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"Idea for possible future survivor location"

Posted by PepeLePew13 on 06-09-01 at 10:15 AM
Here is a link suggesting that Canada will make a pitch to host a future Survivor series. Canada certainly has the extreme varieties in climate and topology to be worthy of consideration. This isn't a spoiler (at least not yet) but more of the speculation type of discussion.


In case the link becomes out of date, here's the text:

Canada makes pitch for 'Survivor'
Canadian Press

TORONTO (CP) -- Will the world watch the next Tina or Richard plant their tribal flag atop the Rockies? Who might get voted off Peggy's Cove? Will the next immunity challenge involve kayaking over Niagara Falls?

That's what the Canadian Tourism Commission is hoping.

Canada would be a prime location for another instalment of CBS's wildly popular TV show, Survivor, with its abundance of coastline, mountains and wildlife, the commission says.

"We're getting into the game early to let them know there's an interest," said Jim Watson, president of the commission.

"I suspect they're probably looking for venues where people can wear bathing suits. We have lots of those here as well."

Canada has already made its pitch to Survivor producer Mark Burnett.

But even if the show is set here, Canadians won't be among those in the running to collect the $1 million prize -- only Americans can compete.

Nonetheless, Watson has sent off a package to Burnett. Included: a video and letter touting Canada's remote settings and unbridled physical challenges -- and a little ice wine, too, perhaps to ensure that his reference to our "southern climate" slips by without question.

Nielsen ratings showed an estimated 36.4 million people watched the season finale of Survivor II, The Australian Outback, in May.

That's millions more people sitting in front of their television sets watching scantily clad men and women roughing it in the bush than the entire population of Canada.

With Outback challenges that included racing through mazes, balancing on poles and, at one controversial point in the series, spearing a wild pig for dinner, this country could offer up some truly Canadian challenges.

Perhaps contestants could pan for tribal gold in the Yukon, take a treacherous swim through the Sydney tar ponds or bungee jump from the CN tower?

Kate Blau from Tourism Saskatchewan suggested contestants could learn a thing or two about survival by tracing a historical fur trade route: trapping, canoeing and moving camp from day to day.

And, she suggests, a Saskatchewan summer offers up scorching summer heat that's at least comparable to the conditions seen in previous shows.

And while she allows it does get colder in the evenings, she said: "The cameramen wouldn't freeze their hands."

Nobody is saying for sure, but Watson says he thinks there could be as many as 15 countries vying for the honour of having the hit show invade their most remote corners.

Even though show host Jeff Probst has said cold climates don't make for good Survivor episodes -- no bikini shots, for one thing -- Watson said that shouldn't cut Canada out of the contest.

Robin Banerjee, an Ontario adventure consultant, agreed.

While he was blunt in his description of the show, calling it "crap," he said bringing it to Canada could be positive for tourism.

"It would generate a lot of interest for Canada or wherever it is being held," he said.

He suggested northern Ontario could be a suitable venue, saying that perhaps the producers of the show could take a page from his tour book.

He proposed possible challenges such as those he offers his customers, including war canoe races, or building a raft from such truly Canadian items as twigs, sticks, tarp and duct tape -- a staple of the ultra-Canadian Red Green Show.

And while he said there could be some great wintertime challenges, too, he admits that prospect has one major drawback.

"You don't get the sexy bikini, shorts and dreadlocks kind of look (in the winter)," he said.

While the Australian Tourism Commission hasn't recorded any formal impact the show has had on tourism in that country, spokeswoman Lyndel Grey suggests it has been a success.

"We're very happy with it," she said. "Good luck to Canada.

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