN so that each of the three men would have a vote as compared to each of the women having no votes -- no matter who is paired off in a 3-3 tie, any of the men would go. The men would be more likely to vote for Kim J as she switched over, so Frank's dumping to Kim J his vote might be huge -- let's say the women vote to boot Lex and the three men vote for Kim J. Kim J now has FOUR votes while Tom still has THREE -- if Frank really wanted to support Teresa's Estrogen Alliance, vote Tom or Ethan.

Edited to add: This may never come to happen, a tie in the final four between Tom and Kim J. but you can never be too sure in a game like this. Right now, it's *possible* to have an Ethan-Tom vs. KimJ-Teresa split in the final four after they turn against KimP for, let's say, her waffling on voting against Tom. Not likely, no...

Therefore I wonder if Frank was truly thinking with his vote or if he merely chose Kim J to dump his vote.

"It's just funny seeing people that are matched up, everyone has a partner now and everyone's happy. And boy, my camping trip just went to hell."
Frank Garrison, Dec. 13/01

"RE: KJ vote"
Posted by FFantasyFX on 12-21-01 at 01:00 PM
I would lean towards agreeing with you Pepe. I don't see anyway that Frank's vote could fit in with Teresa's plans, except to perhaps build paranoia into Kim J.

I think it was just a matter of personal likings for Frank. He got along great with Tom, bonded with Ethan after the "Switch" (how can anyone not like Ethan? ), and Lex wasn't an option since he was immune. He certainly wasn't going to turn on his former Samburu comrades, so that left Kim J. as his choice by default.

"RE: KJ vote"
Posted by Hobbs of Mich on 12-21-01 at 02:31 PM
I do think it fits.....You have to remember during the switch T-bird and Frank got all the dirt and votes on Boron and they gave up all the dirt and votes on Samburu. Tom keep dumping votes on Clarence to tell him he was on the outs.....What if Franks vote for Kim J is to help T-bird plant in Kim J's mind that Tom is now dumping votes on you...so join the woman. Frank and T-bird working together to get one of them to the final 4 and beyond.

"RE: CBS Description Gaffes Galore? (with Episode 10 descriptors to boot)"
Posted by PepeLePew13 on 12-21-01 at 10:05 AM
You're right about the confusion.... I got a little confused reading your post since you're talking about Episodes 9, 10 and 11 (not 8, 9, 10).

I've learned to not take anything from CBS too seriously (that's why they're known as "See B.S.").

The term "selfless blessing" can refer to many possible ideas -- it could be a hidden blessing given by Frank to okay Teresa voting for him or it could even refer to Tom's willingness to be the 'shower' for the ladies.

"It's just funny seeing people that are matched up, everyone has a partner now and everyone's happy. And boy, my camping trip just went to hell."
Frank Garrison, Dec. 13/01

"RE: CBS Description Gaffes Galore? (with Episode 10 descriptors to boot)"
Posted by red on 12-21-01 at 02:07 PM

This has been driving me crazy since last week when I knew that not only the "Tom helping the women shower" but also the "Crying over a difficult decision" had been placed with the wrong episode. I think we did finally see both happen - the crying being over Teresa voting for Frank.

Now, I also think the "selfless blessing" is Frank giving Teresa permission to vote for him, as he stated on the Early Show. My problem is this: Why would they post it as an ep. 10 teaser when it was never actually shown on the show? It does make you wonder where these things are coming from. Are there more than one edited version of each ep., or maybe they re-edit them if necessary? I agree it wasn't shown because it would have spoiled who was going. So, whoever writes these things knows more than you would from just watching the show (as it appeared last night.) It's all very strange, but I dont' really know how it can be of help to us.

I do think it looks like they got their act together for next week as the teasers seem to match the trailer we saw. But here's the question - are there two reward challenges? The safari and the family thing?

Posted by AyaK on 12-21-01 at 04:40 PM
There is only one RC, I think. The families compete, but the winner (instead of just getting food) gets the safari trip. And have we taken a look at the teaser about the trip?

>>>One person wins a day and night away at a magnificent safari and gets to invite another to join. Together, thanks to a little bourbon, they have an incredibly memorable time.<<<

Interesting... two people, alcohol, an overnight away (meaning that the people who are left have to pull double sentry shifts)...

P.S. One last point -- these guys really do have it rough. They still have to lug their water every day, just as we saw at the beginning. They still have to pull night sentry duty. They can't bathe due to all the water-borne parasites. They've been doing this for a month. They still have no food other than what MB gives them -- and they haven't run out, unlike Barramundi in S2. There are only three men left to do the heavy hauling. As Kim P. noted, out there the people are the prey, not the predator, and the serious predators have been watching the remaining survivors. I think MB feels sorry for them, which is why the rewards have been so special.

No wonder S4 went to Tahiti.

"RE: No"
Posted by red on 12-21-01 at 05:24 PM
>There is only one RC, I
>think. The families compete,
>but the winner (instead of
>just getting food) gets the
>safari trip. And have
>we taken a look at
>the teaser about the trip?
>>>>One person wins a day and night away at a magnificent safari and gets to invite another to join. Together, thanks to a little bourbon, they have an incredibly memorable time.<<<

I can't tell from your post if you're thinking what I'm thinking - that the person they invite is actually a family member (i.e. spouse) rather than another Suvivor.

This would make the night sentry not so hard. But more than that, I can't figure out how the families come into play - they help their loved one win a safari to go on with another Suvivor? And memorable night thanks to bourbon implies some hanky panky, which is highly unlikely with this crew.

I'm reminded of a similar teaser back during the first season of the mole - we were promised contestants would get it on. They did - with their spouses that came to visit.

"Not quite"
Posted by AyaK on 12-21-01 at 05:36 PM
That's not quite what I'm thinking. First, I think this is like last season's "Internet Cafe", where they asked each of the families 10 questions about life in Oz, and the family that answered the most right won the reward for their survivor -- that was the challenge in which Keith proposed to his girlfriend, if you remember.

Second, I would be surprised if the person invited is a family member. IF there is a family member challenge, I expect that it will be next week. Instead, I think MB takes out two of the tribe, leaving 4 at camp (thus, a 2-2 breakdown) ... which gives people a chance to scheme behind their backs. As Jerri and Amber learned last year, when you are out of camp, they really ARE all talking about you!

Third, I was intrigued by the choice of alcoholic beverage. Did Jack Daniels join as a new sponsor? Why aren't they getting their usual Bud Light?

Posted by flying squirrel on 12-21-01 at 06:40 PM
Aya, thanks for the new voting strategy. I couldn't bring myself to vote this week, since whenever I agree with you, we always seem to be wrong. Next week, if you pick Kim P., I'll pick Lex, and maybe one of us will be right!

>Third, I was intrigued by the choice of alcoholic
>beverage. Did Jack Daniels join as a new sponsor? Why
>aren't they getting their usual Bud Light?

Interesting question, especially since Tom lists (on the CBS Website) his favorite alcoholic drinks as Bud Light and JIM BEAM (a Kentucky bourbon). I didn't see any other bourbon drinkers in the cast.

"RE: Bourbon?! IT'S TOM!!!"
Posted by Rose Red on 12-21-01 at 07:02 PM
>>Third, I was intrigued by the choice of alcoholic
>>beverage. Did Jack Daniels join as a new sponsor? Why
>>aren't they getting their usual Bud Light?
>Interesting question, especially since Tom lists
>(on the CBS Website) his
>favorite alcoholic drinks as Bud
>Light and JIM BEAM (a
>Kentucky bourbon). I didn't
>see any other bourbon drinkers
>in the cast.

WHOA! Bourbon!?! This sounds like Tom either wins this, or whoever wins, Teresa, or Kim P. even maybe, wins and BRINGS Tom along. Ethan and Lex seems both to stoners. And the producers wouldn't be supplying them with BOURBON. Also, a Southern-sounding beverage that Teresa might enjoy, too.

Also, now that stupid/cute game "I Never..." makes sense. The surpring thing there was that Teresa, the stewardess, had sex on an airplane.

And with Tom on an overnight with one of the ladies he's lusting after(his choice or theirs) they are BOTH out of the camp for long enough to have sealed ONE of their dooms. Could be T-Bird(Fly-Me)Cooper.

Or Master/Mistress Manipulator Teresa convinces Tom to dump Lex this episode and also to take her and Kim P. along a little further than any of them had planned.

But this backfires on one of them. Maybe even Tom, who now Ethan and Mamakim lose their trust in. And Lex? He's still got immunity!

Or after Lex goes, the women band together to turn on horndog Tom then.
Leaving ALL THREE WOMEN and Ethan in the Final Four! WHOA!

"RE: Bourbon?! IT'S TOM!!!"
Posted by anotherkim on 12-21-01 at 07:23 PM
FYI, just because Teresa is from the South, it doesn't mean that she likes bourbon--which is hardly exclusive to the area. Not to mention the fact that it isn't a typically female beverage.

And, I can't quite figure out what you are saying here:
"Ethan and Lex seems both to stoners. And the producers wouldn't be supplying them with BOURBON." What is the point there??

Spoil based on facts--speculate based on reasoning, but please don't just pull things out of the air.


If it's a mental challenge, we're screwed...
Big Tom on his partnership with Lil' Kim

"Temptation Serengetti(sp?)"
Posted by Rose Red on 12-21-01 at 09:58 PM
Ethan has referred in at least two public forums, one of which was SI that he likes to smoke weed. That's where I got it from. He also said this, probably foolishly, in an early interview that has been repeated on SS endlessly.

Lex, ok, I admit speculation, but being that he was a ROCK BAND DRUMMER for a large part of his early life, I would think that the assumption that drugs and rock and roll go hand in hand is more than just a stereotype. Hard rockers usually like hard drugs.

Also, ALL contestants favorite drinks are posted on the CBS website. And Tom's is a bourbon whiskey, Jim Bean.

So they are telling us that Tom either wins or is chosen for the RC trip of trips.
I think strategic Teresa either wins the RC with the help of her smart, Southern family( or Jim Bean-luvin' Tom does and chooses either T-Bird or KP )to go on that overnight baloon/plane ride. The RC looks to be an Internet Cafe type of RC that Tina won on S2. (Your loved ones help you win by answering questions on the Internet.)

An OVERNIGHT trip with bourbon?!? Sounds like all of a sudden it's TEMPTATION SERENGETTI. Could Tom resist either Teresa(or KP) at such close romantic quarters? Perhaps. Perhaps not.I think the "Tom Bathes the Women" segment was foreshadowing of perhaps his Achilles' heel.
Lex said, "Tom gets away with murder." It sounds like he said "I want to murder TOM."

But the other four remaining tribesmembers are not gonng feel too happily having to do double work and double night shifts while he's away makin' whooppee. They might not trust him as much after this. And that would leave Lex, MK and Ethan with the malleable Kim P.(if its Teresa he goes with). Kim P.s dominant quality now seems to be that of a follower. She will vote for whoever she's told to vote for, either by Silas, Brandon, Teresa, and now the OB may take her over.

Lex may see this as a way to get rid of Tom.
It's a tie-breaker week. Although Lex has more votes, he may win Immunity AGAIN! Drat!

True to Survivor form, someone will be punished for enjoying themselves. So that means either Tom or the woman he bourbon-izes.

"RE: Temptation Serengetti(sp?)"
Posted by Serendipity on 12-22-01 at 11:03 AM
Regarding Ethan & the weed, I do remember that he told a story about a ritual bath and smoking something prior to a game when he played soccer in Africa. I don't remember that he said he generally smoked it nor do I remember a second incidence.

As far as Lex, while true he is a drummer, he also holds down a full time job as a marketing manager or something, and seems to be very involved with his sons. Don't think he could be using too many hard drugs and live this kind of life style.

"Back to the MK/TB relationship..."
Posted by Stairway2Dayton on 12-22-01 at 10:49 PM
LAST EDITED ON 12-22-01 AT 10:59 PM (EST)

There didn't seem to be any friction between these two women until TBird set her sights on Ethan. They seem to get along very well. At the auction, MKim kept trying to sell her chicken to Teresa and Ethan kept outbidding her. Food is a big deal here, and that may be another reason why Teresa chose Ethan as a target when trying to establish a women's alliance. Is the alliance between MK and Ethan so subtle that Teresa didn't realize it exists?

As far as the reward challenge, if one of the men wins, I wouldn't want to leave all three women alone in camp, with plenty of discussion time, now that they know that Teresa has made a move to establish a new alliance. If any of the men win, they had better choose either Teresa or MK to go along with them. If Teresa wins, she had better take MK with her. Now, who has the family that seems to be the best candidates to help a player win? With no clue as to what the families will do to participate, it's hard to determine who has the best chance of winning. Let's look at the possibilities:

Teresa - 3 generations in her tape, but the kids looked pretty young to be much help.

Mama Kim - Husband, any grown children?

Kim P - Parents, siblings?

Tom - wife, li'l Bucky Bo is probably away at school (wouldn't you love to get a look at him, tho), I seem to remember that he has a lot of family near him so they may be included.

Lex - Wife and 2 small children

Ethan - Parents, brother?

I need to go back to the bios and see if there are any leads.


Edited because I was mixing up the reward and immunity challenges