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Forum: DCForumID2
Thread Number: 151
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"Losers want air time before final Episode???"

Posted by biancasequineescort on 08-14-00 at 03:40 PM
Just a hypotheses,but the 3 people who lose in the final
episode are obviously going to be overshadowed by the winner.
It stands to reason that they would want to make the media
rounds before the airing of the final episode.This is what
leads me to believe that Rich,Sean,and Soozin--who will be on
access Hollywood before the final episode-- do not win the
Million dollars.This leaves Rudy or Kelly.Think for a moment,
would you appear on tv and even take a miniscule risk that
you might blurt out.I WON A MILLION DOLLARS,I"M HOtShit!!!
Wahoo!!!.If you were absent-minded enough to say something
revealing,Goodbye Million,Hello Lawsuit.
Hard to imagine Kelly as the grand Prize winner,but perhaps
she can blitz through the remaining Im challenges.You would
have to vote for her then,she'll have deserved in a pure
sporting sense.

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Messages in this discussion
"Holy triple word score Batman!!"
Posted by BadAs on 08-14-00 at 07:13 PM
welcome to the board if I ever need a vowel, I know where to find one.

ALL posts are welcome, You bring up a very good point about the last episode and publicity. I think the last Hour Town Meeting on Aug 23, will give ample time to spotlight people. I am sure the media will be present in droves and we will see local, reginal, and national coverage for a few weeks following the Final Show.

Ps: on a note, I believe the final hour was added to the aug 23 show late in the series, to take advantage of the new Neilson ratings via jacking the commercial prices to semi-suberbowl rates. MB you money grubbing Whore!!! Where do I send my resume for Mark "DA DEVIL" Burnetts production company??