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Thread Number: 1475
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"Create organized spoiler info for S3? - Who's game"

Posted by Minstrel on 05-18-01 at 11:39 PM
I replied to other threads, but feel this should be a topic now. Who is willing to be part of a team on this board to organize, categorize, and update spoiler information similiar to what EBT (I think) does (dont talk about inside sources - the source is not the question)? IS there anyone with html knowledge, or can put up a website linked to this board? If so, please respond. This requires dedication and available time.

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Messages in this discussion
"One part is here already"
Posted by AyatollahKhomeini on 05-19-01 at 00:23 AM
One piece of what you'll need is already located on this site -- the Resource Directory. Take a look at how we started to fill it in during S2, when it came online. Then hijack the S1 link (Webby won't mind) and start linking to or filling in anything that you can find regarding S3. That will give you a central place to keep links during the show.

Note that Voted Off! (Gator's board) has already created a geocities site dedicated to S3:

Hint: some of the newspaper articles may disappear. The best way to link to really important articles may be to copy them verbatim into a post in this forum, them link to the post.

"RE: Create organized spoiler info for S3? - Who's game"
Posted by mavsfan on 05-19-01 at 01:44 AM
LAST EDITED ON 05-19-01 AT 01:46 AM (EST)

I'm game if you are.

Edit for brevity

"RE: Create organized spoiler info for S3? - Who's game"
Posted by Minstrel on 05-19-01 at 06:04 AM
Aya, thanks again for the info! Mavsfan, that's great! What can you do? Html? Research and logs?

"RE: Create organized spoiler info for S3? - Who's game"
Posted by SurvivinDawg on 05-19-01 at 08:28 AM
I'd be glad to be part of this. My HTML knowledge is improving, and this would give me much needed practice. But DO try to keep it around here on this board, or SB.com somewhere. Aya's suggestion might be a good one.

*** Contradictions don't exist. If you are faced with a contradiction, check your premises. You will find that one of them is wrong. -- Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged

Save the drama for yo mama, and SPOIL.....

"I Agree with AyaK and the Dawg..."
Posted by IceCat on 05-19-01 at 09:14 AM
LAST EDITED ON 05-19-01 AT 09:16 AM (EST)

The database (or whatever form it takes) should really be located here. I like the idea of using the existing resources link. Maybe webby can set something up like a forum where only a few people can post to it so that the organized info can be safely stored.

I'd like to volunteer my skills in the video and graphics departments, provided that this project remains within the context of being entirely part of SB.com.

"RE: I Agree with AyaK and the Dawg..."
Posted by Minstrel on 05-19-01 at 10:23 AM
SD and IC I agree about keeping it here if we can. I had seen the resource center link before, but not everything seemed to be there. For example, pics and previews often were brought to threads more than one time (sometimes enlarged for better viewing). Still, the link is there already and that is a good start I think. I agree maybe webby can help here. (Shamless plug for webby's help being made now). Webby, how do we submit to the RC and how quickly can it be added?

I don't know how other boards do this "organization" concept but it does seem limiting to have to contact certain people to load a link or pic/vid cap into a specific area rather than just taking them to a thread and posting. Especially when talking about time of less than a week before the next episode. (As in EZ's The MESS?)

I certainly don't want to discourage other posters from adding spoiler information because a few people are addictively hunting and finding most of the information. Especially when everyone really has their own "specialties" as well as limitiations in producing spoilers.

At first I thought of categories such as vidcappers, link hunters (Internet), media hunters, reference hunters (like newspapers and magazines), contestant home town sources (live near a survivor for example), people with knowledge of Africa, etc. This at least divides things up on a volunteer basis. Meanwhile, debunking by all, would require updating the information by a few volunteers (giving explanation of course).

What do people think here? Webby, any suggestions or help?

"Well, I'm game!"
Posted by Lightmage81 on 05-19-01 at 12:11 PM
I'll take part, though I think its still a little early to do so.....

anyway, SF.net has some really interesting info about the location... and the Masai tribes (the real survivors!)

For the background info:

I found the walking fire thingy really kewl!



I think you will find the place really suited for you!

Traditionally, the Maasai rely on meat, milk and blood from cattle for protein and caloric needs. People drink blood on special occasions. It is given to a circumcised person (o/esipolioi), a woman who has given birth (entomononi) and the sick (oltamueyiai). Also, on a regular basis drunk elders, ilamerak, use the blood to alleviate intoxication and hangovers. Blood is very rich in protein and is good for the immune system. However, its use in the traditional diet is waning due to the reduction of livestock numbers.

"RE: Create organized spoiler info for S3? - Who's game"
Posted by Krautboy on 05-21-01 at 08:30 PM
I'm in. I'd like to participate, but like many others, have limited time to contribute. I also think we have an excellent "team" right here at SB. It is a good group of people that seem to enjoy each other as well as the process. If we get a little more organized by this fall we could become even better. We'll make Webby proud!

Looking around on the other boards it seems that many groups are thinking along the same lines for S3. Are we just reinventing the wheel?

Perhaps we would be better served to let the other sites be the "gatherers" of information and while our focus should be on how to efficiently filter out that which is reliable and useful. We should spend our time on the analysis.

We could consider designating "scouts" or "ambassadors" to each of the other important web sites. It would be the "scouts" responsibility to review threads at those sites and then summarize and report all important spoilers or clues found there. It could be brought together each week at an appropriate time in a single resource thread. Each post would be a "scouting report" from a different site. This way we could have all the important information available to us filtered and summarized and make more efficient use of our time focusing on the analysis.

Here are a few of the sites that "scouts" could be assigned to...











"RE: Create organized spoiler info for S3? - Who's game"
Posted by Minstrel on 05-22-01 at 00:56 AM
Krautboy, thanks for the response. You have an interesting suggestion and one I alluded to using volunteer assignments as it were or as you call them, scouts. What I like about the concept is being able to focus on both finding the information and discussing it after cataloging it.

If we were to use the established resource center on this site for example anyone including a scout could check if their find is included or not. Again, my concern is time dedication and availability. Debunking will occur in the spoiler forum by any and all posters but I think part of the concern is also bringing in debunked information so this board can agree or disagree. In other words, shouldn't we validate any information as to it's truth? I don't think we should pass information because an other source (board) has ommited it or thinks they have debunked it. In this respect, we need to be independent with our conclusions.

I have not checked the resource center of this site to see if your links listed are included. If not, would you submit them please?

"Resource Directory"
Posted by Krautboy on 05-23-01 at 12:34 PM
Minstrel, I'll be happy to add the links to the Resource Directory, but need some suggestions regarding the best "folder" to put them in.

We could put them in "General Information" or we could wait for Webby to Create the new folder for SurvivorIII.

I for one, went through Survivor II not knowing about the "Resource Directory". It does not seem like it has been very well used, but it does seem like a good frame work for us to build on...

Please advise where you and others would like to have the links filed and I will take care of adding them...

"RE: Resource Directory"
Posted by Minstrel on 05-23-01 at 02:00 PM
Krautboy, I asked webby what his thoughts are on this and have yet to get an answer. I understand people missing the Resource Center as I did at first! I also agree it is a great layout or at least a start. I also think links and info belong under S3. So, right now I guess we wait on webby.

WEBBY?!!! Are you there? How should we handle this? Do we need special passwords or something to get things in? We would like to have fairly quick turn around when adding to the RC if possible. Any thoughts? Please? Any mods here that can help "wake" webby?


One thing someone should do is make this link to the Resource Center a bit more obvious. As the show nears, I will see to it that at least a thread is started mentioning the link and we will have to likely bump it up every so often. (Provided the RC is the way to go.)

"A few thoughts..."
Posted by sleeeve on 05-23-01 at 07:27 PM
First of all, I will obviously be a part of the spoiling team... the reason I have been hesitant to speak up is that I do not know what my schedule will be like in the fall, so I do not know what type of role I will be able to take yet...

As many of you know, I have already begun work on spoiling the S3 cast, and will definately see that through to completion (if possible).

Finally, as the the resource directory... any board member can post to the directory... hopefully we can get folders for S3 in place ASAP.

If we post all major resources there, it will make discussion on this board easier, as people can merely refer to the resource directory.

You never know what might be up my sleeeve...

"RE: Resource Directory"
Posted by SurvivorBlows on 05-23-01 at 09:10 PM
>Krautboy, I asked webby what his
>thoughts are on this and
>have yet to get an
>answer. I understand people
>missing the Resource Center as
>I did at first!
>I also agree it is
>a great layout or at
>least a start. I
>also think links and info
>belong under S3. So,
>right now I guess we
>wait on webby.
>WEBBY?!!! Are you there?
>How should we handle this?
> Do we need special
>passwords or something to get
>things in? We would
>like to have fairly quick
>turn around when adding to
>the RC if possible.
>Any thoughts? Please?
>Any mods here that can
>help "wake" webby?

Sorry folks, Webby's been busy of late, lots of things going on both at work and home, but I'm here now...

OK, this sounds like a great idea and basically what I was hoping folks would do all along with the Resource Directory, unfortunately I didn't get it up until there wasn't much left in S2 to spoil

sleeeve just emailled me some directory structure ideas, I'll set them up ASAP, in the meantime thanks for carrying on without me!

"RE: Resource Directory"
Posted by SurvivorBlows on 05-23-01 at 09:27 PM
>WEBBY?!!! Are you there?
>How should we handle this?
> Do we need special
>passwords or something to get
>things in? We would
>like to have fairly quick
>turn around when adding to
>the RC if possible.
>Any thoughts? Please?
>Any mods here that can
>help "wake" webby?

Any registered SB user can add to the Resource Directory. To do so you just click the "Add Resource" link. The new resource appears instantly on the appropriate page -- all in all, it's pretty painless.

The one problem with the directory right now is that it doesn't currently support displaying images WITHIN the resource description (like you can do with a message board post) but that's something we can work on. In the meantime you can post the image to a message board thread and then list the message board topic in the Resource Directory

"RE: Resource Directory"
Posted by Krautboy on 05-24-01 at 04:03 PM
Master Webby, thanks for setting up the Resource Directory Folders for Survivor III. I'll go ahead and add some websites and links to what looks like the logical place and if anyone wants them somewhere else, just add them to the other folders. We can probably clean it up later, but for now the main thing is to get the links added...

Minstrel, thanks for "volunteering" to lead this effort. It will be a great help come this fall and also serve as a good place for newcomers to understand the "big picture" that this board is part of...

"RE: Resource Directory"
Posted by Minstrel on 05-25-01 at 00:42 AM
Krautboy, nice job! And thanks for the profs! We all will be contributors in an organized manner and will make S3 better for all of us! So, I want to thank everyone who is currently involved in helping here. I'm only looking for improving the site and our discussion for survivor, but will help in any way I can. I just saw this as an opportunity to prepare ourselves to do better with S3 and help the site.

Thanks to webby too! Let us know when we can get pics in and we should be nearly set. The only question is timing and speed of bringing them in. Do you think it will work like the links do now? Also, how do we update debunked info from non-debunked? (As time goes on I mean.)

"RE: Resource Directory"
Posted by Krautboy on 05-25-01 at 12:53 PM
LAST EDITED ON 05-25-01 AT 01:10 PM (EST)

I have added several links to the Resource Directory. Most seemed to belong in the "General" category under "Survivor Sites". Also added to "news sites", and a vidcap link to Survivor III "Spoiler Clues" for vidcaps.

Master Webby, a folder or sub-heading for picture links to "vidcap images" would also be useful to keep them organized until we can set up a vid cap image library. Thanks.

"RE: Resource Directory"
Posted by Minstrel on 05-25-01 at 10:24 PM
Once again, good show Webby and KB!!

"Weather Tracker"
Posted by Krautboy on 06-11-01 at 04:24 PM
The Weather Tracker is on-line for Survivor 3...


I have added this site to our "Resource Directory" under the Survivor3 "spoiler clue" category...

We should start watching for significant weather events about July 1, as this is when the shooting was projected to begin...